Deet is neat!
The Dark Crystal thread
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And my face is her seat
And filled with meat
I want to make sure nothing bad happens to Deet, even if it costs me my own life.
Wow, I can't believe SkekMal was an incel all along
I filled the pool with Deet, and that'll kill anything.
Hup is pure!
Is this show any good? Netflix has been recommending it to me for a while now.
It's great. I never watched the movie but this is one of the better shows I've seen in a while.
Surprisingly yes.
Easily one of the best Henson projects we've had in years
SkekMal is chad you heretic
Honestly the best Yea Forums thing released this year
>Belong to a race that unquestionably dominates the entire land
>Still be even more chad than that
I loved how many scenes there were of the Skeksis completely betraying the Gelflings.
>Not posting the Gourmand eating the sacred moths
I'm really sad that the archer and the hunter died this season, they were such fun characters. I hope the new skeksis and mystics that show up are just as fun
The only thing I wish was that the Archer took a shot at the Hunter, jumping as insurance. He hits the shot and kills the Hunter and as he vanishes falling down the ravine he smiles in satisfaction.
why did Aughra resurrect after the hunter died?
Not hard to outchad decadent plucked turkeys
Thank you.
They had to keep Hup out of the final battle or there wouldn't be Skeksis left for the movie.
I thought he was going to make an impossible last shot and kill the Hunter all the way to the other half of the planet.
>Archer fires Hup strapped to an arrow at the battle
>Mushroom cloud
Aughra is the spirit of Thra - as long as the Crystal and planet survives, she cannot die
Is there anyone the Chamberlain could not troll into just giving up and killing themselves?
Damn, I like her even more now.
I can't be the only one that wants to use a melon baller on Aughra's third eye and fuck the hole am I?
Post yfw Seladon gets gang-stripped by the Skeksis
Why do all the other Skeksis respect the emperor and never fuck with his position? The chamberlain is a scheming, vindictive, power hungry fuck and not once does scheme against the emperor directly or blame him for any decrees he makes. Even the scientist who has his fucking eye ripped out is primarily upset with the chamberlain about it. I get chamberlain is an outlier on how far the skeksis are willing to go against each other but I don't see what solidified the emperor as the authority they collectively bow down to.
Remember to exercise and eat your greens, anons
Because he's The Emperor.
This from the same guy who drew this?
>Trying to blame or shame The Emperor
That's how you get killed.
>The Emperor fondled two of my three penises!
What! He only fondled one of mine.
I really like how striking the Ritual Master's eyes are. They're so blue and so stern.
I shouldn't be in love with a fucking puppet. Help me Yea Forums.
Don't worry. The Emperor makes us all a bit tingly.
Too late
Kinda wish we got to see more of him. He's a great straight man to the more comedic skeksis
Watch both
Do it
I'm going to watch the movie, but I was told it might spoil something.
It's not like that is unprecedented behavior for them.
It comes after the series and yes the core premise of the movie is a spoiler to the whole show
But you can still enjoy the show, and part of me thinks you were meant to, having seen the movie, because it deals with new characters or different facets of old ones in a different time period
these two were the cutest couple in the entire show
Worst girl
I love how the Heretic is literally a fucking dinosaur
I guarantee somebody somewhere has already masturbated to that.
Do the seanigger gelfs not have a maudra? Do they even count as one of the 7 clans?
You see their maudra in the maudra meeting.
The only porn I've seen is of the skeksis, so yes. Someone has masturbated to them already.
I mean dinosaurs are just featherless birds, after all.
>that quick glance down he did to make sure the party was thoroughly amazed by his presence
I love him
Why is it that draining a gelfling made them explode but podlngs just become weird old freaks?
wait... is that thing on his head driven into his fucking skull!?
I thought it was a weird hate!
mega when?
Clips in Japanese when?
You just want to hear the dub of when princess gets stripped don't you user?
>puppets and practical effects costumes
shouldn't you people be in
>I thought it was a weird hate!
I mean there was probably some level of hate involved
It's a thread actually talking about a show and no one is being toxic. Yea Forums needs that right now.
that doesn't even make sense
Puppets are both Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Fuck that. The Japanese word for no is two syllables and has no hard consonants. It's basically the least effective negative ever.
I want to see the Chamberlain and the Hunter, and whichever VA's they got for them.
Technically masturbatuon?
I wanna hear how cute Deet's Japanese VA sounds
How sjw is this? I know this is on netflix and they ruin everything.
There is a background gay couple who are mentioned like two times.
Get your head out of your ass
I don't think they thought it'd be popular enough to bother.
Gelfling are proportionately more essence so taking it out of them leaves their forms more destabilized
Podlings have only a little and weak essence so they live but get brainwashed
That little bastard needs a sword to go along with his spoon. Even a kitchen knife could work.
I dunno chief, that spoon got him sweet All Maudra pusy.
Why are they so cute together
They just wanna go home and they never will (;___;)
Dunno user. You tell me. There was a scene where you see a Skesis shill get the reward she deserves.
can't bebe because they have three
That's Brea in the pic though
Trying to find the best out of that scene. Its too good.
I like the nail thing in his hat, like uts those references to spikes drivin into the skulls of the insane.
Boo boo the fool
It's one of the lesser Skeksis punishments no doubt.
She didn't deserve to survive desu
Deet is yeet!
I'm really curious what the Darkening means for Deet. She's obviously gonna fuck up Thra BAD, but I don't know if the visions made it seem intentional or not. That one of her sitting on the Skeksis throne in particular was interesting.
I initially thought they were stripping her down all the way, and wondered how the fuck they got that into a kids show
How long will I have to wait for porn that doesn't have the Skeks in it
1000 trine
It's not like being nude would have made that much worse
Her entire world fell apart, she lost her heroes, her mother, her kingdom and then her dignity. Fucking NTR artist just wish they could write a breakdown as cruel and vile as this
>porn that doesn't have the Skeks in it
But then what's the point?
Go fuck yourself, you impotent failure.
Are Power and Beneath worth a read? The Fireling shit looks gay.
Show then movie.
I dont understand. What are you watching the show for
We have a nice thread going, don't ruin it with your toxicity. Go be you somewhere else.
Don't get me wrong, I love all of our wonderful skekBoys. But enough to fap to 'em? Not my thing.
>Triple dick is canon
I thought you guys were just being weird
nobody said it has to be three dicks
It could merely be a three headed dick, similar to what echidnas have.
Power's at least interesting from a "I wonder what the Genndy Tartakovsky directed sequel that never got made was gonna be like" standpoint. Beneath's artwork barely even looks like Dark Crystal.
I'd find her attractive, if she didn't look so much like a damn puppet! In other words, maybe the 34 will entice me. Depends on whether the artists can draw.
There is no Deet, only Darkening. The Darkening will rule Thra!
Actually echidnas have 5 headed dicks.
or a triple cloaca
>implying she's not already attractive
Skeksis are canonically "some uncomfortable blend of male and female" down there.
yeah, but being a puppet means you can get your whole arm up in there!
Skeksis have no need for reproductive organs.
or all purpose rascal hole.
they don't have a need for their second pair of arms either, but they got em.
>all purpose rascal hole
>The last thing an unfortunate podling ever sees
They could still work like the Hunters if they weren't decadent, lazy cunts.
Urskeks might
This show did give us Skeksis in combat. The Hunter is there to show the crazy shit Skeksis could do if they weren't so slothful.
I love weird alien bodies, I hope we get to see more naked skeksis
This one Paladin that shows up sometimes makes my pp hard
A trine is like a solar cycle, except that it involves 3 suns, right?
Around the three suns, yes, that appears to be the idea. Effectively a year, but how directly it compares to an earth year who knows
Remind me again, how tall are gelflings?
What are the names of the skeksis? I only caught the Scientist's and the Hunter's.
Sounds like under 5 feet, 3-4 or in that area according to some image I've seen posted from somewhere that I cannot verify the veracity of
Imagine how tight they are...
There are gay Muppets. For some reason of another they've always wanted gay puppets to be a thing. No exaggeration.
Average is stated to be around 3 feet, although there is some significant height disparity so you could probably see anything from two and spare up to four.
SkekSo the Emperor
SkekSil the Chamberlain
SkekZok the Ritual Master
SkekMal the Hunter
SkekUng the Garthim Master
SkekTek the Scientist
SkekVar the General
SkekOk the ScrollKeeper
SkekLach the Collector
SkekAyuk the Gourmand
SkekEkt the supefaggot
SkekNa the slaver
ShekShod the treasurer
SkekGra the Heretic/Conqeror
SkekSa the Mariner
SkekYi the satirist
>For some reason of another they've always wanted gay puppets to be a thing
Makes it easier to get the puppeteer's hand in if it's already loosened up.
Simon Pegg did a really, really good job as Chamberlain. Holy crap.
It's more of Jim's hippy dippy acceptance more than anything. Accept everyone, love, peace, chicken and rice.
If Jim were alive he'd probably double down tackling issues of sexuality and the spectrum.
Skekekt is the decorations one
Arguably one of his best roles period
where's the edits of deet with crying cat face
come on guys
Deet's already suffering enough ok
Even better
her giggles and politeness toward wild creatures : gone
He was great. The jordan peel's ritual master was distracting
pls no bully mai waifu
I only heard the joker when skektek spoke. Kinda wish Hamill used another voice
*keegan michael key
>nooooo don't kill urself ur so tasty haha
I wonder what he used to look like in his prime, he must've been Hunter level fearsome. This is the guy who canonically drove off an entire race of giant fucking spiders.
Isn't that Toby Froud, who was the baby in Labyrinth?
It is indeed
>draw Shrek child
>call it Deet
Not based
>we are not your pets!
Chamberlain was so damn good in this show. How he fucking just drank down Rian’s gf essence right in front of him, ice cold.
he's perfect and deserved a better death
Deet is the ONLY likable and visually appealing Gelfling
Prove me wrong
face is all wrong
Tavra is likable and both she and Brea are visually appealing to me.
Who is this boy and what's he doing in a Deet thread?
>only likeable
>only visually appealing
No, but she's easily the most visually appealing for sure
I can't. She so beautiful.
>tfw she will never curl up in your arms
That's some pretty inspired casting right there. She already looks like a gelfling.
>ywn lay down with her by the campfire and dreamfast your most beloved and cherished memories with her
>ywh fall asleep with her by the campfire as you sing Gelfling folk songs with your pals
>Lived to see a good Dark Crystal return, have brethern to discuss it with, and have a hearty chuckle
Feels good lads.
Literally just give her bigger eyes and long ears.
Who knew Lisa turned out to be the superior Henson child
Don't badmouth Brian, he still did the Muppet Christmas Carol and Treasure Island.
Probably backfired and opened his third eye, might even have something to do with how he got the vision.
>hunter didn't snipe him
I wanna hug a Skeksis
His death was fine. He was too tough to get taken out any other way. The scene where the Archer realized what had to be done and how it had to be done was kino.
>I'll never know what roast nebrie tastes like
Brian's still cool too and absolutely knows his shit around puppetry. But you have to admit his content output peaked pretty damn early. This show on the other hand is absolutely one of the best things TJHC has put out, period. Even if its beginnings were starkly different from what the final product turned out to be, Lisa deserves a ton of credit for getting this project off the ground in the first place.
If the essence and darkening things never happened, what do you think would have happened to the Skeksis empire ? How would the history books of thra wrote and record this 1000 years dynasty ?
Brian's problem is that he just got blindsided by Avenue Q's success and thought trying to copy it was a viable path forwards for trying to find a substitute Muppets, but "Edgy Adult Muppets" can only get you so far.
they seem squishy
>Trying to play with the cool kids
Seladon was made for bullying.
Her essence was injected into the hunter.
My favorite part of the interviews for the show was that they realized throwing the puppets around was really fun. So they purposely wrote scenes for more puppets to get flung around and thrown near the latter half of the season.
What would erotic romance and epic story & novel in the world of thra be like during the 1000 yeras Skeksis dynasty ?
The must haves them, just like we have in our history
Imagine the Skeksis version of the epic romances like the Troy
Scroll keeper must have lost of those historical books and epic in his library
As we see in the movie, the other Skeksis revere the emperor so much that they didn't dare challenge him even on his deathbed. All except the chamberlain, who makes a move on his scepter but is scared into submission when the emperor notices.
Just based on the first movie, I always got the impression Skeksis chose their ruler by simply the strongest one taking lead, i.e trial by stone
>When you realize that shilling for the Skeksis ends with your gangrape
Can't wait till Shadman or ZONE make art out of this
zone wouldn't and skeksis are too hard to draw for >shadman
I doubt that funny green arrow man has good taste in shows
She knew it was coming, no gelfling girl puts on that much makeup and just walks into the castle unless she's desperate to be a star on SKEKED.crystal
Skeksis seem to really like stripping their victims
And even after the gangrape, she still shills for the Skesis.
Chamberlain gets it in the movie.
Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
what an absolute chad
if the rest of the skeksis had been half as /fit/ as him, they might have succeeded
those eyes, so real
>You see a Gelfling horde running towards you at full speed? It's a self-defense situation.
Season two trailer
"It's was a time where brutal danger is part of life, the time when young Rien was orphan at the hands of skekSo, The Emperor, and so it became a time for vangence...."
Dude worked at Laika too, he worked on ParaNorman and Kubo.
Like, if there's ever an example of a person who was born into a life that they actually love, it's this dude.
It's because she's just that little bit more inhuman than the other Gelflings, offsets the uncanny valley
Would I get the show if I never watched the original movie?
it's all in the eyes since grottons have more inhuman looking eyes
it's a prequel so you're good watching it first or vice versa
The show is a prequel and assumes the viewer knows nothing, so starting there is completely fine.
Look at it this way. You know how at this point you know Spider-Man or Superman's backstory and so whenever they do a reboot and the characters on the screen do a thing that you know will have consequences?
It's like that. Not having seen the movie doesn't hurt, it just adds some fun little "oh ho!" moments.
I didn't watch the movie first and understood shit just fine. It's a prequel, and stuff is explained.
Good post
How would a human fare in a fight with a Skeksis? I think I could take the decrepit ones, but Hunter is like a velociraptor made of knives.
it's symbolic of being stripped of title/role/authority
probably anyway.
Reminder that even a weakling like Chamberlain could heft a huge ass fucking sword with no issue.
Also reminder that the Trial by Stone is fifty years after the events of AoR, so it's an even weaker Chamberlain.
Skeksis are monsters.
We'd need a gun to win.
It's too late. We've already lost the Trial by Lead.
Plus Chamberlain in the movie caused a cave in when he casually ripped a stalactite off the cave ceiling like it was no big deal.
dude the hunter would fuck you up
Actually a really well done scene considering how important the plot shifts from here
If that’s what The Chamberlain can do, imagine fighting The Hunter.
I have a feeling humans could take more punishment than a skeksis and we'd probably have better stamina than most. Now, how'd each skeksis would react to a human could be funny.
God looking back at that scene, it really shows just how fucking powerful those Skeksi fucks are.
Like look at how the General of the Garthim hits the stone and it falls off, that shit is glowing red hot.
> In practice, virtually all solid or liquid substances start to glow around 798 K (525 °C) (977 ˚F), with a mildly dull red color, whether or not a chemical reaction takes place that produces light as a result of an exothermic process. This limit is called the Draper point.
Do you fucking realize how much power must've gone into that swing?!
It was the swing of a man on the edge. A man who heard one "hmmmMMMmmm" too many and had e-fucking-nough. skekUng had one chance and one chance only to get rid of that scheming faggot for good and did he ever snatch that opportunity with all his will.
So you're saying the red hot glow of the stone after his swing was a representation of his blazing will?
>can live thousands of trines
>have to year that hmmmm for all that time
>That roar
Fuck, I hope they get a proper VA for SkekUng in season 2. The glorious ham!
Look how fucking proud he is here. It's the gait of a Skeksi who knows he's done good.
>Steve Whitmire makes a new puppet series about a troll
>the first thing he does is shit on Age of Resistance
I get the feeling he's super salty about not being asked to come back as the Scientist
I dunno, I think a 4-5 HEMA dudes could take the hunter, the average skeksis is about the size of a human crouching with their hand over their head. Im thinking a couple dozen humans could easily conquer thra.
escape, pick them off one by one
You're vastly overestimating human's. We're super breakable, and modern day humans are built to actually take damage.
Let's say that those twelve humans manage to beat the Skeksi's, now they've got to deal with Gelflings who are just as smart and capable of magic, and half capable of flight. Then you've got the multiple beasts of Thra. Not to mention with three fucking suns there's probably a gravity difference.
also we'd be fighting at a terrain and flora/fauna disadvantage since we'd know jack shit about the planet
Oh! And the horny locals.
In all fairness to Steve, he hasn't been dealt the best hand lately. Disney fucking trashed the Muppet IP with the new show and he probably got let go for speaking out about it, and TJHC just quietly shunned him from any projects for no seemingly no apparent reason. I'd be a little pissed too if all that happened and suddenly I find out Mark fucking Hamill of all people is taking over a role I damn well still could have done.
All that being said, I can't really blame TJHC for getting the cast they did when each and every actor knocked all their respective roles out of the park. It's unfortunate Steve had to get caught up in that, but the product still turned out fantastic regardless.
>that freakin' arathim that wanted to get in on the Gurjin-hug action
I like how SkekOk objects to SkekLach calling himself beautiful, not to his assessment that they done fucked up.
Gurjin is based as fuck, of course he'd want a hug from such a lad.
Not to mention Gurjin kinda subtly reveals to non-film viewers that you can render the draining process useless if your will to live is strong enough
also appearently has been a real asshole ever since the 90's
I always thought they were both lady Skeksis.
look if i found out i was replaced and it turns out it was motherfucking luke skyjoker, i would me amazed
Skeksis at their prime must have been like literal demigods to the creatures of Thra if we consider that even the hunter was withered some compared to before.
none of the skeksis technically have gender. But The Collector and Ornamentailist consider themselves female I think
The skeksis don't really seem to have the same conception of gender and sex that we do
Iam really surprised to see that before all the Skeksis become drug addict and want full evil canniable,Scroll keeper and Colleter actually really seems to like Brea. They were not liying when they said they want to invite her to the castle and the library.
If the essence and darkening things never happened, we may see Brea reading books in Scroll keeper's library.
they're true hermaphrodites so it comes down each ones fashion quirks
Lmao, I just listened to their voices and thought that they sound like old women.
>keep each skeksis far away from each other
>each one is in charge of a certain area/country
>all gather on special occasions some times
they mellow out when you keep them away from each other
Any specifics? Didn't know that was the case. If so, I guess I can't really blame Gisnep or TJHC.
I would be too, but you gotta look at it from the angle that you got shafted from a role in a big-budget TV series because you didn't have enough star power to even be on Netflix's radar. Not that I'm complaining we got Hamill instead, far from it. But I see where he's coming from a little.
They wouldn't even fit!
Did anyone else get an uncanny valley thing from the gelfling? I feel like the skeses looked more "better" if only because they were less stiff
Not with Deet, but with some of the others, yes. Their faces were just... too smooth
Looks like they used a Dimorphodon for inspiration to me
deet is a neet
A description you can't use anymore
You can. Hermaphrodites in the animal kingdom are a thing.
Yes but you can't use the word "uncomfortable"
When it comes to genetalia? Sure you can. Trans people don't have an uncomfortable mix, because they either don't bother with bottom surgery for any number of reasons, or they get it and try their hardest to get it as close as possible to the gender they're transitioning to. There's no real mix down there that humans can do or create, thus it doesn't really apply to us.
t. a trans person
>why would I ever wash my ass?
>The baby David Bowie stole in Labyrinth grew up and got into puppets and muppets,
A shame we'll probably never get another Labyrinth movie
Does the series reference anything from the comics?
The word "Makrak", the name of the underground race from the Creation Myths comic, is used as an insult, and someone here said that Raunip is mentioned in passing too, but I haven't caught that one myself.
Makes sense the mystic who is a master of weaving and fabric has a flaming faggot as Skeksis counterpart.
Zone would make the tree rape Deet with its tendrils.
Huh, guess I'll pay attention when I see it
Skeksis is both the singular and plural form of that noun. Skeksis is improper.
What Human can cleave a fucking giant rock in half with a sword? There's a reason Skeksis are feared.
I want to see a Dark Crystal prequel set even further back when the Skeksis were in their prime and totally keeping up the charade. The Scientist and Aughra were actually friends at one point and the Scroll-Keeper's glee at finding a literate Gelfling seemed genuine. It's a race hell-bent on pleasure and when they considered the Gelfling pets and not cattle, they probably had some genuine affection at times for the pets that really appealed to their individual interests.
Gib gelfling gf.
I thought plural was SkekSès
To be fair dude, I don't think those are normal swords. If they were they'd have broken.
Steven Universe.
I'm thinking she's gonna have a full on Galadriel moment.
She must get off to going extinct
Honestly. But thats how it works sometimes.
What about this character's "whimper" and speech pattern is so satisfying? I watched the movie and am halfway through the series and he is just the best character to listen to for reasons I just can't explain. I usually find characters like him (repetitive, squawky voice, catchphrases) annoying but I love the Chamberlain.
Why didnt the archer kill himself from the beginning? I could see it being a honor thing but they didnt really touch on it.
They are both good at cloth making though
Why is SkekZok didn't show any interest of the throne or higher political power within the empire ?
How is he ranking amount his fellow
Skeksis: and does he has any real magic power ? It seemed the emperor himself understand more about magic than him.
And I don't get his personality, is he supposed to be the more saint and charismat iSkeksisc or not ?
skekSil said and claims he's only one with clear mind.
He's a rules-lawyer. He was one of the candidates in the movie when they Emperor died, but he suffers an inability to seize the moment, so he mostly satisfies his cravings for power by invoking the law on others and criticizing whenever he gets the chance.
As for magic, he's a fraud. He casts fake portents to try and influence the court, but in reality nobody believes his divinations and they all practice their own in private.
My interpretation of his behavior and conversations with Aughra is that, understandably, Archer is afraid of death.
He knows he could end the fight at any time, but cannot make himself do it.
Eventually Archer realize it cannot be any other way. Remember how his last words are something along the lines of "Now we shall see what's on the other side!" With these words, Archer comes to terms with death and willingly throws himself over the cliff to save the world from SkekMal.
>>As for magic, he's a fraud. He casts fake portents to try and influence the court, but in reality nobody believes his divinations and they all practice their own in private.
Thanks for the answer. I just felt kind of weird as I watched the series that the seemly third most high ranking Skeksis don't seem to show any interest in political power.
He mostly gets his power trips from being permitted to enforce their laws - you can see it when he practically orgasms over the peeper beetle and when he immediately tries to cozy up to SkekUng in the movie by enforcing the banishment of the Chamberlain after his loss in the Trial by Stone.
Most of the stuff about their bodies looks uncomfortable.
>Little gem-boy wants peace, yes?
>peace only come from force!
>Skesis are force for peace! Skesis must be left be to make peace, yes?
I'm pretty sure the Chamberlain could convince Steven Universe to drain himself for the greater good.
>inb4 Garnet and other gem mothers wrecks Chamberlain to oblivion before he tries anything
skeksis are the best part of the show
I liked how without limits it was. maybe it was bit cartoony but I liked that they did not go for a compromise of just having few sacrificed to them from time to time, they want it all
Ever since seeing her in that gothy-Skeksis trying-too-hard-to-be-like-the-cool-kids outfit I have had only one thought in my head. To have the little alpha-bitch wannabe smear her painted lips all over my cock before I brutally fuck her into submission, leaving her shaking with the pain of out of proportion inter-species intercourse - and the shame of absolutely loving it.
all the others could do it too. There would be no skeksis if mystics offed themselves but they are afraid and thus are silent accomplishes
I liked her character.
I honestly believe UrSkeks are the real assholes and antagonists of this Dark Crystal saga.
>too pompous/vain to care about anything else
>disresgards other life forms as using a planet full with life as a testing chamber for it's own kin
>insults Aughra and every other living being in Thra that isn't an UrSkek
>Completely fucks everyhing up for aeons yet doesn't try to make any amends except for reviving Kira for pity
He is the Emperor. If you overthrow the emperor you are just going into a cycle of dethroning. also what will the people think? its right up there as appearing immortal. plus on some level they all care for each other, like how they wanted to help the hunter (everyone except chamberlain)
She was a good character, but goddamn do I hate her. Good job on the writer's part.
Will there be more seasons of this? Is it confirmed?
everyone in dark crystal seems like an asshole or an idiot. Aughra included
so you are saying we need more border control?
Based Skekchad posters
Season 2 has a complete plan made already, but it's not officially confirmed.
Shill it to all your friends so we get one.
Other people stopped fighting just to gawk at SkekMal manhandling Rian like a pigskin.
skeksis are muh jews memes go on Yea Forums even though they're cancer anywhere but /pol/
We need less billionaires ruining the planet for their own selfish profit
I did not much care for the protagonists and saw her point of view and why she would act the way she did. I knew she was wrong but in the same situation I would probably do the same, so I did not hate her. I hated Rian
To be fair I doubt anyone present had seen a Skeksis run in a very long time.
And then a bowling ball.
>I hated Rian
t. Hup
I wish SkekMal would manhandle me like a pigskin
but they would not even be there if they had not been allowed in. In the show Aughra gave them the crystal so if she had been better at her job that too would have been avoided. Instead of Greed is bad, why not demand answers from all the things that could have prevented this
No. since they are not human everything was fine.
>Let's see, now there are two separate personalities since the ascent have been failed, Aughra shouldn't fuck this one up
>I know, Aughra entrusts the crystal to the Skeksis and not the Urru! Aughra smart!
Nah, she's just a retard.
Yeah, those podlings are getting out of control!
We can demand more than one thing at once. The show shows that greed is bad. The show also shows that if you fuck up, it's good to take responsibility and do something about it.
Did it need more effects?
I think 80's faux nostalgia is in it's full force, so it doesn't need any shilling than it already has. The boomers at Netflix will already make it through the end and drain the franchise till we disgust at it.
He is just THAT powerful. His authorithy is such that even when he is dying in the movie, the Skeksis don't dare take his sceptre before they think he's dead. They could have just killed him but no-one, absolutely no-one, had the guts. Doesn't matter how weak his position logically should be. His sheer willpower and force of personality ensure that he is respected and feared to the degree where actually attacking him becomes unthinkable.
My personal head-canon is each Skesis/mystic embody a concept to the point where it is impossible not to recognize and respect that they are just THE BEST at that particular thing. Emperor has his leadership. Hunter is driven. General is dutiful to the extreme. Scientist is brilliant. Chamberlain is cunning.
Even if the Skeksis scheme and squabble, they realize each of them have gifts that can benefit the other it they play their cards right.
Not when a show is this expensive and when the reaction from the mainstream is so muted. Even the creators never talked about a S2 in concrete terms, it's always an if.
You can see why he stopped living at the Castle for a while
a tragic villain
Seladon reminds me of the people who tried to negotiate with Hitler before the war. It was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. What these people simply did not imagine, could not have imagined, was that they did not try to negotiate with a reasonable person but a cartoonishly evil maniac who did not operate in any way normal people would ever be able to comprehend.
An Okay attempt. Longer, slightly thinner snout for Gelfling.
Wide Sparkly Anime Eyes. The very Essence of cute.
you just KNOW
would you be cool with it if they had established gelfling breeding camps and kept them like cows?
I like how tired of the General's shit the Ritual Master was by the end of that episode. Like the Chamberlain, it seems that he actually had a hint of respect for the Gelflings.
Isn't that what Skeksis have been doing before they totally snapped and went down to straight genocide?
Pssht! Shut up, MOM!
That or like the Ornamentalist he still had a sense of beauty and it hurt him to see the General trashing exquisite things.
Could also have been his role as priest imbuing him with respect for the reverence of others, so he defaults to not wanting to defile holy symbols.
Hes a chad his bride is just the hunt.
I doubt the nude pupper would have worked visually. What we got is probably the best option.
It's also a kids show
Lore will be revealed as Kira's father
The movie might be, but AoR is definitely not a kids show.
What about Ferengi. Go look at some interviews by the guy who pushed for them. It couldnt get more jew insert.
>We need less billionaires ruining the planet for their own selfish profit
So you are saying we need to enforce the border then? Stop their lust for borderline slave labor?
he was basically Skeksis general grievous
Why punish the exploited when you can punish the exploiter?
The show explicitly says, "we are many, and they are few." It is on the side of the working class, not the ruling class.
>greedy people = jews!
that has more to do with one's obsession with jews than it does ferengi
it's the same idea here
>small group of people lying to have power
>it must be jews!
it's really what the audience member is bringing to the work more than the work itself is trying to say
all that aside, when you spend years on Yea Forums the constant JEWS and NIGGERS gets old because it isn't funny or forbidden anymore, it's just boring
it's worse now with shooterchan refugees not knowing where to keep that shit
I think thatt SkekUng's performance might always be the best of the series for me. TRIAL BY STOOOONE wouldn't be half as memeable if he didn't sound so fucking cool shouting it
But the show's VAs really do such a great job as well. Special kudos to Simon for really surprising me as the Chamberlain
>ITT Times you were Chamberlain
>Be me
>Be at store
>Walking minding my own business
>Some guy bumps into me
>Turn the whole store against him
>Kill his whole family
>See he drops something, pick it up for him
>"You drop yeeess"
>the meme edits are coming in
We made it boys
Who would you choose as SkekUng's new voice actor, Yea Forums?
That's really hard to choose actually. Benedict Wong would have been a good choice but that can't happen for obvious reasons. Is there anyone who could match skekUng's booming and commanding voice from the film?
Brian Blessed?
Probably not gravelly enough.
have sex
Clancy Brown maybe
I could conceivably buy him as a younger, healthier, version of him from the movie
porn when?
I can't find any bros
None of it is any good tho
There's a Gelfling thread up on /aco/. I imagine more stuff will be made as time goes on.
Depends on what you care to see
>turning the mc into a ducking bowling ball
Mad lad
Holy shit the scene is so chaotic but being able to glance back at it on repeat like this
It's so beautiful looking
It's ridiculous how good this shit is
edit to where it cuts to that Wii bowling gif when
Lore is gonna die for good if he comes back
Lore is eternal
Nah. Lore will be retconned
What I think makes the Skeksis so great is the perfect combination of cartoon/competent villainy. They are both extravagant and absurd while a serious and dangerous threat. Living their daily lives with a revelling disconnect while still interacting with the world at large.
Yeah. I was thinking about something like this earlier, in that would it be possible to satirize the skeksis?
For example, can you imagine the poor sod who was working for some mad magazine style parody rag or website? How do you parody the skeksis. You can't. It's impossible. They're both silly and serious, grotesque and elegant, the villains and main draw of the franchise and so on.
>heretic and wanderer don't survive to the next conjunction and become one again
They deserved better ;_;
the thing is that NOBODY, not even Aughra knew what was after death for them
Heretic and Wanderer did ponder whether they'd be reunited in the next world or not. As far as we know, that guess is as valid as any
Imagine the blood on his hands though. Dude's probably personally killed more than all the other Skeks(minus skekMal) combined.
He could even be responsible for the Gruenaks, unless that was a more recent thing.
Poor Gruenaks. I hope more than just two survived. Weird how Aughra barely seemed to notice them.
Wait, they died?
It's not told how but some time between the series and the movie they die.
Might even be next season if it happens which would suck.
They weren't part of the group of Skeksis and Urru at the end of the movie that were in the crystal room
And the movie's narration states that as of the ceremony at the beginning that there are only 10 left
I always figured it was just that with such a long and relatively leisurely life they each followed their interested and specialized the fuck out.
I mean it's not even like ones like the collector are somehow a more talented collector than anyone else, they just started hording shit and eventually made that their self-appointed job. Or the ritual master, he isn't making carefully designed traditions that reinforce some social order or anything, he just loves all the stupid little autistic going through the motions and seeks any excuse to make up more bullshit.
>Or the ritual master, he isn't making carefully designed traditions that reinforce some social order or anything, he just loves all the stupid little autistic going through the motions and seeks any excuse to make up more bullshit
>That pic
>Ex-/pol/tard after he has calmed down and been married to his husband for a decade
Absolutely, everyone other that Deet just seems wrong.
>Or the ritual master, he isn't making carefully designed traditions that reinforce some social order or anything, he just loves all the stupid little autistic going through the motions and seeks any excuse to make up more bullshit.
Au contraire, if the Ritual Master wasn't there who would determine the correct number and application of ablutions?
Checkmate, atheists.
True but it litterally is less bad than what we consider "killing" because all natives of thra litterally have some sort of soul-energy and reincarnate.
It's still a dick move but not quite as bad.
Oh, I thought user meant died during the show
>What's an ablution?
>Poor Gruenaks. I hope more than just two survived.
They must have.
Remember sketek uses their parts to complete the murder bots.
I was actually kind of wondering about that plot hole since they need to make a whole army of the things but it's not too hard to handwave. They thought they were extinct but got the two slaves from the naval-gypsy gelflings so they could say there was a whole small island or colony of them someplace.
>why won't anyone tell me what it means!
I just assumed he was using their genetics and flash-cloned the resulting hybrid DNA.
Interesting that the Garthim at the end had blue eyes rather than purple...
It's plausible the the parts to make the garthim can come from other creatures
I guess I figured skekTek learned of suitable material from the gruenaks and would be able to use more common wildlife to build the rest, not that every Garthim was made from gruenak flesh
>purple eyes
The darkening, brosef
I suppose we'll see next season.
I don't expect a full course on garthim engineering but there will probably be at least a few shots of the production.
Hell they could just completely skip trying to solve it since it's so minor which is why I tentatively call it a plot hole.
DESU I thought the whole thing could have been done better. They did lay the groundwork and some foreshadowing, mentioning that the gruenaks are strong despite their size(basically fantasy dwarves) and later skektek saying he needed stronger parts for the garthim but I felt it was far to subtle and too little for such a major plot point.
>ywn carry your tiny gelfling wife around in a backpack like Yoda
>ywn never cuddle with her, wrapping your arms gently around her small frame
>We are Lords of the Crystal, yes? Even if Rian talk none will believe
>They will shun him. Cast him out
>How can they not?
>To believe him, is to not believe themselves
>Skeksis reign a thousand Trine, and will reign a thousand thousand more
>Until last star in sky goes dark
>Gelfling will submit, head bowed, back bent as have always done
>Gelfling want to be ruled
>Gelfling need to be ruled
>Because Gelfling are weak
>Gelfling are small
>And Skeksis are forever!
I love the writing in this show so fucking much
The carriages seem to be living or semi-living, the stuff he was muttering to himself while fiddling with the Arathim corpse was referring to cellular mechanics, and the final Garthim looks way bulkier and more massive than what you'd get if you physically squished a Gruenak and an Arathim together, not to mention having very different morphology, so I think that points to skekTek having knowledge of genetic engineering. He is eventually going to create the crystal bats, too, and they look far too small to have been sewn together Frankenstein-style.
Writers really knocked it out of the park. Everyone knocked it out of the park, really. The passion and artistry for the world was evident in every frame.
Fuck I hope they get a S2.
I hope we'll see more Gelfling slavery and abuse in the next season. Those little pests need to know their place.
How tall are Gelflings?
t. Skeksis
Is wish reprises of the movie theme happened more in the series
Could just die of old age since Heretic was the original "emperor" before he got cast out.
He was totally gonna kill Brea right then and there
The only living part of the carriages is the pillbug wheels.
>Garthim looks way bulkier and more massive than what you'd get if you physically squished a Gruenak and an Arathim together, not to mention having very different morphology
They directly say the idea is to recombine multiple arathim into a bigger form but the tendons and shit weren't strong enough for the heavier body which is where the gruenaks come in. Skektek litterally introduces the garthim as a combination of arathim and gruenak.
Anyway like I said we'll probably see which direction they decide to take it in next season.
>Killing the daughter of all-maudra
anyways it was just powdered nullroot, he wanted to make her forget about dangerous symbols, not kill her
They're all the same age, and the emperor only died as early as he did because he kept using the darkening as a power source, despite it literally making his body rot and fall apart
I figured garthim worked like big daddys from bioshock. Muscles, sinew and skeletal structures grafted into a suit of armor.
>what are you gonna do, stab me?
-skeksis who was stabbed
>The only living part of the carriages is the pillbug wheels.
If you watch carefully, the doors appear to flex upon command like living flesh, having no actual hinges. Aside from that, the exteriors look like some sort of grown shell structure.
>They directly say the idea is to recombine multiple arathim into a bigger form but the tendons and shit weren't strong enough for the heavier body which is where the gruenaks come in. Skektek litterally introduces the garthim as a combination of arathim and gruenak.
Skektek speculates it could be "grafted" into a larger form; he could easily be speaking about a genetic graft. When he's speaking about the substance of the flesh being insufficient, he specifically mentions fibroblasts, which are the cells responsible for connective tissue. Sure as hell sounds to me like he's talking genetic hybrids.
Either way it's very different from how the original lore treated Garthim; it described them as being physicalised dream-constructs that were entirely magical, hence the way they fell apart into empty shells when de-powered.
Their tongues aren't even forked
>finally found the track from best scene
Forked tongue is a phrase
You guys think if the Dark Crystal series becomes a hit, we could get a new season of pic related?
They had forked tongues in the movie
are we not already?
that's the general tho........
How are the japanese receiving this series?
I really would have liked to see the Hunter go against the others, because killing Thra kills everything he can hunt
Life, uh, finds a way
Interview about our favorite scene
I'm sure he would have, but Chamberlain lied to him. As far as he knows, they still just wanted to kill Rian for "lying".
Dunno. I live in the US.
It’s interesting that the arathim tissue seemed to resist being reanimated by the crystal
are podlings italian?
I wonder if that could signify some resistance to the Darkening next season?
We need that Piper porn meme with Saladon sitting on the couch
Has there been any interviews or the like with pegg doing his Chamberlain voice? I want to see that.
I'm REALLY looking forward to him showing up but I'm confused how he will. Originally the Garthim were made using memories of sea creatures from their first world. A lot cooler. What's his thing now if he isnt the Garthim master?
Podlings are potatoes
It won't be a problem for long, since he'll have garthim to master right from the get go. Maybe his old title was the Warrior or the Whimper-hater or some shit like that.
To be fair, they only roughly resemble the Arathim and neither Arathim or Gruenak have crab claws; the Scientist could still have drawn on some inspiration from vague memories of sea beasties to fully refine the design.
They were getting shrekt by those nurlocs so probably not honestly
I want to hug Deet and hate fuck Seladon.
I meant in terms of resisting corruption.
Dear God I hope so. Get Levar Burton to do african/american legends. Get george takei to do asian legends. For the love of God PLEASE
What I mean to say is that they seem kinda weak in general
But if they CAN survive in those areas and don’t go extinct because of it I’d be pretty happy
I want hug spiders to have a good end
Patrician taste
Maybe the Darkening destroys the garthim's insides and allows it to be used like a puppet. That's why they're shown to be hollow at the end of the film.
Do you think she tops or bottoms?
Seladon pegs male gelflings
>literally goes out of her way and does everything remotely possible to be loyal and subservient to her masters
What do you think?
If we don't get the Gourmand hatefucking a sobbing and bruised Seladon soon we need to ask ourselves if life is worth living
Perhaps that’ll be yet another problem for the most abused creature in all of Thra, they function but rot away before they can do anything useful and SkekSo has to animate them entirely with his magic
I'd peg this male Gelfling if you're picking up what I'm putting down
Get William Shatner to do sexy, limelight-hogging legends?
You're supposed to be dead, nimoy/doohan/kelly
They're working on one with Neil Gaiman as showrunner. Apparently with a more serialized frame story to "make it more binge-able" or something. Like what Greek Myths did with the Storyteller and his Dog trying to escape the Labyrinth, but more complex.
>Rian has stabbed the General
>General: 'Do it, finish me.
>Rian: "I'm not a killer!"
>Doesn't finish off the General
Excuse me? What the in fucking Thra was this guy on about? That's like having a showdown with nazis outside one of their concentration camps, stabbing one of the main SS officers, and when he says to finish it you refuse.
How does that make any sense? WHY on Thra would you not kill the Skeksis after the Chamberlain freaking NTR Vored your lover in front of you?
The fuck?
Honestly I'd choose my planet based on hotness of the spirit.
Thra is dead last.
>. Apparently with a more serialized frame story to "make it more binge-able" or something. Like what Greek Myths did with the Storyteller and his Dog trying to escape the Labyrinth, but more complex.
Hmm, I'm not too sure about that. An anthology series really doesn't need some kind of complex meta plot to it.
Gelfling are kinda retarded
There’s more reasons they lost than skekUng’s DEADLY GARTHIM
I mean, I also liked Greek Myths, even if they were on the darker side of the spectrum, but, who's going to be the Storyteller?
Any word on that?
>they're called gELFlings. Elf fucked a goblin and Gelfling was born. And they're just as idiotic good as the elves.
I know it's because they have to lose but I really wish most of the Gelflings weren't so fucking stupid.
Why is it that I want to fuck this uncanny ass puppet?
Because Deet's not uncanny. The other Gelflings may be, but Deet's eyes keep the rest of her alien appearance believeable. The others have regular human eyes which makes them weirder to look at.
lol where do you think you are faggot
She's got a serious Marsha Complex going on.
>Dirty Deet
>Done dirt Cheap!
>The other Gelflings may be
Vapran members and other gelfings have been modeled more faithfully to the original movie than Deet.
Sorry Chamberlain, you can't bullshit us. We're not The General.
Bugger eyes! If she was bald we would think she was an alien.
He died like something out of Burt Wonderstone.
I don't remember seeing this one in the movie. Now, does Henson Company start using 70's prog folk band members as puppets?
she's new you moron
>Him pointing out how gelflings are free to do what they like with their lives.
>How they have divine right because they have existed for long before the skeks and will outlive them.
>How for the skeks draining essence is ths same as Rian abandoning his loved ones to save himself.
>How skeksis liquifing gelfs is simply a natural process.
Given how much they had them around their fingers they probably would be written as the greatest period of their civilization with only a few mild genocides.
Please, they can't do inhumans.
I drew this today.
I actually never watched dark cristal, and almost never heard of it until recently, but i love puppets stuff so I'l get into it. that deet character looks adorable.
Gotta love the skeksis' happy-dances.
Too early for that. Like still in pre-production.
The eyes and nose are a bit too big but this is still pretty good user
Hope you enjoy the series, there's a lot of Deet in it.
>the making of doc
We don't deserve the passion of all the people that worked on the show. They're fucking amazing.
Puppets are Yea Forums now?
We'd probably be stronger but the skeks actually seem pretty tough. Chamberlain was stabbed, tons of horrible things happen to scientist, Hunter was throen into parana mushrooms and leaped right out. They went through all this and were better almost immediately.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums, and they always will be
Hey, skeksis get the right to murder gelflings and Mark Hammil gets the right to snipe your audition. Cycle of life!
I thought collector skek was a lady. Also I still wonder if the pustules she is covered with is just from getting old or if there was some accident.
To be fair, each skeks needs 4.16 gelfs per year to just maintain their lives. Drinking more makes them younger and they have a lot of youth to get back to.
>The dark hunk of glass.
>Also I still wonder if the pustules she is covered with is just from getting old or if there was some accident.
Accident, I'd say. She claims it's the result of "knowledge"...
>Like, we try not to assign genders to the Skeksis.
Plus they're canonically hermaphrodites
SkekLach is referring to the fact that they got in the predicament they're in because they decided to tamper with their home world's crystal in pursuit of knowledge.
Deet not for sexual.
Deet must be taken care of tenderly.
So could all the mystics but their goal is to become the Urskeks. I'm sure they have some philosophy that eradicating a race is not bringing real balance, its just flipping the table.
I'm pretty sure he was just bullshitting and they were banished because they were shitters.
This. Deet is for hug and cuddle. Seladon is for angry fucking.
I want to capture deet and sell her to Skeksis for a hefty sum just to make them force her to work as a ill treated servant
shitters that decided to fuck with their homeworld's crystal
>She's gone from Taylor Swift to Lady Gaga!
Yeah, the Gelfljngs aren't made for war. They don't even kill eachother!
>SkekLach is referring to the fact that they got in the predicament they're in
I'm pretty sure she was referring to the pustules she's constantly bemoaning. The Scrollkeeper's response certainly implies that he's of the opinion she was never beautiful even before she was afflicted with them, giving her statement a context.
Besides, the impression I got was that they don't really remember much about being urSkeks.
Oh ok.
Fucking shitters.
The emperor and the general talk about that, how they have a hard time remembering.
Yeah, and all the Emperor really remembers is what it was like to be able to feel guilt, and shame, and how he doesn't really want to go back to that after what they've done. Something like that, anyway.
Completely. Deet looks best because she has inhuman features. It sidesteps the issue of looking to human by not trying.
Hmmm, recycle thread, yes? Yeeessss
Here's your reward.
Enjoying the view, hmmmmmm?
I wonder if they ever prank called skekMal and sounded his horn only to pretend not to have when he arrived
Presumably just once after he flipped his shit and almost killed them all because of it
I would really liked ro know what scenario was playing in his head where he whips up a rebellion but no one is supposed to be killed.
Oh damn I didn't even notice the horn was a replica of his head
Props to the prop makers
Are you really lusting about some skek tri-cloaca?
anyway, there is a thread on /aco/, fellow pervert
Any hopes and predictions for the remaining skeksis?
>skekung the garthim master
>skekna the slave master
>skekshod the treasurer
And others?
yeah, they're actually not that big, but they feel big because of the large black iris.
this should be a bit better.
>Are you really lusting about some skek tri-cloaca?
Are you not?
thanks comrade
SkekSa the Mariner
SkekLi the Satirist.
I think that's pretty much all there is.
Canonically they are the severed siamese twins of star people.
meant to reply to
I fucking HATE superhero logic. Can't kill the Joker, can't kill Two Face, cuz that makes us as bad as them! As someone with a military background it makes no sense, especially when it is from another service member. PUT BODIES IN THE GROUND. The Skeksis will continue to kill, UNLESS YOU KILL THEM
I think that was just a "thinking gives you wrinkles" joke. Until otherwise I am going to stay firm in the belief its a rare virus or exposure to a radioactive power source. I refuse to be reasoned with!
Yes, who don't seem to have a gender. Once they split up, the skeksis are both/neither.
>Pre-production notes for skekEkt refer to him as an artist and interior designer. Jim Henson said, "We've never known whether these Skeksis were male or female. We always kind of liked the idea of them being some uncomfortable mixture in between"
I like how that if you check desustorage, almost every mention of general grievous in the last week was in referral to the hunter
Books leaned on a "It's bullshit that the Mystics would have to die too if we killed the Skeksis" angle.
at this point do they even realize they CAN be put back together? I know it'd be shitty but given that it's 50 trine or so until the Great Conjunction even makes that possible, I think it'd be the kinder thing for the whole world
But yeah, different logic for a different society