OTP Thread

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Lapiven forever and always

get some standards

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This series when

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It's ironic how the only time steven isn't a faggot is when he's fucking his daddy

Beast Boy and Raven bring out the best in one another, and that's probably the biggest factor in a good fictional relationship.

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No other SW ship comes close

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Still the best

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the only steven universe ship of relevance

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>IZ gets new movie, which means new content
>Tumblr starts treating anyone ship involving the Membrane kids as wrong and evil, and they're going after fanartists who like those ships now
Being ZAGR is suffering

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That’s a little messed up

Ok have this instead since that's not to your liking

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Steg x Opal is the same ship squared.

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that's not Pink Diamond

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why do I get incest vibes from this show?

And have some cute with your afront to nature.

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>incest vibes
I assure you, it's all in your head

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that's a relief


didnt the creator of that show had a comic before about a cat and his mother or something like that?

Pic only semi-related.

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Enjoy the universe deting you, Gumball.


>Go back in time and steal your mom from your dad
>Teach your son the importance of crushing pink rabbit dumbasses
>Your son travels to the past

For a celibate monk he had some hella game.

>Your son goes back in time to crush his mom's puss
>Sees his son trying to do the same
>And his son
>And his son
>And hi-

All of my OTPs are self inserts.

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One does

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Absolutely based

Cannot be fucked with

She's not the worst but the most disappointing, and it's mainly Zuke fault


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no u

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I want to know which one was the one blinking at Pearl in that song. Because with Greg it wouldn't make sense and with Steven it would be creepy as fuck.

>I want to know which one was the one blinking at Pearl in that song


I think they meant winking

ohhhh ok
they were both winking, it was their fusion, so that means that it had no sense and was creepy as fuck(?)

Not entirely true, remember when Pearl fused with Rose? you could see Pearl pair of eyes taunting Greg while Rose's eyes where giving him bedroom eyes.

It was made by a sex offender.
What else to expected?

honestly it could've been any of them if that's the case

>Mettle gets fridged
>immediately forgotten and any drama it caused Hazmat is gone by the next series
Fucking Hopeless.

Steven is 16 he can double team with his dad

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Look up Eddie Puss lmao

Finally someone with good taste


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Kys beta self inserter

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Reminder that this is canon

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Marco is for Janna only

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God tier taste user

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Is this the migratory period of Perivenfags?

First of all, it’s Stevidot, secondly it’s like a fusion of Stevidot fans and Lapiven fans.

Pictured here: The reason you both are totally fucking retarded

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Ever heard of an OT3?

polygamy is haram and not wholesome and cute

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The best things in life are.


based user. thanks for reposting this

Thank you

>mfw both GregxPearl and StevenxSpinel are easily the most based ships

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>stretchy handjobs

>he wants steven to fuck spinel
>he doesn't want to fuck spinel
Steven wouldn't even fucking hug her, he blew her off the moment she turned off her injector

I'd inject-her ;)

i was going to make that joke but decided against it and backspaced. I respect that you had the courage to say something so brave, yet so controversial

This, Steven doesn't deserve her

For Spinel? Anything.

Attached: 2019-09-05 20_42_53-Steven.Universe.The.Movie.2019.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-RCVR.mkv - VLC med (913x933, 491K)

Not sure what you mean by this. Flug is a canon character who I don't really identify enough with to self insert.

lapidot is a shit ship and you should go back to tumblr where degeneracy like that is tolerated

ok retard

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Traded this for stevinel it's just that god damned cute

If gumball was an adult cartoon I could actually see an episode like this

Gumball goes back in time to steal his mom from his dad, fucks her, has an indentical kid who goes back in time to steal Nicole from Richard, creating some sort of pseudo time loop where let's just say for the sake of it it's a different timeline that the original gumball didn't go back in time to. So Gumball Jr. fucks his mom, has Gumball Jr. Jr. with her, Gumball Jr. Jr. goes back in time and fucks his mom, etc etc etc until the Gumball kids are such incestuous abominations that one goes back in time to fuck his mom and she rejects him for Richard, setting right the timeline.

Attached: eh sure why not.png (497x426, 320K)

>Gumball goes back in time to steal his mom from his dad, fucks her, has an indentical kid who goes back in time to steal Nicole from Richard

Sounds like pornhub to me

Even Amidot has more chances to become canon, Zuke. Get a job already

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They're already living together, it's over user, you lost

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The barn was literally uprooted and now they're living with Bismuth. It's dead on the water.

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I never said anything about the barn though. They still live together, even after their home was destroyed they still moved TOGETHER.


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Consider ORANGE

The OTP that was always meant to be. Gotta say it really opened my eye's this is pure magic.

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I hate Zuke so much. Lapidot is best ship but that rancid cunt ruined it for everyone.

>Listening to Steven's more mature male voice, singing along Spinel's feminine voice together
you know what I wanted.

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Fuck Nicball!

Penball is The True OTP.

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Penny is for cucking and nothing else

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all of this

ZAGR and ZADR and shit are twice as old as those little Tumblr kids, hell they're older than Tumblr. Fuck them.

replace steven with user

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Penny is Originally Intended to Be With Gumball according to Ben Bocquelet.

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They Won't Allow Sex on TV.

Would These Incestuous Abominations look Lovecraftian?

The same Ben who approved this?

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Did Ben Originally Intended Gumball to be With Nicole?

Wasn't it shown that he can manipulate time and reality? Maybe he has power over cause and effect too so he can ignore being erased from timelines.

*Steven and Spinel during hug*

Spinel: "Pink told me all about humans back when we were in the garden."

Steven: "Really? I hope it was all good stuff."

Spinel: "Um.. Steven? ...Can you do the thing where you put your penis ins--"

Steven: "NO!"

Amethyst: "Pffft hahaha. You're like the 4th Gem to ask him that!"

>Have the ability to manipulate time/reality
>Use it to fuck your mom

>otp thread
>turns into Steven shit and gumball shit
Never change tumblr.

> Crapidot

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The OTP in the OP’s image is Steven

why don't you just post your non-su non-gumball OTP instead of whining like a child

Teri is fucking dying

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We keep the fire burning bros

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>h...heh..why don’t YOU post something lol

steven literally was not trying to get down with spinel. i wouldn't even put my child near him after what he done to her

That shit hit my fucking heart dude.

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>likes zuke's shitty dead meme ship when the barn was the worst thing to happen to both characters
>calling anyone else retarded

It's funny how mad this ship makes people.

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I hope they stick together in season 2.

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more like
>stretching her vag so thin that it death grips your cock and you can't cum
>hear her whisper in your ear
>howsabout we play an EXTRA fun game user...

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>not Sombra and Mccree
You know Reaper and Fudgepacker 76 are going to become canon soon

Lol, glad someone else caught that.

is this gnomeno's new handle? I liked his porn

Crackships always end up being some of my favorites.

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>The Movie hasn't even been released for 2 days
>Already porn

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Wait until you see the guy who was complaining about how he expected more porn by now.

Canon is good
Wholesome is better
Both is best

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>Edd x Marie Kanker

user, you don't know what you're doing to me

Dipper x Mermando

But beans go well with rice instead of curry

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>Any Ed Edd n' Eddy ship

They are brother and sister, user...


After a certain black bug character from a certain show got porn before her introductory episode was even over I'm not surprised by anything anymore.

Forever and always.

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>cats pairing up with clouds

What a world we live in.

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Chrysalis from the hit show, 'Mo' Ponies, Mo' Problems'.

What’s the ship called and where do I find fanart of it?

Pickings are slim so far. But Stevnel seems to be it.

This shit makes me laugh so much

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Please, we both know DaTr is the only ship (but DaGr is okay too.)

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i see you, my friend

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lapiven is where the good stuff is user

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That's a threesome

Wait, are you saying finceline is canon?

The only possible answer.

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D-Did she just turn her kids into vampires?

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What are Dib and Gaz going to do when they're 18 and wanna go out on a date but their Irkin waifu/husbando still looks like an elementary school child in their disguise?

For me, its the Jaspethyst tribe.

Cute. Hope them in Smash will mean more of this.

Wouldn't they already be half Vampires if there her kids?

I like it but only if Lapis is emotionally and physically abusive and gas lights Peridot.

Changes are Zim can get away with flatout frenching Gaz, while Dib gets constantly called the police on him.

My nigga. I was alright with Rosemary, but John and Rose is just the superior ship.

Well, yes, but I can't deny the appeal of Grimdorks/Kan Heir.

Lapidot is cute. CUTE.

also this, sadly.

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hear, hear

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But Finn's first born didn't have Marceline's complexion until much later.

Porn? Of MY gemfu?

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real best ship, coming through

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>t. Self Inserts as Finn

Sure, if you like reducing characters to nothing but "dyke with love with the other".

What's the source for that gif?

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If you unironically enjoy this please delete yourself from existence

I love how this is always the go to for yurifags


No. We just wanted best boy to be happy. We just wanted best boy to have a fulfilling story arch. Instead, he got shelved for blatant lgbtq pandering. If you honestly don't think that's what happened, you're delusional.

True but a grand majority of the time you shipped him with Marceline. Personally I would have loved for Finn to get more focus, but I’m fine with no HW, romance in Finn’s life has never interested me. With FP it was kinda cute but that’s about it.

Finntress was best outcome though.

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Y'all are kind of missing the point and still reek of the shit that made Adventure Time start to suck. What pissed so much of us off is the fact that focus shifted from Finn, Jake and Adventures to relationship bullshit in general. To add insult to injury, the final not only had that, but was the perfect example of episodes where they make Finn and Jake take a backseat in a show where they should be center stage.
And let's be real here: the lesbians were literally only there for the staff to say "Look at us! Look what we did!!!" and get blown by hollywood award shows


this or TwiDash

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Imagine you know nothing about Adventure Time and the watch Come Along with me. If you were to do that, you would honestly not think that Finn and Jake are the main characters of the series. It is a little insulting to fans that watched the show from the beginning and couldn't give two shits who winds up with who, and about a plot line centering on characters created entirely to justify Bubblegum's tyrannical behavior, as well as a Big bad so impotent compared to the Lich, you honestly wonder if the writers even watched the first few seasons.

There were still adventures, you just stopped watching. The episodes with backstory are still a minority if you go through all the seasons one by one. We even got things like Islands which were both and nailed it perfectly.

>focus shifted from Finn, Jake and Adventures to relationship bullshit in general
It really didn't. Outside of a dedicated arc to it in season 5, AT didn't spend much time at all on relationship drama. Seriously, go look at the episode list.
>And let's be real here: the lesbians were literally only there for the staff to say "Look at us! Look what we did!!!"
I disagree. I don't understand what's so hard to believe about them just liking the relationship and wanting to do it.
>Finn and Jake take a backseat in a show where they should be center stage.
The finale had a lot of balls to juggle, so I can sort of understand why people are upset they didn't get more screentime, but they still got more screentime than anyone else. They weren't in the "backseat" by any reasonable definition.

> you would honestly not think that Finn and Jake are the main characters of the series.
Despite those two receiving by far the most screentime?
>as well as a Big bad so impotent compared to the Lich
That's fair. Though to be fair to them, they were cancelled with four episodes to wrap up everything. There's not a whole lot more they could've done.
>characters created entirely to justify Bubblegum's tyrannical behavior
I can't even be bothered to address how wrong this is.

What core is this?

Just stop responding. Yea Forums is forever butthurt the best ship won. Most of the people complaining stopped watching the show and throw buzzwords around to justify how it went to 'shit'. Just laugh at them and post cute lesbians.

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And there it is again. The anons that can ignore how crap the later seasons turned because they got what they wanted in the end. A big fat lesbian kiss. Hurrah, representation at the cost of quality.

I enjoyed the later seasons regardless of bubbline. That was just a bonus.

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The later seasons are pretty good, though. All the miniseries were great, sure, the finale wasn't great but it's not like Adventure Time was the greatest story ever told. Stop being such a faggot and actually try giving the later seasons a shot, they're not that bad. You're just autistic.

Why? Why did you? Honestly. Aside from the mini series, which were GOAT, what were good about the final seasons? They did nothing of value with Fern, had hardly any fun one off adventures, spent a large time building up to the blandest villian of all in Gumbald, and introduced a convoluted backstory for PB that tried to make her more interesting, but came off as a blatant attempt to justify character flaws

>posts exactly one minute apart
Can't argue with that timing.

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>good otp thread
>bubblinefags come to shit it up

>Lance and Pidge
My man!

After watching the movie, I'm rooting for these two more than ever.

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>sugar subverts expectations by making the GOAT otp hetro

What did she mean by this?

They are completely incompatible

Now this is wholesome

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Delet this right now

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1 year since it ended and I'm still mad for the lack of closure.

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>what were good about the final seasons?
You talking just like season 8 onwards? cos the miniseries alone are over a third of that. Asides from those, there were plenty of other episodes I liked - High Strangeness, JellyBeans Have Power, Orb, Whispers, Wild Hunt, Ring of Fire and Blenanas to name a few. Your mileage may vary, obviously.

>spent a large time building up to the blandest villian of all in Gumbald
Dude only had 3 major appearances before the finale. The problem is they didn't have more time before they had to wrap it up.
>They did nothing of value with Fern
I wouldn't say that, but like with Gumbald, it's just a shame they didn't have more time to flesh him out before they were cancelled. All things considered, I think they did a great job wrapping up their two character arcs.

>but came off as a blatant attempt to justify character flaws
The word you're looking for is 'explain', not 'justify'. PB was very clearly demonstrated to be in the wrong with how she treated Gumbald, even if he is an asshole.

Fuck off retard, it's possible for more than one person to disagree with you. Their post isn't even exactly one minute after mine. For the record, I don't think that everyone who doesn't like bubbline self-inserts as Finn, although there are a lot on Yea Forums that do.

make me fgt

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meant for this fgt

That happened with She Ra too
What with lgbt writers making top quality straight ships?

now this is an intellectual one

Grearl is a bad ship with no chance in hell of happening.

what is this 2012

im still amazed a dark souls streamer tried learning to draw to stay relevant

It could’ve been great...

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>Gripes is in on it

Truly, this ship is blessed by the gods

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Can this at least be uncontroversial?

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Come on, it was meant to be

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Being the complete autist that I am, I'm concerned that the Link's Awakening remake might mess with the headcannon for Link and Marin I've had since I played the original.

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I do love how quickly we're getting Spinel art.

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What exactly did she do? I honestly need a description of what went wrong with Lapidot. I don't care for Zuke either btw...

Zuke was obsessed with making every Lapis episode about how she and Peridot are an old married couple, I think.

she's not real.

If you go by Lovecraft rules the WInd Fish is an old one and she's as real as humans are within Azathoth's dream.

That's basically how I interpreted it--their universe was birthed from a dream, and they're all conscious beings that act with their own autonomy, hence why the monsters rebel against their creator and try to keep him asleep

I interpreted it as the whole thing being Link's dream. The wind fish not being real either.

I dont ship it yet if it goes canon honestly it wouldn't surprise me

Pic related is the gist of it. She wanted to make them a couple without the show and other writers making it official so anytime she boarded an episode with those two they were always attached to the hip and barely interacted with anyone else. Combine that with how there was no build up or on screen development with their relationship (jumping from Barnmates to Beta with Lapis going from wanting nothing to do with Peridot to making art and music with her) and it just felt like their whole relationship was forced and crammed in by just her. They were never as close when someone else boarded an episode of theirs.

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what a cunt

good thing she got kicked from the show

being a lapidot shipper is suffering. I wanted it to be a thing, but not like this. not like this.

Reminder that it's also canon that Lapis abused Peridot while they were living together.

dont forget the abuse she did with the other boarder, Tang

Wasn't tang also in a relationship with zuke or am i thinking of someone else?

yes, she was in an relationship with zuke

You got that comic Tang made after their break up? Thats a pretty damning thing to Zuke's character as well.

For me, it's Finn/Bronwyn.

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sorry user, I dont
hopefully other user will post it

I aint got the comic, but i got this,some of the other shady things Zuke did

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isn't she her like his grandniece or something?

>you can't make this shit up


Is she? I can't really remember. Either way she's a dog, so she probably doesn't give a fuck.


It's really amazing how everyone used to love Zuke, then she went all dark side and now everyone despises' her. Its impressive someone could completely destroy their reputation and good will THAT fucking quick.

her grandfather was Jake, so...


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There’s only one Yea Forums ship I swear by

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