Bendis joins DC

>Bendis joins DC
>Superman is ruined
>Hickman turned down an event for DC
>YJ returned as meandering as possible with a girl who HACKED INTO A LANTERN
>Vertigo's cancelled
>Aquaman's going down the drain
>The Batman Who LMAOs turns heroic characters into his clown world minions
>Outlaws broke up
>New age of heroes died
>Batcat was shit
>Doomsday Clock gets turned noncanon
>Wally West is responsible for a lotta deaths
>Shitty event after shitty event
>Alfred fucking dies
>The entire cosmology is raped by Perpetua
>Terrible new concepts introduced like the Dark Multiverse and Invisible Spectrum
Is he one of the Gentry, sent to kill DC?

Attached: this was a warning.jpg (1200x923, 640K)

Other urls found in this thread:

DC is dead

I'm just waiting for King to end his run. Then I'll put him to sleep.

Attached: HNH.png (476x501, 382K)

Somebody go on a suicide mission to kill Bendis. Get Didio while you're at it. I'll reimburse your family

King ruined DC for me way more than Bendis did.

>New age of heroes died

>Hey, let's make a new set of books that brings our superstars artists front and centre!
>Almost all of the artists either cannot into deadlines or move away after a few issues to concentrate on something bigger

Man, fuck the artists.
Except Rocafort. He's cool.

Have Aquaman's sales been tanking?

>>Alfred fucking dies

Wait, what? Seriously?

Most of this stuff was shit already tbqh.
Also i hate Bendis as much as any other san person, but don't blame him for Snyder's bullshittery.

>Batcat was shit
>Doomsday Clock gets turned noncanon
Are those bad things?

Can someone tell me if there is more hal jordan and the glc after the darkstars arc? Or was it cancelled?
I live in a country with poor comics infrastructure.

RIP Sideways, gone too soon.

It is supposed to end at some point and then there is going to be the one-shot (?) "what if" of Hal as a Darkstar.
We already know for sure that Grant will be leaving capeshit this year though, so if it'll continue it will be under another team.

The Darkstar stuff is a filler miniseries to give Sharp time to draw "Season Two" of Green Lantern. It's coming back, don't worry.

Dark Multiverse existed before Bendis came and gave us Sideways which was based.

In the latest issue of Batman, Bane snaps his neck. But it's possible that we're all being bamboozled.

ah shit i was afraid of something like this

Dark Multiverse is a good concept it's just been utilized poorly.

>if it'll continue it will be under another team.
As long as it keep the focus on the corps.
Simon and jessica (rip) are just so boring

>We already know for sure that Grant will be leaving capeshit this year though, so if it'll continue it will be under another team.
Not true, Morrison will be back to write Green Lantern next year.

>>Alfred fucking dies
he'll be back by 2020

>>Doomsday Clock gets turned noncanon
I haven't kept up, but source? That seems like it'd be a pretty big deal. Wasn't it being canon one of the big initial selling points?

>morrison on gl and doubling down on his initial commitment to it
>doomsday clock outselling every other comic (when an issue comes out)
>batman who laughs outselling everything
>vertigo cancelled... to make way for black label kino
>dial h for hero being a low key amazing comic
>justice league getting better by the month
>justice league odyssey one of the best team books out there
>batman still in the top 10 while immortal hulk barely breaks the top 10 these days

Attached: batgod in the window.jpg (504x519, 104K)

I hope so, his GL run is possibly the best big 2 comic right now.

It CAN'T be canon now. It completely contradicts everything that's been done on Superman since Bendis started.

>batman still in the top 10 while immortal hulk barely breaks the top 10 these days
Wait until the August report before saying shit like this, Batfag.

>>justice league getting better by the month
>>justice league odyssey one of the best team books out there

i have never seen a shill more retarded than you.

The only ones who need to slow their roll are hulkfags. Just a few months of success out of decades of being in the bottom of the barrel of sales and suddenly they're top shit.

Batman is still shit.

Oh look, people who have no clue what they're talking about and can only meme and say absolutely nothing in their posts! Keep screeching like monkeys, maybe you'll get more (you)'s. Definitely not proving anything this way.

Well I mean, let's be honest: even if Immortal Hulk gets outsold by Batman again (due to their new card gimmick, let's be frank), IH remains the better out of the two. And both would be outsold by HoXPoX and Absolute Garbage anyway.

Bat cat?

Oh well if you want to talk about quality Immortal Hulk is the better comic. Then again good comics tend to sell like shit so Hulk doing well is a pleasant anomaly. Just a reminder though:

I wish DC and Marvel Comics just got down shut for good to avoid sjws ruining their legacy anymore.

Attached: Puny_Humans_1.jpg (590x907, 145K)

Maybe Bendis run is non-canon one.

How bad exactly is bendis superman?

2019 DC Bendis > 2019 DC King, Snyder, Johns

The pinnacle of modern writing.

Attached: bend_el.jpg (1988x3056, 1.36M)

Honest question from a cartoon-Yea Forums guy and not a comics-Yea Forums guy, who are the "good" people in the industry today? It seems all I hear about are hacks like Bendis or Land.


what happened to bendis

>mfw zdarsky just a few was the funny meme man
>now i wanna read his gay fathers comic more than anything


Get new material

Let me give you some controversial picks
Waid (not counting his ANAD Avengers and Champions runs)
Johns (when he has something coming out)
King outside of his Batman run although his annual with Alfred was great

Thirding Zdarsky. If I were you, I'd consider reading Spider-Man Life Story. It's a short 6 issue mini, very accessible but very good.

>Which boy?
>This boy?
>Me boy?
>Boy, as in a male child? That boy?

Okay, let me get my Teen Lantern cropped panel....
Yeah, I agree with this, his Doctor Strange blows every modern iteration of the character out of the water.

>his Doctor Strange blows every modern iteration of the character out of the water.

i remember his YEARS ago mini, that was pretty interesting, i gotta check what he has been doing.

>i remember his YEARS ago mini, that was pretty interesting
I don't want to spoil anything, but it's a good thing you remember that mini.

Yeah, like I said, I'm not a huge comics guy, but I've always read Spider-Man comics here and there. I really liked Life Story, especially the ending.

Ill be more contrarian than all the other anons and say bendis is good
Im cool now right?

the caveat is bendis is good...
on this trades from 15 years ago!

Bendis can write a good Batman. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly I can't really say.

Also Martian Manhunter is great from what I have heard.

I tried but the art seems off and the whole thing seems so... weird for weirdness sake? Does it get better or is it just the kind of thing you either like or dislike?

*saves your publisher*

Attached: images (4).jpg (275x183, 11K)

How dare you enjoy comics

>doomsday clock outselling every other comic (when an issue comes out)
thats the saddest thing i've ever heard lol

What does Ant-Man have to do with this thread?

Both will be at Baltimore Comic Con

The problem isn't that it's exceptional compared to other Bendis comics. The problem is that Bendis isn't writing a Superman comic, he's writing a Bendis comic. It's indistinguishable from anything else he's ever written.

What did you mean by that


Just kill Bendis, King and maybe Didio. Snyder is sometimes ok honestly, he just need to stop trying to outmorrison Morrison.
I liked John's JSA so I can't be biased against him desu

>Marvel: Spider-Man, X-Men, Avengers, Iron Man, Daredevil, Moon Knight, GotG, numerous events, other books, created Jessica Jones and Miles Morales
>DC: Superman, Batman, Young Justice, created Naomi
>Numerous creator-owned books

A few more years and a few more DC franchises, and Bendis will have touched nearly every major superhero in some way, from both companies. In the future people will think he's the greatest comic book writer ever based on this. And there's nothing we can do about it.

snyder still carries a lot of hope from court of owls

This. I read the first 10 or so issues of action and it's just a boring stupid mystery with DC superheroes thrown in who all sound the same.
>reading jurgens rebirth run on ac
>its actually fun
>superman is all scared about his son being missing and tries to find him, and he goes to different planets and even fucking travels through time
>bendis ac
>lol who is Jon


I will forever HATE Bendis for what he did to Jon

didn't hickman want do to Legion of Superheroes??
why the hell did they give it to bendis even after he pretty much flopped out on Superman? I could see if he was a hot property but this decision makes no sense.


Bendis has to ruin everything. He went to DC so that he could turn it into garbage. He literally lives to cause destruction.

>1 = 119,412 (lenticular 119,231)
>2 = 158,603
>3 = 157,714
>4 = 149,581
>5 = 146,817
>6 = 135,155
>7 = 130,973
>8 = 123,768
>9 = 120,079
>10 = 117,419
I know a lot of anons are going to go "ohhhhh it's losing sales" but this is actually the smallest amount in decline in a comic series that you can find. Anyone who follows sales of comics over time know this is true. Most events would kill to be that consistent. Its only been beaten by landmark issues, high profile #1s, and Metal. And this series started in November 2017. How can 10 out of 12 issues of a comic nearing the two year mark still sell this much?

To be fair. IH is way better than an Batbook currently being published. I dont even hate king. This is just fact.

This page is after a previous run in which it is implied Doc Manhattan zapped him into some bad place. This is also after his Dad thought it would be a good idea to talk Clark into being find with lording over humans.

None of this makes sense and Bendis killed Superman for me.

Sounds more like an opinion.

I'm still waiting for Marvel to wake the fuck up and give Ewing full control over Cosmic Marvel. Shit would be kino.

Fuck off Buster. Lol

A few years from now people won't even know Jon Kent even existed.

Attached: 180417-leon-Brian-Michael-Bendis-tease2_heflhz.jpg (1566x881, 367K)

DC isn't really confident on Superman, so Bendis likely doesn't get blamed for his numbers there.

Leviathan is pretty much the worst performing Batman related mini-series currently though, so hopefully DC realizes that the issue is Bendis now.

I don't see how he isn't. Superman was selling fine before Bendis came. His numbers are much worse than Tomsai

At least Jon is still around in some form. Anyone remember Chris?

Doomsday Clock is actually decent. It's the main universe stuff that's trash.

Biggest elephant in the room in the comics industry is that Bendis never sold well. His Avengers run is hit only "hit", but when you consider that it had Spider-Man AND Wolverine it should have sold even better than it did. The guy's writing style is sales poison and always has been. The industry copying his writing style is a big reason why there has been so much decline in the industry over the last decade and a half.

When the fuck is my boy coming back?

If I fly to America, put on a mask for the deed and manage to get a flight back out before cops figure out it was me, you won't need to.

>black label kino
Such as?

>this guy legit thinks King's Batman is better than Immortal Hulk

Attached: ebb07f419c6e4be9848b3d1ce0ae488e.jpg (528x286, 24K)

>DC Rebirth
>Fans loved it
>Critics loved it
>DC listened to fans and gave them what they wanted
>Lets ruin it all again for "MUH SHOCK TWISTS!"
>Bendis ruins Supes
>King continues to ruin Bats
How the actual flying fuck could they ruin something as promising as Rebirth?


Opinion discarded.

They legitimately haven't done anything right outside of Morrisons Lantern since announcing Bendis.

That was literally before AC1000 and they haven't stopped fucking up since. Anybody who tries to hide it or deny it via company wars makes it worse. I don't give a fuck about marvel or any of their characters I want my DC back and that means VERY public oustings of Bendis from EVERY book he's on, KSD from Aquaman and Wilson on WW. Cancel fractions god awful jimmy book and send Tom King to fucking Guam. Then tell Taylor to go back to kangaroo land and tell every single writer on staff there's a 5 year moratorium on "things will never be the same" pitches.

This. I wish he'd come to my local con so I could spit on him.

The target audience is Morrisonfags and the like twenty people in the world who thought GL was at its best in the 80's and early 90's.

So people with taste is what you're saying?

If you think the art seems off it's you that have the problem. There's no two ways around it that book is stunning.

This isn't even a taste thing. There is objectively good and objectively bad art. Sharpe in TGL has been objectively fantastic.

maybe it's all just a bad dream

I got a new idea for a character: Alfred Who Laughs. Hire me DC!

Should've abandoned the ship the moment the Yellow Lantern broke their alliance with the Green because of dumb misunderstanding

>I'm not clueless, you are!

Keep trying cheapest shill.

Blue Man Bad is always interesting desu

i don't know, it seems overly cartoony and colourful
but i am willing to concede that it is my problem not everyone elses
but what about the floozle-flem bullshit?

Attached: fdfs.jpg (1197x1676, 846K)

If you are triggered by that, that's on you.
No one stays on the top forever, just look at Superman or more "recently" ASM. Things change, if IH wasn't a thing another book would have ended up outselling Batman, that's just how it goes (this without leaving anything from IH's success which is impressive in its own right, i honestly don't remember any ongoing series in the recent history to actually gaining readers instead of slowly but surely losing them).
People like you are the reason no one likes the batfags.

>Not true
I have read he wanted to quit capeshit too, but i also read he wanted to do this "season two".
So i guess it is a break? Guess we'll have to wait to see, Grant is honestly the only DC writer i care about, it would be ugly to see him quitting the genre.

The masked man?

This is false, he’s already completed drafting season 2 and will be writing next year. The guy promised to finish Sea Guy 2 and Multiversity 2 as well in the same interview.

Attached: 20313797-04E4-43DB-88D4-6C5478E4AA07.jpg (498x640, 164K)

He’ll be back in RHaTO.

Attached: B4774427-2745-4FDA-AF59-748AB1C0F8EA.jpg (800x1000, 153K)

>dial h for hero being a low key amazing comic
Based. I fucking love that book.
Can’t believe this guy used to draw America Chavez

Attached: C38B920A-A911-4695-B1EA-396087058F30.jpg (3975x3056, 2.27M)

>Cloud Nine

Where do i have heard that before...

Attached: ....png (1060x1400, 2.03M)

>People read good books and ignore bad ones
The absolute state of Mousedrones.

>Muh Knull
Fuck off with you OCs Cates.

So non-retarded people with basic reading comprehension?
It’s a weirdly common name in comics, it’s also the name of the Super team in Morrison’s Zenith.

It's amazing how fast shit went down the drain once Bendis arrived
Rebirth was great before he showed up

Bendis is the vampire monitor

You don't need to reply more than once to the same post to prove how much of a retard you are, the lack of self-awareness from your original post already did that for you, shill.

At least you conceded it was a you problem. That's what comics are supposed to look like.

he had a stroke after realizing there was no black people in that scene

goddamn you are one stupid motherfucker
>go watch The Boondocks

>doomsday clock outselling every other comic (when an issue comes out)
lmao this is sad

They're going down at around the same rate as every other series that has reached 50 issues.
Wondy is actually dipping at a quicker level.

thanks for using an avatar, now can you please also get a trip so i can filter your autism?

You won't find the source.
Snyder did an interview with newsarama about how excited he was to bring the JSA back in the pages of Justice League.
The interviewer asked him how that relates to doomsday clock, and Snyder responded with a "Doomsday Clock is a nice story, but is sort of it's own thing. There's no connection" sort of response (paraphrasing).
Newsarama ran the interview, people noticed, and then they edited that part out.

>His numbers are much worse than Tomsai
His numbers (for the same amount of time that has passed) are around 1000 units above Tomasi.
Except, Tomasi's Superman was coming out twice a month, so DC was making twice that amount of money.

Filter yourself and stop posting replies. You obviously have nothing to add.

>>Bendis joins DC
>>Superman is ruined
I refuse to believe that someone out there actually prefers Bendis' Superman/AC run to Tomasi's and Jurgen's
I'm still salty on how Bendis "ruined" a pretty enjoyable comic, last time I hated a fictional work this much, was like during the Fullbring arc of Bleach

I haven't touched a DC book since Bendis joined, but even before then the only stuff I was reading was Superman until Tomasis run ended and Flash. I had been reading GL books too but more so out habit than anything.

I've been catching up on Flash because I find it to be pretty fun for the most part and it's probably the only Rebirth book that was consistently decent. I don't even know what books are on the way because I don't pay attention to solicits because I know Bendis has his hands in everything and will just ruin my favorite characters anyway.

I've been having a much more enjoyable time going back reading old runs of stuff from the 60s-90s.

>Hey guys! I have this amazing idea for the next big thing in Batman!
>alright Scott, what have you got
>The Justice League of the DARK MULTIVERSE!!
>Oh, you mean the Crime Syndicate? Neat, we can work that for -
>The crime who? No no, this is from a Multiverse we’re everything is dark and evil!
>you mean like Earth 3?
>what the fuck is Earth 3? No, this is a whole new Multiverse! A Dark Multiverse
>Seems kind of redundant Scott...
>why are you being this way!?
>alright, fine, so, Batman, from a Dark Earth.
>Multiverse! It’s a JL team made up of Batmen from dark earths that went wrong
>So, it’s just a team of alternate world batmen?
>yes, but they all have the powers of the Justice Leagers. Batman with the speed force! Batman with a lantern ring!
>what about their version of Batman?
>that’s the best part, he’s The Joker!
>He’s The Batman Who Laughs! Get it? Because Batman never laughed before!
>Scott Batman has laug-
>alright, fine, when can you have the scripts ready?
>it’s already done! I wrote this whole thing when I was 14!

>His numbers (for the same amount of time that has passed) are around 1000 units above Tomasi.

Superman is 13 issues in, isn't it? That would be 13 months.

Are you sure you're not talking about Immortal Hulk and their freaky style? GL art is really beautiful

>His numbers (for the same amount of time that has passed) are around 1000 units above Tomasi.

Wasn't that because of an Adam Hughes variant?

Almost perfect list but you had to add Cates and ruin it.

>06/2017: Superman #25 -- 50,873 (+ 0.2%)
>07/2017: Superman #26 -- 50,173 (- 1.4%)
>07/2017: Superman #27 -- 48,953 (- 2.4%)
>Superman #13 -- 51,944 (card stock + regular cover)

Jurgens Action Comics
>07/2017: Action Comics #983 -- 41,764 (- 0.1%)
>07/2017: Action Comics #984 -- 40,957 (- 1.9%)
Bendis Action Comics
>Action Comics #1013 -- 43,763 (card stock + regular)

>gofundme for trip to go kill Brian Michael Bendis and Dan Didio

Someone needs to create this page.

Attached: swamp_thing_oh_yes.jpg (977x613, 237K)

Based, Bendis Action Comics is unironically good.

I have a feeling you actually think that bendis is selling more

>Superman #12 -- 47,199

We need to know if that jump on #13 is because of Bendis or because of the Adam Hughes Lois Lane variant.

Attached: words edit bendis.png (994x1528, 2.89M)

>Aquaman's going down the drain
What those cunts did to Abnett was fucking unreal, triple teaming his run with the shitfest that is Snyder, Tynion and Deconnick was just unbelievable. And by unbelievable I mean of course that's what they fucking did, because fuck comics and fuck you Abnett for actually trying and putting something on the shelves worth $3:99.

Abnett's Aquaman was worth putting on the shelves for $3.99?
He decompressed the ever loving shit out of his arcs. Something like 30 out of his 40 issues were related to the same Crown plot.

Drown yourself ksd

Abnett go find Lanning, you suck without him

i liked sandoval better

Attached: 154754754.png (1185x1800, 3.21M)

>Doomsday Clock gets turned noncanon
I missed this. When did this happen?

>Wondy is actually dipping at a quicker level.
I can't imagine why ...

Attached: wonder woman 071.jpg (283x903, 56K)

>it's possible that we're all being bamboozled.
I mean: after King made such a huge fucking deal over the Batrimony that turned out to be a fake-out is it any wonder that *this* didn't even cause a ripple?

>He’ll be back in RHaTO.
Started in this past week's issue, senpai!

>angels being hermaphroditic is SJW
Fuck off casual

>King outside of his Batman run although his annual with Alfred was great
If you're talking about image related, that wasn't King.

Attached: father's day.jpg (1256x955, 221K)

>this is actually the smallest amount in decline in a comic series that you can find
To say nothing of the obvious: most people I know are tradewaiting.

How can anyone say that Bruce doesn't care about anyone other than Catwoman?

>>angels being hermaphroditic
Causal indeed.

Attached: Wonder Woman (2016-) 070-005.jpg (1988x3056, 1.3M)

>I got a new idea for a character: Alfred Who Laughs. Hire me DC!
Don't give them ideas please

Didn't that already happen? Alfred had an evil personality or something?

>>The entire cosmology is raped by Perpetua
I'm still confused about Perpetua.
So she is the mother of all Monitors, but there are other multiverses with other Perpetuas that gave birth to Monitors for that multiverse.
So the Omniverse theory is canon.
But then what is the reason for the Over-Monitor to exist? Does he still exist?
And since Perpetua exists does that mean the Over-Monitor is the father of all Monitors?

>I'm still confused about Perpetua.
This is Snyder we're dealing with, senpai.
Best not to think too hard about any of it.

Attached: meanwhile on the far side of the Batcave's gloryhole.jpg (396x691, 40K)

What's up with the "Snyders" to ruin everything DC related?

>it’s already done! I wrote this whole thing when I was 14!
Literally everything he's written since Black Mirror

i wonder what batmanium tastes like

Scott Snyder talking with DC's crew about his projects
2017 colored

Like liquid metal.
But don't taste it for real

>i wonder what batmanium tastes like
Old money.

Nah just Snyder just trying to copycat Toriyama

>Luthor Becomes Perfect Cell
>Superman Kamehameha's with his Father/Son
>Multiverse shanenigans

Dare I ask.....links?

>grant Morrison

Attached: 1567198487557.jpg (647x684, 183K)

After GL #12, Green Lantern: Darkstars is a 3 issue mini series to mark the halfway point in Morrison's 2 year run. Read solicits user.

>Nah just Snyder just trying to copycat Toriyama
I'm amazed they didn't get called out with how obvious TBMHL is riffing on Judge Death.

Attached: Dark-judges.jpg (830x488, 181K)

Attached: batmen who laugh.jpg (800x450, 109K)

I thought it was the mouth of Sauron

>>Superman Kamehameha's with his Father/Son
Justice League 25

Attached: Justice League (2018-) 025-019.jpg (1988x3056, 1.1M)

Also forgot :
>Starro getting the Buu treatment
>Carter getting the Yamcha treatment

Attached: RCO019_1563351287.jpg (1041x1600, 480K)

He she is shockingly ugly to be desire incarnate.

That....That hit my feels....

Why is Delay Clock non canon?

>>Starro getting the Buu treatment
>>Carter getting the Yamcha treatment
I really don't know if I want to be more dissapointed in dc....but...links?

This....this is like a bad fanfic that doesn't try to hide that's bad....
This is like a DragonBall fan that didn't like something about the manga and wanted to rewrite it because he is a little crybitch...
This is like a Superman fake fan that think Superman is DC's Goku when either Wildstorm's Apollo or Wildstorm's Spartan is DC's Goku

this is the last excellent comic dc released

Attached: DialH_001_pg001.jpg (1280x1966, 660K)

The revival's good too

Attached: Snyder is an idiot.png (650x260, 254K)

Somebody can just stop Scott Snyder to getting close to a comic?

>Somebody go on a suicide mission to kill Bendis.
you mean King. bendis is harmless

King is already suicidally depressed and is likely to off himself, while Bendis shows no signs of slowing down

>How the actual flying fuck could they ruin something as promising as Rebirth?

Didio and Lee will ruin anything

they should just keep lee locked up in a gimp closet and only let him out to draw

Don’t forget, Tom King is getting rid of Bruce and replacing him with a random black guy.

Don’t forget that’s Jessica Cruz is dead.

Rebirth ended, its called DC Universe now

>**Nrama**: So does this tie in to Doomsday Clock at all? Because we’ve seen the seeds of the Justice Society returning in Doomsday Clock.

>**Snyder**: Not really. I mean, Doomsday Clock really is its own wonderful, incredible story. The kind of light connection between them is just that, what Geoff and I talked about was because Doomsday Clock is kind of running at its own pace and in its own kind of continuity, what I didn’t want to do was bring the JSA back before he had a chance to reintroduce them as a concept in issue #10.

>I think that’s similar with other characters that he’s going to be using in Doomsday Clock as well.

>So there’s a nod to each other in that regard. I wanted him to be able to have the JSA as an idea, and have that first appearance in Doomsday Clock.

>But in terms of the continuities linking up, Doomsday Clock is a very special and inspirational book. We’re all amazed, I think, at how good it is. **But its effects are relatively self-contained to itself.**

Those teeth! Where are his gums??

I made this. Some notes
>The first twelve issues or so were returnable, so the data isn't exact
>Data was taken from comichron, but did not include reorders (there were only reorders visible for the first two months of Rebirth charts)
>Abnett had two crossovers at the end of his run.
>He also had a Mera miniseries that I haven't charted yet.

Attached: Aquaman (2016) Sales.png (1808x899, 41K)

2024 Yea Forums "oh yeah, that existed" threads
>hey Yea Forums, remember that time Superman was with Lois again, but they also had a kid who everyone thought was their's until it got revealed he was actually Superboy Prime after de-aging himself and retconning himself into their memories

So Duke?

Whats the problem with this?

Even after all these years, the only thing people give him any credit for is Black Spider-Man.

You missed the first one but you better make sure to buy the final issue.
In 50 years it'll be worth $100,000

>worst aquaman has ever sold.
Hail the mighty ksd

Is Zod's Son not Chris?

None of these things are happening.

Dark Multiverse and Invisible Spectrum aren't that dumb. At least not inherently.