Fantastic Four #14 Storytime

A trip down memory lane, courtesy of the First Family. Get in here.

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A full blown nostalgia issue, with some niceties along the way. Buckle up!

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Check out these Galactus and Silver Surfer posters...

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Sadsack Ben strikes again.

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Not enough books do these combinations of classic books with modern for flashbacks. I only recall Immortal Hulk doing it, though I might have missed a few others. Often they just recreate the scenes...

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Nice detail on the lettering of the last panel.

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Still alive at 96 years

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Say what you want about this run, this page brings a smile to my face for reasons I don't understand.

Maybe it's just seeing heroes being beloved by the people.

I figure a FTL craft wouldn't need to be aerodynamic, though I guess they still need reach escape velocity with this somehow. I would imagine they used a mechanism to fold space and whatnot...
Then again, comic books, yadda yadda.
Thanks for the bump

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Yeah, it is nice. It's the rare chance to see them getting their due praise.

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Thanks, Rodstvow!!

Ben ain't foolin' anybody with this routine.

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This hurt.

Alicia is best wife.

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And so it begins another adventure, old school style.

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incredibly sweet issue

Letters page with Brevoort... No nerd games this time.

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I totally expected this to end with the engine not working and them stuck on the platform.

And the cover for next issue.
Friendly reminder that the Fantastic Four might kickstart the December cosmic event written by Rosenberg, "Annihilation Scourge", and this arc is probably leading to that.

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Slott should bein charge of events

Rosenberg shouldn't be in charge of anything.

>It's the rare chance to see them getting their due praise.
I dunno, I feel like that's been happening more lately, or at least heroes aren't being treated like shit as much anymore. The worst things I can think of in the last few years was the Hulk's funeral and any X-men comic.

Thanks OP. Art was great in this

Et tu Herbie?

I am worried about Rosenberg too, but given the current state of Cosmic, I'd say the only way is up. It's still salvageable.
Depends on who you ask, because yeah, mutants just died under Rosenberg and every death numbed the previous one, the Eternals die off-page, the Inhumans get dragged through the mud then shelved...

fuck , I will always love the fantastic four.

>Depends on who you ask, because yeah, mutants just died under Rosenberg and every death numbed the previous one, the Eternals die off-page, the Inhumans get dragged through the mud then shelved...
I meant more of the "Marvel civilians being dicks to the heroes" idea being much less of a thing nowadays.

Yeah, it's an obsolete notion nowadays. Of course there's the same attitudes towards mutants and whatnot, but they've scaled down on what seems like a cliche. Better fish to fry, like for instance, suing Tony Stark for augmented reality tech that can hijack the senses and trap users inside the reality.

>Huge event with the FF at the Smithsonian

Why are Marvel civilians so fucking dumb? Shouldn't everyone know who Ben is?

>not understanding how kids can be dumb

>We trained him, as a joke

What name is more stupid?
Marvel-2 or Awesome?

Boring issue to me. Typical issue that sets up plot and would read better in trade. Not Slotts fault. I still have hope the story will go somewhere fun. It’s been a solid series. I never read Slotts Spider-Man stuff. I’m pleasantly surprised by what he’s been doing for this book. I’m hoping he does a spider-verse type mini event for the Fantastic Four. Not the same story premise or anything, but a self contained event to the FF without going throughout the entire line of marvel books “mega event”.

This is wonderful.

Didn't they do this before making Thing super-rocky and old-not-Carol-Miss Marvel into she-Thing?

I love that they're using the Flying Bathtub.

Those cosmic rays really give you a boost.

I dunno even in the older comics practically every one knew who the FF were. They were like national treasures, so im sure the kid would know who he his. As for his remark, the average marvel citizen is kind of an asshole so im sure they would say something just as shitty, but on purpose.

Next issue a city block on fire courtesy of the Fantastic Four and their Rocket.

Slott has flaws but at least he doesn't write Reed to be a gigantic dick for no reason.

It's a nice change of pace from the usual writers who do just cause they need to manufacture drama.

Bumping this () question

Isn't Valeria like 13? They let her dress like that?

It's a dress?

I'm not a Muslim or anything, but it seems like a tween shouldn't be wearing the same dress as Emma Frost when they run into each other at a party.

I don't understand... It's a regular dress, there's nothing skimpy about it.

you don't approve of showing arms and ankles

Hey, women should just be glad they are allowed out in public, right??

Maybe I’m just horny but sue looks really nice

>You will never autistically wake up to this past midnight

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>fantastic five

I'm really liking what Slott is doing with the F4

It's backless, the whore is showing off her shoulderblades to any man in the vicinity.

Why does Slott write Franklin and Valeria like such brats?

Yancy Street kids would know, but maybe someone who lives FAR AWAY from New York might not. Those kids might think the FF was not-in-town that day.

Gifted kids tend to be obnoxious shits.

They grew up with and are used to travelling spaceships that are better than that.

It's no different from kids who grew up with smartphones being unimpressed by a Sony Walkman or a Personal Digital Assistant

About time johny gets some respect.

How would any American not know who the FF are?

How would you know who Billie Eilish is
>guess what, she's an American singer too


Except the FF have been publicly doing amazing, headline grabbing stuff for decades. I don't think either of your examples count in that area.

I'm sure they know who they are, else they wouldn't be there at the showcase. The kid just thought the guy wasn't real.


Somehow I imagine that by now the entirety of the MU would know who the Thing is and he would be over that.

Yet somehow Slott brings it back for no fucking reason.

>Yet somehow Slott brings it back for no fucking reason.
It's more like self-hatred is an integral aspect of Grimm's character, and he always needs fuel for that. Ignoring it could work for a bit but it wouldn't take long until he fell back into it.

Having Reed's ears that propositionally low means he's got a low self esteem

Not sure what the question was.
If you mean "did they try to fly the same rocket?", it doesn't seem to be the case it that story

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Isn't it just a one-shot?
The original one wasn't really an event either. Btw thanks Rodstvow, loving this series.

>They were like national treasures
That was back when superheroes were a new thing. Nowadays there are too many for people to keep track of and since the FF have been gone for a year, they've fallen out of the public eye. Sure most people still remember and adore them, but it's not surprising to see a kid who doesn't know who The Thing is.

>the average marvel citizen is kind of an asshole
user, have you ever been to New York?

How is little Franklin an annoying teenager now? Did Bendis get a hold of the FF and Jon Kent him?

Reed, Sue, Franklin, and Val took a 5 year time skip rebuilding the multiverse.

That is the answer there. I remembered "cosmic rays" mutated the two of them but not the circumstances, I thought it was another attempt at the original mission but it was this... Arab thing. Thanks user.

What has he written? I'm really bad with writers names.

He wrote Uncanny X-Men right before Hickman, currently writing Punisher, and Secret Warriors during Secret Empire.

Pretty sure people have rebulit the Titanic irl a dozen of times. A new and improved Hindenburg would be toyallly awesome to travel on it.