so is it okay for him to utilize slurs against minorities? He is not gay as far as we know. Would he be in favor of saying the n-word in a song as a white person with the intent to actually offend?
"Just another clueless faggot"
black people are allowed to be prejudiced as long as it's not against jews.
stefan is gay though he sucked my cock at a death grips show backstage
Black people just look stinky.
I thought about that but the guys from Death Grips have said in multiple interviews that they are LGBTQIA+-supporting
who cares
the lyrics do not reflect the personal opinions of the band. artistic license
You can be gay without being a faggot.
he's gay
what? do you not believe women? (I'm trans btw)
Told you yesterday, ride is gay and has a pass
The song doesn't have a character as a poetic persona but it's clearly Ride's ideas expressed poetically. So I ask again: so would he be in favor of saying the n-word in a song as a white person with the intent to actually shock or offend, without any irony layer?
Their fans should care, at least the ones who expect them to be coherent.
DG hate people like you.
I like their music, but do you honestly think I give a shit what they think of me? I'll never meet them so it doesn't matter faggot.
whether you’re false flag trolling or you’re actually just this much of a zoomer stereotype, please shut the fuck up
Anyone replying to this thread please type “Sage” in the options field so that this thread doesn’t get bumped to the front page when you post
Ride is black and as such he's allowed to be racist, mysoginistic, homophobic and all those jewish buzzwords. He can't be anti jewish tho, no one can.
You'd care if he wasn't black, disingenuous fuck
i wouldn't. you don't know me, stinky!
>He is not gay as far as we know.
It's not homophobic. It's okay for gays to act like faggots, but when heterosexuals do it it's not natural.
He's calling himself a faggot in the song
he's using "faggot" as a homophobic slur, he's just using it like you'd call an annoying person a faggot.
Chud detected
I'm literally a bisexual basic bitch lefty, you faggot
Yea Forums really is the worst board on this site, the fact that underage twitternigger refugees are here prevents me from ever regularly posting here. Just pure unfunny cancer, now Yea Forums is where it's at Yea Forums is the best board.
anybody posting that webm or any webms like it claiming anyone does anything to "ruin" a board is hilarious.
you do realize it's conceptual art right? they're a conceptual art exhibition
See, you holding onto this idea that wojaks, trannyjaks or pepes could "ruin" a board show that you fundamentally misunderstand this website and are using it for the wrong reasons. Do you really come here for earnest discussions? This site is about shitposting and having fun, and laughing to yourself in your bedroom. I know you've probably been told a million times but you really should go back to Plebbit
yeah, no, zoomzoom. 2016 ruined this site and pretty much took every single board subculture with it. You are cancer and you have ruined the site
go back faggot
It was 2011 so they get a pass.
Noone worth giving a shit about gives a shit.
All slurs are acceptable language and you are a faggot for caring.
I've noticed black people do actually get away with shit talking jews a lot of the time.
Are you upset about his use of the word or are you looking for a reason to dislike him?
It doesn't prevent you from doing shit, faggot. Go cry about it on another board.
yeah, until the jews find out
they were always crypto chuds
>This site is about shitposting and having fun
you use it to mindlessly repeat right-wing culture war narratives though
which is fun to him, stop complaining faggot
>Anyone replying to this thread please type “Sage” in the options field so that this thread doesn’t get bumped to the front page when you post
>ummm sweatie just don't dissent
Thanks for noticing
Ride is a ego anarchist, which means he has no allegiance to your weird 21st century slur gymnastics
"Slur reclamation" (whatever the fuck that means) only exists to give black people a reason to say nigger all the time without having to face the inherent contradiction present
Zach Hill is a known racist chud too. he literally does a racist impression of a "hood" black guy using a voice changer on one of the Hella albums wouldnt be surprised if these dudes went around beating up minorities and posting on pol
So would it be ok for a white person to use the n-word as conceptual art? It's bullshit.
You can go be a faggot on reddit if you'd like
Nobody beats minorities except for other minorities.
no one has the right to have their viewpoints go unopposed and i'm not sure why you think otherwise
shut up kike (im black so i can say it)
>twitternigger is finally catching on
cuz you're a fag
OP is a faggot.
oh. I thought it was because you were a greasy weaselly fuckface who acts as an unpaid propagandist in his free time
>imagine saying this on Yea Forums and feeling entitled for it
you are mad
I'm not the one telling people with different opinions to leave my safe space
damn you are very mad, I'm just curious why you chose to be a left wing faggot here instead of the rest of the internet which welcomes your faggotry
Huh, i don't know if you noticed but this is not your place, so its not really about protecting safe space, its more about not letting it turn into all the sites you people ruin. Please, kind sir, go away.
i chose to be left wing because /pol/cels started astroturfing every board and it made me realize what a bunch of dishonest, pathetic faggots are on the right
prime example