He's in

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holy crap lois I got put in smash as a mii skin

/fg/ containment board when?

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my brother who's friend's friend that works for nintendo says he'snotin

the meaningless mods can't even contain /pol/

I'm gonna go to Yea Forums and confirm this. You'd best not be lying, Beter Gribbin.

Let's not forget that SGC2C was created when Lazzo had a fever dream about Space Ghost and stopped his crew from editing Wacky Races footage into a movie.

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>Yfw he’s actually in

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Yea Forums - Comics & Cartoons

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guys, it's just a mii costume

>playing as pic related

Everyone knows Steven is Ness, and you'd be a fool to think otherwise.

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>tfw papyrus and sans put crash bandicoot in undertale but he'll never get in smash

Imagine how Hussie is feeling right now. Toby stole his entire fanbase and became a household name worldwide.

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Fuck you guys I came to Yea Forums to get away from you cunt face rosterfags

Toby sold out fast
Hussie tried to do things all in house thinking he had enough steam to be doing that while also writing the comic

I'm surprised Hussie hasn't killed himself already. Jesus. He just got upstaged big-time.

Faggot deserved it. Ripped off thousands of fans and went silent for what is now years.
Now he's just a memory of that whole webcomics era that infested the late-2000s/early-2010s.

>selling out too fast
>not getting milllions of dollars while the iron is hot from mech and sales and shit
>not funding your next game and knowing it will sell incredibly

stay poor

Friggin' sweet!

Is Garnet about to commt suicide?

im saying hussie should have sold out
toby had the right idea
he overall got more money from selling out and flew further than he would have trying to do things all self funded

Toby stealing Hussie's stolen characters and giving them a game fucking when?

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to be fair he tried selling out by having everyone fall for the kickstarter meme when the kickstarter craze was still new, too bad it backfired hard

>im saying hussie should have sold out
He didn't?

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No matter what I dont think hussie had the potential to make something like the Undertale game, he got outshone not because he failed to capitalize but because he was grouped together by someone who was frankly more talented.

This looks like complete garbage.

It was

I'm still questioning whom was even the target audience for this game.

He probably just did the kickstarter because he thought he could. They didn't even have a dev named when the kickstarter first started

the kickstarter thing backfired because he thought he could get the Odd Gentlemen to make his game if he just gave them money. Probably had a flimsy contract that they knew they could ignore

If Hussie gave the rights of Homestuck to a company that knows half of what they're doing early the game would have been made by now

Toby just made his passion project on his terms.
Hussie made a random project of many, started unnaturally extending it when it got popular, made horrible business and storytelling decisions, sold out to the tumblr lgbt fad and had nothing to fall back on when the site/fad passed, and let himself get scammed out of 2 million bucks.

its the most well made mii costume in the game honestly
dont know if that says something about their original plan for him or sans's design, but its something

>mii costume
>looks nothing like a mii

hussie literally sold homestuck

Way after the fact. VIZ media bought it thinking the property was still hot, but really Hussie scammed them.

>implying board titles mean anything anymore

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so Yea Forums is like usual, what's your point?