We now return you to another episode of Superhero films not giving a shit about source material

We now return you to another episode of Superhero films not giving a shit about source material

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Yes, the most set in stone of DC canon, Joker's origin

Hilarious thing is, the source material for Joker is fuckign shit
It's time to accept it.

Also, did you guys know that WB is not only trying to get the fairy from the twilight movies into being batman, but they are HARD PUSHING him as the opposite of this sure Oscar winner material?

WB is motherfucking retarded.


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Pattinson is a great actor though.

He's the guy from twilight.
He's not had a single fucking movie role of note since then. Not even notable bit parts in things.

That means he's not well liked, he's not popular, he probably can't act, AND people will remember him as the twinkly vampire dude from twilight.

The picked the twinkly vampire dude from twilight to play a man who wears a bat suit.
Nothing against the guy, he might be a good actor.
But he and modern movie batman is going to be even more of a laughing stock then it already is.

>He's not had a single fucking movie role of note since then.
Lol,you don't watch movies. No, Hollywood blockbuster # 31637 isn't "a movie of note".

Heard about Kate Stew saying that she had a MCU role in the bag but she didn't get it because she's too darned gay?

Is that bitch fucking retarded?
Please god tell me she isn't trying to force them to put her in the MCU or subtly talking the half retarded ape queer mafioso in the WB into making her catwoman or something.

Wait...oh god please let WB do that.
I want to see the fallout from that.
The comedy coming from this will be worth more then gold.

He pretended like he didn't hate Twilight and it's fanbase the entire time the series was in theaters. He's a better actor than most, just for that.

Of note means people notice it.
Being well known has nothing to do with something being good user.

I just don't care for a Joker where the guy is already disturbed/crazy and one of the final straws is a woman rejecting his advances. It's just so pathetic and beta. At least Killing Joke Joker had his entire life ruined in one day

>don’t want to use any comic stories because WB is embarrassed by comic films making money
>perfectly fine remaking the same fucking story that’s been done at least three times over in better films that didn’t need the name Joker slapped onto it.
WBDC is a fucking joke

It matches with the gang weed movement though

this your first capeshit rodeo?

but his normal backstory isn't even good

ITT: Snyderfans are upset about a DC movie not being accurate to the comics, and fail to see the irony

Your logic is flawed and stupid, just be aware of that. You don't have to be a dumbass Snyderfag to call bullshit on this film. Hell, we've read the script

Stay mad

I'm not? I'm more confused about your mentality here. If this is shitposting, it's kind of low effort

>He pretended like he didn't hate Twilight and it's fanbase the entire time the series was in theaters.
No he didn't, he trashed it the whole time because he knew they couldn't get rid of him.

>failing to see the irony
I wonder what the damage control’s gonna be like when’s Phoenix wins best actor.

The source material is ass. Capeshit is for children.

He's been in some pretty well recieved indie movies. He's in an upcoming horror movie opposite of Willem Dafoe and he's the main villain in Christopher Nolan's new movie.


I’m really excited for the Lighthouse.

>We now return you to another episode of Superhero films not giving a shit about source material

Those are the best ones

>they are HARD PUSHING him as the opposite of this sure Oscar winner material
They're not. WB literally has no plans beyond any of their current solo movies. Even this Joker movie took over a year of Todd Phillips hounding WB to get it greenlit, and they only greenlit because Joaquin Pheonix wanted to be attached. They had no confidence in it and Todd Phillips had to convince them to air it at Venice.

That clickbait headline going around was likely Robert Pattinson revealing something about his movie that WB hasn't officially revealed yet like who the villains in his movie are going to be

I swear to god
If this faggot doesn't say "we live in a society" i'm going to riot.

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This movie is WB Winter Soldier, like Winter Soldier was a fremake of Three Days of The Condor this is a remake of King of Comedy.

>muh indie film
Those are just where washed up actors do so they don't starve.

Don't you mean rise up?

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>Also, did you guys know that WB is not only trying to get the wussy dad from Mr Mom into being Batman?!
Why are retards so upset about Pattison? It's been years since he wasin that trash. I'm more concerned about the script and direction they want to take the character.

I hope it's not more post modern garbage like this Joker remake of Taxi Driver / King Of Comedy where they don't give a shit about source material.

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it's Joker's backstory, if anything, it SHOULDN'T adhere to a single canon of how he became who he is. Have people forgotten "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another. If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"

That was then, this is now.
WB knows that they have fucking OSCAR material and they are now at this point HARD PUSHING that sub shit tier disaster of a batman movie they are fucking up with the Joker movie in an attempt to build some heat for it.

Wait, they're really turning him into some sadsack incel? I don't really care if he's always been crazy but he ought to be fun and maniacal, not totally pathetic.


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t. tipical manchild who watches only capeshit.

No he's pretty much pathetic from start to finish. He just eventually has enough, puts on clown makeup, and starts murdering people. The clown mobs are just kind of an accident and coincidental after he shoots 3 guys on a subway. They don't even see him as a leader or an anarchist. Here's the slippery slope of Arthur
>Be a weirdo who lives with his insane mom
>Misinterprets a kind neighbor as a romantic, then calls her a whore when he finds out shes already seeing someone
>Shit comedian whos nervous all the time
>Works as a shit clown
>Finds out he's adopted, and one of his mom's boyfriends abused him both physically and sexually as a toddler

is fun watching marvelcucks crying.

im more worried that is suposed to be a superheroe movie but doesnt give a shit about superheroes

Pretty sure it's not the MCU fags complaining. They don't even watch DC movies. This is all Snyderkino fags.

So basically just a typical DC film.

Why would Marvelfags cry about a DC movie?

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It's literally been less than a week since the Joker movie got that praise. Before last weekend it was all speculation and WB only moves when there is real and tangible reception, either through reviews or a box office, at least when it comes to their DC properties.

Plus Joaquin Pheonix has been on record about only signing on to the movie because it didn't tie him down to a franchise. He turned down Dr Strange precisely because he didn't want to be locked in to filming multiple sequels. Even the director said whether or not they do a sequel to the Joker depends entirely on Joaquin's willingness to reprise the role. And that depends on how the well the movie does this awards season. Joaquin Phoenix wants that oscar and clearly sees the Joker as his best chance at getting it yet. That is why he signed on to the movie. Whether or not he's nominated or get snubbed will decide this version of the Joker's future.

>Even this Joker movie took over a year of Todd Phillips hounding WB to get it greenlit, and they only greenlit because Joaquin Pheonix wanted to be attached. They had no confidence in it and Todd Phillips had to convince them to air it at Venice.
I hear that Todd is one of the few directors Warner Bros trusts with to go nuts with their own work (likely from the success of The Hangover series)...make that of what you will.

Who wants to watch some silly movie about superheros? I only want to watch deep religious allegories that are mature stories for mature people like myself.

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Dont pretend like you're informed about film.

user are you okay?

user, less then a week is when anyone knew that they had twilight dude as batman.
When they started to seriously talk about him being an oscar shoe in THEN they tried to desperately tie their latest DC comcis dumpster fire into it.

There was always talk that the Joker looks amazing. Even before the oscar scumbags started flapping their gums.

What are you even talking about? Pattison was announced back in May for the part after the script had been completed. And again, early buzz is not the same thing as good reception and reviews. WB has acted on good buzz before and it's bit them in the ass, which js why they don't greenlight sequels or crossovers for their dc movies anymore until well i to it's box office run after it financial and critical success is set in stone. Any rumor you hear about this Joker being tied to anything else is pure fanboy delusion and clickbait rumor mongering.

Have sex

OP is a faggot who never read The Killing Joke

>As if the comics themselves give a shit about continuity these days