You come home to see a giant Janet Van Dyne lying in your street
What would you do
Call 911 and then shitpost on Yea Forums about how Pym must be back
Imagine the smell
It's a crime that such great Coipel art was wasted on Austen completely shitting up the book.
Do you really think anyone cares about Ultimates?
I call Giganta
climp up to her mouth and quickly let a load off.
I never realized I was into unbirthing til now! Take me Janet!
Probably ask her if she wants a bottle of water. It's pretty hot outside and I'm sure super hero fighting is tiring so keeping hydrated is important
Try to crawl inside her butthole
If I was in her butthole when she shrunk back down, would I then be small? Or would I remain the same size and be crushed to death by her shrinking ass
>Do you really think anyone cares about Ultimates?
In general, or that page in particular?
take some pictures then ask is she requires assistance
Probably in general. And the answer is no. That said, I think Ultimates 3 was unduly shit on for not being Millar/Hitch and not having blockbuster action like the others. It's not that bad and the art grows on you.
High five my best friend Pymtron.
Spelunking thread?
I know that by the time it's over she had better eat all the eggs.
I love how out of Austen's entire run on Avengers, THIS is the most memorable issue of them all. And, of course, we all know why.
hope my insurance covers whatever this is
Eh, the concept involving Ultron replacing members of the Ultimates with robot duplicates was good but so many things about the execution were just horse shit from the Pietro/Wanda incest thing, Hawkeye in general, ignoring the very basis that in Ultimate Magneto despised Wanda and Pietro, killing off Wanda in such a stupid manner, writing off Black Panther, the list goes on
I want Giganta to love me unconditionally
That's disgusting user.
See if she's alright. Maybe if I play my cards right I'll get to recreate that one Tracy Scops comic.