Of people that watch Family Guy, is Peter Griffin ANYONE'S favorite character?

Of people that watch Family Guy, is Peter Griffin ANYONE'S favorite character?

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He's probably mine

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would you Meg?

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Really? Why?

It just seems like every other character has something going for them that would make them a pick over Peter.

Even if you love retarded jokes Chris fills that niche better

I didn't used to mind him, but now I hate him. I really wish Stewie would get back to his roots. The Stewie and Brian episodes are always the best.

Even Family Guy isn't animated as badly as this Cartoon Network spam shit.

Fat retard doing fat retard stuff is really funny to the exhausted and trying to go to sleep version of me, which is the only time I watch Family Guy. I've always thought Peter was funnier than Chris, but it's all subjective.


Not Francine
Not funny
Almost as bad as Lisa Simpson

Worse than Brian

>Adam We

Peter is the only reason I watch Family Guy, and even then I only do that a couple times a year.
American Dad is the superior Seth show

Not him but I suppose it's just the range he has and near omnipotence to take part in anything. For being portrayed as a lazy bum he is incredibly gung ho on activities and taking initiative.

This. Family Guy is bedtime stories for adults.

I have to put on either Family Guy or American Dad when I go to sleep, it's just comfy

You guys are seething today, huh?

You guys are spamming today, huh?


In Seasons 1 and 2, yeah.



Why is Lois blue in this picture?

Yea Forums should be purged

He's the best character


Pre reboot Peter is comfy

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>mfw even the gay chubby chasers don’t even find him fappable

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peter is funnier looking and sounding than chris is