Bleeding Cool just dropped some "news" that seems to indicate that some of King's pitch I originally assumed was...

Bleeding Cool just dropped some "news" that seems to indicate that some of King's pitch I originally assumed was scratched may be back in play.
King had talked about wanting to write a Black Batman and the public reaction to that, Well now, BC seems to think it may be happening. Though now I still expect King to set this up in either his final issues or in Bat/Cat

Attached: signal-duke-thomas.jpg (864x1296, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

So definitive proof Bendis is taking over Batman

do not understand and never will. Why can't new characters be created and supported instead of changing existing characters. Oh wait, that is because none of those characters ever sell books

but this is a new character. and this isnt even the first time someone else has been batman

Who would it be? It seems weird not to vaguely set things up during King's run.

the article says it's not duke though, so at least there is that

John Henry Irons Kingdom Come Batman please

nobody give a shit for Blackman.


>Why can't new characters be created and supported instead of changing existing characters
It's a rather old thing that comics have done many times in the past. Rhodey was Iron Man when Tony was too drunk to be it. Batman got replaced by Azrael for a bit. You just have to realize it's never permanent because there's nothing stronger than status quo.

Tom king is cancer.

Tom King fucked Bruce over with his god awful writing.

Why not Egyptian or hispanic? Why do they fetish blacks?

I also believe it's a half measure. Is DC not confident that a strong, interesting, and inspiring black hero can stand on his own without operating under the logo of an established hero?

it is Bendis and King.

>Why can't new characters be created and supported instead of changing existing characters.

But he is an existing character, he's been around for years, and there's more than enough precedent of Batman being briefly replaced by one of his protégés.

I admit I do kinda wanna know what Kingdom Come Steel's story was that he idolized Batman.



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Is DC purposely trying to go bankrupt?!!!


I can’t wait for Disney to buy out DC and fire everyone already.

It's an old gimmick sure, but today the gimmick has a new, far more obnoxious context. These kinds of hero identity swaps just can't be taken at face value anymore. It always has to be some kind if social victory or milestone event of some kind. Internet media as a whole has turned hero swaps into pure cancer.

>Bendis goes to DC
>DC becomes All New, All Different SJW garbage

Will he also be suicidal and have PTSD?!!!

if he is being created/written by Tom King he definitely will

>but today the gimmick has a new, far more obnoxious context

To you. I don't have an issue with it because it's been done multiple times. Why is it that because it happens to be a non-white person now it's suddenly controversial hot button issue?
>B-but social media pay attention to it now! They write articles about it!
Who gives a flying fuck. How stupid or insecure do you have to be that you let what media talks about capeshit (usually inaccurately and not knowing what it's talking about) dictate how you feel about a dumb gimmick in comics? It doesn't matter. Just read or skip the comics, you little brat. You want to be offended by it because it allows you to play identity politics. That's all it really is. You're wrapped yourself around outrage culture so much that can't even see it.

DC does this every 5 years, they need to fix Bruce Wayne the character instead of putting him on the shelf for a year every time DC does something absurdly stupid, hoping the readers just forget the previous run.

DC's continuity is so fucked if they do change Batman it'll only be on the main book, Justice League and Tec will still feature 2 wildly different versions of Bruce like normal along with the 100's of minis

Oh Joy! I can’t wait for Immortal Hulk to outsell Batman some more!!!
Keep raping Batman, King!

>Why is it that because it happens to be a non-white person now it's suddenly controversial hot button issue?
Why does it always have to be a Non-white?

Why can’t Peter Parker replace Black Panther?


>To you. I don't have an issue with it
Let me light a candle in your honor, o transcended beacon of morality.

I don't like it when fake fans wave a flag of virtue over a comic book gimmick that's as old as time. I don't like fake idolatry. I don't like fake enthusiasm. I don't like people who defend this type of behavior, but I find the indifferent/apathetic reactionaries like yourself to be the most obnoxious of all.

I think Didio has just grown so old and bitter and tired that he wants to burn DC to the ground for the lulz. He’s also mad that people DARED to criticize the New 52 and hated old comics (even went on a rant hating people buying old comics at comic con)

>they need to fix Bruce Wayne the character

Bruce Wayne doesn't need fixing. And there's nothing wrong with comics exploring Batman as a concept by having other people replace him briefly for whatever reason. It's only an issue if you're seeing it too often and it's the same thing. But having a black kid protege replace him isn't the same as Gordon being Mecha Batman. Same way it's not repeating Dick replacing him after Final Crisis.

>But muh feelings!

Nobody cares about your feelings, dipshit. Stay salty.

>Batman will stop soon selling period and become irrelevant
>Hulk and X-Men will become popular even more
>Batman will be hated by almost everyone
>DC goes DCancelled

You know what's worse than a salty user? A salty user complaining about it.

Just introduce Terry into mainline continuity. He was by far the best successor to Bruce.

Attached: Batman_(Terry_McGinnis).png (334x250, 53K)

>It doesn't matter
It matters when sales plummet and AT&T shuts down DC. RIP


So is Gotham Girl or whatever going to kill Bruce then?



King had said that it was part of his original pitch to have a Black Batman.

DC is dead

Duke is Batman and Naomi is Superman

>Tom: Hey Dan! I know how to save Batman!
>Didio: I am listening.
>Tom: Why don’t you let me Kill off Bruce?
>Didio: Again? I don’t know. Seems like a cheap stunt. And Batman is already in shaky water as is. I don’t want to risk hurting our main bread and butter too much. He was already getting raped by the Immortal Hulk for awhile...
>Tom: That is why you replace Bruce with a black guy!
>Didio: Why?
>Tom: For the controversy and sales! Just look how successful Miles Morales is! He’s in the Top 5 highest selling comics every month!
>Didio: Really?
>Tom: I don’t know!
>Didio: Fair enough.
>Tom: So what do you say?
>Didio: Well, doing such a drastic status quo change could either help or harm us. And considering our sales have been doing worse and worse, we could face some dire consequences. Maybe even end up with AT&T letting us all go. But-
>Tom: Buuuuut?
>Didio: But I don’t care about thinking about rational decisions and consequences. Let’s do it!

>Just look how successful Miles Morales is! He’s in the Top 5 highest selling comics every month!
>Didio: Really?
>Tom: I don’t know!

Attached: booster gold and blue beetle laugh at a funny joke (that they told lol).jpg (287x626, 97K)

Don’t you mean DCeased?


So Wolverine and a black guy has a threesome with Batman and that’s how they made that costume?

DC is secretly planning a giant reboot/relaunch in 2020/2021. Until then, they are doing anything random and throwing everything at the wall until then.

>They could use Doomsday Clock as a Escape route
>Not Canon Anymore

Fuck DC

We got a future mass shooter here

>And Batman is already in shaky water as is.

Why do people keep saying this? Batman still has more comics out than Superman.

>Why is it that because it happens to be a non-white person now it's suddenly controversial hot button issue?

Because it's literally engineered to be as such.

What makes you say that?

Then don't take the bait, fucktard.

At this point, DC might as well have an annual reboot.

This seems like a great idea, considering Signal was supposed to be an ongoing, that then became a five issues mini only to be cut short to three since its sales (and the "series" itself) were garbage.

Great idea, i'm sure the first issue will sell a lot and all the others won't even be in the first twenty-five positions, considering Batman barely hits the top-ten nowadays.
Snyder must be masturbating right now. Unless the new writer is Bendis, then he is going to make a new black OC.

>yet another reboot

You are saying that like it is a good thing.

Because, black people trigger racists the most and cause the most headlines and thinkpieces.

So why isn't there more anti-gay heroes? That would trigger more people.

>Writing stories based on race and the reaction to race
Man, the lack of self awareness is baffling.

Black Batman could be really cool. Jefferson Pierce would be a great choice.

Something outsold it so now it's doing literally shit.
Don't try to make sense of retarded marvel fanboys

He meant a new character not piggybacking off of the status of a 70 year old established character.

Miles Morales is just black Spiderman.
This dude is just black Batman. He wants new characters with no leapfrogging them by tying them to a known franchise

I will maintain that DC intended for Duke to be Batman which is the only explanation for his overbranded Bat suit.

I guess this explains Cates passing over Batman and Tomasi not being interested.

>He’s in the Top 5 highest selling comics every month
>I don't know

Attached: 1533940459267.gif (220x140, 362K)

>I guess this explains Cates passing over Batman and Tomasi not being interested.
Still, with Batman 100 and the film coming out in 2021 and the book going monthly I dont see how it'd last longer than 9-12 issues tops. Unless the guy is so popular that he gets his own book. Nonethless I hope its a new character with no baggage whatsoever. The ship has sailed for Luke Fox and I wont even bother if its Duke. Black Lightning as suggested by BC is also a stupid choice as is the new Rorshach. It must be a Batman character and the last thing it should be is a Geoff Johns character.A new character is the most exciting possibility for this direction imo.

Batman is dead now.

Jesus dude, ok.

Nobody give a shit for Blackman

Leviathan will be Batman Bruce says reddit .

..Tomasi’s a gifted, under utilized and under appreciated writer. DC doesn’t appreciate his talent anywhere near enough.

It's Michael Holt

. Which reminds me, a guy on reddit posted that he talked to Tomasi at a Con recently about King's replacement. Tomasi flat out told the guy he wouldn't write the book even if DC asked him because (here he was being cryptic) controversy or something. Guys I have a bad feeling about this.

>gets to write only Superman and Batman, the biggest titles the publisher has
>hurrrrrrrrrr he underappreciated and underutilized
Moron. He's a crap writer too.

>Moron. He's a crap writer too.
King pls...fuck your mom.

I have no idea why you're replying to me, I don't even know who this black man is. What do they even call him, The Darker Knight?

King is dogshit. Eat my dick, slave.

hy Bendisfag Does anyone else find Bendis to be rather... troubled?

. Bendisfag wants to be a black man and have anal sex with Bendis?

Bendis is cancer. You wanna keep going, you sperg?

Nigga, Bendis and his fetish.

fire king and print a literal written apology for ever publishing his garbage.

How are you so astonishingly stupid cassfag Bendisfag. Have you ever noticed that in every thread you post in, literally everybody immediately knows it's you and wants you to leave?

Why do you think that is?

Bendis browse Yea Forums. Who the fuck did you think was defending all of Bendis' awful Black comics from the last decade or so?

Conner will probably end up identifying as non-binary at some point. It's not gay if it's an alien who says they're a girl.

>DC doesn’t appreciate his talent anywhere near enough.

Yeah, that's why he's been allowed to write Batman & Robin, Superman/Wonder Woman, GLC, Detective Comics, Superman, Action Comics, etc. in the past ten years. Because they don't appreciate him at all.

Batman >> Shit.
Young Justice >> Shit.
Superman >> Shit.

The irony and lack of self-awareness in this post is amazing


Yup SJW Batgirl Cass Cain is shit.

>I met Tomasi at a con last month and told him I'd love to see him take over when King leaves. He said no way would he want to follow King, too much controversy. He said he would have no problem following someone else after King, but he would not want to be the immediate replacement.

But Batman was shit already even before this announce.

>DC is dead
They also deverse it for hiring Bendis and King.

Which makes sense because it's far easier to just do Detective Comics instead of Batman where people would immediately start comparing you to King.

Very honest of him if true.
Guys like Bendis or Tynion would have gotten the title immediatly for diversity points.

Yup Tom King and Batcat kills Batman.

*At&T shuts DC down*

Tynion is too busy ghost writing Snyder's Justice League fanfiction.

Cat's obnoxious, cringe- cunt-ish, and has long over stayed her welcome.

I'm always down for some shake-ups, AzBats, DickBats and even GordonBats were very fun periods that caused immense booty pain while they were ongoing. I don't have a problem with Duke, but he's so milquetoast, I can't see anything fun coming out of DukeBat. Maybe bring back the Robins gang, set it all in daylight, focus on the bike and get a super kinetic artist colorful artist like Manapul?

But it's King, so it'll be shit.

Duke is shit.He's unnecessary, isn't interesting, and comes off as a creator's pet that Snyder made so he could claim his character became Batman .

He is such a creators pet I can't even fathom it. Example: Bruce got his memory back. Not by the help of Dick, Tim, Jason, or even Alfred. Hell not even DAMIAN! His own SON! But he gets it back from Duke. A kid he does not know well. Example B: Duke knowing both Bruce and Dick's identities.

"This ain't hard."

Uh huh. Keep it going.

Do not get me started on Harper Row and the abomination to the Robin anniversary that was B and R: Eternal.


I'm on fire tonight.


Nah he's fine, Year Zero was great, the Robin gang book had a little something something going on, and the ASB backups were fun, drop the conspiracy stuff, every new writer makes some new supporting characters.

Catwoman is a tumor.

>I can't see anything fun coming out of DukeBat.

Well optimistically speaking, this could be something that could develop Duke and make him more interesting. By forcing into a familiar role you could get some mileage out of it and give him something beyond "hey millennial audience, wanna see a new contemporary self insert sidekick?"

Duke is Cancer.


KING thinks that Duke could be the heir to the Batman mantle. no thank you. The minute Bruce Wayne is no longer batman is the minute I stop reading it. Especially when you have much better and more deserving characters like BRUCE KIDS

Plz, plz DC pull the plug on this crap, if Snyder wants to write him then fine but stop Snyder from imposing him on the other books and events, stop trying to feed this delusion that he's the next big thing. Snyder has to make him the big thing on his own,

King is pretty much the big boss of Batman now. What he says goes. And honestly, how many fans actually think that Duke or GG will be a mainstay of Batman stories after Snyder is gone? They will be forgotten and never used or unceremoniously killed off just like tons of side characters have been in the past.

Which is weird, since Batman fans seem to hate King.

At least this isn't Marvel, they would have been all for pointlessly killing off Bruce to give Duke his name cause, you know, black guy.

Here's the funny thing about this: all these retards are crying about the news, yet none of them will every give up capsehit.

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>King is pretty much the big boss of Batman now
yeah must be why they cut his Batman run short

King considers Duke close to his heart ?

The idea that Snyder and King can have Duke replace Jason ,Dick or Damian is laughable. Never happening, the character will fade away harder than Harold.

I'm a wallyfag so I despise him with all my heart but this has literally nothing to do with King. He hasn't touched Duke with a 10 feet stick.

So King’s plan is Bruce retiring Batman after marriage with a thief and pass the cape to random Black guy. Terrible.

I hope DC dies.

Bendis on Superman and Batman ?????????

Why stop at black? Why not a masculine presenting transgendered lesbian? xD

Yay! Another token that you gotta like or you're racist! Even if you're not a white person complaining about it.

Most of them stopped reading comics YEARS ago. Sales prove this. The comic book industry is the ultimate example of "get woke go broke".

not likely, Kings run is ending and no way Batman gonna die in Bat\Cat misery run

When was the last time Duke (?) appeared in Kings run. He is forgotten, since he is Snyder's OC, not King's.

Comics were selling like garbage before it got "woke". You seem to be confused; it's trying to be woke BECAUSE it generally sells, but it won't, because it doesn't address the main issue which is that nobody fucking buys comics anymore.

New characters aren't created because the big two owns everything you make when working for them. You might get some royalties, but you will never be in full creative control of what happens to your character. Frank Miller was angry when Marvel resurrected Electra, and the fight for Thanos has been an epic of its own. Hell, it took DC like 70 years to finally acknowledge Bill Finger...

Well, this wouldn't surprise one bit. King's been setting up Bruce's potential exit his entire run with all this painful ''i want to be happy'' stuff. Bruce is burnt out, he has to be at this point.

Anyway, I don't need to know who the potential new Batman is. I'm fine with it being a mystery, as long as he has some character in him. And now that Bruce is at the brink of being a completely different character, maybe this is actually a really good chance to bring in someone who's actually bad-ass. Bruce takes a break for a while and some mystery man takes his place in the meanwhile. That's fine as long as the writer, who every it'll be, steps the hell up.

Attached: bat tired.jpg (462x429, 59K)

>Even Cates who likes King's run wouldn't want to be the next writer on Batman after him

I think it to early for another replacement Batman we had in recent years already Dick and James Gordon as Batman.

The only Black Character I think would make sense is Mr. Terrific, he would be the only one with the experience and the skill set.

It’s not about inclusion
It’s simply about destroying the legacy of white male characters.

Pretty much this

Please God no don't turn my beloved Batman into a black thing. I can see it now, gold chain saggy pants and loud rap be coming fr rom 'dat mobile'.....i hope this is an else world story. No one cared about duke Thomas so please let that be a lesson dc. There's plenty of unneeded diversity in comics already leave the classics alone


Beside bla k people, Hispanics are the biggest replacement for white characters

Attached: zNkPWIFr.jpg (512x512, 35K)

Blacks are urgly.

The only instance of this I can think of is Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider

Blue Beetle

Blue beetle
Miles morale
Kyle rayner

Isn't that guy asian?

I don't think she counts but America.

Attached: AmericaChavez.jpg (800x450, 51K)

Not same user, but neither of those were replacements

Miles is just black. That's all anyone will ever care about. Doesn't matter how many times his mom ot grandma walk into the frame. And that Kyle being Hispanic thing was a recent development by King. No one really thinks of Kyle as a Latino. You're technically right about them both, though.

Did Anya ever replace anyone?

The main Batman book is losing to Batman minis and out of continuity mini-series like DCeased. It's still DC's number 1 solo but it's not like there was anything else with a chance of catching up with it, especially with Superman also being driven into the ground right now.

>Kyle being Hispanic thing was a recent development by King.
no , Kyle talking spanish was King's doing, but he always had hispanic origins.
King simply doesn't understand that even if you have a certian heritagr it doesn't mean you also know everything about it. It would have been like an african-american character speaking congolese.

Could be a tale from the Dark Multiverse for all we know at this point. But I'm kind of sick of Batman replacements at this point.

Yeah, that's it really.

Just because you put the cowl on someone it doesn’t make them Batman.


King simply wants Kyle's Latin heritage to be a bigger part of him than simply paper thin lip service and I agree with that, since unless you read that one story in the 90s, you wouldn't even know about it until King's writing brought it up.

recent by King? do you even read comics ?

Didn't we just have Commissioner Batman not too long ago?

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Rich just posted an update:
>But we have been told the current favourite is one of the more obvious suspects. Luke Fox, son of Lucius Fox. The current Batwing. The next Batman.

>That is according to gossip, Brian Bendis’ favourite… either Luke Fox or a brand new character, such as he created to take the lead in Ultimate Spider-Man. The other possibilities offered were Mr Terrific or a depowered Black Lightning.

>Apparently the DC Universe will believe that Bruce Wayne has died. But the readers will know he is alive, working behind the scenes, in a fashion predicted by Batman Beyond, mentoring the new Batman.

> I have been told is that it won’t be Duke Thomas
Not surprised. Dude is absolutely boring. I'm surprised he hasn't been killed yet.

that was years ago at this point

Suck the new black Batman’s dick or your a racist comic nerds!

More like
>Tom: Hey Dan! I know how to save Batman!
>Didio: Are you going to piss off readers again?
>Tom: Yeah! I'm going to-

He’s getting another guy for his Batman family?
Will he ever have enough?

There's nothing wrong with someone's ethnicity being a footnote, that's how a lot of people are, me included.

>he's just black.

Oh, you are one of those people.

Had a buddy who said if he was EiC, he'd institute a policy of 20 year timetables.
Over the course of 20 years, writers can write original stories, or retell stories fans loved from a previous 20 year window, introduce new characters, or bring back old characters that are the same or redesigned, but at the end of that 20 year window, everything is thrown out, and the universe starts from scratch, and honestly? I think I'd prefer that to what we have now.

There is like three batman in canon

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Huh wat u mean?

Who raped u?

>Could be Dick, but Ric
>Could be Tim, but Bendis
>"Batman" could just die, and have the family take over
Nope, lets just toss a literal who with no previous claim to the mantle of the Bat because we want SJW points.

>depowered Black Lightning.
it should be Black Lighting at full power just to keep the “electric black heroes” meme, even Miles has electric powers.

That's not how it works in fiction.

>a Black Batman and the public reaction to that

I hate King so fucking much. He really seems convinced he's being deep and intellectual.

Attached: imagev18e098f85ffbe50e8abc341205b04629d-y2m5uh2vv8a6x5bh6r2_ct1880x930.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Jason is a retarded anti-Hero with convictions that change every week. Dick is Ric and didn't give a shit about Batman. Damian is a 13yo manlet. The black dude is better than anyone at the moment.

Black people can be Hispanic

Why is being dumped from the title then?

Ethnic stereotypes were huge in the 70s with the token members of the Superfriends and such, I thought everyone eventually realized they were actually cringe.

DC is so fucked for the foreseeable future

They should just cancel Nightwing if there's going to be at least another year of this Ric shit. Sales are already tanking, just put him out of his misery

I agree.
Cancel, then give it to Bendis.
No, seriously.
He could take his USM voice, give it to Dick, then take his DD sensibilities to apply it to Bludhaven.
I cant stand the motherfucker, and like others, I'm not about to forgive him for what he's done to Superman and Jon, but I believe in my heart that he has a career Nightwing run in him, if he'd ever take the time to consider getting off of top shelf characters.

>the media industry is run by leftists
>leftists don't make their own stories/characters
Pick one doublespeaking nigger

Y A W N.
6-12 months of this guy and then Bruce is back, and we'll have some bullshit reason why it wasn't Dick Grayson who stepped up. The real tragedy here is we might have to suffer 6-12 months of Bruce jerking around with Selina Cancer.

Thankfully it's not Duke Thomas, he's boring as hell. Hopefully it's not Luke Fox either, he's just as boring if not more, good Lord.

Another gimmick that just wont work and DC wonders why Batman sales are in a downward spiral. King is horrible and a hack and should be replaced and a gimmick to replace Batman is just stupid. Im all for having more heroes of color but stop taking lazy route and create some new great characters. Bruce will always be Batman and we all know eventually he will return

>we'll have some bullshit reason why it wasn't Dick Grayson who stepped up.
We already have that though, user.

Attached: Batman (2016-) 055-021.jpg (1988x3056, 671K)

>Selina Cancer.
Catwoman is Cancer.

Go back to Tumblr or Twitter or whatever shithole you crawled out of cuck. Kek

That's a lot of empty buzzwords, broheim. Is it broheim, right?

I'm very okay with an African Batman. long as the send off from Bruce is appropriate and written well.

I always figured Duke was the coolest African addition to the Batmythos. Batwing's cool and all, but Signal just.. really works imo. And with his being related to Lucius, he could take the mantle pretty well.

We've had Grayson be Batman, we've seen Damian be Batman, we've seen Batman be Batman..

Why not Duke?

Its been hinted at for the past 2 years it's BRONZE TIGER but Rich the leech not anyone here actually reads enough comics to know that. Ffs

Nor*** also worlds greatest black man Idris Elba is playing him in SS so there's your synergy dipshits

Also apparantely the DC universe will think Bruce is dead and that there will be a Batman Beyond dynamic. All this sounds so lame and trite. The repetition and ripping off, so sucky imo.


And Bruce Wayne dies ... again!

Now he’s gonna be named “Blackman”

Seems like mainstream news are picking up on this and of course getting it mixed up with news about the new Batman movie: Let the shitshow begin!

Attached: Multiverse_Dawn_Of_Justice Batman Affleck 1461814164937.jpg (600x613, 475K)

A depowered Cyborg would make a good Batman. He can supply advanced surveillance around Gotham to catch the bad guys. Plus Silas has already appeared in Detective Comics.

Dick Grayson? Who is that? Do you mean Ric?

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Wow. I actually totally forgot that was a thing.

Attached: batman_tas_gordon.jpg (599x449, 32K)

>The other possibilities offered were Mr Terrific or a depowered Black Lightning.
So they're just going down a checklist system for their affirmative action Batman? Why aren't more liberals upset that this lame corporate pandering is what passes for "diversity"?

Attached: white fish finds that mildly outrageous.jpg (274x330, 28K)

I wish Bruce remained retired. A billionaire spending his days conducting vigilantism is a terrible way to spend his time if he's supposedly working in the interest of saving the city.

Holy shit. I forgot they named Duke just Signal. You know, because that will totally be the first thing people find when they search "Batman Signal". Even Cass's Black Bat works better.

No. His name is Dick. You know the thing YOU are every time you allow something to be published that only ever ruins something that is beloved an perfectly fine as it is.

Having been out of the loop for a while with regards to DC - what ARE good DC Bat comics nowadays? I've heard some people saying Red Hood and Batgirl are alright, but I suspect they are shitting me.

As it is now, unlikely.

>Tom: Just look how successful Miles Morales is! He’s in the Top 5 highest selling comics every month!
>Didio: Really?
>Tom: I don’t know!
>Bendis: Totally
>How did you get here?!
>Bendis: How did I get here? Me? I thought you called me?

Are you seriously implying that Hickman's autism isn't going to elevate the mutant corner of the Marvel universe out of the absolute shit show status it's been for the last decade and a half?
Bubba, he barely created the Black Order during his Avengers run, and it was received well enough for them to be featured in the movies that were already being planned and produced when he began that run.
He is already doing something different than "normal" X-Men stories, and Feige already said the MCU mutants are going to be different than what we've seen before. If you really believe that the X-Men aren't going to become more popular between Hickman's run, and their formally becoming a part of the MCU, especially with Spidey out of it moving forward, I don't want to insult you personally, but from the bottom of my heart I hope you don't take it the wrong way that I vehemently but respectfully disagree with you.

>Bubba, he barely created the Black Order during his Avengers run, and it was received well enough for them to be featured in the movies that were already being planned and produced when he began that run.
Yeah, they totally were used due to popular demand lol
Nah dude, the MCU is just too far up modern Marvel's ass.

>He is already doing something different than "normal" X-Men stories, and Feige already said the MCU mutants are going to be different than what we've seen before. If you really believe that the X-Men aren't going to become more popular between Hickman's run, and their formally becoming a part of the MCU, especially with Spidey out of it moving forward, I don't want to insult you personally, but from the bottom of my heart I hope you don't take it the wrong way that I vehemently but respectfully disagree with you.
Comics don't benefit that much from synergy sales.

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>Comics don't benefit that much from synergy sales.
But user, all the other user said was
>Hulk and X-Men will become popular even more
If we are talking in general, the movies will makes them more popular as an IP, and if we're just talking comics, I would still assert that Hickman's runs are well received enough to lead to a bump in sales. I'd be curious how FF was selling at the end of his run versus how it did after it, when someone else started writing it.
I would make the same assertion for Avengers, but feel the book probably sells better to begin with, so I'm not as confident about what value he would bring to it in terms of sales.

Just bring back Terry, instead of two randos Amanda Waller is his biological mother that stole Bruce's seed.
Black Terry

I'm not falling for the "if you don't like it, you're racist" this time. If it sucks, I just won't read it.

Cause they want money and get praise for being progressive, even though progressives don't pay.

>Black Terry
That's essentially Luke Fox as Batwing.

>He is already doing something different than "normal" X-Men stories

He retconned Moira to be a mutant. So bold. So new. So different.

Yes, and the entire run has spun out of the consequences of that one small change.

>King and Didio run Batman into the ground
>DC sales fall even worse
>AT&T shuts down the comic division
What is the plan here?

>I would still assert that Hickman's runs are well received enough to lead to a bump in sales.
Hard to tell, he can't write the characters he's using.

>I'd be curious how FF was selling at the end of his run versus how it did after it, when someone else started writing it.
Did it get other writers before the book got killed off? I sorta remember a "Fantastic Four" book after that which started from #1, with z-listers, looked like they were setting it up for failure and the eventual cancellation.

>I would make the same assertion for Avengers, but feel the book probably sells better to begin with, so I'm not as confident about what value he would bring to it in terms of sales.
Also complicated. The book didn't count on Wolverine or Spider-Man anymore for sales, but it got a bit hyped as the set up for the new Secret Wars and the very soft reboot after.

...You fell for it before?


>Did it get other writers before the book got killed off?
It got killed off after his Avengers Run because the FF were out creating universes. There was someone writing the book after his FF run though.

>because the FF were out creating universes
*because the FF were kept locked in the basement due to Ike's butthurt, actually.

what’s worse is that if/when at&t does shut down dc, King and Bendis will never be punished. they will just go to marvel and rewarded.

And he's going to fuck Harley Quinn, too.

>. I'd be curious how FF was selling at the end of his run versus how it did after it, when someone else started writing it.

Hickman's run (keep in mind he wasn't a BIG name when he started, compared to now):

08/09 Fantastic Four #570 - 62,401 (+39.6%)
09/09 Fantastic Four #571 - 47,468 (-23.4%)
10/09 Fantastic Four #572 - 41,939 (-11.6%)
11/09 Fantastic Four #573 - 39,433 ( -6.0%)
12/09 Fantastic Four #574 - 38,431 ( -2.5%)
01/10 Fantastic Four #575 - 41,284 ( +7.4%)
02/10 Fantastic Four #576 - 37,526 ( -9.1%)
03/10 Fantastic Four #577 - 35,791 ( -4.6%)
04/10 #578 - 37,940 ( +6.0%)
05/10 #579 - 38,415 ( +1.3%)
06/10 #580 - 36,582 ( -4.8%)
07/10 #581 - 35,505 ( -2.9%)
08/10 #582 - 34,617 ( -2.5%)
09/10 #583 - 46,267 ( +33.7%)
10/10 #584 - 45,066 ( -2.6%)
11/10 #585 - 41,568 ( -7.8%)
12/10 #586 - 42,829 ( +3.0%)
01/11 #587 - 115,448 (+169.6%)
02/11 #588 - 68,153 ( -52.7%)

#587 is Johnny Storm's "death," then after #588 it relaunches as FF/Future Foundation.

Here is Future Foundation (note that after #11, the Fantastic Four title comes back):

03/11 FF #1 - 121,172 ( +77.8%)
04/11 FF #2 - 72,897 ( -39.8%)
05/11 FF #3 - 66,885 ( -8.2%)
05/11 FF #4 - 60,571 ( -9.4%)
06/11 FF #5 - 58,925 ( -2.7%)
07/11 FF #6 - 55,601 ( -5.6%)
07/11 FF #7 - 54,022 ( -2.8%)
08/11 FF #8 - 51,917 ( -0.2%)
09/11 FF #9 - 53,091 ( +2.3%)
10/11 FF #10 - 49,642 ( -6.5%)
10/11 FF #11 - 48,433 ( -2.4%)
11/11 FF #12 - 49,449 ( +2.1%)
12/11 FF #13 - 44,970 ( -9.1%)
01/12 FF #14 - 42,609 ( -5.3%)
02/12 FF #15 - 40,583 ( -4.8%)
03/12 FF #16 - 37,152 ( -8.5%)
04/12 FF #17 - 37,325 ( +0.5%)
05/12 FF #18 - 34,555 ( -7.4%)
06/12 FF #19 - 34,260 ( -0.9%)
07/12 FF #20 - 31,652 ( -7.6%)
08/12 FF #21 - 30,220 ( -4.5%)
09/12 FF #22 - 29,847 ( -1.2%)
10/12 FF #23 - 30,844 ( +3.3%)

And the rest of Hickman's time on Fantastic Four:

11/11 Fantastic Four #600 - 73,809 (+52.4%)
12/11 Fantastic Four #601 - 51,080 (-30.8%)
01/12 Fantastic Four #602 - 45,131 (-11.6%)
02/12 Fantastic Four #603 - 42,419 ( -6.0%)
03/12 Fantastic Four #604 - 42,126 ( -0.7%)
04/12 Fantastic Four #605 - 42,372 ( +0.6%)
05/12 Fantastic Four #605.1 - 39,475 ( -6.8%)
05/12 Fantastic Four #606 - 39,914 ( +1.1%)
06/12 Fantastic Four #607 - 40,453 ( +1.4%)
07/12 Fantastic Four #608 - 37,776 ( -6.6%)
08/12 Fantastic Four #609 - 36,496 ( -3.4%)
09/12 Fantastic Four #610 - 35,388 ( -3.0%)
10/12 Fantastic Four #611 - 45,322 ( +28.1%)

>keep in mind he wasn't a BIG name when he started, compared to now
Is he even a BIG name, aside from Marvel memeing him?

And it's been largely just timeline recaps and exposition dumps. I mean that's orgasmic if you're a Hickman fan but it's pretty boring otherwise.

Tom King did an interview on the iFanboy podcast a little while ago and they asked him about being take off Batman. He spun a bunch of bullshit but he also mentioned that DC has big plans for Batman 1000, I wonder if this is what he meant.



>trusting that shitty site
I'm still waiting for Dr. ENDLESS

It can't end if it never begins!

So Bruce cucked Lucius and Lucius's wife was impregnated with Bruce's DNA too?

Arugably, because his events sold better than Aaron's and Bendis' events.