Black Batman: Reggie "Rorschach" Long

For those who care:

>>DiDio knows Bendis is killing Superman but can't get him away from the book without some sort of bait.
>>Bendis doesn't want Batman, because he knows that King's run had rendered Batman radioactive and that once he's gone around #85, Batman's going to be put on lockdown and micromanaged to undo the damage that King did to it and that any major changes to the Batbooks are going to be embargoed for a couple of years.
>>Meanwhile Batman editors are pissed that King's getting a containment book and it's going to result in a situation like with Morrison/Winnick where the main Batman book gets shitted on and have it's sales drop further, while fans consider the Morrison books (Batman & Robin, Batman Inc) the "real Batman" book and buy it instead.
>>Meanwhile internally, people at DC HATE HATE HATE Bendis' Legion reboot, him racebending Lightning Lad, and the other changes. They truly think it's going to flop huge and kill the Legion dead. And be the death blow, in terms of rendering Bendis sales poison ala Chuck Austen for all future DC projects.
>>DC is also pissed that Scott Snyder single-handedly killed sales for Doomsday Clock, outright stating it's non-canon and throwing a huge temper tantrum forcing editorial to allow him to bring the JSA back in a manner that invalidates Doomsday Clock.
>>Geoff Johns is ready to bolt and holding Shazam hostage and The Three Jokers hostage to try and force DiDio to let him erase some of the stuff DC has done to fuck with him and his plans relating to Rebirth and Doomsday Clock.

Attached: Reggie is the new Batman.jpg (968x501, 104K)

How does DC fix this mess?

>>Give Bendis Batman after King leaves the main book and give him the thing he wants most, but hasn't asked for because he knows damn well he'd get fired if he demanded it: Black Batman.
>>King's book goes 100% non-canon, which lets King do whatever he wants and sidesteps him being pissy that Bendis gets to ignore his run entirely and the fall-out from it.
>>But the catch(es) for Bendis?
>>He has to give up Superman and Action Comics
>>He has to give up the Legion
>>He has to let Geoff Johns undo his entire run to restore the classic Legion and pre-teen Jonathan Kent in Doomsday Clock (Snyder and King sadly gets away with their crap... for now. So no reversal of Heroes In Crisis sadly)
>>And the new black Rorschach, Reggie Long, is the new Black Batman, with Bendis's run coming straight out of the events of Doomsday Clock.

>>Meanwhile Batman editors are pissed that King's getting a containment book
I believe this.
Especially since Tom King got that one Batman editor fired and moved to Vertigo. I think most editors would be angry at King after that.

Bendis hasn't taken the bait yet, because he's pissed he won't get to create an OC black Batman and that's a major sticking point. If Bendis gets his way, he MUST use Reggie Long. Because DiDio DESPERATELY wants to reaffirm Doomsday Clock as a book that matters and matters BIG TIME by having it feature the first appearance of Black Batman.

If Bendis doesn't play ball, expect Legion to be stealth canceled after six issues and his version of the Legion nullified faster than you can say "Mon-El punches Time Trapper out of existence" and the original Legion brought back under Levitz (who hates what Bendis has done to the title). Tom Taylor has already agreed to be Plan B if Bendis won't do it and there is talk about giving the Detective Comics to Kelly Sue DeConnick (who will play ball with DiDio since she wants another Captain Marvel type book she can put her stamp on as being 100% her brainchild).

I’d take fifty Black Batmen if it mean getting young Jon again.

Sources for any of this?

If they want to fuck with Bendis, just bring Waid back and give him Legion and tell him he can do a Silver Age centric Legion title. No continuity, just let him nerdwank and nerdwank hard and watch his Legion book outsell Bendis' without any gimmicks.

Bendis was a mistake

Editorial has hated King since day one. Editorial wanted Snyder on the book for as long as humanly possible. But DC had to give King Batman to keep him from signing a Marvel exclusive deal.

DC originally planned to do the Morrison thing (Snyder runs the franchise from his containment books he was given to keep him happy) and King has to get permission from Snyder for ANYTHING big he does. And Detective Comics getting the entire Batman family involved so it would be deemed the "important" Batbook.

King got wise and complained hard to DC, since his contract has an out clause that would have let him bail after a year. Hence the wedding storyline and King allowed to ignore Metal in favor of a flashback storyline with classic Joker that invalidated Year Zero and the firing of the editor over the Bat-Proposal scene. Also, why Snyder got Justice League, since he realized he was no longer calling the shots on Batman and DC had to do something to put out THAT fire as well.

So...Marvel is literally killing DC.
Thank you DiDio, you massive idiot.

his ass

You are the reason fan fic recently won a Hugo award, my man!

>Sources for any of this?
OP's ass

it is of reddt.

I guess if you like to write fan fiction, internal DC politics is as good a subject as any.

Oh no, not the Three Jokers!

23 was my last issue. King lost me for too long before that.

I don't know if I believe this but it's so juicy. Would gladly have Black Batman and Bendis on the book for a little while so it'd get both him and King fired and have their runs erased. Bring back Jon, Nightwing, the actual Batman and the rest of Rebirth.

Doomsday Clock stopped being the plan when Bendis came onboard and Snyder pushed his crap from Metal.

>You are the reason fan fic recently won a Hugo award, my man!
That, and Megamatt09.

Great! a Black Batman instead of Bruce Wayne. I wonder why the comicbok sales are lower year by year. Guys, you're destroying the industry. Its obviusly that this is not gonna long, but the damage it's gonna be ireparable. This could be the end of DC comics, Thanks SJWS for riun the most influential character, the hero that belongs to all etnies and races and cultures. Loves from an angry sudamerican argie.

>Group of people whos job it is to authorize decisions is upset by a decision they authorized

>Big Two company that regularly race bends upset by writer pitching race bent version of a D-lister

>Legion books ever selling well

>Contracted writer holding anything hostage.

LMFAO. Anyone who actually believes this is genuinely sub 70 IQ levels of retarded.

Attached: 1567537386444.png (1300x646, 1.62M)

I am all for diversity, but much like Peter Parker and Miles Morales, you don't have to get rid of the original character or kill them just to create another. The unceremonious dumping of fan favorite characters, particularly one as long established as Bruce, all together is ridiculous. You can do both. Having a Batman of another ethnicity doesn't mean that Bruce has to leave the role or die.

DC fanboys are so desperate for good stories and books that they've moved on to making fan fiction about the inner workings of the company.

Must be a terrible time to be a DC nigger right now

Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbWEuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9pLzAwMC8yNTYvNTE0L2kwMi9TVEwxMjYzNzkuanBn.jpg (575x211, 193K)

I'm mad the Legion is just gonna get fucked forever.

Making the new Rorschach Batman is fucking hilarious OP

it's fanfic but it's also boring on Yea Forums

As a 90s Kon fan, I'm insanely happy he's back. I'm so fucking disappointed they got rid of Jon though. As a guy who came to love Jon myself, I really think him and Conner could have been awesome together - especially since they'd been alluding to bringing him back even before Bendis joined.

I feel like aging up Jon and sending him off is a weird tactic to make him "cosmetically undesirable" as a character - despite his personality not really changing or the fact that if you kept Jon the same age, the story wouldn't change in the fucking slightest. But you give him a design change and shovel him off and immediately fans are gonna sense it isn't the same fucking character.

As a Conner fan, I wanted them to hang out and have a little-brother/big-brother Gohan-Goten thing. Hell, Super Sons could have been a dual title of Damian/Jon and Tim/Kon with backup stories. This shit fucking writes itself and the fact that editorial dropped the fucking ball on this is MINDBOGGLING. From one Superboy fan to another, I'm so fucking sorry, man.

Attached: tumblr_pmi5hfgRup1qllu80o1_400.jpg (400x566, 87K)

>internally, people at DC HATE HATE HATE Bendis' Legion reboot, him racebending Lightning Lad
This is what makes me call bullshit on this.

>Must be a terrible time to be a DC nigger right now
are the X-Men and ASM a good marvel comic to start with? I have no knowledge with the current Marvel status quo

Saying Tom Taylor is the back up Legion guy sounds you're trolling me specifically.

You're suggesting DC recalled, destroyed, and replaced tens of thousands of books to make Lightning Lad black at the last second while planning to retcon the while thing immediately.

shutup Jon sucks, fake Kon fan

X-Men is currently soft rebooted and it's a fucking mess right now, you may want to check storytimes or ask again next year.

Honestly, this is tame for Big 2 office politics.

>comic book publisher doing something completely irrational
I mean

>How does DC fix this mess?
simple fire every person that was mentioned in OP's post and yours and do a hard reboot on the DCU as a whole

It's truly insane how many people are Jon is 16 instead of 12

I do wanna know what the fuck happened with that.

Aren’t editors supposed to actually edit writers wild shit?

Even if OP is fake and gay, DC did fuck up everything good what was in Rebirth and deserve to die.

The colorist accidentally made him white
DC said whoops sorry and recalled the whole thing

but the early designs and covers and whatnot he was white!

>DiDio knows Bendis is killing Superman but can't get him away from the book without some sort of bait
So why the fuck did they hire him?

They wanted Marvel magic. They sure as fuck got it.

But marvel comics has about as much magic as richard dawson.


DC Comics intern here.

This is not the first real insider leak I've seen posted on Yea Forums, but it's the first in a long time. So, yes, if anyone was wondering, this is legit.

BTW, OP, are you the same guy that used to post these months ago? We had a theory at the office that it was one of the employees, because they kept getting so much right that it couldn't have possibly been a guess and we couldn't think of anyone who would have just told a random friend that would have posted on Yea Forums of all places.

>rendering Bendis sales poiso
Well, it's waaaaaay overdue.

Yeah it was definitely not a coloring fuckup, Bendis just suddenly decided he should be black and somehow convinced DC to spend a bunch of money on his whim.

>Bendis doesn't want Batman, because he knows that King's run had rendered Batman radioactive and that once he's gone around #85, Batman's going to be put on lockdown and micromanaged to undo the damage that King did to it and that any major changes to the Batbooks are going to be embargoed for a couple of years
Same for Supes I guess. Also holy shit King's run is SO BAD that even Bendis doesn't want to pick this up.

Bendis got Jim Lee to do pages for that Legion thing and you want me to buy they expect to sweep it under the rug?

This is black hair tho

Attached: losh.jpg (1024x785, 909K)

>and it's a fucking mess right now
We're bang in the middle of the revamp story, don't talk nonsense.

That Burbank office is full of politicking backstabbing faggots. Good luck broski

I should have specified that OP's FIRST post is legit. His SECOND post is up-in-the-air for now. There aren't concrete plans on what to do for the future. To the surprise of no one, DiDio has no idea what the fuck he's doing and literally makes things up as he goes along. I doubt they'll do most of what's here: but this: is for real at least. We literally do not know right now what's going to be done about the continuity clusterfuck that currently is the Bat and Super books. Doomsday Clock is too close to the end to use it to retcon anything IMO, but I have no say in anything and DC has done dumber things, so who knows. Bendis getting Batnegro is probably going to happen though. And if you're surprised then you're the most gullible faggot on the planet. Bendis is literally OBSESSED with black males. Biggest open secret in the industry is that Bendis is gay and likes to pick up black dudes at cons and pay them money to "let him do stuff with their feet" in his hotel room.

>King's run is SO BAD that even Bendis doesn't want to pick this up.
fucking kek

I don't understand how Andy Khouri got promoted after crashing Vertigo in to the ground

Why they were first showing art, not only was his hair different, but so was his entire face.

Catwoman kills the batbooks.

My Uncle works at Nintendo and he says you’re wrong

Yoko Ono.

This sentence:

>>Bendis doesn't want Batman, because he knows that King's run had rendered Batman radioactive and that once he's gone around #85, Batman's going to be put on lockdown and micromanaged to undo the damage that King did to it and that any major changes to the Batbooks are going to be embargoed for a couple of years.

And this one:

>>Meanwhile Batman editors are pissed that King's getting a containment book and it's going to result in a situation like with Morrison/Winnick where the main Batman book gets shitted on and have it's sales drop further, while fans consider the Morrison books (Batman & Robin, Batman Inc) the "real Batman" book and buy it instead.

contradict each other

Go back to Yea Forums, kid, and take your reddit memes with you.

Editorial is nothing but incestuous, incompetent egomaniacs.

(in July we saw the sales from Batman dropping below 80K for the first time since flashpoint).

>reddit created the my uncle at Nintendo meme
Oh lord I wish gen z would fucking die already

Because it's not about success. Otherwise they'd have never hired Bob Harras to begin with. It's about industry insiders hiring their friends and blacklisting people that don't share their insane sjw political agendas. Look at what Bendis and DeConnick did to Marvel.

>Bendis is literally OBSESSED with black males
he obviously makes them black for his adopted black daughters, he can't relate to them, so he uses unrealistic fantasy bullshit to inspire them

Just saying, he probably should ask again after that mess is done and the actual new status quo is settled.
That's for not saying "don't bother until they get a decent writer instead".

Has nothing to do with that. Dude is literally just writing his fetishes into comics. Same thing John Byrne used to do back in the day. Same thing countless writers in comics have done for decades.

>Bendis doesn't want Batman, because he knows that King's run had rendered Batman radioactive

What a crock of shit. How is "radioactive"? How is DC able to put out other Batman books that sell well? It doesn't even make sense to claim the Batman title itself is radioactive, since you could literally just relaunch it after King leaves. Or just do filler stuff until #100, after which you could do another sales gimmick with renumbering, etc.

Harras single-handily saved the industry twice

He singlehandedly bankrupted Marvel twice. He singlehandedly caused the speculator bubble to burst, which almost caused the entire industry to cease to exist.

that was Valiants doing and the Death of Superman

Stop believing youtubers, kid.

>having it feature the first appearance of Black Batman
>who is Wade Williams

I hope DC asks Priest to write black Batman

Otherwise, why would he have black daughters in the first place,

hhahahahahahhahahahahah why do you think this?

Valiant colluded with Wizard magazine to drive up the speculator market and millions of people went to comic book stores to buy the black bagged issue with no intention of ever purchasing another issue of Detective Comics comics ever again
Marvel comics sold more than Dc comics all throughout the 90s, they only filed for bankruptcy because their parent company took on a ton of debt when they required a trading card company, but the comics division was still strong after Image, DC, Valiant and others popularity popped
people still buying Marvel shit kept the industry afloat until DC stabilized a little and Walking Dead came along4

DC> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>Marvel

So STFU!!!

Whatever you say Tommy.
Now take the pills.

Why is bendis obsessed with race changing characters black? Does he wish he was black or something?

His daughters are adopted black girls and he's one of the biggest proponents of representation.

>and he's one of the biggest proponents of representation.
But why, what is his big black hard on about?

So his daughters and granchildren can grow up in a world that is not just gloryfying white hetero normative male heroes.

It's not that hard to understand user.

I think it goes beyond just pandering to his children and virtue signaling. I think Bendis has a genuine fetish for black people. One of his earliest Marvel OCs was a jewish woman who took black dick in her ass from Luke Cage. Then he had them marry and raise a child together.


jessica jones isnt jewish

>Hugo awards

They give out fan awards, all the time.

>So his daughters and granchildren can grow up in a world that is not just gloryfying white hetero normative male heroes.
No one likes miles and no one ever will. Representation literally doesnt matter, all these black reskins are just making people more racist as it seems blacks are whinning about nonexistent oppression even more and its spilling into nerd culture and media.

We already live in that world. Have for 30-some odd years.

Yeah, then why did editorial agreed to it??

Y'all on live on the forever pandered to side already. Don't know what it's like so you should be quiet if you aren't at least going to be useful in change.

>Harras saved the industry (twice)
>He singlehandedly bankrupted Marvel twice. He singlehandedly caused the speculator bubble to burst, which almost caused the entire industry to cease to exist.
Maybe user thinks ''save the industry'' means ''destroy it''?

Talk like a normal human being
>Don't know what it's like so you should be quiet if you aren't at least going to be useful in change.
Shut the fuck up, im already being attacked by having everything i used to love destroy and reduced to anpoltical soap box, so excuse me if it makes me more pissed and antagonistic against the side raping my things for their stupid agenda.




And it never will

You have plenty of black superheros already, spider man and batman dont need to be black too.

Can someone please give me the quick rundown/ red pill over why King's Batman run is so bad? I haven't read it yet and maybe I won't.

user I hope DiDio don't read thi post and find out who you are because that will get you fired.

It don't be mattering to you since you alreabe be having it, that's the point. We tired of getting scraps and now you crying becuase you gotta share from the main course?

Too bad this world is just as mines as yours.

>user is Bane

I thought I saw a picture when he was black-washed? You just looks mixed-race here.

>It don't be mattering
Talk like a normal human being

Also nope, you arent entitled to steal characters and franchises to suit your own desires, you arent entitled to steal anything. And again, this is just making people more filled with hate against you, look at how “well” feminism is received after it ruined things like star wars.


Then why does it matter if we change white characters into black characters? It's basically like changing the costume color scheme.

Why you gotta seethe bigot? we be together in this.

>Then why does it matter if we change white characters into black characters?
Because then it always becomes a political mouthpiece then. And again its stealing characters, no one wants to see their favorite superhero become a rag spouting politically charged rants about BLM and black panthers all of a sudden. You people have characters like black panther and spawn, use them instead of demanding batman has to be black too.

>Then why does it matter if we change white characters into black characters?
Because you and your cronies still believe the black race deserves more favoritism in media, so when you inevitably get your way, you become sore winners. Your smugness and disregard for true social equality makes you truly obnoxious.

>Because then it always becomes a political mouthpiece

That doesn't matter either.

>And again its stealing characters, no one wants to see their favorite superhero become a rag spouting politically charged rants about BLM and black panthers all of a sudden.

When has that ever happen?

It's really easy to say that, when you can see yourself represented everywhere.

>That doesn't matter either.
It most certainly does. Every time a character becomes black, its always used as a defense for shitty writing and the stories become a political soap box. And im tired of it.

I'm not white though

>"Who cares about representation?"
>Said by person overtly represented


>You have plenty of black superheros already
why the fuck do they need comic book heroes made by white bois to get inspiration from?
they literally have real life superheroes in sports like Michael Jordan, Kobe and Lebron which promotes hard work

all these black superheroes created by white bois are just instantly good. if not way better than their predecessors, without exerting any effort at all to get into that level

Oh shut the fuck up, the doctors a woman now and im seeing everyone get called a member of the alt-right for saying rey is a mary sue. I am not represented anywhere right now, so you take your bullshit and shove it back up your asshole.

This is also meant for you

My hear bleeds for your victim complex. Truly it is horrible to be a straight white male when every male character in fiction today is a non-white gay transperson.

>My hear bleeds for your victim complex.
Projection coming from the faggot reeeeeing because batman isnt a brother.

Not only racist but also a homophobe and you wonder why you are be left behind in this modern world.

You know this really doesn't matter. In the end every writer at DC is the same sjw, white guilt feminist and it shows in how similar everybody writes.
People point out how much King has emasculated Batman and turned Catwoman in one of the biggest marie sues in history but have you checked out the other works of DC lately?
They are all the same.
>white men bad and weak
>women strong and competent
You honestly know what a comic is going to feature before you have even seen the cover. It has become so predicable you can play Bingo with it.
The male character is going to be in the wrong and a female one right, the female one is going to lecture the male about how stupid he is and the male character is going to agree and apologize for messing everything up, if they fight the woman always easily wins. There are often several jokes at the expense of the male character so that the female character can further laugh about the male characters idiocy.
To further drive in the point the male character often has to be saved by the female and is usually put in a typical damsel/feminin situation as in he cries or has to replay on the male character for emotional support while the woman acts traditional masculine.
SJWs destruction of this media isn't just replacing white male heroes or removing cheesecake. Simply the way a male hero is portrayed has been massively changed to push a feminist agenda.

don't bother arguing with sjws user, there whole argument is based on lies anyway.
even if all white male characters in every media have been replaced by women and black guys they will still scream about being underrepresented.
same way they say "muuh not every female character has to be hot" even through every female character of the last 5 years has been desexulized for sjws reasons while there hasn't been a single western game or dc/marvel comic which still features hot women.

>So his daughters and granchildren can grow up in a world that is not just gloryfying white hetero normative male heroes.
you don't read comics or watch much movies. only representation white men get these days is as idiots or evil people. no other group has ever been bashed as hard by the media then white men have.

And you are why trump is getting a second reelection. You are not the future, you are regression.

>When has that ever happen?
literally happened with ultimate spider-man under miles

Why the fuck are you people so fucking sure those writers are awful because of their politics? Are Alan Moore and Grant Morrison shit too? Los Bros Hernandez? The underground artists? Bernie Kriegstein?
Please understand that american politics aren't even real in the first place.

Erik Larson and Adam Warren

people want real diversity as in diversity of thought. they don't want the same kind of person lecture them about the same type of topics over and over again.
I think the real question Yea Forums should ask themselves is why liberals are so afraid of other people getting to share their political view points. why DC and Marvel insist on only hiring the same kind of far left writers.
Do liberals really think that their ideology is so fragile that it won't stand the test against even a single opposing view, that they have to run the comic book industry like the uddssr or the 3rd reich where opposing don't get to be shared?
DC and Marvel are excluding a huge part of the world by only putting the same pro feminist, pro mass immigration, anti white men, pro trans, etc message into every single comic

>Are Alan Moore and Grant Morrison shit too?

Chris Claremont, allegedly

Mate the right wingers on Yea Forums literally want fucking image books back, most right wing cartoonists are content doing sub-western shit about manly men shooting shit and liefeld wank. Vertigo on the other hand was mostly composed of drug addicts, fags and other sorts of degenerates who did some of the best (if not the best) big two work since the silver age.
And before you tell me how bronze age comics are actually the peak of capeshit, please go ahead and lecture me on how Len Wein and the Studio dudes were actually registere republicans.
Why are either of them shit and who do you consider better comic book writers?

Royalties + sales gimmick. He's all about sales gimmicks.
Reset the issue number to #1, replace the character with an ethnic/sex change to boot, kill off someone for shock and get people talking, bring in another big name character, get an artist that can get your fat ass in their back, do some movie synergy, use the same script you used ten times to save time, slow down your story enough that one issue alone won't matter.
"See? Issue #1 sold gangbusters! People love it! Look at these very specific social media reactions!"

>Why are either of them shit
Moore writes rapefics of material from actual competent writers, then bitches about how others "misuse his work". Morrison has a free pass from his fans for pushing annoying little shit OCs "because it's on purpose!", even though they're basically always the same character. Fails at characterization. Admittedly also tries to make use continuity for crazy stuff, but ends up botching it because "drugs lmao". Criticizes edgy comics while making his own brand of it.

It sounds like you only read the first volume of the League and then adopted Yea Forums's (by itself, a rewording of Morrison's) standard "it's rapefic!" criticism (also, that you would think that Lovecraft is better than Moore only goes to show how little you know about his work and range), and I don't even understand what the fuck are you talking about with Morrison's work, it sounds like you only read his Batman run and even a poor reading because characterization is one of the high points of that book (and please, understand this for once and for your own good, fictional characters don't have to be pleasant, they have to have a point in a story, which characters like Jack Frost or Damian, which I assume are the biggest examples of what you're talking about, certainly do while also growing as people and becoming less annoying).
Also, what the fuck has he botched? Are you one of those faggots still mad at Final Crisis 10 fucking years later? And why the fuck do you faggots make retarded claims like that and fail to highlight what you enjoy?


>Valiant colluded with Wizard magazine to drive up the speculator market

What youtuber taught you this?

Pro-tip: I was working at a LCS at the time, so I was actually there and am not getting my information from some faggot on the internet. Nothing in your post happened. Literally none of it.

On Morrison: you named a few instances and I could point out his X-Men crap at Marvel. He does it often.

On Moore:
>recent volumes of the League, like the one with not-Harry Potter
>Lost Girls
>Watchmen, basically
And yes, I've read enough Lovecraft. His stuff was actually original, and legit good as horror stuff.

>Bendis is obsessed with black men's feet
>the one part that's light skinned besides the palm of hands

Attached: 6ee.jpg (600x600, 55K)

Point out what, that you didn't find a fictional character pleasant individuals? Also, you think Thomas Pynchon or Cervantes are bad writers because they deal with BOTH pastiche and sexual abuse in their work?
Also why the fuck do you avoid listing the two indie books you read (I'll guess Cerberus and Hellboy, given how much the rest of your opinions are also Yea Forums bullet points) and Scott Snyder who you rank higher than either Moore or Morrison?

>why liberals are so afraid of other people getting to share their political view points

People have issues when your view point is to discriminate and dehumanize others.

Ceberus* before you become anally retentive

Attached: 94d.gif (360x202, 1.83M)

your "pretending to be black" "slang" is the fakest shit ever posted

>>DC is also pissed that Scott Snyder single-handedly killed sales for Doomsday Clock, outright stating it's non-canon and throwing a huge temper tantrum forcing editorial to allow him to bring the JSA back in a manner that invalidates Doomsday Clock.
Why are they bmaling Snyder when the issue is clearly the artist with his slow ass delaying every single issue?

The "issue" is the literally as soon as Bendis took over Superman he immediately contradicted Doomsday Clock and has continued to do so for his entire run. It's impossible for both Doomsday Clock and Bendis' Superman to both be canon, so DC's decided to keep Bendis Superman canon and remove Doomsday Clock from canon. THAT'S what happened. It being removed from canon has NOTHING to do with the delays.

Well that and the fact that anyone can pay a few bucks and sign up to vote.

Did you know that the fan fic archive collects HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in donations ANNUALLY from 14 year old Asian girls and lonely bored unsatisfied southern housewives?

Why doesn't Yea Forums have a report feature for "participating in a flame war" the way Yea Forums does?

Because flamewars are WAY more common on Yea Forums than they are on Yea Forums, and this thread is THE single most blatant example I've ever seen of one.

based fake industry gossip user, back at it again for the umpteenth time

Which wouldn't have happened if the artist for Doomsday Clock didn't cause the entire thing to get delayed

Johns made him burn issue 10

>you think Thomas Pynchon or Cervantes are bad writers because they deal with BOTH pastiche and sexual abuse in their work?
Sure, why not, specially if they were as one-note as Moore. Just as Morrison is one-note with annoying little shits.

>reading indie books

If you tell me what Big Numbers and Watchmen or the Invisibles and Flex Mentallo have in common other than the writers I'll agree with you.
Also, why the fuck do you avoid answering what you read so much? Are you insecure about your own tastes? Is that why you recycle Yea Forums's opinions? Because those meanie british writers don't necessarily agree with your eternal fanwank status quo books?

>People have issues when your view point is to discriminate and dehumanize others.
So you are talking about sjws who dehumanize white men with bullshit terms like "white male privilage", "incel", "cis scum", "toxic masculinity", etc. I guess this is why so many white men stopped buying comics after sjw took over comics.
nowadays white guys get zero Positive representation and are only there to be villians or the but of the joke

Bullshit. Batman group editor is Jamie S. Rich a.k.a Tom King himself.

>I guess this is why so many white men stopped buying comics after sjw took over comics.

It's called growing up, user. Have you tried it?

I hope you realize how much reason you give to those people about how important representation is. Despite the fact that the Avengers are probably the most well known fictional characters in the world right now and almost all of them are white dudes, you still complain about how you don't feel represented and is dehumanized and so on.
It would be much easier to respect and sympathize with you if you didn't try to compare genocide with fucking comic book characters not being white.

What the fuck is this bullshit with black Rorschach? I’m not even a /pol/ tard and it’s weird that EVERY ginger is getting race changed to black.

I'm not even inherently against it but like...why? There has to be some kind of intent behind it but I can't think of one that's reasonable

lol SHAME SHAME SHAME now go walk your naked sjw ass into my bedroom for some pounding.. girl or boy dont matter

>gloryfying white hetero normative male heroes.
you mean the builders of western civilization?

Rorschach is dead, fucknut. It's someone else wearing the mask.

But it’s almost always ALWAYS gingers like wtf? And I agree, if the change was actually for a reason that played into the character development and story fine, but it’s all “hurr durr we changed the race deal with it”

So his replacement had to be black?

Why couldn't it be a black man? There's a very good plot related reason he's black. He's the son of the psychiatrist from Watchmen.

I'd believe that if he hadn't created RiRi Williams and just used Lila Rhodes instead.

Instead he creates new characters "for the sake of representation" when all he wants is credit / woke points

they shoulda made him a black ginger

So he’s a good replacement for Rorschach even though Rorschach himself called his father “fat, wealthy, with liberal tendencies”

Rorcach's own mother was a prostitute.

We should push that she is, you know for diversity.

Exactly which led him to his puritanical edginess and hatred for corruption and whores. That’s what defines Rorschach. What can make the privileged wealthy liberal black son of a psychiatrist become edgy and dark like Rorschach? What trauma if any can that character grow from (I guess it will be due to his fathers death but that’s shaky at best)

So Bendis is a hack that racebends characters for woke diversity points and the royalties from making (albeit shitty) OC’s. Literally making money off of black people.

Maybe if you read the comic you'd know the answer.

This is bullshit and not even close to reality but impressionable Yea Forums will take it as gospel. Very cool

ironically the smartest move would be to not cave to any demands from bendis, king, and johns and let them walk if they want to

marvel has a hulk book outselling batman now that bendis has fucked off to DC, fans don't follow these hack writers anymore

Did they before, when it came to bendis? For a long while he just got put on titles that sold with name alone, with movies coming out.
Outside of that, with Moon Knight for instance, they were flopping.

Way to deflect and not answer. Confirmed for shit writing.

*And possible homosexual. Hrm.

Now there's a quality meme compared to the shit on Yea Forums we have today

Of course

>not letting Hickman write the Legion of Superheroes

Bendis's superman wouldn't have been that bad if they had a proper editor.
>i want to age up jon for no fucking reason
>i want to keep on using epic OC kryptonian killer character CONSTANTLY
he's got two issues and done
>I want to do endless panels of dumb Bendis speak
one page is enough

Some of the Bendis superman stuff was fine but bendis can't help but be bendis

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It's a retarded johnsfag, ignore him. The guy is completely delusional

We don't have to do your homework for you.

Or anything apparently

Someone asked for me?

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I can't believe I am looking back at the New52 era as simple and quaint.

How the fuck did DC turn into this much of a dumpster fire?!

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Bendis ruined DC, the same old story, he ruined Marvel, their comic sales are the lowest in the fucking history, Bendis ruined Marvel and now he's ruining DC, I'm done, I'll never buy comics from DC again, Bendis is cancer in the industry, the worst piece of shit that I've seen in my life

>DiDio knows Bendis is killing Superman but can't get him away from the book without some sort of bait.

>If Bendis doesn't play ball, expect Legion to be stealth canceled after six issues and his version of the Legion nullified faster than you can say "Mon-El punches Time Trapper out of existence"

If Didio can just stealth cancel his book why can't he just kick Bendis off of Superman?

Hope Priest picks up Morrison's Batman and Robin
>"Retire" Bruce because he's Heart broken
>Solve the "Rick" Bullshit
Picking up 2 retard pigeot with 1 stone

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Wouldn't be the first time.

Remember, the only reason why Bendis never wrote Brand New Day Spider-Man was due to the fact that Amazing was under intense micromanagement following getting rid of the marriage. Which Bendis wasn't about to deal with, especially since he was allowed to do whatever the fuck he wanted wit Ultimate Spider-Man.

The closest theory I've heard about Khouri is that he was hired solely because he's best friends with DeConnick and Fraction. And DC desperately wants Fraction, not only to write their big books, but because they wanted him to jump ship from Image to DC with his creator owned work.

Note the timing of Fraction finally doing work at DC (his Jimmy Olsen mini) happened at the same time that DC shuttered Vertigo on Khouri's watch. As well as the fact that DeConnick got signed around the same time that Khouri openly admitted to running a blacklist against conservatives and pro-Comicsgate industry types.

The Hugos have always been pretty worthless as an award. The only criteria for nominating a work and voting is attending Worldcon, and given the small number of Worldcon attendees and voting format it's pretty easy to vote-rig. Also the Hugos have had a fanfic award since 1967.

A couple of reasons:

1. Gotham Girl

2. Bat/Cat wedding that turned out to be a huge fucking scam to trick retailers into over-ordering Batman #50 and a ton of tie-ins

3. War of Jokes and Riddles; a god-awful vanity project that King was allowed to write to compensate for him not being allowed near Metal (which was Snyder's baby and King wasn't allowed to work on)

4. A multi-issue arc that was set in a dreamworld

5. Heroes In Crisis and the rape of Wally West

6. Ordering Nightwing shot in the head and Dick getting amnesia/a new persona and name for no good reason (which in turn killed the Titans ongoing)

7. Making Flashpoint Thomas Wayne a main character with no explanation as to how he's still alive or willingness to tie that into Doomsday Clock

8. Crapping on all of Batman's supporting cast, especially Tim and Damian, so he can literally canonize Catwoman as the only person Bruce actually gives a fuck about and that Bruce doesn't give a fuck about his Robins or Alfred.

9. Writing Catwoman as a Mary Sue type who's better than everyone in the Justice League and even Batman.

Fans were holding out hope there would be some sort of continuity "fix" to deal with the Bendis situation (especially since his sales have been disastrous and the run negatively received).

Snyder was the one who wholesale said "Fuck Doomsday Clock! It's not canon! I'm brinigng back the JSA in a way that completely contradicts what Geoff's doing and there's nothing you faggots can do to stop me!".

He also fucked over Geoff's Shazam run, making him one of the Joker-Batman's brainwashed minions.

DC didn't even do damage control when this happened, supposedly because DiDio and Geoff aren't speaking to each other write now.

Can tom king stop ruining things he’s making me hate batcat

Bendis is notorious for cheating like hell to rig his stats, either through sales schemes (his Avengers run only sold well in the beginning because he had Marvel do a variant cover scam where retailers had to buy mass numbers to get said variants; the sales went into the dumpster once they discontinued that program), sabotaging other books (Aaron's X-Men, Thunderbolts), constant crossovers, and hand picking all of the best artists to only work with him and loading his books with big name characters, many of which only appeared in his books (like stealing Thing from Hickman or using Jean Grey in AN X-Men).

He's already doing this in Superman, having brought back Vic Sage and hijacked exclusive usage of Amanda Waller and demanding top named non-traditional Superman artists on his books.

DiDio and top brass above DiDio HATE the Legion. It's why they tried to replace it with JL3K even though everyone and their mother rejected JL3K and then kept the franchise MIA once they finally gave up the ghost and killed JL3K.

>90% just screeching and crying in diatribes about dumb stuff, unrelated shit, making unfounded and illogical claims, projecting butthurt and in general just being a drama queen because you got suckered by PR

Ah, classic King hating at its finest. Tres sad.

Missed the big one
>Batman is written as a suicidal narcissist
The whole run is predicated upon Batman being the absolute worst incarnation of TDKR characterization. Even if the pacing issues and nonsense plot regurgitation were fixed you'd still be reading a book about an edgy 14 year old's Batman fanfiction. It's disgusting.

No shit, Sherlock.

why can't you provide a proper counter argument, instead of replying with twitter buzzwords?

Lmbo at "Batman and Robin wasn't the real Batman book" when it definitely was

>Bat/Catt wedding that turned out to be a huge fucking scam to trick retailers into over-ordering Batman #50 and a ton of tie-ins
THIS is what got my to quit. I tolorated the other stuff, but once King gave us readers the middle finger, and destroyed the hype, I was done. Batman needed a major status quo change. Having Selina marry him would have made for tons of great stories, and give Batman a FAMILY, you know, something that he's been missing ever since he was a kid.

>Having Selina marry him would have made for tons of great stories, and give Batman a FAMILY, you know
urg..batcat is cancer.

probably doesn't want him to be the same as golden age batman who married selina
everyone's a suicidal loner now, so he made him more relatable
didio even said that family does not sell these days

There's no point arguing with a retard who complains about unrelated stuff like Heroes in Crisis and Walky West when he's supposed to explain what's wrong with King's Batman run. He's just bleeding from his asshole and throwing a temper tantrum in public. It's just pathetic. It's pointless to address his "points" when half of them are meaningless. Better to just mock the sad bastard, so next time he might be too embarrassed to click Post.

Not this time trollanon. No (you) for you.

that doesn't answer the question

They gave their award to the entire site that run internet porn where there are thousands upon thousands of all sorts of /co related properties fist fucking one another or similar (boy/boy, girl/girl, threesomes, gang bangs, etc.)

That's what was new.

Plus said site collects thousands upon thousands of bucks in donations annually.

Possible the biggest mistake modern DC has made.... and that's really saying something

>And the new black Rorschach, Reggie Long, is the new Black Batman, with Bendis's run coming straight out of the events of Doomsday Clock
>another fucking person to add into the Batfamily
I am legit so tired of how fucking large the "small" factions of DC are. There is no "Batman and Robin", it's "Batman and Robin and Nightwing and Red Hood and Spoiler and Batgirl and Batwoman and etc etc". it doesn't work with his "one-man crusade against crime", and cheapens the character a shitload.
And that's not even getting into the green lantern situation where earth has more GLs than it does safety protocols!

You are 100% right. I would legitimately enjoy a hard reboot in total at this point, because majority of stuff nowadays is just plain bad.

I'm skeptical. Shouldn't Didio, head editor, have the power to reign in Bendis, King, and Snyder if he's this unhappy? Doesn't this instead enforce the idea that he WANTS this shit since fans didn't take to New 52 like he wanted? Or is this like a clusterfuck of contractual obligations he has to work around?

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Valid or not, anyone else find it hysterical (and frustrating) how hard DC wants a black character in the Bat-Family? The Bat-Family has essentially become what Robin originally was created for; shameless self-insertion, only now they want to cover EVERY basis they can. However the dumb thing is that fans don't give a shit about Batman's race, they just want to read about Batman

>Didio can't get Bendis away from Superman without some sort of bait.
I don't understand this. What's the point of being in charge if you can exercise your power?

Kike holders has more power than the Bald evil fucker.

Honestly as dumb as lots of these things are, most could be salvaged with quality dialogue. You’re not wrong that his plot beats are bad, but what really kills the book is the god awful dialogue and pacing. It’s just not even entertaining to read 90% of the time.

>anyone else find it hysterical (and frustrating) how hard DC wants a black character in the Bat-Family?
Gotta have that diversity! It's also why DC had both Power Girl and Supergirl date or at least show romantic interest in black men.

As long as Keith Giffen isnt creating another miniseries to personally shit on Didio he just doesnt give a fuck

Didio is the same guy that though acquiring Bendis was a great move despite all the evidence. He's completely disconnected from what actually works and what doesn't work these days.

> Yea Forums has better fictional writers than DC.


Here here!

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This better be an actual, hard “R” reboot. No pussyfooting around in regards to shit like Batman and Green Lantern’s lore like last time.

black rorschach is a fucking manlet lol, there's not going to be a batmanlet

is this seriously the kind of stuff "big two" readers have to deal with? petty squabbles and backroom company politics bleeding into who works on stories?
why would anyone put up with this shit

I don't really believe OP, but I do find it plausible that there is some behind the scenes tension, especially between Dan Didio and Geoff Johns

Yup. Been like that since the 80s at least, but looks like it got worse, because talent and interest in pleasing the buying readers sure don't seem to be big factors anymore.

>Having Selina marry him would have made for tons of great stories, and give Batman a FAMILY, you know, something that he's been missing ever since he was a kid.
Batman already has a FAMILY.

nice fan fiction you dumb idiot

black batman is not going to be some convoluted black rorschach with decades of continuity from alan moore/watchmen/geoff's abortion

it's going to be a completely clean and safe attempt to get spider-verse miles bux. that's it

it'll be bland corporate characterization, he can't have done anything bad in the past. can't have a black character involved in crime so he won't have a jason todd-esque origin. he can't be a surrogate son in general, so no grayson/drake-esque origin. can't be tied to lucious fox, because they tried that and it didn't take either. he won't be from another earth either.

no, black batman will be completely different, with maybe 1 tie to wayne enterprises or some shit to throw a bone to continuityfags, but will go on his own journey to become "batman" and have his own tech guy/alfred, cave/hideout, etc

and of course it'll be done by bendis, anybody who thinks otherwise is delusional

you deserve this dcfags, you're the ones who said "editorial will reign in bendis" lmfao

>dumb idiot
Don't you think that's a tad redundant user?

You know, it's ALMOST like Rebirth was a poorly planned cash grab that bought temporary good will, but failed to come up with a long term plan leading to a continuity clusterfuck across all the DC book that will soon rival Hawkman.

I remember when Bendis first came on board, a lot of people tried to defend it by saying that "the editors will keep him under control", but looking at this, I don't think DC even has an editor.

None NONE! may impede the power of the Bendis!

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I gave up on DC almost five years ago. Welcome to the world outside of the cave, brother.

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