Have we forgiben her?

have we forgiben her?

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God he's so ugly


>didn't have Spinel stay
Nah, fuck off.

Literally who



Rachel Corn Syrup

Honestly i kinds have, that movie made up for how shit CYM and season 5 were. Hoping season 6 and beyond are good as well.

I would have if Spinel stayed.

The movie was fun but it wasn't great, it still had a lot of the same problems the show has had.

Jasperdemptionseason6 is what will save the show.

>Introduce the most interesting character in the show to date
>Write her out of the show
My hate only intensifies.

Sugar is an oldfag Yea Forumsmrade that went from sharing her Ed Edd n' Eddy yaoi around here to making a successful action cartoon about gay singing aliens.

You're a fucking stooge if you fail to see how amazing that is.

Regina Sucrose

so she drew ed edd n eddy porn? so what?

Literally /ourgirl/

rebecca child love is still love sugar

No because Steven still stuck with shitty Connie

I was never mad

>Willing to imagine a world without Russia
This is progressivism I can get behind

lawrence sontag from funhaus

Nah seasons four and five are still trash

If only she erased the middle east


The movie was shit. He can go fuck himself.

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>made a character who can make lesbians straight
i dont even know anymore

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them bitch

>Makes a plothole ridden movie that introduces an element that nullifies the great revelation of Season 5
>People still cheer it on.
Yes she is completely forgiven, anyone who can make people cheer for a movie talking about shit that already happened and means the whole "SHE'S GONE" thing meant nothing deserves respect. Not a lot of authors can make people cheer for the dumbest of stuff, but you madam? You pulled it off brilliantly.

I wish her the best.

there's something off about becky here?

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Aside from the fact that her face was obviously added to the reflection in the background, I can't think of anything different about her ugly mug.

She can still show up if the Diamonds ever show up again, which seems fairly likely. Or, since rumors abound that future SU projects won't be solely from Steven's PoV we might see an episode focused on her learning and growing among the Diamonds.

after she touched all those boys? that poor summer camp had to close

she's gone white already, put a baby in that old lady

I doubt the Diamonds will play a major role again. Spinel not only got written out of the show by the Diamonds, but the Diamonds basically got written out by Spinel. Their only interest in Earth before was because of Pink, and now they've basically got her replacement, so they probably won't give a shit about Earth anymore.

she knows she has too be friendly for pr even when next too a guy who thinks not divulging spoilers is more important than a make a wish kid.

Let Spinel stay? Lol.

And have it inherit schizophrenia and start making up stories of abuse in its head for attention? Not hank you!

*No thank you!


Not if I have anything to say about it.

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>she started out as one of us
>now her shills ad spam the board to death every single day
it is pretty funny I admit.
well played self.

I glad ugly people like her exist. It makes me feel better about my own ugly self.