Did South Park ruin an entire generation?

Did South Park ruin an entire generation?

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I wish they had brought back the movie to theatres for the 20th anniversary.

You can only push the envelope so much before everyone just gets desensitized and stops carrying. They were counter culture that basically became the culture.

There is actually a case to be made that South Park's popularity helped push the "both sides suck!" meme to such an extent that they paved the way for Trump. After all, wasn't Trump's entire pitch ultimately that both Republicans and Democrats were awful, so you should roll the dice with a complete outsider?

>They were counter culture
They were given jobs by a media conglomerate trying to cash in an engineered gen x apathy.

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>Nevermind, guys.
>Global warming is real and trannies aren't insane!
>Please like me!

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I have to agree and it's fucking scary. We've become so desensitized that even children aren't scared.

My little sister literally saw an old man die from a heart attack while she was on a field trip and said to me, "Hmp, so that's how someone dies, interesting"

South Park was just basic bitch lolbertarianism.

Nah, just brought the flaws into light. Third graders swear. Politics is shit. Religion is garbage.

Not caring was always cool. To not care means you don't freak out over anything. If you're confident enough to not freak out, you're cool.

South park is simply normal. It's a normal thing to make. Not like today, where a cartoon has a rainbow fart out of a bananacat's ass so the protagonist can fly to another protagonist to get a video game power up to go fight a lack of ambition to paint the garage or whatever

You sister reacted that way because it made death less mysterious for her. Children are scared of the unknown, something they can't understand. Children lack empathy so they don't react the same way as adults do.

My uncle killed himself when I was 9 years old and I didn't feel scared, I was just asking my father questions like why he did it and how he did it.

Trey knocked up a Stripper. He can't be that bright.

Aren't most of the fans of this show women who ship the little boys together
Once again leftists see only the evil white man while ignoring the rest of the people
It's actually quite sexist and bigoted

It's silly to blame South Park, they were prominent but not alone. Everything from the Simpsons to light sitcoms portrayed environmentalism as something that only unlikable people cared about.
Also South Park definitely didn't invent the culture war.

>You sister reacted that way because it made death less mysterious for her.

No, she said it with a smile and giggled like it was some video game

This. Same reason why Simpsons went to shit.

Are they angry that everyone isn't as obsessive about everything as they are?

South Park made it "cool not to care", but somehow snowflakes exist.

This article insists upon itself.

So wait, did she say "Hmp, so that's how someone dies, *giggles*.. interesting"?

>Politics is shit. Religion is garbage.
Good for you, you're a complacent faggot. Now just watch cartoons and don't worry about the world.

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I would say that the Simpsons certainly started it, but South Park just took it as far as it could possibly go. It's funny to think that something like pic related was seen as controversial for a kid to wear to school. Seriously, Bart was seen as such a shocking character 20 years ago, but now the writers struggle hard to keep him relevant and with the times.

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I understand that you're going to add more and more factors to the story until it's completely non-debatable that your sister is an unfeeling uncaring sociopath, for I want to go ahead and agree with the other guy that kids not really giving a shit about death is pretty normal behavior.

No, the themes that South Park covered were already explored in popular music from the early 90s. They picked up the torch when it seemed like a lot of that sort of brutal cynicism was dying, but acting like they were the forefront is absurd. The whole punk and grunge wave is what really made that kind of attitude mainstream, practically a whole decade earlier.

basically how most "adult animation" ended up

being a cartoon "for adults" with blood and swear words and private parts stopped being new a long, long time ago

>Also South Park definitely didn't invent the culture war.
You're right, Yea Forums did

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South park is just typical generation x "lol boomers are stupid" jokes. Of course, when you have no principles, you just end up going with the flow and saying what you need to say to keep your job, which is why Trey has repudiated everything he said previously that might get him in trouble with daddy Viacom as noted.

I swear people who say, "south park is about how both sides are dumb and you shouldnt care about anything" didnt watch the show, just saw thst they made fun of both parties and ran with the fencesitting arguement.

That is pretty weird. I feel bad for the old man.

At least there's a chance of a potential sequel.

She was smiling and mom said that the teachers told her that her class saw an old man die, so I asked if she was okay and nodded with a smile and said "Hmp, so that's how someone dies...interesting" then she reacted how the old man died like it was a comedy.

I told her to stop for some respect to the old man but just laughed it off

She's 10 btw

That's what I thought too, I said this to my mom and she's like "She's just a kid", well if she starts killing animals then I'm calling 911

"freedom" party in the pockets of major corporations
>"progressive" party selling poor people on communism
The system is broken and the sooner people recognize it the sooner we can save ourselves from it.

I think the article writer's main problem is that Matt and Trey created something big but they refuse to act like responsible parents of their followers.

That's an issue you see a lot these days, fanfiction writers should write "non-problematic fanfics" because kids might learn problematic views of sex, adults in fandom should act in certain way to make a safe space for kids and sensitive people, and TV show writers should guide the viewers to behave in proper way. It's infantilizing but it's expected in the current year.

How does one man just continue to be so infinitely unlikable?

Literally what is left to be shocked about anymore? The internet has exposed what is now TWO generations to the craziest shit imaginable from a young age, while TV had the lid completely blown off by the year 2000. Gore? Profanity? Rape? Feces? All in a regular day for South Park in 2000 and the internet as a whole since the beginning.

I'm convinced that there's going to be some kind of push back focused on sincerity eventually, and you can already see some signs of it. The whole jaded cynical outlook has been mainstream for 30 years now, I'm only surprised that people didn't get tired of it sooner.

Yes it was mandatory for this generation to watch Southpark and mindlessly accept everything show had to say. Oh wait that never happened

We will become like Rome with this shit

>I'm convinced that there's going to be some kind of push back focused on sincerity eventually
It's called "new sincerity", it's been around since 2002 or so, and it's fucking gay.

Whenever I have an argue like this with someone it always shows they don't watch the show. I like to use Raisins as example because of Butters' inspiring speech about not succumbing to nihilism. But people who keep saying that don't really care whether it's true or not, it's all about muh feelings and just pretending to be angry about something.

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I like how we're not half as bad as these outlets claim we are.

South Park didn't ruin any generation, hell if anything it was that style of parenting that took hold in the 90s, y'know the one where they thought we had to be coddled and told us that we all were winners, only for us to find out as we come if age that only a few if any "win", that if anything made us stop caring

>An adult cartoon fandom should infantilize thier works to coddle the children who arent even old enough to be watching the show in the first place

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>It's an "everyone on Yea Forums is an expert sociologist" episode

Damn user you're so much better than everyone making conjectures in this thread. We should stop discussing things that we aren't experts on and suck your cock right now!

Do you want a trophy for making have baked historical generalizations or something, faggot?

This. Libertarians are pretty nihilistic.

The thing is it doesn’t have to be revolutionary any more, so it isnt

No, I just want to suck your cock for being so much better than everyone else! How much tongue would you prefer I use, oh wise one?

Its funny cause were not a hivemind and everyone on the outside mistakes the entire site as just /pol/ and Yea Forums which leads to newfaggots and summerfaggots treating it as such.

this might be the one time Dobson is actually right about something, though he still manages to be a bit of a douche about it

>I would say that the Simpsons certainly started it, but South Park just took it as far as it could possibly go. It's funny to think that something like pic related was seen as controversial for a kid to wear to school. Seriously, Bart was seen as such a shocking character 20 years ago, but now the writers struggle hard to keep him relevant and with the times.
at this point it might just be best to go the opposite route, quit trying to makes Bart relevant through his "bad-boy" aspects and instead focus more on how beneath that he(usually) has a heart of gold

rock music and D&D is making little timmy a satanist!

It actually happened way before that, in the early 90s. It's because the 70s and 80s were the age of hope and life in the USA was flourishing. People thought that the internet and technology would solve all of our problems, everyone would have jobs in the future and human rights activism will end racism. You can see in movies like Back in the Future how people see the future being some kind of utopia.

Then the 90s hit and generation X (Matt and Trey's generation) realized that it was all bullshit, it will be all downhill from now on. Post boomer generations will never have life like their parents and they just have to deal with all the bullshit such as unemployment and mass immigration. And then 9/11 changed the world forever.

This is why you see people having such strong nostalgia towards the 80s, as it's the final era of hope. Shows like Stranger Things can focus only on the story of Stranger Things because they don't have to pay attention to all the bullshit that is happening around them.

>And then she pulled put a knife and stabbed the kid beside her!
>And then she pulled out her bazooka and blew up the entire school!
>And then she massacred her way to white house, raped the president, stole the nuclear football, activated it, sent the nuke through a time machine, and bombed Hiroshima! (yes it was her all along)
>And then she said The Last Jedi was a good movie which was the worse thing she's ever done!

If a TV show about swearing little kids can ruin a society then maybe that society doesn't deserve to keep standing

Yeah I can admit that I don’t seriously give a fuck about trannies’ problems. It’s not because of South Park though, it’s because I just think they should deal with the fact everyone has problems in this world. Maybe I am an asshole and I don’t want to stop anyone from dressing the way they like but I honestly do not understand the mentality of people who constantly feel like victims and that’s why I can’t feel empathy towards these strangers.

>The 70s
>age of hope
What. The 70s had stagflation, crime rates exploding, drug usage exploding, social decay, huge racial tensions, actual domestic terrorism, corruption, and horrible foreign policy. They were extremely fucking rough and the 80s were seen as a revival afterwards, despite there still being the drug issue.

No, any further questions?

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But the hippies had hope

Generation X was nowhere near that self-aware. They still aren't. They weren't the first apathetic generation. The boomers did drugs and dropped out of the system, too. That's what "tune in, turn on, drop out" meant. The Xers just followed the same cycle while doing fuck all to improve the situation while the mass media told them they were cool for not caring and patting them on the back for being complacent in the decline of the west.

Yeah, but that's bullshit.
70s and 80s had some of the most viscous visions of the future, there was genuine belief that the world could get nuked or just collapse into Anarchy at any moment. Every time period has their subcultures of hope and despair.

Hippie movement was already dead by the 70s user, people picked up on hippie culture because it was cool by then but the actual big events all happened in the late 60s and the leaders of the movement had left it by the time the 70s rolled around.

Now they didn't. The hippie movement was inherently defeatist because rather than improve society they wanted to create an alternative to it based on drugs and free love. There's a reason so many of them became disillusioned in the 70's when the experiment failed.

you'll also notice the previous poster also said that "mass immigration" was something the future would have to deal with, as if we had tighter borders in the 70s and 80s.

much like South Park itself, he's here to teach us to lick republican boots.

Nigga the whole point of the hippie movement was that shit was fucked and needed to change, and the hippies were way more 60s than 70s, despite what weird modern pop culture perceptions depict.

Matt and Trey have always been pro-immigrant cucks.

In Europe the first Somalis started coming in the 90s and you were supposed to accept it because of feelings. Before that it was mostly the Turks who were rather secular back then.

Nope, the show itself is "fine", I'd argue seasonal rot has set in, but not due politics, but simply due age and fatigue, and the actual issue is people taking shit too seriously from it, and believe me, it ain't the only show who had that effect since that is something that is caused by the individual wanting to be told what to think in the first place.

No. That’s just why people liked him. People voted for that reason but I think the only thing he said to that effect was something about “draining the swamp”.

There might have not been tighther borders but the combination of giving aid to the Third World countries while giving them asylum in developed countries was rather catastrophic. Stuff like Live Aid just made things worse.

>Did South Park ruin an entire generation?
They said the same thing about The Simpsons.

Why do you feel democrat boots are preferable to lick?

And they were right.

Most of Trump voters were boomers who most likely haven't even seen South Park except for few episodes.

Let's be honest the reason why Trump or Brexit or anything like that happened is because people are pissed off with mass immigration and don't want all these minorities to spread any further.

>muh the next generation is bad

It usually is though. History is nothing but long declines punctuated with brief moments of rejuvenation before they cycle begins again.

>he's here to teach us to lick republican boots.
South Park has spent the last two seasons shitting all over Republicans and has been shitting on them for years (dey took er jerbs). Why do you have such a bizarre victim complex? Does it make you feel special?

That is a load of bollocks.

It depends which angle you are looking things from.

To me, it the hippies and Christcucks. The hippies ruined the world, along with the establishment that made these hippie ideals cool. Because of this we have all these bullshit regulations about helping the entire world, and we can’t have a rational discussion about the breeding problem in Africa, which is directly related to the climate change as well.

Also Nazis ruined the world first because they failed and they made all the good ideas such as eugenics look bad. I would care but the way I care is ”wrong”, so I guess I’ll just let the hippies care and play videogames instead.

Voting for the party least likely to lead to a future where the country is overrun by "brown hordes" doesn't sound like a sensible strat, considering there's lots more to politics besides immigration

>people are pissed off with mass immigration
Weird, because immigration from Mexico was negative and decreasing during the Obama administration. Strange that people would elect an untested outsider to solve a problem that had already solved itself.

The fuck are you on about you stupid faggot? The hippies were anti-Christian.

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>Tfw Niger is projected to have 200+ million people in 2100, and they have all of one river to supply them with water which is already facing issues with running low on water, and the whole region is projected to be one of the most hard hit by climate change, and Niger is just one country in the region that's going to be on the smaller side of things in terms of population, but nobody listens when you say that this could be a problem

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Christcucks have the same ideals about helping people and they add their bullshit of pro-breeding ideology.

By that I mean the original Christcucks, not the meme Christians you see in USA these days.

Well there was also the case of over 2 million refugees finding their way to Europe in 2015, which made people scared.

>pro-breeding ideology.
That's right, goyim! Don't breed and let an immigrant replace you.
>By that I mean the original Christcucks,
You mean the one's who built Europe and colonized the new world?

This was the whole point of the wave speech from Fear and Loathing. youtube.com/watch?v=az36k4-Hc94

>Kids liking rick and morty
I seen far more actual kids being into final space than rick and morty. Rick and morty fandom mostly man children.

>There is actually a case to be made that South Park's popularity helped push the "both sides suck!" meme to such an extent that they paved the way for Trump. After all, wasn't Trump's entire pitch ultimately that both Republicans and Democrats were awful, so you should roll the dice with a complete outsider?

South Park was hardly what made people distrust politicians. Politicians made people distrust politicians, and media has been making fun of it for years.

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Immigration is literally the only issue that matters as a not retarded Republican voter considering they all vote Democrat

You dumbass you realize that pro-breeding ideology also stopped people like Margaret Sanger from completing their work, you think white people use Plannet Parenthood services the most? They don't.

>Immigration is literally the only issue that matters
Not the government funneling billions to Israel? Immigration is a distraction issue. It matters, but it's amplified to keep your mind off the other shady shit the Feds do.

Planned Parenthood was started by socialist jews. Sanger married a jew, you retard.

I don't give a shit, she at least did something to help the situation which could be worse by now without her.

There's nothing about the philosophy that's intrinsically nihilistic. In fact, I see libertarianism as only making sense with specific universal principles.

Everyone does realize this, it's just that the situation got the point when it's not ethical to say that all lives are not equal. When Thomas Jefferson said "all men are created equal" he didn't mean 200 million Nigerians.

I wonder if more kids saw South Park than actual adults...

>Let's be honest the reason why Trump or Brexit or anything like that happened is because people are pissed off with mass immigration and don't want all these minorities to spread any further.

Let's be honest: you have no idea of sociology and politics.

A good deal of people were pissed off because they felt threatened in their identity and security by the world around them changing.

These voices were not taken seriously enough in their concerns by their respective governments, who took general goodwill for granted. So when populists enter stage right, it's no wonder these people will flock to the type of politician who are reassuring to them in having done everything right, that they are not to blame, that they are totally victims under the threat by "the other", be it immigrants or people with differing opinions

After WWII there had never been such strong rise of nationalism in Germany until the refugee crisis in 2015. Are you seriously saying it wasn't the main issue back then? You have to understand that at first people thought that there would be only women and small children, but then it was like 70% young and healthy men, and this made people extremely angry.

There really is a Dobson tweet for every occasion.

it's also a retarded name coined by a insincere retard, and pretty much just a prenunciation of post irony, which is what I guess we live in

I think the "both sides suck" thing in the show is more about just showing that not everything is black and white, and also making fun of certain generalizations.

Tweek's father is an owner of a honorable local little coffee shop, but soon you learn he's also a terrible father who feeds his son meth.
Kyle always fights for what he thinks he's right, but also tends to get in trouble because of his pride, and eventually going full insane mode when that pride is hurt too much.
Butters at first seems to live average American dream life in nice household as shown in Butters' Own Episode, but actually has monster parents.
And then there's Mormon family, who constantly give you the feeling of "something is not right with these guys", but then they're just genuinely good people.

Cartman is the only one who's just plain evil, but that makes him a fun character. But I have never thought you are supposed to take lessons from the show directly, but it will just push you to think what your own opinion on the matter is.

I think you shouldn't be getting your sociopolitics from Yea Forums of all places. Hippies had very little to do with american interventionism, which was already a thing (inherited mostly from the British Empire) after collonialism ended in the 19th century, and the increase in american global policiing was done under the Nixon administration, which is pretty much the opposite to hippies.
Maybe overpopulation in Africa would reduce (as it did in latin America) with a slight chance at political stability, but the Lord knows the West just won't allow it, as seen with Burkina Faso.

Nigga I live in a literal third world shithole and we have better public education AND healthcare than the US, the immigrants only came because your retarded trickle down economy made lower-paying jobs simply unsunstainable for american citizens, your country has been at constant war with someone or the other since it's very foundation, your pharmaceutical industry is getting teenagers and old ladies addicted to opioids, and you care about some mexican cunt who's working a job you probably wouldn't want anyway?
What the FUCK is wrong with americans I swear to fucking god.

It doesn’t matter who was in charge. It matters who made things like pro-immigration popular. To me hippies are what cucks are to new generation. Oh by the way Jim Jones was a hippie too, though he was batshit insane one.

You shouldn’t be so harsh on Poland it’s not Africa

i'm a guy and i do this

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They made one awful season that was about nothing but Trump jokes, made two kids have a healthy gay relationship and admitted the whole Manbearpig episode didn't age well, but apparently it's still not woke enough. I don't know what they want Matt and Trey to do as Trey even took care of his ex-wife's son but it does prove that there's no pleasing these people so might as well stop trying.

Trey Parker also knocked up his stripper mistress so that's nice
Not exactly a picture of morality there

"It doesn't matter what happened only what I kinda got from a laotitian claymation bbs"
I'm not polish


They only came because Democrats changed how immigration works in 65 and considering it resulted in San Francisco being literally covered in human shit and Los Angeles being so rat infested Typhus is a thing again yeah I am concerned about the old Mexican woman and the 20+ members of her extended family making my country literally shittier

Abortion and birth control were part of the depopulation agenda which is used to justify replacement immigration, you dense faggot.

This, I must agree.

Many of the worst people I know grew up watching South Park. Some have even physically attacked me for not watching/liking the show. (My parents were traditional, yet we did watch the Simpsons) And it still makes trouble from time to time as an adult in a professional environment. They talk down to other groups like they're trash with quotes from the show then shrug it off as people can't take a joke despite their actions have real effects. I kind of agree with some of their views but completely object to their methods.

Although now I wounder how we got out of the downward spiral given how messed up and dark the past was, repeatedly through out time. I mean the stuff they had in late 1500s in Shakespeare's day still can't be aired on TV. Did harmful moral backlashes like Prohibition movement actually fix somethings with all the harm it did? Is this new Feminist another swing of the pendulum? Or has the new speed and globalization prevented insulated communities to find solutions as distracting agenda fueled media runs them over?

No Planned Parenthood centers were built in black communities in purpose. You can look up to the statistics who gets most abortions in USA.

Measles are also a thing again and that's to blame on white soccer moms who got nothing better to do than manslaughter their kids.
Again, if the entirety of the world population moved to San Francisco tomorrow it would still be less fucked than just leaving it to americans.
Also, in 1965 hippies were barely a thing so by your own narrative, they can't be the ones to blame for the immigration boom.
Also, one thing that always bafles me: if immigrants are such a problem, why won't americans take up the jobs they usually occupy to dry the market? You could do this right now.

And now that the black family has been destroyed, all they do is leach off of the welfare system and commit crime. Thanks, Sanger!

eh, no. i think south park educates kids in rough towns (which every town in america is rough rn pretty much) more than seasame street does ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's not her fault. It's because black fathers don't care to take after their children (why, I do not know) and so the black babies are born to single mothers. Planned Parenthood helps to control that issues at least a little bit.

Of course it's her fault. Planned Parenthood was created to destabilize the population because her Marxist Jew husband thought it would bring about the revolution to a Utopian society. Planned Parenthood just gives irresponsible people an easy out.

>Democrats changed how immigration works in 65 and considering it resulted in San Francisco being literally covered in human shit
Those two things aren't connected in the way you're thinking, user.

South Park educates kids in the mindset of a jaded gen x millionaire cuck.

They would be irresponsible anyway.

Not to the extent that they are now. Black illegitimacy has only risen since Roe V. Wade.

I unironically think that's the better mindset than the self-victimized zoomer mindset that makes you think there's a problem everywhere. Kyle's dad was right, stop being and uptight bitch who's worried about this and that and learn to relax.

One person can't save the world so it's ridiculous to act like they could. I used to believe in humanity and future but the older I get the more I realize there's no point so I just focus on myself and my loved ones. I think that was the message of the final scene in season 22 as well.

yeah, it was the 90s

>Made it cool to not care
Didn't that start in the 80s though?

Trey Parker is a twice divorced cuck who married a stripper with a teenage son. He's not a role model.

> as if we had tighter borders in the 70s and 80s.
we have unmarked companies flying in packs of immagrants and setting them loose as well as active campaigns encouraging people to move into (targeted country) by (Identified Elite Rich).

immigration is no longer natural, and has been weaponized en masse.

He might not be a role model but the point is that he doesn't have to be. He's not my dad and I shouldn't expect him to guide me, I expect him to write the show and make good songs.

Why are people so concerned with these things? Why should I care if staff of a cartoon likes loli and shota? Does it make me an asshole nihilist if there are some things I just decide to not care about?

You just said it's important because it teaches kids things. Which is it?

No I didn't say that, I just say it's the better mindset in my opinion. I don't know about kids because South Park is not a show for children in the first place and it's up to their parents whether they can watch it or not. Not all media has to be responsible of teaching something to the kids, even if it's a cartoon.

i tried so hard
and got so far
but in the end
it doesnt even matter

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American families should more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons.

Oh that is Vice. They just made an article how Dave Chappelle should be cancelled because for everyone’s surprise, comedians may be offensive.

>Le fuk u got mine :DDDDDDD

>A good idea

Moviebob is not a good role model for you son.

That moral is more relevant than ever now in the age of outrage culture.

Member that long-ass South Park fanfic about the romance between Kyle and Cartman during the holocaust, those were the simpler times

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It’s designed to appeal to children. Whether they should watch it is a different story.

No it's designed to be as simple as possible because Matt and Trey didn't know how to draw and the pilot episode wasn't done with computers. Simple character designs may appeal to children but it still was never directly targeting them.

how long?

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Find yourself

How do you find a Gen X'er?

Look for the forty year old telling fart and dick jokes at a wedding.

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Dobson is one of those people who comes off as cartoonishly as a South Park celebrity caricature.

The 70's saw birth to the environmentalism movement, at least.

>last two seasons
Repubs were always a target. Your rose-colored glasses just lit up brighter when you saw the show shitting all over liberals and their hypocrisy.

>Maybe you were just that kid who was an easy target
>Who the hell do you work with that openly quotes South Park? And how fucking old are they
>I was nine when South Park premiered caught Cartman gets an Anal Probe the night it premiered, still watch the show on occasion and still turned out to be a somewhat well adjusted adult

Nigger the 70's where as nihilistic as you could get. And the 80's were full of dread for the future anihilation that could come.
And you haven't gone back enought to start blaming what made the situation so shit in the first place, even befor the 60's the 20's where full of degenerates, and even before there where many trying to destroy the institutions that held everything in place.

>tfw the boring vanilla Creek took over and stories like this aren’t made anymore

The Hippy idea of hope was that society was invariably fucked and by letting go of the materialism and hatred we might be spared a man-made apocalypse.

>letting go of the materialism
But they acted like materialistic fucks?

That was when hippies became mainstream movement. You can still find original hippies in hippie towns in USA and Australia, though many of them have been ruined by weed commercialism.

Why are many "adult" shows like this?
It's not mature, it's juvenile.

>tons of illegal immigrants still entering the country
>plenty that were already in the country and not under threat of being deported
>the problem was already solved

>South Park came out when Colorado was still Republican Red
>Trey and Matt used South Park to attack everybody but focused their special ire on Hollywood liberals and their causes
>20 years later and the script is almost completely flipped.

What happened?

>152,000 words
holy shit, and i thought my kyle fanfic was long

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>mexico is the only country south of the united states

there's an entire fucking continent down there you mong, who gives a shit about the numbers from literally one country.

Or you trolling or stupid? I honestly can't tell.

I thought they did to cash in on "blood/gore/swearing is funny"

What’s stupid about that? That’s what the article is saying.

A little from column a, a little from column b.

Never-mind, I'm an idiot who misread your post. Carry on.

No, it's more like the world changed into South Park. Just like how Simpsons went from pushing the envelope to becoming a zombie that won't die. Everything we see in South Park is now just a SLIGHT exaggeration of real life.

You should read that fic where Tweek gets raped and mindbroken by an older guy and cuckolds Craig

If anything, it was Richard Nixon and Watergate, at least in the US, was what really began this wave of anti-government sentiment that was being reflected in popular media.

Sure I was an easy target kid back then. But I never expected to get punched and kicked over not liking South Park at a robotics trade show happy hour where everyone was very likely over 30 something years old years after I got out of college.

I don't know, maybe in the late 40s I think. The older ones are the most obnoxious and they watched it in their 20s in college.

I not saying everyone, but I am saying that my personal experience have had a very strong correlation.

Yea Forums really always manages to pick the wrong side of things and the wrong people to hate.

Just think about it. Dobson and Tim Buckley for example.
They are still making their own stuff and standing on their own two legs. No selling out to anyone or quitting even after all these years and all the pressure.
Where's eveyone Yea Forums idolized? They have all quit one way or another, or sold out. Penny Arcade duo doesn't even do their own comics anymore, those guys were supposed to be the superior gaming comic.
Where's VGcats? One of the guys who openly mocked Buckley every chance he got, those cats are literally doing porn now. They sold out their very dignity for pornbux of horny perverts.
What about Fanboys? The supposed messiah of videogame comics growing up thanks to scathing criticism and listening to Yea Forums? He literally quit. He's off the internet for good.

These are the heroes Yea Forums chooses.
And the men who don't quit, don't sell out, the ones who hold on to their integrity and dignity are who they see as the villains.

Way to go nerds.

Both sides do suck and thinking otherwise makes you literally a moronic sheep. I don't watch Doc & Marti because I've been suppressing my nihilism since high school in the 90s. I do not wish to live in a world of Pickle Rickle wannabe nihilistic edgelords. They are fucking manchildren.

I agree with this, South Park ruined a lot of modern "men".
True, thats where we are now. Pure cynicism and irony.

>Caring about videogame webcomics
Way to go nerd.

People voted for Trump because he was pro-union and wanted him to bring jobs back away from foreign lands. Build that wall was a slogan feeding off the fear that Democrats cared more about aliens than their own unemployed dept filled sick uninsured lower/shrinking middle class. Anything to do with race is a literal smoke screen created by liberal media painting conservatives as hateful people.

Lmao what kind of ”man” you were if you were ruined by a cartoon?

>still think the message is "both sides suck"
it's all about nuance, that everyone is human and makes mistakes and we should take pause to blindly support anything. Yes the brainlet approach is to go with nihilism, but that isn't the message. The message is stop looking at thing as Democratic, Republican, Atheist, Theist, and to start looking at it to what it really is: Humans and their emotionally charged ideas

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>was what really began this wave of anti-government sentiment that was being reflected in popular media
No, that was the Vietnam War and the anti-war protests. Watergate insofar as it ever mattered to the man on the street basically made some people go
>Oh the man at the top isn't any different from the crooks in the Congress
and removed the air of sanctity from the office of the President that prior presidents like Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt had endowed it with.

We're at a point where there's simultaneously too much and too little cynicism and irony.

>Integrity and dignity


Blaming media for the influence on how you were raised means your parents failed or you failed yourself.

That's retarded. Ideas and beliefs have consequences and boundaries.

He literally just posted that you retard.

No he didn't. You shouldn't just throw away your principles and allegiances because "We're all just people MAAAAAAAAAN!"

>Penny Arcade duo doesn't even do their own comics anymore, those guys were supposed to be the superior gaming comic.
The fuck?

>made it cool not to care
No it didn't, it did the opposite of that if anything.

>implying Yea Forums

Yea Forums was always the ones to dickride those comics before there was a Yea Forums board to scapegoat.

I swear Christ Cucks have became the new crazy fedoras in the last year or so?

They're not saying to give up on your beliefs or values, they're saying to not to become obsessed with one ideology or group that causes you to become irrational and non-negotiable.

People just can't accept that it's possible laugh at or make fun of something while still respecting or enjoying it

What... you mean the world isn't just... us versus those who disagree with us?
That's insane!

>literally and unironically defending Dobson

For some reason it’s always trannies that are extremely sensitive topic to these guys. You can make fun of everyone but the moment you joke about trannies you should stop as if they can’t take a joke.

>don't blame television goy, it's your friend

Who are you talking about? South Park had multiple episodes making fun of trannies.

Television is not your friend but it’s not your enemy either. Are you some kind of mindless slave that gets easily influenced by entertainment? Then you deserve to be treated like a slave, goy.

>yes goy, only mindless people get influenced by their surroundings
>constant more or less subtle propaganda in every media is of no danger to you or your fellow citizens
>just accept it and go back to sleep

They are supposedly outsourced.

Well it’s not to me but if you are weak then it’s your problem

Just pointing out Yea Forums taste in who to like and who to hate.

Hard working and honest people: Hate
The spineless easy or lazy route people: love

You have no reading comprehension.

I mean how first Vice wrote how you should not watch the new Dave Chappelle show on Netflix because of transphobia and now they specifically talk about transphobia in South Park

>Hard working and honest people
Hilarious, please keep going

Yea Forums disapproved media:

>Rick and Morty
>South Park

Anything else?

>standing on his own two legs
No, he just won't go away.
And literally everyone made fun of Buckley, and he even attempted to make his own videogame expo and failed horribly. He's only around now because he became Jeph and just stayed in his little corner of the internet. He's not raking it in, but he's doing alright.

Anything that has a chance of being popular

+Hasn't sold out
+Not to porn bux or riding out his past fame
+Still in the game, is no quitter

I should make a Buckley appreciation thread, fuck the haters.

No, we are talking about the ones that are dissaproved for valid reasons this time around.

shows never make much of an impact on generations

entertainment is always scapegoated as being the cause of all the world's problems, it's just the inner communist in all of us lashing out at our own freedoms to punish ourselves for no real reason

Yea Forums is not a hivemind. Stop gaslighting.

What is your valid reason to dislike those shows as a collective mindhive?

Kids gravitate to edgy shit. South Park came out when I was 6, my older brother would tape them for me and I'd watch them when my parents weren't in the room. I also loved violent games and newgrounds shit as a young teen. I mean remember in 2012 when every kid was playing CoD. Kids are curious and a lot of parents are lazy or don't give a shit and under estimate their mental maturity

Read the thread.
They ruined a whole generation of people for starters and "Nihilism is kewl" has always been the cringiest shit possible.

No, boomers and the hippie movement did. Things like South Park were only a response.

Only for leftist who hate when their side gets made fun of, because that means punching down and boosting nazi acceptance

...And now you are on Yea Forums.

>pockets of major corporations
>putting tariffs on goods produced in foreign countries

pick one

damn, spot on

Giant Douche versus Turd Sandwich didn’t help, also making Mr. Garrison Trump and making him totally hilarious and badass didn’t help. They even knew they were doing more harm than what they wanted because they even had Mr. Garrison/Trump literally say “please vote for her” on the debate stage. You can tell they didn’t want Trump.

Which generation you are talking about? The one that constantly bitches and moans about something?

What in the post implied otherwise?

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You literally don't have better healthcare or education if you're so dumb as to think otherwise

>people cannot fathom the idea of private insurance you pay for if they live in commieland

>this whole thread
Really? Blaming a single satirical comedy show about immortal children in Colorado? Not Simpsons, SNL, Family Guy, or comedy in general? Jesus christ, you all even have a goddamn Dobson smug post in here. This is what's wrong, this whole thread is just a reflection of the idiocy that is going on in the world. Instead of finding fault in yourselves and correcting it, you find a scapegoat to blame. It's like the 90s all over again.

South Park didn't invent cynicism, they were a few centuries too late for that.

Public healtchare and education retard. And private insurance exists isn't a exclusively american concept, it's just that in my country I can get actual treatment without going bankrupt or without doctors pumping me full of what basically amounts to heroin.
I went to a very good state-funded college for fucking VISUAL ARTS of all things.
>but muh taxes
most countries can sustain welfare services because most countries aren't funding constant wars to keep their military-industrial complex lobbyists happy. This is what you don't seem to understand.


Yes, millennials and they are already starting to ruin the zoomers too.

Is the Simpsons nihilistic?
I've been watching the show (currently at the beginning of season 2) and it seems a lot less "nothing matters" than something like Life in Hell.
There's a tendency to have episodes end sincerity, even Dancin' Homer ends with Homer finding out people like to listen to his stories.

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I don’t think you know how economics work Padre

>hasn't sold out
Not for a lack of trying, he just failed at it. He even tried to make his comedy strip a drama because it was what was popular at the time.

Also, when did becoming successful become selling out? Penny Arcade stands on their own, no one has ever influenced them except growing up and having responsibilities.

That comic is anti-nihilism tho.

I think they should act like responsible parents of their followers, but not like that.
They should call people out when somebody does something fucked up in the name of the fandom (more the Pickle Rick stabbing and "Tranny Phantom" than something as insignificant and self-fufilling as pornography)

When I was in high school, during the crab people episode where they were beating up the crab people disguised as the people of Queer Eye, a friend of mine said "If only they beat up real homos"
And during college, my nut of a roommate said that he wished Cartman would win more often.

I think it's more that during the 00's, every asshole character was celebrated. Even Foster's Home main character was a selfish asshole.

>most countries aren't funding constant wars to keep their military-industrial complex lobbyists happy.
Because most FUCKING RELY ON THE US to de-escalate any possible situation.

Oh, you stupid americans and your big military
WTF iran is talking mean america please help.

He could've done porn like the VGcats did, at any time, but he didn't. That's already some good indication of choosing spine instead of selling out.

There is nothing wrong with being successful but PA took the easy way out instead of working hard for their money.

Their problem is that they care too much about dumb bullshit

And the whole point of comedy is to make fun of society, if it's good comedy it makes fun of everything because fuck your sacred cows.

You're overestimating the effect silly cartoons have on the real world, user.

>nihilistic rebellion against profoundly nihilistic culture

And the democrats have continually put him in good light by ACTUALLY caring more for illegals than their own fucking citizens.

>could've done porn
Did you miss where he started drawing the girls sexier?

>PA took the easy way out
How so? By taking a risk by making a gaming expo that could have imploded and left them destitute? By starting a children's foundation? By constantly having a comic strip that reliably updates? By calling out all the assholes in the gaming industry during their edgy years? Please explain this part.

The show becomes impossible to watch when you realize that literally their only take on every political issue is people on the right are dumb and people on the left are whiny crybabies.

South Park 1860
>Slave owners are all dumb rednecks but people who don't think people should be enslaved are a bunch of whiny crybabies!

South Park 1915
>People who won't give women the right to vote are all closet gays but people who think women should be allowed to vote are a bunch of whiny crybabies!

South Park 1938
>People who exterminate Jews believe in kooky conspiracy theories but people who oppose exterminating Jews are a bunch of whiny crybabies!

>South Park 1962
>People who oppose the Civil Right Movement are illiterate white trash but people who believe in ending legalized racial discrimination are a bunch of whiny crybabies!

The Simpsons did that too but for some reason only South Park gets blamed for it.

>By calling out all the assholes in the gaming industry during their edgy years?
That sounds a bit hypocritical when you consider the dickwolves thing.

Well it clearly is impossible for you to watch it because you haven’t watched it.

Are you stupid or something?

Wait, you're defending buckley.

Like when? I have a hard time looking at the Simpsons objectively because it's so ingrained in my childhood

Well, yeah, as they said so themselves
"We hate conservatives, but we hate liberals more"

They fucking argued against Hybrid cars because "People are too smug about them"

>RAPE is FUN and your are STUPID for not liking it
How is that not edgy?

The fact you are literally incapable of understanding that private insurance covers people and they don't go bankrupt unless they're uninsured and don't qualify for free public assistance due to being poor proves your education system is SHIT

>most countries

Your country can sustain this bullshit because it exists in an American world where American navies patrol the seas, American pharmaceuticals develop new drugs and shitholes like your country do not have copyright infringement laws enforced against them for violating the copyrights on those new drugs

Your system literally only exists as a product of American excess, you arrogant fucking retard


Nail on the head user.

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"Rely on the US" do you really think people care? Iran is only an issue THANKS TO THE US in the first place. This is what you fail to realize.
What exactly am I missing here? There is a surplus of unwanted jobs and people who want it are going after it. Organize your community to take it away from them but of course you won't.

>reading e-comics
>reading videogame e-comics
>reading e-ecomics that arent porn

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My country's welfare system has been (at least) twice depleted and almost completely ceased to exist thanks to american backed coups. Stop being so arrogant.
The fact that you NEED private insurance not to go bankrupt in the first place is asinine, and I say that as someone who actually has private insurance from my job.

They weren’t against hybrid cars. The episode literally stated that hybrid cars are better. It was just comedic thing that people caused an actual hazard with smugness.

You take this little boy cartoon way too seriously. Not even Matt and Trey take their show seriously.

>domestic manufacturing makes more money
Hurr durrrrrrr

You really lack reading comprehension. Wow, this is a buckley fan. No wonder he's still doing it.

legal citizens are dying of starvation and disease in ICE concentration camps without so much as soap or bedding, even when they have their papers ICE just takes those papers away and "loses them" then put on record the citizen had no papers.

You should try no-fap, cümbrane.

>There is a surplus of unwanted jobs
No there is fucking not.
I do not consider fast food or any other entry level bullshit a real job as you cannot sustain a family with one.
What the illegals do it under the table pay anyway that actually undercuts the well being of those who do work the hard jobs.

>Kyle, you've gotta lighten the fuck up, buddy. Every day with you it's "Dad, I feel guilty about this. Dad, I'm so confused about that." You're a kid. You're supposed to just laugh and make fun of shit. Stop being such a pussy, okay pal? Fuck.

>Buckley haters


And you can think old king nigger for forcing required insurance down americas throat.
Oh, but that goes against your narrative dont it?

The insurgence and medical price bloat is a missive issue, but your wanting to fix an infection via amputation.

Anyone should be able to recite their social security number. I did that in kindergarten, before all this garbage came up, just in case I got lost. Along with my phone number, last name, and address.

see I dont give a shit about a corps bottom line
Peoples well-being > internationalist bank account

>dying of starvation and disease in ICE concentration camps
I can only wish.

and they drink out of TOILETS you guys!

I hope that everytime someone whines about South Park they make another Kyle humiliation episode. Show people what Kyle has to go through when he tries to care about things. Make him eat feces, drink pee, force him to go through all kinds of degenerated sexual acts. Make him Cartman’s dog. That’s what he deserves whenever he becomes a smug little bitch.

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>You take this little boy cartoon way too seriously. Not even Matt and Trey take their show seriously.
Congrats user, you just summed up most of South Park discussions on Yea Forums

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While I'm not one to say that a single show/book/media can go out and corrupt an entire generation or anybody who watches it, South Park has repeatedly, practically ALWAYS taken the stance that anybody who rallies for or against a cause is at best misguided or (usually) at worst, fucking stupid.

It does not matter *what* cause or if it's justified. Hell, off the top of my head, the only two times they seemed really in the corner of a 'protester' group were the tourette syndrome and Breast cancer episodes (though both of these were given heavy caveats--Cartman still tried to exploit or just outright mocked and belittled the issue through the entirety of each episode. This is an issue I'll bring up later) They started with showing up sensationalizing activists who were pissed off that people on TV liked making dirty jokes and never stopped making fun of anyone with a cause. Worrying about social and legal injustices were on the same level as being part of a delusional cult or cops who live for framing black people or even goddamn NAMBLA. Willingly trying to clean up the environment (literally for future generations) was written off as being gayer than a big pile of dudes fucking each other.

And, again, all the time, even if they seem to get in the corner of a cause, celebrity, or whatever, Cartman is usually there to mock it or be a racist shithead. This isn't a Blazing Saddles deal where the racist/racism is shown up as ugly and moronic-- Cartman is both an antagonist and protagonist and the line gets blurred. We're meant to laugh at him not *just* because he's a stupid, awful, soulless monster-- but because it's also just plain funny. It blunts the impact of how wrong it is when combined with the general attitude of the show.

To put it all another way: South Park's methods are pretty similar to the "Buddy Bears" style of entertainment where it tells you the complainer is wrong, even if the motivations and applications are complete opposites.

Kids don't have empathy for a large portion of their childhood, it's something taught and usually they don't have a full grasp on it til they're 10-12. Also it's not necessarily abnormal for people to laugh when fucked up shit happens, it's a weird automatic response that is surprisingly common.

What is your problem with the Tourette episode? It was funny and heartwarming.

>kid has a disability
>Cartman takes advantage of the disability because he’s a terrible person
>Kyle tries to stop him but gets blamed as always because Cartman is manipulative
>the kid with disability realizes the truth and helps Kyle
>Craig is gay for the disabled kid

It is funny though. People like watching absolute madmen like Cartman and Dio Brando. You want to see just how far they can take things and still think they’re terrible. Besides Butters is equally popular because of his kindness.

I don't have a problem with the episode. I was citing it as one of the few that DON'T really mock the victims of a problem, but it's kinda striking that it's from the same show that built a couple episodes around the fact Aspergers sounds like Assburgers and they waved--no, slammed that joke in our faces far harder than any legitimate sympathy for people suffering from the condition.

But the problem with the episode is that he kid who actually has tourettes is almost overshadowed by the counterpoint of Cartman's antics that also involve sexual predators committing mass suicide. Matt and Trey saved the episode by giving the kid a legitimate happy ending at least, but it goes back to what I was saying: the most awful person in the show (and really the show's entire world) is also its protagonist that people can and will root for.

South Park went on for too long in my opinion. No show should go over ten seasons.

It’s funny because the episode where Randy tries to take the biggest dump in the world underlines how a show about taking a crap won an Emmy. If they can make fun of themselves like that why can’t the audience do the same?

Are we seriously blaming fucking South Park for the world's problems? Did I fucking wake up in 1997? Jesus fuck, I feel like I've been asking myself for the past 3 or so years who the fuck killed the regular anons on this site and replaced them all with 90s PMRC evangelical soccer moms and unironic moralfags.
What the fuck exactly happened to the youth of today that instead of evolving they just repeat the same shit that boomers were doing 20-30 years ago with no self awareness? Are the zoomers who inhabit this site now just too young to remember when retards were using the same ass backwards logic to blame Marilyn Manson for school shootings or have e-politics poisoned your minds that much that you've forgotten the entirety of human history prior to 2014? Because it sure fucking seems that way.
What the fuck exactly nuked every braincell in these people's heads that made them go from anti-censorship, believing in making people responsible for their actions and going against the batshit retarded and damaging idea that the media controls us to shilling for propaganda and wanting to get rid of everything that doesn't support their agenda and thinking that everyone on the planet is too retarded and weak-minded to be responsible for their own actions and that they're all fucking media puppets who need THEM to tell them what to watch? It's no one's fault other than their own if they're too fucking dumb to understand the nuances of a fucking 20 year old cartoon that makes pee pee poo poo fart jokes. Fucking hell.

>Matt and Trey saved the episode by giving the kid a legitimate happy ending at least, but it goes back to what I was saying: the most awful person in the show (and really the show's entire world) is also its protagonist that people can and will root for.
Who roots for Cartman? You may enjoy watching him being a little shit but you still enjoy him getting humiliated like in Tsst.

Butters is a sweet kid, but he's in no way as popular as Cartman.

And Dio is sort of a meme but he's an entertaining villain because of how utterly ruthless and despicably evil he is; his behavior isn't someone people want to, or can get away with, imitating. Sometimes a villain who's entire schtick is he's a greedy shithead with ultimate power and no remorse is a great villain, but he's not an example where he's imitated or admired for being "Right" like how all those Death Note twerps that champion Light.

Cartman's less extreme behavior, on the other hand, is at least imitatable to a point of acting like an obnoxious, racist, dick who says awful things to simultaneously spark outrage and laughter from the same people.

Almost all of NATO relies on the US to supply their armies with support items and personnel. The US has the single most technologically advanced military and a sizable standing military, but this is also why the US has asked our allies to start spending more on their military so we can relax our spending as well.

>those western anime fandom retards who unironically call people pedos for wanting to fuck BNHA characters and lecture them on making fandoms kid-friendly
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that internet culture would get so bad that it'd unironically make me miss circa-2010s fujoshis.

>abloo bloo two generations are messed up because of tubgirl and goatse
You seriously think boomers or the greatest generation never saw horribly fucked up things in their lives? We have it far easier in that respect than literally any other generation save for maybe early Gen X for being in that sweet spot of pre-internetdom but still having an easy, war-free, comfy life.

They certainly didn't have as easy a time finding it.

>VG Cats
>Bum Tickley
>Penny Arcade
>Yea Forums

Yea Forums are terrible parents.

Again who wants to be Cartman? The fat kid everyone hates and makes things worse for everyone and cries from the slightest punch despite the tough guy act? Maybe you are just projecting, it’s Randy people admire.

Didn't these past two seasons entire point go over this very fact?

Actually no, even before the 2010's got this bad Matt and Trey made meta episodes about how they're not even sure if South Park is worthwhile for society as a whole.

>Public healtchare and education retard
So you want shitty healthcare and worthless education?

Well, I read the article and I thought they were going to talk about the general malaize and group lethargy among Millenials and how modern political activism is small and misguided. But no, it's just Vice creating false equivalences and attacking free speech. Bad article, with some okay criticism.

You think that because you're young and fucking retarded. Boomers or moreso their parents' generation saw fucked up shit in real time, fucking christ, I'd have rather seen blue waffle at 13 than be born in the 40s and get molested by the weird guy who lives on the corner because my parents let me out until 10 at night since no one gives a fuck about safety and be getting conscripted at 18.

I'm pretty sure the author of this article hasn't seen an episode from the past 3 seasons of SP. It's a pretty different show now, I feel they're still doing social commentary but going after smaller issues and focusing more on comedy than lecturing, like this article isn't really even relevant today.
It doesn't help that the author has zero self-awareness either, telling the SP guys that being edgy is destructive to marginalized groups when humor actually helps those groups and what hurts them is virtue signalling bloggers who piss people off on their behalf and increase social infighting with shitstirring articles such as these.

Wow, an enraged Abrahamic devotee. So edgy and subversive.

immigration from mexico, as in people crossing the border you idiot. Most immigrants are from south america, and they come in either by plane if they have any money at all, or they walk across the southern border.

Net immigration was down and going down, because the economy wasn't in the shitter.If you really wanted to get rid of immigration you'd regulate the shit out of businesses that use immigrant labor, not spend billions throwing people out. If they don't have work 90% of them would leave.

That's still a problem, though? Randy is a delusional, selfish goober who tries to escape his life, wife and woes at plenty of opportunities all so he can shine.

Look, when you get down to it, South Park is popular and it can be influencing. Sure, people can watch and laugh--it's funny because it's all about shit you should not ever do, similar to why Beavis and Butthead were funny-- and get on with their goddamn day, without focusing on any 'message', but for people who are already being disenfranchised and cynical and altogether snide about the world from other sources, this show can affirm and entertain those beliefs and practices others would never dream of pulling out.

Nobody wants to be a fat kid with psychotic issues, but plenty of people would *love* to be able to get away with all the hurtful racist rhetoric Cartman spews out, as well as being able to do mostly whatever they want, damn the consequences as he does.

>. It's because the 70s and 80s were the age of hope and life in the USA was flourishing.
Confirmed zoomer.
The 80s was one of the shittiest decades in american history as gas prices soared and everyone was miserable and jobs started drying up.

The 90s were actually hopeful because of new technology and shit.

Whiny leftists are just pissed that made a bunch of people not kiss the ass of their side LOL

"It's Time To Start Thinking Precisely Like We Do - And Here's Why"
- by Zonita Quinkeesian

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Wasn't the "big pile of dude fucking eachother" just the retarded alternative to being ecofriendly?
They tried to be ecofriendly and it was working but then they just got lazy and went back to fucking.
It's just a joke, of course out of that you understand that you need to make a better future for your children, not that you need to be gay so you don't have any.

You sound like those people who complain whenever character portrays even slightest moral grayness because it’s ”problematic”. It makes them human.

Why is getting diddled by a weirdo only a boomer tragedy? Did some kind of anti-molestation mind control dome descend over the USA after 1965 or something?

Dobson hates every TV show unless it's aimed at 8 year olds.

So many shitty zoomer and roastie takes holy fuck

I’m so glad I get laid and you don’t.

>Nobody wants to be a fat kid with psychotic issues, but plenty of people would *love* to be able to get away with all the hurtful racist rhetoric Cartman spews out, as well as being able to do mostly whatever they want, damn the consequences as he does.
So what’s your point? That deep down people can be pretty shitty? That empathy is something you learn? Of course people avoid things that get them in trouble, that’s why we have laws. I know some women are disappointed when they hear that most feminist men just pretend to care for pussy. But you just have to deal with it, people aren’t inherently good or bad. If you don’t you will break too easily or you will become a plain human hater.

What a fucking tool, this Ross guy who wrote this.

Indifference has been presented as cool since before the nineties, fuck South Park inventing the notion.

No, because pic is wrong. Southpark never was about "it doesnt matter". It was all about everything matters but with a "not everything helps it"-spin.

Partly correct. It has more a "who does dumb shit is dumb, no matter which side or good intention he had".
For example Mr Garisons bike to fight airplanes, you still need to fuck your arse to drive. Or Cartmans eating with your anus.

That user isn't trying to be smarter than anyone; this type of discussion is completely irrelevant to the board you dumb fucking nigger. What the fuck does sociology have to do with cartoons and comics? The board should be fucking renamed to Yea Forums- Market Demographics and Arm Chair Sociology because that's all this board ever fucking talks about.

It is honestly frightening interacting with zoomers, they are such perfect conformists. Their beliefs always tend to feelgood platitudes directly from the teet of the media machinery. Truth and critical thinking and considering multiple perspectives doesn't matter to them, it's all about the vibes man. There isn't a trace of teenage rebellion in them (sorry to say, wearing LGBT and feminist pins is not rebellious in 2019).

I've yet to meet a zoomer irl that isn't a complete NPC.

>immigration was down and going down, because the economy wasn't in the shitter.
Well that dosent even work logically you fucking spammer.
>If you really wanted to get rid of immigration you'd regulate the shit out of businesses that use immigrant labor
Like Trump has proposed to and has been fought by the left for?
Or the 'sanctuary citys' openly defying federal law?
Oh, how about that bitch of a mayor who actually got arrested for sheltering repeat felons because they were illegals?

No because there are many episodes of South Park choosing a side and calling the other side insane/obsessive/retarded/etc...

Parents trying to be their child's best friend over actually parenting and attempting to convey to children that absolutely any problem with them is really a problem with the world around them is what ruined a generation.

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Except no.
The same generation who watched South Park are the same ones who watched Family Guy are the same ones who watch Rick and Morty. Does he actually think children watch cartoons in this day and age?

It’s funny because that’s the reason why Cartman is so fucked up too

Except he IS trying to be smarter than everyone else, retard.

Nice argument zoomer faggot

Not everyone, just you zoomer bastards who get PTSD from rape fic

You're not worth arguing with. You might as well be drunken Randy warbling drunkenly about "ithawtitwashamerica?? ididntdishamerica??"

lolololol, adhom. Must be nice being better than everyone?

Fuck off and fap to your logical fallacies wallpaper somewhere else, boy.

...So are you.

People who think South Park is actually taking a stance and not just cracking jokes for entertainment are fucking retards, but of course i expect no less from Yea Forumsmblr

>being this out of touch
People voted for Trump because he was the first politician in decades to say what a lot of people were thinking and propose solutions. And while his success in delivering on those solutions has been mixed, I think you're going to see those same people come out in droves to support his reelection over the Democrats complete and utter mess of candidates running around in confusion talking about healthcare for illegal aliens, borrowing our way into oblivion to pay for giveaways and free shit, etc.

Those "unwanted jobs" are only unwanted because they pay so little. They pay so little because the food industry utilizes illegal immigrants. When you say "illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do" what you're really saying is that you're okay with a exploited economic underclass.

Also Iran is a very complicated topic and the Iranian government pushes a very simplified version of the story for political reasons both internal and external. "Big bad USA ruins everything" is a much easier sell than "USA and the UK with help from members of the Iranian government and military deposed a prime minister who gained power in a rigged election and who had granted himself dictatorial powers before abandoning his political allies so he could cozy up to the Soviet Union."

Yes, fortunately now we have shows like steven universe to counterpart south park influence

>standing on their own two legs
No, more like clinging to their tiny and inexplicably devoted fanbase like a parasite.

I do admit it’s nice I grew to enjoy myself instead feeling constant guilt over everything.

Pretty much.

Can't get creative burnout if you were never creative in the first place

>zoomers are pussies and consensus junkies
Checks out

we need more dilbert webms

You ever consider that she might be a psychopath? That you have shit parents and you’re a shit brother?
How the fuck does South Park make you desensitized to death? Do movies and books do the same thing?

>time for x to grow up
I fucking hate that phrase. It's so disingenuous and filled with undeserved authority.

Hey there, Huckaberry. What's it like protecting the president's boneheaded decisions

...for free?

>why you gotta use your freedom of speech?
What’s it like criticizing for free?
Absolutely priceless because not being able to talk means your country is a hellhole

I'm not defending him - I'm explaining why those people voted for him and why they're going to keep voting for him if the best the DNC can muster this election is the likes of Biden, Bernie, and Harris.

>she does it for free

Kids are rarely psychopaths. They are just shit. Kids learn empathy once they realize that the only reason they are still alive is because adults bother saving their ass. At some point of their life kids realize that they are not as good and important as they thought they are, but sadly adults refuse to grow up these days.

>no comeback
Not him but that’s just embarrassing

Good thing Yang's still in the race, then. He's the one to beat Trump and get the country back on track.

>let me out till 10pm
>40s only
Jesus christ, what's it like being a sheltered weeaboo who never left the basement? Grow a spine why don't you.

no no no man,
hippies had dope

I didn’t go around laughing and giggling when an old man that looked after me died, hell i barely interacted with the man because he was bedridden but when he died I felt sad.
And I watched a whole bunch of violent shit. Maybe user should have a talk with his sister instead of passing the buck onto media. Because all I’m getting is that he has a shit family.

It’s rigged, the fucker goes on Twitter to complain and rightfully so that’s he’s skipped for questions and answers

>being this retarded

WOAH GUYS, is this a fucking SOUTH PARK thread?

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Dobson's attitude is exactly why comedy is taking a beating in America. The reason why people like South Park's approach is because people can't stand shit like that awful pro-democrat Simpsons short. Simpson's once was rebellious and made fun of everyone, but now it's just sucking the democratic party's dick and I say that as someone who leans left.

>let's borrow another two and a half trillion dollars a year for more gibs
how about no?

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Did you hurt small animals? Hit your siblings? Bully other kids? That’s what most kids do before they learn they are not worth shit. Read Lord of Flies.


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Guys.............. Souht Park.....

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No, only in self defense, no. Read that book as a kid and thought those kids were the dumbest cunts alive not as a reflection of me or anyone near me.
But maybe the reason why children are so sociopathic is because they’ve all read lord of the flies, it makes perfect sense.

Hey, that’s my wife you are posting

Bruh your wife is a thot

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Fuck off Dobson

Ironically thinking you are the epitome of morality is the more dangerous (and cancerous) mindset.

Objectively you need to sniff my feet SNIIIIIIFFFFF SNIIIIIIF HURRK SNIIIIIIIIF

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What i hate about this mindset is thst it always blames media instead of the real problem of shitty parents. Media isnt supposed to raise your goddamn kids, you are and its your responsibility to balance out what they see and hear with actually discussing it with them.

It doesnt help when /pol/ is the first thing that pops up when you search anything Yea Forums.

I unironically think I’m better then someone who laughs at someone’s death, and her brother who can’t even be bothered to say what the fuck is wrong with you, who instead chooses to blame South Park for his own inadequacies. Yes

I don't understand this desire for homogynized entertainment. There's an audience for everything. If there's still enough people watching Southpark for it to keep getting viewers season after season, there's really no NEED for them to change. People have the ability to make their own decisions and form their own opinions. I've seen people intentionally miss the point of media to bend to their own morals regardless of the actuall intentions of the media itself. I've been hearing the "then the world changed" argument way too much. Nothing ever happens that clean and there will always be people who hang on to their old ideals.

im with her.....

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Did you know that when the Pentagon ran an audit last year, a trillion dollars was just... gone? Unaccounted for?

it went to comisssioning this

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Dobson has a fanbase?

How about you all homogynize your desire to sniff Cartman's feet SNIIIIIF SNIIIIIIIIIIF

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This, don't let the TV raise your kids and you're fine. With internet streaming 24/7 things are only getting worse though in this respect though. And you can't expect dumb fucking normies to ever realize these things on their own accord.

Oh, so now the Nigerian, Senegalese and Nigerine PSA campaign (sponsored by France and Italy, bth Leftist at the time, by the way) telling them to not cross the Mediterranean because they won't find anything good, and instead move closer, is a weapon now? Because that's only form of sponsored migration I know.

Social media circlejerkers want to make the world their irl safespace

>it’s /pol/ and be Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is pure we don’t have autism’s who post inflation porn for threads they don’t like

When has south park ever told us to not care?

>Like Trump has proposed to and has been fought by the left for?
user, this isn't Bizzarro World, the opposition was against throwing people out as painfully as possible, not actually violently penalizing the businesses Who use illegal labour.

>telling them not to cross
>telling them to cross
Fixed it for you

>both sides don't suck, the right just sucks and you should go left for an eternity of rainbows and happiness
i will vote republican for as long as I live if it means these people won't ever get the chance to actually run things

They got divorced anyway.

And you’re underestimating the human capacity to act completely stupid.

You NEVER underestimate stupid, never think “no one can be that stupid” you’d be wrong.

both sides fuck and suck
vote sneed in 2020 and we'll feed and seed

Then you’d have to convince me how 1.5 million viewers average managed to convince half the United States that a cartoon show is right and trump should win.
There’s stupid and then there’s implausible.

Now, I couldn't find the videos I remembered (but I garauntee you that It was anti-emigration, given that One was a testimony of a woman raped by a volunteer worker, and the other was a guy who wrked for peanuts at a wineyard), but there's this One too, which I forgot:

That's the thing. People have become more radical, not more uncaring.

If anything South Park's message is more valuable now than ever. It was never "both sides suck" it was always "think rationally about issues."

Hell, you have poltards triggered because SP spent an entire season mocking Trump, and SJWs triggered because the very same season was spent on mocking feminists and Hillary. Then whenever they attempt to mock more abstract stuff (censorship, nostalgia circlejerking, "trolling," advertisements, etc.) Most of the viewers end up confused because they lack the basic ability to think in terms beyond "u bad me good."

Especially when the said cartoon literally states ”don’t vote Trump”

The people who grew up on South Park are the same people making Steven Universe, Star Vs., Twelve Forever, and all those other "totally progressive" shows.

People put a shit ton of parental responsibility on a fucking TV show.

They're all trying to imitate South Park or their writers are unfunny hacks who think poop and sex jokes are funny in an ironical way.

People who make those are the sensible kids who knew to hate South Park because it was edgy garbage and nothing else.

There’s what you say and what you do
Even Italy was pro when eu was giving them money till they realized they couldn’t actually support the policy.
If you know Italy’s history you should know that there entire nation was founded by immigration, that’s why they were all for it in the beginning, but when you can’t support the numbers you’ve given it’s not going to end well.

The only character who doesn’t care about anything is Craig but everyone else does.

But then again Craig fucks boypussy while Kyle gets to eat shit and gets cucked by every girl he likes.

People in a stupid mood don’t get messages, or they cherrypick the ones they want to hear. What matters is the people’s interpretation of a message, miscommunication kills. Miscommunication got trump elected, got Britain to think they should leave the EU. South Park kicked off modern Jew hate, that’s its funny to make fun of jews, and that gingers are to be bullied because it’s funny. Yea Forums does this too since communication is happening nonstop, there is plenty of miscommunication to go around.

Nah. Lol.

>South Park kicked off modern Jew hate
You think Muslims watch South Park?

miscommunication almost got hillary elected and almost stopped brexit

>1 show vs
>the whole internet
yeah lets blame the show

But it is funny to make fun of Jews. Jews love to make fun of themselves. It actually leaves them in good light because it shows they don’t instantly bomb someone when they are ridiculed.

Making fun of someone isn’t dangerous.

it was the entire theme of that arc.
Explain brexit for me because I don’t remember that at all, or the Jew hate especially since Jews like the portrayal

Good example of miscommunication by intentionally distorting user's point, user.

What is it that I should care about?

>Those "unwanted jobs" are only unwanted because they pay so little. They pay so little because the food industry utilizes illegal immigrants. When you say "illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to do" what you're really saying is that you're okay with a exploited economic underclass.
Let's entertain this shit for a second. Let's assume that all retail workers are illegal immigrants (which isn't true,) let's assume that retail wages are low because illegal immigrants accept them (which isn't true.)

If all those illegal immigrants were to be replaced with Americans and their wages were higher, then the prices of pretty much everything would alsonhave to be higher and both low- and middle-class Americans would have to pay extra for everything. A solution would be to up their salaries too, but companies would bitch and moan because they "can't" up salaries since they're not making more money, and all Republican talking heads would denounce any attempt at forcing them to do using laws as socialism. So this wouldn't solve anything anyway.

I can’t believe the amount of shit this show gets from the leftists, and even then they create a character that mocks PC people while making him a cool and sympathetic character.

I see articles like this and it just feels like a lot of people really overestimating how influential a media there were into at the time is

When you are a manchild who was raised by media then you just assume everyone else is same.

I can guarantee your average normalfag will not care about tranny feelings whether they have watched South Park or not.

This thread proves Yea Forums is full of Tumblr users. Sort your shit out, Yea Forums.

If you are that smart why aren't you sucking cocks over at /his/?

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Maybe it's just my autism going full throttle, but I'm at a point where I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about anything related to politics. Whether I disagree with it or not.

What I really want from an episode of SP is the town throwing shit at each other for an entire episode. An outright shit-war with no backstory or explanation what-so-ever. The entire episode. Make it as stupid as fucking possible.

Sensible post

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They aren’t that smart

>People have become more radical
People haven't become more radical - vocal political minorities have become more radical. To the point where moderates (the overwhelming majority of most people) are branded as traitors by the extremes. What's that? You think legal immigration is perfectly fine, but don't see the harm in securing our borders? YOU NAZI!!! What's that, you think fossil fuels still play a major role in our energy infrastructure and economy, but would like to see regulations to encourage more environmental responsibility from companies working with them? YOU COMMUNIST!!!

Our politics and our media have become driven by outrage, so the only people with a voice anymore are the outrageous.

South Park did grow up, twice even. First time was when Stan turned 10 and became depressed. Second time was when Kyle got cucked and realizes he doesn’t like his favorite show anymore because it’s too immature.

Maybe Vice should actually watch the show instead parroting the same opinion everyone has been saying for years.

Hollywood's gotten to the point where open conservatives are actively blacklisted and sabotaged by the rest of the industry.

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>"South Park Made It Cool Not to Care"
>despite the fact that many morals in their episodes focus on how you SHOULD care if you want said problems to go away
I bet these are the same retards that think the show enables people to act like Cartman

The real reason why Vice published this article is because a week ago they got so much negative feedback for their shitty Dave Chappelle review. They need someone to blame for that so it’s easy to blame a TV show for making people act certain way.

What makes it funny is that it is exactly Kyle’s character arc in season 21.

I don’t think the writer has even watched the show in a long time. He referred only to episodes from 2005 or so.

> borrowing our way into oblivion
You mean the same way trump has done it with his tax break for the rich that will never pay for itself and increased the deficit by trillion to do. Mix isn't the word I'd use. Outside of the economy which he's decided to destroy, his policies have only hurt the american people and helped corporations. It's funny how farmers got fucked by him the most and still support him.

Corporations are American people too

>them the world changed
fuck off

>Repubs were always a target.
That's exactly what I said dumb dumb.

beaver is wrong
if you can have the secondary and tertiary sector, you can preserve your own resources at the expense of other countries, and if you DO get embargoed or sanctioned, you still have a wealth of natural untapped resources while they basically paid you to fuck them

>can someone think of the children

The biggest voice on Fox News in Tucker Carlson is explicitly against the worker and tax exploitation that Amazon is doing. Times are changing and Neoconservatism is dead.


And I always thought Trey was supposed to be the smart one but he married (now divorced) a stripper with a kid.

>Trump is elected
>some voted for him as a protest against the status quo
>some voted for him out of blind party loyalty
>some just didn't vote
>his incompetence is exposing how broken the government is, illustrating why big govt power is a bad idea
>literally everyone is obsessed with everything he does
>he can't blow his nose without an inquisition
>Republicans are realizing how much of their party is made up of rich boy fudds who will take their guns and fuck them in the was
>Dems are realizing that they need to do more for the common man instead of doing nothing but pandering to sheltered commiefornia lunatics
>your average schmo is more engaged in the electoral process and critical of our government masters than possibly any time before in US history (maybe barring Vietnam)
Trump getting elected was the best thing that could have happened. He is the fever that will kill the virus; once we treat him, we'll be in tip top shape.

Of all the things that never happened, this thing never happened the most.

On what planet?
All the kids I've seen keep mentioning rick and morty jokes, even my teen brother

>Leftists are sexist and bigoted
Wow I'm shocked who'd have thunk it

I want to agree but for some reason I’n afraid SJWs will be even more insane once all this is over, like Sweden tier insane.

Yeah it did. So did video games. And rock music. Fuck off.

>Both sides aren't perfect, so I'm siding with neither.

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This. And it's infected every fucking thing, especially entertainment and social interaction.

Reminder that South Park is still the only show with good LGBT couple while the virtue signalling leftist shows keep failing.

Basically. It's the
school of thought. They're emotional children.

No, the Internet did. People weren't ready for the Internet. We're still not.


Which worked.

Yes WE were. The normalfags who came here after us for Facebook were not and started making everything shit for those who once escaped the real world.

>lol South Park is funny
>Makes fun of a tranny and PC culture

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>South Park made it "cool not to care"
>the moral of the movie is "don't get hung up on petty shit like naughty language when there's dictators and genocide and war happening elsewhere in the world"
South Park didn't make it cool not to care, it made it cool not to care about gay nonsense like smoking, safe spaces, and cuss words.

But semantics and fee-fees are all these troglodytes care about. They're just mad that a popular show has been exposing the stuff they devote so much of their lives to as being retarded bullshit for idiots for the past 20 years running.

Just look at the news of the past year. We've got a cabal of celebrity pedophiles raping kids on a private island, North Korea testing long range missiles, state-sponsored genocide in South Africa, entire cities in the U.S. that haven't had nontoxic water for years, terror cells in the Middle East developing nuclear arms, human trafficking at the border, rape gangs in Europe, cartels and dictators ravaging South America, and the fucking Amazon rainforest is still on fire. But all these fucking simps care about is whether or not people have a problem with a black Little Mermaid.

"Huh? China and India are nearly single-handedly responsible for climate change? Yeah that sucks or whatever, but DID YOU HEAR WHAT DAVE CHAPPELLE SAID ABOUT CANCEL CULTURE BEING CRAZY??? SOMEONE NEEDS TO CANCEL HIM NOW."

>lol, admitting that politics and religion are heavily flawed? What a fedora, amirite?
>Not like me, I'm a total warrior knight badass. #Resist!

Something I see a lot is that Trey and Matt are hypocrites, because some recent episodes seem to disagree with the messages of old episodes. Really, I don't think it's so much that they are hypocrites as it is that South park has outlived what should have been it's natural run cycle.

It's been 20 years. People change. Values change. In that time we'e seen them go from apathetic 20-somethings who refuse to care about stuff, to 30-somethings who do care about stuff, but still think it's kind of uncool to.

Now they're nearly 50, and they'e grown up, and realized that caring about stuff is good, actually. It makes sense that the messaging changed. The problem is that no show needs to run this long. Particularly one that people are invested in being ethically consistent.

I don't think the show ruined anyone, it was just cashing in on an apathy that was already trendy in the 90's and early 00's, and now, it's outlived the trend that made it popular.

This post is proof that we were not ready for the internet.

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Me and my friends would have long discussions about how 9/11 happened, including assuming that maybe the pilot forgot to look in his rear-view while backing up and accidentally reversed into the tower.

Kids can not be expected to have nuanced, intelligent, or sympathetic views on death.

>Makes fun of a tranny and PC culture

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>I said this to my mom and she's like "She's just a kid", well if she starts killing animals then I'm calling 911
Lmao you're the kinda bitch who accuses a 6 year old boy of rape for like farting on a girl in class or something

Kids are fucked up and weird until they get to middle school when conforming to social situations actually becomes important.

>having serious beliefs means that you have to accept whatever bullshit your party says
So this is how you get poltards applauding the repeal of Net Neutrality because the State shouldn't meddle in the affairs of big corporations nor should the State control the Internet, while at the same time asking that Facebook, Google and Cloudflare become public utilities controlled by the State because big corporations shouldn't be left to do whatever they want.

If anything, being a centrist means you have strong stances on topics and you can back any party or none in their proposals.

This desu

There's nothing these worms hate more than someone viewing art and forming their own opinion. If it doesn't present a moral guideline that aligns with the current narrative, the untermensch may misinterpret it with their soft lizard brains and commit any number of problematic thoughtcrimes

>Propose solutions
You fucking what?

This moron has confused correlation for causation, as many often do. I have never seen anyone take lessons from a show seriously (with the glaring exception of Mr. Rogers, but nobody can get him quite right). These shows have had little to no impact on society (again with the exception of whatever the fuck the loud portion of R&M's fanbase is doing).

Way to miss the point

No, I get the point, I just don't value it.

This. I feel like a vast amount of these bloggers and journalists were the kind of kids who would run away crying at the first sign of bants. Everything is a slight or attack; South Park was actually really beneficial for my development, I think, because I was a pretty sensitive kid who eventually grew up and learned that you could take the piss out of something you still enjoy.

>I don't value the fact that people are hypocrites

Okay? You don't have to value it. It's just a fact. It's there.

>rich boy fudds
cool it with the antisemitic remarks

South Park:
>has had loyal fans since the 90s while still appealing to newer generation
>gets good quality fanart despite looking like it does
>is internationally loved for offering something you can't find in Japanese animation
>has two console games and a mobile gacha game
>is basically the spine of its own network
>doesn't shy away from showing a developing gay relationship between two boys

Woke cartoons
>fans immediately want to boycott the show once one animator likes a lolicon drawing on Twitter
>get treated like shit by their networks, danger of being cancelled always there
>know that showing two boys in gay relationship might be too risky so try virtue signal by making characters randomly lesbian
>gets awful Western art
>are liked only by Americans because basically don't offer anything anime doesn't do better

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Growing up and changing doesn't make you a hypocrite. it makes you human. If your opinions and values don't shift with maturity and new information, that's not admirable.

I think it's everyone misinterpreting Mr Rogers message.

Everyone IS special. We're all individuals with our own lives and challenges and perspectives that should be shared and embraced. But people took this simple creedo of "be kind, because everyone is someone's something" and turned it into a more aggressive, competitive "yeah, my kid IS A WINNER, they DESERVE THAT TROPHY".

south park wasnt even the driving force between early 2000s libertarian culture, it was just reacting to it because reacting to wathever is on tv is the only thing southpark has ever done.
Blame the million retards claiming 9/11 was a hoax, making atheist shit and complaining non stop about bush. Thata is the cancer of a generation

>m-muh boot lickers
No one is impressed, child

I'm talking about people who complain about that, but have no problem with South Park when it's making fun of things like Christianity or conservatives.
>This thing is fine
>Until it makes fun of something I don't want it to
>Then it should change or go away
Standard practice.

This. I'm not a centrist, I'm definitely left of liberal, but I still consider myself non-partisan, because American political parties are bullshit. It's hard to focus on issues when you're busy rooting for a team.

Republicans are corporate shills, and democrats are naive idiots. If you believe in either's ability to actually lead us to where we should be, you're a damn fool.

This user gets it. "Both sides suck" is an accurate take most of the time because it's critiquing a school of thought that boils any given issue into just two binary sides (both of which usually DO suck)

That's why hippies suck.
They wanna save the earth but all they do is smoke weed and smell bad.

>these artists who learned and grew and became good enough at their art to make a living off of it? TRASH
>these creep sexpest hacks who scrape by on $500 a month because they're too proud and incompetent to improve? GENIUS, AT LEAST THEY DIDN'T SELL OUT
You need to go back, zoomy

I think the the problem they had with that was that making fun of those two things isn't really the same. I'm not saying I have a problem with either, but there is a difference between making fun of the status quo, and those who did (And in some cases, still do) hold social an political power, verses making fun of a disenfranchised minority.

That's what I meant when I said "Groundbreaking." In the 90's and early 00's, there was nothing risky or unique about making fun of trannies and fags. Everyone did that. We were living through the end the anti-PC backlash of the early 90's, and the last ripples of the AIDs crisis. If there was a fag or a tran in a TV show back then, it was almost ALWAYS for the purpose of fridging them or making fun of them.

Fags were starting to get some cultural acceptance, so wannabe "counter-culture," and "Lol we make fun of both sides desu" idiots reacted to that with a massive backlash. We don't WANT to accept them. We want to keep making fun of them, because that's more fun!

It took the world a while to realize that you could do both of those things, and something I think people forget about South Park is that it's middle-run seasons were great at doing that. Making fun of social issues, while not blasting people to smithereens was South Park at it's best.

Leaving webcomics to move into the professional industry isn't "Selling out" and it's probably what many web artists wanted all along.

He was my favorite president. He basically opened the minds of the people whether he wanted to or not.

>the joke is that saving the planet is gay
The joke is that we absolutely could if we wanted to, but hippies and vegans have made environmentalism look so gay that we've fucked ourselves and will stubbornly resist saving our own planet simply because we associate it with a bunch of fags.

That's a great lesson, there.

Right they just shit on the new revolutionaries instead.

What a trash article.

It's still cool to not care about bullshit. It's admirable, these days. Find me a person who doesn't fly into a Twitter-induced rage about trivial nonsense and I'll show you a decent person. South Park was never about "not caring," it was about exposing hypocrisy and making fun of sacred cows, in several cases literally. The entire premise of the show was to show that everyone, be they a liberal, conservative, Jew, Mormon, Catholic, vegan, or social media fanatic, is equally susceptible to being stupid.

Of COURSE modern media hates this message. Of COURSE South Park isn't sufficiently woke. The premise of South Park and the premise of the average online journalist are fundamentally incompatible. Zoomers think they're perfect and everyone that isn't part of their enlightened generation is imperfect; South Park thinks everyone's imperfect regardless. Pointing out that hashtag activism and SJW dogma and derangement over Trump being elected are hilariously stupid and hypocritical is fucking kryptonite to the average Twitter-obsessed spaz.

And it's not wrong. You could easily make right-wing people to believe in climate change if you made it a reason to stop immigration. But that is "doing the right thing for wrong reasons" and that matters more than the actual cause.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe South Park ever made fun of trannies in general. The Mr. Garrison thing was played for laughs because the point was he's a horrible, shitty person whether he's straight, gay, trans, whatever. And the Kaitlin Jenner thing because everyone started clapping for him despite the fact he's a reality TV stooge that killed a motherfucker with his car.

>disenfranchised minority.
Punching down is not a thing. Watch Dave Chapelle, get off social media.

No. These are the same ideas that have been in movies, music, COMICS, books, and stories for ages. It is just SouthPark was popular and recent.

Attached: adam_strange_by_tylerchampion-d3i58tv.jpg (731x1094, 237K)

You have to understand that trannies whine about anything that isn't "respectable presentation".

Didn't Vice also put out an article a while back that was like
>I'm 25 and never watched The Simpsons and I tried to watch one episode from Season 9 and I just don't get it?? Like Homer is mean? And it's not funny??
And the big reveal was that it was literal bait just designed to incense people into clicking the headline and generating ad revenue?

>Just blindly align yourself with the party, comrade. Relax, literally just vote for who we say, you don't wanna be cringy, do you? Just conform, be a sheep, all the cool kids are doing it.

Remember to always use pastebin when clickbait is involved.

>That's it. That's it, Kyle. No more. No more of them doody jokes. No more watching cartoons of people, people having go doody. And poo-pooing on each other's heads. It's not funny anymore, is it, Kyle?

Attached: South Park - 2109 - Super Hard PCness.jpg (1600x900, 107K)

No, but it's accurate. If you want to be spoonfed safe, inoffensive morals, South Park is the wrong show for you.

Like I said, I don't think either is wrong. I just think they aren't the same. And yes, I saw Dave Chappelle's special. It was good, but a bit overrated.

I was agreeing with you.

Same with leftys and guns.
Gun control has historically always been racist and classist, but right wingers oppose it so guns bad. We apparently have LITERAL concentration camps at the border, but also the government should be the only ones allowed firearms.

Anyone who thinks South Park's pseudo nihilistic "make fun of everyone" approach is just a bland "lol we're enlightened because we no care" platitude is an idiot. One of the biggest targets of the show has been the human ego, and how it can stand in the way of positive change.

Yeah. That's always been their schtick even when they were revolutionary. Fuck the guy at the top no matter what they're doing, good or bad.

Ah, my bad dude. Poe's Law and all that, I read it as sarcasm.

>waaaah they made fun of the sock juice now they aren't cool anymore

That's not at all how empathy works user, at least for whites.

maybe instead of blaming the reactions blame the cause- pervasive FUD, anomie and enmity sewn by marxists and their media sockpuppets

beavis and butthead was like 40 years ago boomer

and like, it's deeper than that. Butters is the butt of every joke, the kid nobody *really* likes but just put up with, he's effectively the court jester having to be the one to tell the truth, which puts the clown hat on people who don't care "because it's gay lel" or some similar nihilistic, juvenile viewpoint

>Immigration is a distraction issue.
With enough diversity, you stop needing any distraction ...

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Good grief if there is ONE cartoon where little boys don't act like pussified girls

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Yes really
>most cartoons have little girl protagonists
>if there is a little boy it's either obviously written by a woman (this is how boys SHOULD act instead how most of them actually act) or gets treated like shit like Bart does
>Super Sons got ruined because apparently Bendis hates little boys
>Big Mouth has too repulsive character design
What else do I have?

>What else do I have?

Well, how about

>Craig of the Creek
>Adventure Time
>Rick and Morty
>Adventure Time
>The Loud House
>Over the Garden Wall
>Gravity Falls
>Harvey Beaks
>Phineas and Ferb
>Kick Buttowski
>Sanjay and Craig
>F is for Family
>Bob's Burgers

If it really is that important to you to have shows starring boys you can relate to, there is no shortage. South Park is not the last bastion of animated, youthful masculinity. Are all of these winners? No, but if you don't find any of them relatable, that's more on you.

Most of the shows you listed have already ended, have ugly characters, don't show the boys in main roles or have non-appealing boys. Or just plain furries.

What I want is boys who act like boys: rude little shits but still cute and hard to resist. You actually didn't list that one show that has character like this (Max in Camp Camp).

Attached: craig finger.gif (499x375, 381K)

Many of these fit into the exact stereotypes he talked about, where boys are either written to take on more feminine qualities or are written to be used as a source of mockery or as punching bags. I think what he's getting at isn't that there aren't shows starring boys, it's that there's not as many which show conventional masculinity in a positive light.

Nah, I never watched it growing up and I'm still ruined

Camp Camp is great

I doubt it because I went from thinking the way that clickbait writer did, back in the 00's, to realizing the South Park guys were on to something, in the 10's.

Lots of those shows showcase boys who are traditionally masculine. I can't speak for your taste in art style, but not nearly all of those shows have boys who are more "feminine," and lots of them are conventionally masculine. Not every boy is Max from Camp Camp.

Attached: comic629.png (610x329, 67K)

that's not how you spell toxic

Every boy should be like Max or Craig or Damian before Bendis ruined him

Attached: DYHiCS6WkAEyirK.jpg (353x353, 21K)

Both of these are true statements.
They have no effect on whether or not anyone likes you.

Attached: 34.png (594x916, 108K)

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Post the face of evil that is consuming you

Attached: Tweek_wink.jpg (590x562, 50K)

>South Park has rude crude little boys that are in a gay relationship and they're more boyish rude and crude than other shows

An accomplishment

>I'm sitting on my ass and doing nothing but rolling around on social media for likes
>But it is South Park that I blame for action-less preaching


>Baby literally IS gonna cry

Wow what's with all this merch of Stormtroopers? Is Disney trying to NORMALIZE FASCISM???

I love when Marxists pretend like everyone ELSE is the retard.
It's like a puppy who thinks it's a huge guard dog, the lack of self awareness is just stunning.

There are people who unironically think you're a Nazi apologist if you think that any fictional group that is modeled after Nazis is cool.

To be fair, the kids at school who spouted South Park quotes were always assholes. Every one.

Most kids are assholes


South Park has an incredibly sincere moral at the end of most of the episodes, and it's not a show for children it is a show for adults.

It's funny since growing up a lot of my liberal ideals came from South Park. These people aren't mad that southpark is teaching bad lessons. They're mad because south park isn't bending over backwards to only make the arguments they want to hear. God if the worst thing you can call some is a centrist it's pretty telling. How DARE they not feel strongly one way or the other! It's because of people like YOU that makes people centrists. No one wants to be conflated with how fucking obnoxious the right or the left have become. God forbid someone form their own opinion about the media the consume.

The worst thing you can call someone is still "nazi" but you're right that the left trying to bully the center is a bad move.

>the left trying to bully the center
Both parties bully the centrists because they're bad for business. They need more drooling retards clapping with their asscheeks in their public speeches.

>there will never be an episode of SP where a tranny is supported by everyone in town even as it is plainly clear that the tranny is completely insane and is self-destructing, culminating in a grotesque murder-suicide of them and their family

See, now that would be edgy.

Attached: I Got This.jpg (431x450, 37K)

It seems like it's season 9 and 10 episodes in particular that often get criticism like this, and those are the seasons that have formed the image of South Park in people's heads. I think it's because it's the season when South Park got lot of attention after that scientology case and Yea Forumstard humor was still alive.

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The worst thing you can call someone is faggot

No the worst thing you can call someone is insulting their mother.

Attached: d20.jpg (1024x768, 93K)

According to that pic it’s insulting their guinea pig


>Cartman quotes


Attached: Everyone hates dobson.jpg (2500x1618, 578K)

The Death Camp of Tolerance is that episode.

I think the closest to that we'll get is Caitlyn Jenner running people over.

tbf, /u/ only hates men when it can't find the Report button and chooses to bump a thread so somebody else can find it for them.