Isn’t that wrong? Pull out his gem, hit it with the reset device and never let her see a human again, and she has now become pink diamond again and will never, ever, relapse or have her memories retriggered.
Pink stevens presence is the confirmation that Pink/rose no longer exist in the gem, the crew already confirmed she was gone for good as well.
so what would happen if you hit steven with the reset device?
Didn't you watch the movie?
the rejouv-thing literally reset Steven's powers to when he was a child before the show started.
If it reset so that PD was back, he would have been able to make the PD shield too. Not to mention the gem wouldn't have been unable to support his human half if that were the case...
So is having a human child really the only thing that can permanently kill a gem? Cause even gem shards have consciousness in them.
Looses his powers until the third act.
he... did though? or something like it.
>no longer exits in the gem
Exactly, which is why you reset it. The gem, not Steven, OP said, remove the gem entirely, then reset it. May not be Pink that comes out after, but it sure as shit wouldn't be some gay fat kid.
>Exactly, which is why you reset it.
There's no copy of the original factory setting in the gem. She's gone.
>TFW Pink will never pay for her unspeakable crimes.
>There's no copy of the original factory setting in the gem.
False, or it wouldn't have cycled through her shape. The Gem remembers that look, meaning the factory base should be inside it.
The trick is to make other people pay for her, perpetuating a vicious cycle of violence and genocide.
You know, like Star Vs
Wouldn't work. The scythe just brings the old programming to the surface and suppresses the new, it doesn't install anything. You can't bring Pink's old OS to the surface because it isn't there. The data was scoured and the drive was completely reformatted.
Star is going to become a brutal tyrant.
Very confusing changes that make no sense.
>I have the ability to change!
Okay but... that's not what you did to anyone else? Like did you just not think things could change after changing Spinell back? I don't get how "I know I can change" is supposed to equal using powers he clearly knows how to use.
Between this and the casual way everyone took organic rotting goo going in the ocean, the third act really fell apart
Steven being born essentially put a humanity bootstrap in there now, it's too late.
>You can't bring Pink's old OS to the surface because it isn't there.
But it remembers the look. The old shape and design is still there. It knows what Pink looks like, it even remembers what Rose Quartz looks like. How can it not have her base anymore but still naturally take her shape mid-cycle?
pulling out his gem and hitting it with the rejuvenator would just turn Pink Steven into a baby
It doesn't work on diamonds like that. How could the gems even make these tools otherwise
Hmm, interesting theory. So it at the very least it remembers her appearance, but the Pink Steven doesn't seem like it still has her mind. Like, it seems mostly soulless. That doesn't seem like the kind of learning and changing the gems did, that seems like an intentional near-total wipe. There's no guarantee a rejuvenator would have any effect beyond setting its powers back to pre-Season 1 Steven.
>It doesn't work on diamonds like that.
The fuck? What makes you say that? It worked just fine on resetting Steven's abilities to Pinks base abilities of making bubbles and shields.
>How could the gems even make these tools otherwise
By making them to reset gems, and not having them not work on diamonds? The fuck are you even talking about?
When Steven's gem got plucked, the very first thing it did was take Pinks shape, then it took Rose's, then it took Stevens, so the Gem still has that base shape and knows what her abilities should be and look like even if "She's gone", scything it when its out of Steven should erase the Steven bits.
Steven took many hits and his gem didn't pop out and reform ok
Right, because Steven's bits are solid and will hold it? How would it reform when there's a flesh robot around it? A flesh robot we know works, albiet not well, on its own.
That makes no sense. If the gem functions separate from steven, then it is confirmation that the pink diamond still exists as it's own individual entity. Rather, if the gem had become inert while away from the body, then that would have proved it needs the organic part to function now.
Is the crew capable of logic?
Because the gem was hit, if it could be reset it would have.
>Like, it seems mostly soulless
It still has A mind, just a mind that has changed, it moved on its own and could walk and talk and react, it could even use shields-pink's abilities-so it's not like it didn't have any sort of OS at all.
I chuckled.
Steven software on second hand Pink hardware.
That's his subconscious yelling as it's own individual entity. And to be fair, we haven't seen Steven's organic body have a permadeath while seperated from the gem, so it might depend on Steven.
It did reset, but it can't take another form when the flesh robot is around it and connected to it. He could still make it act post reset, but he could only do Pink's base abilities.
Until he learned he could change into something else. Huh. You know that might actually make more sense now.
What I think it probably had
>love for Steven enough to act to protect him
>a couple of residual Pink memories
>the instincts to replicate Rose's powers.
>a rudimentary sense of who Pink Diamond was.
And that's about it.
>That's his subconscious yelling as it's own individual entity.
A subconscious that still knows Pink's powers, shapes and even history, which is the point. Shouldn't it turn into the startup mode, in this case the first form it took when it was cycling? We have no idea how much of her brain would still be in there, but considering Pearl was literally a blank slate it might be the same as when she was born.
I liked when we thought this was Snipel power and not some item she had
>>a couple of residual Pink memories
If it has residual pink memories than it should have enough of a base to reset to. Shit, considering Steven saw through her eyes on that jungle planet the Gem obviously remembers enough to reset.
If my computer boots, then it is still the same computer it was previously, regardless of how corrupted the data in it is. If it's a whole different computer, and I pull out the components that were used from my old one, they won't boot up at all. They are inert pieces that were used as components. This is why this shit is so nonsensical. It proves the exact opposite of what the crew says it proves.
>If it has residual pink memories than it should have enough of a base to reset to.
No, resetting it would actually get rid of those memories, or at least suppress them it would seem. What it resets them to seems to be the default the gems have talked about before, the knowledge of what their role in the empire is, and the knowledge of how to
do it. That's something she definitely would have erased, as she would want Steven to be free of that. >If my computer boots, then it is still the same computer it was previously, regardless of how corrupted the data in it is.
Not corrupted, erased.
Way to ignore 2/3rds of my computer analogy. It is not part of the new computer. It is a separate entity placed on a network. You are basically unplugging the Steven laptop from the Pink Diamond tower and booting them individually in that scene. The scene proves that they are two individual machines linked and not a new machine built from it's parts. The fact that the Pink Diamond data is FUBAR doesn't come into this, because the data being fucked doesn't make them one singular entity when they both work independently.
>You are basically unplugging the Steven laptop from the Pink Diamond tower
There IS no Pink Diamond tower, the data's in the gem.
>The fact that the Pink Diamond data is FUBAR doesn't come into this, because the data being fucked doesn't make them one singular entity when they both work independently.
It's not FUBAR, most of it is gone. The data has been wiped. It's not in the gem anymore.
Okay you can't say they were erased and yet are also residual. Think about it like this, you install a new OS on your computer. Brand new, fresh start, you went from windows 10 to Hackintosh. Alright? Now imagine you booted up your computer and suddenly a bunch of old video files from the old OS were there. Why, it seems you didn't do a complete install, did you? There's enough files if you went back to windows 10 you could have it function. Or, in laymens terms, you didn't fucking erase all the original OS. Its still there.
Or to put it even simpler, imagine you booted up your new OS, and the first thing you see on the screen is the Windows logo before it swtiches to Apple. You would, rightfully, assume the original OS is still there because its the first thing it shows. She can't erase the core of who she is and still keep the memories of her base form and powers and everything, how would that work? How would the original be erased and yet the base design and old memories still be present? If something is erased, its gone, you don't cycle through it to get to the new thing.
The default, we have to assume from what we've been shown, is Pinks form. We can argue about the memories all we want but the main point is that when that gem booted up, the very first light construct it made was Pink Diamond, and without the Steven or Rose memories to form it, why would it keep going?
>Why, it seems you didn't do a complete install, did you? There's enough files if you went back to windows 10 you could have it function. Or, in laymens terms, you didn't fucking erase all the original OS. Its still there.
That's actually nonsensical. No, the fact that the removal was faulty and there are still some files there do not mean that you can revert it back to the original OS from those files, not even close.
>That's actually nonsensical.
Correct because the files shouldn't be compatible and their location wouldn't make sense, the only way it would work is if it's not a new OS and they're in a findable folder.
> No, the fact that the removal was faulty and there are still some files there do not mean that you can revert it back to the original OS from those files, not even close.
Of course not, its showing that the pathways of c:/sexy_porn is still intact, which means that the original file pathways are still there to begin with, that's what you would restore from.
Of course this is all just analogy to lead you to this point
>We can argue about the memories all we want but the main point is that when that gem booted up, the very first light construct it made was Pink Diamond, and without the Steven or Rose memories to form it, why would it keep going?
That seems like the bigger sticking point. Pink is form 1, if you erase/surpress Rose memories and Steven memories, it doesn't keep cycling does it? It just stays there.
>We can argue about the memories all we want but the main point is that when that gem booted up, the very first light construct it made was Pink Diamond, and without the Steven or Rose memories to form it, why would it keep going?
Either it wouldn't, and Pink's FORM would be reborn, but not her mind, as she basically erased that. In this case, it would act like Pink Steven, staring blankly, unable to do any but the most basic fighting functions, but without even having the files to have context about who Pink Diamond was or is supposed to be.
The other possibility is that she CHANGED what her default was, and all the information she wanted to pass to Steven is hard coded in. The Movie supports this assertion. When Steven gets hit with the rejuvenator, he doesn't become more Pink-Diamond like, or get the things that a newly made Pink Diamond should know, he gets reset back to childhood level. HIS childhood. This suggests the gem's very sense of what the default is has been changed.
>but not her mind,
Well duh, nobody's mind is there, that's the point of a RESET. Whatever base inside knows how to walk, talk, and use powers though, and its not like White was particularly clingy to Pink's attitude.
>but without even having the files to have context about who Pink Diamond was or is supposed to be.
Again, reset, they're RESETTING her because White wants PINK back and at that point in the story did not care for individuality. I mean if we're following what happened she would have just made her White-ified anyway like she did her pearl. The look, powerset and speaking voice of Pink would be there, White's "See? She was there all along!" Would be confirmed and bam. Stories over. Steven rots on the ground and White pats her own back.
>The other possibility is that she CHANGED what her default was,
And then it didn't work because it still tried to be pink, whoops!
>hen Steven gets hit with the rejuvenator, he doesn't become more Pink-Diamond like,
Because he's not the mind of the gem, as we've established. He's controlling it. The Gem has its own mind and works on its own, it doesn't make Steven's brain act a certain way. Further cementing that if White cut it while out of Steven, it would take Pink's form.
>he gets reset back to childhood level
Or Pink's childhood level? This is a pretty massive leap that's not really substantiated because it wasn't reliving HIS life that turned it back on, its him thinking "I can become something else" which made the gem unleash its full power. If it was based off Steven's childhood, then his time restoring the others would have fixed him. It didn't, his gem had to remember becoming something else before it let him use it. And guess what? Wanting to change, that was PINKS dream.
>is suggests the gem's very sense of what the default is has been changed.
Again, it doesn't, because it showed something else when it was taken out. According to the movie it would be form 1, Pink, with basic abilities.
no, it would become pinksteven, either amnesia pinksteven or pinksteven with the brain of a baby
wathever `pink did to her gem changed it
>Well duh, nobody's mind is there, that's the point of a RESET.
No, gems at birth know what their role is, and have a default personality. She'd basically be a zombie. That wasn't what White wanted, she admitted by the end "I just want you to be yourelf!" She didn't actually want to whitify her, she started trying to do that as she got more desperate. She wanted Pink back the way she remembered her, but that person is gone, and it never coming back.
>Or Pink's childhood level? This is a pretty massive leap that's not really substantiated because it wasn't reliving HIS life that turned it back on, its him thinking "I can become something else"
You're purposely misinterpreting that scene. You accuse me of making leaps while making leaps. He's saying he can change in terms of his behavior and attitude, not that he can become Steven from Pink Diamond.
I miss when there were hints that Rose was in there somewhere
>I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you.
>>I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you.
No, that part's still there, in the smile in the gem Steven when the two Stevens embrace. It's just that there's not much else left.
>No, gems at birth know what their role is, and have a default personality
We actually don't know what Diamonds think when they're born, if they have a set role or being higher than the others are told it. Pink obviously didn't have a set job before she got her colony. That was a huge plotpoint.
>She'd basically be a zombie
You mean like everyone else in the room.
>That wasn't what White wanted,
Heyyyyy remember what happened when Yellow and Blue tried to talk to her about how she was behaving? Good times.
> She didn't actually want to whitify her,
Did it at the drop of a hat to everyone else.
>She wanted Pink back the way she remembered her, but that person is gone, and it never coming back.
But if it looked like her, would she think that? It looks like Steven at first, reset, there's Pink, but she's blank and not acting like herself, do you really think she would pivot to "She's gone forever" instead of just "She erased her own memories"? And then she wouldn't grow desperate and shoot her with some Whitening? Pink wouldn't even stop that, there's no Steven parts to tell her where to go.
>You're purposely misinterpreting that scene.
He literally said "I learned I can change" and then it all instantly just worked.
> He's saying he can change in terms of his behavior and attitude
Still substantiates the point because he could use his shield and all that well before his complete shift, and it was a total flick. Like one thought "I can change" and boom, the Gem knows everything it needs to know, everything. He woke up the gem remembering he can change.
>not that he can become Steven from Pink Diamond.
I'm sure its just coincidence it works perfectly with Pink's dream.
>and loving being you.
The other parts would have been sweet, but this part makes her an asshole.
>You mean like everyone else in the room.
In "Change Your Mind"? Yes, but I'm not sure how that proves your point.
>But if it looked like her, would she think that? It looks like Steven at first, reset, there's Pink, but she's blank and not acting like herself, do you really think she would pivot to "She's gone forever" instead of just "She erased her own memories"? And then she wouldn't grow desperate and shoot her with some Whitening?
Sure she would, but that wouldn't change anything, Pink is still gone.
>He literally said "I learned I can change" and then it all instantly just worked.
Sure, that was the idea behind the whole movie, personal growth. I think you're fundamentally misinterpreting the themes of the movie if you try to draw some secret meaning at odds with the main one from that.
>One day when you least expect it, I shall return.
>You built a wonderful life for yourself, Steven. You can give it to me now.
>? Yes, but I'm not sure how that proves your point.
Because she turns gems into zombies, in Pearls case permanently. That's the point. She does it to anything that even mildly doesn't go her way, si U have no idea what's not clicking there
>Sure she would, but that wouldn't change anything, Pink is still gone.
Well, she's not, she's right there without her memories, and hey! No Steven, so White just like, doesn't let them go back together. Series over and she pats herself on the back.
>I think you're fundamentally misinterpreting the themes of the movie if you try to draw some secret meaning at odds with the main one from that.
Oh yeah, "I can change" being the most important thing that is a focal point for Pink's powers coming back and also the whole of Pink's goals is so well hidden, its practically a mystery! Come on. Even if you want to argue that's totally not intentional, in the context of this discussion it really does not help the idea that Pink wouldn't reset.
"Steven is Pink" is a plotline that was resolved with the Season 5 finale. You're so clearly arguing against authorial intent here that you must know that on some level.
>"Steven is Pink" is a plotline that was resolved with the Season 5 finale
Sure, and now thanks to the brand new weapon there's a gaping plothole in that one, one they created just for this movie so its really their choice to introduce it.
>You're so clearly arguing against authorial intent here
Ever hear of "Death of the Author"?
"Death of the Author" is an awful, horrible concept that should never be adhered or promoted.
Oh yes, because thinking for yourself outside of the bounds directed to you by the author is unthinkable! We can't color outside the lines, that's not what the author intended when they printed the coloring book!
>Brainlets still don't get that the whole point of these scene was that Rose didn't just change shape but was well and truly gone, replaced by something completely new
>That also would have turned back into Pink's shape if hit with this weapon introduced in the movie
If an author has a specific intent or message behind their work, you have the freedom to critique it for not being clear, or even disagree with it outright. However, it's insane to claim your private interpretation is as valid as their stated intent.
>Ever hear of "Death of the Author"?
If we're doing that, my interpretation is just as good as yours, so how can you convince anyone that your headcanon is right?
Notice it was said, it may not be Pink exactly that comes out if it's "reset". But even if
There's still obviously some vestiges of her to an extent in there, like pointed out. Who knows what you would get to come out if you did this, but again, the original point is it wouldn't be some gay fat kid. Hell, if it's even 1% more similar to Pink, you think the Diamonds would prefer that.
>you have the freedom to critique it for not being clear,
Or to just say "Whatever you meant IN ADDITION to that, this also fits with___", like, I dunno... the specific thought that triggers the gem is the same one Pink had and was devoted to? So even if she only meant "This is about Steven's growth", there's also no denying it fits the thing previously stated, ergo, its not private interpretation, its substantiated one and if she meant it otherwise, she failed as an author. She had the power to frame this in any way she pleased, and this what she chose.
Death of the author.
I've backed up what I've said this whole time, if you don't, well that's on you. You can disagree with it if you'd like, headcannon and all, but maybe others would agree if you explained it besides "This is what she meant" when its not substantiated?
Just a thought.
>However, it's insane to claim your private interpretation is as valid as their stated intent.
See this is why death of the author is important.
>They didn't mean it like that!
Well that's not what they showed then, is it? They didn't mean it to mean him reasoning that his ability to change was important, after framing around Rose Quartz's entire character around a love of that trait? Then the author's intent doesn't matter, does it? If I intend you to love a character and you don't, your interpretation is just as valid as mine. I can only make them more attractive, more engaging, more fun, but ultimately if you think less of them or do not want to see them, then my intent is worthless. Alternatively if I intend a specific act to say that something cannot happen, but then later show that what I just said is not true, is my intent more important, or what I eventually put into creation? After all, if I wanted to say a character is one hundred percent T Totally utterly dead, but then show them shifting about after they've 'died', what good is my intent if I cannot make it clear to the audience? What good is it if I introduce a tool that could have brought them back to life, and my characters merely forgot about it? Is it my intent then, or my intent now that is important?
"Author Intent", in the end, is a hope, not a fact. We know what you meant, or at least we assume we did as Rebecca never came outright and said she never intended you to make the connection with Steven's revelation and Rose's desire, especially not in the framework of the gaping plothole this weapon introduces into that entire storyline that, for all intents and purposes, is now rather null. It doesn't matter if the pink blob was Steven shaped, she showed Pink's form first when she truly didn't have to.
She could have put any shape she liked there, or none at all. She could have used any method to show her past, she didn't have to use flashbacks. She could have just not made this weapon in this movie do this very specific and previously unheard of thing. She had a choice, she made it.
Though I do kind of find it funny we're not even talking about that anymore, whoever I was arguing with just pretty much said "Okay, YES! It should have turned her back into Pink, but but but!" and that's the entire focus of the OP. She's not gone, or doesn't have to be, if White had used her own weapon she could have had Pink back. Maybe not exactly as she was, but then again, she didn't want anyone exactly as they were, they were imperfect, weren't they? That's what she said over and over, she hated imperfections. How perfect a thoughtless, memory free Pink would have been. But then, we wouldn't have a show, would we?
Be appreciative to writers, people like Rebecca shows its very hard, and not everyone can do it well.
Gem pregnancy is still a fucking mystery. Rose was clearly pregnant at some point, she didn't just turn into Steven. It wasn't shown how she lost her form. I would've assumed maybe she fused with one of Greg's sperm but she clearly had a pregnant belly at one point. Steven was also able to survive without his gem but in a very strange way. CYM made it seem like he exists as both by showing the split screen as if he were looking out of the eyes of both Stevens but it didn't seem like Steven was controlling pink Steven. It's all really mysterious still. I hope it all gets explained eventually.
The gem also seemed to respond to Steven with things he didn't know existed like Rose's room or her shield manifesting so either some part of her conciousness is still in there or it's just completely automatic in his gem like a machine.
That's assuming there is a default to return to, pink deleted everything.
At this point I'm assuming she tried to become human and fucked up somehow.
Strange that this wasn't addressed in the film. The gem would reset to its initial state, as in the gem's first form, Pink Diamond. Unless they go so far as to suggest it would be Steven's robo gem personality in Pink Diamond's body, I'm pretty sure we'd be getting a rebooted Pink Diamond.
Humans are fucking disgusting, look what they did to Pink Diamond.
>pink deleted everything.
Except what she looked like, both as Pink then Rose, and a bunch of memories
that's not how it works.
that's not how it worked during the movie.
pink Steven reset is just useless pink Steven.
>that's not how it works.
Pearl disagrees
>that's not how it worked during the movie.
>pink Steven reset is just useless pink Steven.
Then why did Pink's gem take her form at first? Why would it reset to a form she took later, after Rose's form even, which it also remembered? If its going back to the default state, it would be the first thing that the gem took shape of, since it doesn't have the Steven bits it learned later. You know, like Pearl's OG look or Amy's baby look, it looks like her then because it doesn't remember her changes. According to what the movie showed it would just turn her back to Pink, the first shape it tried to do before making Pink Steven.
Diamonds simply have a greater integrity. if pink says it aint happening, it aint happenen
thats residual data, the way the gem acts now is that it is a bio-adapter of sorts to stevens body, and thats not an acquired behavior.
The gem itself has been totally reprogrammed in function.
The gem was resetted during the movie so you will just have to accept an explanation like that as canon, cause otherwise it would have returned as Pink diamond.
Pink is permanently LARPing as Steven and nothing can stop it
>thats residual data
So's pretty much everything about Amethysts baby look, she didn't even have program functions, if it worked for her itll work for pink.
> the way the gem acts now is that it is a bio-adapter of sorts to stevens body
And can function on its own upon removal, including taking the original Pink image at first glance, meaning that yes, she would revert back to Pink in appearance, and even some memories could be jogged because they're also still there.
>The gem was resetted during the movie so you will just have to accept an explanation like that as canon, cause otherwise it would have returned as Pink diamond.
It only reset to being unable to function at full power and still bound to the bio-body it was wrapped in, the OP is asking if it was removed and then reset which would erase the programming to make it work with Steven. Also as pointed out upstream, Steven couldn't get the gem to work at all no matter what he tried and what he remembered and experienced, until he suddenly relieved the desire to change and realized he had the ability to change, meaning that intentional or not, the trigger to activate the gems full powers was Pink's strongest desire, the ability to change.
So yeah, from everything shown if White Diamond had thought to use the scythe she would have erased Pink Steven and would have gotten a Pink Diamond who acted like Amethyst did, the entire revelation of season 5 came down to White forgetting she had a convenient fix.
White knew these damn devices were flawed, they wouldn't have effected Pink to that degree, I'm not about to break down how the feint glow still present in his gem was it still connected to his nervous system
>they wouldn't have effected Pink to that degree
Except that they did, I mean even if you think there's not any Pink left in there period after all that, then you're just saying it worked perfectly on the gem in Steven. Until he had his own revelation it didn't work.
>I'm not about to break down how the feint glow still present in his gem was it still connected to his nervous system
Good thing too, if his mind wasn't connected to the Pink gem's mind, well. Good thing it eventually remembered Rose's strongest desire and then instantly got back to full power instead of jogging with the CG's experiences, which is how Steven learned to use his powers in the show. Curious he's the only one who didn't have to remember a specific event and remembered all the other stuff, like how to fuse and such, on his own, but the gem still didn't wake up until Pink's Gem remembered its desire.
But I guess it'll never be shown, because it was flawed.
but you cant. if that was the case, then PD would have popped out of steven's stomach. there isnt anything tangible or personality related left. just a few one off memories. shes gone, and you have to let go.
Or his gem was down on power and his lack of ability was entirely mental on his end
these fan theories are retarded. even the crew acknowledged that its just steven now. in an interview they said the only thing that can permanently kill a gem is to make a hybrid.
but thats what happened.
rosefags are really desperate to see their waifu, arent they?
>then PD would have popped out of steven's stomach
She did. Then she turned into Rose Quartz. Then she turned into Pink Steven.
> there isnt anything tangible
Cept the body and memories.
>and you have to let go.
Oh its not like we want her back, its just fun to think Sugar fucked up this hard making this seemingly inconsequential weapon made specifically to force a very silly plotline into the movie, she accidentally completely ruined her own climax and I doubt she realizes what this weapon meant in connection with those images.
Its just fun laughing at thoughtless writing, no need to be so upset. People do stupid mistakes all the time, she's no exception.
Steven's gem was hit with the reset device and all it did was put his powers back in Season 1 mode, if Pink Steven wasn't enough evidence for you, that should've been it.
>Or his gem was down on power
And then surprisingly not down on power when he remembered his mom's greatest desire. Wow! What a coincidental timing, that was some lucky out of nowhere recharge, wasn't it? Million to one odds!
>but thats what happened.
Yeah, he was low on power and just so happened to get it back in the swing of things in a way that accidentally implied the default desire is still inside the gem. Whoops! What a silly mistake we all made, just some bad timing.
Anything else at this point? Were the stars in alignment too?
>Steven's gem was hit with the reset device and all it did was put his powers back in Season 1 mode
Well no, he could still form his more advanced shield, he just couldn't maintain it. If it had been season 1, it wouldn't have formed at all. Pink Steven also came after Pink and Rose in the formation if you recall, and we're talking about a reset here. Just from what was shown, it should be Pinks body even if not her mind, and if you're resetting someone you don't care about that.
The movie literally proves OP wrong, Pink is gone like the gem Steven screams. If Pink was still around then the Scythe would have caused Pink to rip out of Steven to create a default Pink Diamond. It didn't, Steven gem just went back to having minimal powers control.
her room seems to be able to manifest at least a portion of her personality, but only to the exten that steven himself knows. i wonder if something in her chest might at least reawaken some memories so steven and her could have a chat and air all the dirty laundry.
So it cycled through Pink's previous forms in that episode maybe as an error, or Pink is fully in control and stubborn as ever. Diamonds are all powerful
I mean, whenever any gem reforms it shows their previous forms. so I'm assuming the same logic applies with Steven's gem forming after White pulled it out?
Not that Steven doesn't have his own human brain but rose is in the gem and you can't reset a diamond
>maybe as an error
Oh come on.
>or Pink is fully in control and stubborn as ever. Diamonds are all powerfu
Steven's in control of his body and the gem defers to him for everything, except when it was reset and forgot its own powers that Steven still knew how to use. That's probably another sign but eh, one more scrap on the pile.
She probably did erase her memories, Pearl showed that she could alter them, but her default is still there.
Yes, correct, thank you, the gems show their previous forms and it always starts with the default.
This isn't complicated, Pink Steven is just her latest form after Pink and Rose, they showed you this! Therefore the default would be pink.
the gem literally had less glow. steven doesn't poof so the gem had to rest somehow
not an error so much as it happened because it's cool
>DVD edits out the cycle
>the gem literally had less glow
Wait are we still on the "It was low on power until miraculously recharging at the weirdest moment"? Cause I can't take that seriously, it being dim just looks like its not sure what to do. It glows normally when he has his revelation.
Yes very cool, and also it has other meanings. Didn't mean for it to mean that? Well maybe should've forgone 'cool'
I'd laugh my ass off, yes. I mean how could you not?
>OH FUCK WE ACCIDENTALLY RUINED THIS WHOLE PLOTLINE THANKS TO THAT STUPID SCYTHE SUBPLOT! Yes the one where we just rehash stuff nobody asked for! Better delete it from the DVD before someone thinks about it!
They don't have to worry, its fans don't think that hard.
>gems are dull until they suddenly, miraculously reform
holy shniky
Yeah almost like there was something else inside there and it was the revelation of thought that jogged its memories, not an out of nowhere divine magic-waaiiiiittt a minute!
I kid, I kid, its just so stupid to imagine they wrote a plotline so bad they expect you to think Steven just out of nowhere got his power back and that whole speech was meaningless just because they'd messed up everywhere else.
I thought it was so fucking stupid he climbed that injector. I stand by them just playing around, fucking Lapis. Peridot blowing this single unit out of proportion for drama squeezes, Steven getting his shit together from just catching his breath i guess
So what would happen if you killed stevens physical body and cut the gem out and hit it with the scythe?
something very angry im sure
Baby Pink Steven?
>I thought it was so fucking stupid he climbed that injector.
I mean this is the guy who was panicking about 10 minutes into the movie because he didn't know how to turn off the planet killing drill thing.
Mind, about 5 minutes or so earlier, he'd teleported from Homeworld, the place with the people who own, built, and likely know all about said drill thing, including how to turn it off, and also have ships who could just lift the thing and chuck it into space if they were feeling lazy. Oh and probably could explain why Spinel was mad, seeing as they know all of Pink's gems. Him climbing the thing was probably the least dumb thing he did this movie, pretty much all of it was based off him doing the worst choices as hard as he could and hoping that the injector didn't kill them all.
Then it spilled a bunch of organic killer into the ocean and yeah that's probably fiiiine.
This show was a colossal waste of potential, with even with a decent writer this could have been phenomenal.
I feel like super mario 3 up in here
A pink diamond with no memories would pop up, same with everyone else. Depending on what functions come pre-programmed into Diamonds, which we don't even know if they have any or are gonna be like Amy and just kinda futz about, her behavior would change.
>people speculate 1000 different theories.
>won't stfu about Pink/Rose somehow still existing
I like how steven broke it. if it even touched yellow diamond it would turn to ash
>Show the Pink Default is still in the gem
>Introduce Default Reset scythe in movie
>I just don't get where all these people got the idea Pink would pop out if you cut the gem out of Steven's body! We only showed you the body like with Pearls' base and then had that be what she turned into!
>Gosh you fellas, stop that thinking, if we have a character say something really loud than we're not contradicting ourselves!
Its cute watching people try and squirm out of this plothole. Like nobody wants worst gem back, especially after Spinel.
Reminds me of Young Justice, they had a perfect means to put the Wally thing to rest forever, showing hes totally dead and cannot ever come back, but then at the last second they revealed dead-wally was M'gann. Just had to cut out 3 seconds and suddenly everyone just accepts he's gone, and then they had to backtrack with this plot point nobody even wanted.
then the worst case scenario is true, pink is inside the godgem and will never come back because she's a bitch
How much do you think the meatsack defended against multiple hits?
Pink made the ultimate weapon, face it
Yup, either that or she'll come back once Steven has fixed all her problems.
If Steven dies of old age will pink Steven pop out and go on a rampage?
The gem human hybrid may very well not degrade as it ages, just grows and grows
Yes, full on dead leaves mode
He's not even just a gem human hybrid, he's a Gem-human hybrid of a gem with healing powers. He's shown amazing recovery ability and durability, even since Season 1. He may age as Connie ages, sympathetically, because of his shape-shifting ability, but at any time, he should be able to simply become young again.
I think it would work like a computer that updated its OS (like windows 7 to 8), you can reset it but it’s default has changed so it can’t go back to the older version
He reverts back to the way he was in Season 1.
Dependent on the other gems to solve his problems
She’s gone. They made that perfectly clear
Bullshit, it might just be her personality is gone. Physically though she'd be the same.
>Regenerates as Pink in appearance, just has Pink Steven personality (or lack thereof)
There's no way the diamonds wouldn't prefer this to Pink Steven, they could probably just interact with and "raise" her to develop whatever personality they would want in her after that.
If that were how it worked, the reset device would've given Steven a huge buff as it unlocked true Diamond power. Also, he would have had to go through his Pink's development to recover. Neither of these things are true, Steven reverted to his own starting point, not Pink's. She's gone.
>you will just have to accept an explanation like that as canon
No one is saying what happened isn't canon. What's being argued is that it doesn't make sense and could be taken as a plot hole, or plot oversight. What happened in the movie happened, but there's the case to be made that something else should have happened, even if Sugar chose something different.
Just because it disproves your headcanon doesnt mean it doesnt make sense.
Now THAT would be kino, and redeem the show.
>Steven does everything he does, going as far to even change the entire Gempire and diamonds, after many thousands of years things are finally right with the universe and there is peace, all of Pink's shittery is finally laid to rest
>*pop* Steven's gem removes itself and Pink reforms
>"Gee, thanks kiddo! I'd only reduced myself to your form in order to hide from all my problems, since I'd fucked it all up so bad and never thought things would actually be fixed. Against all expectations though and even in a lesser form, you managed to do it! And it only took like 15 years compared to several thousands that I'd tried to do things! I'm so proud of you Steven... but now I'm going to retake my place in the fixed Gempire, thanks for everything and enjoy the rest of your life here... don't write to me."
>An enfeebled, diminished fully-human Steven withers away for a few more years on Earth, if he's lucky maybe survives to old age as basically a cripple now, while Pink lives it up again enjoying the fruits of Steven's labor
Literally ONLY going off what was shown in the show, it doesn't make sense.
Yeah it does. You just don't want it to.
The worse and worse a being PD is and the more and more awful shit she can get away with without comeuppance, the better it all gets.
>Majority of thread explaining in depth why it doesn't make sense
>Only retributions, "durr headcanon" and "uhh nah ur rong"
Did you only reply to me, late to the thread, because you got btfo by earlier more serious posters?
Of course I didn't read 135 posts of people making shit up. Have you ever been in a SU thread before? For some reason people constantly straight up make shit up and pass it off as fact the entire time. It makes fine sense, that's all there is to it.
Still question open.
That was disabling device rather than reset comparing to other ones shattered by Spanniel-XJ9, which still gives no explanation, why Pink Steven wasn't answer about GO^ONE arc.
Crew can confirm Steven is 400 year turtle, and even in exaggerate aspect, nobody with 101 knowledge about pacing and storylining buy this.
Neither this.
SU is full of plotholes, deal with it.
Try again in English.
That's /g/ay
still exist no matter of condition
>He may age as Connie ages, sympathetically
Immortality is a bad bitch who will kick you in your balls, every time.
> Connie dies of old age first (duh)
> Steven won't accept that she's gone
> He physically retreats into childhood so successfully with his powers he suppresses the memories involving Connie as well
> All the Diamonds and Spinel go on a "roadtrip" together on earth and do their best to bring back his humanity, but find no real humans left alive on earth connected to Steven except Lars, who has had to deal with being a relative immortal as well.
> Desperately, everyone tells their stories of how accepting death is necessary in order to snap steven out of it.
> It doesn't work. The first moment Steven is alone with Spinel in the pink room in the palace, he asks her to remove his gem. She doesn't and flees to get the Diamonds when she sees he's serious.
> He removes his gem himself as the pebbles powerlessly attempt to stop him, and he weakly drops the gem to the ground.
> Pebbles don't give a shit about the gem, as they frantically care for Steven
> As the Diamonds enter they don't notice the gem at first, then White frantically tries to re-insert the gem to steven's torso.
Then the gem glows and Pink Diamond reforms, uttering the line: "Wow, that child birth thing sure was interesting! What was going on while i was away?" Cut to black screen. Roll credits.
And this is why you
Crew statements \=\ Canon
Movie made plothole about Steven = PD
Man understand good?
Keep trying, you'll get there.
I’ve never seen a person who doesn’t understand English try to do the “dumbed down English” talk and it’s really weird
I stand firm by my belief that "Steven" is a Human / Pink Diamond fusion and Pink Diamond chooses to repress her consciousness. It would be like if the Sapphire half of Garnet chose to shut herself off and let Ruby control and make all of the decisions for the two of them.
It's seriously fucked up. You know how people tend to inherit some characteristics from their parents? Instead of Steven naturally being sweet like his mom, he's stealing that sweetness from her unconscious-consciousness. That's why he was so cold and hollow without her during that separation.
Do you have literally a single shred of supporting evidence or is this the kind of straight up making shit up and passing it off as fact that I was talking about
>Steven is 400 year old turtle
But it's not a computer it's a fucking soul rock. Pink's soul is gone and replaced with Steven's. If you hit it with the reset scythe it'd reset Steven's soul up until the reset gets reversed because it's not permanent or reliable since clearly all you have to do is sing a song to undo it.
I think I've deciphered the second line:
Steven got 'disabled' rather than reset by 'Spanniel-XJ9' and they feel that needed an explanation by Pink Steven in 'GO^ONE arc'
The rest is up to another user.
Hybrid son of a Diamond
Human son of a Rose
He's a revelation
He's a revolution
A gem that loves and grows
Pink Diamond was a bratty entitled diamond, then after she was finally given the responsibility of her own colony and saw it's damage to the natives, she matured into Rose Quartz. Fighting a war for thousands of years and life among the humans allowed her to mature further, and so she fused with Greg's jiggly glob of DNA, becoming Steven.
Pink and Rose are no more "gone" than the child you used to be is gone. The current you is here now, and the "you" you were before never left, but they can never really come back.
There's a quantum dream space where everyone is co-located, so that explains Steven seeing out of his gems eye. They are still tethered across space
So here's my interpretation
Pink Diamond was lacking in genuine emotion and sympathy for others she was an actual sociopath, she could fake it and did and she had attachments to things because they amused her.
After spending time on earth and learning more about humans she went through the idea of faking her death and saving the earth not because she was sympathetic to organic life/aberrant gems but because these things were unique and interesting to her.
Eventually after thousands of years and experiences as Rose she became bored again and decided to experiences the last few things she hadn't done before (pregnancy and death) it is also possible that around this time she came to realize how destructive her sociopathy could be to others and maybe even felt jealous of how others could feel genuine emotional reactions to things and so erased her self and recreated herself into steven a person that could experience those things.
tl;dr Rose/Pink was never a heroic or loving person she was just a selfish hedonistic one.
Steven really is the shit, gems don't sleep so they normally have no way to readily connect to hyperspace
When it "was time" and the human fetus was ready I feel like she just shlorped disgustingly inside-out, like there was a vacuum at the inner-end of her gem.
When the hard light was sucked away, the gestated baby Steven plopped down on the ground.
I get your point. But why would your computer boot to Windows 7, then 8, then start up 10 in a reset if 7 and 8 don't exist anymore? A computer can have multiple boot images.
Good analogy though.
But this item doesn't even work, the gems are fine
I think pregnant Rose glowed and shrank to baby Steven like a pokemon evolution
she's definitely still there. I would say all her "files" are still intact, up to the point where she transferred authority of the gem over to her human child. They're bound to address his dreams of Pink's life in season 6, the writers can't just ignore that shit forever.
The chest was open in the movie.
Could’ve just been because the gem was inside something, so it couldn’t fully reset.
But that's bullshit
Like, Lapis was set into a mirror and couldn't reform, so if they can't reform they can't reset?
Rose is a liar and a coward
Rose might honestly be one of the shittiest cartoon parents of all time.