Avengers or X-Men?

Avengers or X-Men?
contrarians will say Defenders

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Fantastic Four

When was Beast ever on the FF?

Justice Society

I should have been more clear what I was trying to make a thread about...

And saved.

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I thought this was about fave Marvel team, didn't realize it was about what team you preferred Beast on. In that case, X-Men


I like X-Men the most of the 2.

Great Lakes Avengers.

He's always been a lame character.
Too many smart guy scientists in marvel already.
His powerset is generic and boring.
The whole I have to deal with my freak appearance is done better by the thing and nightcrawler.
He needs to be killed off.

Avengers, it's not even close.

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I liked when bendis made him a mad scientist

All you've done is proven that you've never read a single Beast story. GTFO.


Beast was an avenger?

Damn the casuals are outing themselves in force today.

>All you've done is proven that you've never read a single Beast story. GTFO.
Post the story where he fights Gaston


what ever happened to Wonderman?

Avengers but Defenders was great too.

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but OP, the answer IS Defenders

He was insane again, then he became a pacifist.

More people need to know this

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>done better
no no no no no not once


I always liked movie beast just because he’s literally a blue Frasier

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Never forget that Beast raped the Dazzler

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Henry McCoy has always been and will always be an X-men villain

Why is Tony Stark wearing Stephen Strange's cape?

This. Due was a fucking diplomat for HYDRA

Dazzler was raped by a big blue beast in the breezy spring of '85.

He's naked.

Beast doesn't really stand out on Avengers. He's not that strong, Cap is more agile than him, Tony and Hank are smarter, he does not have any skill they need.

I liked Tigra as the Avengers animal person

Avengers, there he can be free, fun loving guy again. Hank has been just a token tech guy and race traitor in X-men for years now.

By the end of X-Factor he was amped up to class 60-70 levels. They just completely forgot that when he was placed back on X-Men in 1991 and no one ever thought about it ever again

Otherwise he should basically be physically equal to Spider-Man minus webshooters and spider sense

Can't they just anally electrocute this pretentious faggot and turn him into a doormat or something?

The worst heroes of all time
To call themselves "Avengers" is a crime

Alpha Flight.

Aww. That cover is so sad.

I guess Wonderman team up...


Damn skippy.

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>Cap is more agile than him

yeah he was also a Defender and a member of the Illuminati (he was the replacement for Xavier after he died).

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Beast is still the worst genius of the group