>movie has three one-second references to the Raimi movies
>"omg it was such a love letter to Spider-Man!"
So we can safely say that anyone who thinks Spider-Verse was true to the character has never picked up a comic book in their life?
Movie has three one-second references to the Raimi movies
chill the fuck out oh my god
why would you want to look at today's comics for a good picture of spider-man. spider-man does a deal with the devil to get rid of his marriage. spider-man is tony stark 2. and so forth
nobody cares that you read that crap nerd
Who cares? It's a taut, visually amazing film with a good story. "Muh comics" will never be a good argument because comics are shit and everyone knows it
>Waiter this bait is a little weak. Could you send it back to the kitchen and spice it up a bit?
People like to masterbate over the film because it had the balls to do something different. That's about it.
I think anyone who unironically hates spiderverse is a rapist
Do you not realize the utter nonsense of saying a film about multiple universe Spiderpeople isn’t true to the character of the Spiderman from one universe?
Yes, that's why people say that it was a love letter to the character.
Fucking Christ
I don't know what it was, but it sure made me care about Spider-Man, so much so, that I went and bought a bunch of old school Spidey books. So I'd say the movie did its job. It's good stuff.
>every author has a different idea of how to write a comic book character and how they should behave
>comic book nerds think that movies should only use their favorite interpretation of the character from their favorite comic arc
Fuck off. Spiderverse was a great movie and no one cares if it matched your comic book headcanon.
Reminder that two of the best DC movies that people like to hold over the Marvel movies were about as far as possible from their source material as they could be.
Found the movie-only casuals
OP is a faggot but what you said has nothing to do with his shit bait.
Found OP failing even harder, despite his first post being embarrassing enough
Why are you getting defensive about the movie? No one said anything about its quality, just that it wasn't very true to the character and what he stands for, and it wasn't.
It has everything to do with it because he's literally saying the movie was not true to the comic book version of Spider-Man. But every time someone says this, they fail to take into account that even comic books have different interpretations of the characters every time they change authors.
And this movie wasn't true to any single one of them, nor the general accepted average for what the character is supposed to be
>just that it wasn't very true to the character and what he stands for, and it wasn't.
Who cares? It's an interpretation. Which version of Spider-Man are you comparing it against? Why should it even matter?
That stuff is actually good, but kind of irrelevant to the subject.
The washed up version of Peter was a much better post-OMD Peter.
No it fucking wast.
I care that it's being touted as especially faithful to the character and the mythos, when literally the opposite is true.
Those people are idiots, too. It should stand on its own merits; it's either good or it isn't.
How is it not?
All your arguments so far are "it's not" and "you just like it because it referenced another movie".
Terrible argument
Let me get this straight, you're defending One More Day and Peter being an irresponsible asshole that managed to make SpOck's company go under? Or anything in the post-Superior Slott era?
Fucking really?
I already replied above, it's a completely original take on Peter, that messes with his personality, values, capabilities, etc in a movie adapting some of his worst stories, which completely devalue his character and message. It worked in the movie, but it definitely wasn't anything that could be interpreted as a love letter to the character, and a few cursory references to another Spider-Man movie don't change that. Casual audiences saw the comic artstyle and gimmicks and thought that was all that is necessary to be faithful, he is a character originating from comics after all, no?
>it's a completely original take on Peter, that messes with his personality, values, capabilities, etc
It didn't do any of that, even at his lowest Peter was still being a hero helping others and was even willing to sacrifice his life in his dimension to shut the machine down.
>in a movie adapting some of his worst stories
And they managed to make something good out of Miles for the first time in 11 years and did a much better Spider-verse story than the comic.
>which completely devalue his character and message
What, "with great power comes great responsability" and "it doesn't matter how hard you fall, what matters is that you get back up" don't work when other characters use them?
Newsflash, those apply to almost every single hero in existence.
>and a few cursory references to another Spider-Man movie don't change that
Again, no one is calling it a love letter because it fucking used some scenes from the Raimi movies.
>Casual audiences saw the comic artstyle and gimmicks and thought that was all that is necessary to be faithful, he is a character originating from comics after all, no?
I'm convinced that you're just baiting, good job for keeping me going for so long.
>It didn't do any of that, even at his lowest Peter was still being a hero helping others and was even willing to sacrifice his life in his dimension to shut the machine down.
Which are very nice and commendable traits, which literally every hero ever has, meanwhile the movie forgot to adapt literally anything else that makes Peter, Peter.
>And they managed to make something good out of Miles for the first time in 11 years and did a much better Spider-verse story than the comic.
Debatable but that's a discussion for another thread.
>What, "with great power comes great responsability" and "it doesn't matter how hard you fall, what matters is that you get back up" don't work when other characters use them? Newsflash, those apply to almost every single hero in existence.
Yeah, and you could make a great Captain America movie with those messages, only it wouldn't be a good love letter to Spider-Man then would it.
>Again, no one is calling it a love letter because it fucking used some scenes from the Raimi movies.
I see literally nothing else that would cause the casual audiences to do it, they don't have any contact with Spider-Man media apart from the movies so that's their only reference, plus I've seen people bring those scenes up as the reason why the movie is faithful, anecdotal but what can you do.
>I'm convinced that you're just baiting, good job for keeping me going for so long.
Thinking everyone that disagrees with you is baiting is a bad outlook to have in life.
You are literally providing no fucking counter arguments you shithead.
You are just saying "no it's not" over and over again since the thread began, which is bating 101.
Just because you choose to ignore them doesn't mean they're not there
Let me get this straight, you’re bitching about Peter not being 100% perfect?
Fucking really?
So you are defending Slott and OMD, good job with the bait.
I don't know about you but my dream "love letter" Spider-Man movie would focus on Spider-Man, and not some literally who OCs who leech off his brand
Like every single spider-man movie it’s clear the film makers didn’t particularly give a duck about peter. Though I don’t think raimi ever labels his movies as “love letters”. Miles is a character made in bad faith specifically to undermine peter as a whole it’s why his origin requires the death of peter and it’s why he was paired with Gwen. Now the movie is fine, I am not shy with my own detraction of Miles and everything he stands for but the movie was fine, no it’s not a love letter anymore than raimis movies were and yes it’s annoying it gets billed as such, but like every “nerd related” property thats been infected with normies, they all assume it must be because of the spider mobile “deep cut” the movie wasn’t a labor of love no, it’s a labor of the desperation of a movie studio one more financial and critical bomb away from shuttering. Now that’s why the animation looked good, because adversity breeds ingenuity but beyond that the script was uninspired and Miles is the very definition of soulless.
>watch a movie about comic book characters
>comics are shit
your opinion is shit
They’re trying to build some shitty legacy character. Yeah that part of the movie sucks ass, but really other than that there’s not much else
Your whiny fag bullshit is the first post. You’re the only one who can bait. Learn how this shit works before acting like a jackass
>“My publisher said, in his ultimate wisdom, ‘Stan, that is the worst idea I have ever heard, first of all, people hate spiders, so you can’t call a bookSpider-Man. Secondly he can’t be a teenager—teenagers can only be sidekicks. And third, he can’t have personal problems if he’s supposed to be a superhero—don’t you know who a superhero is?'”
>made Peter into an old man and gave him sidekicks
>the protagonist sidekick has no personal problems
So basically this movie stands against 2/3 things that made Spider-Man into what he is
What do you expect from a movie that’s a love letter to bendis and everything he stands for?
I have read several Spider-Man comics and watched several adaptations, film and animated.
I also left this version of Spider-Man saying that this was a love letter to the character. No problem with Peter B, Gwen or Miles.
People loved the film. You didn't. Get over it and stop trying to pretend it's because you're the only real fan and everyone else is crazy.
No one will want to hang out with you.
>the protagonist sidekick has no personal problems
Isn't he dealing with identity issues the entire movie up until he gets his suit?
Is having an uncle super villain not a personal problem?
The problem was solved in the movie though. Though I can’t wait to see all of his wonderful stories adapted to the big screen now that we’ve dealt with his origin and uncles death. They’re going to adapt his sweet moments like.....well I can’t wait to see him interact with his memorable supporting characters who are..........He’s black so maybe we’ll get another new rap song, oh maybe this time they’ll double down on his Hispanic side and give us a reageton song
I wouldn't say "uncle fucking dies" is really a solution, like saying Harry's death was a solution to the Goblin problem. And well, if they take from the comics, his mother is murdered, his dad's negative attitude towards Spider-Man grows larger, creating a rift between him and his father that grows even more complicated once his identity is revealed.
That was less of a Batfamily type deal where it was one hero and a bunch of sidekicks and more of a team of equals. And if you think Miles and Peter B. didn't have personal problems I don't think we watched the same movie.
Peter B. Parker spent twenty years putting being Spider-Man over being Peter Parker and it caused him constant suffering. If you don't think that's in character you are the one that doesn't know the character.
Spiderman should NEVER be sad!
the concept of being spider-man is not built to last and life story basically proved that. peter b was the most interesting change they've ever made to peter in a movie and yet it doesn't sacrifice anything about his beliefs and motivation, even while at a point so low that he'd probably become in edgy killer if this worse a worse movie or comic. and "superhero burnout" is an appealing concept that most audiences hadn't seen before
Movie should be praised for doing something different with the character. We've had 7 solo movies in the last 19 years for this guy. No other character has that many solo flicks in the same time frame. Shit gets boring
I'm 75% sure those threads shitting on the movie are likely Disney shills.
its okay to not like things, no need to be a pretentious dick sucking cocktrarian about it, these movies aren't made for "you", they're for anyone and everyone that just wants to sit down and watch their fellow neighborhood spiderman do his thing.
That being said. I hate the look and absolutely hate nig spider diverse insert and I dont think its the best spider content out there but I'm happy spiderman finally got itself out of the same cheesy movie over and over and reached out to the other alt universes.
>OMD and Slotter-Man are actually good
>nor the general accepted average
It definitely meets that vague definition. The general audience only needs to see Peter Parker in the red & blue to give it a thumbs up.
Stop living in the past, One More Day was 11 years ago and currently being undone by Spencer and Slott hasn't touched Spider-Man in two years
>user specifically references OMD and Slott
>lol I wasn't referring to THOSE
Spencer's crap too, and he hasn't undone OMD, he just has MJ and Peter dating again.
You sound like a little asshole who just hates everything for dumbass obscure reasons.
you mean like hating Spider-Verse because you don't like the perfectly valid interpretation of an older Peter?
Are you implying that I said that?
Because I liked Spiderverse, which kind of destroys that theory.
>Adaptations can't be better than their source material.
>high school kids in puberty
>equals with an experienced middle-aged Peter
How offensive and disrespectful to Peter
>thinks Spider-Verse even approaches the quality of Spider-Man comics
Wow, that's sad
it surpasses most of them
certainly surpasses anything Miles has ever been in
I'm 100% sure these anons blindly praising the movie are Sony shills.
>high school kids can't have problems
>movie only uses Peter to prop up his lazy woke replacements then tosses him aside
>people will still unironically try to argue it's respectful to his character
This place has went to shit
>Raimi movies
>true to the character
No one said that
Just look at all the SU spam and you'll understand this board is a lost cause. I convinced myself for a long time that "Yea Forumsmblr" was just a dumb meme, but fuck me it's real. It's fucking real.
>certainly surpasses anything Miles has ever been in
Pathetically low bar to clear, not to mention Miles was more or less shit like in the comics, there were just enough distractions around him for people not to notice. If it was a solo Miles film with no other Spiders or gimmicks it would've bombed hard, regardless of animation quality.
>Peter Parker has more in common with Batman than with his actual comic book counter part at this point
God, I hate self inserter fags. Memeverse was made for retards like them.
No. “Muh comics” will never be a good argument because it’s actually a shit argument. An adaptation promises nothing about being true to the source material.
You mean being successful with his brand instead of being retard that dump his money on aunt may and some stupid shit. There's a page where someone pointed that out.
Taut? The whole film is afterbirth.
Then put on your white greasepaint and call me James Gordon, cause Spiderverse sucks donkey dick.
Except one that claims to be a love letter to the character