Homo superior is junk science. Two mutants can make a non-mutant baby and two non-mutants can make a mutants baby.You need to live as with the same laws as not superpower people. When you did it the other superheroes would be much more helpful stoping the genocide machines.
The X-Men need to know they are not a separate species
That being said it's a nice subtle commentary of how arbitrary race lines are and how race doesn't actually exist.
We all know Magneto is a total facist. It makes sense that he'd try to Jimmy up some boogus science to feed to his followers. You know they'll eat up anything he feeds them because their all a bunch of losers who want to feel like they're better than anyone else.
That's like claiming all humans are the same simply because we can breed with one another. Lions and tigers can breed but they're not the same species
>extraordinary powers of literal gods
>dude you're just a regular guy deal with it
I remember a hearing somewhere when Charles Darwin made both of the scientific words species and race he specifically said all human beings are the same at the in both of them.
You're ignoring the sterility aspect to that. Ligers, Tygons and Mules cannot reproduce, but the offspring of a mutant and a human can. Ergo, we are the same species.
>race doesn't actually exist
Yes it does, it's a collection of genetic attributes that are prone to appear in a certain population. Hell, even within a race there's groups that can be differentiated. Chinese and Japanese, Scandinavians and the Anglos, etc.
On Neanderthals the same species as humans? Scientific question . If we find Neanderthals today , most human law groups were probably demand the Neanderthals can get them. We do have Neanderthal DNA.
Friendly reminder that:
1. Absolutely NOBODY gives a fuck about the X-Men anymore.
2. Yea Forums actively wants ALL mutants characters murdered as brutally as possible and their corpses raped.
3. Hackman's saga is gonna flop hard and should convince MarLEL to never publish a mutant character ever again.
I wish.
Who hurted you?
Two tigers can't give birth to a lion, but two mutants can give birth to a human.
It's true the exact definition of a species can get muddy, but it's safe to say mutants and humans are the same species.
>Shows his powers and how bad of a person he can be
>Gets his ass kicked by Man made Machines
Well done Magneto.
Don't mind that user. he does this every X-Men thread he gets into. I think he is trying to make it a copypasta
Lions and tigers can't produce fertile offspring however.
That having been said, "species" are flaky nonsense just like every taxonomy in biology ever invented and there are numerous problems with the concept.
>We do have Neanderthal DNA.
Is that why we have the red hair genome?
See Toy Biz v United States
They are.
Those sound like the thoughts of an inferior species on its last leg.
>red hair genome?
No, that is the soulless DNA.
>Don't mind that user. he does this every X-Men thread he gets into. I think he is trying to make it a copypasta
He's doing good work for a good cause.
How about wolves and dogs, dipshit.
Speciation does not mean nonpropogative offspring.
That actually comes from a race of red headed tall people that were everywhere on the earth for a while.
No, I'm not kidding.
Race is a social construct, user.
Sure, the traits are real and biological in origin, but the way in which they are grouped is arbitrary.