Would Star Vs have been better if Marco and Tom were girls?

Would Star Vs have been better if Marco and Tom were girls?

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Only Tom, maybe.

fewer pathetic CHIs would be self-inserting as Marco, but lots of angry people would be outraged by the lesbianism.

My dick says yes. The porn would have been better

star should have been a boy

but Marco is a girl, op

What? Marco is a girl.

No, you dumb tranny.
Go raise that 40% suicide rate.

Make Star a girl and the story would be even more wrenching

Is Star still a girl?

Attached: S2E32_Star_Butterfly_turns_into_Boy_Star.png (1920x1080, 636K)


It would have been entertaining as fuck and Star would be universally hated

>would the show have been better if everyone was a girl?

it would be pretty hot

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>Would Star Vs have been better if _____?
The answer is always yes.


Then you’d have to make Star a male, and then the show would be legit unwatchable because there’s nothing cute about a legit cuck.

>this scene shows up

Attached: e50e8ef738b1b298bcef759d549b5f3fd4301cf3.png (1000x700, 593K)

Star looks like absolutely pathetic cuckold.

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That James would be an unbearable jerk.

Regardless of gender, Marco x Janna is always best ship

Never tag teamed some slut with your bro, eh?

>sharing girls
That’s pretty gay desu.

>Fewer pathetic SJWs would self insert as Star, but lots of angry people would be outraged by the white privilege