Joker is a rape victim in the movie

>The Joker was raped by his mom's boyfriend as a child.

>That one spoiler tells you all you need to know about how incredibly dark this R-rated movie is going to be. It also tells you just how controversial this movie is going to end up being upon release. In a script that uses a piling-on of tragedy as an explanation for one man's turn to supervillainy, adding child molestation to the pile takes the tragedy to another level. You can expect some fans to praise the film's willingness to delve into such upsetting subjects, just as easily as you can expect other commentators to find the film's use of such subject matter exploitative or offensive.

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Single moms btfo.

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Why did the Commissioner do it?

crime prevention.

Joker's mom wasn't putting out.

Meme magic is real, holy fuck

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Warner Babies will be singing the praises for this remake of a remake of a remake renamed for a decade. I’m so sorry DC bros

>You can expect this post to be shilling

Jim, do you see it now? Rape won't stop the Joker, rape is part of what made him who he is. Raping him more will just make him even worse.

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Typical gary stu story

Batman, you know that I was the one who raped the Joker - don't you? I brought him into this world with rape, and I'll get him out with rape.

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It's not dark until Batman gets raped just ask Snyder

That’s hot
I was molested by mom’s boyfriend but for some reason fiction like that turns me on

W-w-w-w-what? Y-y-y-y-you're U-u-u-u-uncle Jimmy? N-n-n-no NO! BATMAN! HELP ME! KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME!

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Well Gordon, you did it.

Was it worth it, you monster?

Tell us about it in detail.


>have a movie where Joker was molested as a child
>includes a scene where Joker dances to a song by a convicted child molester who was involved in one of Britain's biggest child abuse scandals

Are they trying to be ironic? Does Warners realize they're just giving money to a convicted child molester? Do they just not care?

This movie is a fucking mess.

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It’s a remake of Falling Down which it’s self was a remake of Taxi Driver. They didn’t want to adapt any stories from comics but films instead.

Don't forget all the scenes they rip off from King Of Comedy too.

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which is the song with the pedo?

The king of comedy you idiot

I dunno, tragic irony is pretty fitting for the Joker, intentional or not.

>we gotta call him in
>no fucking way, you don't mean?
>yeah... we need the man who raped the joker

>the man who raped the joker
a multi-series event coming 2021

This meme will never die, will it?

Injustice Year 8

Sex? Not a fan.

joker was the product of thomas wayne raping his mom

so joker is bruce's uncle?

No, it never will - it's Yea Forums's best meme. Now go back home, we got a Joker to rape...

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No, brother

joker would be bruce bastard brother

thomas wayne raping *his* mom. so the offspring would be thomas' brother, thus bruce's uncle

you knew what was implied faggot

thomas wayne raped jokers mom
then joker got molested by some other guy.

joker is resentful that his real dad ignores him while bruce is loved.

It's Yea Forums's Baneposting


How long until they retcon this into Canon?
>No Bats. I, am your brother... HAHAHA... Our father raped my mom.

Fuck off, this meme is ours, Reddit doesn't have the balls to make a meme about rape.

Memes die when they go mainstream. Rape meme is too edgy for mainstream.

Majority of users here are heartless asshole cockroaches and will love this movie.

He"s not, Mom told him he was Thomas' son but she's actually just delusional.


How was this meme started?

I missed the origin of this but I suspect it had something to do with the previous "lick Jim Gordon's ass" meme

Or racism, which is why their Raimiposting is so much weaker.

People got tired of "why doesn't Batman just kill the Joker?" threads.

It's also evolved a bit. It used to be about Gordon trying to get Batman (and only Batman) to rape the Joker because he was convinced that it was the only way to stop the Joker. It has since morphed into Gordon being a deviant obsessed with raping the Joker himself. Also, he wants to fuck Batgirl.

Him wanting to fuck Batgirl is borderline DCAU canon though.

Imagine The Dark Knight interrogation scene, but batman locks Joker inside with Gordon.

by all accounts, it only will be raped

That’s later revealed as a lie, which is why he kills mama joker at the end

Shit hypercrisis detected

It was forced.

Baneposting at least had OC content like a music album and actual real life shitposting. This is more like Yea Forums's version of Sneedposting.

>why doesn't Batman just kill joker
>why doesn't Batman just break joker's legs
>why doesn't Batman just break his spine
>why doesn't Batman just rape him
>Batman just fucking do it already

>Batman, bring him in by the book. The kamasutra, that is.

so Alan Moore was right, and Yea Forums was wrong, as usual

If rape was what created the Joker, obviously rape is also what with destroys the Joker.

>Baneposting crashed a plane irl
>Gordonposting finally raped the joker

If there's one thing that will always be true in Yea Forums, is that clowns will always run a fucking joke to the ground, regardless if it's fun or not.

So yeah, expect that horse to be beaten to death and beyond.

He dances to a Gary Glitter song while jumping down the stairs.

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WB confirmed for Yea Forumsmrades, must be why the quality is all over the place.

You got to admit, it's pretty funny

>Daily Dose has been canonized
>Joker gets raped in the new movie
It's been a good month for sodomy based memes

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There will absolutely be a shooting at some theater the week this releases.

>Daily Dose has been canonized

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Did user forget that that's why Harly farted in the Batmobile in "Harly Quin And Batman"?

Piccolo's voice actor recorded a 4 minute skit of Piccolo fucking Yamcha. It was released with a bunch of blooper tapes of DBZ vas saying fucked up stuff for kicks while in character as a way to pour gas on the Vic allegation fight. This also included Hurcule slinging dick, Goku saying fag a bunch and Chichi making sexy moans at Gohan. Sadly this treasure trove was ignored to have more shit flinging about celebrity metoo drama.

>Chichi making sexy moans at Gohan
God damn that was so good

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>commissioner creates the Joker
>the Joker creates Batman
It's the long con.

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Sheeesh. I just came here to put a bullet in this sad excuse of a clowns head I think I'll do Gotham a favor and put you into that retirement you keep going on about Gordon.

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Better shut your trap, Punisher! Go back home and cry some more about your dead family. Now, Joker, where were we?

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Come on Commish, you know this was all fun and games. I'm really sorry for all of this, you know? So, let's forget the rape, take some coffee and send me back to Arkham, ok?

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>tfw his name is actually Gordon

He's the only Robin left that she hasn't at this point. She's insatiable.

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You see, Batman? See how he cowers? This is the power of rape. This is how you stop crime.

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If we kill the meme, we'll be just like it.

What if we rape this meme instead?

That's what got us into this in the first place, Jim.


What if Joker got himself raped on purpose because he thought it was funny? Wouldn't this only expand his power?

I dunno...

So far everything they've said and hinted at about the story makes it sound like it's framed as kind of cautionary tale - it's taking the sentiment of the 'one bad day' concept and extrapolating it to a life. The idea that any poor schmuck who gets that trodden on and shat on long enough is bound to snap one day. And that's a pretty interesting, pretty solid theme for a story.

But I feel like throwing in the child abuse angle cheapens that a bit and immediately turns it into "oh, well I guess that's why he's like that", which is sadly what happens with most of these cases where people end up committing mass shootings or other horrible acts of violence - society tries to boil it down to a single bullet point that's easy to wrap our heads because it's easier to say "oh it's because he played Grand Theft Auto that time" or "oh it's because he posted on that Mongolian throat singing forum" than to consider that it could be the result of years or decades of familial neglect, bullying at school, abandonment by society, etc because the former are simple problems with seemingly quick fixes rather than major social and cultural problems that need to be addressed.

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Then all Gordon has to do is explain the joke. And you know what happens when you explain the joke.

>The Joker was raped by his mom's boyfriend as a child.

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I don't know, I thought it was real and actually thought it was hot and that I might actually just watch this movie, but apparently it's just a meme.

>oh it's because he posted on that Mongolian throat-singing forum
>gurgles ominously
>loads gun

>And then he demands Batman to rape his creation
What is his endgame?

They should’ve just gone all the way and made it rated X.

Sexual abuse as a child leads to other issues. It's not just the abuse that does it, depending on his home life he was probably screwed up before that. Think of it like Berserk, Guts' rape isn't the only thing that made him who is is.

So uh

I get that and I'm not denying that. I'm just saying it kind of weakens the point it seems like they're going for

Gordon please. There's only so much a man can take.

It's a ripoff of King of Comedy you uncultured philistine.

>They didn’t want to adapt any stories from comics but films instead.
No one cares about Killing Joke, Alan. Go jack off to your snake idol.

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Some men just want to see everyone get raped.

How, he knows Babs is Batgirl.

The Commish a filthy shipper.

Have sex, incel.

I'm telling you, we have to study this shit
This has gone beyond coincidences and into borderline real life magic

This isn't really a coincidence though, a couple of edgelords on the internet and an edgelord screenwriter both independently came to the logical conclusion of how to make the Joker even more edgy: rape.

Not nearly as bad as sneed

>It could have been avoided

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Meh he probably just groped him. Gordon wants penetration. Maybe for the sequel.

This thread is the reason why the world hates men. They make fun of men-on-men rape and then complain about the feminist not taking male victims seriously. I guess, they are talking about hot female-on-male assault only!

Why are you here if you yourself are not a heartless asshole?

IMO it’s one of those rare memes that can be milked for a long ass time due to its sheer absurdity and the fact that it allows for a lot of creativity. I remember back a couple years ago some user essentially made a full BTAS fan episode where various characters were trying to convince Batman to rape the Joker using his own voice acting clips that were fucking spot-on.

I actually need this in my life

Good post; I agree with you.

>the world hates men
Citation needed. You faggot.

So Yea Forums somehow meme magic'd the Joker getting raped.

Yea Forums somehow meme magic'd Sans getting into smash.

What other bullshit has happened this week?