Why were they better villains than the FUCKING diamonds?

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They had more time

Hey question how come Yea Forums is 50% smash threads and people complain about smash but Yea Forums is 75% SU threads and mods don't do shit

spinel had an hour and 1 and 20 minutes?
how many did the blue gremlin get? a couple of episodes, maybe 40 or something
lapiss is shit who cares.

what was even the point of introducing Aquamarine and Topaz, everyone was convinced they'd be reoccurring villains or something but they were quickly dropped into the off-screen void as if they never existed in the first place

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The Diamonds weren't really villains, they were family members who had a personal stake in Pink's well-being who were roped into a massive misunderstanding that she orchestrated. They were antagonistic but they could be reasoned with because of that personal connection.
Lapis, Spinel and Cirno either didn't have a personal connection to Steven or didn't care about their personal connection to Steven and had their own agendas to carry out either despite or to spite that connection, so the resolution couldn't happen in a way that you found unsatisfying.

The movie just came out so SU is allowed to go a little crazy for a couple of days.

The Diamonds are kinda boring

>lapiss is shit who cares.
NuLapis - original villain Lapis was great

Attached: Lapis-withoutwings.png (1094x1730, 45K)

Because Smashfags are much much more annoying than SUfags.

It'd be a massive wasted opportunity if we don't see Aquamarine before the end
Which means we definitely won't be seeing her again

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oh yeah! aquamarine and topaz existed!

because the diamonds were right in everything they do

This didn't have to happen. All the mods need to do is allow the concept of generals back on to Yea Forums and then the autism would be contained.

Both are equally annoying

On-screen presence.
Lapis was the first non-corrupted gem whose actions were potentially apocalyptic.
Spinel has palpable tragedy to her character, not to mention a dynamic design thats both whimsical and terrifying.
Aquamarine's nonchalant smugness combined with Topaz's stoic efficiency showed just how outclassed the CGs were. Flatter than the last two characters, but still with impact.

Zarbon and Dodoria didn't become recurring villains, why would they?

Lapis was good in the first episode she was in. Every subsequent appearance she was annoying, including the next episode.

This. Allow generals while a show is airing and there will be an end to this horror.

Generals are shitty circlejerks of namefags and tripfags guzzling each other's cum and creating increasingly niche communities divorced from the rest of Yea Forums, I'm glad that mods cracked down on them because they're absolutely trash, and that's where they belong.

How was Lapis a villain? Replace her with Jasper and I'd agree

>a movie from a show very popular within the board came out recently, but I can't explain this spike in activity and HOW COME MODS ARE NOT DOING SHIT ABOUT IT


>How was Lapis a villain? Replace her with Jasper and I'd agree
Jasper is an antagonist

>The pupil of your eye can expand as much as 55% when looking at something you love


The top and bottom row are 2 different scenes.

Lapis was never a villain.

>Lapis was never a villain.
so trying to kill steven was just for fun

Lapis almost completed Spinel's job thats how shes a villain.

It was some misunderstanding that lasted for a few minutes.

>It was some misunderstanding that lasted for a few minutes.
she was a villain for one episode and it was great (everytime a character gets redemption the character gets boring)

this makes me sad since aquamarine is super cute and her gem placement is pretty good like the tear drop and i like how she didn't take stevens shit either

>she didn't take stevens shit either
She, Jasper and Kevin

Attached: Kevin.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>how come Yea Forums is 50% smash threads and people complain about smash
Because the complaints about smash threads are being made by the people making them.

Steven made the diamonds too hax to have any actual fights, I mean Blue can make you kill yourself, Yellow is destablizer, and White can borg anything with a gem.

Having the main villain care about you more than anything else in their lives and the entire conflict revolving around a disagreement of what is best for you seems rather unsatisfying.

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Zarbon and Dodoria also had more than two episodes and appeared in an OVA.

Plus she was cracked still, wasn't she?

Yea Forums - random

Chill out already

I think they realized they made Aquamarine way too obscenely powerful and needed to write her off completely if they wanted to keep the plot going without the gems immediately getting stomped

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The mods don't do shit about half of Yea Forums being smash threads either and a movie is a much bigger and rarer event than nintendo simply announcing or hinting at something.

She was pretty broken. I mean, at that point I imagine they had Rose is PD idea fully fleshed out so that means she can freeze diamonds with that shit.