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Good story based on good radio show, most likely. Yang has yet to disappoint.
Now fuck off.

This again?

>comic is going to end up making Trump and people who voted for him akin to the KKK

no thanks I'm tired of comics attacking my political views

And nothing of value was lost.

it's based on the radio show.

Little snowflake, grow a backbone.

It's the current year though.

Is it out yet?


Yang doesn't give a fuck. Fuck off.

gurihiru is shit but they draw a good superman

You too are in the Yang Gang?

trump and people who vote for him arent the kkk
they are nazis

So? That doesn't mean they aren't going to change parts of it to fit the current political climate.

DC would never do that, user. :^)

It's not even out yet, fuck off you drama baiting twat

>I'm not part of the KKK!
>An attack on the KKK is an attack against me and my beliefs!
Guys, has /pol/ been ironic this whole time or are they actually this retarded?

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Gene has a gang? I'd fucking join if he tells me more New Superman stories.

Even more retarded than you can imagine.

KKK isn't even a threat anymore it's just stirring up shit against someone who can't fight back

How so?

What’s really fascinating is how the first Latino person to ever exist was the bastard rape baby of Hernan Cortez and his slave. Cortez did more damage to the natives of the new world than English settlers could have ever dreamed of and so if you want to point at descendants of anyone in the past and say that the are the original sin of America it would make more sense to point at Latinos (especially those names Cortez, like the woman who encourages blame whitey shit like this) who have never really paid for the actions of their conquistador ancestors. The people currently conquering lands and making demands while if there is a KKK they are drinking beer in a trailer.

That's just what a KKK nazi incel DRUMPH would say

The klan didn't persecute chinese immigrants in the 40s and this story is entirely self-serving for the author.

It isn't so much they're upset at attacking the KKK. They're upset they're being conflated as the KKK just because they voted for Trump.

Actually retarded

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I have this "Superman smashes the Khan" shop with Kamala idea I've been procrastinating on for like a month

>The klan didn't persecute chinese immigrants in the 40s
They did in the 50s, which is why the radio show used a chinaman (also because people hated the blacks). He's pushing back a few years and rolling in some McCarthyism sentiments. It's not a big deal.


Superman Smashes Antifa sequel when?

Fucking do it before someone else does, you daft cunt.

Fuck off idiot

Why am I an idiot? Antifa uses openly racist tactics against the people they disagree with. They've turned Portland into basically a battle ground. They're pretty bad user.

>Superman Smashes Antifa sequel when?

Fool, Supes IS Antifa

Also Antifa isn't a single organization like the KKK but a movement with one goal of being against facists.

there's that old fashioned fascist propaganda goin around again

do it

>a movement with one goal of being against facists.
>by attacking vets who unironically fought actual nazis

So Superman beats up people because they voted for the person he didn't? I don't remember Superman doing things like that.

I'm not beating you up, doxxing you, or trying to get you fired because you disagree with me.

not all facists are nazis, but all nazis are facist.
And America is honestly pretty psuedo facist with it's military and lots of vets are fucking facists.

>straight pride is fascist
lmfao, shoulda stuck to your faggy west coast

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why is the KLAN against that white girl?

You do know America actually fought against actual facism right?

I was assuming she's Asian, actually. But if she's white, maybe she's just Catholic.

It fucking is straight boi
Only when they got attacked by Germanys allies, before that there was tons of people being pro-nazi shit in the US and racism was till flying high, heck Captain America got blasted by American Nazis when it was first released, only after they joined the war did that die down.
And this is not mentioning Americans fucking scrary police force or how America will find reasons to invade countries, if it ain't facists it's on the edge of being it.

>because you disagree with me.
Thats a very nice way of saying "why can't I hate minorities in peace? I want them dead"

I think shes Chinese.

since when does the klan care about asians?

I can't imagine how the storytime will go

after inspiring it the the point they were forced to no longer ignore their abomination, yes. you can always count on the americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.

Wait, so Superman goes to places where nazis may or may not be to smash cars and beat up random bystanders?

I don't remember this.

>Thats a very nice way of saying "why can't I hate minorities in peace? I want them dead"
I didn't need you to outright prove my point about conflating Trump supporters with actual racists but I appreciate the sentiment.

Does anybody outside of the far-right give a shit about US antifa?

The people who live in Portland surely don't appreciate their city being shut dowj by milkshake wielding retards every other weekend.

>you can always count on the americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.
I know it took us awhile, but we managed to finally put those japs into concentration camps where they belonged.

I guess it depends what you mean by "give a shit." I'm not far-right but it disturbs me how enthusiastic they are about violence. Ever since I saw that video of that guy smashing a bike lock over that other dude's head I've been disgusted with Antifa.

>Does anybody outside of the far-right give a shit about US antifa?
They're pretty much universally hated by anyone who isn't part of them.
Even other communists complain they make them look bad.

Probably the people who own cars or businesses that got trashed, or the random people that got assaulted.

Then stop having cringy political views XD

>A city /pol/ hates and has constantly said they wish it was burned down/nuked/bombed because it's one of the more left leaning cities in america
>All of a sudden it's now "THOSE POOR PEOPLE!!!" just to stick it to ANTIFA

Why is /pol/ unable to stick to thier beliefs

then maybe they should avoid supporting the same people the KKK support

Well stop having the political views of the Klan

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Portland is such a far-left shithole that I doubt Antifa even stands out.

>left leaning

>guys can you stop attacking the KKK. It makes me feel uncomfortable about my political views!

Either admit you’re a shithead internet racist or go kill yourself

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Libertarian norwegians

>b-b-both sides are bad!
>if the US right had the kkk, surely the US left must have something equivalent!

Where exactly do you think you are?

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you know hitler was a vegetarian?

Portland actually has a problem with neighboring area with white supremacy groups and others groups popping up in Portal, but keep assuming it’s some sort of antifa egg laying breeding ground

>I swear Portland secretly supports Trump by now!

But vegetarians don't call Hitler their God Emperor.

No, I merely find it funny how the term "radical leftist" is never used, not even to refer to rioting, America-hating anarcho-communists.
That's just "left leaning"!

Vegetarian here. Yes, we do.

If you keep calling Joe Biden a radical communist, don't complain when nobody wants to use those terms.

irrelevant. Why would be anything hitler was if you are not a nazi?

But I didn't call Joe Biden a radical communist. I'm pretty sure he isn't part of antifa.

I guess it could work? I don't how the Klan could put up a fight against Supes unless they somehow gets their hands on some kryptonite, which would just be campy and comedic. This would be more interesting if the Klan actually had power. It's a total shell of what it used to be and is more of the butt of a joke nowadays with no one representing it but dumb, ignorant trailer park whites.

I'm guessing Superman must be going back in time on this one? If that, it just feels like some kind of sad, masturbatory wish fulfillment.

Trump has denounced white supremacy and the KKK by name multiple times on national television. I agree with those denouncements. Maybe you should stop calling people racist without evidence proving they actually are. Or better yet, let's stop devaluing the word racism by calling anyone who disagrees with us a racist.

It's based on a radio show.

Joe Biden isn't a communist. He's just a silly old man who keeps saying shit to get him in trouble. Bernie Sanders is an outright commie.

It takes place in the past, it's not the modern klan

>If you keep calling Joe Biden a radical communist
No one has ever called Joe Biden a radical communist, he's such an establishment democrat it's not even funny.