why are boomers like this ?

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What the fuck is Loretta making out of garlic and liverwurst?

They fell for the "you have to be married as soon as you're out of highschool" meme and ended up with someone they hate.

Lockhorns is legit worthy of a sensible chuckle.

Pail of water good.

To be fair women peak in fertility around 18-25.

>tfw 27 and have been trying and failing at babby for almost a year

Mother in law is a somebody you get with your wife. With your wife you're at least supposed to be in love or at the very least sleep with. Mother in law is just a random old woman.

Lack of no-fault divorce meant they had to live together even if they hated each other.
Same reason why all X-Gen shows have terrible fathers.

Those jokes have been around since before the Boomers.

Party dip.

Want some help?

Since when did boomers tend to get married out of high school? That was only sort of true for some of the Silent Generation.

Why is this guy such a douche?

>Being such a virgin you can't take a joke about relationship quarrels
Dumb zoomer

It's relatable for them.

Adopt you jackass

Time to go BLACK.

I used to mock things like the OP. All those MIL, sex and kid jokes... They were hoary old outdated routines from a former time and way of life.
Then I got married.


He is only a douche if you think his mother in law isn't bad.

>why are boomers like this ?

Boomer men didn't have the luxuries of being able to isolate themselves with hobbies and remain a bachelor into middle age as we do. As such, their complaints about women revolve(d) around having to live and frequently interact with them. Compare this to modern critics of women, who seem to observe and mock them at an almost clinical distance.

These comics are for very boring people with no hobbies or life other than working, eating, and sleeping so they can't find humor in anything but MIL/wife-needs-to-lose-weight jokes.

Fucking lol, man, nice.

Everyone born before 2001 is a boomer

Average age of marriage back in the 50s for men was 22.8 and for women was 20.3 so they weren't out of high school for very long. Millennials are getting married way later.

Don't, unless your infertile.
And if you do, get someone who at least looks like you, not a Chinese kid who will grow up unable to connect with whites or chinks.

>Since when did boomers tend to get married out of high school?

Back before the ideas that a college degree was requirement for gainful employment, and that women should delay starting a family to get an education/employment were promoted. There was no reason not to get married or have kids coming out of high school if you could get a stable income and the women in your area's highest aspiration was being a wife/mother.

There was a fluke period of early marriages in the 50s-early 60s, but the average age of marriage in the US has always been around 25 and anyway, that generation wasn't baby boomers (boomers were like 6 years old back then).

Don't worry too much, you've got 3 more years before your chances of having a retard are higher than if you'd slept with a sibling.

>And if you do, get someone who at least looks like you, not a Chinese kid who will grow up unable to connect with whites or chinks.
It's impossible to adopt a healthy white child, impossible. All you can get are Chinese, blacks, or white children with developmental/mental/abuse issues.

man those pinups making me feel a certain type of way

That's 35, not 30.