Argentinians and Chileans think they are hot shit...

Argentinians and Chileans think they are hot shit, but the truth is that most of the best music in latin america has come out of Mexico and Brazil. Most Chileans and Argentinians that post on here are some of the most cringe posters.

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Every country has made a significant contribution to music and an inflated sense of importance over regional music stems from the fact that most people live in a vacuum, whether you like it or not.

latin america is completely devoid of talent, especially mexico and brazil

Brazil is a very vaporwavy country, I'm very lucky to live here

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NO MORE BROTHER WARS. Division is what the eternal gr*ngo wants

There's a lot of great MPB acts yet you decide to resort to a long dead meme microgenre, you're a piece of shit

Argentinian rock is where it's at and I don't even speak Spanish

I hate to take the bolsoautist's side, but MPB fucking sucks in general. Most pathetic milquetoast limpwristed shit to ever come out of our country. We should listen to our actual traditional music and not college kid distillations of it

You sound retarded

And you sound like a faggot listening to faggot music

Absolutely retarded

Please, show me more entry-level homosexual faux-ideologue folk music, I'm flabbergasted

babby's first flamboyant words

what do you listen to?

Shut up bitch kys

Imagine Dragons, Maneskin, Twenty One Pilots, Hozier and the list goes on

Everything you hate

Cry about it

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He did it! He posted a wojak! I accept your concession, bicha louca

>Brazil is majority white
time to take the Brazilpill I guess

It's self-declared, what's considered 'white' here is brown in the first world

Only the south and southeast IS white majority the rest IS muttland la creaturas

>the south and the southeast are white
Delusional self-loathing mutt, one day you will join your brothers and sisters

t. actual sulista

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I live here in the south and lived in the southeast and This IS accurate plus the ibge ask people If they are white Brown Black or indian and being white is seeing as a good thing here so many brownoids are consider white by themselves and the goverment

Shut up channer subhuman come to Curitiba and say im not from the south i beat the fuck out of you you lardass lowlife

You're basically a paulista, go away northron

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Are you that pelotense guy ?

Pelotas? God no, that town should be nuked, a fucking shame to my state. I'm from the metropolitan area

bruh they named the town Balls

It's because they're gay, not even kidding man, pelotenses suck each other off in public

>There's a lot of great MPB acts
>Música Popular Brasileira
>Brazilian Popular Music
> isn't Brazilian Popular Music
>Brazilian Popular Music is not brazilian popular music
Plus felt for the classic bait that MPB is only what our communists claimed it was in like the 60's/70's.
I skipped to the middle of the song, heard for one or two and immediately closed it. It's shit.
The cover is nice, the album aesthetic is fine, but this song sucks and probably so does the rest of the album.
cara, eu não entendo como vc pode gostar de verdade dessas MPBs sojadas. insano. isso geralmente eh música só pra esquerdista se sentir intelectual e achar que tá mostrando a cara do brasil pra o exterior postando pros gringos aqui no Yea Forums. coisa que o youtube sugere pra quem não ouve nada br. música sem energia, quase sempre feita de esquerdistas e para esquerdistas, sobre temas pseudointelectuais e pseudoprofundos, com acordes enfadonhos e massificados. pode ser que eu esteja julgando errado esses dois artistas aí que vc mandou, principalmente o Jorge Ben, mas a tendência desse tipo música eh isso.

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Jorge Ben Jor is the exception


basado... nunca vamos a aprender

wey ya callate jajaj no one in latam thinks this or gives a shit about anything like this. Pinches gringos tratando de dividirnos para mantener su control sobre el continente

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You guys got some good metal bands too. Lyria, Violator, Sepultura, etc.


chupala simio reqliao

Based and true

literalmente esto. onions arg viviendo en nyc y el average indie latino band tiene siempre mucho mas gente que los indies gringos

tu gfa :v

si te vai a poner a citar canciones de los bunkers citate una wea mejor basofia conchetumare

mamamela puto

citate una wea vo po conchetumare

Who would your top 3 best Latam musicians?
Mine would be Silvio Rodriguez, Willie Colón and Charly García

Proof is right here

W de Willie Colón, de Winterfall también.

Justo ahora estoy escuchando a Charly. Sus discos de los 80 son una joya total. Incluso si no están al nivel del new wave del norte (sí, Charly no es DEVO, Charly no es XTC), es músico de la concha de la madre.

No te sabría decir un top 3 pero posiblemente incluiría a Spinetta. Es imposible no volver a "Artaud".

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realmente le gustaba el sinte al charly, aunque para mí su último buen albúm fue parte de la religión (nunca me gusto en los 90s).

Cualquier disco que tenga "Rezo por vos" se convierte inmediatamente en un disco hermoso. No tengo escuchados sus discos de los 90 pero sí he escuchado muchas veces sus Unplugged y es un discazo.

>Rezo por vos
always considered it pretty meh desu, i think is only loved it for Spinetta involment and it's not even the best from the album. Parte de la religión and Adela mogs Religión

I just know of meme songs out of Mexico

I agree. Can't seem to post images due to constant spamming by my countrymen.

>cara, eu não entendo como vc pode gostar de verdade dessas MPBs sojadas. insano. isso geralmente eh música só pra esquerdista se sentir intelectual e achar que tá mostrando a cara do brasil pra o exterior postando pros gringos aqui no Yea Forums. coisa que o youtube sugere pra quem não ouve nada br. música sem energia, quase sempre feita de esquerdistas e para esquerdistas, sobre temas pseudointelectuais e pseudoprofundos, com acordes enfadonhos e massificados. pode ser que eu esteja julgando errado esses dois artistas aí que vc mandou, principalmente o Jorge Ben, mas a tendência desse tipo música eh isso.

Engraçado você falar de "pseudointelectualismo" e "pseudoprofundidade" após julgar 2 clássicos da música brasileira sem sequer ouvi-las, ao mesmo tempo que agrupa as duas como sendo "MPB sojado", sendo que não sem nem do mesmo gênero e nem do mesmo movimento artístico. O termo "MPB" em sí não carrega peso nenhum, é um rótulo genérico colocado arbitrariamente em qualquer música brasileira.
>isso geralmente eh música só pra esquerdista se sentir intelectual
Minha nossa, como sugo caralhos.

Anão, deixa de lado essa visão rasa que você desenvolveu sobre a música de seu país, têm muita coisa boa pra ouvir nesse mundo, colocar tudo num balde só e jogar no lixo é um desserviço mais à você do que qualquer outro.

how are Chilean people in general?

They must be happy because they never immigrate here unlike peruvians, venezuelans, hondurans, cubans, dominicans, uruguayans. You just see some of them trapped underground occasionally

Piazzolla and that's it

Crabs in a bucket

que te importa awenao ctm hijo de la comemoco con un puro puñete te dejo vegetal ctm mejor mueve la zanja estai tirado todo el dia guaton ceboso ctm crei que onions perkin tuyo ctm toy entero embalao ctm.

they're very mean

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They are art-less and have not a single good album has come out of Chile ever

elis regina