Primus goes political on new album.. sticks it to chuds on their new 12 minute pro Fauci single. Woah… did Primus just get…. Based?!?
Primus goes political on new album.. sticks it to chuds on their new 12 minute pro Fauci single...
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>drumpf bad song in 2022
Primus sucks
But this time I mean in the bad way not the good way Primus finds mean
please primus dont do this you were my favorite band
now they are legend based bro get wit it
>current year
post link bitch
floyd meets gabriel so far
I like them but I usually just roll my eyes and take it with a grain of salt. And I've been a long time fan since the late 90s at least.
its basically the same type of story he does, but instead of some weird drug addict its a Qspiracy cunt getting their unfortunate due
nice song
do you guys like this song. Joh gbe Fisherman
LOL OK take your ivermectin with your salt
Also right wing =/= qanon. The latter was a psyop and people got duped. I thought the whole was dumb from the start.
>band OWNS a bogeyman the feds and media made up completely
I can't see why anyone would defend qtards
I'm sorry
John the Fisherman
These are the kind of niggas who said the WMD not existing and being used to go to war for oil is “muh qanon conspiracy” to this day lmao
>take meds
deez meds
Still can't believe we voted that fascist dictator out, God really was on our side that day
Q user people are the kind who believed in WMDs back in the day
no, not at all
wmd people were literally lied to by their most trusted leaders like colin
Qanon people misapply scepticism in support of their fragile world views - totally different
>pro Fauci
oh man covid was so long ago i forgot that faggot exists
>Trump ever being a fascist
>God is on our side
Shit troll.
Politics aside, the song is boring.
Qanon people were lied to for ages so now they just believe the opposite of what the authorities say no matter how retarded it is. Nobody in the US actually believes in anything, they just deny whatever someone they oppose says out of principle.
Very saddened by this as a longtime Primus fan. Les kinda has that kidfucker energy though, this must be a cope.
there's something wrong with your boomer-genx artist bands if they haven't gone woke or chud yet
I moved to the south in 2015 for a sales job in the building industry before all this Q user shit started and although I've met probably thousands of Trump supporters I never once met any of these supposed "Q user conspiracy theorists". It seems like it's something that doesn't exist except in the fake online world and in the current media narrative. And believe me when I tell you this: these hayseeds talk politics and the n-word at the drop of a hat.
Now I understand my experience just anecdotal evidence but I seriously doubt the lead singer of Primus has met a Q user'er living in LA when I haven't met a single one in all these years of dealing with all these rednecks.
Just makes me wonder what this is all about. It'd be like U2 from Ireland suddenly dropping a Black Lives Matters album to protest racist police violence against black people in their country.
ITT: children getting upset over headlines
Technically that shit started here, then got bounced to 8gag where it was latched onto by schizos and then became a media boogeyman.
I've met a few people who buy into some of that shit in new england and multiple q bumper stickers.
Both sides believe equally retarded shit so whatever
>mocking qanon
That’s very problematic, it’s not nice to make fun of the mentally disabled.
primus was always based, you just finally caught up
les is one of those self absorbed retards that thinks he's the next coming of jesus
kek imagine being a middle aged sporkcore clownshitter and being so delusional you'd think people needed to hear your retarded take on politics
kek imagine being a braindead zoomer and being so delusional you'd think people needed to read your retarded take on middle aged sporkcore clownshitters
>Technically that shit started here
No it did not, the MSM said it did and your dumb leftist ass believed it just like you believe all the other lies they shit down your throat. The only ppl making Qanon posts on /pol/ are the same fed shills who make Trumpkike generals.
Making a post on is not the same as making a 12 minute song
this post in 1987
>LOL OK take your bactrim with your salt
whatever gets you by
>sporkcore clownshitter
I don't think I've ever seen such an accurate description of Les Claypool in my entire life.
>pro Fauci single
Wow, it must be great!! Just what I want to hear. A song about Fauci!
What the fuck is "sporkcore"? I hate you kids and your ephemeral slang.
Frank Zappa, King Gizzard, Mr. Bungle, Primus, the list gos on...
sporkcore has been on Yea Forums since at least 2015 newfag
yeah and so has fantano, who fucking cares?
lmao why did you asked if you were just going to seethe stupid bitch
do you think all anons are the same person or something?
Eeeeek. Trannies
oh ok i see, so you started seething at a conversion that didn't involve you like a fucking woman lmao
no, I saw some retard talk about 2015 like it makes them some sort of veteran of anything but some of the worst years this board has to offer. I guess I'll take this opportunity to remind you that youre a faggot
holy shit now you're seething even harder lmfao keep going
>Muh trannies
Who cares? Why even draw attention to Q?
>Primus - Conspiranoia (2022)
Lloyd Boyd was conspiranoid
Barking chemtrails in the skies
Claiming Bill Gates has put microchips
In all the chicken pot pies
Launching himself in his lawnchair
Proving the earth was flat
Microwaving his burritos
Now he always wears his tinfoil hat
Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia
Marion Barrion, contrarian
Felt Dr. Tony was selling her lies
So to keep from getting the big bad flu
She sprinkled cat urine into her eyes
With garlic cloves in her nostrils
And drier sheets taped to her head
Marion Barrion, contrarian
Is now stinking up a hospital bed
Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia
Can lead a horse to water
But you cannot make him drink
You can guide a fool towards logic
But you'll rarely make him think
Be wary of conspiranoia
As purveyors abound
For an open mind too open
Spills its contents on the ground
Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia, Conspiranoia
Let me tell you something about Betty White
That the lamestream media won't report
She died of a COVID booster shot
She was also Barbara Bush's secret sister
Cow dung will protect everyone
It's scientifically proven that cow dung is anti-radiation
This is a chip that can be used in mobile phones to reduce radiation
It'll safeguard people against diseases
Which leads us to chemtrails
Scientists and governments are seeding the atmosphere
Implementing biological warfare and population control
And geoengineering a race of superhuman Jews
We are ruled by a race of extraterrestrial beings
Who came to Earth around five hundred thousand years ago
In order to mine gold
They are a race of blood-drinking, shape-shifting alien reptiles
And have infiltrated the Bush family, Margaret Thatcher, Bob Hope, and the British royals, among others
This tells me literally nothing, you dumb memesters are ruining Yea Forums with your insular cliquish injokes. Kill yourselves and then get off my website.
aw, are we upset over getting called out? gonna cry?
lmfao keep going i haven't laughed this hard in weeks
Music is becoming more political than ever. Of course boomers lead the charge in attacking already dead movements: just look at Ghost hitting #1 in the USA with their anti-Trump stuff too. I'm sick of everything trending this way.
more like gayus
Well yes. The recent conflict in the Ukraine has shed light on his inconsistencies and incompetencies in international relations. This coupled with the permanent shilling of "muh trump 2024" has rendered trump, unfortunately, relevant.
Stupid frog poster
>The recent conflict in the Ukraine has shed light on his inconsistencies and incompetencies in international relations
lol what is this cope?
My name is chud.
Something someone who would post Ren and Stimpy reaction images would listen to