House of X #4 storytime

Wherein Wolverine jumps.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Hello epic department? I'd like to file a claim.

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Thank you user.

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God bless ya user

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Thanks user!

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>Wanda officialy a human

Two biggest mutant genocides are because of Charlie's evil twin and Magneto's "daughter"

Oh...I thought Husk would do something...

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She’s been back to being officially human since Axis.

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In the void where she belongs

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What about the new mutants post avx?

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Why didn't they just send magneto up there and crumble the whole station into dust?

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I hope Hickman bring them back once Moira's 11th life starts

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so, that's why Husk was in the team

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I love how this artist uses fingerprints to shade the artwork

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So this is definitely one of moiras past lives?

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It’s literally referenced as the increased births since the Five Lights. The Five Lights was an arc where Hope went and found the first five mutants to activate after Second Coming. After that we get AvX, and mutants start being reborn.

This whole page is stupid. Why is Wolverine asking what they can expect after they die? Both of these guys have first hand experience with being dead. Nightcrawler can never go back to being dead, and Wolverine was dead up for an extended period until a few months ago.


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This is her final life.

My bitch

That could have been in another one of moiras lives, its possible neither have died this timeline

This is a new Moira created timeline I think. The timeline we know was like her 4th life.


She has 11 total

Why is the fucking shape-shifting bitching walking around in her blue skin

Destiny said she could have 11 lives if she 'played her cards right' so there's likely another one coming

It's obv they're pod people. This is life 10.

Life 11 hasnt started, life 6 is a mystery.

Wait a minute, I thought that the Genosha genocide killed off HALF of all mutants on Earth, not 99%.
And wasn't it established that there were more than 198 mutants? It's just that the government only knew about 198? Hell, Typhoid Mary was revealed to be the secret 199th mutant the US government kept as a weapon.

>A pit trap in a 0g envyroment
Lol, wut?

When did M learn to do this???

X gonna give it to ya

It being the feels

>Next: Something Sinister

>Then: Society

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>being this new

that jean death page is pretty fucking brutal, damn

> Wolverine dies again

Hickman's run is already off to a great start

My first issue of X-Men was Uncanny X-Men #195 back in 1985. "New."

man i can't wait for the big ass trade.

This is depressing.

Yeah the retrofitted Stark Station orbiting around the God damned Sun won't have any measures to deal with wildly aggressive magnetic fields...

Nice to know Bleach had competitors.

Isn't that her Penance form? I remember something about it in PAD X-Factor


Cant cyclops just give it the full beam? Just take off the visor?

Hell, she shoud've been shapeshifted as Apocalypse since the damn ship just in case.

Hickman is a shit writer and a discount Morrison. Just wait for an actual good writer.

>The Heart

>questioning why a new writer doesn't reference all past continuity
you are either new or a retard

So Xavier works hard to keep a mental contact so he can have a last second copy of them to clone? This is a pretty cool sequence.


And here I thought Hickman wouldn't kill characters left and right like the previous run

Past continuity, in Wolverine's case, being a few months ago. God forbid Marvel have an editor do their job and tell the new writer that both characters know EXACTLY what happens when they die because they've both been dead and come back.

The entire sequence is written to bring some tension into the story. They have to ignore a shit load of possibilities to have it make sense. Scott could probably kill the mother mold alone if he took that visor off. Still cool moment for logan while the machine gets philosophical.

These kill stats are taken straight from pic related. Although it's kind of weird that since their resurrection, apparently none of these guys have managed to kill any more mutants.

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Hickman is retconning the mutant population. There were clearly waaaaaay more than just one million mutants during Morrison’s run for example.

And 198 number could just be the official number. But yeah, there were more than 198 mutants. Some were in hiding, some were so much of a pussy they scared themselves into thinking they had no powers to the point they didn’t register as mutants, some just didn’t register as mutants, etc.

Pretty close to confirmed that this is life X and life XI is 616.

The first issue establishes resurrected mutants and pod people, user. You have to be an utter retard to not think Hickman wasn’t going to be killing mutants after putting in a way to bring the back.

see a "tearjerking" moment between 2 characters is more important and satisfying than keeping the illusion of continuity .

This is x aka 616. X1 will be the reboot.

She opened the room to vacuum. Mystique got sucked into space. Couldn't she have shape shifted the arm to stretch out or something. Mystique has to have moves to avoid this.

I’m kind of curious if resurrected Logan is going to have his adamantium skeleton or not. Technically, his cloned body should just have regular bones, right?

Your newfag is showing

Mags can stick the adamantium in Loganclone later, with Cuckoos as anaesthisia

Yes. If it's just cloning.

>It's one of the "bad guys" that kills Mystique
A shame but good riddance none the less

Eh they prob got the info now to redo that.

>* mutants....are the REAL victims...*sniff*

yeah Okay charles stfu.

I guess they just have a shit ton of adamantium lying around then.

Okay newfag.

wolverine pile of bodies and nightcrawler tied them up . heh.

I was thinking the same thing, would have made more sense if she was disguised as a scientist or something, but Gregor saw through her disguise anyway because only a mutant trying to dettach Mother Mold would have gone to that area.

>some were so much of a pussy they scared themselves into thinking they had no powers to the point they didn’t register as mutants
lmao fucking iceman what a dweeb

Yeah I got that a couple of pages later.
Sorry Raven

They are not rebooting 616. This is X as in not 616. This whole event will boil down to a lesson or some info passed to Xavier in 616 changing the status quo a bit. This will set off hickmans 616 run.

Is the mother mold destroyed?Lol stay mad

wanna bet Krakoa just conveniently creates an adamantium vein to mine?

Krokoa cloning can probably do the adamantium.

>Husk and Angel are dead
Well, obviously, what the fuck did you expect Warren to do here, flap a lot?

Does he even have any Paco Lips powers?

At worst, the mutants can just get Sabretooth to steal some adamantium from somewhere.

I mean, it's not a naturally occurring alloy or anything..

Husk not shifting into an energy form or adamantium was super stupid too. Like why is she even on the team?!

Yes. They are.

Not a pit trap you fucking moron, she opened the airlock.

Needed bodies for the slaughter scene.

have sex

Yeah, you'd think Kitty Pride or something would make more sense to go fight sentinels

Krokoa is basically magic its a mutant environment. Its got magic transportation doors and organic computers.

>wolverine is the only one allowed to show battle damage


Good tanks pull all the aggro

Jokes on you, this is Moire X life... the one in current 616 universe will be Moire XI.


So mother mold confirmed dead? We are not going to get an ass pull next issue where the drones managed to save it from the sun?

What's the point of being shapeshifter if you can't grow some wings or tentacles?

I'm enjoying this X-Men: Jonestown Edition way more than I should.

Or it passed its programming on to Karima or something.

There’s no way they actually prevented Nimrod. They just delayed it’s construction.

You'd think by the laws of conservation of ninjutsu, Mistique, being the one villain on the group, and the one with the least helpful power in combat would be the one who most easily succeed flipping her switch because her mental acumen and charisma is just that good.

Alas no. They might as well have gotten an intern to do her job

That's what happen when you only send mutants, Charles... Cain could have destroyed the entire station.

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How would the times have a picture of Wanda M-daying the mutants? I can pretend that during the Genosha Genocide some mutant had some kind of drone filming the attack n stuff, but no way would the paper have a picture of Wanda over Pietro, cuz what supe would be like, yeah, lemme snatch a pic right now?

I thought that we are done with this Axis retcon nonsense?

>jean grey is useless

What a novelty

Good riddance to bad rubbish

I like events that give us a change up for awhile. Always feel disappointment in house of M for the crazy house of M world not lasting longer before it ends.

>The Pretender.
come on

Would she let it?

Why should anyone in comics care about death at all with that mindset?

Not to mention that photo is of Wanda just before she undid House of M. So even if the photo was snapped, it would just get erased along with House of M.

Pretty rough

So, what happened to AvX? I thought the mutants returned with than event only to be killed again by the Terrigen Mist... no mention of those two events, maybe this is in fact an alternate universe.

So why's Chuck cosplaying as The Maker again?

You shouldn't.

Trying to harness the big dick energy memetically.

Too much damage to the station. The Kurt and Wolverine sacrifice allows Scott to live. Earlier on it looked like Scott was planning to take it out with an optic blast.

The only reason I can think of why she wouldn’t let it, is if she’s being a double agent and infiltrating Orchis.

But if, as implied last issue, she’s just been taken over by the Omega programming, then I don’t see why she wouldn’t let it. She seems worried about Mother Mold being insane, but she also does nothing to stop it from being activated.

Makes sense

Can't breathe and she wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

I get it from a reader standpoint, but what about someone living in that universe.

Friendly reminder that:
1. Absolutely NOBODY gives a fuck about the X-Men anymore.
2. Yea Forums actively wants ALL mutants characters murdered as brutally as possible and their corpses raped.
3. Hackman's saga is gonna flop hard and should convince MarLEL to never publish a mutant character ever again.

I'm so glad to see you still posting! See you next week for the same post on the next exciting issue.

Let's not forget this is the franchise that established the line "I got better." as a response to people pointing out that a character was dead. The point was, assuming this isn't an alternate universe (which it very well may be), both of these characters have first-hand experience and already know the answer to the question Wolverine asks. Nightcrawler becomes a pirate in heaven. Wolverine has literally been to hell. He's also died, then was brought back a few months ago with claws that heat up, even though those will probably never be mentioned again. It would have made more sense, and had the same "tear-jerking" feel, if they simply said something like, "Maybe this time we won't have to come back."

Thank you for the weekly bump

Oh, you can bet your ass Mother Mold made something before getting into the sun. Some program passed, etc and then Nimrod will come online.
What bothers me here is why the fuck the so powerful Jean Grey did nothing useful. She could have entered the minds of scientists and made them drop the big head there. Where the heck is her tk power?

I'm starting to wonder if Onslaught will make it's reappearance. We're seeing pretty much everything there is from X-men lore taking place here and I sorta think that Onslaught might arrive.

When will they stop milking this?

Probably dont have full menories.

Jean is acting like pre 80s.

Yeah, it really does seem like this is one of Moira's alternate lives the more you look at everything.

>Where the heck is her tk power?
Or even a practical use of her TP. She should have been scanning the station, and easily picked up the scientists who blew themselves up, and just mind whammies them into sleep. Then do the same to every goddamn person on the station.

It’s silly to have two telepaths o the tea,, and not use either properly. Using Jean and Monet solely to be a radio to Earth is so fucking stupid. Just don’t have them be on the team if that’s how you’re going to use them, Hickman.

Its life 616. But pod people dont have full memories.

Or they’re just imperfect clones being sent on a suicide run.

the whole station is made of metal, why not send the master of magnetism out there? he wouldn't even have to be that close

The pod people thing is worse than the usual revolving door of death for the rest of Marvel. Both pretty much remove any tension or danger from a story. At least in the traditional MU, they're still the original when they come back. These are just clones. "Nightcrawler 9.0 teleported blindly into a woodchipper? No big deal. Here's Nightcrawler 10.0!"

I guess you could argue that this document was written not that long after AvX.

This is likely, considering there's no mention of the Terrigen Mists which was another mutant extinction-level event.

Any recommend reading prior to starting this?

It's a soft reboot so as long as you get the basic premise of the X-Men you should be good.

Ah Mister Sinister, here you are, we've missed you!
How the hell are you?!

I think the pod/cloning angle makes the X-Men more alien and dangerous. Now the Marvel U and humans will now that killing a mutant can't stop them or their evolution. Like Eternals or Asgardians (or hulks?) they keep coming back. That ups the stakes and makes mutants a more unique species in the MU

Hahaha holy shit yes. It's been too long and too seldom since THIS was a plot point.

Every single X-Men book ever published, so you can appreciate just how much this fucks with established history.

That's even worse


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In this timeline he wears a portable Cerebro 24/7.

The pod clone thing makes me think... why stop at one of each character? They can all be Multiple Man now! Twenty or so Wolverines should cover all those guest appearances each month.

Are they still running his twitter account? Its kinda sick actually.

Powers of X gets into this. No doubt Moira will come back and be all "CHARLES NO DON'T DO THIS SHIT IT CAUSES NIMROD"

Well then maybe the conceit of a story shouldn’t constantly hang on whether or not the main character is gonna die.

Its an alternative universe. Just start with house of x 1.

I mean at this point it's pretty clear that Nimrod might very well be an inevitability, right?

For all we know the originals could be in cryosleep somewhere in Charkes' basement while he plays god with his clone children.

Super hero comics involve the characters being in dangerous, often life-threatening situations. It's sort of hard to not have that be the main conceit of a good chunk of their stories. Otherwise you wind up with books where nothing ever happens... like some of the rapidly cancelled books Marvel has been experimenting with over the last few years.

I thought destroying the Mold was the way to avoid Nimrod

I thought that was Monet. But she did not just morph into Penance did she?

I think this Nimrod thing could be the driving force for X-Men for the next decade. Its perfect for the ideas that are floating around in our world about the machine singularity and such.

Last issue established that AI is inevitable, but, exact quote "an anti-mutant Nimrod" is not. So Nimrod might be, but he might not have to hate/hunt mutants.

So what # timeline of Moira's is this? Xavier chucked his students to the wolves to die to uncertainly prevent another (possible) timeline? Gee whiz how magnanimous of him.

I’ll get right on it.

>lets hope the mother mold has baked long enough to be friendly
>turn it on
>We just you both and find you wanting
>Going to burn you all

Well orchid fucked up.

Seems like Hickman is dropping her M code name and going with Penance for whatever reason.

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>>We just you both and find you wanting

I would point out I meant judge instead of just but I think its better this way.

The mission would've been successful if they had put Doop on the team.

Forge could have made a nuke and then had the ship remote controlled into the mother mold head.

And yet mutants suppose to outnumber humans in like 20 years?

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They could have had sinister send a bunch of clones instead of risking the originals

That's where the cloning comes in, I assume.

If depowering mutants and making them human is genocide wouldn't turning a bunch of humans into mutants at the end of AvX also be genocide?

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I'm pretty sure that's next issues twist if it isn't timeline shenanigans.


11 hasnt even happened yet. 6 is unknown.

Welcome to the "My Race got owned" club Charles, there is a seat next to Black Bolt waiting for you.
I too find this claim to be very weird since not only did House of M and AvX happen but also Terrigen Mist cloud was a thing too.

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That might be actually the solution. For the mutants to rush the development of a Nimrod level AI, but make sure it's not supporting an anti-mutant agenda.

High mutant deaths does not necessarily correlate to the % of population dropping.
Remember that in most time lines it is said that unless there is direct genetic interference all humans will give birth to mutants, and with how much reproduction in places like india and china are logarithmic scales the percent of mutants will rapidly rise.

>living isolated from the rest of the world
>using clone bodies to escape death
Damn Xavier really is Inhuman pilled

No one is turning humans into mutants. It's a natural mutation that's becoming more and more prominent.

Celestial mutants are diffrent from Phoenix Mutants.

releasing this xmas

i think jean is too old for the codename "Marvel Girl"

what did she ever pretend to be? she wasnt an xmen. this seems senationalized as hell

That Jean is basically neal adams era.

That would be interesting indeed.

Jean is in her mid-20s if we go by the official timeline.

Mutant girls fuck bro.

if they have grievances against the avengers like that, then they should stop pussyfooting around and take it to them. but i wonder if they'll take responsibility for the kids that were killed on the bus, or if thats on the purifiers

Has any x men besides Maddy and future Jean even had a kid?

I think the "pretender" thing is the retcon of the retcon making Wanda and Quicksilver turn out to not be Magneto's kids. Which was pretty much only done because of Ike and Disney not having access to the X-Men a few years ago.

What is this? X-Men Brexit civil war?

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Not counting alternate universes or alternate future timelines? Wolverine had a ton of kids that he killed in one storyline, as well as Daken.

He pulled that giant bullet where Kitty was imprisoned in Uncanny X-Men #522, from miles and miles away in the universe.

Banshee is Siren's father. Colossus has an illegitimate son in the Savage Land that he doesn't know is his kid.

Longshot and Shatterstar are...actually nvm

I too get angry at comic book

Good point here, pal.
Let's see how this saga unravels in the next chapters. It could be quite interesting if you're right.

See, Hickman, THIS is how you do exposition, not this. One feels natural and makes the reader more interested in what will happen next. The other is just boring charts that add nothing.

the pill doesnt work on mutants

Yeah. But I meant more the pod people thing since in X100 there are spliced hybrids—and a Wolverine clone (maybe) bred to be dumber than a sack of rocks.

Don't really care either way.

Nah this is dumb

This may be way off base but was their accidentally kick-starting the mothermold the birth of Nimrod? Seemed like that was pretty heavily suggested.

Pretender of Mutant race.

Mother mold felk in the sun. Its gone. Theyvwere sent to

>mutation bad
>augmenting ourselves with tech good
>building insane Skynet AIs good
Marvel humans are RETARDED

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Almost like it's not actually objective narration but the computer archives of an author with a bias

What about Mister Sinister? He's not a mutant, and he's responsible for the Mutant Massacre.

>The Pretender Wanda Maximoff

>do better, you fuckin' busta

He apparently may be. Hickman said as much.

They were sent to prevent that nimrod from timeline 9 existing in 10.

That phoenix was there to undo wanda the pretender's shit or burn the planet. They made their choice.

they shouldn't either, especially the fucking X-Men considering Jean is like right fucking there

Hickman considers him to be one.
I mean, he's not originally one, but I don't see why he couldnt splice/activate the x gene in his body.

Yeah, Cain should have handled this, why didn't Cyclops bring his new bud Juggernaut along?

Notice how the files that Apocalypse got in the 9th timeline weren't brought up. Something's up.

you're not going to become "This will be my final post on Yea Forums" no matter how hard you try

Because then it'd be kinda iffy having him work for the x men. I mean, it already is. Dude is responsible for countless deaths. Shit, during WWII he used the holocaust as a way to get more bodies for his experiments.
So uh... yeh. Very ethically dubious using him.

Was gonna say the numbers aren’t right but yeah there were at least 30 Morlocks

>issue where all the big X-Peoples bite it
gee I wonder what's gonna happen

but she was deemed a mutant by proxy of being max daughter. she wasnt out there deceiving mutants and she wasnt even on an x team.

i questioned that with 16 million dead mutants in genosha alone

ok, 16 million in general makes sense

They dont know is the UK will be free or if they will cuck and get dissolved into the EU. They are waiting to see which character has to die off.

True, Black Bolt is objectively responsible for far more mutant deaths than Wanda, since only like 3 or 4 mutants died as a direct consequence of losing their powers.

She's not his kid or mutant or anymore.

So next issue Nimrod is going to fly out of the sun and begin the skynet war?

none of that is her fault though, so how is she pretending?

>Marvel humans are RETARDED

Its just Sublime fucking with them.

Still a pretender.


Moira however is a nimrod on one cover.

Hickman is not a very good writer. I recently read some of his slightly older stuff and was unpleasantly surprised.

>There were clearly waaaaaay more than just one million mutants during Morrison’s run for example.

About sixteen million, half of which were killed in Genosha. That leaves eight million, rather than one.

It's odd that he managed to fumble such a simple and easy to verify fact.

Hey wait a minute, the number of mutants killed in Genosha and the number of mutant deaths attributed to Trask (i.e. killed by Sentinels) is exactly the same.
Are they seriously saying that the Wild Sentinel that nuked Genosha is the only Sentinel to have ever successfully killed a mutant?

I knew this House of X would be another life of Moira in preparation for her actual 11th life and the real 616.

Rosenberg pls go

I don't think so, OR if it was destroyed, Nimrod will arise regardless.

I think Moira will stop the attack in her eleventh life, allowing Mother Mold to pass an 'ethics threshold' before she is turned on, so when she is activated she will refuse to kill anyone.

This isn't the current timeline, so it doesn't matter who dies here.

Isnt the entire point that not only does human evolution create machines but machines evolved into a nimrod and the end of its evolved logic is lol fuck both humans and mutants?

Go home, Rosenberg. You're drunk.

That would be pointless. Once it is set, Adamantium can't be worked.

...Well, except by Magneto I guess.

>Well, obviously, what the fuck did you expect Warren to do here, flap a lot?

Turn into his Horseman form, which is formidable?

Mutants come from humans. In fact the only difference is 'Powers switched on / powers switched off'. It's pretty obvious given mutants arise in all ethnicities and nations. That's not how speciation happens at all.

So all what would be needed for that is for more humans to be 'triggered'.

They were only AIM beekeepers, so it is fine.

>Mutants come from humans. In fact the only difference is 'Powers switched on / powers switched off'. It's pretty obvious given mutants arise in all ethnicities and nations. That's not how speciation happens at all.
>So all what would be needed for that is for more humans to be 'triggered'.

This. Hasnt it been pointed out in the past that when the sentinles looked most of humanity had an inactive x gene?

Really do you have an image

Amazing. All three, completely wrong.

Hickman is saying that because he doesn't fact-check.

Matt, just, stop

>When you kill more Mutants then Wanda but point the finger at her first since she's the more well known character.

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Not that user, but it's obscured by the logo, top left, prob a better copy out there

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No, I don't think so. I think this Nimrod is the way it is because it was 'born wrong'.

Remember the original Nimrod from the future evolved his own set of ethics, which led him to longer view mutants as innately a threat to humanity.

Yeah - I don't know what that means.

Im Matt, not him you fuck.

I don't see it, personally.

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Only those 6 center triangles are Moria. The rest are other characters. For instance that is not Moria-magneto or moria-mystique.

>There were clearly waaaaaay more than just one million mutants during Morrison’s run for example.
Yeah, there were 16 million on Genosha. It was Morrison who wrote that.

thats not how it works

I don't see how this Krakoa thing is going work out if one of their Omega levels is this useless.

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Please God let the MCU not do this crap.

>robots raping a ship
Seems really tame compared to the others. Can't even see her.

So if mother mold did anything. It was to send some programming into those drone sentinels that just showed up I think.

Yeah nimrod moira.

It's clear that Mother Mold coming online before the right time is what causes Nimrod full mutant hunter.
That's why what causes him to was a mistery and the mutants from timeline 9 could only get some imprecise info. Xavier in timeline 10 assumed the rest. That's some minority report shit, when dude try to avoid a crime and ends causing it.
I think the point here is to let Mother Mold to evolve the program and finally go like "I don't give a shit about your human-mutant battle royale. We machines will be here and there forever. Go kill each other already, shall you?"

This page would hit harder if Xavier didn't have that creepy supervillain helmet on.

>in most time lines it is said that unless there is direct genetic interference all humans will give birth to mutants
It is? You mean, like, EVENTUALLY, right?

>It's a natural mutation
Which wasn't happening any more, but Wanda and Hope turned it on again, hence changing humans into mutants, effectively.

So, remind me, where's Moira in this timeline again?

Wanda and Hope just turned the X-gene back on, essentially.

>celestial dickery
Also Hope just mutated random people. She did just turn back on those that wanda turned off.

Mystique and Sabes had Graydon, has Cannonball got a space kid?

I think that's still a thing, with Smasher

Wanda removed the block she previously put in place. The reason she did so was to get rid of the phoenix before it killed earth. It came to earth to turn mutation back on. Wanda the pretender had blocked evolution and was forced to fix it.

In Xaviers Helmet. Its why he is acting femine.

Not seen yet unless you count the bench scene from x^0.

They are like the custodians of the universe. Its as natural as anything.

Probably the helmet off could spoil some secret to come in the next issues. That thing is suspicious as hell since from the early previews.

Good idea actually. Moria dies early and as a emergency gets stuck in Xaviers head. He makes a mobile cerebra to help him stay stable.

That seems logical. Otherwise, it would make more sense for Xavier to put the helmet on after this issue when he's completely done with baseline humanity's bullshit.

Earth X is not fucking canon you dweeb

>Monet kicks ass
>Mystique gets blown out an airlock
If I wasn't already exhausted with all the meaningless deaths in this run these would be some of my favorite pages ever.

I agree. That's why I'm going for the helmet hiding something. Maybe he's deformed in some way or something like that. But I don't know if Hickman would do it only because of this. That freaking helmet could be even Xavier itself, while the rest of the body is just an acessory for formalities and interaction.

Which turns a non-mutant into a mutant.

no, it turns a preemptively de-powered mutant into a powered mutant

>bring back scott
>just to kill him again

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Celestials caused all super potential in humans in all continuity.

This isnt 616.

Generally, people with 'latent' X-genes are considered non-mutant. Until Sentinels decide they need to be pre-emptive.

You missed all those anons who were convinced Hickman was going to be the one to undo Axis and make Wanda and Pietro into Magneto's mutant children again? Hickman doubling down on them being human is a moment to enjoy. The X-Men continuing to blame Wanda and not mention Doom makes them look like cowards who are scared of him.

This book is selling out at every damn store I go to. Thank goodness for OP!

All timelines were 616.

>Until Sentinels inevitably decide they need to be pre-emptive.

Thats the point of half the old stories.

Only the last one will be. The rest is just a day dream in Morias head.

Come to my store, the shelves are overstuffed with one variant and there always leftovers even after a week.

Aw, C'mon! That stupid plot from Children's Crusade was just to make Wand look better for her version to come in MCU. Nobody believed that crappy nonsense of "duuh, Doom made me do it, I'm a good person."

I wonder where the hell she is in this last timeline.

How is she a Nimrod? The pink collar?


It is since that one issue of Thor - 'Day of Alpha' I think it's called - folded the Eternals into the main universe.

Very nice. I don’t know if my shops don’t order enough or we just have a bunch of readers and or resellers in my area. There are three around me, too.

Remember bastion?


he's on his main x-men book with all the summer boys
he'll come back with a pod or they reset the timeline by the end of this

This. If you run over a kid while driving drunk the bartender is not responsible.

Actually depending on the state the bartender might be.

Then Magneto is fully to be blamed for what he did in Morrison's run.

Prime Sentinels all had those collars though, not just Bastion.

Attached: LibrarianSymbol.jpg (823x345, 82K)

Only good mutie is a dead mutie. Not enough rope or trees for these walking candles.

The X-Men have issues with the atrocities that Magneto, Emma, Sabertooth, Apocalypse, and Bishop have committed so they can forgive Wanda.

Nice catch

During the Dark Angel saga he was hit with an explosion of radioactive energy and was barely fazed. I call bullshit he died from a simple explosion.

It wasnt Magneto. It was absolutely a clusterfuck of retcons but it wasnt magneto.

In no states the driver isnt responsible.

Interesting. Krokoa is an organic machine. Is this part of the laffer to the paralax?

Daaaamn! Nice one, Sherlock!

I made the image, but I read about it first.

>Interesting. Krokoa is an organic machine. Is this part of the laffer to the paralax?

I meant ladder to the phalanx.

Krokoa + organic mind cluster. This is the same idea as combining multiple machine intelligences leading to greater levels of intelligence.

Love this costume.

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I've just finished reading the last issue of house of X and altough i really liked Hickman writing so far i must admit that this time i'm perplexed; not for the story in the issue overall, that was quite ok, but the giant logical holes in the plot:

Jean is writed very poorly, like the stupid girl arrived in the last minute and altough she's the most powerful mutant in the team she's left behind to act like a radio for the porfessor, same with M.

mystique is a shape shifter but walks around mindlessly in her true form because reasons and when she's pulled through the hatch she forgets that she can shapeshift her arms into something.

husk's death is cheap and has no sense, she's the one that can turn into stone, steel or wathever.

magneto could pull off this mission in seconds, like jean who has telekinesis.

Wait and see

The mission was made just to have some tension and to give you that scene of the mother mold coming online and telling both humanity and mutants to fuck off. Its continuing the themes of the run so far. I assume mother mold made a nimrod somehow or passed on a copy of itself because if not this whole thing was mostly pointless. Also its not 616 this will be the second to last life of Moria so these xmen are different from the ones we know is ways we dont know and Hickman probably does not want to lay out.

Oh shit nice one mate

Looks like X got it given to him, lol.

>Wanda considered a Human
GOOD. Fuck them X-Fags who kept insisting on her getting retconned back into a mutant. She's better in the Avengers.

So far I’ve only been readin House of X. Should I read Power?

I'm assuming nothing of this is part of the main timeline. No way they just killed most of the mainstays of the X-Men.

Shes better in the grave.

i'm not saying the mission was useless, i'm saying the mission was handled in the dubest way possible.

Read it in release order. The two are interconnected in telling the story.

Yes they are basically one story in the end.

Laughed harder than I should have at this.

>That stupid plot from Children's Crusade was just to make Wand look better for her version to come in MCU.
Alternatively, attempting to permanently destroy an Avengers character for a bad X-Men story was a stupid plot and someone was going to retcon it eventually.
>Nobody believed that crappy nonsense of "duuh, Doom made me do it, I'm a good person."
Imagine for a moment that you are Cyclops, Emma or Wolverine, and Doom claims he was behind the Decimation, are you really going to say "nah I don't believe you" and just stay away from him? You really don't care enough to find out for sure?

Moira's bodysuit in the PoX solicit screams Nimrod because it's identical to the outfits Bastion and the Prime Sentinels wore.

Moira has been MIA since faking her death on Muir Isle in (we think) this timeline 18-19 years ago IRL. I assume Xavier and Magneto know where she is.

I was starting to think X could actually be Sinister until this issue. But I don't think the helmet is hiding some physical deformity or different ID.

>It is since that one issue of Thor - 'Day of Alpha' I think it's called - folded the Eternals into the main universe
Earth X had it's own version of what the Asgardians and Odin are, which is not at all canon to 616.

Doom may have some ass whooping coming but there is no denying Wanda The Pretender did it.

Yeah, but those people are Mutants, not dirty flatskins

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Cracks me up when people try to absolve Wanda.
She has had mutant self loathing issues going back decades. Never raised her child around them. Kept away from her father.
Magicked up some kids. Took it out on the Avengers. Had another breakdown, blamed her birthright.
Wanda can't be trusted not to go HAM on mutants again someday. Surprised Moira has not tried to take her out but maybe she's just too dangerous.

Page 1 of POX 1 implies Xavier becomes Nimrod

She wears Cerebro, so maybe this is just a new symbol for Cerebro's 'power' or knowledge.

>magneto could pull off this mission in seconds, like jean who has telekinesis.
Baby, do you know what happens to electromagnetic fields when you get this close to the sun?

Next week's solicit:
>As Cerebro does as it was intended to do, >Sinister does what Sinister does best and the >future comes to an end.

Xavier is going to use the psi records of the X-Men and Sinister's genetech to re-print the suicide run X-Men from scratch via Krakoa biopod.

Q is why. Xavier must know from Moira that when they tried this before (Life 9) Sinister dropped the dime and betrayed them to the mutant-machine supremacy.

When did being a mutant stop her being in the Avengers?

>Sinister got executed after defecting
This fucking retard...


>She has had mutant self loathing issues going back decades.
No she didn't.

>Never raised her child around them.
Why should she? She tried raising her children like normal kids, even kept them away from her fellow Avengers as much as possible.

>Kept away from her father.
Gee, I wonder why Wanda would want to keep her kids away from the man she remembers as the evil insane super-villain that abused her and her brother?

>Magicked up some kids.
What does that have do with any supposed self-loathing?

>Took it out on the Avengers. Had another breakdown, blamed her birthright.
Yeah, fuck Bendis.

Why doesn't Xavier just mind control Sinister into not being a traitor

>attempting to permanently destroy an Avengers character for a bad X-Men story
Disassembled was an Avengers story. That's when she lost it and killed Avengers.

>implying he actually died
It's not like he hasn't cheated certain on screen death before

Yeah, I'm sure a thing like one measly death will keep Sinister in line this time. Sinister, the man who has died like 900 times

>well I'm certainly not gay.jpg

Or maybe the resurrections we saw didn't happen yet but are the consequence of Professor X's "no more". Since Sinister is Coming that'd be a fair assessment.

Who even raises Luna now? Lockjaw?

>Never raised her child around them.
Are you the same person who keeps arguing that Reed and Sue should hand Franklin over to the X-Men to raise? That's how you get a dead son, user.
>Cracks me up when people try to absolve Wanda.
user, it's like Hal Jordan. People put a lot of effort into demonizing them, trying to make them a permanent villain, then it got retconned because other writers wanted to use them as heroes again. At a certain point you just have to accept that years have passed, nobody is going to turn them into a villain again so you can see them punished. The old controversial stories that made them villains don't matter anymore to current stories and haven't for years. Stop whining about the retcons, let it go, and if you don't like her you don't even have to think about her because they took away any reason for her to ever appear in an X-book again.
>Kept away from her father.
The terrorist leader who forced her to fight in his personal army? Why would she want to associate with him? Quicksilver's attempts to change Magneto, or earn his approval are more unhealthy than just staying away from him.

I just meant Kurt, Logan, Jean and Scott have all died before.

either Crystal or Quicksliver since last time we saw her was in All-New Inhumans Issue #11 and she was living with Quicksilver at the time.

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why the fuck can't Crystal comprehend that she's there on-schedule even after being told the fucking date

I definitely did not say they should hand him over.
And Hal Jordan? Wanda is back in black and a popular Avenger again. She has not had the kind of long slow grind back to normalcy Hal did. It kind of just happened. It doesn't bug me but pretending Wanda has always been super stable and cool with the muties is ridiculous.

God they just keep making Crystal worse and worse.

Why are they writing Crystal as Janet van Dyne
The Inhumans are never going to be 'normal' thank god they stopped trying to make them happen

Remember how Hickman also threw the Celestial Embryo into the Sun in SHIELD? It's going to emerge from the crucible fully conscious.

The X-Men defended a mutant who participated in the Morlock Massacre, they really don't have any room to talk.

Gambit, a recon agent for a mutant tragedy and an internal mutant affair. Not the same thing as a star Avenger wiping out the bulk of a race. Gambit sux tho

The same thing that happens to a toad struck by lightning?

>Wanda is back in black and a popular Avenger again. She has not had the kind of long slow grind back to normalcy Hal did.
From Children's Crusade to AvX to Uncanny Avengers, there were always people who didn't trust her or didn't want to forgive her.
Hal having his own solo book allowed for time to be spent on rebuilding his life and friendships than gets spent on any one character in a team book.

>but pretending Wanda has always been super stable
A lot of Marvel characters have had stories which would qualify as insanity, while it doesn't work IRL, the need to keep the characters around and as heroes meant they just recover somehow and it probably wouldn't be mentioned again. Wanda and Hank Pym are the exceptions where writers won't let it go and wanted it to define them.

>and cool with the muties is ridiculous.
Bendis giving her a lifelong self-loathing and hatred of mutants was a retcon that came out of nowhere, user. It's a leap in logic to argue that she, or any others, like Justice or Whirlwind, who lived amongst humans and didn't join an X-team must hate mutants. Some people just want to live their lives and do their jobs.

>Not the same thing as a star Avenger wiping out the bulk of a race.
De-powering is not "wiping out". We never get to hear from the people whose lives were improved by not being mutants, the people who didn't get to fly or shoot eye lasers, and got painful deformities instead.

>yo when I was out on the street I could make fye gran n twenny minnits

Crystal forgets a lot of things it seems, It's why I sometimes like to call her "short-term memory" the character since that what some writers like to go with.
>The Inhumans are never going to be 'normal' thank god they stopped trying to make them happen
I don't get why they where trying to make them normal in the first place. Since being an Inhuman is anything but Normal.

what about Blob?

Your brother Billy, whatever happened there....

I was talking about Sabertooth.

Blob was the only one we got to see being better off as a human. He threw it away to become the Blob again, there was never an explanation why.

Blob was literally worse off as a human, he tried to fucking kill himself but couldn't get a knife through all his skin

Not pretending that page is handling it well, but Crystal is the one Inhuman that spent a lot of time living amongst humans, she's the only one that they can write as seeming like a normal person.

Then he turned himself into a weight-loss guru and became a celebrity in Japan. Things were looking good for Fred Dukes.

They are tactically dropping Wolverine off at every college girls dorm across the world.

Based Mr Clean.

Attached: Mr._Clean.png (220x221, 78K)

We need a list of mutant on human crimes, but it would fill several issues.

Bishop alone has killed billions of people.

Why would Logan volunteer for that again?

>clones death
>other life
>future sight
what did you pick

i wanna go for future sight but i'm leaning on cloning. the x men we saw are clones and are being used like Star wars clone troopers.

It was an important point that the X-Men and Avengers covered up the cause of the Decimation, the media never knew how it happened.

X-fags aren’t ready to have that conservation.

considering the solicit for the next issue is
>Sinister does what Sinister does best
I'm gonna go with clones

They could just implant it in him before he's awakened

Luna is back in Attilan with Crystal as of Royals

>He's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is unprotected.

BORN TO REVIVE/ WORLD IS A FUCK / Kill Em All 1962 / I am right man / 17,508,038 DEAD MUTANTS

love how they make misty Jean look here, great art in this book

I have a theory about the weak Jean in this issue. She might be a clone and nerfed to not mess with the Phoenix Force. Two of her and the same amount of power could fuck up with all the Phoenix's host thing with impredictable results, so better stay away from this game for a while. That would explain the old uniform. However, we've seen her in this same uniform on the cover of the new incoming main title.

The guy probably thinks being a mutant is like how people used to think being gay was a disease that you can catch.

It WAS Magneto!

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Actually, here's my issue with Krakoa: what happens when a mutant has a human child? Does the mutant have to leave, or...

On one hand, i like the idea that civvie clothes carry the same colors as X-men outfits.

On the other hand, this "mutants only wears mutant clothes" sounds real...culty, and worse, it doesn't seem to fit Storm, or Nightcrawler. It doesn't make sense that they'd seperate themselves from humanity like that.

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thinking about Xorn/Magneto always gives me a headache

Think about that panel of HoX or PoX with Xorn, Magneto and Xorn in it.

Well maybe Magneto shouldn't had taken advantage of Wanda and had her rewrite reality and the X-men shouldn't had attempted to kill her. Everything is direct result of Magneto and the X-men's actions.

no thanks

but Quicksilver made Wanda rewrite reality

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>something sinister
sinister still shows up in the 10 timeline even when moira knows he can't be trusted?
like so evil even the nimrod killed him immediately?

Imagine if it had been Xorn, Magneto, Xorn and Joseph in the same panel.

so the magical 11th life is where moira stops fucking up?
like the mother mold obviously survived somehow?

I don't even know who that is

Young Jesus-y Magneto clone.

>Cyclops never removes the goggles for full power before dying
>Useless Jean

10/10 issue otherwise

the nanites got to his brain really quickly

that is one of the things i don't like about jean an cyclops, they hardly ever use the full extent of their powers, jean is only doing cool shit as a phoenix cum dump and cyclops just refuses to use his powers to their logical extent due to autism

In the context of the story it doesn't matter if they live or die but whether which side succeeds

That suspicious helmet is used by the librarian 1000 years later, in PoX #1. It can "copy" the mind of a mutant.

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Y'know the actual scary thing about mutants should not be "humans" getting "replaced" but places like China getting a huge population of super humans and how that will absolutely fuck up the global scales of power. Will we ever get an Xmen story where they're not feared and hated but valued and coveted with mutants used as game changers in a global game of chess with the X-men being wild cards in international fuckery

You know, why does this robot factory design have to look like a giant head fastened into a space station anyway. Seems terribly inefficient.

They also start shit with non-mutant supers at the drop of a hat.

Because fuck flatscans even if they've shed/spilled blood on our behalf and went out of their way to help mutantkind in their time of need

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Well, mutant powers are inborn while cybernetics, tech and augmentation are all manufactured and could theoretically be used for everyone. Biology vs. Tech. It's a neat angle, since humans are known for building tools to improve their capabilities.

In the Ultimates universe and in DC somewhat that was talked about.
It's completely glossed over in Marvel though.

Have we figured out what the red issues mean?

Future of timeline 10.

>Because fuck flatscans
>Human slurs for mutants are self-explanatory, to the point, and make sense
>Mutant slurs for humans like "flatscan" make no sense to most people
>they'd have to take time to explain what it means and why it's insulting
>they don't even do that
And they call themselves superior?

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important story moments. Hickman told us this. HoX #2 was the revelation that Moira is a mutant living through multiple timeloops/lives/whatever

So if the 'present' parts of HoX (like this issue) are also life 10, where did the idea for this soul-copying cerebro come from? And how is Moira X going to die in the ascension? And what ideas does that send on to life 11?

Timeline 6 For soul copying.

The 16 million was just Genosha. There were millions of mutants outside Genosha. Stop speed-reading, dumbass.

>About sixteen million, half of which were killed in Genosha. That leaves eight million, rather than one.
I just went and reread the issue. There were 16 million on Genosha, which was half the worldwide population. So there was another 16 million around the world.

But yeah, its weird that Hickman messed up the population so massively.

>Mystique and Sabes had Graydon
Am I the only one who wants a SoL about them

Reminder them being mutants was a retcon in the first place.

Xavier is about to do something incredibly drastic but I still don't know what. This all feels like a well planned build-up to something really big but I still have no fuckin idea what he's thinking

Magneto was high on Kick
Kick was an aerosol form of the sentient mold, Sublime
Under the influence of Sublime, he pretended to be Xorn to infiltrate the school, using tech established by Fantomex to disguise his identify from psychics.

And then Marvel got real mad that Magneto went full fascist and marched humans into ovens so they started saying Xorn was an actual person named Xorn pretending to be Magneto.


Honestly, there's no reasonable way to avoid Nimrod at this point. The MotherMold designs are already a thing. And it took Orchis just two months to go to the sun, repurpose Sol's Hammer, and build a MotherMold. The only delay was working out the kink's in the AI programming.

So even with this setback, building another MotherMold is less than two months away. And even if the Forge is completely destroyed, all the data and information is still there on Earth, with people who have the intent to wipe out muties.

Its just a matter of eventually having a beefy enough defense to prevent the mutants from assaulting the MotherMold factory until the MotherMold comes online.

By creating the circumstances where humans come up with the idea of the MotherMold, Moira and Xavier have locked themselves into a timeline that guarantees Nimrod's creation.

The worst part is Wanda asked them to help her find all the people she depowerd and help her give them their powers back if they wanted and the X-men told her to fuck off instead

the most popular prediction is this

Xavier had to be in telepathic contact with the xmen up to the point of their death, to copy their minds just in case they died (the helmet allows him to do it)

he is going to create clones of the dead xmen, and download the memories they had up to the point of their death into them

the next issue is called Something Sinister, and Sinister does that thing every time his Marauders die. He clones them constantly.

but how did Magneto fake having a sun for a head

No, he doesn't. Hickman has already said he knows Sinister isn't a mutant. He was just being cheeky by putting Sinister as one of his top five mutants.

What about the people that died because she took their powers while they flew, swarmed, and did other dangerous things?

>Honestly, there's no reasonable way to avoid Nimrod at this point.

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user, Bastion is Nimrod after he went through the Siege Perilous.

During Operation Zero Tolerance he turned humans into sentinal cyborg mutant hunters.

They would have more to fear from Bastion regtaining his memories and going full Nimrod x10 then anything else.

Why did writers waste time trying to make Karima a hero last decade when she could be a great villain?

They've learned a valuable lesson.

Moira literally just has to die and then tell the X-men how to attack the space station without getting hit by the bomb so no one dies

>She's better in the Avengers.
So is Beast but he's still a mutant. Wanda and Pietro being mutants adds to the X-men's (old) ideals. They're mutants born of one of the biggest pieces of shit in the marvel universe yet they chose to be heroes when given the chance, even when they were villains for a while. They're everything old Xavier preached about, mutants being in service to those in need, bridging the gap between baselines, mutants and supers. But of course the petty fucking fight between X-fags and non X-fags fucked everything up. And Bendis, fuck him forever

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Am I the only one finding Hickman's take on Jean a bit weird?

Wanda "the pretender" also offered to fix it but they rejected her like a bunch of short sighted fools

I think that'll probably happen, but it still feels like we're missing a big piece of his plan. I dunno, I think the helmet is just really throwing me off, not being able to see his face even once really makes it hard to emphasize with him, which I think is the point

Would Magneto be convinced to join Xavier again based on that promise, that he can essentially resurrect mutants on command? Perhaps so, but I guess we'll see soon enough

>Moira has been MIA since faking her death on Muir Isle in (we think) this timeline 18-19 years ago IRL. I assume Xavier and Magneto know where she is.
They do. Xavier and Moira were in contact as recently as two months prior to HoX, since thats when they discovered Orchis via the Sleeping Giant detection system.

So unless Moira just went AWOL randomly for no reason, at the very least, Xavier should still be in contact with her.

Did you like Wolverine in the Avengers?

As much as I like this book, this is and always has been a retarded sentiment. Some cloths are fucking comfortable thats why people wear them, theres a reason people all around the world wear sweatpants and yoga pants over traditional cloths; they're easy to put on, comfortable and most of all low maintenance. This is like demanding a Japanese person wear a yukata all the time over sweat pants/shirts

Its just this.

Attached: xmen-057-001.jpg (1095x1600, 780K)

Since when has Monet been able to transform ?

Yoga pants are for jacking off.

That's the smartest thing anyone in this book has done

I think she fused with her sister.

There's an infographic explaining her change, it's inevitable and her having been a trusted companion adds a nice level of drama imo

Maybe you should actually read SHIELD instead of parroting shit you once saw someone post.

The mad Celestial from his SHIELD is literally the embryo all grown up. And it, along with Newton, has been sent to an apocalyptic future.

First wave clone xmen

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M being sisters with Penance was crap to begin with. I miss my deaf Yugoslavian girl Penance.



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I know what it's based on but it really seems out of sync with everything else. Like a wrong era version dropping among everyone else who are in a consistent place.

When Rightclops is right there, there shouldn't need to be another character putting Jean in her place during a vital mission like she's a rookie.

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She no longer has the Phoenix Force. This time, when she was resurrected, she broke up with the Phoenix Force, who removed all traces of its power/essence/whatever from Jean, and flew away into space.

So Jean is back to just being a regular mutant, albeit with Omega level telepathy.

>Actually, here's my issue with Krakoa: what happens when a mutant has a human child? Does the mutant have to leave, or...
Its stated in the first issue that humans can come and go if they have permission. Presumably, they just give the kid permission to stay.

This. It always warms my heart when people remember Bastion.

>It's completely glossed over in Marvel though
Because that would be challenging and would shift the status quo. The only thing Rosenberg got right is that "All X-men stories are the same"

>And they call themselves superior?
So does the Klan but that doesn't make it true

Because you're assuming numbers, I'm speed-reading? Fawlty logic.

Fucking miracles

Yeah, but it REALLY stuck.

Moira is the girl in pokemon sword.

Yeah, I know. I've been waiting for Hickman to address Bastion. But I'm assuming its going to happen in the issue with that cover of Moira in a Bastion looking suit.

A sad tragedy she should answer for but not before she had her chance to rectify her other misdeeds

Most of the versions aren't what they seems.

Scott is 80s with rightclops. Nightcrawler is his excalibur self mentally.

Great job not reading my post at all.

The correct response was that Moira just has to die, and manipulate history so that humans never come up with idea of Mother Molds instead of instigating them into creating a Mother Mold, thus locking the timeline into a future where Nimrod will definitely be created at some point.

What's the deal with life 4 that's nearly identical to 616?

Fucking Magneto, how does he work?

That's like asking a mad doctor that poisoned tons of innocent to treat the ones that didn't died, but are still seek, all because the said mad doctor is very sorry.

Him and Spiderman in the Avengers was one of the few good ideas Bendis had. Wolverine also works great when acting as a bridge to the wider Marvel universe

It's more like goths always dressing like goths.

Its literally stated in the second or third issue of Morrison's New X-Men that there were 16million mutants killed in Genosha, and that it was half the mutants in the world.

Fuck off, speed reader.

Moira used that as the outline for 10 with other stuff learned from the other timelines borrowed.

Them being the children of Magneto was, but their first appearance was with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

I bet North and Rasputin are made earlier now.

>You're on fin fuckin oice my pedigree'd friend, and Oi shall be under it when it breaks. Now FUCK OFF.

It just makes sense that some of the timelines would be VERY similar.

So, if he's genuinely repentant and wants to work tirelessly to rectify what he did by making a cure why deny him. You can punish him after but if he's useful right now then use him to save lives


ugh, they're keeping this shit despite the movie rights bullshit being resolved?

A creepy as shit blue tranny shapeshifter pansexual rapist an centuries old ferile caveman rape murder and their cap america tier human monstrosity of a child.

Still making logical leaps.
Not having read Morrison in the last 5 years =/= speed-reading.

He can feel guilty all he wants behind closed bars. Did Wanda turned herself in? No.

What you don't want to see Mystique trying to be domestic and Sabertooth failing to be a good father.

She's probably going to be one of Bastions soldiers.
IF not then it makes no sense.
The only way they can do Bastion service in this is to restart operation tolerance and go hard on the fact that he's an evolved super version of nimrod
Nigga is probably JLU amazo tier.

She offered to if the X-men helped her repower mutants but they refused.

So she did a check-mate, knowing they'd be wary of her help since there was a danger she could hurt mutants further. Very smart of her. She should have turned herself without making contentions.

Guess is that Moira and Xavier has recreated events from life 4 because those events have something that is required for the big plan.

And its not a nearly identical timeline since there are several events that cannot happen just due to some characters no longer existing. For example, Proteus and Legion do not exist in life 4. Moira and Xavier hooked up, got married, and stayed married until they died. So that means Moira never married Joseph, got raped, and gave birth to Proteus. Also means, Xavier would never have hooked up with Gabrielle Haller, so Legion wasn't born. Things like that.

Which makes it all the more interesting why Xavier and Moira chose to recreate the events that do happen in both life 4 and life 10.

>She's probably going to be one of Bastions soldiers.
>IF not then it makes no sense.
I saw a post in previous weeks that was something about how the X3 era with the Phalanx is life 6, and it was a life where Moira joined with the machines, to explain why she's in that Bastion getup. So she's the Bastion of that timeline or something. And her experience with how the machines took over to the point humanity just willingly wants to give themselves up to the Phalanx to be assimilated is why she's so hardcore into killing Trask's to stop the machines in the next life.

Basically, in joining with the machines, she realizes their true threat.

Jean a cute.

Or the X-men could have swallowed their pride and helped her, they've took in worse people for less and in this end they win more mutants and they get to punish Wanda

Bro...bastion isn't a fucking multiversal role, or an inevitability.
He's a unique being.
It's fucking Nimrod after he went through the SP.
Not onlty that.
But he's STRONGER then the Phalanx.
Not stronger then the Technarcy(Fuck that shitty ultron lead annihilation conquest knockoff. The technarchy are still galactus tier world eating threats)

Even Magneto turned himself in, ON HIS KNEES, when he came seeking the X-Men's support back in Utopia. FUCKING MAGNETO!

The one who should have swallowed her pride and turned herself in, first and foremost, to answer for all the pain she caused was Wanda. Then she could have asked for a chance to alleviate her guilt.

Jean was too busy being a psychic anchor for Xavier and company to watch the battle (with Monet's psychic powers boosting the signal since even in space, telepathy has it's limits in space).

Also, Jean doesn't have the Phoenix anymore and is back to her 90s era power level.

Cannonball did.

The X-Men spent time really not being interested in giving her an inch so her level of contrition really wouldn't have changed much

Attached: zeUGAw8.jpg (267x369, 62K)

Wolverine, Cannonball, Magneto, Xavier obviously, Beak and his lady friend whose name I forget, and Kitty gave birth to some Brood

I don't know, man. Its something I read, that could maybe explain why Moira is in that getup.

Technically, all thats required for Bastion to be a thing is for Nimrod and a Master Mold to merge, then get shoved through the Siege Perilous. Some fucked up sequence of events could have resulted in that happening, and I dunno, it then merges with Moira or some dumb shit.

They didn't have to became it was obvious as fuck.

The file contained the "Mother Mold=Nimrod" revelation.

Hence why Xavier was telling Scott to stop being a god-damn pussy and massacre a space station full of people. Mother Mold will create Nimrod and once that happens, it's game over for mutantkind as Nimrod-type Sentinels will kill them all. Hence the urgent need to wipe out the Mother Mode before it birthed a Nimrod and humans retroactively engineer a near infinite supply of them

Impossible to be timeline 10. It's obviously timeline 9. The girl with the black brain was part of timeline 9 where Moira hired Apocalypse. The librarian is probably a clone of Xavier.

Her level of contribution should come after.

If anything, Magneto should ask for forgiveness to all the human families that he's killed over the years. Has Bishop even been remorseful over the accounts of genocide he's caused?

>What is wrong with you, Scott?

>Nothing because I am goddamn Rightclops

Bishop shows remorse, but feel that it's something between him and Cable. Basically he's a cunt about it.

How is he too strong for nanites? It's not like has a healing factor.

his Rightness gives him super strength

Righteous power


Moira and Nimrod go through SP and become merged. Turns out whenever Nimrod becomes organic he chooses the name Bastion.

Year 1000 can't be timeline 9 because Moira died 900 years earlier.

She doesn't have to take the name Bastion. That would just kind of be silly, since Bastion was taken from being named Sebastion by the lady who was taking care of him.


>telepathy has it's limits in space

That didn't stop Cassandra Nova or the Skrull pretending to be Xavier to assrape everyone with telepathy.

The X-gene is useless against Nanites. But the the right gene....

Friction burn

This is the most negroid I've ever seen storm drawn.

That was just Joe Quesada , who got back at Grant Morrison , his ex-BFF, who dumped him for Dan Didio when he got re-pirated by D.C. Writers ignored the retcon anyway

Attached: DC8293D7-B13B-4556-A337-0916952485E7.jpg (2068x1600, 1.52M)

time to play "who did Land trace for Beast"

looks kinda like Orson Welles

>get good Marvel Girl

Magneto + Xorn : Vulcan + Darwin

Attached: 50B6B7DE-7F34-4379-91CD-FFA12FB70184.jpg (2049x1557, 1.39M)

>And then Marvel got real mad that Magneto went full fascist and marched humans into ovens so they started saying Xorn was an actual person named Xorn pretending to be Magneto.
And then Marvel decided that Scarlet Witch had been fucking with reality for a while before Disassembled, and one of the things she did was create a construst of Magneto that thought he was Shen Xorn's brother who then pretended to be Magneto pretending to be Xorn.

But somehow the construct is also Shen Xorn's brother for realsies.

Totally simple!