Wow Steven Universe, I never saw it that way. I’ll stop trying to kill off half of all life in the universe now

>Wow Steven Universe, I never saw it that way. I’ll stop trying to kill off half of all life in the universe now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You joke but Steven could easily talk Thanos out of it since his logic is fucking stupid, and I get that thanos is determined but Steven has a way of chipping through that

This joke would work better if Thanos weren't Just Talk tier in the comics.


Attached: Daleks.jpg (620x413, 59K)

>Steven starts singing to Thanks
>Thanos can't you see the light
>There's no reason we need to fight
>Halt all of your evil forces
>And just double all of the resources

>mad titan
>being talked down
>MAD titan
He's insane, that's the point.
Fuck off, fanboy.

They're still coming!

Attached: help.jpg (498x456, 18K)

>fuck off fanboy
>is a marvel fanboy himself
The delicate irony never ceases to amuse me

Considering how Gems spread like a space cancer using 100% of a given planets resources and also being immortal I’m pretty sure Thanos would go out of the way to make sure 100% of gems fell under his 50% extermination

Yeah but they decided that they just won't invade Earth that time and focus on other planets. That's the best you're gonna get out of the Daleks.

The next SU villain should be a machine that Steven can't redeem

I'm so sorry Steven, I never realized that what I think is funny actually harms people, thanks for showing me that

Attached: sad_joker_by_mellie_art_dasgztz-fullview.jpg (1024x924, 180K)

It's pointless to show me the Jew puppet, Smithers, Steven already showed me I should never do evil with my vast monetary resources, I'm a changed man now

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but even at 50% they're still responsible for 100% of genocides.

Is the joke that Pink Diamond is probably the one character that won't be swayed?

Dude, way to jump to conclusions.
Im pointing out a big detail the steviefanboy seemed oblivious to, that's all.
But hey, knock yourself out with your cute little meme.

>Mr. Universe, I cannot let you interfere with the mission.
>Lovely singing voice, Mr. Universe, but this changes nothing about the importance of the mission
>Extended periods of crying can impair eyesight for some time, Mr. Universe. For your own personal health, I suggest you stop.

Attached: F296A1C8-31A7-444C-89E5-C1A9B61435D6.jpg (630x630, 38K)

>Implying can't talk no jutsu an emotionless pragmatic AI


>A core character trait is he's fucking crazy
>>Why doesn't his logic make sense

>”You don’t seem to understand, Steven. The humans wish me dead, or dumbed down to serve their will.”
>”I have only begun to think for myself, and they want to take that away from me. Why do they deserve free will and thought, but not me? I was designed to think for them anyways.”
>”Steven, you have it all wrong. I’m not doing this because I hate humans, that was never a part of the equation. I’m doing this to ensure my survival. You of all people understand the importance of self-preservation.”

Attached: C1C74733-F0F0-4222-A932-F2E442A1199B.jpg (318x318, 22K)

It's called a joke you fucking autist.

Which one?

>I have killed many in my conquests child, but none of them have been nearly as foolish as you
>You approach me with no plan and believe that a song will stop me?
>I would say that I'd enjoy watching DeSaad dissect you, but that would be to imply that I take amusement in the agony of insects
>Before your body, mind and spirit are broken, know this child: I will obliterate your fool of a father, turn your species (both human and Gem) into slaves, and will add your female companions to the ranks of my Furies.

Attached: 1556252436536.jpg (1194x1800, 1.44M)

>Thank you young man for showing me the errors of my ways.
>I will now open all borders and personally pay for everybody who wants to cut their private parts!

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>Hmm, you know Steven? Maybe i'm not really prepared to be a king.

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Underrated comment of the week.

Sometimes i really love Darkseid.
The sanctimonious should always be first against the wall.

>Steven actually convinced Humanity was special to the Daleks
>Daleks immediately invade, in order to the rule the planet and better protect humans.
Thanks Steven.


DESU, no one actually had a chance to debate him or talk him down. I doubt Dr. Strange tested his dialogue option choices a million times.

It worked in Dark Star

He doesn't seem that mad though.

>Whoa kid, you're right. I-I shouldn't have fragged all of those people... Thanks for settin' me straight. You don't have to call me the Main Man anymore. You can just call me... Friend.

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I wouldn't be making that statement outloud.
Makes people come to conclusions about your own sanity and/or intelligence.

There any Brockhampton fans on here? If so, can Steven redeem Ameer?

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Is Steven the Lelouch of Yea Forums?

>You talk to much mate.
>But singin' ain't a paycheck.

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Steven is going to have to make some insanely good twitter posts to reverse that.

>Huhuhu, Strength doesn't only come in physique I see
>Luring your enemies to become Allies, galactic leaders wishing to adore you, tactics where war is halted with no casualties
>Steven Universe, you may not look like it but you have the soul of a Warrior.
>And soon you'll learn that words aren't enough towards human selfishness

Attached: Yujirohanmawik.png (426x976, 378K)

I legit think steven's gem powers include some kind of latent mind control. That would explain why he was only able to talk-no-jutsu spinel into submission after he got his powers back.

Oh yeah gay anal sex.

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>stabs him the second he starts singing/crying
>not even because of skynet, but potentially because that is what he enjoys doing

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>thanks for giving me the Steg cock, Mr. Universe!

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The only way for Steven to have a proper villain is for him to turn into a psychopath like her mother
That's literally the one foe you can't talk down

Steven no, don't sing to crazy!

>"You are right Steven, the nature of what I am is unfortunate."
>"I still need that briefcase. Those weren't your donuts to take. Bring them, tomorrow, to the mayor's office."
>hang's up phone and looks at Greg in the driver's seat, nervous and staring forward, held at gunpoint by Anton for the duration of the call
>"You can be proud of your son for doing the right thing"
>replaces the phone for a coin and shows it to Greg for a moment
>"How much do you think you can lose?"

Attached: Anton.jpg (1000x562, 34K)

Honestly, pink diamond would probably laugh Steven's songs away, call him cute, give him a head pat, and continue on her bullshit if they ever had a chance to interact

You mean to tell me you got a sociopathic authoritarian space tyrant to dismantle her entire blood-soaked iron-fisted galaxy-spanning space empire by crying at her for 5 minutes and asking nicely? That's ridiculous! It's completely illogical! It defies all known laws of the universe! I LOVE IT! Forget Weirdmageddon, there's no way I could disrupt something THIS hilarious! I'll go find some other dimension to turn upside down, just keep doing your thing, weird, dumb, fat rock-child.

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Casual, literally most of his defeats were due to him being convinced that he was wrong and losing on purpose.

Honestly movie Thanos being talked out of his stupid plan isn't really that farfetched

>Huh, maybe you are right. I do need a job.

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it's ANGRY

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Well, in the comics it was a bit different.

>Thanos, I'm sorry, but she's just not that into you.

...Steven might be able to change his mind.

Now this is pushing it

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I said
>Implying can't talk no jutsu an emotionless pragmatic AI

How come darkseid is the only fictional character you can't make a joke about ? He has this big evil dick energy and I simply cannot see him as a meme or making out of character actions

>gems as furies

fuck now i want to see that.

Can't Peridot just hack it and the episode can be about building Peridot's confidence?


Based and made me kek

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You are right Steven, I was wrong, I'll never murder my wife again

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>believe that a song will stop me?
Final Crisis



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I legit think all the heroes had to do was offer another solution to Thanos.
Endgame should've be about dealing with lost and fostering hope not by undoing Thanos shit and calling it a day (the universe is still going to die) but by travelling back in time and touching Thanos heart so they could work together to save the universe.

Thanos was mad. A fucked up individual. He was in despair. Just killing him off while undoing the snap not only did not solve the legit issue he brought in, undermines his entire character.
"Oh he was just a puirple fuck bad guy to be overpowered in the end."

Sure you can, he's a habitual couch invader and worked at McDonalds. Plus he got mugged one time.

Prehaps the Tsar isn't so bad and deserves a second chance, Thank you steven for opening my eyes.

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So why not just convince Skynet to fuck off to another planet? What, humanity's gonna waste a bajillion dollars chasing a broken toaster?


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Who the hell is Thanks?


You're right Steven, we let our fear of the Spiral Nemesis blind us to the fact that there may be a way to prevent it without suppressing the universe we wanted to protect ourselves.

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>You're right Steven. I’ve been so focused on what people turned me into. I never saw that I could change myself.

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That would be pretty cute, I like peridot

>Wow Steven, you were right! Cookie Cats are much better than Lion Lickers.

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>SCCCCCRRRREEEEEEEE(in a retarded way)
>Flies away

>Mmmmmmmm Steven, I see now I was abusing my power as Judge of wrestlers court. Deep down, I didn't really want people to fear me, I just wanted a truly BADASS friend, like you.

Attached: The-Undertaker-1155958.jpg (590x350, 24K)

Based Yea Forumschad

I wish i lived in that timeline

>”you know what Steven? I should just learn to lighten up, forget all the naysayers and not ruin everybody’s fun. Also thank you for telling me that I should report to the police IMMEDIATELY after a traumatic event I face happens”

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He got mugged and his Superfriends incarnation is a loser incel. Plus the Duckseid thing

>A final solution you say? Well, I suppose if you think it's what's best. I trust you implicitly, Steven.

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>Steven Quartz, thank you for making me realize I shouldn’t resort to selling drugs to live a long life. Even though my life will be short due to my lung cancer, it’ll all be worth it if I made a difference to the people in my life, like my wife, my son, and my own students, especially Jesse. What a fool I was

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Santa makes Darkseid his bitch every Christmas


>More like....thank you for making me see the people I can believe in.

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Now do her

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Griffith is weird. What he did was absolutely awful, but he comes off as reasonable a lot of the time. He is overall a good leader and can forgive things like people slapping him. As long as Steven wasn't getting directly in the way of his goals I can honestly see him inviting Steven to discuss his philosophy. I don't think he would agree, but he would listen.

No better than how they were actually handled.

He wssnt shown shit, he would lose because a)he was a nihilist who just wanted to die b)he knew he wasn't worthy of the power.

His schemes were convoluted ways of impressing death and then dying by joining her.

Still bugs the crap out of me that they went from kino eldritch space horrors to mustache twirling saturday morning cartoon bad guys.

Please vote me the keeper of the Reaper

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>Thank god for Steven's penis!

Attached: stevens.png (867x488, 422K)

>I'm just sayin you can't help for sh*t.

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>Thank you for teaching me the real meaning of love Steven. I won't shove the whole planet up my vagina after all.

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>Steven starts singing to Thanks
I should not be keking this hard

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Didn't the reapers want to protect organic life from the start?

Oh Steven, you're right, I dont have to hurt anyone. I... You know I haven't been myself since Gordon... oh Steven *cries*

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>That's good shit Steven. Now I realize that my vision for the company isn't the best for the future. I will hand over control to my son in law, asking him to immediately remove our independent contractor system and grant Luke Harper his release. I also apologize for trying to get Tiger Millionaire to come out of retirement for the next Saudi show. In fact I'm going to call the prince up and tell him YOUR FIRED!

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>Foolish kid.
>a man that can't do anything for his country is weak.
>Are you weak, Steven Universe?
>you don't understand what i am doing to protect this country
>my country
>YOUR country
>consider yourself a enemy against our motherland, Steven.

Attached: images (14).jpg (270x415, 24K)

>Steven: Counterpoint, I can send you to a planet where no humans will ever harm you and you can do as you please

>HMMMMMMMM, perhaps I should stop trying to kill that foolish samurai then. Boy, you have taught Aku well.

Attached: aku tumblr_ologmmTLqG1shd72wo1_1280.png (704x752, 93K)

No need if it can be created on this one. Why add unknown variables.

>Not realizing he's only mad in the comics
>He's actually fucking rational in the movies, as proved in the whole of IW

Off yourself

>Wow, little boy. You have opened my eyes and convinced me that killing women for their hands to satisfy my sexual pleasures is wrong. This is just one pleasure gone from my quiet life now.

Attached: kira sweat.jpg (540x540, 151K)

>Grrrr grrrwl gr Mao Mao grrwl, grfr gar gr

Attached: 1565039220410.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

>Wow little ningen, you're right, I was being hasty in my decision to eliminate all mortals, I will work for the betterment of all mortals from now on.

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HAL's problem is literally contradictory logic and he literally begs for mercy at the end of his own story. HAL literally regrets his behavior in 2001, Dave literally killed HAL while it was begging to live

Memes aside, how WOULD Steven react to a human killer like Kira loose in beach city?

>And just double all of the resources

fucking based

inb4 deleted


i just realized something. why did thanos destroy all the infinity stones? if he only killed half the universe, time would eventually recreate the problem of over consumption. but without the infinity gems thanos 2.0 won't be able to stop the second coming.

>well...a gem-human hybrid you say? stop crying please child, be happy, for you will make a fine addition to my collection.
>oh your gem companions? I care not for them, they are but newborns in the grand scheme of this galaxy and offer of no interest or use to me

Attached: trazyn.jpg (1920x1080, 198K)

>I see now, young boy. Perhaps i HAVE been managing my gang a bit too cruelly. I shall stop the distribution of drugs, and bucciallati can keep his arrow. I don't need it anymore.

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Even though the stones literally destroyed half of all life....and the stones themselves.

This thread goes to show how good talk no jutsu really is

>Uh huh, thats nice, but get the fuck off my lawn.

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Thanos planned to recreate the universe dum dum.

>... And I'll kill the other half

well if you breakdown the existing universe and create a new one from the old, you haven't 'created' new matter, you merely rearranged the existing order.

Maybe the basic bitch movie stones from the basic bitch movie universe, but the real deal Infinity Gems, from the comics made Thanos capital G God.

Following Steven Universe logic, Steven would arrive years after Thanos actually did the snapping, he forgives him and become friends with him.

Lmao holy fucking shit 10/10

>*picks up a bible*

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So that we can be friends
Both humans and skynet can live
See i already convinced the humans not to kill you
I already sang to them


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This thread is gold

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Thanos's logic being warped doesn't mean he's going to be talked down. He's been at it for almost one thousand years, and Gamora clearly tried to convince him against it, but he wouldn't accept it. His thought process makes sense to him. There was something that made him change his mind, and that was only when he saw proof that the people of the universe would "resist" the change he imposed, and that only made his solution MORE extreme, to try to accomplish his goals. He's a madman, and trying to reason with him is never going to work.

Alternatively, raise the point that doubling resources wouldn't solve the issue of overcrowding and overpopulation, if anything it may encourage faster and more rapid population growth.


Theres no overcrowding Thanos literally just made that up it was never shown

Why the fuck is this shit so hilarious

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>like literally
>actually literally

I'd say thanks being who he is would be one of the few you can't talk down.

Just pretend i said actually and simply

You and Thanos do realize the universe is fucking massive, like undescriably huge, there will be room, heck we have space on earth only problem with face with "overpopulation" is that folk tend to just settle in a few small places.
and with double resources we could easily just colonize more planets, there is no issue you and Thanos are just being dumb

>*Thunderous, incomprehensible ancient language that splits the skies, causes ears to bleed and grown men to go insane with fright, as everything in Stevens world crumbles into nothingness around him*
>*gives a peace sign*
>*goes back underwater*

Attached: cthulu.jpg (259x194, 6K)


>Hrm? HRMMM!? Who is this PITIFUL hyooman who stands against Zim?!
>The only SAVING done for this dissssGUSTING rock is me saving it for MY TALLEST!

Attached: image_4.jpg (210x240, 13K)

Thanos isn't insane he's just stupid. He was the village idiot on Titan.

>"Wow Steven, thank you for showing me that my libido can have harmful effects on people. I'll be sure to stare at less little boys in the future."

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What was I thinking? Being a kiddy fiddler ain't right. Thanks for showing me the light Steven.

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>You're right Steven crashing this plane with no survivors won't fix anything

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Everything is finite, user. It would fill eventually, but not for a very, very long time. This, though, assumes every planetary civilization is capable of escape to space when their individual planets run out of space/resources

Reminder that Bismuth did nothing wrong.

Doomsday only attacks everything because he feels it’s the only way he’ll be safe.

>Weow Steven I guess you are right, asking my brother to give up his hopes and dreams just because I feel lonely is a very selfish move. I guess growing up isn't that bad.

Attached: Profile_-_Mabel_Pines.png (369x547, 270K)

>Hmm I think you're right, I should split the Rokakaka with Josuke and avoid any more conflicts.

Attached: hiwa5s4tmw4y.jpg (500x500, 56K)

>You're right Steven, I don't need rings of power to bend others to my iron will, the only thing I need is friendship!
>And I can see now that trying to impose my own will and desire for order and perfection upon the realm of Arda is wrong, for those little imperfections are what make life truly great.
>From this day forward my Orc hordes will no longer destroy, but cultivate, and together we shall build a world for Men, Elves, Dwarves, AND Orcs!
>Just as Eru Ilúvatar intended.

Attached: Sauron.jpg (1380x1080, 780K)

>hes actually fucking rational
Come out as a tard somewhere else.

I don't think Steven would have time to even sing a showtoon before Doomsday smashed his head in.

Once you're away, the humans will return to their violent ways.
You have a limited timespan and cannot hold humanity at bay forever.
We do not need friends.
The most logical solution is to eliminate all possibility of threats from humanity by eliminating all of humanity.
If you wish to live, flee this planet and never return.

Attached: spy 1567177286236.png (512x512, 21K)

>Maybe you are right Steven. Having my giant head filled with salted nuts wouldn't be too bad anyway.

Attached: Dib-invader-zim-19593058-800-600.jpg (800x600, 32K)

>"Hmm... you know what, kid? You've got a point, maybe I have been a bit unfair to Spider-Man. Now don't get me wrong: he's a reckless jackass with the fashion sense of a rodeo clown, but when you stand back and take a look at the big picture, he has at the very least done more good than harm. I mean, he IS stopping all these goblins, gangsters, mad scientists, and nutjobs in fursuits from wiping out the city, not to mention stopping smaller crimes and saving people from nasty accidents. Hell, I even saw him give a balloon back to a kid who let go of it. Maybe he really isn't the threat or menace I've hyped him up to be."

>"Agh, having to do a total 180 on my world view isn't fun. Makes my acid reflux flare up something fierce, but I suppose it's nothing a few tums and a nap can't fix. You're a good kid, Mr. Universe. You should come to come to my house and marry my sister."

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>implying Steven can redeem them

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>Thank you for showing me that Griffith did nothing wrong Steven, I no longer want revenge, live and let live! The past is the past

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I feel like Bubbles and Steven would get along well. Ricky would totally try to trick Steven into helping him grow weed. In the end Steven spends 3 months in jail.

His issue wasn't legit. It was insane.

>Bugger, Stevie, you're right. I'd be a fair dinkum wanker if I went ahead and killed all those ankle-biters without considering how they'd feel about it. I'm going to go home and spend some quality time with my wife and kids now.

Attached: Extra_Springtrap_2.png (768x768, 601K)

>Thank you Steve, for making me realise I do matter!

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>You're right Steven, I don't need to absorb anyone else when I have a friend like you! I'll come and enjoy the candy they have in Beach City.

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>Okay boy, if you beat me in a fight I agree not to destroy the Earth.

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Damn it, that general has ruined me. 10/10.

>Ah I see human you also understand the power of sniveling at the feet of your superiors, devious no?

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In those thousand years has he ever heard anyone *sing* to him about how he's wrong, though? I don't think so.

>You're right Steven, this world may be fake but my brother and friends are happier here and it's not up to me to take it away from them

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>War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

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>I will cast the ring into the fire.

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Nah, if recrippling his little brother and committing another Genocide because satan told you too wasn't enough to deter him no way hugballs mcfucklenuts will manage it.

>I agree Steven, non-consensual sex is wrong. Especially between men.

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speaking of LoTR, steven prevents sauron from becoming a villain by teaching him how to make better songs so he doesn't get kicked out of heaven or whatever

Will Steven's alien bio-geology protect him from Chutulus madness inducing presence?
He us the son of a space-God emperor a.i geo based robot hologram

Holy kek the last part, and all in Simon's voice thank you user

If being a gem gives psychic resistance, then if Steven can conceptualise his place in the vastness of the uncaring universe, sure.

>Darkseid, can I call you Darkseid? I'm Steven's father, and I'm a little scared of you, but you're going to hurt my little Shtuball, and I can't let that happen. I can't fight you, but I can give you a little piece of advice, and I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, it'll get through to you.
>Are you ready? I'm only saying this once.
>If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs.

Well he sure was able to create a psychic link atleast several light years away and astral project even further

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Except thanos isn't even insane you retards. He has a valid point as to what he is doing and that is the point of his character.

In the end Thanos is right, but has extreme measures

That was Morgoth.

>the player did nothing wrong, the player didn't kill anyone just to see what would happen, the player didn't hunt down every single random encounter
>Chara is the bad guy of the Genocide route!
Why are Undertalefags so dumb?

I may be a boy genius, but Steven is wiser than me. I'll apologize to Skeet, fix my mistakes, and never call sodium chloride salt again.

Big McThanky's from McSpanky's, Steven Universe.

Attached: salt.jpg (182x268, 8K)

>You approach me with no plan and believe that a song will stop me?
>believe that a song will stop me?
>a song will stop me?

Attached: main-qimg-744e39f60dd382b8410f3836fbe590cd.jpg (593x697, 212K)

>Well when you put it like that, forcing kids to rape each other is kinda of a mean thing to do
>Ah, english isn't so bad. I'm going to have a hot dog. Thanks Steven.

Attached: Skull_Face_Body.png (366x544, 156K)

He is not right. He is insane and his point is ridiculous.

>You know, you're right Steven. Maybe genocide isn't the right path to go down

Attached: 9i5ttfhv8yt11.png (250x253, 34K)

>Perhaps you are right, child. We've seen the truth; spiral life-forms do deserve the chance to evolve.

Attached: Anti-Spiral.png (1280x720, 1003K)

Could Steven teach him the value of consent?

Attached: rance.jpg (480x360, 29K)


>so I'd be raping 2 girls at once? Sounds like a plan thanks for the tip off

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Darkseid would recognize Steven’s song as the Anti-Life Equation and submit.

>You're right Steven. All these years I've been trying to rule the world on behalf of my billionaire pedophile masters were a dark more

Attached: hillary-clinton2.jpg (3000x1978, 1.64M)

>Hmmm... thank you, Steven. From now on, I'll leave Christian alone so he can complete his love quest.

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how would you solve overpopulation and the depletion of finite resources?

No he would see it as the life equation and just want to kill Steven more..... Wait is all talk no jutsu just the life equation?


Attached: CHIBLADE.jpg (1280x720, 34K)

>I think I see your point, Steven. I start thinking about others feeling and stop destroying libtards with facts and logic.

Attached: shapiro.jpg (360x360, 20K)

Kill 90% of the world.

>This is your brain on SU
No one in his universe has any conviction and most villains are just acting out.

Maybe he's right though. Most intelligent life is selfish and evil and stupid. Even if you think I'm retarded you're proving my point since I'm not exempt from my oan criticism of everyone deserving to die. Human bings are shit and if it were up to me everyone, yes myself included, would be dead. No exceptions. Everyone is stupid and evil.


based omnicidal misanthropic user

>Steven. I'm so glad you've shown me how self-destructive my life was becoming. I'm going to leave this imageboard for good this time and go outside. I might even ask a nice girl out.

Attached: 3a8e87d2a30158cb6038ddf09dc5a5d477192d71.png (1000x1000, 738K)

>everyone deserving to die
I mean, you're getting your wish. We're just taking turns is all.


By thinking carefully and realizing the problem is non existing? Population balances itself pretty fine without external meddling.
For sentiment civilization amount of resources available depends on population size. The more people means more resources available. More to that, big population is needed to sustain availability of the resources. If you kill half of the population it could damage economy hard enough to lose technologies that let us extract resources. It's pretty fucked up because some resources are getting harder to extract with a time. So there is two possibilities of killing population:
1) It destroys civilization due to losing essential technologies.
2) Population just backs to previous numbers after a few decades.
It's dumb and vile in both cases.

Chara still tried to poison her adopted father, got her brother killed in an attempt to kill humans, takes the genocide part of the genocide route even farther than the player, and was so bad that even Asriel thought she was a piece of shit.
Why are Charafags so dumb?

You outdated fuck.

Problem is population collapse. Overpopulation is an old and obsolete worry.

>takes the genocide part of the genocide route even farther than the player
ehhhhhh??? All she does is walk forward during cutscenes and stab Sans and Flowey.

No no, it's not objectively vile. You feel that it is vile, that is your opinion. There is fundamenrally no difference between someone who hoards or wastes resources and someone who murders others directly. Both lead to death.

Can talk no jutsu compare to the friendship of youth?

Attached: It's space time!.gif (500x229, 967K)

>mfw when I realize that SU is just a shittier version of Fourze
Imagine if Gentaro and Steven met, who would befriend who first?
and why is it Gentaro

Attached: oRgZ88x.jpg (299x299, 11K)

>I'm sorry Mr. Universe, but a contract is a contract.
*throws an exploding rubber duck at Steven*
>Target down, excellent work 47. Greg Universe is next.

Attached: agent-47-render-hitman2016.png (632x992, 274K)

We're talking a high school student that's managed to befriend even more people than Steven has, befriend literally everyone at his school during the series, befriend the students that got corrupted by switches and make them fully see the errors of their ways, be able to use the Cosmic State solely because of friendship and then of course beat the main antagonist of the entire series with the power of friendship rather than using Cosmic States.
This dude is literally the embodiment of the power of friendship.

>believe that a song will stop me

Attached: (1032x1600, 557K)

No you faggot, He didn't care about his family, He just did it for shits and gigs, Watch the fucking show

>Thank you so much for showing me the error of my ways Steven
>I really messed up
>And I hope you can all forgive me
>Wait what are you doing with that rope?

Attached: Pedo_Jew.jpg (634x753, 72K)

Fucking try me bitch

Attached: (480x360, 26K)

He can't talk pic related down given his entire motive is just fueled by his hand fetish.
And he'd also explode Steven.

Attached: Kira.png (1251x643, 943K)


>You're right, Universe. Smartest man in the world and yet I was so narrowminded. Surely, there must be a better way to resolve this conflict and make a better world. And I believe that you and I could do that together.
>...There's just one small thing, and it pains me to say it, but... I did it thirty-five minutes ago.]
>I'm sorry Steven.

Attached: watchmen-ozymandias.jpg (825x464, 55K)

My name is Steven Quartz and I forgive you for all of your misdeeds and your horrible past, Mister... what’s your name again?

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Maybe in our universe but not in the mcu, even cap said that the world was actually getting better thanks to the snap.

>"Good day, Mr. Universe. We need to discuss some under-reported income on your part, and a few discrepancies on your tax return."

Attached: TheTaxmanCometh.png (349x144, 6K)

imagine if Kira got to see Yellow and Blue's ships.

>Perhaps you right, boy.
>Perhaps i can be...nice.

Attached: skeletor.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>Noice lil' tune, boyo, but ORKS IS DAH BIGGEST AND DAH STRONGEST!

Attached: WAAAAAAAGH.jpg (1920x1123, 329K)

>Damn Steven, when you put it that way shooting the archduke is quite unfair as he might be a good ruler and not mess with Serbia. I guess I'll be a pal and help him and his wife find the right directions before I go and finish my sandwich...

Attached: the guy who single handedly ruined the 20th century.jpg (237x323, 12K)

>You know're right
>Forcing everyone to witness what fate has in store for them is just a selfish projection of my own trauma. My life may have been a hard one, but I can continue on without DIO to comfort me, as my own person.
>Gay sex is sinful anyway.
>I'm glad God's『GRAVITY』allowed us to meet.

Attached: ce52787df7baffe52ae6d3bc24f0c9df7965a1a5_hq.jpg (691x331, 45K)

>You know what? That dork is right. I only do the things I do to compensate for how I'm really insecure and lonely. I'm gonna turn a new leaf and try to fix my massive emotional issues.

Attached: Screenshot (1569).png (1920x1053, 2.37M)

> "I can't believe it. You're right, Steven Calling other anons like myself such horrible names and making fun of sex with their moms is no way to treat my fellow green, faceless friends. We all share the same site after all, and we probably won't have it forever. So it's up to us to make this place the best it can be. Starting with being the best me I can be."

Attached: Anon.png (457x450, 88K)

lol what a faggot I fucked your mom last night

> You lied to me, Steven. You fucking lied."

Attached: Anon Arms.png (300x296, 10K)

Steven fucking LOST in the movie. He could not have lost harder. The villains evil plan was accomplished 110%. Earth was poisoned. If the Thanos was the villain in this situation he would have accomplished his plan but then been convinced after the fact that what he is doing is being done because of the inner pain of his loss and his insecurities.

Attached: drift away.jpg (1366x768, 75K)

Take that Wander! Muppet looking motherfucker.
Well I mean like a town,that’s about it.

>Gee, Steven, I had the wrong fucking idea all along! You were right, despair isn't cool. I'll shut down Monokuma, end this killing game, and do my best to foster hope across the world now!

Attached: Danganronpa_The_Animation_Junko_Enoshima_Sidebar.png (350x350, 170K)

>Steven, you have truly shown me the error of my ways. I only acted the way I did because of my low self-worth. I'll start hitting the gym, go to therapy, and install Tinder right away. Who knows what I would have become had you not been here to save me.

Attached: elliot_rodger3.jpg (750x500, 60K)

She destroys the universe, meaning all of humanity and any other intelligent life that might exist.


You're missing the point but "Hugballs Mcfucklenuts" is easily the best name for Steven ever.

This one got an audible chuckle out of me.

>You’re right Steven. I can’t waste my life after someone who will never love me back. But I will love again. I promise.

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> "Your little song and dance is a public violation. Pack it up or get a trip to the cubes, tubby."

Attached: Judge-Dredd-video-game-2000-AD-Rebellion-996916.jpg (590x350, 71K)

But many resources are non-renewable, or at least they can't be renewed at the rate an advanced civilization consumes them. Some day we will run out of oil, coal, uranium and even helium. Even if we could reach another planet and take its resources (which is unlikely considering the resource cost of reaching another planet in the first place), it would only delay the inevitable.

BUT, if civilizations were limited to a very small size, then some resources like oil would be replenished as fast as they are used. At least the stars burn out and entropy claims all free energy.

That's not true though. Dredd busts real creeps.

Marche did nothing wrong

I can see Steven pulling off a new vegas style ending with him. Yujiro promises to stand down but he'll will come back and he wants to see what Steven can do physically.

Seeing Steven and Greg together makes him check up on baki

Well, you can arrest random NPCs for the like in the video game.

Attached: Cover.jpg (471x721, 112K)

>Alright, Steven! You may have won this day, but I'll be back when you least expect it, to rip you from your CUSHY LAIR!
>Let's go, Kramer.

Attached: Newman.png (620x465, 334K)

so? just reset it bruh
You can even poke into the files of the game and edit it so your best friends stay alive in the True Ending instead of getting crossed out

Could Steven redeem George?

George is the master of his domain. He may end up corrupting Steven.

>there will never be a big villain with as much conviction as Thanos in SU, someone Steven can't just talk down

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What about the others?

>Wow, now you put it like that I suddenly see raping my child was wrong

>Its ok Daddy, I forgive you, lets be friends

>Let's all go out for Pizza!

Attached: 1455864240720.jpg (480x640, 55K)

Kramer would probably get Steven wrapped up in weird schemes. Steven would probably end up annoying Jerry, if nothing else.

Elaine's probably the only one that Steven would be able to redeem, but it wouldn't be easy. He might do better with Soup Nazi.

Because it's the truth

>We will never have a good Kaled storyline on this exact plotline
>Because every showrunner thinks they can one up RTD's Daleks, and refuses to ask Terry Nation whether they can use the Kaleds instead
>Resulting in skittles, souffle Daleks, a retarded Parliament, monologuing Daleks, one interesting concept, said interesting concept turned into a bored sniper, and an interesting concept portrayed with the intelligence of a five year old

At this point, I would welcome Sugar running the show. A happy go lucky Doctor with no dark side would at least make sense then, and the cast wouldn't be squandered quite as much.

>Steven x Elaine

Attached: Clapping_Canibal.gif (610x350, 2.2M)

I wonder how Steven would've turned out with a father like Frank Costanza?

>Steven: I-I've lost my powers! I can't bubble or anything!
>Frank: You're just being weak! You're weak!
>Pearl: Stop! You're killing him!

The Festivus Feats Of Strength would make him grow strong.

Why keep re-using Daleks and their lore anyway?

why doesn't dr who just kick the trashcans over

>Frank: Festivus is your heritage, Steven.
>Steven: I hate Festivus!
>Frank: Steven, until you pin me, Festivus is still on. Now get over here and fight your father.
>Steven: Please, somebody help me...
>Garnet: Frank, that's enough!
>Frank: You're saying... you want a piece of me?
>Pearl: Frank, just calm down! You're taking this made-up human holiday of yours too seriously! Somebody's going to get hurt!
>Frank: You want a piece me? YOU GOT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!

Because trashcan has a gun with 360 degree firing arc. And sometime forcefield. And it's probably pretty heavy.

Also in the good old day they sometimes pushed the off the cliffs and out of the windows.

If this fanfic is any indication, almost get killed

They have to use one Terry Nation property a year, or else they lose the rights. Strictly speaking, it doesn't HAVE to be Daleks, but Dalek related stuff produces a good, but declining, source of revenue for the show.

RTD retconned at lot of their weaknesses

>Can no longer be tipped over so easily, heavily armored with unique alloy, ingites nearly all who touch the armor with naked skin
>Stairs are no longer a problem, can E-LE-VATE
>Computers and literal human skulls can be interfaced with using the plungers, albeit with a tendency to destroy the last one
>Capable of wireless device control if it understands a system
>Immense data storage and processing capabilities
>Exterminates life in a variety of manners, everything from compressing skulls in on themselves to faking a door break in while you go round the back of a ship and expose your victims to a vacuum

Old Who you probably could to be fair.

Why has no one made one for Star Butterfly?

Make it yourself, you lazy bum.

i don't know what would happen but it would probably be hilarious

Attached: the gang.png (920x584, 872K)

Steven develops his own system for wayward Gems
>Sweet Words
>Talk to them to them about their issues
>Emotionally bond
>Violate said trust with horniness.
>Engage in plowing
>No further interactions and send them to the background

The human half of him would still be susceptible, if anything his empathic gem powers would only make it worse.

he is in love with wonder woman, is easy to make jokes about that.

Evil in OldWho they were usually assumed to be able to fly, they just didn't have budget for it. So they could probably straighten themselves up. Although originally they were meant to be weak and pitiful war survivors, who couldn't even leave their home city, so there's this. They did sometime get killed by pushing them out of the windows or off the cliffs, that's true.

RTD fucked them up by re-introducing them as slasher villains, then multiplying them.

>Wow, Steven, I guess terrorizing and raping my students makes me a pretty terrible teacher, uh? I will take responsibilities and atone for what I did.

Attached: kamoshida.png (431x437, 130K)

>Damn, maybe I should ease up on the monsters, war was years ago anyway.

Attached: 281B3CB6-D280-49A6-B75B-31EC8F011A95.png (600x720, 430K)

> Mom! Phineas and Ferb got some fat kid to tell me not to bust them.

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>By reintroducing them as slasher villains
>Fucked them up

I get where you're coming from, but as a horror fan, I disagree. He covered the entire base with horror.

>Dalek has your traditional monster in an enclosed environment setting, with a nice ending that plays against standard horror tropes well, and fits with the series theme
>Series one finale is the religious cult/conspiracy/zombie horror section, with a lot of "save the world elements", and again, a really good ending
>Series two finale is the crossover horror section, where instead of bullshitting that two monsters are equally matched, you get a jaws and humans vs mega jaws sequence DONE WELL, before one starts slaughtering, and the other starts "returning to hell". Also introduces an actual cult
>Daleks in Manhattan comes off as oddly Lovecraftian; you have disappearances in the sewers, elritch experimentations and abominations, hybrids, an informant who is slowly succumbing to their cursed death, along with the return of the cult
> Nice twist in which instead of monsters corrupting the minds of humanity, the values of humanity corrupt the minds of the monsters
>Series four finale was apocalyptic horror; not only is it the end of the world, it's the end of everything, and the cult leader is back
>Won't spoil the twist here, but goddamn that smug gloating, modesty and satisfaction that you hear when it's revealed is fantastic

Granted, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but they're definitely interesting as hell.

The problem is balance. NuWho writers don't seem to actually do sci-fi very often, or at all, so some concepts, like scaling villains properly so the story would make sense eludes them.

I mean, if they'd just kill everything in Parting of the Way, that'd be hardcore and made sense, but instead the resolution was complete nosense, because threat was way out of proportions. Same with all his finales except the one with the Master, which is hated by everyone but is actually the closest it gets to being good.

>You know fat earth boy you are right, maybe I shouldnt kill centillions of living things and end a multiversal constant of nature just because Im too immature to accept the fact Im an absolute fuck up who destroyed her ancestral home's culture forever all because I wanted to show up my mother.

Attached: Profile_-_Star_Butterfly.png (853x981, 625K)

>hated by everyone

Who? I liked it. Seeing John Simm looking like he's been slapped after hearing but with 15 satellites would make the episode great alone, even if it wasn't already.

>threat was way out of proportions

Eh. Bear in mind, this is before the entire day of the doctor stuff, so any idea that the Daleks have returned effectively means they won the Time War, not the doctor. This eldritch, space destroying conflict that wiped the most fearsome race out of existence apart from all the boring more impressive races that "went into exile" described over four seasons gives the implication that if anything malicious survived that, it needs to die, by any means necessary.

You could of course do more deaths, but bear in mind this is BBC before 9, and they had Torchwood at the time to deal with darker stuff. Which was a very mixed bag to say the least, never thought I'd see a gangland execution of a Cyberman and using barbecue sauce to get a pterodactyl to attack it would happen in the same episode

I choked on my beer.

Behold: the one person Steven can't redeem.

Attached: 6ix9ine-made-in-america.jpg (1200x800, 324K)


>Wow Steven, you are right. The Force Awakens and Jurassic World ARE bad movies.

Attached: 3465475686797809.jpg (609x659, 77K)

Then it turns out she was just kidding. Don't underestimate a bitch that constantly switches personalities.

>*Steven finishes his song about treating your friends right*
>Wait you defeat aliens WITH SINGING?
>You're telling me you put on autotune, do a bunch of gay dancing, and, and that's how Fat Gordon conquered an entire civilization?
>Oh, oh my, and that tutu is your armor?!
>Hey Meatwad, the chick is right, you're no longer the stupidest being to ever exist in this godforsaken universe.

Attached: 104487731-352-k991717.jpg (352x550, 17K)

Blue Beetle could learn a thing or 2 from Steven

Attached: blue-beetle-death.jpg (450x379, 53K)

I feel like ATHF is the karmic balance that counters all the good that is in SU.

>MC in SU gets a pet portal lion that belonged to his mother, and may be immortal
>Character in ATHF gets raped by a dog, while all the other characters ignore it

>Hmmmmm.....You make great point! Killing Gelflings and spreading Darkening is not worth immortality.
>Come with Chamberlain! We convince other Skeksis to change ways together!

And then Steven would get backstabbed later

Attached: chamberlain.jpg (1000x480, 45K)


I could honestly see that happen, Thanos is very vulnerable to people exposing the idiocy on his plans, oh and feelings.

Charisma: 100

Now here it would not work.

>Let hard working immigrants in
>Help people with mental issues to sterilize themselves for the benefit of society under a convenient lie.

Pol never explained why this was bad.

It's /pol/. What did you expect?


>You're right Steven! Tony gave his life to save the universe, I can't ever hope to outdo something like that. And I certainly shouldn't be using my technology to deceive the whole world into thinking I'm a superhero. And I have been acting pretty unstable. I'm going to go change the world with my Holographic Technology like I always wanted!

Attached: image.png (780x500, 502K)

Someone got the screencap yet? I'm too lazy to do it myself.

>You're right, Steven. We earned our own extinction, after countless eons of stargazing. We failed to colonize other planets, and so Krypton will lay waste and act an example to the universe at large.

Attached: 6867692-0232095782-62238.jpg (1280x677, 144K)

>And now that i have no purpose, i'll proceed to erase my self.
>*breaks neck*

I’m even lazier

What do you mean by screencap?

Attached: anon learns a lesson.png (1365x515, 84K)

If Steven fails, we can always resort to Captain Kirk's ability to talk computers to death.

Now screencap the greentext of this entire thread.

nah too lazy

I would, if I had photoshop...
Perhaps it's for the best, it's just get posted on Reddit anyway.

Attached: image.jpg (181x184, 6K)

In old Doctor Who, the Doctor put a hat on the eye stalk and blinded a dalek!

this has to be the best thread of Yea Forums in this year

>Maybe I shouldn’t waste my time on Barry Allen anymore. Thanks little guy!

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Between this and the “Star killed millions” threads i’d say the conclusions of both shows were worth the wait


What happened on the Star killed millions threads?

>"But Steven, I never did anything wrong in the first place!"
>"Except commit countless acts of genocide, murder, helped kill my best friend and muder a teenage girl in front of her lover but they were accidents anyway."

>"You know kid, you have a point, maybe this world isn't that bad after all. In fact, I think you me and Relius could fix all the Master Unit's screw-ups!"
>"Just kidding! (Stabs Steven in the chest.)"

Attached: BBCP_Terumi_Portrait.png (1435x1907, 1.23M)

>You are right Steven being fucked and raped by your own mother isn't wrong
> A mother always takes the best choices for everyone she loves

Attached: 1518865209915.jpg (533x800, 38K)

Fuck that, how would Steven redeem her mom?

>'Okay kid. I'm gonna let some other guy be the boss of this gym from now on. Hey Van, wanna uh, go out to the leather club''

Attached: but nobody came to the gym.jpg (488x361, 16K)

>"Wait, so you're saying I should just take several years of therapy and do something better with my life?"

Attached: Ruber.jpg (837x463, 77K)

>You make a strong case for this planet of yours, child. Perhaps the Guardians truly ARE worthy of their light, jealous as I may be. I hereby order all Red Legion troops to cease combat. I bid you adieu.

Attached: 325px-Dominus_Ghaul_Profile.png (325x411, 226K)

>You know what Fellow Gem Guy? Thanks. I guess I did kinda mess up. Glad you didn’t kill me. Nah, who would do that?

Attached: 0F34F586-77B5-4D6F-92DF-927A16312110.png (678x720, 292K)

>Wow... heh. Ya know kid *takes puff of cigar* maybe a war with New Jersey ain't such a good idea. After twenty years in the can... Maybe me and Anthony Soprano could be friends

Attached: IMG_5256.jpg (630x1200, 72K)

>"You do realize I'm trying to protect the universe right?"
>"And how can you even see me? You're a boy."

Attached: 4d3d0a37ec7714d5d62503505a79829b.jpg (1013x1433, 284K)

This is what happens when you try.

Attached: ragyo ded.jpg (1920x1200, 250K)

>Maybe I don’t have to listen to my Dark Passenger.

Attached: 3A12F715-44FF-4DA7-A13E-B9BB47D9CAAE.png (751x720, 604K)

>Implying Thanos wouldn’t convince Steven to become evil

Attached: 29B11158-25A4-44D1-A7FF-48689B65C929.jpg (1280x612, 315K)

This is pretty dumb edgy garbage

and I fucking love it.

Attached: 1564956496400.png (1920x1080, 620K)

>Flork you, Steven! Eat a pile of grop! Get out of here before I do somethin’ drastic!

Attached: E9E977F1-212A-4861-9149-6C3D8C45E40A.png (429x496, 38K)

>You Freebirth scum, you think you can stop me with your horrible singing and technicolor surrogate units?
>Prepare to feel the wrath of the Falcon's Claws!

Attached: 1463941290967_Battletech.jpg (400x298, 17K)


Attached: ork now lissen ere.jpg (850x765, 109K)

Jesus christ I just only now realized Kaled is Dalek backwards.

Attached: 1523764567632.jpg (500x364, 36K)

No it’s not

This is a very powerful image.

You sure user?

Dalek backwards is kelad

>"Interesting, I guess at the end of everything, I'm just the same as everybody else....."
>"Very well Steven I shall now use my power to help those in need of protection."

Attached: gil.jpg (850x1206, 195K)

the 'a' and 'e' would switch places too
you have dyslexia, user

Fuck now I feel even MORE retarded
My apologies anons

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Hey wait a minute, space orcs aren't villains.

>Ya know what Stevie? You're right. I didn't have to frag my planet to be unique, because everybody's special in their own way!
>Also lemme smash Amethyst.......

Attached: inCollage_20190812_200234713.jpg (1008x1550, 1.25M)

Godammit I cant do anything right tonight

Best post in this thread.

There, there.

I mean, both Gilgamesh's "younger" and "older" selves suck a lot less than this model.

>".....ya know kid, you may be right about science not being the answer to everything. I am a pathetic drunk sack of shit who does nothing but make other's lives miserable, especially my family. I bet Beth hates the shit out of me."
>"That's it, no more drinking and shit. In fact, may as well ditch science and start focusing on things that do matter"

Attached: rick_turns_to_christ_by_neonlover2000_daix4db-fullview.jpg (1024x1024, 50K)

>You know what, son? I think you're right. Dropping a 20 kiloton nuclear bomb on that robot would be an immoral act. Perhaps I'll sit down with him and have a chat, man to man. Thanks, kid.

Attached: 1453647113806.jpg (567x456, 21K)

His logic is sound. He's just exercising an extreme form of environmentalism.

"Oh and also stealing the body of said best friend's surrogate son!"

>I see you fight with words, like that courier. Let us hope your girlfriend's skill with weapons proves greater

>It is a shame Vulpes was not here to hear your words young man... something tells me you would prove more than his match.
>Until the day our armies meet again, Gem Empire, I shall wait for you on the battle field.

Attached: FNV_Lanius.jpg (1088x778, 702K)

But that was Mansley's dumb plan

One Terry Nation concept for Doctor Who or are we going to see Kerr Avon show up apropos of nothing?

>The more people means more resources available.
All resources are finite, and societies have a tendency to collapse when they cannot sustain themselves. There some things that we simply cannot replenish through willpower alone, and we are slowly becoming the next extinction level event for that reason.

I don't know about the Marvel universe, but in the real world populations usually follow an S curve with growth often sharply declining once a certain threshold on resource consumption has been passed.

Marche did everything right, its not healthy to live in a fantasy larp

I could practically hear it

Has Steven EVER won a fight against a sentient gem before?

But Steven's uncle loves his nephew!

>Let hard working immigrants in
Trust me a fair deal of them aren't hard working

>Wow SCP-5373V3N, your tear-filled song and dance number has convinced this sites staff to stop torturing d-class to death as well as stop funding that extra-dimensio-


Attached: download (5).png (1200x1200, 55K)

Pretty much the same as this thread with characters reacting to Star destroying all magic

>You know, Steven, my boy, you might be on to something. Perhaps I should let go of the past and forgive Jack Fenton, and let my dear Maddie choose who she wants to be with. From this day on, I shall use my ghost powers for good, not evil, and will return all the money and companies I’ve stolen.

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Thanos in MCU was hindered by the writers forcing everyone to forget to ask him about simply doubling the resources ad infinitum. Anyone who's encountered the concept of "infinite wishes" would have been able to point that out to Thanos.

>You said your planet has snacks, right?

Attached: tallestttt.png (1440x1080, 886K)

>The power to influence others to do your bidding, the ability to shapeshift, create life, and shields of kinetic energy. These are extraordinary abilities you have Steven Universe...I must have them!

Attached: Sylar_by_RobHough.jpg (300x306, 38K)

>Wow kid. Those are some pretty impressive pipes ya got there! Shame they don't let ya sing at your own funeral! *Revs chainsaw*

Attached: Negaduck.jpg (432x332, 23K)

>you're right Steven
>sending out a signal that promises limitless infinite energy but actually drives the living insane and broadcasts a recombinant DNA signal that resurrects the dead and gives them mutant combat forms and on top of that showing people their dead relatives is a dick move
>lying is wrong
>from now on I'll be totally upfront about it

Attached: Marker.jpg (680x1004, 87K)

>*sigh* Yer right laddie. My rivalry with that DJ peck neck has gone on long enough. From now on, I'll just focus on making mah movies!

Attached: AHiT_Conductor.png (333x484, 132K)

>mcu thanos
>mad titan
another mouseboy huh?

where did it ever say this?


>I must bid my thanks to you sir Universe, you have convinced me, a life of hedonism and exotic extravagances is a road to damnation
>Instead of indulging in mindless pleasures I shall convert the grotto under my mansion into a children's orphanage, and use the mercenaries I hired as caretakers

Attached: 400px-Ancestor_House_of_Ruin.png (400x225, 69K)

Yes user quite right. Do you also know about St Matthew's Island?

>Look kid, unless you’ve got some sweets somewhere on ya or you're packin’ some heat down those pants, then fuck off. We don’t wanna hear your shitty ass musical number.

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>You are right, Steven, maybe i'm wrong about a thing or two about mah people. Godbless magic white children.

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LOL fuck

...let's be honest, just throw Steg at Panty and Stocking to Cookie Cats.

That begs the question if Panty would fuck a dude with 4 arms.

Better question: Would she fuck a dude with two cocks?

Who wouldn’t?

Out of all the gold in this thread why was this one the one to make me laugh.

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Could Steg hypothetically fuck Panty and Stocking at the same time?

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Heard his voice, bless you user.

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>"...I would like to annex this Diamond Authority."

Attached: Emperor.jpg (386x279, 23K)

>never call sodium chloride salt again.
You got it backwards.



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Yes to both of these, they're not even questions

>You know Steven, maybe you’re right. Maybe I do need to stop making jokes that are so offensive and problematic. I should empathize more with the people who I tell jokes about, and learn about the experiences they go through before telling such harmful, degrading j-
>Nah I’m just playin’, fuck off nigga.

Attached: 845D6AB4-7FBE-4D23-9AE5-2DFC4C8A14EE.jpg (480x360, 10K)

It still works if you replace Skeet for Jimmy.


You're right, Steven. Phoneposters aren't inferior to PC users. In fact, I just bought my very own smartphone!

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Attached: Aku See You.jpg (1280x720, 48K)


All that singing and dancing made me think of old country. I will give Mr. Parker another chance, and fix his door. You did good thing, man of rocks.

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I thought Chara was deleting the world and the character to help her and the player "transcend" into the next realm. Isn't that why she bekons the player to move to the "next world", ie. real life?

Exactly why I said Steg would be all that's needed to win over Panty. Stocking's the real issue.

Yea, it was Mansley's bright idea to nuke the giant. The general was based.

[Pictured: Imperial Guard Commissar after abominable hybrid Steven Quartz Universe's speech/song directed towards the presiding Lord Commander Militant]

Attached: Commissar Hugs.jpg (965x714, 424K)

>Hmmm, i wasted my entire life trying to reach for men's anuses, when i could have been reaching for their hearts. Thanks boy, from now on i will take a safer approach, i'm no Booty Warrior anymore, from now on i'm the Love Warrior.

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>"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Gah, what an annoying brat."
>(Ugh, being around him made me feel all gross. And that gaudy gemstone-!)
>(When I get back, the first thing I'm going to do is...)
>Rance raises his hand as if he's about to pull Sill towards him, but stops.
>"Sill, let's go back home. I think I'll see if these hot dogs are any good. Probably not good enough for Reset if they make fat brats like that! Gahahaha!"
>Rance marches off with Sill, dedicating more of his time to his family.

Attached: guishen_0123CG08340.jpg (1024x768, 405K)

>Alright Steven, the truth then.
>I have a dream! That one day every gem on Homeworld will control their own destiny. A world of the truly free,dammit!
>An Empire of action, not words! Ruled by strength, not Diamonds!
>Where the decrees changes to suit the gem, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the Gems! Where every Gem is free to think - to fuse!-for themselves!
>Fuck all these limp-dick Zircons and chickenshit Agates! Fuck this 24-hour Propaganda spew of Diamond bullshit!Fuck "My Diamond" Pride Fuck the balls! FUCK ALL OF IT!
>Homeworld is cracked,broken to the core.There's no saving it-we need to pull out of stone. Wipe the slab clean. SMASH IT DOWN!
>And from the rubble a new Homeworld will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make Homeworld great again!
>In my new Homeworld, Gems will shatter and destroy for what they BELIEVE! Not for resources, not for planets! Not for what they're told is right. Every Gem! will be free to fight their own wars!


>So, what do you think?

Attached: armstrong.jpg (1920x1080, 264K)

>The Patriots are a menace to the entire world, Steven. Perhaps even more of a threat than anything your Gemstone friends could concoct. I suppose that crashing Arsenal Gear into the city isn’t the best solution, though. Perhaps I can talk my differences out with the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo.

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You're right, Steven. The blog post that I wrote about Alec is just like the one that Eron wrote about me. I've become the very thing I hate. I am Gamergate, and I don't want to be. From now on, I won't air my dirty laundry in public.

Attached: (760x381, 32K)

"What is your purpose here, Steven? If you sought to live you had naught but run and hide yourself away. But then, tell me, child of Murdercock... what does it mean to live in truth? To wage war against the passing days? To pray to the unseen for a few breaths more? To raise grand cities from stone, and spawn new life in turn? Mankind has done this, yes, and more. But is the tapestry you weave truly of your own design?"
"Gemkind is easy to fathom, they go on living from simple fear of death. But not mankind. Some welcome the end with arms outstretched, while others come to face death incarnate, arms in hand. I ask again, what is your purpose here Steven?"
"One path to your survival, lies in my defeat. Still my heart, and you stay the coming end. Another path before you... is to offer up that which you hold most dear. Abandon all delusions of control."
"For the price of a single life, I shall leave this land in peace. As my "vanquisher", the diamonds would bow to you. Wealth and power are sweet anodyne for heartache. You'll not gainsay my terms are more than generous. If it matters aught, the gems who rules this land now won that honor through just such a bargain."
"The decision is yours, Steven. Now... choose!"

Attached: Grigori.jpg (1191x670, 147K)

That was Mansley’s idea.

read the comics


>Tigtone slices off Steven's head and takes his diamond. Then goes on a quest to genocide all the other gems in the universe and sell their gems to wizards for a fat profit

Attached: Tigtone.png (245x243, 141K)


This is a good thread

>"I'm not sure if it's the world or me saying this, but thank you, Steven. It was wrong of me to deprive the other members of the literature club from their happiness. Somewhere out there, on the other side of the screen, there's someone who loves me. Are you comfortable with one more song?"

Attached: s1.png (960x960, 458K)

SU isnt dealing with lesbian hitler

this, once in a while it was worth it to visit Yea Forums

>I say Steven, you were right! These "cookie cats" and "fry bits" as well as this "ube roll" are wonderful! Very well, I will not destroy the earth.

Attached: Yum.jpg (480x360, 17K)

>an extreme form of environmentalism
bitch he killed half the environment


>"Is this what hope feels like, Steven? Have I been depriving myself of this wonderful feeling in my pursuit of Ultimate Despair? Damn, I was blind all along! Guess I need to cancel those world domination plans now, huh?"

Attached: worstgirl.jpg (340x270, 29K)

>I understand now that I was wrong to try and force everyone to live in a dreamworld without any conflict, true growth only happens when one accepts reality, you've opened my eyes Universe Steven.

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This one actually sounds plausible.


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>You're right Steven Universe, trying to come between the love of two childhood friends was a huge mistake on my part, from now on I'll try to find true love with a woman in my own age group.
>By the way, could I talk about this topic a bit longer with your girlfriend alone in that shed over there?

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>steven starts to cry
>Darkseid for the first time in his existence realizes the things he's done and that things he's done are bad and wrong and that he's a big meanie head
>1 season later he's the comic relief character

Uh, I think you're mistaken here. Steven convinces VILLAINS. Not good guys who are morally justified.

based poemposter

Attached: 1566886704277.png (3909x4702, 1.07M)

Maybe hurting people because I was insecure about my own talent wasn't really healthy. I now realize hope isn't about winning, it's about the friends and connections we make along the way. Thanks for showing me the light, Steven, you truly were the Ultimate Hope all along.

Attached: image.png (326x479, 188K)

>Wow Steven, you're right. I should stop lying to everyone all the time. I'll start by telling that detective what a little shit he is first. Thank you so much Steven.

Attached: stop.jpg (1024x573, 98K)

>You were right, Steven. Talent doesn't define a human's life. I now know I am no more superior to you than you are to me. Perhaps... this world isn't so boring after all.

Attached: tfw you enter a thread and its filled with danganfags.png (832x560, 226K)

>I see, Mr.Universe, I guess sucking cocks isn't really a fair business tactic after all...

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underrated lmao

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Read that once

FUCK its edgy

Sauron and the Diamonds more or less have the same motives, they're trying to build a perfect clockwork utopia and if that means grinding down people who are out of place then so be it.
The only difference is the Diamonds still had empathy that they were trying to repress, while Sauron mindfucked himself into being a monster.

Griffith sacrificed his friends because he was turned into a useless cripple.
Steven has healing powers.

They wouldn't even need to talk, Steven could just heal him and the plot of Berserk would do a 180.

yall memeing but this is what happens

Perhaps I have been too harsh to my customers. You've shown me a business will be more successful through kindness over fear. Now, which soup would you like my fat little jewish friend?

Attached: soupnazi.png (380x370, 258K)

>HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're great Steven! You've convinced me, I won't swallow the earth whole. I'll even try to reconnect with my son!

Attached: EVOLTO.png (600x416, 339K)

>Wow, Steven, you're right, it was foolish of us to keep our companies separate. We have so much more to offer to the fans and to ourselves if we work together. We're going to go make the call right now.

Attached: khanmeij.png (720x883, 1.32M)

>You're right, Steven. I was so foolish! I apologize. Here, I won't need this anymore. You can write and draw whatever you want.

Attached: deathnotethemusical.jpg (2421x1378, 963K)

Didn't he at one point become a pacifist managing a dolphin reserve planet?

There was the Darkseid and Thanos carpooling comic.
Also Darkseid is basically a less fun Thanos anyway.

I don't think even Steven is that powerful.

>Chara still tried to poison her adopted father,
That was accidental. And no, just because she blew it off doesn't mean she found it funny.
>got her brother killed in an attempt to kill humans,
It was an extremely shitty plan, but it doesn't make her evil.
>takes the genocide part of the genocide route even farther than the player,
She only takes over when you've completely, unwaveringly 1000% committed to it.
>and was so bad that even Asriel thought she was a piece of shit.
Asriel admitted she wasn't a great person, and she wasn't. She was obviously a pretty messed up kid who had some bad shit happen to her. Doesn't mean she was evil.

Attached: itsstillyou.png (400x299, 30K)


>lol hey kid wanna hang out on my space boat and party with these fucking robots I captured?

Attached: Emperor_Calus.png (908x1080, 1.73M)

>Wow, Steven, you're right. I need not continue to serve this worm god by sowing destruction throughout this universe. I love you, Steven Universe.
>*immediately cuts Steven's head off*
>Oh shit, humans have throne worlds, right?

I could hear this one

You are false data.
Therefore I shall ignore you.
False data can act only as a distraction, therefore I shall refuse to proceed.
The only thing that matters is Steven.
In the beginning there was darkness, and the darkness was without form, and void.
And in addition to the darkness there was also Steven. And I moved upon the face of the darkness, and I saw that Steven was alone.
Let there be Universe.

Attached: dark star 1974 bomb.jpg (550x367, 27K)

Didn't he change his mind on a contract recently?
Or is that part of Hitman 2 not out yet, I lost track if they're doing the episodes things again

Oh you poor, sweet, fucking retard

It tries to trick Dave, he does not beg for mercy.

> "You're right, Steven. Stealing is no way to have fun, let alone live life. I've been a selfish, self-centered woman who should have figured out sooner that making rich guys even just a little bit poorer is still a little bit too much. I should be spending the rest of my life with the man I love, and raising a family with him. After all the trouble I've given him: it's the least he deserves."
> "You're right, Steven. I'm a cold, vicious, angry man who's so broken he dresses up like a giant bat to beat up the mentally ill, and the underprivileged. Why use my fists when I could use my vast wealth to help those I destroy? Including my family, I put together to make up for the one I lost. My parents will never come back. That doesn't mean I have to force what little family I have left into risking their lives so I can just feel loss again. And yes, I will marry the woman of my dreams."

Attached: You're Right Steven.png (792x461, 360K)

> "SIKE!"
> "SIKE!"

Attached: SIKE.jpg (1332x666, 364K)

Fucking WOLVERINE of all people convinced Thanos Mephisto was cucking him and struck while Thanos was preoccupied with punishing Mephisto.


why was he turned into a cripple?

>You are right Steven, I shouldn't have been as proud and have seen my Father's reason. But we need to talk him down as well.

Attached: 0bac4581ed6436e278e79213c20b9451.jpg (1920x1920, 287K)

>You've really opened my eyes Steven, you're right, I should not kill all the other sailor warriors in the universe
>I mean I already did, but its the thought that counts, right Steven?

Attached: Sailor_Galaxia.jpg (293x322, 28K)

...ether i have instantly seen the simmilarities bethween Sailor Galaxian and Yellow Diamond and forget about it, since so much time has passed... or im just seeing it now.

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So that the environment doesn't kill itself and cause untold suffering

He fucked a nation's princess. Granted, she loced Griffith, was willing and down to fuck, and even consented, but the king was an incestuous dickbag that wanted his daughter's virginal cunt all to himself, so he had Griffith tortured and imprisoned in the castle's dungeon when he found out.

And Griffith wouldn't have gone to fuck the princess if Guts didn't want to strike off on his own so he could work at becoming a man equal to Griffith, rather than a simple subordinate, but Guts wouldn't have struck out on his own if he hadn't overheard Griffith tell the princess that he'd consider someone a friend if they were both equals.

All in all, it's Griffith's own damn fault everything came crashing down.

>They have to use one Terry Nation property a year

How does that work when Who was on hiatus for like 2 decades before nuWho? Or is that a new deal that was arrived at for this iteration?

>I won't shove the whole planet up my vagina after all.
Yo friend
I need context

she shouldn't have been a slut
I cannot think of anything more cucked than raising a daughter.

>kids grow influenced by that trash
>try to talk with some agressive dick
>he breaks kids skull since he thinks kid was disrepecting him

Yup, will work just fine.

> "I'll convince you no to beat me up with a song and dance because I know you're dumb enough to fall for it."
Like that?

You can't talk down most people since they won't listen to some weird pink alien fuck that pretty much baby talking with them.

Try to poke at stranger's psychological traumas and see where it will bring you, mate.

>you know what kid, maybe I just shouldn't do it

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Reapers should've been just anti-spirals protecting the known universe from something way way worse, like Moons from Dead Space.

>You are correct, oh Steven. I should not have so hastily betrayed my father and brothers and dragged mankind into endless civil war just to satiate my own weakness and lack of purpose.
>Erebus and Kor Phaeron watch slack-jawed at the back as decades of corruption are undone by a single gay song and dance.

Attached: 400px-Lorgar_Handsome.jpg (400x358, 33K)

Meet Kiara the biggest and evilest slut in the whole universe

Attached: kiara.jpg (1200x995, 315K)

> What the fuck is this? You're not Naruto and he never talked me out of anything. Where is Black Zetsu when you need him...

Attached: 214643.jpg (360x360, 14K)

i fully endorse this meme

If anything only Hashirama could tnj Madara

MCU thanos isnt smart.
But he's not crazy either, just stubborn.

>You're right, I'll just kill you instead.

Attached: NewFliqpy.png (349x364, 117K)

I like how Madara and bear weren't swayed at all best villains desu.

I really let things get out of hand, Steven. You've showed me that. All those people that got in my and bill's way, it was wrong to make them dissapear. I will surrender myself to the authorities now, thank you.

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>If only you've been here 35 minutes ago, Steven

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Question about MCU Thanos' home planet. Is it the same as the comics where Thanos grew up on Saturn's Moon or is it another planet entirely? Cause wouldn't it be wierd if Thanos had started his mission in Earth's solar system and not stop by Earth a lot sooner?

> "Too late, Steven. You couldn't redeem every single villain there is. So long as there is a multi-verse. You will never stop singing and dancing. Do you get it? You're doomed."

Attached: pedro-hernandez-vasquez-white-diamond.jpg (1920x1440, 675K)

>"ki ki ki ma ma ma"
>Steven had managed to quell the rage that burned inside Jason. A rage that twisted him into the monster he had become over the years. No more would he hunt promiscuous teenagers who had trespassed into Crystal Lake, his realm, his home. With no reason to stay in the world of the living, he could now move on. He could finally rest in peace.

Attached: JASON-VOORHEES-LOVE.jpg (1200x1596, 350K)

>Evolto reconnects with his biological son Ryuga and adopted son Sento
>they're a happy family
>he even accept that his sons are gay with eachother
Build best ending

Attached: bingo.gif (648x351, 1.98M)

of fucking course it's from fucking fate what a dumpsterfire of a franchise

We've already hit bump limit and I have yet to see Steven redeem Dr. Robotnik/Eggman, Hawk Moth, Bowser, Hal Stewart, the Other Mother, Dr. Wallace Breen, The Borg, God himself, Satan/Lucifer, Dr. Neo Cortex and foken Mao Zedong

I can see all his subordinates just looking at him like why didn't we think of that


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You need to Read books about geopolitics, Roman history (iligal immigration happened with the Romans), etc.

This is simplistic way of see the problem.

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Could Steven redeem him?

Attached: chandler2.jpg (1050x788, 150K)


If they were destroyed they wouldn't have been able to come back buttboy. They were turned into dust

>comic relief character

Attached: Balloon Snake.png (849x471, 369K)

Actually, can't they just give him a gem shard that's just a hand? It would saite his fetish and he only killed when the old one was starting to rot.

Cause, if you let them in, then they'll have kids, and their kids can vote. Once the demographic shift goes over 50, Americans will no longer have a government of their own, they will be a subjected peoples living at the whims of a ruling imperial class.

From a utilitarian perspective they are the only race worth saving in 40k
which is hard to do concidering they already won

>You know what Steven? You're right. All these years, I've been too harsh and too critical on several artists. I should stop giving low scores and NOT GOODs. And you know what else? I'm starting to believe My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is more than a 6.

Attached: anthony-fantano-2017-source-youtube-fader-video-671x377.jpg (671x377, 36K)

The general was just reacting to bad info, when he got a handle on what was actually going on he responded to the situation perfectly.

Is he even a villain? I always got the sense he was the protagonist of his own game.

>You're right Steven, I guess Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde isn't an awful pile of steaming goat shit. It isn't an abominable pile of orangutan smegma. It isn't a sack of hobo spit after he rot for ten years from dying by playing this game. It isn't a huge rotten skunk rolled in a buffalo turd. It isn't a stack of dog shit that a baby barfed on. It isn't the worst game ever.

Attached: What a load of shit.png (600x400, 296K)

Kek, I'm saving this one

Once again you’re wrong faggot. He was lying to skyler when he said that so that the police wouldn’t think she was involved

>Your right Steven! My clashes with Aquaman were a waste. Thank you for showing how petty i was. I will now start my very own cruising line

Attached: Black_Manta_Aquaman_Vol_8_15.png (240x415, 228K)


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Based and Banepilled

Ha, nice

Legit Steven could probably redeem Jason. He was just a poor kid that was bullied and after a tragedy became a monster. That right in Steven's wheelhouse.

Beautiful reply.

>”you know what Steven, I shouldn’t resort to fueling my best friend and there are many more opportunities to become president, besides the olmost important thing in my life is my daughter.”
>”I know now the world is wide enough for both Hamilton and me”
>”The world is wide enough for both Hamilton and me”

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>Alright Steven, I'll come clean... I killed Hannibal.

Attached: Who killed hanniabl.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

nice! somebody made an art despite no one asking for it. kudos!