Is Spinel's story a metaphor for what Cancel Culture does to a person?

Is Spinel's story a metaphor for what Cancel Culture does to a person?

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Pink is a cunt.
Cancel culture people are cunts.
not a metaphor no.


I honestly don't see what the big deal is. According to YD 6000 years is like a couple years to us if that.

Alone. Standing. In a dying garden.

She's a metaphor for incels, a person who feels entitled to affection that they did nothing to deserve.Thankfully her character arc addresses that loves comes from inside so there is a positive evolution for the character.

not knowing if you did something wrong to your sister/mother/leader

hoping that maybe, in the next second, the wrap gate will activate

It's not much time to a diamond, not for a normal gem.

how old are the diamonds anyway?
how old are the crystal gems?
Amethyst's only a couple hundred years old and Peridot's era 2 so probably no more that 6000, but the rest could be billions of years old.

You could work it to that angle.

If you're a completely hateful shit-smear of a human being.

So Pink cancelled Spinel then?

If it's a metaphor for incels than Pink is women who feign interest in guys to keep their attention or cause they're scared they're gonna go berserk.

I was gonna call it a shit metaphor but it actually does kind of work

It works just fine, because the incel is the biggest problem in the end and the only one truly standing in the way of their development is themselves.

What is "cancel culture"?

But that's wrong; Spinel did everything to deserve affection from Pink, or at least a straight answer, but Pink just abandoned her at a whim.

If you cut a relationship or friendship off, spontaneously and without warning, you're not a good person.

it's a buzzword some boomer heard on facebook and started spreading around

>doesn't know the history of the bravest internet warriors traveling to the depths of twitter timelines to bring back damning 6 year old tweets and totally nail people who deserve to be drawn and quartered for having a slip of judgement
you'll be hearing from your employer soon for your behavior

A clever way for people to reframe censorship.

mob rule brought about when some cunt accuses you of some shit without evidence and you get social acid thrown in your face as a result. even if you can disprove the accusations the damage will already be done and you're probably better of an hero'ing.

Might be pouring some gasoline onto a fire but here:

No, it's about how not to treat your friends, ya dingus.

No she's a metaphor for Steven Universe fans and how despite being abused with shitty plot after shitty plot they still forgive the crewniverse and continue to consume this vapid garbage.

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>She also alleged that Holowka "jammed his fingers inside" her and walked her around by them
you can call her Zoe "Bowling Ball" Quinn

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Relative, 4000 years was quite a long of time being mourning Pink.

So standing around for a couple years waiting for someone who never intended to come back is okay for you?

It's a stretch, but I think it could be right .

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>I honestly don't see what the big deal is. According to YD 6000 years is like a couple years to us if that.
Pink Diamond's only crime was dying/killing herself.
Pink could have left Spinel on that rock for 600,000 years and it would have been completely fine when she returned.
>Rose Quartz, spent and exhausted, having heaved and pushed until a squealing meaty fuss of viscous limbs and flesh fused and affixed to what was once her own gem was now safely wrapped in the arms of her beloved Greg, began to fade into the dull quite abyss of oblivion. Too far gone for words, her last silent thoughts drift off to a lonely rock in the sky of her memories and of a game she left unfinished there...



It was a metaphor for me because that shit hit me like a ton of bricks.

It's not fair cartoons were supposed to stop making me cry after I turned 21.

YD neglected to tell Spinel that her and Blue Diamond were losing their shit over the 4000 years Pink Diamond was gone.

It really makes no sense when you realize that the Diamonds or at least Blue. Were all touring Pink's favorite spots after she died. You think they'd visit the garden she use to play in at some point in time.

Diamonds are not beholden to explain themselves to any gem, least of all a lowly fucking SPINEL.
The only reason Spinel hasn't been shattered is pure nostalgic fondness for Pink.
Spinel may be nutty enough to try and destroy Pink's planet but that's only because Steven has made it perfectly clear that she's gone and he's not their Diamond-- and as such, has no authority. In the presence of the remaining 3 Diamonds she straightened the fuck up and got real humble real quick.

There are limits.
Despite everything, Spinel knows her place.

Secret Garden was secret.

What the fuck is cancel culture

Sugar free, zero cal White Genocide.

We've seen her talk to the other Diamonds while in the garden. It was a poorly kept secret if that was the case.

It was more about the fact that Pink never had any intention of comming back.

Sounds like what whites did in 1921

I think people forget that Pink didn't have exactly the greatest empathy at that point in her life. People are treating this as if she intentionally wanted Spinel's fate to happen to her, which I doubt. Yes, she's a Diamond and she was her Spinel and all that, but still. PD didn't know everything.

The garden grew tho

>tfw I have only one friend
>if I ever lose that friend I'll be completely alone in this world
Fuck bros, Spinel actually made me cry.