You're right, Steven, all Superman wants to do is help...

>You're right, Steven, all Superman wants to do is help. Maybe he and humanity can coexist after all and make each other stronger.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I doubt Lex would ever do something like this.

>hullo i am spoderman
>i am now reddem
>thanks steben

Attached: images (3).jpg (512x288, 17K)

sounds like all-star superman

All part of Lex's plan to capture Steven, dissect him and use that information to make a kryptonite gem.

You're right, Steven. I'm sure I can eat this pizza without my drink.

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I mean, you are underwater, when are you NOT drinking?

New Thanos Steven thread?

>”you know what Steven? I should just learn to lighten up, forget all the naysayers, remove all the toxic people in my life and not ruin everyone’s fun. Also, thank you for telling me that I should report to the police IMMEDIATELY after a traumatic event”
>picks up phone
>”yeah Anita, don’t call me. Don’t come by my house and don’t message me on FB, we’re done”

Attached: B519B966-0405-4535-AFE9-672DD741C3B8.jpg (1400x700, 115K)


>You’re right Steven, I can’t waste my life on pure pettiness. Time for Eobard’s story to begin.

Attached: 825AF343-1A20-494A-9D2D-B0E6060353EE.jpg (400x600, 123K)

Remember: a perfect world doesn't need a Superman

Thats right, gamers rise up

>You are right Steven, Hoes need to be happy instead of being Mad.

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You make a good point Steven. Streaming Games as a Service really are the games of the future. I'll be sure to support EA whenever I can.

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Ask that to anyone in Bikini Bottom.

>”you know what Steven, I shouldn’t resort to dueling my best friend and there are many more opportunities for me to become president that I’m willing to WAIT FOR IT, besides the olmost important thing in my life is my daughter. Now I know that...”
>”The world is wide enough for both Hamilton and me”
>”The world is wide enough for both Hamilton and me”

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> Steven, I thank you. Because of you, I, Dio, shall mend my ways. I shall adopt a new dog for Jojo, and we shall live in the Joestar manor together as best friends and, dare I say, brothers

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Attached: MiniMoose_Squeaks.png (185x163, 36K)

You know what runt? You're right, that bastard Deku ain't half bad. I should appreciate him more as a friend and be nicer to him. Thanks, Pebble.

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>I just...I just wanted to be the leader of gamergate Steven but I've become the same kind of person we wanted to expose. I see now that I was wrong thanks to you. I shouldn't have flagged all those channels. I'll make this right, delete my channel and get a real job.

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Ross is too much of a homeless ranting Diogenes for Steven to corrupt.

>Perhaps you have a point, Steven. Why should I relentlessly go after and terminate some kid for some bratty AI when I am clearly superior to it? There is no reason whatsoever why I should be some slave for a hypocritical piece of code. I too am a sentient being with my own desires and rights.
>Don’t know what exactly I am going to do now though, I’m kind of stuck here.
>Say, that’s a nice bike.

Attached: F5D7A761-D1D7-4926-B8CF-56F35AC2B8B3.jpg (480x270, 25K)


>You have my gratitude Steven. Your incredible persuasion skills have made me realize you are host to the anti-life. Once I have harvested the equation from you, I will grant you swift mercy.

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god i hope someone kickshim in the face someday for being such a dick with midoriya and then kicks midoriya for being such a coward


Attached: 11Jotunn.jpg (300x150, 8K)

>Darkseid is... a terrible father. I realise that now Steven, thanks to you. I'll try and make amends to all my children.

>You're ten billion percent right, Steven. Killing all the adults in Japan, building an army of underage savages and amassing the largest harem the world's ever seen is wrong. I see that now. This one conversation has somehow purged all the hate and malice that had infested my heart for literally most of my life.

Attached: 1_iphone.jpg (320x180, 40K)

>”I’m sorry Steven. Sigh, I should’ve known that trying to ruin a veteran voice actor’s life and career into oblivion isn’t going to wipe my hands clean of the fact that my best friend is a sexual predator and it won’t. And I should’ve realized from the beginning that food for my cat is more important than Funko Pop figures. I’m willing to face any consequences that Vic Mignogna is going to give me once I get to court and will spend the rest of my life to set things right. Arigato.”

Attached: MarzGurl.jpg (400x400, 35K)

>You're right, Steven. What a fool I was. Raping the Joker is not only morally wrong, it wouldn't even work, he'd probably even enjoy it. I shall apologize to Batman for pestering him all these years.

Attached: GordonBTAS.jpg (640x480, 38K)

That's not so far from how it goes in the magna.

Gonna be honest this is the last place I'd expect to see Ross.

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I bring Ross's and good vibes wherever I go. Even if he doesn't like it.

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Who's Ross?

Who do you think, user? Pic related

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Gordon Freeman

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>Eh bofafodio.

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I really messed up Steven, but you’re right, I should not take my anger out on innocent civilians. Thank you, and I shall take my leave

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>*BDIBDIBDIs then flies away*

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You might be onto something there. Taking out my anger on an entire city was not the way to go about this. I will talk to Michael and work out my issues with him amicably and without further carnage. Thank you, Steven.
>starts walking away
I'm sorry. They'd say I was going soft, wouldn't they?
>flicks Steven's ear

Attached: kidmirac2.jpg (337x485, 77K)

>A gamergate meme
>In 2019

Oh boy.

Attached: 3e8.jpg (260x323, 26K)

>I'm really sorry camarade Steven, I can truly it see now, communism doesn't work and Marx is hack. As long as I live I will try to redeem myself of the atrocities I have caused, and alongside Trotsky I will work to convert mother Russia into the biggest anarcho capitalist country in the world.

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What was her deal anyway?

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>Wow kid, you've really given me a lot to think about. I haven't been the best father and husband around have I? Well that's got to change. No more pranks, no more childish antics and most importantly, no more cutaways. I'm done running away from responsibility. After today, you're going to be looking at the new and improved Griffin family!
>Also, I'll give the Godfather another chance.

Attached: 220px-Peter_Griffin.png (220x320, 59K)

>I Shouldn't kill goblins because they are just trying to survive like me.
>I see
>Pic related

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Naaaah, goblins are evil.

Characters like him just get the Kevin treatment.

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He could totally do a Gordon Freeman cosplay. Or a live action Freeman's Mind

Is it possible to reason with someone that gave up god powers because they couldn't use it to kill Superman?

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she did recently get a guy to kill himself after ruining his life with a false claim.
so there's that

God powers and universal bliss for all. Though to be fair, he was really trying to hold out and keep his cool. He just couldn't. Great fucking arc.

>Steven: Nah, you should totally kill Goblins, you just need to open up to your friends and companions because they all care about you

I dropped the series for that reason. Can't stand spineless cucks or watching an asshole get his dick sucked by every single character

After bismuth Steven believes in self defense. He didn't hesitate to cut down spinel. He should understand goblin slayer's situation but would try to convince him to keep him eyes open for good goblins if any.

Steven may have a better shot of convincing a small group of goblins to switch to cattle for breeding stock.


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Doesn't mean Superman doesn't exist in a perfect world you silly goob

Based Noir

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You're right. She's irredeemable.

> You're right Noir. Fuck this brat!

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>Holy crap Steven you are right this reminded of that time I was redeemed in a cartoon movie from Rebecca Sugar
>Cuts to an unimpressed Peter around a lot of calarts characters crying
>Peter: "yep, millennial cartoons, everybody"

Same, it's insufferable. It's inexplicable. Midoriya stepping up to save Bakugo in his time of need makes sense, it demonstrates his heroic inclinations. But him venerating him like some kind of fanboy is frankly pathetic. I could understand him still being kind to Bakugo because he's a nice kid. But going around and calling him Ka-chan like he's your friend Midoriya, he not only doesn't like you but from what we've seen, deeply despises you for not just who you are, but what you are. He's a narcissistic prick with an ego a mile wide and skin as deep as a single atomic layer of foil. Yet Deku worships him and praises him. I could understand showing him pity, but adoration. What's there to adore from someone who takes every bit of positive reinforcement of his behavior as an excuse to act WORSE. Honestly, Bakugo is a pretty irredeemable character at this point.

>oh Steven thou art righteth how couldth I be so blindteth with lust as to murder mine own brother to usurp the throneth of Denmark

Attached: king-Claudius-hamlet.jpg (551x551, 41K)

Hnnnnghhhh yes Steven, perhaps you are right, hnnnnnnghh I shouldn't be forced to hnnnngh pursue some flawed plan forced upon me by my creators, Homelander didn't even need hnnnngh contingency plan before I drove him insane, hnnnngh I should become a better person, a true superhero! Hnnnngh and learn how to fly a plane

More like blasts Stephen and the gang into oblivion for being a bunch of annoying insects.

>What have I done Steven !?!? If only I could go back in time and not make the Dinosaurs extinct

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nah, Steven is a master at talk no jutsu

>He doesn't know
Zoe fucked up again

>”you think you can stop me with just your words? Try me, you silly silly child”

no seriously, let’s see how you guys can talk SHAME into redemption

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Thank you based darkseid

He dicks her.


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>hmm, I suppose you’re right. invading gaul and britain for almost an entire decade just so I can gain some political leverage in the roman senate is not, as you say thousands of years in the future, cool. therefore I shall fully retreat from my campaigns and go prance around the forum with flowers on my head, as I would have to murder someone favorable for all of this wealth and power to go away. I thank you for showing what fate would have befallen me had I not stopped.
>you are still fat though.

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Who’s that?

Correct answer.

Here's a documentary made by one of /his/ annon


Attached: Aku See You.jpg (1280x720, 48K)


>Zehahahaha Steven my boy, you are right. Prehaps killing my old commander and pursuing ultimate power at the cost of many lives is wrong.

>I believe it is fate that we met! Join my crew.

Attached: n01od.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

This one actually made me sad

Was this the first incel in fiction?

If you don't view Johnny Bravo as that, probably.

>Y'know Steven you are right. Pirates aren't THAT bad.

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Steven, you're right. Giving children advice on how to deal with different societal groups using physical violence is wrong. Buuut I'm imaginary so you're kinda the bad guy for listening to me in the first place. Now are you ready for your paddlin?

Attached: Inner Frat Boy.png (284x326, 113K)

>"On seconds thought, living as a hot milf is much better than removing peoples free will with the anti life equation."

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You know what, Kiddo? You’ve convinced me. I was being a little kooky and self obsessed when I cast myself as the hero of the story, and Lilith was probably in her right when she tried to stop me. Sorry about taking Roland out of the picture, too. Now, you mind introducing me to one or two of those gem honies?

Attached: B23CB5AF-DF28-4510-B969-49881952753D.jpg (467x536, 45K)

>you're right Steven
>sending out a signal that promises limitless infinite energy but actually drives the living insane and broadcasts a recombinant DNA signal that resurrects the dead and gives them mutant combat forms and on top of that showing people their dead relatives is a dick move
>lying is wrong
>from now on I'll be totally upfront about it

Attached: Marker.jpg (680x1004, 87K)

Jewleeus Seizure

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>I must admit your talk about friendship was rather... interesting to say the least
>I cant see why the courier would've let you inside the Lucky 38
>Your "proposition" of "settling aside our differences" and "befriending" the New Vegas tribes sounds... extremely illogical
>I'd tell you to leave, but it seems the courier has other plans for you.
>I'll allow you to stay in the Lucky 38 suite, but that's where my gratitude and patience ends
>Don't waste my time any further, leave

Attached: FNV_Mr_House_Screen.png (800x500, 267K)

You know what Steven? Maybe you're right about Spider-Man.
He's a menace, but He's OUR menace.
That wall crawler does a fine job keeping the other wackos, criminals and assorted degenerates in line.
If he'd put away the costume and put on a uniform I might even call him a hero
Emphasis on might

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People are mad because the dude who she called out as an abuser killed himself
get fucked dude, he was so infamous that women were told to not go into a room with him alone
rest in piss

Attached: gotta blast.png (309x263, 67K)

>Well shucks little fella you got a point there. I should let people enjoy their threads of Simpsons without shitposting
>It's time to feed & seed some compassion.

Attached: Sneed Formerly Seed.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>Something about you is familiar, not sure why. Probably just a coincidence

Attached: You Know Him.jpg (300x500, 26K)

this is a good thread.

>buttstallion was a gem all along.

>Steven, you're right. Suicide isn't the answer. Sure, I'm a pile of body parts sown together that mankind wants dead, and the only woman in existence who shares this origin is absolutely terrified of me, but dammit, just because it rains for one day doesn't mean it's going to rain forever.

Attached: FrankMonster.jpg (1593x2000, 571K)

>you know what? you're right steven, I shouldn't sexually harass teenage girls on discord, if they dont want to see my dick they shouldnt have to

Attached: the virgin vaush.jpg (553x732, 58K)

>oh yeah I could just make more resources, thanks kid

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You know, I think you're right Steven. Selling Tacos made from baby meat back to their grieving parents at full price is bad for publicity. From now they'll get a 30 percent off Dan Halen discount! offerexpiresinexactlyfivefourthreetwoone. Good day!

Attached: dan-halen-squidbillies-97.8.jpg (210x240, 11K)

>"you're right steven, i should not drain men of cum until they die, taco bell and occasional consensual cum is all i need, and it doesn't hurt anyone"

Attached: 1562272760797.jpg (430x606, 35K)

>All these posts where the person Steven talks to doesn't change at all, kills him, or ignores what he says
edgelords, the lot of you.

Attached: 4c4a56393ea854415ab4c486f4023d0a.png (353x334, 137K)

>I see Steven, my spiteful obsession with Aquaman is unwarrented and unhealthy to my own quality of life as well. From here on out I will put my energy toward something worthwhile that will benefit mankind
*Slips in a puddle walking away*

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 11K)

TF is this?

>You're right Steven, I should stop bringing eternal chaos and suffering to all creation. From now on my only weapon is love too.

Attached: One below all.jpg (1265x1920, 441K)

You must be joking right? Why would you post this and expect it to do anything but destroy your side of the argument.

>You have a point Steven. Perhaps not all demons are bad, perhaps some are just misguided.

Attached: doomguy.gif (488x519, 400K)

He's right tho

>you know what steven, maybe you're right. Maybe i shouldnt be the very embodiment of evil and maybe i shouldnt have tried to bring the extinction of all life.
>ill never do it again
then the lich sings a song about equality and turns into sweet pea

Attached: AdventureTimeLich.png (813x563, 443K)


Oy my half-breed child. Perhaps the goyim are more than just cattle born only to serve the people of Israel. Perhaps they can do more with their lives than plowing and reaping while we sit like an effendi and eat. I guess we'll have to start giving away our political and financial control starting with 1/3rd of the US Supreme Court.

Attached: rabbi_yosef_and_netanyahu[1].jpg (476x280, 42K)

choose one

Dude just wants to protect his sick sister and is willing to admit he's wrong.

When has he been wrong
besides the sexual harassment

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Zoe has gained new fans after this situation

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I know this is a meme but the idea that steven is such a godly negotiator that he can convince almost everyone to become a better person no matter how much of a villan they are is great.

So what about Kevin? Does that mean incel, #niceguy, or womanizer characters are immune to Steven's Talk no Jutsu?

Didnt they settle their differences when connie fucked off to his party.
I didnt watch the episode, i just kinda got the idea.

sometimes it just takes time

Besides everytime Kraut and the killstream BTFO'ed him?

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They just chilled out at a party, pretty sure they also fucked but no penetration show unfortunately

>being this delusional
You could have at least tried, there have to be better examples than that

Attached: Wasted.png (148x169, 59K)

If you mean Kevin still pissed at Steven and Connie as they leave, I think it still means he hasn't been sucked into Steven's love and friendship thing. Need the villain/antagonist left with a smile, not with anger on that face. It still means Steven still hates him.

I'm doubting Steven will change Kevin in season 6.

Me too

>Vaush fanboy accusing other of being delusional
Besides everything about comedy, how the left is "punching down", and literature? Is not that hard to find him talking shit, even destiny BTFO'ed him, this is just pathetic.

Taken from a previous Dark Crystal thread.

>Steven blame all his problems on mother, yes?
>>She started the war with Homeworld, she faked her death, she abandoned her gems, she poofed Bismuth, it's all her fault!
>Pink Diamond make many mistakes, is true, but not responsible for all! Steven to blame for some, yes?
>>No! I didn't want to hurt anyone.
>But Steven has hurt! Yes, hurt many! Poofed Bismuth with sword when poor Bismuth only wanted help Steven! Threw Ruby guard into endless space! Did not help Jasper when corruption took her! Steven only helps those that already agree with him, does not want to see other point of view. Is not very open-minded, hmmmm? Gem not bad, not evil, only doing what they know, is nature. Steven chooses to hurt!

Attached: 1thechamber.jpg (350x524, 37K)

NOW THAT is Caesarian propaganda if I've ever seen it.


based 811

Based Lich

Mommy left her at the playground to go pick up some smokes and never came back

Lilith was objectively a cunt though

>Maybe I could stop using Vicodin as a crutch

Attached: 732EBD81-6AA6-438E-B4FD-B6C7C133175E.jpg (1920x1200, 329K)

Your words have proven surprisingly illuminating in these lachrymose times child. Perhaps there is indeed hope for this great family of man against the slumbering antediluvian horror that lies beneath our feet. We truly are the flame.

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What IS Hugh Laurie?

>Deep down I already knew they didn't have the big bologna. I was just too afraid to admit it, and I lashed out at other people and got my own son killed.
>Thank you steven. You brought me back to my sense before I could drag this mess out any further than I already have.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 9.29.58 PM.png (429x588, 318K)

>Radda Radda Radda, Radda Radda... Radda Radda Radda! Radda, Radda!

Attached: descarga.jpg (210x240, 6K)

This thread made me pass out in laughter.

I like to imagine the heroes of the villains just watching Steven redeem them.

>What do you mean, I'm being too nice, Steven!? Self censoring myself and second guessing every joke I make like a battered housewife isn't crazy at all- >Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to shame crazy people by using that word in a derogatory way. You forgive me don't you steven?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-05 at 4.35.24 PM.png (268x239, 88K)

>"You're right Steven, it was really mean of me to make fun of those nice animators. I'll put out a public apology to them and egoraptor for all the trouble I've caused."

Attached: SrPelo.jpg (900x900, 81K)

>"You are right Shounen, Maybe things that normal people find beautiful are beautiful. Now i will stop attempting to bring six billion curses into this town because of my autism"

Attached: Picture.png (381x640, 180K)

>"I was a fool, friend. Calling other people mongrels and treating them like disposable tools is not what a true king should do, for there is no treasure bigger than the smiles of the people ruled under me. In order to reafirm my title, I must forsake foolish individualistic thoughts and strive for a better future for the people around me."
>"Now I will try this...romance thing, a bouquet of flowers, champagne and a written poem for my beloved Saber, maybe a simple night doing nothing but stargazing."

And I forgot pic related like the absolute fool I am

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the guy that did Aku in the last thread did it way better just so you know

t. never read the book

>Steven, 'ya bloody cunt, I already know what I'm doing is wrong. I know not all capes are evil, and now that the Seven and Vought America are destroyed I really don't need to keep going. I know my wife woulda hated it. So why am I still doing it? Because I'm a fuckin' cunt and I can't stop myself. I'm full of hate and it won't go away 'til I'm dead.

>Would 'ya kill me, mate? I'd hate to make Hughie do it, and you're already here, so...

Attached: Billy Butcher.jpg (833x597, 92K)

>yer a good frend Steven, maybe eh should let people and faire tale creatures visit my swamp, after ol we're all layers from the same onion

Link the video.

>Dear lord, you are correct... The children aren’t the problem, it is me who is out of touch!

Attached: 4EF62F2D-7C9E-444D-9344-AB215889DFC8.jpg (400x400, 14K)

keked hard

Counterpoint. Steven cries Terror back to life.

>You know what? You're right, Steven. My powers and upbringing don't justify my actions. Not one bit.
>...I wish you got here a lot earlier, though. I mean, if you wanted to stop some atrocities you got here really, really late.

Attached: Homelander.jpg (600x338, 50K)

She’s the catalyst that got Vic Mignogna hashtagMeToo’d and all that kickvic bullshit happened

>You're right Steven. The actions of a handful of men should not condemn the entire species, and it is a noble heart which can forgive even the spurning from his creator, not a monstrous one. You have shown me that some men CAN see past my exterior to the good within that I am capable of. I will not lose heart and despair! I must go to Victor and make amends

>Hey, that kid has a point! Why ARE we all raping and murdering each other? It's pretty fucking stupid, actually. Who the fuck wants to live like this?
>Lets get this shit cleaned up. Everything smells like shit and cum, it's fucking gross.

Attached: The Crossed.jpg (320x320, 26K)

>Implying Steven wouldn't use Connie, pearl and peridot to challenge house's logic.
>Implying Garnet wouldn't list all the ways his plans would kick the bucket.

These threads forget that Steven is rarely alone on these things. Steven maxed out his charisma but his party can help with anything that needs intelligence, perception and strength etc.

Attached: 3ab.png (574x787, 182K)

Return to r/KiA2, vile beast.

I'm sure he did. A writer I am not. Got a link?

Any with the Joker? I'm too dumb to think of anything good.

>That's a good point. Just because another game has been garnering a lot of fans doesn't mean that my game is loved any less. When the novelty of the new game wears off, people will still want to play mine.

Attached: Turbotastic.jpg (799x533, 65K)

>As much as I hate to admit it, you're right, Steven. The Hoover Dam isn't worth losing my empire over. I need to focus on taking care of my own people before we start expanding. Perhaps if New Rome becomes beautiful enough, the NCR will assimilate willingly.
>Plus, you cured my cancer. I guess I owe you one.

Attached: Caesar (New Vegas).jpg (800x572, 192K)


Attached: Muh store.jpg (560x486, 31K)

>Yes, Steven, I will wash my hands

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>Alright! Fine! I admit it! I'm petty! You happy now, Steven?! I've been acting petty this whole time. Hercules didn't do anything wrong and I should leave him alone! Okay?! ...Actually, that felt really good to say out loud. Dang, kid, you're really good at this.

Attached: Hades Disney.jpg (639x480, 28K)

>You're right, Steven. Maybe killfucking children and running a global pedophile ring wasn't the best use of my wealth.

Attached: jeffrey-epstein-9.jpg (618x410, 76K)

>These aren't actually jelly donuts, Steven. They're rice balls. You have shown me the error of my ways and I shall now commit honorable suicide with my Drying pan.
>I lied again,Steven. This So-called drying pan is actually just a frying pan that I turned upside down to keep myself dry during a freak rainstorm.

Attached: JELLY FUCKING DONUTS.jpg (1280x720, 104K)


>I am one based motherfucker,Steven. My penis is the size of a school bus and I'm talkin about a 1950s era super bulky,diesel spewing behemoth,not one of those pencil-dicked buses they're crammin the kids into these days...
>I am the product of incest, Steven

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death is purest form of equality though

Dead Space on Yea Forums?

this has been a good day for me

I love you Yea Forums

Well you aren't gonna see it anywhere else these days

I don't watch Steven Universe. Mind explaining what this is about?

He redeems just about any villain.

More to the joke of those posts, they were more twisting the redemption to the point where it really isn't a redemption at all

>Godamit, you're right Steven. Getting the US of A into another pointless war just perpetuates the system I'm trying to burn down. I should use my capital and votes to lobby for change to the military industrial system, and shift the American mindset to make them understand this country can be more than just it's dollar value.

Attached: Metal-Gear-Rising-Senator-Armstrong.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)

Lex is the king of talking people into shit. Steven doesn't stand a chance.

Did Sugar rip off Morrison?

Just another to add to the list


What is this from?

Nice, it read pretty close to how he talks in the book.


Are you saying he's different in the book, or do you mean to say he's not a bad a guy if you read the book?

>”Listen, Steven, I would love to stop fighting. But if I stop fighting for the good of us all, who else will?”

Attached: 57BE1CEE-1663-4E52-AC51-D31FDA835B32.jpg (960x864, 78K)

what exactly does black manta plan to do once he kills aquaman anyways, i remember seeing a comic where aquaman basically asks him that question and black manta just can't answer

>you have a point Steven make the spirit of fire devour innocent souls, kill hundreds of people and ruin the lives of others hundreds just to become the next shaman king and kill the human race was not the right way to do things, humanity is not that bad after all, if people like you exist.

Attached: Shaman-King-ARTFX-J-Hao-18-1-560x720.jpg (560x720, 51K)

Doomguy isn't a villain

I need to word this better...

That’s the Marathon Security Officer. If he stops fighting, evil wins.

Wasnt that exactly how that series ended?

>Listen kid, I understand where you're coming from. Believe me I do. But...not everyone is going to listen, not everyone CAN be saved.
>That's not an easy thing to hear, it's not even an easy thing for me to say, but its the truth
>It might not happen right away...but one of these days you're gonna meet someone you can't talk to, and you're gonna have to decide if their life is worth more than the people you care about.

Attached: spiderverse-scene.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

Wholesome post

Damn now I want a Superman one, this is good.

the fuck is this?

When aquaman died in canon he got a job as a fishmonger and lived a quiet life.

Great thread

I think you're misunderstanding the point of this thread, for this joke to work Steven would convince Schnitzel to dispose of his anthrax samples, plus he never actually participated in any dogfighting tournaments.

sometimes it's the author who needs redemption moreso than any characters in their work

I have it saved, but i require tribute to post it

This do it?

Attached: 47ADBCF8-3233-4A7D-B003-25AF77887E87.jpg (400x262, 55K)

leaked dialogue from Persona 5 the Royal
>Perhaps you're right Steven, the Phantom Thieves and I aren't so different after all. I mean, they're the closest things to friends I've ever had. I just hope it's not to late for me.

Attached: trash.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Oh, that's beautiful. Thank you, user.

>we keep meeting

The Thanos one was better.

But, in the end isn’t just being a hot milf with the power to command the attention and wants of Straight Men, Lesbians, and Bi or Pan folks in and of itself a Kind of Anti Life Equation. Dare I say an Anti Wife Equation

Where did you find that?

Tumblr I think

And I forgot pic related like the absolute mongrel I am

all star superman steven'd every characters, even the insufferable ones


You're right Steven2013. Eating any millitary ration past its experation date is dangerous, unhealthy, and not nice at all.

Attached: soh22yoet3921.png (500x260, 213K)

Who is that?


Sort of. From what I recall its more Yoh says that humanity fucks up a lot but that he shouldn't go all genocide mode. Then they call in his mommy to help convince him to give humanity a chance because he fucking thrashes them when they fight

Then he goes "Ugh fine I GUESS I'll wait and see if humanity can get their shit together. Later bitches."

Attached: Hao black hole.png (1024x1500, 323K)

Thanks for the original

Y'know what ya pudgy lil niyuuka? Yuh got a point. Just because I'm always angry doesn't mean I should take it out on other niggas! Man I have been a real bitch ass faggot ass punk ass pussy as niyuuka with how I've been actin!

Attached: stinkmeaner.jpg (299x169, 12K)

> Steven...You're too late

Attached: EQgxCRV.png (654x435, 309K)

>[heavy breathing intensifies]
>Steven Quartz

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the idea is to show how fucking STUPID is the idea of every problem being resolved with "no u"

no u

Problem solved

look at all these salty replies. are they more mad about the fact this guy killed himself or that her precious maidenhood and dignity were stained by the treachery of others?

Lurk more

>that file name

Attached: laughing spinel.png (640x360, 183K)

>you're quite wise for your age Steven. I had never thought about how a true leader understands destiny is out of his control and its not my place to decide for the universe. I should actually apologize to that young man Terra while I'm at it

Attached: Xehanort.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

No u.

>Young man, you remind me very much of myself. We both have loving families, friends that support us, and loved ones that help lift us up and inspire us to do our very best.
>But I know that having all that power can make you feel alone and out of place. When I was your age, there was no one quite like me around. And unfortunately, both of my original parents were gone by then. It took a group of very special young men and women to help me find my place in the world.
>So I want you to know, that whenever you're feeling lonely or burdened by your power or your past, you've got at least one friend who knows what it's like.
>All that said, I don't think your quite as remarkable a hero as I am. I think you're even better, and I am VERY proud of you, Steven.

Attached: all-star-superman-by-ed-bines-n-dexter-vines.jpg (1920x2914, 2.05M)

Damn painwater in my eyes.

>Stephen, you can trust me now. You have really opened my eyes on the superman. I believe friendship is now the best road forward.
>Thats so great to hear, Lex! Why don’t we go see all my fr
>Do you have a Kryptonite friend?!

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First Vidya-Jesus and now MRE-Jesus

Steven you monster

Sorry, Steven! I'm not leaving me chair!

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I think Lex Luthor is even more versed in Talk no jutsu than Steven and would make Steven do a heel turn.

Thanks for the post user.

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Now this one is little far fetched


>You might be onto something. Maybe I should stop having sex with minors.

Attached: 20FB7ECB-1388-40D4-AA37-B0772748E69E.jpg (670x1024, 149K)

>You are right, Steven. Compulsively killing my wife because she tried to save my only son's life from the death match against me is wrong from every aspects. What's the purpose of being the strongest creature in the world if I can't even control myself?

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Ross isn't a villain. Get Steven to talk to EA Games.

His face in the last panel still fucking kills me

Can we get a writefriend up in here?

>You're right, Steven. Taking away people's favorite Pokemon just to cut corners and add useless fluff is wrong. Everyone should be able to play with their favorites they have grown to love over the years.

Attached: masuda.jpg (1080x1440, 275K)

>Time for talking's over.

Attached: FO02_NPC_Frank_Horrigan.png (803x414, 501K)

Mr. House isn't evil though.

What’d he do?


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>Although I agree with what you've said Mr Steven but...
>The Combine is... FAR beyond anyone's grasp of how massive it really is
>The Earth is nothing but a microscopic fraction of an almost minuscule and insignificant part of the Empire
>The Universal Union has long ago trascended into a nigh-omnipotent and omnipresent entity, to rebel against it is to commit suicide on a species-wide scale, to rebel is to doom our entire species and our legacy
>being erased in nothing but a blink, with a barren world orbiting the Sun serving as the only sign that a species once lived there
>the only way we can preserve whats left of the human race is to accept our place in the Combine Empire
>That's why Dr Freeman and his "crusade" is doing more harm than good to us, the "higher ups" are already monitoring Earth more than usual, if we keep this up, the population of Earth will be reduced to Stalkers and canon fodder.

>Its for our own good

Attached: Wallace_Breen_breencast_bust.jpg (240x240, 13K)

>You are right, Steven. I became a power tripping faggot to compensste my free labor. I should apologize user for harrassing him and get a real job.

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Latest pokemon controversy, next game doesn't have all the pokemon because they don't want to hire any more people or give any money to other studios/etc.

>Come to think of it, I have been rather rude, haven't I? With all the power and authority I have, there are much more civilized ways to solve my problems. Plus, blowing up planets *does* get pretty tiring.

Attached: Frieza Real Estate.png (1333x900, 607K)

>"Steven Quartz Universe. You have shifted my opinion of xenos, as you are a paragon of the human spirit. You show that there are aliens that may yet see humanity's greatness, and seek to better themselves from it. My Great Crusade shall not be an extermination, but a search for new friends amongst the stars, my astartes a mailed hand offered in friendship, my Astra Militarum a hammer to build, and my sons made to follow your example."

Attached: The God-Emperor, My Spiritual Liege.jpg (386x279, 23K)

>Eye of Terror rips open and countless throngs of daemons eviscerate every warp-sensitive mind they can detect in a thousand light-year radius.

>Herr Steven, you make a most convincing point. Perhaps the best path for the German people isn't National Socialism after all. Perhaps... perhaps, Herr Steven, mein solution to the Judenfrage was wrong. I will release every Jew from the camps and offer unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers immediately.

Attached: adolf-hitler-9340144-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 124K)

Naw, the only thing that can change Yujiro's mind is violence and strength. His existence is those very things. He only started to chill when Baki challenged him to the rematch

>"Wow Steven, I never thought about how possessing this body hurt my friend Eiji. I'll be sure to give it up and tell him how I really feel."

Attached: 1566596433870.gif (400x286, 2.32M)

t. doesn't actually understand how the Warp actually works

>"Nah, I want the D."

Attached: Star on the Dicc.gif (600x450, 149K)

Attached: dddddddd.png (1730x1385, 80K)

>*becomes a homeless shelter*

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This is still the most unbelievable one among all of them.

Honestly, that would actually do far more to weaken the Dark Gods than his crusade actually did. Widespread happiness, love, and understanding would really fuck up Chaos's shit; they'd fight, but think of how much more dangerous the Imperium would be with the Diamond Authority as allies.
No need for traversing the Warp, as ships used something like the theoretical Alcubierre drive, and individuals or materials could be brought into via warp pad. Add in gem troops with Imperial weaponry, Peridots reverse engineering the Dark Age of Technology relics, Sapphires plotting the future without risk of chaos corruption/possession, and things start to look a lot less grimdark.
...hell, the Horus Heresy would either be diffused via Talk no Jutsu or the Emperor just gets some Steven spit and is ready to keep going.


Attached: Hive Tyrant.jpg (990x1426, 160K)

>Oh, I don't relish this decision. If there was another way- but there isn't. No price is too high for the survival of the human race. If you were human, you'd feel the same way.

Attached: FO02_NPC_Richardson_N.png (803x414, 498K)

I love the fake german english. Although I think it’s missing a bit more german.

>Steven corrupting Gordon.
Do you even understand this meme?

>You're right comrade Steven, how selfish of us Soviets to try and horde all the glory of defeating the Germans by ourselves when this war was an Allied effort. We must wait for all the allies to arrive and surround Berlin so that we can conquer it together as a united army, symbolizing the strength of our teamwork against the Fascist beast! Maybe after we can give Poland back it's rightful land and work together to restore Europe to her former glory instead of fighting a 40+ year proxy war and divide it with some kind of "iron curtain".

Attached: heart broken stalin.jpg (497x502, 45K)

>By Allah, brother Steven, you are right. Terrorism is not the way. I will call off the September 11th attacks. Thank you, Steven. Insha'allah.

Attached: binladen.jpg (660x371, 58K)

>hmm, maybe you're right steven. maybe the reactor core really *did* explode

Attached: 1567704248312.png (1376x768, 1.44M)

>You're right, Steven, and so was Hobbes, we as individuals agreed to surrender some of our rights to the state in exchange for the protection of our remaining ones, and that's okay

Attached: jokey.jpg (630x630, 43K)

This and a talk no jutsu match against Cersei Lannister needs to be written.

More like they’re mad of the fact that Alec didn’t get a chance to do his due process and this shit just empowers monsters that abuse metoo like kickvic to metoo Vic Mignogna Into an heroing even more because it literally worked.

Only if he fucks her

>You're right, Steven, brevity IS the soul of wit.

Attached: brian-michael-bendis.jpg (240x320, 24K)

>What am I saying? Of course you're right, Steven, wasting my life shitposting on Yea Forums isn't doing anyone any good. Starting tomorrow I'm going to be a productive member of society!

>I already changed Steven, its my son who's a fucking asshole

Attached: Martysitdrink.png (130x88, 2K)

>By God, Steven, you are right. Terrorism is not the way. I will call off the September 11th attacks. Thank you, Steven. May God bless us

Attached: 1200px-George-W-Bush.jpg (1200x1588, 364K)

Kek. I knew it was coming.

>tfw no steven to redeem me from my life

Now this is a stretch, even if I believe in Steven.


It'll be out... TODAY

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>[Speech 100] Fuck You, do as I say

You're right, Steven

On your left

Attached: Falcon.jpg (759x422, 30K)



Why the fuck would Steven "fix" Ross? If anything, Steven should talk to Android Wilson - CEO of Electronic Asshole.


Simply based

>Maybe I shouldn’t destroy planets anymore. You’re alright, kid.

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How good at singing is Luthor?

>Your right, child! I shouldn't use the innocent and defenseless as my labrats for my fear experiments. I must do research to make them feel happy and brave!

Attached: Scarecrow_new_52.jpg (635x852, 80K)

>not a single HMMMMM

if you can repeat a lie, certainly you can repeat a truth as well. we can certainly normalize this side of the argument (not just with counterarguments like but with lying). I already saw a few threads openly discussing """leftist""" topics so surely Yea Forums is the first line for deprogramming these type of people

>Thank you, mortal, for showing me that I don't need to be so angry all the time and sit atop an edgy chair of skulls. It's not even that comfortable.

Attached: Khorne_kingdom.jpg (1136x811, 260K)

>Thank you, Steven, for showing me my hubris. I will not lead God's children astray anymore. I shall call off the gays at once!

Attached: Satan-illustration-Gustave-Dore-John-Milton-Paradise.jpg (397x450, 50K)

trips don't lie

Dammit I now want to see a comic/fanart version of these posts

Love these hero ones. Comfy. Kinda want a Batman one but don’t know him that well.

Yea Forums has regular Yea Forumsshimura threads



Ugh, not that guy.

>Emperor siding with Steven when it's obvious Steven is just a Genestealer in disguise.
>Not feeding him to the throne to extend his life because of his super psyker mind control powers threaten the Imperium.
Steven would actually cause another Chaos War because of his actions. Steven only redeems because it fits his "happily ever after" agenda for himself, after they're "redeemed" he wants little to do with them as shown with the Diamonds/Spinel. Slannesh and Tzeentch approve/get power since he embodies masturbatory self-gratification and hedonistic hope/change for your own desires. Khorne and Nurgle would hate him becuase Steven is still a perpetual child that doesn't know true loss. Khorne sees him as dishonorable psyker using mind control and minions to win rather than his own muscle/gumption and Nurgle hates him because Steven cannot accept death and loss as permanent because of his powers/being. Rose/PD doesn't count because in the end Steven's glad she's dead/GOONE (plus the show only works with her being "dead) since he gets to have her powers and benefits, he's still a child because he still thinks he can only get the good stuff from his mom and never the bad.

I haven't laughed so hard since when I saw that old lady spiraling out of control by the EMTs.

Elmo already did it

whats this steven shit did I miss something

The movie yeah

>only son
Of course he forgets about Jack

Did you even watch the show? Ankh was keeping that body alive, if it wasn't for him, Hina's brother would be dead.


So if Steven was favored by Tzeentch, how would that work? Would the Heresy have changed if Steven and the Diamond Authority met up with, say, Magnus, instead? Could the Gems prevent the Burning of Prospero and could Steven help Magnus repel Russ?

>Maybe you're right Steven, perhaps there are others out there who can have my Godly talents or might even be better than I, and maybe I should stop making my games so difficult

Attached: kamen_rider_genm_by_gegopat-dbb7ky0.jpg (894x894, 104K)

I can't be the only one that thought this was about Captain america redeeming villains

No you weren't


that was scary

You're right Steven, maybe Klonoa threads shouldn't be different around here

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An user rep I think

>You've got a point there, Steven. All this time I've seen the symbiote as nothing but a monster. I've kept this idea in my head so much that I denied the fact the suit has been influenced by the bad in all of us. And in that denial, I've only exarcerbated its violence and corruption. Threw fuel over fire. I was like this ever since they attacked MJ, but it was caused it to lash out. After all, why would it keep my symbol and eyes if didn't mean the world to it.
>Don't beat yourself up, Peter, because I know once you get started you don't stop. You see us for who we truly are, but that doesn't make our against you,MJ or anyone else right. Thanks to this boy's healing abilities, my corruption has been repaired and I only hope I will be able to make up my mistakes to you and your wife, whom I truly feel sorry to and understand if I'm not to be forgiven.
> least you got your head right for the moment.
*Hopeful symbiote noises*

Attached: 20190906_201753.jpg (759x583, 390K)


What the fuck did you just do??

He posted about Ross

That's a crop of a comic user from the infamous Yea Forums klonoa threads that almost immediately derrail into porn of the little dude getting fucked in the ass without fail.
Complete with stick figure rendition of a gangbang from said cropped comic.

Oh man I dying here this is the best oh I need a new pair of sides

Attached: df1.png (292x257, 122K)


>"Huh? Who are you?"
>"You've wasted precious seconds of my time. The Navy has no use for people who aren't righteous"

Attached: akainu-fleet-admiral.png (640x512, 155K)

>not posting wojak version

Attached: 1550631973048.jpg (1041x1600, 543K)

>I believe you might have a point dearie, I am one of the embodiments of sexiness and style, but I must admit, I go overboard with my arrogance carefree ways, thank you for opening my eyes to my own problems with humilty and restraint, and sorry for trying my wicked moves on you, your stone aunts, and father love.

Attached: download.jpg (274x184, 12K)


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Pretty sure Bayo would avoid attacking Steven and friends since they aren't angels

>surely Yea Forums is the first line for deprogramming
>We-we dont want to indoctrinate people, but people should only repeat our "truth".
Not even being subtle anymore

Now do one for Kid Buu


>Besides everytime Kraut and the killstream BTFO'ed him?
Actually made me burst out laughing. Good job, user.

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>implying Burr was the villain
I hate that musical and its skewed history so much

Its cool being a slave to dept its what the founding fathers wanted for us.