Her VA's an expensive broadway singer

>her VA's an expensive broadway singer

we'll never see her again

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Good, she was a psychopathic bitch.

I wish they quit starcasting

Starcasting? I never even heard of the bitch before the movie. I don’t think you have either so stop lying.

Just because they aren't mainstream famous doesn't mean they aren't famous within whatever genre/industry they work in. It still means they get paid more than the average VA.

>"Sarah Stiles (born June 20, 1979[1]) is an American singer and actress known for her work in Off-Broadway and Broadway theatre.

She performed the role of Kate Monster/Lucy the Slut in Avenue Q, and performed in the musical Vanities, in which she played the character of Joanne. She was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Play in 2015 for her performance in Hand to God[2] and the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical in 2019 for her performance in Tootsie. "

To be fair she earned her wage, she was a fantastic voice actress and vocalised parts incredibly well which is so much more than other stars they cast who just blurted out their lines deadpan and cashed their fat checks for half assing it.

Kind of like Estelle in the first season.

Why do you think sugulite rarely talks?

>Why do you think sugilite rarely shows up?

We're not talking about a well known rapper with numberous hits who turned into a greedy bitch who complains not being number one and lowkey hates herself for failing to destroy another mainstream female rapper with a horrible accent because she’s apart of a stronger label. We're talking about some chick from Broadway. Don’t change the subject.

I don't think Estelle half assed her role she just sucked as a regular VA. She definitely has gotten better imo

why are thee no threads about steven and greg fusing and the incest that is implied? Also it is getting to be pretty obvious that rebecca and minions are the ones spamming Yea Forums with this show. Yea Forums is completely dead until an SU comes out and then it is spammed full of SU threads. all looking like they came from a single user. last night, half the threads looked like OP was drunk off their ass.

better get used to this view

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>why are thee no threads about steven and greg fusing and the incest that is implied?
Because it turns out not everyone is as stupid as you.

This in of itself can be a separate post. Why comment here?

What are Christine Ebersole and Patti LuPone then, if not "expensive Broadway singers"?

Yeah you're right that fair. Being a VA is very different to being a Singer, she had to gain that experience as she went.

Nicki Minaj was also apparently a huge pain in the ass to work with. Dunno' why they haven't recast her at this point.

>there are people who give a shit about Greg and Steven

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It's a sex allegory, but it isn't always? I don't know man. Stegg was cool and should've been featured more. I wanted a 5 minute, free bird esque solo.

People who do actions that shouldn’t be done, are going to do it. Haven’t the internet expressed that how many times, a billion?

If you ever listened to Joe Budden podcast, he had her on the show and she was a MASSIVE bitch.

man what a waste of talent the writing for the songs she had were pretty weak

For some really bizarre reason the SU crew or executives or whoever are very against the concept of recasting, no idea why.

>recast Mr Smiley
>instead of characters fans actually want to see
At least we finally heard Opal again

So? We'd never see her anyway. It's not like she was ever going to be part of Sugar's master plan. Sugar couldn't have known she was going to get a movie.

Yellow Diamond's VA is some fancy broadway actress as well. That never stopped yellow diamond from showing again.

Ok wait. So we still think there's going to be a 6th season? After this? Where are they going to pull more antagonists from? Or will SU from now on be about the aftermath and politics of dismantling a colonialized empire of planets? Are we going to get episodes about reparation?

Have they even said WHY they went with some stupid bitch with a plastic ass? Like fuck me, she can barely sing in a show where nearly episode has a song. It was doomed from the start.

Gems acclimating to Earth and the town.

To be fair they cast fucking Estelle as one of the main characters so obviously Sugar isn't adverse to absolutely blowing the budget on celebrity VA's

Look, I will be the first to admit that I'd watch a slice of life/gems and humans interact spinoff. But by the way they are building it up, I really doubt that's the endgame here.

>no Steven and Spinel duet where they sing this: youtube.com/watch?v=tbud8rLejLM
>SJWs explode like back when we bleached SU characters

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>more antagonists

Sneeple, whoever made the gems which some questionable leakers have apparently confirmed?

Whatever the gems were made to fight against?

Requesting a dub of Spinel singing Everyone's a Little Bit Racist.

I'd be kinda disappointed if Gems turned out to be Tyranids with extra steps.

Rebecca Sugar was thirsty as fuck over her and wanted to see her plastic ass in person so she blew an entire season's budget on hiring her so she could live out some weird fantasy of working with her face to face. I'm not joking.

>Have to create monstrous fusion that's all about being a massive arsehole
>Gets their ass kicked by a skinny white gem
>"Heh, wouldn't it be funny if we got Nicki Minaj to do this, she'd never agree"
>They take the idea seriously
>She gets asked
>She says yes
>Asks for higher increments each time afterwards

Nah, do The Internet is for Porn

Are broadway people really that expensive? Isn't Garnet VA a big singer?

post the real version

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She does a better job doing a Harley Quinn voice than Tara Strong, she should do more voice work

I'm already working on animating her saying a line from one of the songs she did in Tootsie, does that make up for it?

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Both topical for SU.

>Recast her with Cardi B
>Provides a reasonable rate and decent audio
>Sugilite is now a Bronx stripper

Doubt it would work out but it's funny to think about

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The damn Twitter tirade she would go on would be insane.

I hope she shows up in a big way in at least one more episode. I'd like confirmation to see that she settled into her happy ending alright.

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So’s Patti LuPone but we see Yellow Diamond multiple times.

Too bad. Yellow Diamond is fucking Patti LuPone and she was cast perfectly

Not the person you're replying to, but I've actually seen her live. She played Kate Monster in "Avenue Q" and was the non-possessed puppeteer in "Hand to God."

I don't think I saw her in the former, but I definitely remember her in the latter one. And rewatching the SU finale, you can totally hear Kate Monster in the "sad/shy/damaged Spinel" scenes.

All told, not half a bad choice for a demented children's show character. Though I think she played the sympathetic scenes a lot better than the quote/unquote "scary" scenes

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I heard that guest VAs usually don't actually get paid extra, and the problem is usually actually getting scheudles lined up

Spinel is cal arts GARBAGE

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spinel is love, spinel is life

I've gotten okay at doing little animations but now I see the hell that is lip synching ... christ.

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Fusion's always been a relationship allegory, not a sex one.

>Expensive broadway singer
>laughing actors.jpg

Unless you can sell tickets by your very name being on the program like the bitch from Wicked, you're worth less than a C-list actor no matter how many shows you've been in (which, coincidentally, she has been in none as an actual actress)

Hopefully things go well for her, as long as she doesn't become a psycho for money.

She was in the musical episode from Scrubs

With this fan base soon she’ll be hating men and the internet again soon.

That’s a lie and you know it.

But we got Amethyst! Seriously her disobedient rose was hot

>Steven Universe reminds me of a WoW machinima from half my life ago

Thank you. It CAN be sensual/sexual, but it isn't always.

What about Smoky Quartz? Rainbow 2.0? Sunstone? Obsidian? Steg is platonic and while his design is on the saucy side it represents how much Steven and Greg admire each other as father and son.

The Rubies also fused purely for utility's sake.

You take that back, Greg is best human. Steven's a good main character too.

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stop posting your stupid shitty fetish edit. you are ruining the movie

>show is kaput
We'll never see any of them again.

Better an expensive broadway singer than another the trash voice like Sadie's getting hired to sing. But all the diamonds are broadway singers and they've been in lots of episodes.

You're thinking of the original Kate Monster, Sarah Stiles ain't her.
I forget her name but it's got an apostrophe in it

Lisa Hannigan (Blue) isn't a Broadway singer. But she's still incredible.


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>Great villain.
>Voiced by expensive broadway singer,
>Best sequences animated by legendary Trigger animator.
>makes my dick wet.
Should have just ended here. You can't go bigger than this.

How's it feel being a low-class philistine?

The bigger problem would be her schedule rather than the pay.

they could have more control over sugilite and everything for her to change too

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You got her full story. What more do you want? Why not let some things just be things?

Of course we'll see Steven's future gem wife again.

Oh shit, Blue Diamond's VA was in Song Of The Sea, and can actually speak Irish too?
That's pretty cool

I can see her getting one episode.
When is the next season dropping?

Yes, she is Irish! She doesn't appear a lot in the movie but her character Bronagh is very important. There are a lot of melancholy, tragic elements to her too, so I wouldn't be surprised if Sugar watched it and chose her specifically to voice Blue.

I won't spoil anything so just have the opening. youtube.com/watch?v=NsLfWIWpJKk

next rockwife will have the star cut

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Great fucking movie.

Yellow Diamond is voiced by Patti Lu fucking Pone.

I've already seen the movie user, plus Secret of Kells. I'm mostly surprised she actually speaks the Irish, not a whole lot of folk who do these days.

It needs more love. I rewatched it with a pal who's a Blue Diamond fan and he loved it. I thought Secret of Kells was alright but this stuck with me way, way more so it's what I recommend to people.

The final moments Bronagh and Conor get to spend together fucks me up, man. And her and the others returning to the land of the fae forever is both heartwarming and heartwrenching.

Oh, sorry, user. I wouldn't know. I live in Scotland so I assumed Scottish Gaelic = rare compared to Irish Gaelic = common, in their respective countries.

>Dream tier; A human enemy to round it off
>Probable tier; Just some other gem threat, like some other rebel (but an unrelated one to Rose), or some rogue criminal gem imprisoned somewhere that escapes or is let out, possibly some other diamond from ancient times
>Interesting tier; Whatever progenitor beings created the gem race

Garnet is voiced by fucking Estelle. Being a broadway singer isn't that different

>Based Tier - The Irken Empire

I've seen a lot of reaching in my time but this one really takes the cake.

I really like older Steven

Funny how all these expensive VA's are reoccurring in SU but we're probably never going to hear Sugilite ever again

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Makes sense that the one with stretchy powers would be the one to finally reach and grab it

Yellow Diamond and Garnet have famous VAs and they still appear, so maybe there's a chance

How much of the budget is blown on just keeping Estelle around? I can't imagine she's as cheap as your average cartoon VA.

>Zim in SU
Then Sugar's dreams will be fully realized. She'll be moist 24/7

Starcasting is fine as long as it's not Hollywood shit. It's a musical so using musical actors is logical.

Estelle hasn't had a Top 10 album since 2012.

I'm assuming the diamonds will drop to guest next season, along with Spinel becoming guest. Unless we're doing a more universe-oriented narrative which changes the show's entire scope, I think it'll stick to the regulars and maybe some new characters at little homeworld.
Jasper getting promoted to main cast, too.

Don't forget how she tries to silence people who talk about her brother's sexual assault allegations.

>Jasper getting promoted to main cast
she didnt even get a speaking role in the finale wasnt even get featured in the movie beyond a flashback. jasper is the tien of SU.

why not just get another VA? it would be better than shelving her.

Fusion was never meant to represent sex, that's just Yea Forums's twisted interpretation.

Fusion is supposed to represent relationships or love, be them romantic, platonic or filial.

So was Arleen Sorkin, come to think of it Tara was when I started to hate that character.

Sugilite has thematic reasons not to appear again.

The VAs are one of the strengths of SU. Take that away for generic anime dubbers and the show gets far worse.

what happened with sinbad?

given the recent funimation shitshow, anime dubbers would at least give more behind the scenes shenanigans.

Soulja Boy hasn't had a hit since, whenever yet still views himself as a titan of industry.
Hopefully since she's kept a job she won't be too pushy about more money.

Jasper coming back as season 6 villain

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No we need "it sucks to be me"

It's a shame Nicki Minaj probably had a contract that states you cant recast her cuz shes greedy as fuck.

I can't even imagine why Jasper would be a villain?
What would be her motivation? Her whole reason for fighting Steven and the crystal gems was to avenge Pink Diamond's death at the hands of Rse Quartz.

All gems with force their carvings to be star shaped, and Steg will wear them on his belt.

Yes but we didn't even see her once in the movie, not even in the background? Where has she gone?

And when Amethyst is singing about her new family, Jasper, who she called sis, didn't even show up in the frame? Why?

Don't you think Jasper finding out the truth about pink diamond might leave her just a tad bit bitter?

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Running for Mayor of new-gem town and wanting to ban non gems from entry.

Asymmetry is an important part of her design, cause she's a little bit off.

>Masterwork tier: Seven space dwarves armed with *Adamantine Picks* and a lust for gems

>Vasquez doesn't want the Irkens to lose
>Rebecca is completely fine with it as long as she gets to be with Johnen sempai.
>suddenly, Vasquez pulls out of the deal and explains to Rebecca she has to have some love for her own creations and not give up in the name of getting sempai to notice her!

Maybe they'll just straight up use the Tyranids or Starship Trooper bugs. Personally I'd like a race of sentient swords made of nanomachines for the complete dichotomy. Make them look like the Shrike from the Hyperion Cantos.

Would like to do this shit but IK I'd never finish it kek

So excited to see all the fuggin Spinel animations with effort put into them. I'm running real low on Spinel content for how much I love her, like the fat greasy neckbeard I am.

Yep. That's going in the Spinel folder.

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>Where are they going to pull more antagonists from?
[hissing intensifies]

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Probably more than most of the other recurring cast

but what about "her cut is perfect"

>you are ruining the movie
The movie is doing that by itself already.

I always forget

A human enemy would be pretty cool.

Assuming it's going by what that user said they mentioned that Season 6 would be DBZ to SU's DB in difference of story, then it'll probably be off-planet adventures fighting other intergalactic threats. Maybe races that were fucked over by the diamond colonies.

>steamboat willie spinel

I always thought it was a missed opporunity not to go into detail about the other conquered races.
Some of the mystical things they fought in the first season could have been alternate species instead of being explained by more gems.

At the time when they made cartoon characters animated and designed like Spinel, CaliArts was probably an empty field full of snakes.

>You do not live in a world where everyone wanting to learn at CaliArts is left in a field of snakes.
Truly a better timeline.

This. She’s from some gay ass literally who puppet show where they show the puppeteers. They can bring her back

it used to be all orange groves far as the eye could see

>Avenue Q
>Literally who
Zoomer, please vacate the premises

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>literally who puppet show
you have to be over 18 to browse this site

>He doesn't know Avenue Q
Jesus christ how young are you

Why does everyone forget this?

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> bait this obvious
But regardless, she's designed to mimic rubberhose style animation from the 20s and 30s. Something obvious by the time they actually say her name.

okay so hear me out
everyone is saying this shit now but they sure as hell weren't saying this when we only had like two , funny enough all the fusions back then were between the crystal gems, which are all supposed to be adults, you cannot tell me in good faith there was something sexual about their fusion dance. the sexual subcontext only started to fade out when steven and connie started to fuse. then suddenly "oh no, fusion isn't coded to represent sexual relations, were did you get that idea?" isn't that interesting

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They've gotta be pretty fucking young

I'm just barely old enough to post here and even I know

there wasn't* something sexual

Pretty sure half the reason why Garnet gets unfuse so often is so they don't have to pay Estelle more that they need to.

How about this, Sneple where the original rulers of earth with humans being little more that wild animals, after the Gems reduced their empire to dust they hid waiting for the right moment to rise again.

Back then the only on screen fusion dance we ever dance was the sexual one between Amethyst and Garnet and the romantic moment between Connie and Steven .

Amethyst shaking her ass forming Opal and Garnet and Pearl literally grinding on each other.

yeah, this. oh and don't forget rose and pearl's fusion dance. from where im standing, it seems like they intended for fusion to be a representation of sex but then had to backpedal because of the implications of some fusions wouldn't be, let's say, a good look.

expectations vs reality

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Dunno youtu.be/tD0rchvuoMU

I mean Estelle voices one of the main members of the cast so I doubt its that much of an issue. I'm pretty sure all the diamonds are also broadway stars.

animating instruments is hard as fuck

As someone who just attempted at doing so the other day, I agree. Even worse is that you have to have some knowledge of what playing certain notes should look like, or at least fudging it enough so that it doesn't grind people's gears too much.

I'm just waiting for these assholes to come and wreck shit

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>trade one pain in the ass for another

How about hiring someone who's easily avaliable. It's really not that hard.

>recent funimation shitshow
What's this?

Honestly at this point Fusion is pretty much whatever the writers need it to be at any particular moment.

Yeah they are.

Okay quick rundown. Vic Mignogna got fired for some stuff that really, really looks like bullshit, everyone who worked on the DB dub turned their backs on him, and then it comes out the reason Funimation dropped him was because he made a joke with a jellybean. It had another va's name written on it and he ate it.

And THEN, recently, a bunch of audio files got leaked showing a bunch of the members of the same cast making extremely inappropriate jokes ranging from rape, incest, and to pedo stuff.

So now people, including people from TOIE who own the rights to DB stuff though that's mostly just for the audio files themselves, are getting pissed at the hypocrisy from Funimation and they might even lose the rights to dubbing DB stuff.

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>Cosmic Tier: They fight the Transformers

oh god want her to be in more episodes pls sugaaaar

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