At what age did you grow out of metal?

At what age did you grow out of metal?

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you don't grow out of liking something and the fact that you think people do only shows how childish and underdeveloped your brain is

>t. manchild

I fucking love metal. the only metal I stopped listening to was nu-metal when I realized most of it wasn't actually good.

metalcore on the otherhand. is still good

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I grew into liking metal in my 20s and I still like it.

>t. 15


metalcore isn't metal

exactly. i still like to play with barbie dolls

>tfw only listen to doom and hair metal
I don’t think I really count as a metal fan since I find most metal that came out from the nu-metal era and onwards to be absolute atrocious

whatever you say

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point proven

dude went from homie to car seat headrest. brb gonna give black metal another try

based doomchad

Meds schizo

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ggrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I stopped listening to metal around 21 I'd say

you sound boring

Around 16/17.

the same time I outgrew Yea Forums

around 18/19

you're still here bb :^)

Tits or gtfo

Never grew out of it but stopped listening to it as much as I did when I was a teenager. I'd say at around age 25 I stopped listening to it as much. I still enjoy it occasionally though. In middle school and high school I was literally obsessed with metal though.

Never. If anything, as the years go by, I'm growing more into metal.



metalcore isn't metal.

I grew out of dressing like a metal fag at 18, I‘ll never grow out of enjoying the music.

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guys i think i'm starting to hate metal

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From a 3 to a solid 8

7th grade

>solid 8
You’re either trolling or you look like that, if you do, that’s a 5 at best.

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glasses fuck up your appearence
he looked better before

I grew out of metal when I realized a lot of what I listened to promoted drug worship to the point of absurdity. I took several years off of metal, but actually always end up coming back to it because I'm an insufferable angry creepazoid who needs an outlet for skulljagger

A lot of it is more metal than Rush or Alice in Chains or some other silly inclusions in

oh, metal-archives is a joke; you'll get no argument from me on that.

you can't really "get" metal unless you're a grown man.

oldfag here
i just listened to the new meshugga album and am officially back in to metal

I never did and I'm actually getting more into metal than ever before. Im digging into black metal due to my ever growing existential dread now that I'm almost mid 30s. It's the perfect genre for those feelings and I'm enjoying it so far.


Weak. Rush isn’t considered metal by the archives. It’s just on there as a selected exception.

Listen to the riffs retard. Alice in Chains’ discography is choc full of trad metal and doom inspired riffs. Their place there is deserved despite their scene.

Also, there are thousands of Metalcore (and Deathcore) bands on the archives. If a band is Metal enough (like Killswitch with their gothenberg style guitar riffs) then they’re accepted. Problem is most Metalcore primarily consists of hardcore breakdowns and/or hardcore, emo, alt rock or math rock riffing depending on the subgenre. The fact that they’re screaming or play in B standard doesn’t make them metal.

>Rush is heavy metal
it's an old reference from before your time

"growing out" of metal only means you were always a huge fucking poser that should get their shit kicked in

>top pic
Give me Dan Bejar's voice
And John Entwistle's stage presence

>bottom pic
Give me Frank Ocean's voice
And James Brown's stage presence

would much rather hang with top pic

Talk less

ok ugly
i'll give you a pity fuck
your fuck butt be pitty
pitty the but without
cock homeslice
peace peace

my dad's been listening to metal for 40 years I wonder when he's gonna grow up

18, but then I grew back into it in my late 20s because it's loud, fun music and I'm not a pretentious Yea Forumstard anymore.

>At what age did you grow out of metal?

The age when I realised most metal guys suck kike and nigger balls.

Now I listen almost exclusively to classical music.

You do realize you can casually enjoy stuff right? I still like it I stopped basing my personality around it when I was about 18 cause basing your image and attitude solely off the music you listen to is extremely gay. In that case I agree, but otherwise just like what you want

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Listened to almost nothing but metal throughout my 20's. Listening to it a lot less over the last half year, but only because I started getting into other stuff more. Still like metal.

I didn't.

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I like metal but find everything about it except the music itself very cringe, especially black metal
Mainly I like emotional hardcore, grind and powerviolence tbqh
Based dark endless enjoyer


>At what age did you grow out of metal?
The same age I transitioned into a woman

>you don't grow out of liking something
Lol. Yes you do. I grew out of liking Barney the Dinosaur. Stop being an edgy 13 year old, user. It's not healthy. Most adult metalheads are utter failures in life, you probably are too.

>Most adult metalheads are utter failures in life
t. Yea Forums user

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I grew into it after 20 years of thinking it's all just overrated satanic nonsense

Meal is for children

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at that age did you grow out of spamming a manchild anime website with the the same retarded garbage every day for years?