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Too obsessed with his shiny red paintwork.
I dont remember
Was he a dick?
I only remember being afraid of his face at one point.
You got a nice coat of paint James, pity 'bout your face though!
He doesn't have wings.
It's like this
>Thomas - Cheeky all rounder, only gets a pass for being the "main" character, otherwise half a fag
>James - Show-offy prick who thinks he's better than the other small engines
>Percy - PUT UPON
>Edward - Crotchety old grandpa, boring
>Toby - Ironically older than Edward, yet doesn't let age get him down, dutiful little worker and pretty cool
>Henry - Gentle giant with a heart of gold, although kind of blunt in what he does/how he is, like a big dumb horse
>Gordon - Le Grande Cunt Extraordinaire himself, easily the most insufferable faggot of the main cast, possibly on the island, I can't recall him *ever* having a positive interaction towards anyone
>Donald & Douglas - OCH AYE GIT OUT A ME SWAMP
>Bill & Ben - Tricky, cheeky little fuckers but hilarious and always a delight to watch, even if they're pretty troublesome in regards to the island itself
>Duck - Pretty competent and doesn't take shit from anyone
>Diesel - DISEASEL
>Salty - Literally just an old salt, pretty decent
>Mavis - Typical woman, "nice" but got an attitude
>Rusty - Fiesty, confident little bastard, pretty decent
>Trevor - Literally just a pedophile
>Bertie - The classic rival to Thomas, sadly their perfect rivalry kind of fell by the wayside overtime
>Bulgy - Fat fuck, hilarious in the same way watching a fat person lumber around is hilarious
>Harold - Bit full of himself for being able to fly, but decent enough
>Boco - Faggot that posts on Yea Forums
>Stepney - Based and Ironpilled, easily the best train on the island, blue bells forever
The rest are more or less literally whos, or worse, newer characters from recent years.
I don't understand why this show has adult fans
Same could be said of any other children's media, like Marvel or Star Wars
Half of it is nostalgia, really. The other half is the scary side...
Those aren't weird barely-stopmotion ...things starring toy trains with creepy faces
Lady was a mistake.
And yet "adults" enjoy steven universe and spam it on this board.
>unironically comparing Steven Universe to Thomas the Tank Engine
You're adorable
Does she even show up in the TV show apart from super-rare cameos? They kept her pretty-strictly to the movie.
One is interesting, has decent morals, compelling characters, and a good art style.
The other is Steven Universe
There are adults who are into model trains, and Thomas got them into it, so they never let that love fade.
Model trains in general is a pretty based hobby, so Thomas stuff is just like a watered down version. Like if you're an adult who's into toy trains, you might be into Thomas because your kids can enjoy it as well.
fucking lol
DO NOT open, cursed image
If you still find your dad's keys amusing
>decent morals
With ultimatums
>good art style
The old ones look like they were made by some creep in his basement, and the new ones look like they were made by Video Brinquedo
>made by some creep in his basement
They were, and that's what makes them so based.
Couldn't any image from this show be considered cursed?
>not liking model trains
you really don't belong on this site, twitter or instantgrams might be more your style.
That one is super cursed though
>When you notice it
Model trains are like lava lamps. They're amusing for a few minutes, but after they've done their thing enough times you realize they're actually really boring.
"Stop thinking for yourself and just do what your boss tells you without questioning"
This show basically.
t. never built models
I see plastic trains, ugly faces, somebody left a cigarette on the tracks, there's a logo... nothing seems out of the ordinary here.
Calling all engines dream cameo with rusty
I can't see it, man. Got a larger/better quality picture?
Every time I've built a model anything, it ended up either left on a shelf to collect dust, or falling apart over time. Sure, building it is fun, but what's the point of the thing after that?
It's Henry with Girdon's faceplate
You can play tabletop games with them, use them in dioramas that you then exhibit at conventions and network with others into the hobby, and sell them for profit to those without the skills to make their own who are interested in the subject.
Henry has Gordon's face
You're a fag, it's not like toys where you play with them a few times and you get bored of them. It's a different kind of enjoyment.
Sorry, most of the faces look exactly the same to me
exactly, the calarts trannies will never be able to understand this feeling
Nope, she hasn't appeared since that one DTV movie, but Diesel 10 is okay, for some reason.
Have you even watched the show? The Fatass Controller is a dumbass and doesn't know his ass from his elbow. You could say the morals are towards good work ethic, but certainly nothing to do with the boss nor the boss instilling any of the morals. Almost all the learning the trains do, they do on their own.
What, do you rig them to run up your asshole?
She did appear in the show like once or twice, but only a short cameo. Like she comes out of the mountain mists like some force ghost to impart wisdom to Thomas.
>cumbrain tranny cannot conceive of pleasure derived from something that does not involve genitals
That's the one I'm talking about.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate toy trains
Why are you so mad about Thomas & Friends? I'm sorry that there's non Steven Universe threads on this board, we'll stop posting so you can keep your safespace
>t. cold dead heart with no joy in their miserable life, a real charm at parties
It's a children's series, and the other is a harmless hobby. Newsflash, people can enjoy things and not everything in life has to be so miserable. You don't need some grand reason to just simply enjoy this stuff.
The engines always fuck shit up and produce accidents if they try to do things on their own. The Fat Controller has to clean their mess.
In the end they do the things how they were told in the first place and it works.
Why you lying sack of shit. Gordon became Thomas' mentor and became bros. with him after he helped him out. They made a pact, remember? It even carried over into other stories. Gordon's based.
Okay, okay, okay. Just explain to me one thing. What is the difference between Thomas and Cars?
Thomas & Friends is a lovingly crafted project by someone who is truly passionate about their hobby and creating entertainment for children.
Cars was made by a multi-billion dollar company and was focus group tested to create the most marketable intellectual property possible.
Practical effects and actual real life train lore
Can't argue with that.
Cars as a hobby is fundamentally different, even toy cars.
Also, Thomas has a family-oriented educational slant to it so it's always about teaching lessons and morals. Cars is first and foremost just entertainment, and the lesson it tries to teach is not even one that would resonate to children nor would they understand.
Please elaborate on Percy.
Poor old put upon Percy
The engines always fuck shit up yes. The Fatass always cleaning up their mess? Hardly, at most he just comes in and scolds them, and a lot of the time he's not even involved, either before or after.
I take it all back. You guys are alright.
>t. Gordon apologist
He's the worst engine of all, ever. Right proper cunt.
Literally "MUH THOMAS", guess what? Thomas is a cunt too.
Basically everyone always shits on him and everything always goes badly for him, and he hardly ever gets a comeback. And the thing is it's not entirely undeserved because he's pretty careless and accident-prone.
He's just a small, hapless, clumsy baby (for a train), so is the whipping boy of pretty much everyone.
They didn’t have the best train
>Edward - Boring
>Therapist: Gordnry is not real, Gordnry can't hurt you
Bill and Ben are so great because of their downright brutal rivalry with the Troublesome Trucks. The trucks who to all other characters are generally the antagonists of the stories/episodes, but Bill and Ben don't take ANY fucking shit at all from the trucks and will literally destroy them without hesitation on a whim. Half the time out of their own enjoyment.
In fact, if I'm not mistaken, despite not being such main characters and thus getting less episodes (and thus less accidents), Bill and Ben have the highest troublesome truck kill count on the island. Either individually, or certainly together.
Gordon's earned the right to be a cunt. It's not as if the express would get pulled without him. Fuck off Henry!
>Not doing the Narrow-Gauge engines
Feel shame for your transgressions.
>Sir Handle: All of the worst parts of Gordon and James rolled into one
>Peter Sam: Chuggington
>Duke: Literally best boy, will never be seen again.
>Duncan: Typical scottish prick that voted SNP.
>Skarloey & Rheneas: Supposed to be Edward as a sheepshagger, but end up being sheepshagging Thomas
>Mighty Mac: S̵̢h̷̵e̶̶͘͜d̶̸̨͡ ̀̀̕͝͡1̷̵̨7̴͢͠
>Smudger: 'MURICA!!!
I liked the song where it was like “sharing, is kind of like caring, which is kind of like herring, which is kind of like fish” as a child
Think you mixed up Smudger, he's the one that gets SHED'd.
>Insulting best boi Henry
Whoa there, buckeroo, who the fuck gave you the right to say bad things about our glorious green tree-lord?
He''s both.
>Plebians talking about Thomas in 2019
Find a flaw with best boy here.
>Chugging along your line
>See this
>What do?
Do not open if you're faint of heart
No mention of this magnificently evil bastard?
Movie characters are verboten
But Lady's right there, and Diesel 10 was even trying to fuck her up for most of the movie too
There IS no flaw!
what episode was that in
the virgin tophat vs the chad grampus
Can't climb hills.
> Not continuing
Hey buddy, screw you
> Bear: literally growls at people, good chap though
> Terence: decent lad, but no real personality apart from being cocky
> Jinty: Thomas, but more chipper
> Pug: Percy, but even more of a douche
> George: Like Bulgy, he's a rail hating road supremacist
> Bulstrode: Barge that Percy basically crippled and marooned
Caroline: Sodor's resident GILF
Fuck you Percy isn't a douche at all
>tfw you can't have a thomas thread on Yea Forums because you know they're all just echo chambers for the 14-17 year old Thomas fans on Twitter who just say the same shit here that they do there and in their little Discord servers and will start parroting annoyingly specific facts about the show the second a normie says something like "i was scared when the train was locked in the tunnel" because they always go "UUUUH ACTUALLY IT WAS HENRY, AND HE WAS LET OUT, YOU KNOW"
Fuck off boomer
>Diesel 10: Tryhard who felt threatened by a bag of sugar, even though he has a dangerous claw.
I hated that episode because of the new models for the Narrow Gauge Engines. They looked awful.
I miss rigno
>Edward - Crotchety old grandpa, boring
>Crotchety Boring