What's your favorite slutty comics costume? Any era

What's your favorite slutty comics costume? Any era.

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Hands down it's reverse wonder woman

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This era of Starfire is probably the only one of these slutty looks I actually like (depending on whether or not you count the white crop-top and miniskirt look for Supergirl as 'slutty')

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Most of the witchblade costumes

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For me it's classic Vampirella.

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I unironically like the Discowing outfit.

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Not so much how much skin it showed but what it showed. Underboob and a bare stomach? Sign me up!

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Underboobs and sideboobs are pure art

Druuna's costumes were great.

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Most heroines get their costumes torn or ripped off by the villains. The Witchblade was /ourboy/ though and basically turned its wielders into exhibitionists every time it was used.

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Namor's new costume because he literally wears fishnets on his legs. its hot and slutty and i love it

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no contest

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It's just so ridiculous, like it isn't even pretending to be anything other than slutwear

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Goblin Queen's underboob was a new type of slutty

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I'm surprised this outfit was used for a new character.

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The Morrigan, but only because it's supposed to be sexy with the thong leotard
Otherwise my favourite "sexy" costume is the Classic Peej, but I don't really think that counts because the Classic is just a swimsuit.

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Pryor underboob worked me into a few shoots when I was a youngster brother

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Good times, good times...
>classic Vampirella
Double UNF-

Anyone else 'member her?

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Love this but sadly I hate telepaths so fuck this bitch.

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Axa is a strong contender.
Read a bit of it yeah

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>why does only have a thong on and some straps over her nipples
>so she can transform

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Betsy's definitely up there.

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Does this count?

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Gwepool is trash but her costume gives me stiffy.

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New52 Slutfire predated the current progressive era of comics, but even back then, there was a certain level of outrage against her costume. But I love this one. It's my favorite. Comic book Starfire has never been a character to embrace the concept of modesty.

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It was literally a bunch of fucking babies who only knew the goddamn 2000s cartoon and were LIVID that she wasn't that.

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I just don't like this one. Maybe she needs thigh high boots, or the bustier needs to be shorter, but as it stands, it imbalanced.

Love 11 & 15.

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>Maybe she needs thigh high boots
YES! Give it the taller boots from 10 or the 27s on this chart -

Remember, she was at her most courageous, selfless and heroic when she had her girls on full display and a neckline that stopped just short of cunt

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May not show THAT much skin comparatively but damn does it do it for me.
Personally a believer that oftentimes less (skin showing) is sexier.

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Maximum Carnage is rarely out of print for long, this costume will never be forgotten.

Cleavage is her good indicator

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Goblin Queen.

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