Ever got outrageous music related deals at a pawnshop/flea market?
I got picrel for $30 a couple years ago
Ever got outrageous music related deals at a pawnshop/flea market?
I got picrel for $30 a couple years ago
i am going to kill you
Haha yeah picked one of those up for a 100 and a bag of weed. Never use it tho.
dont, im a friend
ew loser
qrd on this mem? i saw it constantly posted over the last week but never checked the thread
i am going to sex you
>0 posters
wth is this a bot thred
i been waiting all week for a synth thread to ruin let's go trannys
I have such a cool setup but I'm not gonna post it for you fags
No one cares bud
you say that now, but you'd care if I posted it. which I wont do
>begging for attention like a dick staved bitch
lmao you're so thirsty
If I wanted attention I'd post my setup, you fags couldn't resist it
>If I wanted attention I'd post my setup, you fags couldn't resist it
lmfao how's it taste bitch
lol you're so mad I wont post it, it's eating you up inside, isnt it? Must suck not having anything to work with, huh kid?
My best deal was getting picrel from a bargain bin at a music store for something like 15$. I had no fucking idea about pedals at the time and since K had distortion on my amp I gifted it to a friend that had even less of a clue about guitars. Now they go for like 80-90$ in my country
lmfao now swallow it
Wow. What a fascinating story. No really, I mean it. Reading this post wasn't a waste of time at all. Nope, no sir!
Thanks, I do what I can to make this board whorthwhile
What a deal dude, I've got mine for 400 bucks right before the price skyrocketed, genius design indeed, the sweet spots in this are like unreal
I play real instruments
can't you stop being a homosexual for even a single moment?
I play with your mom
lmao how's it feel in your stomach ho
>9 posters
Check out my sweet setup. Notice the decksaver? That’s what it’s like to have a job, kids.
>posted from an iPhone™
lmfao you couldn't make this shit up if you tried
>butthurt poorfag can’t even afford a volca or iPhone™, never mind a decksaver
keep going
People laugh but it’s a nice little box. I use one with 303 and 606 clones and control it all with a Beatstep Pro.
Who gives a shit? You've never written a note of music worth listening to lmfao
But please feel free to prove me wrong, post a clip of your shitty music so everyone can laugh their asses off at the idea of you thinking anybody would care what gear you were using
You obviously cared enough to stop fantasizing about being touched by your uncle as a kid and make that post so…
Yeah it's a nice little box overall, but editing FM in that way seems like a fucking long and painfull torture user
>no clip
Does anybody really wonder why?
thinking about posting the layer of dust on my synths, as I've been playing guitar (and therefore writing songs) instead. but I'll wait a couple more months until it gets thick and impressive
based. turned back your trannyism
What are some good tutorial for learn production?
A Gibson SG for like $100 from a pawn shop because the girl behind the counter thought it was an epihone. Pic related.
I hate you
That's fine. I never expect to be liked just sort of happens that way sometimes.
i love gear, but that seems like a pain in the ass. why not just program drums with midi?
I got a pretty much mint ADA MP1 for £30.
Mfw I find a cracked copy of Ableton at the bottom of a box of Reese's Puffs
>I gifted it to a friend
>I've got mine for 400 bucks
super sweet deal. if i got mine for 600 id still be happy about it
>genius design indeed, the sweet spots in this are like unreal
sometimes i dont even program "beats". as a sampling synth its some of the highest quality shit ive ever heard
yamaha solved fm programming in some of their pss little keys in the 80s, with faders.
you ok bro?
repressing is never good. bet shes repping with "post punk" guitar shit.
bro take a breath
get reaper and toy with the stock plugins, or "purchase" the waves bundle and watch their tutorials on yt, start with limiting, compression and substractive EQ, youll cover a lot of production with that.
bro you're going to blow a gasket
Cringe retard fags ITT
>why not just program drums with midi?
i use it for synthesis
just picked these up for $1100 plus ship super chuffed
Try 21 smart guy
bought it for 100 euros. ridiculous price, had it varnished and replaced some strings.
lmao classic closeted homosexual post
wtf no way
thats what she said
Yeah. Blues junior iii for $200. Only problem is the reverb wasn’t working. Took it home and the reverb tank jack was just loose