What is it about Captain Marvel that causes so much asspain for Yea Forums?

What is it about Captain Marvel that causes so much asspain for Yea Forums?

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Yea Forums hates it

Is Carol's confrontational personality her military grooming or just how she is?


She made literally one off handed joke about men that you wouldn't be able to remember unless you're a fragile incel.

>What is it about Captain Marvel that causes so much asspain for Yea Forums?
The lack of glutteus maximus
Sitting on a bony old behind is bad for your back

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>Civilization hates it

discord trannies like to avatarfag with her

It started with the Kelly Sue "Bitch Planet" Deconnick run, then intensified when Marvel couldn't cancel the book due to the rabid fans, and culminated in the boring movie starring an actress that tries too hard to be a "strong female character" so she looks more like she's overcompensating.

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She's unironically the queen of Yea Forums

How can the assless cause asspain?

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I'm tired and going to bed, make this thread again in about 9 hours, and I'll give you just over 2 paragraphs worth of sound reasoning.

user, out.

>rabid fans

More like rabid fan.

She's the best and Yea Forums loves her though.

She's ugly.

She is based. This website is trash. I'm only here to watch it burn and laugh as the alt-right implodes

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You and the 2 people in your discord server aren't all of civilization, user.

Brie Larson is better suited for dramatic or comedic roles in films. She's not an action star.

And if anything that's the worst thing. Disney seems to have gone with her simply because she won an Oscar, in the same way that "Blade" is the result of a Best Supporting Actor award.


Nerve considering all the shit they regularly say about women.

A female Bill Burr couldn't exist. She would not be allowed to continue.

She was amazing in Captain Marvel so you're wrong.

She was hated because she is a bland character.

Shills likeOnly made her reputation worse. Now we are stuck with these annoying bots

>You will never win an Oscar and use this to parlay a Marvel role.

IIRC Feige reached out to Larson.