Earth-7642 Thread: Harley Spider edition

Earth-7642 Thread: Harley Spider edition
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Attached: Harley Spider.jpg (2480x3508, 1.17M)

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this is the other archinve

Just got back from work
.Barracuda is 'recruited' into the Suicide Squad
>'cuda: Ah shit, if it ain't the walkin Star and Stripes
>'cuda: Well well well, look what the cat dragged in, Luke Cage! My nigga from anutha mutha!

Forgot my pic
>Literally everyone in the SS hates Cuda.
>Luke: Yeah Cuda, I worked and did some shady stuff. But you want to know a key difference between us? I never killed kids and sold crack.

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Steve x Diana wedding
>Thor and Hercules challenge Superman to an arm wrestling challenge (ala Samson and Atlas
>Ben and Hulk feel uncomfortable in their stuffy blazers, so in between the pre-celebration and the actual wedding, they change clothes to Amazonian robes.
>Tony and Nightwing try to pick up chicks, they fail
>Daredevil plays the helpless blind man and gets Artemis to lend him her arm as she guide him around the premesis
>Donna asks Peter how flexible he is
>Reed and Sue are asked by Diana about life as a married couple
>Steve, Hawkeye, Sam and Bucky talk to each other for a while. Considering they’re Steve’s grooms men
>the OG Starman is the first to make a toast

>The Olympians come down to Themiscyra to partake in the celebrations
>Zeus tries and fails to pick up girls
>Hermes races Flash, no one can tell who won or if it even happened
>Apollo loses to Hawkeye and Ollie in archery
>Dionysus is the bartender with Satyr waiters
>Wasp designs Diana's wedding dress

>Tony doesn't want to fall off the wagon and is too busy trying to stay the hell away from Dionysus to chase any Amazon tail.
>Mary Jane enjoys being around the Amazons since it appeals to the Red Sonya in her. Ends up drinking too much and challenges Artemis to a fight after Artemis grabs the Spider Butt.

>Artemis accepts, if only to humor MJ
>she doesn't actually expect a real fight
>MJ starts to channel Sonja and actually puts up a good fight
>Peter cheering her on from the sidelines

>After MJ wins, Peter comes up to congratulate her
>MJ reaches down and grabs his crotch
>MJ, still influenced by the spirit of Sonja, hefts Peter over shoulder carries him off for a night of barbaric passion
>MJ wakes up the next morning with a splitting hangover
>all the amazons clap on her the back and congratulate her on her victory
>MJ is more confused than she's ever been in her entire life

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"Never say never muthafucka!"

i know that superman vs spiderman (1976) is the first earth 7642 comic but what about superman and spiderman (1981)? it doesn’t seem to be included

You mean this?

Attached: SupermanAndSpider-Man.jpg (711x959, 215K)

It is.

Also going by the list there it's:
Top Cow
Painkiller Jane

Oh yeah, also Liefeld's characters too, like Supreme and Youngblood.

May as well
>Dr. Doom concocts a plan to use Parasite to depower Superman to grant himself the Kryptonian's powers!
>But he never expected the Amazing Spider-man!


>God of Stories Loki understanding the Thought Robot Superman

Finally the power is back on
>When Oscorp goes under, Wayne Enterprises, Lex Corp, Kord Industries and Queen International among others buy them out

ah okay it’s just not in the right order as it should

Is Valhalla a place that ever appears in Thor?
What characters would actually stay there for a long while, considering the revolving door nature of death in capeshit?

I remember it appearing in Ult! Spider-Man after Peter died. But that could have been Thor daydreaming

Mar-Vell if he isn't in Kree Heaven

Was this “Harley Spider” idea mentioned in any of the previous threads?

I suggested the idea of the 1st issue Spider-Man cover with Harley swinging with Peter under her arm. I also did Peter's thought bubble writing

Thankfully a great user took it upon themselves to draw it up for our pleasure

Now I have to get back to cleaning the spilled wine my dog knocked over

Who in the helm is this user and are they doing more?

Maybe if we suggest some things with some more greentexts? We were lucky to get something out of all these threads

What do Donna, Hippolyta, Artemis think of Steve?

SupermanxCaptain Britain

Stop it

>All the various characters that deal with Camelot etc. are part of Excalibur, the British superhero team
>Cap Brit, Etrigan, Shining Knight and others

>New Titans
>Older former Titans and New Warriors
>Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Ravager, Raven as on off members
>Namorita, Justice, Night Thrasher, Nova and Speed Ball as on off members

>Laura worked for Bane for some time after she escaped from Weapon-X
>Deadpool and Deathstroke get mixed up all the time
>Alfred and Aunt May are dating

>The Atlantean Civil War kicks off when Namor is apparently killed in his bed with a trident piercing him to the bed, no one is sure how it happened, but someone has to take the throne leading to Orm and Arthur butting heads

>Cassandra Cain is the daughter of Danny Rand and Sheva from a one night stand
>Danny is not pleased when he learns what happened to her
>He destroyed Bruce's giant penny and T-Rex in his anger
>Cass is currently living in NYC with Danny and Misty trying to get acquainted with her missing father

>Guardian is selected as the new Suicide Squad field commander.

>In some insane cosmic balance nonsense, due to Spidey's, from time to time, dealing with Space Pirates, Guy Gardner gets one of Peter's foes.
>It's The White Rabbit.
>She annoys Guy to no end with her wonderland gimmick.

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>During the fight his Ring runs out of power after a long day of kicking space pirate ass
>Now Guy has to survive a gauntlet of villains who learned he's without his ring
>Guy breaks out his Warrior persona once again

>Guy somehow gets his hands on some spare web shooters.
>Hijinx ensue.

>Gypsy notices and takes pity on him and becomes the only one to visit him in prison

>He webs himself, flings into buildings and more hilarity
>Wonders how Pete manages it

>It took Guy approximately 2 days to figure out Pete was Spider-Man when he moved into Pete and MJ's apartment
>Ice is a huge MJ fan, even has some of her original lingerie line, she also watched the shows MJ starred in
>Barracuda is actually surprised by her
>During a mission he actually saves her life
>Berates himself for getting 'soft'

>Guy: I knew something was up.
>Peter: Look--
>Guy: Don't worry, Web-Head, ya ain't gotta worry about me. Guy Gardner isn't a stooge.
>Peter: Phew.
>Guy: But it will cost ya. An autograph.
>Peter: Great! So who's it fo--
>Guy: Not you, yer wife. Tora loves her work.

>Peter: "Even when my identity is on the line I don't get any respect. Now I know how Rodney feels."

I'm reminded of how Lois kept one of the gauntlets from Batman's armor that he used to storm Apokolips to suckerpunch Darkseid, after she used it to fight Eradicator on the Moon.

Who else has parts of another hero's gear stashed away?

It appeared in the JMS run that I can remember.

.Bruce has practiacally everything you can thin kof
>And some you haven't
>Tony has Pym Particles stashed away with a special Shrinking Iron Man armor

>Tony helped build the Hell Bat armor here
>It's actually better than it was in Prime Earth

If Tony can pop a little Arc Reactor in there, it would completely remove the time limit of like 10 minutes before it (somehow)starts killing the user.

Hence the 'Special' tag. He still hasn't gotten the kinks worked out yet, which people are thankful of
>Tony: "Pocket Iron Men drones!"

I can only imagine the shock and horror the poor sod who has to fight a swarm of lego sized iron men must go through.

>The Atlantean Civil War kicks off when Namor is apparently killed in his bed with a trident piercing him to the bed, no one is sure how it happened, but someone has to take the throne leading to Orm and Arthur butting heads
>It was revealed to all be a plan by some ancient Atlantean enemy. (possibly Atlan's brother?) and has been playing everyone against each other to weaken them for him to come I nand sweep them away to take over
>Arthur: "Your ocean, *stabs him with trident* our world."

>She gets a crush on Guy
That can fly, shoot and more.
>Tony's missile launchers aren't firing missiles
>They're tiny Iron Men

>The UK is in trouble, who can save them?!
>Excalibur? The JLE? STRIKE?
>How about the duo of John Constantine & Motormouth?

By now people should have learned to never go along with Conjob. I bet she becomes Mute because of him.

>Berates himself for getting ‘soft’
>Gypsy: “I can change him.”

>John Constantine is pretty damn hated in occult circles.
>It's an unwritten agreement that John must never get the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

Gypsy, No. Stahp.

>Nick Fury Sr. was given 'Tour Guides' Frank Castle and Slade Wilson during his trip to Vietnam during the war back in the day

Was thinking of making Cuda Luke's uncle or related In some way, but Cuda is at near Frank's age
>Barracuda and Luke Cage go way back
>Barracuda first met Luke in New York after the latter got out of prison while both were working their jobs (Cuda as an assassin, Luke in his early Power Man days)
>Their fight was legendary with Cuda exhausting all his ammo and several fireaxes to no avail on Luke's skin

Not Guy. Kyle. Why?
>When Rayner encountered the White Rabbit, she debuted her Rabbitech MKII Mech
>Kyle, the weeb that he is, counted with Alphonse from Patlabor
>White Rabbit likes Kyle because he "gets it".
>Wally & Johnny troll Kyle about it.

Inevitably the wedding is broken up by an ambush,

>Of all people, Hardline thinks he can attack a super wedding and get away with it.

That's even better
>Damian and the other super kids stop him
>I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

>Vibe takes his brother away, but is slightly proud of him for making the reference.

>Doesn't save him. He mouths off to Waller one too many times. The red paste of what used to be his head covers Gypsy and Luke's head and shoulders the moment he gets back to Belle Reve.

This is dark as hell, even for The Wall.

Not really. Barracuda, despite being, strong, tough, resourceful, cunning, and ruthless doesn't have any meta human abilities, unless you count him talking smack. He's more useful as an object lesson to the Squad: talk smack and be rebellious, and the minute you're superfluous to Waller's operation your skull's a bowl of chunky salsa. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what Deadshot says to the rest of the Squad as Amanda's walking away. Along with

"Hey, Gypsy. You've got a bit of 'Cuda's teeth stuck in your hair. Good thing we've got showers scheduled today."

That has nothing to do with the Squad, though.
That's about fucking with Gypsy and Luke specifically.

How can Danny have a teenage daughter if he's only in his twenties. Maybe have her be Orson Randal's daughter instead.


I keep forgetting he's so young

If you want

>Diamondback: “You forget I know all your secrets!”

>Archie meets the Punisher and Deathstroke the Terminator!
>Popeye vs Superman!
>Zoro and Batman!
>Betty Boop meets She-Hulk!

It's definitely flexing on Luke and Gypsy as well. She'd see it as asserting her authority.

So this would happen during a SS and Thunderbolts team up mini?

Are those the only 2 officially licensed comics that take place on this Earth?

>Kyle visits her in prison, partly to make sure she's still there, partly to bring her manga.

>He's still a little awkward around her when he brought her that Alice in Wonderland doujin

Wait, that’s what comic Parasite looks like? He’s not purple?

Does anyone else have trouble coming up with ideas?
>Hal: It's good to see you move on and getting back in the game Kyle.
>Kyle: Thanks? What do you mean?
>Hal: Your new girlfriend.
>Kyle: I have a girlfriend? Who and what are you talking about?
>Hal: That one villainess you keep running into, gotta say you have some odd tastes.
>Kyle: ... Wait you mean White Rabbit?! There's nothing going on between us. I just keep running into her while she's committing crime and I stop her that's all.
>Hal: What about you visiting her in jail and bringing her books?

>Husk learns how to turn into Kryptonite and Nth Metal

Attached: 2640991-husk_3.jpg (480x860, 268K)

>Luthor attempts to kidnap her to replicate her powers
>She nearly kills Superman while I. Kryptonite form
>Superman hugs her when she turns back and tells her not to worry

Hal would never call manga a book. He needs to be way more boomer about it.

Most likely. The tension during the missions is particularly explosive, mostly because the Thunderbolts are given the choice, while the Suicide Squad is manipulated into it. Plus nanomachines to shut down the T Bolts vs. Brain Bombs makes a huge difference.


>Lex Corp. starts blowing up around them
>X-Force shows up
>'Sir, why're you hugging mah sister?'

>Boom-Boom propagates a rumor among mutants that Superman hugs everybody


>A rumour floats around that Kyle is a gold digger due to hanging around White Rabbit

Which doujin?

Does Cuda have powers? Couldn't Killer Croc or King Shark just tear his face off?


That old BDSM AiW doujin. I can't remember the name

Superman wins the arm wrestling match and the impact can be felt around the world

>That Parasite
Jeesus I dont even remember the last time I saw that design, I had forgotten he had ever looked like that

honestly I think we can all agree the best thing we can do with Amanda Waller in this crossover universe is just kill her off as soon as possible because she sucks

Note that the Jesus of Nazareth story is either confirmed to be true or has the same religious connotation it does irl.

Alice in Sexland, probably.

Attached: 1308785418037.jpg (800x600, 124K)

The one where the Queen cuts off Alice's limbs?

I would bang American McGee Alice.

Artimis doesnt think much of him at first, it takes some epic action to change her mind, either she fights alongside him or fights him directly.
Donna thinks he's dreamy but not up to Diana's standards
Not sure about Hypolita

eh too edgy, this kind of crossover universe generally works better if we use it to file down the edgier bits of the two component universes, indeed I think it'd be better if Amanda Waller(and the very concept of a Suicide Squad) gets written off as soon as possible

"Those weird backwards comic books".

Every other week a different member of the group ends up fighting Etrigan for some dumb reason or another

After winding up in Arkham she ends up as neighbor to Tetch, she never see's his face but they talk to each other often and she falls in love with him

Orion and Hawkman

Yep that's it
Checks out

Based! write more about them!

Interestingly Image still does not make the cut...or Dark Horse.

Oh these threads still go on? Nice! I once made a suggestion that Hatter and Scarecrow are buddies with Mysterio

Nightwing has a bunch of fully functioning costumes and all the related gear as he has spent briefs stints in their place, ala his time as Batman.
These include a Spiderman Costume complete with web shooters, a Dare Devil suit with all the normal DD gear and even an Xmen costume
After his stint as Batman he gotten all kinds of requests to fill in for people who "died" or went missing. His collection is probably one of the most impressive in the super hero community

>His collection is probably one of the most impressive in the super hero community
And unlike Bruce, almost all of it was given to him.

Unwritten rule or not you know some writer would do a mini where he takes up the mantel for a month or something

>Dick: Now she thinks I'm some sorta Superhero cosplay call guy! What do I do Pete?
>Pete: I'm still debating whether to laugh with or at you.

Even better
>Popeye vs. Doomsday

That design is old as fuck my dude, I don't think its been used in like 40 years

So what is Husk's deal exactly?

I assume it's his original design, though.
Which means that technically it should be the one used.

I dunno having him call it a book works as long as ita a running thing where kyle has tried to correct him like 6 times or something


Nah she's great, in a "love to hate her" kind of way, she's way to entertaining and useful in a bunch of storylines. She's kinda like Fury if he was way more of a hardass

Disagree completely, I'm not a fan of the edgy stuff but it absolutely has its place.
Besides The Punisher is way more brutal the the Suicide Squad

I wonder if she'd be able to get over his looks. Iirc he's generally a real uggo

They could pull off some fun issues, I'd read it

Yeah he's the Ying to Bruce's Yang in that people actually like him

I mean the original Hulk was grey and the original Batman had purple gloves and a gun, just because a design is the original doesnt mean it's the best one

I always assumes Solomon Grundy was Hulk level. How far off am I? Would they clash a bunch on this earth?


I did not say best. I said most accurate.

They'd clash. Grundy is more magical which would give him an edge on the occasion. And is immortal so he'd come back

Hulk Level is a very wide range.
Ben Grimm level is a better measurement, though lower defense obviously.



She can shed her skin to transform into into other material, such as rubber or adamantium. With better control of her powers she could turn into non solid states, like water, or energy forms, and shed different limbs into different material.

She really wanted to be special like her older brother so she tested herself in a bunch of different ways. When she got really desperate she ripped her own skin off, which is how she discovered her powers. An overachiever that doesn't want people to think she's a hick since she's from a Kentucky coal mining family.


Everyone of her brothers and sisters are mutants.

They didn't know that back when Sam was the only one with powers. Besides all of them besides Sam and Paige either got depowered or died.

One of them got his wings cut off and than nailed to a church.
New X-Men was fucking brutal.

>Supes: Oh she was turned to Kryptonite because of Luthor and nearly killed me. But she turned back and I was helping her calm down.

>Nah she's great, in a "love to hate her" kind of way, she's way to entertaining and useful in a bunch of storylines. She's kinda like Fury if he was way more of a hardass
eh she hasn't been written well(outside of the DCAU) in like 20 years, hence why I feel they should get rid of her

>Disagree completely, I'm not a fan of the edgy stuff but it absolutely has its place.
completely disagree, edgy and superheros is a bad mix that for some reason people are convinced is a good one
>Besides The Punisher is way more brutal the the Suicide Squad
honestly I'm in favor of getting rid of him too(I was the one who suggested a while ago about him dying and becoming The Spectre's new host and it somehow leading to both being less edgy as a result)

Kinda sounds like Metamorpho with extra steps?

Hulk, Grundy, Damage and The Thing get in one little fight and flatten manhatten

Oh, so some of Image is in, but not all

Brainiac is the most recent herald of Galactus. He bottles up cities when he finds planets Galactus can eat.

>Drive Ins, Diners and Dives but with Brainiac and Galactus eating knowledge planets

I think instead of working as a herald, Brainiac should be constantly trying to get to planets first so he can get the "best" bits for himself before Galactus chows down. The big G is either completely unaware of this or he is aware but on some level he appreciates the idea that some small part of these worlds will be able to live on

That works
>Braniac is a twisted version of Ultron Vision
>Made by Krypton's top scientists to find a way to defeat Galactus
>But it was unfinished and launched
>Programming was wrong and slightly misinterpreted orders
>It 'preserves' information
>Clark was launched at the same time
>It's revealed Krypton was destroyed long ago, like millennia ago
>Braniac has been ahead of Galactus ever since
>Heard of Earth recently from rumors if a Kryptonian and from Cap Comet

I meant Superman went through a wormhole to crash on Earth to solve the whole time gulf

Oh yeah Archie’s here

Home bump
>Superman: I'm sorry for this Surfer.
>Surfer: And what pray tell do you mean Kryptonian?
>Superman: That with Earth in danger, I no longer need t hold back *Punches SS*
>Comet: Egad, the Surfer is past the Moon!

>MJ and Vixen have starred in fashion shows together
>Peter tagged along as husbandly duties
>A villain attack happened which meant he and Mari teamed up to stop it

>Ollie brings a bowl of his famous chili.
>The heroes, except Clint, Alan & Wildcat, quickly decline.
>The Greek Gods wish to try the stuff despite Herc's warnings.
>Artemis challenges MJ to eat the most bowls to try and reclaim her honor.
>At the end of this impromptu contest, Hawkeye wins just to spite Ollie, MJ surprises everyone by coming in 2nd, Artemis a close 3rd(She asks Ollie for the recipe), Alan right behind Artemis and Wildcat in 5th.
>The Greek Gods tap out after a half bowl.
>Thor rubs this in their faces because he ate 1 bowl before giving up.

>Only Dionysus and Hestia finish a bowl
>Dionysus cause he's drunk
>Hestia because she is someone you wouldn't expect

>Doom is still able to get the upper hand, however, when Spiderman gets into a fight with Hawk in the field

Its gotta be Kraven, who becomes a rouge for Vixen as much as he is for spiderman because animal powers fit his gimmick

Any thoughts on what we can do with Crimson Avenger?

Reincarnating/spirit that tags along their host.

Lee Travis was a Mutant with the reincarnation/possession/hitchhiking power, then Albert Elwood followed by Jill Carlyle

Kraven is actually her Ex.
She makes him choose between fighting the spider and giving up and coming with her.
He swings over grabbing her full on Tarzan style and swings away, we can hear her laugh and him growling at her.
Spidey thinks about and starts to go after them but MJ grabs his arm and shakes her head at him.

After what he did to his family(ies) and the Last Hunt, I kind of feel Mari would tell him to screw off.

Going off a post from a previous thread.
When Civil War kicks off and both Batman and Superman walk away from the ever boiling tension between Steve and Tony, J. Jonah Jameson of all people is absolutely PISSED at Superman for it, using the Bugle to run a particularly nasty hit piece that doesn't get published after the footage of Superman just BTFO'ing Ragnarok airs across the country.

When Clark does this, Tony knows without question Clark was sending a message - The Illuminati basically had several impromptu meetings to discuss what to do if they have to fight him.

Gonna expand a bit more on the Wakanda and C ideas fro mbefore. Also to explain how both have the resources
>Both Wakanda and GC sit upon Vibranium deposits, and each have a portal to another planet in another solar system with instantaneous transportation
>Neither know how the portals got their
>Due to recent contact they think it's Celestial/Kree in origin
>Both have territory that occupies half of said planet and they are in cold war still
>The Wakanda/GC on Earth are both their original territories and a sort of outpost since they're a tiny fraction of their true territory, and how they interact with Earth
>Compared to the displeasure/ annoyance the rest of his Rogues get from him, Grodd is the only one who T'Challah can truly say he hates fro mthe bottom of his heart, the feeling is mutual fro mGrodd.
>Even the Flash doesn't quite get the same reaction Back Panther does
>Mostly because Solovar saw T'Challah as the son he always wanted that Grodd could never be

>Their is currently a Maker piece/shard running around
>He's even more confused by Earth-7642 than 616
.Superman, Lex Luthor and even Darkseid have thwarted his plans
>He's pissed that Plastic Man is stretchier than him, so he's redesigning his own body to be stretchier than Plas

>Emma Frost is still not shy about her ladyboner for Superman
>Wonder Woman doesn't look too bad to her either.
>Venom is an honorary Outsider, solely because Jefferson and Tatsu don't mind him when he's on their side.
>Wanda worked as a stage magician alongside Zatanna, Wanda likes being flashy af when on stage.
>John Constantine believes its a matter of time before Zarathos and Nabu - using Ghost Rider and Doctor Fate as proxies, come to blows.
>The Midnight Sons are Blade, Swamp Thing, Ghost Rider, Zatanna, Werewolf by Night, and Constantine.
>Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire were each previously in the Young Avengers.

Somehow the Maker is even more pissed at Plas than regular Reed which Reed is honestly taken aback by.
Doom is pissed at the whole situation too because the person who get under HIS rival's skin the most is a fool with the texture of taffy

I fuckin love Plas and his cartoon physics messing with Reed

Attached: Reed Richards hates Plastic Man.png (2432x1645, 530K)

I like all of these
>The first Crimson Avenger saved a young Steve Rogers life before he got the SSS and inspired him

>Xavier and J'onn enjoy playing chess since neither can read the other's mind making it an interesting experience
>Ben Grimm is an honorary member of New Genesis after a slew of feats
.Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman nearly destroyed Latveria after Doom mocked him and his plan to combine their might to end the FF and Superman
>Doom had to team up with the FF and Superman and publically thanked them, much to his annoyance

>Megatron is baffled by how many times he's tried and failed to kill Punisher.
>He seethes at the mere mention of him.
>Joker hates Deadpool because Deadpool will absolutely never not take the piss outta him.
>Speaking of Deadpool, he's accidentally discovered the Legion of Doom's hideout and will divulge it for a price.
>MJ and Starfire are super close, and maybe have been mistaken for sisters before.
>Black Cat has a girlcrush on Supergirl.
>Peter was still in high school and Dick was still Robin when Spider-Man first teamed up with Batman and Robin.

>7642 Maker to 616 Maker: Please let me come over! I can't stand being here anymore. It's insanity, your world and some part of another Omniverse have merged and I can barely make heads or tails of it at times. There's a city of intelligent talking gorillas, Innumerable alien civilizations and organizations and most annoyingly of all: some one who's stretchier than us!
>616 Maker: Stretchier than us? How can that be such a prob-
>7642 Maker: He can make functional bicycles and tiltrotor craft damn it! And he shoves it in my face all the time!

-At any given point in NYC, you're likely to see a vehicle form Autobot, some of them operate as ride share transportation on the side.

>This has lead to numerous cases of passengers stuck inside as their rides transform and fight Decepticons/Supervillains/etc.
>Luckily few get seriously injured
>Physically at least

>Peter and MJ's car is Bumblebee/a young Autobot who is their friend

>Kamala is a member of the JSA
>Captain Marvel is her sponsor
>she, Courtney, and Maxine become close friends almost instantly
>she ends up dating Billy after she finds out his secret identity
>likes to hear stories from the old-timers, ever hungry for fanfic inspiration
Not sure how she and Cap would meet initially.

Avengers/JSA team up or Cap visiting to meet old friends

Why not just divorce her origin completely from Carol in this reality? She grew up idolizing the Marvel Family instead of an alcoholic lesbian with anger issues.

>Lex Luthor, Bane, Norman Osborn, and Doctor Doom are the only ones ever willing to work with Starscream anymore because they expect him to betray them.
>Speed and Impulse once tried to start up their own crime fighting speedster duo.
>Punisher has gone back to Riverdale and even has a safehouse there, its actually quite peaceful for him there and no one knows about it.
>Harley likes to claim she and Natasha are BFFs.
>Ted Grant was a childhood mentor of Matt Murdock, Matt only learning Ted was Wildcat when he grew up and became Daredevil.
>Ted is proud of this.
>Johnny Storm has tried and failed to get a date with the daughter of Gotham City's police commissioner.
>Thing and Blue Devil hang out on the regular.
>Kraven is just as obsessed with hunting Batman as he is Spider-Man.
>Snart is one of the only Flash rogues to truly give Iron Man a hard time.

It'd make the lightning bolt design of her costume make sense finally.

Kamala got hers from Carol's old costume, but where did hers come from? Anywhere?

>Ted Grant was a childhood mentor of Matt Murdock
An old sparring partner of his father, they only ever had an official match a handful of times.

Shit I forgot that, my bad. Maybe Carol was a Black Adam fangirl back in the day?

No I mean in 616, was there any prior inspiration for her old outfit?

>Snart is one of the only Flash rogues to truly give Iron Man a hard time.
>Much like Blizzard, Tony had to develop a whole new armor to counter Snart

Spider-Man, Iceman, and Firestar VS Cap. Cold, Heat Wave, and who?

Black Spider?
>Peter: What is this? Some sorta mirror match?

All gamma powered characters are immortal now. Check out the latest run of the Hulk.

I've been reading it, where was it stated? Isn't that more a thing with the ObA? In most alt timelines only Hulk tends to survive long enough

They make it a couple blocks until they run into the Wrecking Crew running a heist. The Crew's pissed that their plan's been interrupted, so they attack. Grundy, Thing et al pound the crap out of them.

Most likely yes. Kraven would be a good arch villain for Animal Man and Changeling as well. He's occasionally mistaken for Vartox though, which gets him in over his head.

>In the background a red and yellow coffee machine giggles...

>gotham and nyc crooks hate each other with a fiery passion
>heroes of either city get along very well usually, save a few "friendly" rivalries
>if gotham criminals enter nyc to do dirt (or vice versa) they are usually pushed out by criminals of their respective opposite cities
>the crooks also hate the heroes of either cities as well, not as much as the crooks though
>nightwing and spidey find this hilarious and will take in any criminal from the other city because they revel in the butthurt
>batwoman and daredevil once thought it would be a good idea to let the criminals sort the problems out themselves within themselves
>this was very short lived due to penguin stepping to nyc and kingpin losing his shit starting a gang war that affects both criminal enterprises to this day
>penguin and kingpin keep upping the bounty on each other as a show of manhood to show the other how much they hate the other by upping the amount they are willing to pay to have the other killed
>nobody has ever accepted a bounty put on a nyc crook by a gotham crook after the penguin/kingpin war. nobody is crazy enough

>midnighter tried to fuck sentry when he and apollo were broken up
>after getting back together, apollo cant stand the sight of sentry and makes bitchy remarks whenever the opportunity presents itself

>simon baz got peter parker into rap

>steve rogers and pa kent meet at least once a month to shoot the shit over a beer
>pa kent and cap used to serve together
>superman thinks this is the coolest shit ever and cant stop gushing about it

>among one of the very few ppl to end up getting amazon ass is alfred pennyworth
>he was requested to stay back 3 days after teh wedding by the amazons
>he even made them breakfast afterwards
>is always met with swoons and open arms whenver mentioned or the odd time he has to go to themyscara

>wayne manor almost didnt survive alfred's absence

>nightwing is over at the xavier mansion quite a lot, whether its to hang out wiht pals or to get his dick wet
>charles xavier notices this and makes a joke about making nightwing an honorary member of them xmen
>cyclops (or whoever else, really) purses his lips, raises his finger to say something, but jsut sighs and walks away
>logan breaks the coffee mug he is holding in his hand when charles makes his joke, says in the most dead pan voice while gritting his teeth "i need a new cup" and walks away in the opposite direction that cyclops walked away

>Tony's favorite Robin was Jason.
>She-Hulk, Black Widow, Spider-Woman, and Jessica Jones have all been members of the Birds of Prey.
>Likewise, the new Outsiders is Black Lightning, Katana, Hawkeye, Spider-Man, and Geo-Force.
>A-Force is now Black Canary, Emma Frost, Mera, Agent 13, Valkyrie, and Batwoman.
>Rose Wilson has a crush on Captain America.
>Cass and Steph become members of Heroes for Hire.
>Ultron has taken tech from Braniac's ship to forge into new armor/weapons for himself...god help us all.
>Red Skull has an ever vitriolic rivalry with the JSA.


He's purple in the comic. Cover just painted him differently.

No, see

No it just means part of Image made the cut (Liefeld's, Silvestri's, Lee's). And I don't think Dark Horse did any crossovers with Marvel so that's why they weren't included in that wiki.

If you want, you can imagine the DC crossovers with Dark Horse (Batman vs Predator, Batman/Hellboy/Starman, etc) to be canonical as long as they don't contradict what's already established by that wiki entry.

>peopple disapponted it wasn't "classic" Harley
No, I'm disappointed it's "prostitute streetwalker" Harley
Why is it Harley barely has any decent alt-outfits? The only good one that comes to mind was from Based Prince Charming

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>AIM has tried to steal Cyborg's Fatherbox tech on more than one occasion

>>wayne manor almost didnt survive alfred's absence

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>>Red Skull has an ever vitriolic rivalry with the JSA.
>Alan: Ah, this reminds me of the good old days

>The reason the JSA are still around is because in '45 they were transported through time and space to the future, each member ending up somewhere differently thanks to a HYDRA Tesseract device
>Hence why most are still in their prime
>The young JSA members are helping them still getting used to the modern day and helping protect their identities

>>Tony's favorite Robin was Jason.
>Tony was sad when he died, happy when he came back, sad again whe nhe learned how he came back
Being Tony is suffering
>Rose Wilson has a crush on Captain America.
>Slade kinda encourages this

>Ultron has taken tech from Braniac's ship to forge into new armor/weapons for himself...god help us all.
>Cue Age of Ultron

>Grid Agent of A.I.M. sounds like a good series.

Now that you mention it, it does
>Grid takes over AIM and turns it around
>Ironically this helps him gain empathy as it learns hate fro mdealing with meatbags and AIM's fuckups

>White Rabbit moves to Gotham to live with her new boyfriend, the Mad Hatter.

>The Joker once hired Deadpool to be his muscle, but he was fired soon after. Wade got Batman to chuckle, and the Joker got jealous.

>The Punisher tries to assassinate Amanda Waller when he discovers the Suicide Squad's existence.
>Amanda Waller created the Thunderbolts to be a marketable version of the Suicide Squad. The more stable and reliable members of the Squad (such as Deadshot or the Bronze Tiger) are members of the Thunderbolts, while the bastards and crazies (such as Harley Quinn) are relegated to the Squad.
>Amanda was Norman's second-in-command during Dark Reign, but she was covertly working against him the entire time.
>Also, she may or may not have Weapon Plus ties.

>>White Rabbit moves to Gotham to live with her new boyfriend, the Mad Hatter.
>Batman encourages this since Tetch has greatly reduced his creepiness since then
>And that White Rabbit has been investing in Gotham's economy indirectly

How would Grid and M.O.D.O.K. interact?

Grid would think MODOKs are idiots and MODOK would feel the same.

>Grid is a successful AIM made recreation of Cyborg's Fatherbox tech, without the meaty bits
>Grid runs on cold machine logic and rises through the ranks from a lowly Agent to competing with Sivana for leadership

Okay if this is the route we're going with Grid, then I think the inevitable conclusion is
>Ultron thinks Grid is rising too fast and is beginning to become a threat.
>Jocasta is forced to kill one of them.

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>Troy=The Commissioner

>Troy= The Maker looking upon this new reality

>Troy=The Anti Monitor seconds before becoming the Anti Monitor.

>>Also, she may or may not have Weapon Plus ties.
She has a lot of mutants in the SS and TBs, no doubt.

>Red Skull enlists a never ending stream of teammates to fight them; starting with Red Ghost.

>Sabre Tooth
>Likely Mystique
There's a lot she could choose from not mentioning OCs to put in.

>Red Ghost
I have a feeling these JSA books would have a Gold/Silver age feel to them? Seems like the JLI stories which were more comedy focused
>tfw Red Skull is Cobra Commander/Skeletor in this verse

Generally I'd say the illuminati would be pretty effective against Clark, careful planning and indirect methods are things Clark cant just punch his way out of, and he has more than enough weaknesses that a group of geniuses could take advantage of. But I'm having a hard time thinking of anything they could do that the join efforts of the Justice League couldnt undo, between Bats ingenuity, Flash's Speed Force powers, Diana's various mythical tools & weapons and J'onn being one of the most powerful psychics around, any plot the illuminati could throw at Clark could probably be easily undone

The portal to another planet seems a bit random, what good does it serve?

Maybe add Etrigan to the midnight songs?

Didn't we have DC characters part of the Illuminati? I think one of the ideas was
>Bruce is a member, but Xavier can't tell if he's actually is a mole since in reality Bruce does upload/downloads before and after every meeting. Since they aren't too frequent this isn't as dangerous as it sounds.
Or that may be me misremembering things as that's crazy enough to be a plan by Bruce, or just get Plas to take his place every now and then

I agree with you, but too much comedy feels unnecessary.
Red Ghost doesn’t have to have a major role, but I think he’s show up at least

We need an issue of Plas just wrecking Doom's shit and doing everything to annoy him. Get as silly as possible, maybe Plas ends up ruling latveria for a week or something

Explains how both have the resources to do what they do without massive imports and energy to matter conversion tech. Just throwing ideas at the wall really

How about the Squadron Supreme vs the Justice League? Or better yet the SS vs the Crime Syndicate

Good stuff

"He can make functional bicycles" is one of the dumbest things I've read all day
Bravo full points

Space Cabbies Space Cab turns out to be an ancient Cybertronian general who after centuries of epic feats and glorious battles chose to slip away and live a quite (but still somewhat exciting) life as the space cab

I should have added
>7642 Maker: He can make functional bicycles and tiltrotor craft from his body damn it! And he shoves it in my face all the time!

Because it otherwise reads he makes bicycles and such with no mention of his stretching

She's constantly going on missions with more serious members such as Hawkman or Wild Cat and annoying them by being a fan girl. Deep down they love her but they are too gruff to let it show

.Space Cabbie has banned Lobo from ever hitching a ride for all eternity
>He never tips, leaves his trash and wrecked the upholstery
>Lobo's biggest bounty is all the fairs he never paid for the cabbie

Also how do the Marvel Family and the Captain Marvels interact? Is the family mad that their gimmick got high jacked?
Would Carol stand a chance against Adam?

>Galactus made the mistake of trying to nom Primus/Unicron once
>Some say he's actually fleeing from the latter for it

>Primus is pretty much a cosmic entity and sits on the council of abstracts
>Megatron is baffled by how many times he's tried and failed to kill Punisher.
>His most near successful plan involved transforming into a gun and shrinking himself so Fran kwould pick him up to use allowing Megatron the chance to end him
>Frank just threw said tiny Megatron gun at a gangbanger causing him to drop his grenade in the car blowing him and Megatron up

>Conversely, Ironheart had a huge falling out with Batgirl and was not invited to join the Birds of Prey.

>Mostly because she blew up too many walls, cars and such.
>Batgirl: You have a good heart girl, but we're trying to keep damage to a minimum. No hard feelings?

>Ironheart: I don't cause as much collateral damage as Thanos. That has to count for something, right?

Brainiac, Zola, Grid and Ultron should make some kind of team-up when they constantly try to outmaneuver each other.

So robot clusterfuck than?

>The issue goes about with them joining up to defeat theheroes
.But as it goes on their paranoia and egos clash
>In the end the heroes arrive to fin them pretty much defeated by the others in a MAD-esque situation and easy pickings

>Villain: *Looks up* Hey, what's that in the sky?
>Other villain: Looks pretty big and dropping fast.
>*Kamala at giant size comes crashing onto the ground after being dropped by Hawkman earlier stopping them in their tracks*

>Giganta and Kamala fight when?

Not soon enough
>Kamala fangirls a bit when fighting Giganta
>Giganta finds it awkward
>And annoying since Kamala can stretch while giant sized
>Atom Smasher teaches Kamala the ropes to being giant

>And Kamala learns about giantess fetishism.

>Implying that wasn't one of the first things she learned

*in her early heroing days
FOrgot that
>Kamala and Billy switch bodies
>Apparently Billy can SHAZAM regardless of body
>But Kamala an also do it to, apparently the Wizard felt a little bad and helped out
>Kamala turns into an older buffer magic version of herself


>Peter, being a quipper, is a master at rap. >He roasts everyone to the point everyone would rather listen to his most sassy quips.

Probably because some dipass was enacting some fucked up fetish when he designed her outfit

or was just on acid.

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We were like this close to having Men in Black on this Earth.

>peter exclusively listens to new york/east coast rappers, he thinks listening to west coast rap is cheating

>this version of Peter trademarks Spider-Man like the dead blonde Peter from ITSV
>in addition to all the merchandise, he starts a promising career as the world’s first superhero rapper
>he makes individual diss tracks for each of his rogue’s gallery

>The Bar with no name has jukeboxes with all the tracks

>whenever one of Spidey’s rogues is on the Suicide Squad, Amanda Waller likes to be petty and loudly plays the diss tracks he made for them.

>Kate once decked Emma when Emma tells her straight up she was acting like Bruce, telling her she acts like Bruce is one thing that just sets her the fuck off.
>Ever since Kate and Emma have had a rather...cold (no pun intended) relationship.
>Dinah, before meeting Emma thought she had ice powers.
>Ultron stole that shit while Vril's ship was kept in a SHIELD facility.

>The GotG are agents of L.E.G.I.O.N despite wanting to have nothing to with Vril Dox II
>When they visited L.E.G.I.O.N HQ, Rocket ran into Lobo
>The gunfight that broke between them destroyed 37% of HQ, 10 city blocks and that space diner that everyone loves.

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Alright cool ideas for Wild Dog and Ragman?

I love Lobo's antics.

>Frank Castle was drafted into the Suicide Squad while stuck onboard The Raft
>He 'agreed' to be a field leader but was planning to kill every Squad member he was put with.
>This almost succeeds, until Waller reveals she planted a bomb in Frank's neck without his knowing, and it'll go off if he tries to remove it himself.
>For a period of time, Frank was reluctantly leading Task Force X on a series of successful missions from capturing international criminals, assassinating potential foreign threats, and conducting raids on outposts of AIM, HYDRA, and The Society.
>Norman Osborn during Dark Reign had his own JLA that went like this
>General Zod as 'Superman'
>Bane as 'Batman'
>Circe as 'Wonder Woman'
>Hunter Zolomon as 'The Flash'.
>Orm as 'Aquaman'.
>Slade Wilson as 'Green Arrow'
>This was all the while the real JLA members were underground trying to ensure the Skrull threat was gone for the time being.

>In a bit of irony, Norman's JLA had to fight the Squadron Sinister.

-There's an overlap between Spider-Man's rogues and Titans rogues.
-Peter graduated HS when Jason first became Robin.
-Spider-Man is the honorary seventh Teen Titan, the sixth is Superboy, aka Chris Kent, Superman's adopted son.
-Blackfire was briefly on the Thunderbolts.
-Bullseye and Deadshot are engaged in an unending rivalry over who the best marksman is, this has caused them to try and kill each other way too many times.
-Typhoid Mary was once an Arkham Asylum inmate, her next door neighbor was Poison Ivy.

>>Frank Castle was drafted into the Suicide Squad while stuck onboard The Raft
>He 'agreed' to be a field leader but was planning to kill every Squad member he was put with.
>This almost succeeds, until Waller reveals she planted a bomb in Frank's neck without his knowing, and it'll go off if he tries to remove it himself.
You'd expect him to expect such a thing right? Seems like an open secret in such a world.

>Dark JLA
I think Slade works better as Batman iah

>-Blackfire was briefly on the Thunderbolts.
>She was the only woman on the teams willing to sleep with Marko and could survive

>Brainiac carefully observes the meetings between Cap and Pa from afar.

>Due to the overlapping of rogues, Pete is able to tell whenever Brother Blood is up to something as Sebastian is an all to predictable one.
>Outside of Blood, the most common ones he encounters are Mammoth, Doctor Light, Gizmo, Mad Mod, and Warp.
>Meanwhile at any given time any Titans incarnation will come face to face with Mysterio, Rhino, Kraven, and Scorpion with the occasional run ins with Vulture and Black Cat.
>Damian does not at all like Felicia..

>The Brain has ties to Ultron, Red Skull, Klaw, and The Mandarin.
>Joker still has the scars from a time when Wolverine stabbed him.
>Logan will admit if you press him hard enough that he did it with the intent of killing the Joker.
>Phantom Stranger is capable of wielding the Infinity Gauntlet.
>Zatanna is powerful enough to qualify for being Sorceress Supreme, but she's never really bothered trying to obtain the title.
>Swamp Thing and Man Thing have an understanding with each other but that doesn't mean they're best buddies.
>Tony does in fact have a WonderBuster armor just in case, as well as SuperBuster and FlashBuster armors, the only thing he's having difficulty with is a LanternBuster.

>Damian does not at all like Felicia..
>Mostly because she teases him a bunch
>Logan will admit if you press him hard enough that he did it with the intent of killing the Joker.
>Logan: "Clown shouldn'y have used the buzzer on me. the metal on my skeleton didn't like it."
>Tony actually never used it on Flash, but rather used it on Dr. Zoom

Helena and Emma both really like observing the male heroes and commenting on their features.

Wouldn't that be every female hero?

Someone had the idea of thanos and darkseid being brothers what kind of crazy shit happens?

I did that.
>Tried to strangle Darkseid in the womb
>Thanos frames Queen Heggra for Suli's murder
>Is a better father to Kalibak and Orion than Darkseid (not saying much), Kalibak actually joins him for IG and is sent back to Apokalips after the reset
>Had Lobo bang Gamora to sire a super assassin
>Leaves Apokalips to better find a way to contact Death and giver her his mixtapes, decides on the Infinity Stones
>Somehow gets a comparable body count to Darkseid in that time

>dr doom and lex luthor dont get along at all, they absolutely refuse to recognize each other's accomplishments and try to one u each other as much as possible
>dr doom and black adam are actually good friends and meet up every once in a while to hang. they also help each other out whenever needed
>lex luthor and norman osborn both have the potental to be friends, but neither party wants to make teh leap of faith and recognize this. both are unaware of this but are still cordial with each other