Fuck Fascism

Fuck Fascism.

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Red Skull is so based

Could Steven redeem them?

Agreed, and fuck Communism.

based, and, dare I say it, redpilled


i bet this is going to be a nice and respectful thread

In b4 the same people who try to pretend this is the same Joker as the mainline while ignoring that it's an Elseworlds

This is pretty funny desu

Jew here
Why are western writers so obssed with nazis and put them litteraly everywhere?


They make good cartoon villains.

Joker is upset because he has made killing an art-form and the Nazi have reduced killing to an industrialisation process, completely soulless, with no care for the craft. I mean, where is the human contact? The personal touch?


I agree. essential Red Skull reads?

But they were not cartoon villains
They were real and so were thier victims
How would you like it if we made a 9/11 cartoon

Yea Forums gets mad for the wrong reasons.

It's a Rocketeer reference.

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Sounds kickass

I like this though. It's funny seeing Joker exhibit a moral standard when confronting another villain. If only for the sake of being a contrarian to annoy the fuck out of everyone.

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This user gets it better than the writers

Based poland

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By "cartoon villains" I meant that they're easy to portray as bad guys who are evil for the sake of being evil. It's because out of all of America's wartime enemies throughout history, the Nazis were the most cartoonishly murderous.

>White European people were forced to live like blacks and exterminated like Native Americans

Gee it’s no wonder why the Holocaust is a sore spot to whites

>I may be an insane sociopath, but I'm lucid and grounded enough to be a mindless patriot

but nazis weren't even american enemies. yanks fought with nips. germans were the enemies of poland. as a matter of fact, they still are

The Nazis were America's enemy by proxy of being Japan's ally, as well as being Britain's enemy.

Okey and i will use terrorist raming planes into towers in manhatton as my easy cartoonishly evil guys
If it worked just fine with da nazis it will work with towelheads

it's still silly and hypocritical

Pretty much the experts on both, poland knows the truth.

>Okey and i will use terrorist raming planes into towers in manhatton
I don't think that would fly these days.

Yeah but Japan is our friends now so they can't be the bad guys.

Congrats you're now every other generic shooting game that's not set in WWII, want a medal?

The Germans declared war on the US a little bit after pearl harbor.

I think is kind of weird that joker thought it was an act.

What is Joker's policy on gays and trannsexuals?

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Yeah, because that hasn't been done in dozens of comics. Fuck off and come back when you read some normie.

Why not just make actually layered and interesting villains?

Well he's pretty fucking gay for Batman so I doubt he's biased against them.

>America didn't fight the Nazis

Read a book

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When did Nazis steal Based from us?

Remember when Joker was the Iranian ambassador?

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and wears makeup

This never cease to amuse me considering the war propaganda always pointed out that the German people were victims too and Hitler was the real monster here while japs deserved to be wipe out like the indians, all of them. Then after the war, the Nuremberg trials disarmed the nazi government and Germany was divided while Japan maintained the same government and power structure by only throwing Tojo under the bus

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To remember the 6 gorrilion

Because nazis were/are seen as objectively bad, writer used them as villains since people understood how vile they could be and they could easily explain why this villain is such a cruel person or to have an non-superpowered example of evil reflecting those older times, like how in older comics you would have a mercenary/bounty hunter for reds/soviet communists.
I guess others like Red skull are still around because Marvel in the 60's (Which was revolutionised by Lee and Kirby, who were both villains) used a lot of nazis for stories which had race,religion,ethinicity as the story's subject or as enemies to characters like Captain America, which represents America and its stance on liberty,equality and justice for all.

This is the patrician position

Joker would absolutely kill 6 million people in one go if he found it funny somehow

US basically changed Japanese history overnight, and thanks to these changes Japans economy had a huge boom, the relationship benefited both parties more or less. Also most of the general public didn't know what the nazi's were up too until the end that tune changed quickly once the world saw what they were up too.

polacks seething

Well he is a gamer, so not very good

t.tankie scum

Did you forget about the part where Hitler declared war on us like two days after Pearl Harbor?

Yeah, but he would kill them indiscriminately. He wouldn't single out certain religions or ethnic groups.


This is why Red Skull is such a great villain. He knows he’s despicable, but he can sit there and explain why you’re wrong for not being an asshole. He can’t be reasoned with or talked out of things because he legitimately thinks genocide and conquering the world is the best thing you can do.

No, you read a book, if you are capable of reading

Only yanks care about it, literally the rest of the world doesn't give a shit

Mostly because the rest of the world was already knee deep in the shit.

>I didn't pay attention to the argument
You're as smart as an American

Basically this. When your villain is a Nazi you don’t need a lot of background or characterization. Nazi is synonymous with being evil so you don’t need to explain a lot.

Terrorists are in the same boat, just look at Iron Man 1.

It was much easier to dismantle the Nazis regime because the German people at large didnt literally worship Hitler as a physical god. The Japs would fight to the last man, woman and child if we didn't give them some wiggle room with the surrender, which is also why we opted for the A-Bombs. A full blown invasion of Japan would have cost millions of more lives than were already lost at that point.


Because Germany was allied with Japan.

The argument, like the reasoning behind it were superficial, disingenuous and insincere. AND YET, yanks didn't fight germans, they fought japs

I mean, killing someone just for being born into a certain group of people without fault of their own is kind of the ultimate evil for most people.

Hey Britbong, how are those mandatory German and Anti-Semite classes coming alo--OH WAIT, WE SAVED YOUR ASSES.

Suck a chode

You didn't save anything you burgerclapper

Steven would murder him and they'd love him for it.

The only good response.