Boomer comics vs millennial comics

Yea Forums which generation does comics better?

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>beardglasses and fear grimace
it's all so tiresome


Why did he draw Chapelle white?

Is this because of the new Dave Chappelle stand up special?

I get where this comic is coming from but it's still retarded.

It seems like every week there's another comedian with a Netflix special called "Triggered" or some shit.

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Of course.

No. You.

All Chapelle did was swing his cock in your direction, and it slapped you right in the face.

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She my favorite canon midget character

Neither because looking at artistic mediums through generational divides is fucking stupid.

>hurrrrr look one guy made it through the censorship that means its not happening durrrrr
lol okay cartoon mcbeadface


I had the manga as a kid and I really shouldn't have

Reading about midget hookers isn’t that damaging.

Get this dude! Did you know comedians get paid money?

To be fair, attention whoring at the idea of being censored and making money from it has been used by artists for centuries.

I would really appreciate it if we made Nigerian-accented "DIS IS MAGA COUNTY, YOU FAGGOT NIGGER" the next "I'm Rick James, Bitch"

>if you racist and homophobic you won’t be watching Empires
He not wrong.

Chapelle's own words
>If your at home, watching this on Netflix, remember bitch, you clicked on my face.

Which counteracts all the criticisms the dumb journo's pretend to have

How people make fun of Alex Jones yet take Joe Rogan seriously beyond me.

It's the new "comedian wearing a straight jacket, looking deranged, and with a 'parental advisory' sticker over his mouth."

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Afraid to making fun of a black comedian?

Cuz Rogan smokes weeeeeeeeeeeeed, man. He does DEEEEEMMMMMMTEEEEE and wants to make drugs legal.

Probably because Rogan comes off as an easy going guy compared to Jones. He guests he brings on are interesting, so at least there's an episode that one person might be interested in.

God I missed this man

I read it when I was young, and now I'm into shortstacks.

>Rogan comes off as an easy going guy compared to Jones.
>Talks about taking drugs will help you talk to invisible clown aliens

Is Dave Chappelle the funniest stand up comic of the modern era?

>No one even talking about democrats
>Posts this the second he got triggered.
user you actually are an NPC

I'd put him and Burr there.

Joe can be pretty dumb but he's a far cry from Alex, who rants off the top of his head about how anti-Trump protests are orchestrated with the intent of collecting enough psychic energy to bend gravity to allow interdimensional beings to jump between the 3rd and 5th dimensions.

Far cry from Alex Jones? He told his audience to take Hallucinogenic drugs to see inter dimensional clown aliens. He even Alex never went that crazy.

Because it's not about Chappelle specifically, but comics in general who whine about this. Like Seinfeld, Ricky Gervais, etc.

>Rogan: I fucking love weed, man. Some of my best experiences I've had was when I was high. How about Alex, you ever smoke?
>Jones: First off, Soros controls the weed production, and taints it to brainwash us. So, that's why I don't smoke weed, although I will, occasionally, smoke weed to test how strong Soros has made the weed.

because he hates white people

Alex comes off as psychotic, while Joe just comes off as schizo. I find Joe's shtick more tolerable.

>Like Seinfeld
If you think Seinfeld is edgy enough to get offended over. He correct about snow flakes ruining college shows.

>lefty comedienas are not making any money - jokes get apllause
>hastag altrightnazi comedians are making bank - jokes get laughs
Hmmm.... why would this be?

Most psychotic people are schizo. People with Schizophrenia are more dangerous than drug dealer. T male nurse that works in Detroit

Well that's the first I'm hearing about that (and even then I think it's less crazy than Alex). Joe probably just occasionally slips out something crazy while Alex is putting on a show 24/7. During his custody battle he forgot which grade his son was in and blamed it on him eating a big bowl of chili for lunch. I like to think that moment was like that one comment where the kid is like "At first I started acting like a retard for fun but before I knew it and I couldn't stop" and as soon as those words came out of Alex's mouth he thought to himself "fuck, why did I say that?"

Is Sienfeld still mad he censored himself from saying "Gay French King"?

Pretty sure that Nanette chick made money off that special.

Journalists called Dave Chapelle a white Supremacist. How can he be both black and into white supremacy?

white supremacy is very inclusive these days

This. Alex Jones kayfabe. Joe legit thinks doing dangerous drugs will make you smarter because of jester aliens.

>I can't be a cunt to vulnerable people anymore :(

What manga?

shit! I've been looking for this skit forever

what exactly is comedy if you're not being a cunt to people?

I miss George Carlin. Literally everything he said is still true, and I would've have wanted him witnessing this bullshit constantly growing and festering.

>More people viewed the youtube video of his podcast with Bernie that there were people who watched the candidate debates

Let's be real here at this point he's basically pulling main stream media numbers.

spotted the npc

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They didn't know Clayton Bixby was just a joke.

It's on official court record that Alex Jones couldn't remember his own children's birthdays because he ate hot chili earlier that day.

Yeah, Bernie Sanders is pretty popular. He really encapsulates the angry old man in all of us.

not that hard. nobody watches mainstream anymore

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Gunsmith Cats, it's cute and fun

A bit of retooling and that would make a decent banner.

The funny bit is, Joe didn't actually do anything with that title. He didn't have an extended bit about people being sensitive. He just touched on topics that would "trigger" a response. Nothing at all that offensive.

based strawman

Bernie Sanders just the socialist Ron Paul.

It's more just that Seinfeld isn't funny and we all finally caught on.

Well, except that Bernie never penned articles for a racist screed newsletter.

Rent free libcuck.

You say that like it’s worse Bernie Sanders white knighting for both Venezuela and China crackdown on Hong Kong. Even liberals decrying trump for not being harder in China now.

white people dont know what it is like to be poor

Punching up vs. punching down.

I just have to ask, since you can never be sure with Alex Jones. Thats... thats not actually a thing he said, right?

Comedians aren't responsible for what their retarded marketing team comes up with. Just like in the 90s, the mainstream is trying to co-opt what they see as the counter culture because they believe that it will be profitable in the future. What they don't understand is that this culture comes from the internet. It literally changes it's form every day. They cannot get their greasy little fingers around it, no matter how hard they try, because it's specifically in response to them and what they do to corporatize rebellion. There's always going to be political grifters who hop on the band wagon to try and get a piece of the pie, but they'll always miss the mark as well and for similar reasons. The fact that this retard is so obsessed with this fad that he had to draw a shitty lifeless comic shows that he doesn't understand the core of the new anti-establishment culture either.

>I have no problem with freedom of speech being forcibly stripped from people
Please kill yourself faggot

But that's E. Michael Jones

Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, little child.

and the consequences is GULAG

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences

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I can't imagine how beet red your face was while searching your reaction images folder for the NPC picture and typing this

Yes it literally is. It unironically 100% without a tiddlywink of a doubt is exactly that you massive faggot. But we don't have freedom of speech, do we?


>can’t even come up with a comeback

I just don't get how you can unironically think that freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences

>he says, spamming the same tired out wojak garbage that every unoriginal retard has saved on their computer

What force is being used?

I think a lot of comedians just don’t realize that like all entertainment tastes change over time and people just don’t find you funny anymore.

>first amendment protects against your freedom speech except for when a company does it
>Corporate mutts literally think this

Freedom of speech only protects you from government censorship, and it's not even absolute. You can't shout fire in a crowded and the government also gets to dictate and limit where you can use your freedom of speech by designating protest zones, etc.

Well, your freedom of speech does not abridge my freedom of speech or my freedom of association.
If I don't like you then I don't have to bake you a cake or allow you into my platform.

guess I can just harass your employer until you get fired cus I dont like your speech then.

Sure, you can do that. As long as your actions don't become harassment. Because again, Freedom of Speech isn't absolute and there are limits.

Man I actually wish this jackass was right. Because the reason Chappelle's special was so important is because his last special was a year ago

There really aren't that many good comedians on Netflix. Like Bill Burr only has 2 specials

this isn’t Yea Forums why does every other thread have to be a stealth /pol/ thread now

you are the reason why tyrants get in power

I'm not sure what the twitter crowd is complaining about, they are experts of punching down.
Weren't they openly celebrating because an indie game dev killed himself last week over yet unverified sexual harassment allegations?
Chapelle is funny, he could be saying the most terrible things and make it funny, twitter faggots with they catty memes aren't funny.

>He really encapsulates the old man who wants free shit in all of us
there we go.
I won't deny it myself.

Punching down can be funny so long as the joke actually is that funny. Besides which, technically, making fun of a bad sports team is punching down.

Millennials are called "echo boomers" for a reason.

>Making fun of bad comics
>not Yea Forums related

>people saying "we don't like this" is force
>getting paid piles of money to make stand-up specials and entire series on one of the biggest streaming sites in the world is being stripped of your freedom of speech

no one gave even half a shit about the absolute circus that was the Dem debates

Go ahead and use your freedom of speech to tell your boss or teacher he or she is a bitch and why. See what happens next.

The reason tyrants get into power is because they abuse the freedoms and tolerance that they claim to defend, just like you are.

>Clearly attacking Dave Chapelle
>to much of a pansy to outright say it or even make the strawman look like him so make them look like generic white dude

These guys are too big to silence.
Beneath them are the silenced masses

>free speech is tyranny
slavery is freedom

>this fat faggot hasn't gotten any better at comics since I followed him on tumblr eight fucking years ago
Piece of shit.

Joe Rogan

The freedom of consequences is you won’t go to jail for calling someone a nigger or misgendering a tranny like in the UK. No one actually thinks it’s freedom from people not being allowed to yell back at you. Stop being pedantic

>Miss-leading the Message of what comedy should be, by making it all about money.

How does this faggot sleep at night.

Yeah, because Joe has been the hot topic comedian for the last week
Also damn, that rotten tomatoe shit

because thats clearly how life is like for every comedian and not one in a million right? everyoone knows going into comedy is the easiest route to a 6 figure salary, fuck medicine and siences

an action with no consequences is meaningless.

Personally I think some things should be censored, like Liberals should be. They're bad influences on society. But most Conservatives are for free speech.

He's literally a BLM activist and hates white people

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Platforms legally have to remain neutral because they are a public square. I don't know how many times I have to say this to you people, if facebook and twitter and want to act as a publisher they have to classify themselves as one. They are actually breaking the law by banning people based on their political ideologies. A Christian bakery isn't a fucking information outlet. Go stick a fork in a socket.

What constitutes harassment? Oh, whatever you need it to be to get the scary Alt-Right neckbeards to stop making fun of your retarded opinions.

You cannot abuse freedom of speech.

Whatever you say Nostradumbass. What matters is the intent. Not what the intent is interpreted as being.