Was it before or after he started unironically defending mumble rap?
At what point did he officially jump the shark?
death grips
He's always been a mixed bag of good and bad opinions, as we all are.
Defending himself on the Fader shit. I don't blame him for doing it cause he had to make it clear that the journalists were trying to fuck him over, but he over corrected and got way to squeaky clean. Now he only makes 'edgy' jokes if they are approved by the public at large and he goes out of his way to make sure people know he's not in any way problematic. He feels like a victim of circumstance, but then he acts a certain way and I truly think he's just gone so deep he can't turn back.
Kids see ghosts
This. That album blows.
Right Guilt. It happened with a bunch of people who got into right leaning anti sjw stuff back in 2015 and then realized it was stupid, so they over corrected and became super far left ultra woke socialists to make themselves immune from critisims
How is it stupid
You incels killed arts and culture
I can see that being a thing. They were dipping their toes in but saw the writing on the wall so they had to cover their tracks before anyone found out.
It was stupid because of the insane obession with it. I hate woke pc shit too, but back in 2015 every single fucking online coversation was completely dominated by discussion about sjws and femenism, it was all people talked about and it got cringey
hes always been tremendously arrogant but around 2014 he really started believing that he was some unassailable figure in "the internet music industry" and his hubris became the primary impetus of his work
any other examples? this clearly happened with fantano but cant exactly think of that many others. id ont follow random e-celebs or whatever who this probably mostly applies to
H3 H3 is the only other eceleb who did that off the top of my head. I'm mostly talking about randos in far left communities who talk about being rescued from the "alt right pipeline"
stavros halkias, idubbz
filthy frank and the dudes he hung out with
it happened with some musicians. MachineGirl, Drain Gang, Odd Future come to mind. they all started out making music for poltard incels now they go for mainstream center-left college kids and hip urban audiences
neil young....
hes always been pretty left wing tho?
Jump the shark?
Lol he's a guy that describes how an album sounds
He's your typical Yea Forums poster but with a face
>Drain Gang, Odd Future come to mind. they all started out making music for poltard incels
Yeah man the all black group of edgy gays and stoners were poltards and the chief keef and james ferraro inspired group with more diversity than a netflix show was making music for poltards
I swear you people just end up projecting your own views on the people you listen to
>White liberal thinks black people are usually woke
Oh boy do I have news for you
>hes always been pretty left wing tho?
that still doesn't excuse the time he said you could get AIDS if a gay man touches your potatoes in the grocery store or that in general he's an old-ass man boomer rockfaggot raised in the outdated guitar music meme.
Billie Eilish
>chief keef and james ferraro inspired group
im not sure how this negates them being chuds early on? james ferraro is self proclaimed disciple of far right philosopher Nick Land. and Chief Keef is clearly a capitalist
for all the groups i mentioned regardless if their music or message was overtly political they definitely marketed themselves and used memes, references, and general aesthetics of far right internet communities like Yea Forums and pol
yeah man people like mike g and tyler the creator have more in common with people that like mosley and the like
quit projecting and come back to reality
do expand on this
I'd really like to know how gravity boys used far right aesthetics
the only person that flirted with anything far right was tyler and it was never to be taken at face value
Fadergate changed him more than a lot of people realize. He was actually cool about it at first, making that snarky response video that should've put everything to rest. The real turning point was when his speaking tour got cancelled. That's when he realized how fragile his income flow really was and his tune changed almost overnight. His image became safer while he became more outspokenly progressive in his politics. And he's ironcladded his revenue stream, accepting corporate sponsorships and runs a patreon. I guess he'd rather sell his soul to breadtube than go back to work in the pizza shop.
they were aryan wiggers and now they are tranny pretty boys
>chief keef
>Yea Forums
>aryan wiggers
A group made up of a jew, black guy, thailand guy, and one white guy
ignore him as he's projecting his own ideology onto others acting as if chief keef is not just a guy that likes flaunting his cash because he's from an impoverished background and it's ingrained in hip-hop culture
he had to jump the shark to become the blue tick approved, frontpage algorithm favouring, internets most high profile music reviewer.
You dont get a stature like this, especially as a white dude in the current year, without being a massive globohomo puppet.
H3 didn't really change as much as they just ran out of steam and got lazy. The golden age of reaction/commentary videos was dead as dead by 2017 and they made the podcast their main priority because it was steadier income. But Ethan without a script or character is excruciatingly boring and unfunny off the cuff, plus it brought his petty, egotistical behind the scenes personality to the forefront and turned a lot of longtime fans off. Now they're stuck in the podcast rut with nothing left, and the only time it's funny is when psychicpebbles calls in.
I can see this for Odd Future, but the others are pure head canon
no ones counts the non white guys as actual members of the group lol, their music is terrible
im gonna need you to zoom out for two seconds and understand the implications of what you are saying, because its literally proving the other guys point
even for odd future it's just edgy humor and nothing political
you can try and spin it anyway you want but chief keef is not some subtle ring wing figure you're trying to make him be
you just feel guilty being some right wing white guy that probably listens to rap all day
Is this even a real thing?
that just proves the man never had any real convictions anyway.
Being capitalist makes you far right? Time to touch grass
yes and most liberals act like we're secretly alt right and everyone on the right acts like we're hardcore liberals
kind of what happened with Anthony desu
this is true.
>subtle ring wing figure
Wait, he's not??
Free market capitalism is literally a liberal ideology. Their is no actual right wing in the West. Modern conservatism is a liberal ideology.
literally what the fuck does it have to do with him being right wing lmfao do you think neoliberal capitalism or capitalism writ large in 2022 in america or specifically the "hip-hop culture" you point to is anything but apolitical?
are you like so poisoned by twitter or something that everything is some proxy culture war lol? saying a rapper who spends money and raps about spending money isnt some dogwhistle its material reality
absolutely shocking post lmao
you clearly don't listen to them connsidering how popular ecco is and whitearmor is the only white guy in the group considering that bladee is jewish
Extremists loathe moderates arguably even more than they loathe opposing extremists. Extremes can face each other on their own uncompromising terms, which they prefer, but pragmatism is a filter and that's a threat to any ideology.
>bladee is jewish
what!? source????
the only thing shocking is how much you want a black rapper you're a fan of to adhere to your ideology
the level of dishonesty is fucking ridiculous, wow
see Chief Keef flexing money was literally offered as proof that he was right-wing.
what is my ideology? thinking you're retarded?
i went to both nyc shows and one in philly lol
i dont care about your boring tranny music dude i listened to bladee before all you identity autists jumped in 5 years ago anyway and decided that literally everything needs to be parsed through the most reductive facile lens available
Every rapper flaunts money lol it's part of the culture
the only true capitalist in the genre are guys like puffy and jay-z
Oneothrix Point Never is an accelerationist
nice try but i've been a fan since the beginning and they were never "chuds" or whatever the hell
liberalism is a right wing ideology dumbass
"You the type of nigga to link up with a tranny" - Chieg Keef
he's a guy obsessed with aesthetics and like ferraro only touches on these things in the most shallow way imaginable
nice non-sequitur
people left and right have made fun of trannies for years up until like 2016
keep crying but these people are not what you're trying to make them to be
you're the type of retard to try analyzing the deep post-capitalism or whatever the fuck message about nav's music or some dumb mark fisher college kid shit
>far right philosopher Nick Land
accelerationism isn't inherrently right wing lol, I'm not claiming to have actually read Fanged Noumena but Land was a leftist who redpilled himself with the potent combination of Deleuze, amphetamines and jungle
that is literally exactly what i am saying?????????
i mean all of it can basically just be boiled down to "i have never talked to black people"
they treat black people like these strange otherwordly novelties lol