Can anyone have a good explanation why they make him gay?

Why him out of all people? I'm just curious.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bendis wanted to make the token gay original 6 character

Because he's a good looking male, which means gay.

Family Guy made the joke years earlier

You’d think that angle would’ve been the better choice

This is honestly the best explanation, bendis was watching TV and got that idea.

Nobody cared enough about Iceman to the point where there’d be outrage over making him the token gay character.


Yeah, but so is Cyclops. And Colossus. And most male heroes, for that matter.

Yeah, but none of them were flaunting and showy as Bobby.

Angel has never had any major love interests. Out of all the O5, your best options for turning someone gay would be either Angel or Jean.

Nightcrawler was. But unlike Bobby people actually care about Nightcrawler, so making him gay definitely wouldn’t fly.

X-23? Also didn’t he date Husk around the same time he was getting molested by Stacy X?

X23 was paired with him when his past self was in the present, you could also say psylock but at that point look at the timing of it, he never got any “major” love interests until at least 10 years ago. Bobby has pretty consistently had love interests.

>ignoring the literal bara furry

In all seriousness Beast has had one major love interest and one casual hookup that was kind of vague anyway in the last 20 years

I think people would have been upset but more okay than turning the biggest coozehound

Because he's the most boring out of the originals and that's saying something.

Turning Beast gay would be problematic from an aesthetic and personality angle.

Nightcrawler is also pretty staunchly defined by his heterosexuality.

In all seriousness, he should have just made Jean gay. Only 2 major love interests her entire life and one actual relationship, is rather passive in her relationships with men, and post-death actively pushed her boyfriend to date another woman. Jean being one of those people who spend years being, at most, sorta happy in relationships because they don't realize they're gay until later in life would have worked a hell of a lot better, and had some genuine emotional stakes, than the "you're a poonhound, that must mean you're secretly gay and in denial" shit they pulled with Bobby.

Nightcrawler was a bangin Chad until someone post-Claremont turned him into a fuckin priest/monk. From v1 100-211, he was fucking every girl that entered his path, til his adopted sister, Amanda, came in. Then he fucked her 3x a day. First seminekkid chick in X-men (besides Storm) was Amanda in a hot tub in #169.

You're putting more thought into it then they did.

Claremont was actually the one who made him a priest, which is a testament to not letting writers revisit work years after the fact

You'd lose The Triangle though, the one thing most casual fans can tell you about X-Men relationship drama

Also Jean is probably bi like all X-women that were written by Claremont

Someone mentioned on some platform (here, Twitter, reddit) that Jean turned him gay cuz, once his balls dropped, she wouldn't have all 4 girls wanting to bang her. Angel made it clear from the start he wanted gingerminge, Beast was 'in love' with her but had the nerd inferiority complex and Scott was the sociopathic 'crush'er, til she decided she like him and cured his mental block. She saw Bobby and Alex fight over Lorna and said, Bobby, you're gay. Discuss.

Lgbt pandering, but no ideas for a new character. Don't eat the brown snow.

There were hints a couple of decades ago. With how many women he's dated, I'm kinda salty they just didn't make him bi.

I just want an arc where he’s in a relationship with some dude who turns out to be mystique fucking with him again. Besides gay people don’t like bi people they think it’s like cheating I guess

Did they make the adult gay as well? Didnt he fuck mystic when she was a she? As well as other women?

Forgot that. Claremont's still my favorite but I was along for half his 1st ride (after discovering XM, hit the comic book store for back issues, cept DPS cos they wanted $25 for most of those issues only 3 yrs after it was released; got one of the first TPB ever released with that angle). When he came back, I'd been off reading cos 90s bullshit but Morrison and Quietly pulled me back in. Those shit series he did (X-men Forever and NM Forever) were especially horrible.

The triangle hasn't been a thing in 20 years and Claremont bi would help in this case.

Everyone immediately went with "Jean Grey makes you gay," which wasn't helped by the artwork or context.

And, yeah, I'm an old fuck (started serious reading in 1982; 11 yold) but I get more honest opinions here. Reddit is full of dopes who've memorized Wikipedia articles more than actually reading the shit and fuck Twitter. You either get a SJW saying Colossus had unfair entitlement over Kitty even 30 yrs after they 1st kissed cos he was 18 and she was 14 when they did or someone saying 'u read comix' while they're pre-ordering tickets to Black Panther 2.

So I could fap to him

Biphobia in the LGBT community is a real issue. Gays resent them a bit because bisexuals in heterosexual relationships aren't discriminated against like gays are. And hets just think bi folks are just closeted gays.
It's all shit, and they need better representation in media desu.

The triangle was a thing right before she died and right when she came back

>Beast actually has gay porn of him made in universe
Poor guy.

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Sorry, the triangle wasn't a thing for 14 years between Morrison and Rosenberg.

you guys have daken

Beast would be a god among the furry community

Daken falls into the all bisexuals are sluts tropes. It's not a positive one.

Yes and he still is

It's stupid that they didn't make him bi but genuinely bi people are not something that existed for people Bendis age

Anole too.

In his first silver age appearance he once said

"I don't know what the big deal is? she is just a girl."

When everyone was swooning over Jean. They were all teenagers btw.

He's been gay since.

I find it hilarious how anybody can say they're discriminated against for their sexuality...which is something you only need to share with whatever you're fucking. I'm black, can't hide that, except on the phone. You look at a gay white guy and unless he's a fuckin' flaming queen, you really can't tell what he is unless he's some retard that has to announce to everyone within earshot what he likes to stick his dick in. This isn't discrimination, it's "too fucking much information, and a lack of common sense".

Are scalies seperate from furries?

Bendis is a fucking faggot.

Bendis is literally the cancer and aids of comics.

ultimately a failed SJW pandering ploy since they dont buy comics

Just because someone isn't into redheads doesn't mean they're gay.

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Bro are you serious? Were you born in the last ten years? People are still rejected by their peers and family and killed just because they're gay. Being gay is still illegal in some parts of the world.
Now yes, compared to other queer people, gay white guys that aren't outwardly queer don't experience as much discrimination as others. But they aren't the only queer people that exist. Get your head out of your ass, pay attention to the world around you, and learn some fucking history.

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From what I gather they're something like the difference between teams in baseball. Most people don't really care but have preferences, with a subset who are way too tribal about it.

Is the answer to making Bobby interesting to further up the gay angle? I like Shore Leave from Venture Bros, and Ray from Archer for example

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I dunno. There's a panel of Beast straight up kissing Wonder Man. I thought he would have been the easy choice of the O6 if you had to turn one gay.

Being young, gay, and mean isn't a personality.
Bobby is just bland and has always been bland. Suddenly making him into a stereotype wouldn't fix his issues.

Cuz he was a white male.

But wait, before you dismiss the message think about it. Of the protagonists of that book you cant make the racial minority gay to make double-diverse because there are no racial minority among the O5.

You cant make Jean Grey gay, oh no. People love that sweet Cyclops/Jean/Wolverine shit, and now they are teens it's more delicious. So she's out, and Scott with her.
You cant make Angel gay. Not only he is a white, blonde male but recent events have render his old self retarded and brain-wiped. You dont want to be that abusive towards minorities, huh?
Beast cant be gay. Not only is he not conventionally attractive enough, but you dont want for people to look at his furry old self and say you think gays are monsters.

So that leaves Iceman. Is Iceman popular? No. People care about him? Not enough. Is he twink-ish enough for the 'uguu my gay baby tumblr' audience we want? YES. Plus he is known womanizer with no relevant known interests so that will serve as both a strike against cis het males and an excuse as to why is he the gay one.

>Biphobia in the LGBT community is a real issue.
It's neither real nor an issue.

People who look like me were killed and enslaved just for having skin darker than a paper grocery bag and full lips. These people volunteered too much info, and it doesn't always end up well for them. Maybe one day they'll learn to keep it to themseles and stop blaming the normative majority for having less than stellar responses to information they didn't ask for. I noticed that gay guys tend to be sponges for attention (hence them gravitating to Drama in high school). You'd think they'd have learned by now that not all attention is pleasant. The don't have to "hide", they just don't need to inform everyone they meet of something you can't see, and frankly should be PRiVATE, and expect everyone to accept them. I can't hide what I am. If I meet someone and they don't like black people (seems to be a thing around hear judging by the slurs, but I just accept that as boisterous talk, like kids online who don't have anything against gays, but call each other "faggot") but you don't see blacck people pitching a bitch about how everybody has to accept us. We just go "Hey, we exist, we don't expect you to embrace us or cater to us (even though the left seems to be pushing for the whole special rights dead), just continue to treat us like people. And aside from a few angrry black wingnuts, everything is fine. LGBT, on the other hand...ALL of them seem to be acting like the angry black wingnuts. Great, you exist. Stop making such a big deal about yourself and you'll find that your day goes much smoother than when you inform strangers of what you like to have sex with, which most people find creepy...especially if they are that sex. That's like a straight dude coming up to a woman and going "I'm Josh, and I like to fuck girls." What kind of response can he hope for? Should he blame girls for that? That's what's going on with LGBT. But whatever. It seems hypocritical, and I just have nothing to do right now, so I decided to bring it up.

>black het guy is a retarded homophobe
not surprising really

>oppression olympics: the post

Not a phobe, but can't stand the whining for self-imposed problems. It's like idiots in the black community blaming cops for arresting them for committing crimes.

Ice symbolizes detachment and non conformity to acceptable social standards.

>not a phobe
>"actually when you think about this LGBTs being treated like shit by hets it's actually their own fault"
nah, you're just an attention whore mad that people other than you and your "tribe" gets to be heard about their problems

That's cold, brah.

Congrats on betraying your historical ignorance and continuing the proud tradition of homophobia in the black community.

>blaming black people for the systematic racism of cops
Oh wow holy shit lick those boots harder

Superhero comics are trying to deliver more representation. There's a case for Iceman being gay from Lobdell and onwards. Though you could make a case for Spiderman, Batman and any number of major characters being gay.

Because he was in X-Men 2 and people remember that scene
That's it

Marvel is woke fucking trash

You cant be mad at cops for arresting you for shooting somebody because you wanted his shoes. Stop white knighting for criminals, jackass. I personally know dudes who keep doing stupid illegal shit, then blaming cops for arresting them.

I think that’s where he gets most of his comic insight, like in interviews before he took over Superman he kept referring to Lex Luther (who at the time was a good guy) as being an overused Villian and made reference to nuclear man which made it sound like he only knows Supes via the Christopher Reeves movies and has never once picked up a book

Why does Yea Forums care? Bobby has never been an interesting character. Guys got cool powers but has done squat with it.
Like seriously look at any of the 05.
Beast: super genius avengers AND X man
Angel: Archangel saga was amazing
Jean: pheonix bullshit
Scott: Rightclops.
The only most interesting and notable thing that ever happened to Bobby was literally coming out as gay. Marvel wanted to revitalize him and this is what happened.
You dont like it? That's fine but dont pretend you fags actually cared about him.

Inmates running the comics asylum.

Maybe Jean pushed her being Gay onto Bobby and that’s why we have that weird scene between the two

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They wanted to represeny lgbt, and Bobby is so irrelevent that it was easier than making another character with some else's powers.

>Jean Stepford Wives herself by pushing all all the thoughts and traits she finds worrying on other people
It'd make for a pretty damn interesting story.

Its because he was part of a gay joke in Xmen 2 when he had to come out (as a mutant) to his mom.

More importantly where is all his porn. I want an Iceman fucks the male marvel universe porn comic

Because Family Guy made a joke about it and they decided to roll with it.

“You see that guy over there? He can fuck anyone. ANYONE.”

Pretty spooky

It would be a great story delving into self hating gays, or not wanting to admit the truth about one self

Fuck Family Guy! Seriously Their the reason Aquaman got shit on for the past decade

I'm convinced you're underage.
If you're willing to learn, is a decent article with numerous reputable studies to back its claim up.

I mean, it's not like there aren't tons of people that have families and kids before they admit to themselves that they like dick. But a story dealing with that would require a decent writer to pull off. Marvel doesn't have many of those.

That'd just be a surface level interpretation. We're talking full on, "everything that upsets me gets forced onto other people."

t. gay or lesbian

Why are homosexuals so bigoted?

Because the fire guy is 6000000% straight

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>Implying that Namor isn't in denial either
He literaly dresses like a whore. With *heh* fishnets on top of that

So why not Angel? He's a much better candidate

>like kids online who don't have anything against gays, but call each other "faggot"
And yet you get triggered when *you people* get called nigger
Way to prove you're a redarded hypocrite, user. Now go rob a store or something

Well, user that's the first convincing argument for biphobia existing I've ever heard.
That is indeed spooky.

Angel has literally nothing else going for him

>You cant make Angel gay. Not only he is a white, blonde male but recent events have render his old self retarded and brain-wiped. You dont want to be that abusive towards minorities, huh?

They made the joke because people have been speculating specifically about him for decades.

>Because the fire guy is 6000000% straight

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He was dating Bendis's waifu so Bendis had them split and Young Jean Grey mindraped him into being gay.

Is that Captain Planet?

Honestly? Bendis wanted to leave his mark on the X-Men after doing nothing with them for 4 years. Also partially to spite Aaron since his future version of Iceman is married to Kitty (his waifu) and has a kid with her.

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Because these comics have been going on for 60 years and literally everything else has been done.

Writers are hacks

fuck off, slut

>There were hints a couple of decades ago.
Most of those are out of context panels people have convinced themselves were hints.

no, have bobby pray the gay away and if you want a gay character, make someone new

By people you mean deviantart fan artists, right?

Bobby was supposed to be the youngest and most immature of the X-Men, and hadn't started noticing girls yet.
That moment when straight boys and girls go from thinking the other is disgusting to suddenly noticing each other is something gays don't experience and can't truly understand, so of course they have to make this all about themselves.

>There's a case for Iceman being gay from Lobdell and onwards.
Lobdell himself always insisted he wasn't writing Iceman as gay, and mocked Bendis for making him gay.

>good looking
lol no

He’s a muscular young hunk with a square jaw and boyish charm. He’s basically the generic hot guy.

>By people you mean deviantart fan artists, right?
It went back all the way to the X-Men community on Usenet, where Nightcrawler, Colossus and Havok were gay readers' husbandos of choice, but they focused on Iceman because he was unimportant enough they thought Marvel might give him to them. It took almost 30 years, but eventually Bendis gave them what they wanted, and they were so grateful that they stopped demanding Marvel make other characters that had been straight for 50 years become gay.
Only they didn't stop.

He always looked like gay club patron #15

Why is Bendis such a spiteful ass?

Angel has the "trust fund rich kid" ostracized by his wealthy parents thing and "rich, playboy" going for him. He was also turned to Archangel which was interesting. I read X-Men comics for 10 years and cannot remember a single notable story featuring Bobby. Don't get me wrong, the gay thing is a gimmick, but he is as milquetoast as they come.

As dumb as I feel saying this, I feel like Warren was at his most interesting under Casey and Austen. It’s like the most character spotlighting he ever got.

Iceman had "two of his gfs can turn into men and constantly cucked by Havok" as his most notable traits

Getting cucked by the reject Summers brother is unfortunate

Is Vulcan alive?

Scott should get a fourth unrevealed gay brother who steals all of Iceman's bfs

Not necessary since all of Iceman's gay relationships tank before the end of an issue.

Wasn't Adam "X-Treme" Summers the fourth brother with Vulcan being the third? Scott sure has some shitty genetics. Maybe Sinister was always after him for the purpose of irony.

Because he wasn't made an honorary black person for Miles Morales.

>Wasn't Adam "X-Treme" Summers the fourth brother with Vulcan being the third?
Fabian Nicieza started the "third Summers brother" plot, X-Treme was created to be the 3rd brother, but Marvel editorial, and possibly the readers as well, didn't care for him. Nicieza implied the connection a lot but was never allowed to make it canon. Vulcan was created over a decade later to be the third brother.

>Is Vulcan alive?
He's been presumed dead since the end of War of Kings, but he's going to be in Hickman's X-Men after HoXPox ends.

Does someone need a reason to be gay? Whats a good reason for him to be straight?

Wasn't he with Psylocke post-Apocalypse?

>Whats a good reason for him to be straight?
50 years of comics.
50 years of canon.
50 years of readers being able to read his thoughts.

What the fuck is actually the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality? Both are ultimately defined as "i want to touch dick and pussy"

>And hets just think bi folks are just closeted gays.
Correction: we think the bi guys are gay, and the bi girls are either going through a phase or are beersexual

None good reasons.

If you're not going to accept his own thoughts, you're not going to accept anything as a good reason.
Marvel and DC should have a policy that if you didn't create a character, you don't get to make them gay or change their race, sex, religion, or any other aspect of their identity. Create your own new character instead.

>Unironically linking to washingtonpost
I notice your link doesn't explain why blacks have a crime rate in places such as the UK similar to American blacks despite the UK having no allegations thrown against them for racism, nor the history of America that's frequently used to dismiss the rate of crime.


>That moment when straight boys and girls go from thinking the other is disgusting to suddenly noticing each other is something gays don't experience and can't truly understand
I've never thought about this before, but you're right. A guy will go from thinking guys (like himself) are cool and girls are icky to wanting to fuck guys and...tolerating girls?

Wapo is shit but that's an opinion article, so it has a chance to be not shit.
The link doesn't explain it because it's American focused.
On good faith, if you want to read more about the British perspective on the issue, I highly recommend Eddo-Lodge's book Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race. The entire first chapter deals with case after case of violence, racism, and brutality against the black community in England, by the general public and by the police.
Yes, the title is deliberately provocative, but it's an excellent primer on British black history and systemic racism in general.

Attached: endpageofchapter1.png (1447x865, 169K)

Imagine being so delicate when it comes to gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation, that you would have a company mandate protecting those instead of the internal cosmology that frequently sees huge retcons.

Imagine not understanding the difference between huge retcons that can be undone if poorly received, and retcons to character identity that can never be undone because of the outrage and bad publicity it would cause.

You have a point, it would be much harder for Marvel to try and put Bobby back in the closet and avoid backlash, which means it will probably never happen. As opposed to huge changes to cosmology that can be forgotten as easily as they were made (hey, anyone else remember that little girl that was made the anchor of all reality in Infinity Abyss? No?).
Although I am always in favor of doing whatever to facilitate a good story, and personally I liked the Thawing Out book, so I don't really care. It's comic books, and readers refuse to accept anyone that isn't from the same pool of characters, so weird things are gonna happen. *shrug*

All they had to do was make him bi and no one would of complained about retconing. Don't make a character gay if for the last 50 years we could see their thoughts and know they are straight.

Glad comics are dying. Marvel and DC deserve to die.

>All they had to do was make him bi and no one would of complained about retconing.
Don't be ridiculous, people would have still been bitching about it.

1.There was a massive iceman is gay thing back in the day. They wanted to equate iceman's problems with his parents to gay shit

2.Him being a ladies man is changed to the typical "he's het, that must mean he's in the closet.

3.He's young oft shown as immature and jokey. That means easy prey.

You're not wrong, but you can at least attempt to make it credible if a character figures out that he's bisexual. Revealing that he was always gay and was living a lie for decades, even his own thoughts were lies, it doesn't work and it's harder to make people believe it.

Bullshit. People are still livid about Kaldur.

Pansexual is a fancy new label for people who don't want to say they're bi, but they are, so they just call themselves pansexual. Because they're ABOVE such petty labels, which is why they invented a shiny new one for themselves.

Or they actually mean they're attracted to the Greek God Pan, and like him they fuck women and goats.


Nice rant and all, but the label has the intended use of specifying that and combination of sex and gender are acceptable.

>hadn't started noticing girls yet.
His powers first manifested while on a date. He was defending his girlfriend from a bully.

That's a retcon then, because in Bobby's first appearance, he didn't see the appeal of women.

So still just bisexual?

A twinkish blond angel would be too on the nose.

>Nightcrawler is also pretty staunchly defined by his heterosexuality.
So was Iceman, he had a whole harem of bitches

Bisexual with trans inclusivity, yes.
Apparently it's a thing for some bisexual people to require their masculine partners have a penis and feminine partners have a vulva, so pan just means they are alright with mixing and matching.

Yet this is the cover they went with.
I don't think being too on the nose was a concern.

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No no, it's too on the nose for the initial choice.

After that he has to go full faggot.

Women in general or Jean specifically? I don't recall the former and the stuff with his girlfriend was revealed in '68.

It is in response to Jean, but he seems dismissive of women entirely.

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because he dated cloud who was a chick who can get a dick. he dated a chick with a dick

doesn't matter he gay but how he came out as gay and how he acted. some of the shit he did after coming out made him looks like a crazy fuck

Eh, not entirely.

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Some would be mad gays and fujos would be furiously masturbating

Nobody cares about Iceman

That origin story was retconned backstory, the Lee/Kirby issues were writing Bobby as immature, and having not yet developed any interest in girls, but the origin has his girlfriend reject him and side with mob that attacks him when she learns he's a mutant. A recent heartbreak and betrayal does add another layer to his not caring about the new girl.



fujos care about x-men in 2019?

Best Beast

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Anybody who claims the Cloud story as 'evidence' for Iceman being gay has not read the Cloud story. When he first sees her in male form his reaction is shock, anger and hurt, he can't even be in the same room as her.

Nobody ever talks about Infectia, because a story about Bobby getting seduced and betrayed by an obvious villain makes no sense if he was gay.

Kurt’s heterosexuality plays a pretty important role in his character. I think more than a few people would be mad.


No you stupid fuck.
This is for the identity politics mafia online.
This kind of thing keeps marvel in social media.

They don't have to maek good media or even media for an even small portion of the populace.
Just keep books on the shelves and people talkinga bout it.

Did you know that Marvel fucking hired Hoe Quinn to write fuckin Hellcat?

I sincerely hope Marvel gets flack for this shit and Disney, who is trying to get on the good side of the normie and people in the fly over states, cans marvel comics.
I hope soon.

Why not make Angel the gay one?

to much girl fucking. Hell he would fit better as a nudist thing anything else cause he can't keep his shirt on

Do you think he dresses the sharks up himself?

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What else has he got going on? Hes by far the least interesting of the O5, and being closeted ties into the only other theme he has, the "powers have massive untapped potential but he's afraid to explore them" thing.

He is one of the original Xmen character, turning him gay will surely score you lotta diversity / controversy point

You cant turn Beast gay because nobody gives a fuck about Beast being gay, as a matter of fact i am pretty sure there is an alternate universe where Beast is gay. You cant turn Wolverine gay because niggers across the country would burn your house down. Ice man is just the right middle ground. plus he is somewhat of a manwhore so there would even be more bonus points

Him and Psylocke were a thing for like two decades.

As a guy who worked police dispatch for seven years, you're wrong. I've seen cops arrest black people for the same crimes they let white people go for with a warning.One black kid had a warrant for expired inspection and arrested him,laughed about it saying ''welp best to get him in the system!!" Same cop sat and waited for friends to come pick up a drunk white girl who was passed out at 7-11 in her car and had warrants , because he" didn't want to ruin her life." White kids get caught smoking weed in the car, they would make them break their pipes and pour the weed out, they're black best believe they're going to jail.

Yeah and the same happened to Iceman AND people were mad about it too.

He brought roses for him as well

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X-men? No
Nightcrawler? Very popular in Husbando Threads

The only person I can think of who liked Iceman was Bryan Singer and even then he was just trying to get some twink ass

You could turn Hank gay for people to care, but then he has to be able to change into blue furry in and out. Of course they done that but they would have to permanently stick to him being able to change at will.

>Very popular in Husbando Threads
You don't say?

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He was rollerblading along a beachfront in a lime green tank top with his faghag before this was even a stereotype. Anyone who says there were no signs is blind

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husbandofags arent fujos

should have just made him bi.

What would call them the women then? Thirsty bitches?

>Angel is blond and tall
>please make him gay so I can cope with being a short shitskin

Because Warren wasn't an autistic sperg around women and had a successful dating history with multiple women who actually weren't repelled by him or didn't sense something 'off' with him. Bobby had all the hallmarks of a repressed closet case.

T. someone who was an autistic sperg around women and finally put two and two together much later down the track. Bobby's story is very relatable to my own

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>Kurt’s heterosexuality plays a pretty important role in his character.
It was the same for Iceman. I mean he had literally had an arc about all his exes before the gayshit happened

The chick equivalent of the men who look for women in their media and fantasies.

Bobby had none of them. You weren't an autistic sperg because you were gay, you were just an autistic sperg.

Bobby wasn't even an autist, he was just a horndog in an era where being a horndog AND a "Good guy" in comics required you be one, the other, or Iron Man.

Making a lot of assumptions there, buddy. Are you sure you are not projecting?
Or maybe just a faggot angry that people aren't cool with gay Bobby?


It's not like it is unheard of for repressive gay men to try and hide their sexuality with copious amounts of vaginal sex.

I don't see the logic behind this question.
Are we to assume that you think gay people are handpicked or something?

user if you can actually get it up for pussy and be into it, you aren't fucking gay, that's the fucking point.

Literally a falsehood.

That's called being bi.
Super closeted dudes or full on fags aren't fucking pussy. Their fucking assholes while pretending she's a dude.

While I can applaud your insistence at having a simple worldview, real life isn't that black and white.

Unless you're Kurt Wagner apparently

>*Looks at tits and pussy*
>*Pops a boner*
Fuck, clearly gay then am I right?

Listen, if you get hard from chicks, then you're not gay, you're bi at best.

Nice strawman, user.
I never said that.

i don't get why people say this, people get mad at turning characters bi too. they don't want faggotry at all.

>story about Iceman's first true love
>Iceman gets cucked by Cyclops' chad brother
>Never gets over it, all of his later relationships fail because the woman he really loves chose Havok over him
>Retcon Iceman was gay all along
>Try to claim his time with Polaris was a sign he was gay
How have things gone this far wrong?

It is quite that simple
Sexual nebulouslness like that is retarded and just what people who are super sexually jaded and oversexual devolve into.

Not a strawman.
That's pure logic and fact.

>Guy I'm responding too specifically is talking about thing
>I respond and say he's lying about thing
>He calls my bullshit.
>I wasn't talking about the thing at all! Stop strawmanning me!
Fuck off.



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Honestly, is there ANY character Yea Forums wouldn't throw some kind of fit over being turned gay or bi?

Someone they can't self insert into or some D-list hero no one gives a shit about.

While Dragotta's Johnny is a sexual dynamo, that was the same issue where Johnny fucked MJ on Peter's couch and got Peter laid with a thicc af centauran inhuman lady.

and he willingly slept with daken

wrong reply

Cap would probably get the least amount of bitching if writers did it to him because a shit ton of anons here want to get railed by him.

That page is part of a several-year character arc about Iceman's powers. Emma took control of his body and used his powers in ways he'd never imagined, which forced him to admit he'd been slacking, holding back and not living up to his potential, but also terrified him that the more powerful he became, the more he could lose his humanity. This is why Bobby's interaction with Emma was angry and spergy, because she'd been inside his mind and knew all of this. This is why the Age of Apocalypse showed us an Iceman who had mastered his powers but was losing his sanity. This is why there was a story where a villain had smashed a hole through Bobby's chest and he was afraid to revert back to his human form because he might die.
Only a gay reader that has to make everything about themselves could take this story and try to make it all about being in the closet, even after the writer confirmed he wasn't writing Iceman as gay.

None of that happened. Johnny danced with MJ, Peter was flirting with that girl, and Peter got punched by a horse guy.

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He is just hot natured!

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Its interesting how gayfags try to make it out like it isn't a pure retcon and try to reinterpret scenes to show Bobby was gay all along. Just accept that Bobby was never intended to be gay until Bendis got his hands on him and move on.

Kaldur was always LGBT from the very beginning and no one cares about his comic form

I know but go anywhere on the internet and you'll see a good portion of retards bitching about Kaldur being gay.
>no one cares about his comic form
You are the one who brought the comic book one up not me.

Actually it was because I was gay. I get along fine with women now, but like Bobby I was brought up in a repressive era/area with a tough father and confused my admiration for women with lust or sexual interest, plus what was "expected" of me as a guy and wanting to fit in. But because I had no genuine sexual interest any attempt to be with women looking back was cringeworthy and must have felt fraudulent for the girls involved.

His over the top "helloooooo nurse!" routine anytime he met a girl, his defensiveness with Cloud (who also hit on a disgusted Moondragon and who also interestingly enough came out as a lesbian later on) how uptight he was when anyone mentioned his sexuality, how Lobdell wrote those scenes with his father, how Lobdell wrote him in general actually, PAD having Lorna comment about his lack of sexual interest, how he acted around Northstar, chasing after unavailable women or making pathetic attempts at trying to 'win' them... there were signs.

As for being a 'horndog'... it's the perfect, and yet most completely transparent, way of throwing people off your scent. How Bendis handled the coming out was complete garbage, but that's par for course.

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Wasnt wolverine gay twice? No one gave a shit

Pretty sure you're projecting your own issues on a fictional character

No, you're just delusional.

No. Pansexual means fuck anything human with a pulse.

It's I went through a phase where I was a bit of a sadistic quasi rapist that got off on dick worship and basically sexually abused anyone who stood still long enough or I was able to talk into/force into sex.
Really got off on dominating and just making randoms scream with muh dik...

But that was a lifetime ago and I'm ashamed of being that kind of man then.
I would have been TECHNICALLY pansexual.

One of those was in a different universe with Hercules. Nobody gave a shit since it wasn't main continuity.

He's literally covered in ice from head to toe.
What does it take for you to not find a guy attractive? Two heads?

He was probably pissy because he didn’t get to use Wolverine or even his waifu Kitty initially. The Kitty thing was solved by having her teach Jean how to use her abilities despite the school having teachers with actual psychic powers.

I'm aware, I read it as it was happening. Emma directly hinted she knew more about why he was holding himself back (broad I know) and this was referenced last year in that story about Emma's gay brother and how she knew Bobby was gay but kept his secret.

If Lobdell wasn't intentionally writing him as closeted, then people aren't giving him enough credit as a writer, because as a closeted/confused fag in the 90's it certainly read that way.

>having her teach Jean how to use her abilities
What the fuck?
She's the least qualified to teach jean grey how to use psychic powers.
Hell she's the least qualified teacher and leader in the Xmen period.
What the fuck?

Couldn't the have gotten white queen or even fucking Marvel Boy to help her?
Hell Marvel Boy helping her with her psychic powers could have lead into a relationship thing.

>If Lobdell wasn't intentionally writing him as closeted, then people aren't giving him enough credit as a writer, because as a closeted/confused fag in the 90's it certainly read that way.
What are you talking about Lobdell has gone on record of not supporting gay Bobby. Lobdell will never imply a character is gay and not make them come out.

Because those same retards were saying the comics retconned him to be gay and the cartoon followed suit even tho, it was the other way around

I remember seeing a page with feral Wolverine and feral beast being boyfriends

Bro, it read that way becuase you are gay and looking for people to look up to.
Also, his big thing was his parents hated his guts and he hated himself for being a mutant.
That was his problem.
He wanted to be human and fit in and if he was born human he'd have been one of the people throwing tomatoes and other stuff at mutants.

He's a self hating mutie.
That's his problem
And that's why he's always human with a ice sheet.
A subtle rejection of who and what he is, even a tthe cost of his own life and the lives of his friends and the world.

Once he accepted that and saw what he was his true power and potential was awakened.

He's full on omega and maybe even beyond that. Him even LOOKING partially human or having a humanoid shape is just self delusion at this point
He can be a floating snowball or a room of cold air.

Shame. It is a good match up. They are both hairy, muscular men that love drinking, fighting, and fucking. Hercules being a tall guy and Logan being a manlet makes it even hotter. Plus Logan is a masochist and can heal so Hercules can go all out on his ass.

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Lobdell wrote the story where Northstar came out. He's not a subtle writer. If he meant for a character to be gay, they'd say so in the story.

Yeah that was my point. If Bobby was meant to be gay according to Lobdell, Lobdell would have made him come out of the closet.

>What is allegory

Whether he intended it or not, he was continuing the grand Claremont tradition of making the term 'mutant' relatable and applicable to all minoritys/predjudiced groups.

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He's on the record as specifically making sure to not write Bobby as gay because he wasn't.

It's fine that you relate and took comfort and strength from it but that doesn't mean Bobby was Gay, and insisting otherwise makes you seem like a huge fucking asshole, and kinda elitist. Since it's like you're claiming that *only* gay people can have experiences like this.

That was during the time when Singers FaBuLoUs X-men movies were out and he was hard pushing mutant = gay in the movies and in reality.

No one should be giving Lobdell any credit in the first place

Is Lobdel involved with the x-men cartoons?

And the Legacy Virus was an allegory for AIDS, but it didn't mean mutants were actually all gay (or sharing drugs needles).
The original Genosha stories were allegories for apartheid, but they didn't mean mutants were actually all black.
The prison camps of Days of Future Past were one of many Holocaust allegories, but they didn't mean mutants were all Jews, nor that Sentinels were all Nazis.
The books have been full of metaphor and allegory since Claremont, but don't make the mistake of assuming the characters actually are the things that the subtext is about.

Do you know what allegory is? Because it sounds like you don't.

Lobdell worked on the X-Men from 1992 to 1997, years before the movies.

Lol what? When have the cartoons implied Bobby was gay? If anything they just further prove, especially Evolution, he was always meant to be straight.

Fuck wasn't there a scene in one of the runs where Northstar swears up and down that Bobby isn't gay? And that he would know if he was?

who wrote it ?

The only person who’s claimed they wrote Bobby as being gay before Bendis did his thing was Liu and that was her trying to show off how good of an ally she is.

>Implying that it was even possible for satellite characters let alone an 05 character to be gay in the mid 90’s

You probably should, he’s one of the few writers who actually took an interest in him.

So what “sign” or “hint” would be acceptable to you? People in this thread have provided their rationale and signs they believed he was closeted which apparently aren’t good enough, even though panels have been written vague enough that they’re open to interpretation. Obviously he wasn’t created with the intention of being gay, and you’re not going to see him marching in a gay pride march or having gay thought bubbles in the era of the comics code.

It was literally just an excuse for Bendis to write her and eventually have her in his books exclusively. That’s also why she married Star Lord and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy, so he could keep writing her after he left X-Men.

>Implying that it was even possible for satellite characters
What the fuck are you talking about? Lobdell with the blessing of Marvel was allowed to out Northstar.
Fuck off.
Bobby was never meant to be gay. I'm fine with Bendis making him gay and I hope to see him get a boyfriend that is a mutant (maybe Pyro or Daken) and see him be gay on tv or movie, but everyone claiming he was made suddenly gay by Bendis are the ones telling the truth and you are the one being a disingenuous piece of shit with an agenda.

How so?

Nah as a gayfag my opinion has been: fuck this entire Iceman was gay all along shit. You want to put some gay mutants in the spotlight? Northstar, Wiccan, Anole and Graymalkin are right there

ice cubes in the ass while fucking, popsickles in the ass

there's a whole sex toy line up for it

thats why

Lobdell was allowed to make Northstar officially gay in 2001, Byrne had always intended him to be gay and it was only allowed 2 decades after his debut and mainly because he wasn’t a prominent x-character.

You’re hetero and never read those signs as gay or lived a closeted experience, fine - and you’re entitled to that opinion. In this thread are people who are LGBT explaining how they interpreted panels and how it came across to them, also fine. I don’t understand the hostility and defensiveness.

Northstar came out in 1992. Lobdell was already out of Marvel by 2001. Fuck off. You are literally gaslighting to get your agenda across.

Lol what!? Northstar came out in the 90's and Marvel used this to support the HIV/AIDS charity thing that was going on at the time. Where is this 2001 coming from?

News to me, I thought it was during eve of destruction when Jean Paul was releasing his autobiography. So how did he come out then? Even if he did in 92’ it certainly wasn’t referenced on panel in his 94 mini from memory, just more hints

Who in the marvel universe can stop this guy from fucking anyone he wants. You'd probably have to make it so creative declares that he's not bisexual to avoid Hercules Fucks The Marvel Universe.

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He literally came out in issue Alpha Flight 106 saying I AM GAY to some fucking villain. There was a reason why people say that Lobdell is as a subtle as a brick. Because it was so awful.

t.seething fag

Brett Ratner thought so.

Bendis saw the page of Bobby showing minor disinterest to fighting with the others for Jean's affection and decided he was gay like he figured out the secret of the X-Men.

But that just implies that bi people can't find trans people attractive. Straight people too, for that matter.
Surely they're not saying that anyone who has ever fucked a trans dude or girl is pan

Based. It would make /pol/ seethe on top of that


Furry is basically the meeting point between Xenophilia and Bestiality, with some leeway in either direction and generally the harkness test is law. You get your average furry and show them a non-human creature that talks, and they'd probably be down to bang it.

Don't forget Shark Girl.

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t. Nigger

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How the fuck I didn't noticed this until now..

MEGA GAY in retrospect.

Man, Singer fucked every single dude in the cast didn't he?
It's like how Schumacher porked the male cast and got a pegging from thurman in batman forever.

>Cyclops and Jean
Too intertwined with one another.
Too on the nose, plus Morrison kinda did it once, would feel like a retread.
Least popular of the originals, no one would care.
Just right.

Iceman is ugly and that's why most homos hate this change. They wasted their gay card on the most mediocre of the X Men mainstays. Most gays would've preferred Logan, Colossus, Gambit, Nightcrawler or even Beast if they're a furshitter and if you have to pick an O5 member.

Funny cause it's mostly nigs who kill LGBT people nowadays in western countries. Do some introspection on yourself and your sub-80 IQ community before you start pointing fingers.

>Man, Singer fucked every single dude in the cast didn't he?
Even Jackman???

no little buddy
jackman is a straight mans man
he didn't smash singer

Bendis. Yes that Bendis, the comic book writer.

Jesus fucking Christ, you mentally ill pedos are no better than 3/5 fucktards.

The ones that actually read comic hated the change because it was lazily written.

Wow, I'm glad I'm bi because gays have shit taste. Bobby is cute as hell and would easily fuck him.

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>Most gays would've preferred Logan, Colossus, Gambit, Nightcrawler or even Beast if they're a furshitter and if you have to pick an O5 member.
Gay X-fags confirmed for the equivalent of Scooby Doo fans who convinced themselves that Velma is the hot one because they can't imagine themselves with anything better.

Hey, another oldtimer. There was one guy in particular who never stopped insisting that Bobby was gay, but I forget his name now. I thought about him when the announcement was made of Bobby being gay.

This goes back about twenty years.

So when are they going to un-gay Bobby? Theres no way this shit is going to stick, it didn't stick with Green Lantern.

Why bother? He's a total failure with women. It's not like they're short of straight characters.

He's jewish.

At least Marvel would finally be making a character relatable to it's readers

it was the 90's, zoomzoom

Lobdell flat out stated that he never intended his portrayal of Bobby to be closeted. [Open]

Little bit after the 1 hour and 40 minute mark.

Post straight Bobby Drakes.

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So many have mentioned this before . Bendis hated that Kittty and Iceman pair is getting popular and serious. He hated his Waifu is paired with someone who was not written by him . So he went ful reee and did a irreversible damage to Bobby.

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I think there's some difference between a regular furry and just a Xenophile / Monster-fucker
I'm absolutely not interested in engaging with the furry community, owning a fursuit or having a fursona, and most multi-colored furry OCs I see absolutely repulse me.
On the other hand I would fuck pretty much the majority of aliens in Mass Effect, and beast men like Beast or Kimahri do it for me too.

sauce besides a bunch of user's asses on Yea Forums? and i'm nto defending bendis I'm just tired of gossip being repeated as facts on here

Obviously when someone who has some interest in guys is directing something things like this will slip in (such as the "have you tried not being a mutant" conversation); all it really means is nothing.

Because of how things have changed, most director's today, whether their raging heteros or women or whatever do all sorts of different things simply because it's what's expected. I mean, the entire America's ass thing from Endgame, while played for laughs, isn't something that would have even been thought of putting in even when they were putting Batnipples on Batgod in the 1990s.

Jean thought Bobby was straight in First Class.

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What, you think Bendis fucking went into an interview one day and outright stated he made Bobby gay because he was jealous?
You fucking retarded?

Everyone knows His obsession with Kitty pryde. He even brought her to space in his Guardians series. He will never let her go away and be free of his will. Bobby x Kitty was getting serious in wolverine and x-men book. There is even future version of themselves happily married and having baby.

Why do you think he proposed this? Bendis was the biggest Autist with so much power at marvel. Its up to you to whether to believe it or not .

Look here. Bendis is the one who pulled gay out of his ass.

Is that captain planet?

Not canon

I'm surprised he didn't have her blacked by his dream bvll Luke Cage

The ones with the fursuit are the ones that start taking things too far. Some people just like art and media with anthro characters. When you want to BE one to the point where you start dressing up...that's when it gets weird.

Take out "human" in the first sentence. THAT'S pansexual. EVERYTHING gets your motor revving.

I am disgusted with furries every since I saw that rainfurrest documentary by internethistorian

Bi sexuals are not attracted to trannies I think

It was the end of his run on x-men and as expected, it was complete shit and there was nothing to remember.

At the time Secret Wars was happening and X-Men took some months away from being published, when his final issue came, Bendis had this idea to make some impact of his run. So because they had the time, they did this shitty change.

And no, Bendis didn't wanted to write a gay character, he was leaving the title and one of the new x-men he created was gay and barely had any focus on him.

Just a complete dumb move and now we have this trouble and they can't change it back because politics.

>they can't change it back because politics.
Is it even possible to damage control and bring back the fans who liked his old self?

make him bi and not act like a twink

>act like a twink
Now thats another problem. After the revelation he is acting like completely new character. He is flamboyant

not without a massive retcon fest, but we live in a world of donna troy and magnetos kids being his or not being changed all the time.

I would put the blame on JEAAAAAAAAAAAN and phoenix bullshit, and for the fans, they should get some taste and stop caring about fucking x-men of all comics.

fuck x-men and fuck muties.

>make Iceman gay
>when Northstar exists

He really wanted to see Angel fuck X-23

And then there was that time he had sexual tension with Daken, although that could just have been Daken using his hormone Powers.

>Angel has never had any major love interests.
Why though? There's loads of gay dudes that banged a bunch of chicks just because they didn't know what they wanted or were in deep denial. If anything, making someone like Bobby is a way more interesting character to make gay because they always just made the person who had no significant romantic relationships gay. Do something slightly differently if you're gonna the same thing anyway.

He's always been a prissy dude. Look at this guy. Come on.

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I don't see how he looks gay

Incels can't tell.

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WTF are you talking about? Candy Southern and Psylocke are his major relationships, Psylocke in particular has been on and off for 25 years.

He also had a fling with Dazzler and dated a black cop. Rogue and Stacy X had unrequited lust for him. The less said about Husk the better, but it happened.

The dude is a natural chad, has more money than he'll ever spend and is natural with women. Bobby is a sperg whose history with women became a literal joke.

And Jean is waaaaay too straight laced/stepford wife, she's probably the only woman Claremont didn't give lesbian tendencies to in his multiple runs.

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First Xmen issue Iceman has a throw away line about "ew girls"

Yeah you can pick the thing you want to suit your view.

Everyone says this before their first furry con.

They're legitimately amazing.

Bobby Drake, The Indiscriminate Bi-ceman!
A 12 issue maxi-series, Spring 2020.

ha ha it's funny because this women is trying to sexually assault this man in his sleep after he has repeatedly said no

because its cool to be gay

I've been playing X-Men Legends and the game was made before ice-man became gay so seeing game dialog were magma has a crush on him or how he's a huge flirt to the ladies, even his room has posters of women. Which makes it funnier

Thats how people used to dress you retard. That shit was common back then, and not because they were gay.

That 4-man drop-in/out swap-between-teammates couch-co-op shit was a gem.

No. It's a bad explanation, and you should feel bad.

Now With More Now

The thing that makes it different is that Bobby never really had a consistent personality. Kurt had been long-established as the swashbuckling ladies’ man.

>not without a massive retcon fest, but we live in a world of donna troy and magnetos kids being his or not being changed all the time.
There was a lot of outrage that the Maximoff twins aren't half-Jewish anymore and that was something that was never addressed or focused on in a story ever. Making a character not gay anymore, after stories focused on him being gay, would get a lot more outrage.

Outrage over a fictional character is usually delusional.

Corporate mandate.

Only the fursuiters and other freaks even GO to cons. Everyone else either just draws art or appreciates it and tv shows/movies. Don't you GET it? Spoiler: the VISIBLE ones are the freaks.

Almost all Marvel Super heroes have been good looking.

Wasn't Lady Dorma a redhead? Still if it has blonde hair Namor will hit it. Betty Dean, Sue Storm, Namora, etc... But then again you look at the guys he's closest to Johnny Storm, Jim Hammond, and Steve Rogers, all blonds.... Hmmm.

user, if no one is outraged they don't care.
As a matter of fact that is the exact opposite

Dark Schneider hates harry bara types and just appreciates feminine beauty, it's not his fault that Kallsu is girly as fuck.

Cap being bi would be fine and he's not a big slut so he wouldn't be a stereotype.

>who also hit on a disgusted Moondragon and who also interestingly enough came out as a lesbian later on
Moondragon is bisexual but she's just picky with whom she pairs up with. She definitely likes dudes (Thor and Wendell) they just have to meet her impossibly high standards. She's less picky when it comes to women though.

You do realize he made a literal self insert of himself to be Kitty's boyfriend in Ultimate spider-man?

Was this by Marjorie Liu? Who later ended up saying that she knew Iceman was gay all along, lol.

>Who later ended up saying that she knew Iceman was gay all along
What a crock of shit that statement was

She was trying to show how good of an ally she was when she's probably another fag hag.

How dumb can Jean be if she can't understand anything beast says when she can outright read his thought process in order to have a rough idea of where he's going?

Didn't she literally write a story about every single last woman Bobby ever loved and how his unconscious mind was protecting them?

Moondragon was being implied as bisexual as much as could be done at 1980s Marvel, her role in the Cloud story was to be the one who loved Cloud whatever her body looked like.

As he later did with Rictor, Peter David wrote a story where she came out as 100% homosexual, and all of their heterosexual relationships were lies.

As far as I remember she came out saying she liked women but after reading Quasar I still think she had the hots for Wendell. Still choosing to think of her as bi.

Yeah which is why it's pretty funny that she went and said that. No one who read her stuff with Bobby believes her.

Because he's hot and has has lady's hair and I want to fuck him. That's why.

I want a short mini series where Iceman suffers a breakdown and goes insane because he got gaslighted into being gay.

Sorry bro. When a character goes full gay, they are gay forever. No ME SO BI ME FUCK WHOEVER shit.
It comes off as them going bi for story and marketing reasons and infuriates the homos.
So yeah.
Moondragon, no matter how many poorly written stories they put her in, is gay forever.
Same for modern Iceman, same for Nico, same for Aqualad.

Complete and utter bullshit.
You don't have to be a pissy little bitch to care.
