How come Family Guy is both universally loved and hated at the same time?

How come Family Guy is both universally loved and hated at the same time?

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Lois is hot and has nice feet. That’s why.


Her voice is shit man

People love to hate it.

Cutaway gags are both cheap and a really good idea because it basically mixes a story with sketch comedy.

Only Enterbots hates Family Guy

Because it is indeed funny but very lowbrow as well. It's a love-hate relationship.

Actually watch the show and find out.

one reason is
>dude this show sucks,I love watching it

It's really funny as a teenager and terrible as an adult but that doesn't undo the joy you got from it

Ginyu Tokusentai!

It's pretty low brow and has gone on a bit too long, but unlike the Simpsons still feels a bit fresh. Only time I ever find myself watching it is if I'm tired late at night and can't be bothered to find something else to watch.

It's hated because the characters are fucking unlikable
>Peter went from a silly doofus and a likable father who cares a lot about his family and is incredibly respectful to Meg (one episode involved him saying he'd take a bullet for Meg) into an unlikable malicious monstrous and incredibly abusive and insensitive dick who does illegal and evil things in almost every episode, and is always excused for his actions as he's said to do that stuff out of idiocy, even though that's not true.
>Brian went from a smart mouthed but likable voice-of-reason dog to a self-absorbed, pretentious, alcoholic, egotistical douchebag and occasionally Atheist fundamentalist (in other words, essentially Seth MacFarlane's political soapbox) that tells lies to get attractive women to like him, thinks religions are purely evil and their followers are idiots despite the fact that not all of them are like that, and he is a conniving and ungrateful scoundrel who will do anything to advance any of his careers, especially if it means hurting his loved ones, and screwing over the people who helped him or letting people die. He's also a massive hypocrite by saying Lois having an affair with anyone other than him is wrong.
>Lois went from a nice and compassionate wife of Peter Griffin to a short-tempered, and immature dominator wanna-be who sometimes abuses Peter, acts like she has control over Peter's life, is a massive hypocrite who calls Peter out on things she's guilty of, and she's an even bigger karma houdini than Peter.
>Chris went from a normal and kind and slightly dimwitted teenager who is an incredibly talented artist to a completely dimwitted and uninteresting character who's only known for just masturbating all the time, and is only used for when Peter has had too much screen time.

I know adults that like it and it's always just a show they sit down at dinner time to watch, it's probably the fact its iconic rather than the humor, it does a lot of the same setups so it kind of ingrains the humor pattern into your head. Stewie made a gay joke, Peter was retarded, Lois is a crying housewife.

My dad still told me he thinks the old ones are better. I did the disservice of summing up how you could tell the old from the new by saying the aspect ratio but that didnt really help since after S3 modern FG seeps in well before it went widescreen. Even saying how its drawn didnt seem to be that well of an indicator and I'm not sure if he pays attention to the art enough to notice which is why I added aspect ratio.

>taking nu-family guy seriously

Because it has had good moments AND bad moments,
And being episodic and not continuous it is completely retarded to review the series as one lump sum average.
Because why act like it is all decent or all terrible when really you can just pick and watch what you want.

Trailer park people and foreigners like it

giggle factor thats all the show has now

Kill yourself Seth

people used to love it, now they hate it

quads have answered your question

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because family guy used to be good, now it's not

Only because they can stereotype everything and completely rely on Shock-Humor,to a point where they think think it's comic gold and they don't even give a crap about what their fans think, seriously even The Cleveland Show is better than that (at least since season 8, the first 3 seasons were more suited to the entire Family than just adults, and the seasons after the cancellation were at their highest peak of the series, it's just when the season when Cleveland left is when things went completely downhill)

People find consistency comforting, but also monotonous. It's like having annoying family members, seeing them reminds you there are still people in your life who loves you even though they're obnoxious.

it's for stupid people, there's a lot of stupid people, and nobody likes stupid people or stupid people things unless they are themselves stupid people

It's aimed directly at people with ADHD, and apparently there at a lot of those.

I love season 1-5 of Family Guy and still lose my shit to this day. I'd hardly call it universally loved since it hasn't been relevant in years.

Because you don't know what "universally" means.

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