What do y'all think of the new kid in class Yea Forums?
What do y'all think of the new kid in class Yea Forums?
>ANOTHER Zim thread
Stop spamming your shitty show retard, you Zimfags have been doing this for the past 3 weeks now
Fuck off user SU is shit.
>he says this as Steven Universe takes over the catalog
Zim threads are now a blessing by comparison.
Shut up Dib
I prefer IZ threads over SU ones.
He aint got no nose or ears.
Calm down Zimcels
Say that to my face not online and see what happens
>Only two arms
god Dib why you so racis
Whys his skin green?
>Mfw if this happened in 2019 Dib would be expelled and socially excluded from society for being intolerant.
>Zim controls people through guilt due to being a "Human of Pigment"
I love Zim.
I think he's kinda cute
What was his routine?
He's really ugly.
>It's the /fit/ episode
>Gir and Zim change places like Pic related
>Dib and Gaz remain the same
What changes?
You would notice his dick, you homo
he's. Green
Better than the /d/ episode.
We don't ever talk about that episode. EVER.
Fit is actually one of the worst places to go to learn how to improve your body. Its 70% threads to make you feel insecure about every body part you have, 20% snake oil, 9% memes, and 1% fitness, and that 1% fitness is just the sticky.
found it here
count yourself lucky, because there isn't much good ZAGR content out there
That's why they always tell you to READ THE FUCKING STICKY. It's even got a nice little raptor so you notice it.
Everyone thinks Dib is even crazier because his main enemy is a dog/cat.
He's so normal and ugly
Isn’t that just Kid vs Kat?
I can't let ZAGR die because of tumblr.
I won't allow it.
Obligatory episode where Zim gets adopted by a little girl who suffocates him with snuggles and affection. Pretty much but not shit like that show was.
We just had a good movie, this'll take a few months.
Tempted to draw Cat costume SIR Zim being tortur- I mean cradled with affection by that super happy alternate universe Gaz.
I've been lifting for 4 years and I pity every single person who thinks anyone on /fit/ knows what they're talking about.
Stop replying to blatant trolls
Gaz shared pictures.
Never let it die. Fuck tumblr
>H-He doesn't like Zim? TROLL!
Fuck off shill,
Why go to a thread about thing you dont like??
>People having fun.
Never thought I’d live to see the dawn.
>Oh no I've entered a thread about something I don't like and I don't like it
How about you go piss and moan in one of the 80 current Steven Universe threads oh wait you probably made about 12 of them
Because you retards spam the same shitty threads over and over again and unironically think that Zim is an iconic masterpiece and more famous than Fairly Oddparents, fuck off back to Twitter
>tentacle cock
I didn’t know you were my brother in taste doodle user.
Geez, Dib
Be more sensitive, you know he has a skin condition.
>Fairly Odd Parents
Please nobody respond to it. Please.
I’ve come to fuck
Be friends or I'm going to slap your dicks
>Kid vs Kat?
Is this one of the most forgettable ripoffs in Yea Forums history?
Seething Zimcuck
Still bitter that Chadman killed your shit show and became more famous than Vasquez?
Why does fame an iconography even matter? What if I prefer one to the other for personal reasons?
You just had to respond to it, didn't you
It's okay, Zim, we all know it's just part of your skin condition.
Dib's just a bully
At least three people remember it so no.
Why was Zim going to kill himself here? Couldn’t he just run away?
Damn, thats a good mod
That's fine, but don't fucking spam threads 24/7, you've been doing this for 3 weeks now
>Wahhh, I want more Steven universe and joker
the fire rises brother
his skin condition is revolting, he is fucking green. But atleast he isn't the wierd kid with the giant head that sees aliens and vampire bees in every corner.
well, he is.... sitting...
Not super into Gaz but I know some of you anons are so have this.
That's great, but I can't help but feel Gaz would go beanpole mode when she grows up
I'm guessing you've been a whiny faggot your entire life, but you're not about to stop now, are you?
Almost everyone agreed to that at one point. Not doodle user btw, just a fan.
Dib is a bully.
The threads are actually being filled, so what's the big issue?
As long as people are getting use out of these threads, I wouldn't call it spam. These threads are being capped, and thats why we keep making more.
>Proceeds to make more Zim threads
Quit responding to them you fags.
Calling all Tallestfags.
zim abusers too.
zim snugglers too.
Why the fuck are you still responding to it you idiot
Got to head to bed for work tomorrow but I got a comic in mind I can draw when I get home.
I only responded once
Stupid timezones.
Goodnight, user.
What exactly is happening here?
>Zim abusers
Check /aco/
Why does Florpus have an art style that removes most of the show's personality?
Why is Florpus's writing so much stupider and tamer than the original show's? Why does it feel like a really lame reboot that tries re-setting everything up in the most boring and stupid way possible? Why does this change in writing carry over to each character's personality and make them far less entertaining?
Why does Florpus have such boring sound design compared to the original show?
Sure Skoodge.
We had a guy actually admit that he started thread wars here for fun, up to and including replying to himself to stir the pot, and you fucking retards still give these people (you)s. How fucking new are you? I get that on tumblr its really fun to get your five followers see you call down the words on a troll, but here it just makes everything awful. Honestly, learn to stop being so gullible.
what do you supoose those stains on his uniform are from
At least he's not the shortest.
You know why.
This is a general Yea Forums thing, got little to do with tumblr. Yea Forums always takes the bait.
oh boy, nice.
The blood of his enemies.
What is that Dib kid's problem?
He's a schizo. Here's him talking to a spoon.
Oh yeah of course, we can't forget about ZIM.
God he's a fucking idiot! I'm glad the tallfags banished him.
>Dib finds out Zim has been captured and taken to Area 51 but it’s not revealed to the public yet
>Delighted that he will finally be stopped and experimented on for the rest of his life
>Realizes it’s Agent Batflaps who captured him in a very stupid way before bringing him there
>Dib being... Dib can’t let Batflaps take the credit for what should be his discovery so he sneaks into Area 51 to rescue Zim
>Has to get Zim out of Area 51 by pushing around a test tube he’s trapped in
>Despite Zim’s complaints refuses to let him out because he plans on delivering him in the tube directly to the Swollen Eyeballs after he escapes
>After many shenanigans finally makes it out and to freedom
>Test tube falls and shatters and Zim escapes
To prevent the enemy from capturing him and reverese engineering Irken technology/extracting info about the Irkens and their plans.
Why do I have urge to see Zim in cute dresses?
Because Zim is the cutest thing in the Galaxy and exists to be adorable for human consumption. We have established this.
Zim should be forcibly kept in a Zoo and dressed in cute outfits daily so all humanity can admire how adorable he is
All true.
>Fawning over the retard called Zim.
cringe and shortpilled
He would hate this though.
That's the best part
>That's great, but I can't help but feel Gaz would go beanpole mode when she grows up
nah there's only two modes for Gaz as an adult, either shortstack or amazon, anything else is a lie
Too bad it’s his purpose
I think Dib lifted Zim's skirt.
>zim has kids
>he loves being taller for once
>they all grow taller than him
>they refuse to obey him
Zims smeets will always hold him in their hearts.
Oh sure, they love him, doesn't mean they have to listen though
Yeah fuck that. Gaz is now beanpole mode
He looks pretty normal to me.
>Yeah fuck that. Gaz is now beanpole mode
nah beanpole Gaz is boring and you're insane for thinking it has any merit
Look at this filthy boy tell filthy lies
That kid is an alien
i passed out for three hours but now i'm back *dabs*
What if when we raid area 51 we find Zim and the Tallest bound and gagged in a top secret fuck chamber?
>Dib didn't fuck the alien chick
Jhonen's final revenge.
>those double trips
alright guys time to raid Area 51 and find the fuck chamber
LIES!!! LIES!!!!!
Why hasn't Zim killed Dib?
I'm sure hes got 5000 ways to do it.
Is it an Eggman/Sonic type thing where there'd be a void in ones life without the other?
Okay I'll bite
where did that modded gir come from?
If the user who sketched this is out there, I'd really appreciate it if you could finish this pic. I know you said in the last thread that you didn't like the ship, but you also offered to finish it. Would you be willing?
>Is it an Eggman/Sonic type thing where there'd be a void in ones life without the other?
Yes. There was even an unproduced episode about exactly that called Mopiness of Doom.
Who would win: /fit/-Dib or Mech-Dib?
Well, first it was because he's bad at his job and couldn't even when he tried. Dib is more competent than Zim is.
Then it was because they started to enjoy their rivalry.
>me: grabs you by t h throat, pickig yuo up in the process
>you: WTF IT’S STEVEN’S TIME!!!!!!!!!! REBECCA!!!!!!
>me: slam you into pummel ground with fury of thousand cocks
>me: ke.eps pumeling you until there is noting left but red sticky goo on the pavement.
>started that comic thinking it was an obnoxious trump joke
>devolved into perfect madness
Unironcally one of my fav issues.
U ok?
Me thinks user went full retard
He's hulking out. We have to give him Zim before he destroys us all.
Remeber that episode where Zim accidentally saw gay porn on AOL and then decided to experiment with Dib?
He did and Dib came back even more powerful and beat him into the ground.
mommy why did that make me kek
Ah, yes. That's the one with the infamous line "I'M GOING TO INVADE YOUR ASS, DIB!"
>*dial up sound* *welcome!* *you've got mail!* GIR! WHAT IS THIS? WHATS THAT MAN DOING TO THAT OTHER MANS ASSHOLE?
Wew laddie.
Well, he does look pretty weird.
I think he's cute
Remember the episode where Zim learned more about human history? He plucked George Washinton, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Gandhi, and Adolf Hitler from their own times and then brainwashed them into helping him conquer the humans. When Dib found out about Zim's plot by seeing Irken tech in his history books, he stole Zim's time machine and gathered together more historic leaders, making a team of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane the Great, Vlad the Impaler, Qin Shi Huang, Kim Jong Il, and Ivan the Terrible to help him beat Zim. They brawled for a while but they all ended up abandoning Dib and joining Zim. Then they collectively abandoned Zim and became the new council of world rulers.
Vocaroo this
I remember. Hitler was my favorite. His dialogue was always snarky AND redpilled
This. Also please vocaroo this () too.
GIR eating Baby Jesus was a bit too much.
He's an alien.... I am the only one who is actually saving this planet from Irken invaders :(
Remember when Zim let Dib stick it in him so he could make fun of him for being a faggot
Yeah but he’s a CUTE alien
Admit it, you want that sweet alien boi pussy.
Because Jhonen probably either wants to distance himself from it or this is just his new style now.
>That episode where Zim told Dib he wouldn't get pregnant from oral but then he ended up giving birth to a litter of Irken spawn.
God, Zim in this outfit gets my dick hard. What doujinshi is this?
Oh god, that's really tame compared to how I reacted to seeing my first black person.
I said something along the lines of "Daddy, get away from him, he's an alien!"
It’s so stupid it becomes funny.
>irken spawn
You new here?
For scientific reasons.
Little fun fact, on the commentary Jhonen admits that Bryan, Avatar Creator, actually led to the slight design changes you see from the early beginning episode to the later ones because Jhonen liked the way he drew the characters so much.
Zim can reproduce how he wants don't judge.
Were they trying to set up an Invader Zim Babies spinoff with that one? That was weird.
That battle was won before you were born.
The only thing that needs saving is him from you! You and all the rest that want to hold him up in captivity and make him wear women's clothing! Who's to say it wasn't all a psy-op orchestrated by you, Dib? Huh?!
The sequence showing spawn-zim's affection towards the cold unfeeling robot arms that created him would seem to indicate that the irken race may in fact be capable of biological reproduction but choose to not engage in it.
Cloning is probably faster than birthing anyway.
Can't blame them for trying something better.
Of course I want to keep in captivity he would destroy us all and- wait what was that about women’s clothing?
They may have also simply phased it out when they started artificially making smeets.
>good movie
Neat. Someone posted my newer art here.
If I can remember, Bryan was the guy who came up with the "Dib is a clone/experiment" plot idea in the DVD extras.
Just brainwash him to enjoy it
I have some problems with it but I thought it was okay. At least it isn't as shitty as the SU movie.
what do you guys think of Zim Eats Waffles? I've heard some very polarizing opinions on it
>one irken gets horny out of nowhere
>mass chaos
Maybe my expectations were too low but I was suprised I enjoyed it so much.
Hid dad is that super genius Membrane guy.
I'd guess he wants to impress his dad with sciency shit but the best he could do now is prove something paranormal exists or something.
I wish there was more of Zim and Dib teaming up together against their enemies.
Sure. Give me a bit.
absolute madman
If another InvaderCon happens, what will you guys cosplay as?
An Andorian
Derb was extremely cute.
The hobo.
I’m never going to another fan convention in my life and I only went to one three years ago.
What would Invader Zim with the same edginess as Shadow's game have been like?
An Irken with an anotomically correct dick fully exposed.
You have your slaw sir.
Pretty sure you'll get banned for that
eat shit butch
A slightly edgier Destroy all humans
Oh shit thought you asked what a zim game with the same edginess as shadow would have been like
Someone discuss potential Dib and a Zim team up episodes with me
Not me but somebody as these two
The one where Dib lodges his tongue down Zim's throat
Go back to /x/ faggot
A zim game would've been awesome.
I wonder if any were in the works or even proposed by the time it was cancelled?
Recap Kid
Someone had a good idea earlier (last thread?) that Zim gets caught by the men in black and taken to Area 51, and Dib goes to save him because if Zim stays in Area 51 then aliens will never be revealed to the world and Dib can't be doin' with that. I assume they break out and then start a fight less than 10 feet from the facilities.
I marathoned all of IZ before watching Florpus, and it ended up feeling like a perfect extension of the show. But just a little more pink-hued.
Well, i'm surprised it never happened, Zim was in a bunch of Nicktoons games too, he and Dib were even major characters in Globs of Doom
I would love to have a Nicktoons crossover game that wasn’t shit. Maybe have a hub levels where you can see a bunch of Nicktoons characters but the levels themselves are exclusive to each show.
Holy fucking shit user. Just amazing.
Globs of Doom was a fine action platformer, nowadays you're lucky if they make a mediocre kart racer, we're probably never getting a truly great Nicktoons game.
Jhonen seems to really like the colors pink and purple.
His head is still too small.
So uh what experiments would they try to do on Zim
They'd probably rip his teeth out to check his age first and foremost before dismantling his PAK and investigating his brain for any similarities between Irken and Human intelligence development. Maybe they'd vivisect his organs to research their form of reproduction and digestion.
here have some new Purple ones with PAK straps
They would wrap him in a blanket and kiss him on the forehead and give him lots of hugs.
>implying Dib isn't banned from /x/
I love it and want to draw them too
You're usually right, but the movie was actually genuinely good this time. I say this as someone who came to hate SU and thought the season finale was totally botched.
Dib could actually do the same, he Just need a sawed off, White paint and a fake Peace text; get inside the base and blast zim's PAK off
Yeah, it's just a little offputting when the pink hue is filtered over top of literally every color.
*Rikki seems to really like the colors pink and purple
>he Just need a sawed off, White paint and a fake Peace text; get inside the base
Zim doesn't allow anyone inside of his base except Nick and Agt. Batflaps. That's not going to work.
Zim looks pretty tuckered out here, guys
This boi needs some MILK
Let’s hook him up to an IV and check out his organs.
If he asks nicely Gir will let him in.
I love it! I especially like the ones with Gir
Is any draw user willing to draw Tak and Tenn enjoying each other's embrace in a spring field? Bonus points for summer/ spring dresses
Can we talk more about Zim being experimented on?
You retards will always take the bait :^)
Fair enough, you may have me on this one.
Like most kids nowadays, I was raised to think everyone was equal but a couple of the black kids at my school were bullies and also notably uncleanly so I one time (I was like 6 or 7 I think) I asked my mom if black people have brown skin because they don't wash themselves. She laughed but also panicked and told me to never say that publicly.
Obviously she straightened me out on that but she was much nicer about it than the school would've been had I decided not to ask her first.
do you think Zim would feel anything if you stuck a metal stake through his body, making sure to dodge any organs?
You were based when you were younger user. You should see the black "man" again and see if your original thoughts come back.
When I first saw a white person, I refused to interact with her because I thought she was a ghostly demon.
b i g g e r
Typos in MY comics?
Pretty sure.
comfy slice of life episode, where the fact it's mostly slice of life is also the punchline of the joke
Let's experiment with hugs and kisses. You think he'd like that, or would it be like trying to show affection to an angry cat?
Jesus user, thats the same barbarity as the negro "man" before coming to contact with the white man
>its another "thread falls for the bait" episode
How many times they gonna run this shit?
When my grandma first saw an asian, a classmate I had over for playtime in first grade she asked how he could speak our language so well. We were both really confused.
The fact your hair is literally a limb, you seem far more likely to be an alien than some kid with a skin condition.
he would absolutely react just like that cat.
Nah, Zim loves affection. He'd definitely be into it until he gets bored and wants to do something else.
Will he even realize the difference?
Oh HELL yes. I stil need to keep drawing these fuckers
He seems cute. God, I hope he doesn't try to steal my organs.
Korea forgot the Y.
I want to smother zim in boobies. does anyone else want this.
[spoilers]maybe today's a "draw soft femdom with zim" kind of day.[/spoilers]
same except my boobs are too small for smothering
maybe a cuddle
I'll be the judge of that. Post em.
Do you guys think Zim would give Black Fag a aneurysm for being destructively incompetent?
He seems to feel sensations of burning and other human pains even if he has more endurance to them.
He doesn’t seem to like being touched at all so affectionate touching would likely gross him out.
>Zim is ticklish but has never been before because why would Irkens ever tickle each other
>Happens to him at Skool and he thinks it’s some sort of advanced human torture method
>I asked my mom if black people have brown skin because they don't wash themselves.
HAHAHAH! Holy shit! I've would have lost it, if I was your mom. But god thing she was able to stop you from publicly execute yourself in the future.
The only thing I can really remember from when I was a kid, was when I saw the pride parade for the first time and I asked my dad why they were all so annoying and naked. I basically thought gay people were another species as a kid.
>Zim loves affection
Not from humans, though. He hates being touched by humans.
See I think something like this would factor in too. You're just going to pick up a dangerous Irken soldier and kiss him? HOW DARE YOU, HUMAN.
>read this in the HEV Suit voice
Yeah, I'll just dress up like a robot and give him a big ol' hug.
He just haven't been touched the right way yet!
Where would he be ticklish?
C-can we keep talking about cosplay please?
Post short Irkens so we can all point and laugh at how short they are
I wonder if he'd enjoy a back massage. He likes them in the comics but I want to give him one.
HELLO SMELLY MEATBEASTS. I am also a normal human manchild who likes to be pathetic on the internet! Pay no attention to me as I observe your threads and- .... eh?..... URGHHHHHHHHHHH MODERATOR SLAVES IMPRISON THEM STOP THEM NOW
My son doesn't seem to like him too much, although I think he's a pleasant tea buddy.
Cmere. I just wanna talk.
In my van.
They get even shorter if you put them next to taller things.
Man, you could fit Zim in Dib's mouth he's so small.
Don't go there.
I'm NOT ready to stoop to vore yet.
Only because his head is so big.
Zim already got vored in the foodtopia episode. He underwent inflation and tentacles in that episode too.
Wasn't really thinking about that but yeah sure.
>He underwent tentacles too
There needs to be more art of that
>Zim loves affection
Even if he did, he'd never admit that
So, you used to mock his skin condition and now you're mocking his height?! F- you, man!
Low-key bullying is best bullying.
>smug Dib
>pissed Zim
>Gaz doesn't give a shit
I love it 10/10
But they are user. At least those faggots were.
I forgot how Zim threads used to be like, i'm afraid
pls give him a stool :c
>5' 11" vs 6'
Dib getting ridiculously tall while Zim remains a complete manlet is always great. It without a doubt enrages Zim to no end.
>begging for money
Requesting some very needed Tallest Tak on small Zim action
Florpus looks more akin to the IZ comic that has never really stopped coming out, and writing is objectively better (although I will agree they didn't push the envelope as much as I hoped), and the new animation style looks better than the original show in every possible way.
Literally stop being a fucking hipster and at the very least be thankful is wasn't Rocko's Modern Life tier bad.
Based Tak
>doesn’t seem to like being touched at all
haven't we heard that before
I wish I could find actual Sizz-Lorr fucking Zim porn. Giant alien on tiny alien is my greatest fetish.
He's looking a little green around the gills, is he sick?
>not posting the other ones
I know they do but humans having 4 fingers drawn like this stresses me out.
I saw some in these threads before.
Now THATS art
Tak indeed.
He never seems to eat anything...
>Gaz joining in to beat up her brother.
Yeah, seems about right.
>this is what manlets actually believe
When will they learn? WHEN?
sick in the HEAD, maybe
He's always ranting and raving about random shit, I don't know what it's all about...
Sizz-Lorr’s Tentacle cock has to be as big as Zim’s body. If he fucked him Zim would die.
Weird and is currently sitting
Zim's fit more organs in his tiny little body than that. I bet he could handle it.
Should I post implied fucking at the risk of getting banned
I want Dib to have a rival smart scientist kid rival.
it's on e621
please do
Which one was the /d/ episode?
The one where ZIM and Dib turn into Bologna?
We DO have an /aco/ thread.
Ship Zim with Mandark
it's on e621
Only if you're foreverial delitized guy.
Its an implication about the state of the thread, and how this thread is going to be full of people talking about their weird fetishes, a prediction which clearly came true.
You think if Invader Zim gets rebooted due to the success of ETF we will ever see Invader Dib be made?
>Why is Florpus's writing so much stupider and tamer than the original show's?
IZ has been tame since what, second half of season 1?
got bored, so new doodle
Why is he green? Also he seems to yell a lot.
hell yes beach episode collab
this must become a thing
Tamer yes but the show has always been stupid in a good way.
Very cute. Doodle user can you draw me a shitty Gir?
God that's so cute. Rip Dib, as per usual.
Doodleanon every time you step to the drawing board your art gets better and better. I hope you do more colorized comics like this one.
What if Zim got captured and exposed as an alien and experimented on that would be absolutely hilarious
What if Zim wasn't an alien and just had Harlequin Syndrome, chlorosis, drawfism, and a weird hair pattern that made his hair looked like antennae?
Based doodle user, a breath of fresh air.
So the Irken Empire would be a Safe_-class SCP, right?
It would be contained.
How so?
We talking just Zim or the Empire here?
I could see the foundation doing some sort of treaty-shenanigans or something, idk
There is no universe in which Zim could be considered safe to anything really.
The foundation always has a way to contain things. They've contained far worse. Seeing as how the Irkens don't ever plan on coming to Earth and they don't announce their presence in a way that the public can find out about, they would be labeled Euclid and kept under observation.
Zim would be help in a secure containment cell with basic accommodations, though due to his nature he would likely be kept under intense containment measures.
I’m in the minority but I don’t think Dib would actually be able to watch Zim get experimented on. I think he would have a change of heart once it started happening.
It's all fun and games until he shrieks loud enough to blow your eardrums out when you keep it up too long or find the right spot.
I keep thinking about what Zim's feet are like and it makes me feel like a degenerate. What if they're as dextrous as his hands?
Nah, I think so, too.
I don't think Dib is capable of assisted murder like that.
Torturing Zim and causing him immense amounts of pain, yes, but something permanent? Nah.
I agree. Lots of people on here like to think its a possibility in their mind, but like a lot of violent and cruel actions they will be filled with doubt when given the opportunity to do them. I think people are just projecting their own cruelty onto Dib.
I'm on the complete other side of the spectrum. I don't think his hands and feet are that dexterous at all. He's only good at typing but would suck at playing Franz Liszt
Oops meant for
I think Dib doesn't really want Zim gone in general. Zim gives him something to do that's tangible.
made it extra shitty for you
Holy Christ Doodle user
Its beautiful
>hey check our how hard I can pee
youre a blessing these threads need but dont deserve
Thank you for the nightmares, Doodleon.
Well now I have to draw you ZaGr as thanks. Give me a minute.
What's Zimfag thread's stance on shitty original Irkens? Because here, have some.
I want to poke Zim in his squeedlyspooch!
I hope you don't mind me doing this, doodleanon
Now this is the quality content I come to these threads for.
holy shit based
this is the hardest i've laughed in a week
Fuck I accidentally cropped out the "PPPFFFSHHHFWWW"
eh, it's too late for me to be awake enough to care
I'm glad you enjoyed my dumb little thing
Here, have some art a based drawfriend did of my navigator
>Irken OCs
ahaha who would draw something silly like that.
Your spacebugs are cute.
of course i forget the image
What? What do you want me to do with this?
What the fuck conversation is going on in discord that leads to this?
is the same angry lad who got hit on by another navigator after the Tallest fucked in the main chamber
He's a lovable rascal, he is.
I like shitty original irkens and I like yours too
No idea, I only shitpost in the threads. I didn't even know we had a discord until like five minutes ago.
>Zim uses racism to his advantage in an episode next season
We have a discord?
May I see it?
I love you doodleanon
I would also like to see it
It's an ego thing. He can't show up and Dibs house and pop him with a death ray, he needs to prove how superior his might Irken brain is by coming up with the most convoluted possible plan to off Dibber imaginable.
What do you think the next Squeefest will be about?
I want to convert Zim to Islam.
a guy usually RPs as a navigator, pretty in character if you ask me
It is done.
Stinking Earth Monkeys VS Superior Irken Conquerors
oh god thank you
the world needs more zagr man
Many thanks
He'd become a jihadist user, don't do that.
but his irkin body not allow him to grow a beard
He gets one in the comics though I think everyone who read it thinks it's fake.
But I thought Zim loved peace and therefore he'd fit right into Islam. He even had GIR make a song about it.
Top tier content right here
calm down sweetheart
You’re the one who draws all the trap foodcortia Zim porn on the /aco/ thread aren’t you
>Zim stands before a smoking skool
>he used gir as a cheap suicide bomber
"Religion of peace Dib."
Reminder this is Zim’s reaction to being forced to crossdress
I want Zim to convert to Asatru
Aww, Honey. I think it's time we took you home.
reminder that zim is for hugs and kisses
Finally, now deaf people can enjoy the true invader zim experience.
But I have seen the light and will no longer be drawing any IZ porn.
Damn it
Banned too many times, huh? Well glad you're back.
Your AU finally inspired me to write again and like tentacle dick please user.
god damnit GOD DAMNIT
C'mon man.
he looks asian,is he an inmigrant?
the fuck you people do in that board?
He's from Greenland. That's why he's green.
I think he's Filipino.
We scream about how badly we want Zim's alien pussy
You think I could get away with cumming on his scalp and forcing him to wear the wig on top all day?
What is it about characters being drawn without mouths that makes them inherently more cuter
Anyone have the commentaries on hand?
The Tak episode's missing, and I'm pretty sure that had a commentary track
I want the tallests to treat Zim right!
Yeah that playlist seems to be missing quite a few episodes.
Look at how affectionate they are to Zim!
Please post full on the /aco/ thread
Does Zim still have his self destruct button?
Summer is over and I’m going to have my hands full teaching.
Big thanks
>the people teaching your children math and science are also the same ones drawing zim getting his dick sucked by his co-worker Tak on a planet food court.
Teach me
Sadness covers me like a blanket. Godspeed, TrapZim user, you'll always be right here, in my squeedlyspooch.
You never drew how Dib would react to trap waitress Zim
Do you consider Dib a good person?
>gaz kicking him too
in life there is neither good nor bad, nor right nor wrong, just whether there is or whether there is not.
Absolutely not
Not really. He's got a noble goal but his methods and personality are insane.
I consider him a big-headed boy
>the blind guy in these threads using a screen reader
Rip dude. May the curtain of anonymity conceal your fate.
reminds me of this
I still stand by the fact that he attempted to autopsy Zim before he even knew he was a hostile alien. Sure he heard of the invasion but he had no clue Zim was involved in it.
Not even the weirdest thing I’ve ever caught a teacher doing. I had a gym teacher who went to jail after threatening to bomb the local diocese and eventually got shot by a cop after a long ass shootout.
It was this super white catholic school too.
I consider him a well meaning but ultimately narcissistic weirdo. He, like everything in the show, probably smells like ass and sulphur.
I don't think he's a good or bad person, he's just a shitty kid.
I have never watched a single episode and therefore can’t do anything but shitpost in these threads
I dunno about the new kid but this girl is absolutely adorable.
I love that you keep drawing Zim short.
>tfw you don't have an amazon gf
not even Yea Forums is at a billion posts yet calm down
I need an edit of this where Zim is pissed.
Dib would not be in space.
You don’t like Sans Undertale?
>listening to the comentary track
>"its 2004"
delete this my man
Is Dib autistic? I don’t mean it in a shitposty kind of way but do you think he actually is on the spectrum.
Oh fuck you
Definitely. No normal person would obsess over the supernatural unless they had a few screws loose.
You're both wrong, Gaz is 100% likely to be one of those girls who stays the same height and weight she was at 13 while being 33. and so is Dib.
He talks to himself constantly. He may even be a schizophrenic
I don't think so. I'd say he's just somewhat insane like his father.
I'm constantly impressed by the dedication of Membranefags
To his defense he points it out a few time it's weird he talks to himself
He has good intentions, though they're quite warped due to pretty much being insane.
Excellent Membrane content.
>2004 was 34 years ago
We need more Membrane content desu
Area 51 doodle antics for that one idea that anons were talking about
What are Sim threads?
Great work user. Caution sign is a nice touch
No seriously why is this girl so adorable, in invader zim of all places.
This is great!
I want to hold her hand.
I like the redesigned girl with the headband better, but overalls is pretty cute too.
Holy shit. There’s a sims general, wow.
What can honestly besaid about that game beyond “virtually fanfic”
Holy shit I asked for this and I love you. Saved.
This one?
In all honesty, Dib would actually participate in the Area 51 raid.
Hell, I wouldn't be too surprised if he organised it and got pissed when people treated it as a meme.
Anyone want to summarize what these post movie threads have been like with a greentext? I think it would be funny.
With how popular the sims have been on youtube for the past 5-ish years, why wouldn't there be?
There's even a simmer who posted in this thread earlier with their really weird noseless Zim.
Yeah. They made her super cute in the movie, especially in the crowd shot at the KeyNote presentation
Kek I can totally see that happening. Dib lives to be miserable after all.
Hey Tak it’s Mr. Steal your girl and girl (male)
>ha ha wouldn't it be funny if Zim got gangbanged
>ha ha ha wouldn't it be funny if Zim got (insert torture porn here)
>Irkchan, the Irken version of Yea Forums
>Skoodge, Chad Incarnate
>Dib is for headpats and giving cookies to
>DaTR vs ZaTR splatfest
>RAPR I hardly know her
You’re missing Membrane is DiLF
You forgot trap Zim, but solid list altogether
There honestly hasn't been much DILF Membrane in these threads. Everyone wants to fuck Zim instead.
Now THIS I definitely missed.
I ship zadf (zim and dib funny)
>yfw get on a terror list for these threads
Would it be worth it?
better than posting on Twatter
Oh I also forgot to mention slawposting. It's not a Zim thread unless slaw is said at least 3 times per thread.
>The FBI gets to see all my funposting antics regarding Zim whaling in the beach episode
I like OCs actually. Especially when they actually have a story to tell.
The ninth one with the tattoo on his head is my absolute favorite
oh well in that case Gig and Kom are basically emergency USBs for the Control Brains to download into in case of emergency. They wipe the oversized PAKs clean and replace the data with themselves until they can return to their main console. Gig is the Right Brain and Kom is the Left Brain. Never bothered designing the Center Brain but he was supposed to be named Tor. Because I'm a retard.
I'd die for the mini scarf one and that cyborg Irken is cool as hell.
Those are his ARMS
ehhh I'd still die for him though
We need a new zim thread
nigger are you blind
Zim looks like a slut who wants to get bred by Dib.
What's the context for that?
I would like an edit where she holds a puppet of Dib.
They would end up having intercourse, because that's how the narrative rolls and aliens are usually zwitters. Plus, I wanna see Zim struggle as a single mom.