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Deer John's cafe (Sonic 1993 comic)
Matthew Davis
Brandon Johnson
Ryder Morris
Because that skunk looks funny
John Parker
It's named after a real life restaurant in California where famous people often dined. The skunk is a whore.
Leo Ramirez
That looks like some late 90's trash. Nothing in 1993 looked that bad.
Austin Brown
That's the year the first issue came out. Don't ask me why he posted it that way.
Charles Davis
It's a ReadComicsOnline scan, which classifies books by the year the first issue of that volume came out.
Unfortunately, Spawn and Savage Dragon exist.
Jose Rivera
This should be a classic Sonic level
Juan Peterson
>Unfortunately, Spawn and Savage Dragon exist.
I don't think Image comics had anything that looked quite THAT bad.
Justin Lewis
I could easily throw Pitt your way, but why not bask in the 90s Angel and the Ape mini over at DC? At least Steve Butler can draw a damn face.
Jeremiah Thomas
That looks much better tb h
Xavier Nguyen
Sorry to hear about your blindness, user.
But hey, if you can look at this without retching, you'll love Girl Genius!
Carter Wright
Why is Morgan Freeman in this?
Dylan Sanders
Neither look good. But the OP's drawing is on a whole different level of awful.
Xavier Cruz
they needed a token human character for whatever reason
Thomas King
Again, I'm sorry for your blindness if you think someone who's shit but can actually draw a face on-model is on the same level of shit as Phil Foglio.
Josiah Brooks
You're the artist of the OP, aren't you? I have a feeling you're the artist of the OP.
Lincoln Lopez
No, I'm just not fucking blind. Butler's got terrible fundamentals and was among many shitty Clone Saga hacks who couldn't cut it, but he's a damn sight better than Foglio. Phil can't even grasp the most bare basics of anatomy and has been drawing the same way for 30 fucking years. If you can actually draw a human face in side profile, you've already trumped Phil as an artist. I'm just flabberghasted someone could actually imply someone with any level of competence is inferior, shit artist or not.
P.S., I said Butler's art is superior to early 90s Spawn and Savage Dragon, not Todd and Erik as a whole, please don't misunderstand. I'm not keen on Todd overall, but both of them produced far better art when working on the big superhero books.
Kevin Thomas
I see. I only implied because that's a lot of effort to defend something that's so obviously shit. And that crap in the OP is some of the worst shit I've seen in an official comic book. (provided that is an official comic book, and not fan art)
Christopher Diaz
My friend.
My pal.
I don't think you understand a goddamn thing about line art. Or maybe I just used bad examples. Point is, Foglio's art is horrendous. I'm damn gobsmacked that you could actually propose this dude's art isn't absolutely hideous.
If you can seriously look at this and say "Yeah, still better," I'll just have to stop and remained confused for the rest of my life. There's already more than a few people who tolerate him, so maybe I'm just fucking crazy.
Liam Lewis
I actually understand it a lot. In fact, if I told you my real identity, you'd probably recognize me. And that shit in the OP is terrible.
Aaron Miller
I guess I'm gonna have to remain confused forever then and hope my work has more influence than yours. I just can't fathom how someone could look at Foglio's work and find it preferable to the stale mediocrity of stock cartoon animals and a fairly bad caricature of Morgan Freeman arranged in a flat but average composition. I just can't see it. I don't understand one bit.
Isaiah Rogers
>if I told you my real identity, you'd probably recognize me
Then say it, fag. What do you have to lose? Nobody's gonna believe your LARPing ass anyway.
Carter Stewart
This sure was a thread.