
Why is she so cute, bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:!QegW1IyD!EaK_kBmjf_O-riWjmh-t99RNPCooAb-acViSZ5Hnppc

>ywn have your own pearl refer you as her uh user and be your eternal partner and service
literally why exist


Attached: PearlPuberty.webm (1280x720, 552K)

Did her breast just grow up?

Her heart grew three sizes that day.

I'm glad for Pearl, she deserves better than pining after Pink Diamond or some random thot that looks like her.

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So I assume all the new Beach City residents in the film were made up of SU's animation department.

She's dead isn't she bros... she's going to get murdercock'd and the Universe family is going to get 1 murderbaby larger.

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It's high time she does the cucking

She got pregnant on the spot.

So. Fucking. Fuggable.

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Do you think Greg took advantage of her in that state?

The factory reset thing is interesting. That means by nature Gems behave a certain way. I wonder what a Diamond would be after a reset. Would she just naturally assume she’s better than everyone?

my fucking dick

Who created the diamonds?

Pearl's VA still blowing everyone the fuck out at singing.

>That means by nature Gems behave a certain way.
We've known that for a long time. In the episode with Greg's babysitting flashback, Rose explicitly says gems pop out of the ground fully formed, knowing exactly what they're supposed to be.

Anyone have the dailymotion link to the movie?
I can only find part 2 on Pearl Bird Mom’s account

totally adorable.

Just grab it from Mega like everyone else:!QegW1IyD!EaK_kBmjf_O-riWjmh-t99RNPCooAb-acViSZ5Hnppc

thou she was basic bitch Pearl.
That said, the fact you can customize a Pearl makes all of them even better

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cock shadow edit when?

B-but I don’t wanna download it....

>The space oyster is real.

How in the earth did Homeworld know what an osyter shell is?

No amount of over exposure she gets will actually make her top whenever they ACTUALLY try with the other characters.

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Maybe it's one of those convergent evolution things. Or maybe the very concept of pearls originates from Earth.

I can't believe a porn artist totally called this. Same uniform and everything. It's JLullaby if you're wondering.

Attached: 2725774 - Greg_Universe JLullaby Pearl Steven_Universe comic.png (1630x2500, 3.55M)

How long until the alphabet people try to make the Greg/Pearl stuff in the movie out as problematic?

Well it is pretty bad, pearl's whole arc is not being a servant so it's kind disturbing to see her being a servant again, even greg clearly wasn't comfortable with it

whats the context of this ?


Pearl was really good this movie. Really liked seeing Greg be freaked out about it, too.

The scenes where Pearl was being an obedient servant to Greg were got me so hot and bothered. God I wish I was Pearl and I got to be Greg's slave.

I’d have mine look fat

Hopefully this spawns some fanfics where Greg fucks the living shit out of Pearl.

>being Greg's slave
>Pearl and I
Jesus Christ the state of Yea Forums. You're an absolute fucking man with good taste and likely a top-tier belly fetish.

>it's another fetish thread
stick to one thread you jackoffs

Sh... Should I watch the movie? I can do it after class, I have it recorded on my DVR...
Then I could draw Pearl.

Yeah, it's entertaining and has good songs if nothing else.

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Murdercock used his power to hijack pearl and space seduce her into being a better person.

Whole movie's worth it for the Steven/Greg fusion if nothing else

I wonder if any of the writers read that Space Dandy / Pearl fanfic. Just a thought.

No gem woman can resist gigachad Steg. He's got the voice of a superstar and an injector more powerful than anything Homeworld's ever produced. He can even shatter diamonds with his unbridled virility.

If you thought Spibel's biopoison was the most toxic thing in existence, you've clearly never met Steg.

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She came


I see you're a man of culture as well

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Imagine her rock hard nipples ripping through her clothes like toilet paper.

you can watch the first half without downloading it then it makes you wait like 5 hours if you didn't download or register it

Cute sells the product.

>Pearl losing her integrity
Should be its own tag on paheal it is so fucking hot

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Hey, pearls arent gems