>buy my course! >plays the intro to wasted years the improper way he seems like a nice guy but does anyone really pay for these fucking courses the yourubers shill? They're bunk.
There gold in these hills bros, already got a fantastic tip >start on the upstroke! Why didn't I fucking think of that? It's completely opened up my technique youtu.be/PogHa7UbSr4
Christopher Diaz
And attack angle, I was angling down but angling up MY GOD it's like the chains have been taken off of me
Brayden Gray
I had no idea who this was so I looked her up just now. I didn't know her face but I've heard of Clairo before. It's crazy how this chick gets millions and millions of views on you tube playing guitar while the anons in /gg/ can only pull a few hundred at best. She's only 24 too and is on her third record cycle, that's pretty prolific for someone so young. I was reading where she recently played a show at Radio City Music Hall and they were turning people away at the door, for a musician that's as real as it gets.
I guess it just goes to show you how much natural talent matters in the music industry, at the end of the day you've either got it or you don't.
>not famous at all >played spots Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and Ellen DeGeneres
I hate this bitch but I still know only the top national touring acts get on the American talk shows, gramps. This is like saying Machine Gun Kelly isn't famous while dating Megan Fox.
Liam Gonzalez
I've heard of MGK outside of Yea Forums though. clairo isn't famous, he is
Joshua Ward
bros I think im ready to start gigging what's a good amp to gig with? im thinking a mesa badlander combo but im open for recs need something that can do cleans well and breathe fire when i need it to
Brandon Stewart
>selling out shows is a meme lmfao classic n/gg/mi post
Parker Ross
jesus Christ Sam this is how you get around having to clean your fucking room lmfaoe
Colton Phillips
what are those fucking pants bruv
Jacob Sanchez
>I've heard
Are you sure your hearing aids are functioning properly? They might need new batteries.
I want to connect my guitar to my pc to use amp sim software, what would be a nice and not expensive audio interface to get? I don't plan on recording in the future or anything fancy.
Evan Bennett
Just find an amp that has cleans that you like then find a pedal that makes it sound dirty in a way you like. Duh.
Goddamnit I'm gonna break down and end up buying this shit. youtube.com/watch?v=5XVz0JTuC_w Guess I just gotta break down and decide whether I want orange or the blue one in the video.
is there a good way to reliably get me from "zero to hero" for guitar? i don't want a magic bullet, i'd just like a path to follow for the following weeks and months until i get to the point where i can see where i should be improving. i know music theory from my main instrument but basically nothing about guitar
Landon Myers
Carter Morris
Thomas Roberts
if you enjoy playing you'll practice without considering work and as a result you'll end up playing a lot and become good at it learn in a way that you enjoy, and if you're not enjoying it there's not much point remember it's called playing guitar and not working guitar
Jace Diaz
thats dumb. you're dumb
Wyatt Sanchez
this x1000 unless youre an absolute 100 percent beginner or getting instruction from someone that can fucking play, not just play but fucking play, paying for lessons really isnt gonna do much for you over instructional videos imo
Asher Rodriguez
truth is you're never gonna get good unless you are breaking 4channel rules. you have to start as a kid to be good
Nathan Lee
I want something with a good country twang and I like it more than a Tele. They're really nice guitars for the money and have a ton of versatility too, they can go from a Tele kinda sound to Les Paul or ES-335 shockingly well.
Yeah, that video really doesn't do a good job of showing that end of its sound off, maybe the wrong amp for it. I've heard them sound pretty awesome cranked up for blues or classic rock stuff. This is a long-ass video that's mostly talking but they play a bunch of stuff you wouldn't normally think of using a Gretsch for and they handle it surprisingly well. youtube.com/watch?v=kBlXV-sRyQg&t=1989s
Welp, then I don't know what's up. I just cliked the link and opened with my browser. I had encountered something similar with the mega link embed jank on discord, but iirc that one popped a prompt for the decryption key, not an invalid one.