Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD

>Really regret not putting Lucky Felicia on this page specifically

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>Yfw Felicia ends up beating Solomon

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Did the faggot who makes this garbage chop his dick off yet?

Isn't that the Paranatural artist?

The guy who makes Goblins recently fell for the tranny meme.

This is boring,she is boring, bring the red face demon back.

I for one am ready to watch Allison wreck fools with the power of being a dumbass.

I can't really say I'm surprised.

Did it ever go back to being good?

I haven't seen the last season, but last I checked it was mediocre

how do you call this body type?

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This this a Game of Thrones reference?
Some bitch trying to break the wheel also being a retard who won't fucking listen to anyone?

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It's been a few months into a new chapter featuring a completely different character. It's practically a different comic and still not good.

That's a thing before game of thrones

That's a terrible way to approach real life, but that shit succeeding and being right is metaphysically baked into the cosmos of this comic. Reach heaven through violence, Allison.

Just a basic female body builder or lifting body

Defensive End

The squarest ass known in all the universe.

Alisun just needs ta think like an Ork. Gravity wont affect ya if ya dont care about gravity. And if something aint werkin', brute force it. An' if brute force dont werk, brute force it harder! Bend and break reality!

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so is she going to fuck off the tournament and just take solomon head on?

Alright everyone Ally is now the mother fucking Mother of Dragons! Or in this case Mother of 6 Billions Demons that are NOT DEAD yet.

The fuck is going on with this story when did it turn into a Japanese anime?

In any case the tournament will continue in some fashion. I mean, either that or the goku contest is misdirection and the gokus will appear in some other context.

Late with this, but I enjoyed it too much.

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Jesus this writing.

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bump with kek

That's a pretty great callback to the first time Nyave and Allison met

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I might say so, except that it actually fits better here, given the significance of the "wheel" in Throne's cosmology.

Daenerys ain't got shit on Allison, the later has true courage and doesn't hide behind an army of savages and thralls while claiming the moral background

You smell like a dirty lion fucker.

What an awful page. No one wants cheap philosophical nonsense from a character that's probably wormed anyways.

>A hero


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>Aeshma (Avestan: 𐬀𐬉𐬴𐬨𐬀 aēṣ̌ma, Old Avestan: 𐬀𐬉𐬱𐬆𐬨𐬀 aēšəma) is the Younger Avestan name of Zoroastrianism's demon of "wrath." As a hypostatic entity, Aeshma is variously interpreted as "wrath," "rage," and "fury." His standard epithet is "of the bloody mace."
Neat, I just stumbled across this by chance

I’ve been meaning to research Zoroastrianism so thanks for sharing this info.



the fridge

>Sudden burst of praises and hero talks when the group talks about quitting.
She's going to have worms coming out of her eyesockets soon, isn't she?

I know right? It'll work out because this is KSBD, but it feels offensive that being thoughtful is explicitly looked down upon.

If she was actually Gog'd this whole time that would fit far far to well.

You dont become a hero by being reckless
You become one by winning.

>Nyave is suddenly a princess
Okay then. Funny how she never mentioned that while giving us her backstory.

She did say that Mottom consumed the best of the best. Makes sense that she sacrifices literal princesses to her husband when she was simply a “jewel in the dirt.”