Movie teaches that no matter how unstable and deranged people are...

>Movie teaches that no matter how unstable and deranged people are...talking to them will somehow change them to become better

Wow, I wish that worked against my father, uncle and cousin who abused me. Oh well...

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Other urls found in this thread:!QegW1IyD!EaK_kBmjf_O-riWjmh-t99RNPCooAb-acViSZ5Hnppcá'í_Faith

I wish people would talk to me.......

Does every god damn person have to dig out some kind of moral from every show on earth? Why can't we just enjoy the movie for what it is and walk away feeling entertained?

did you watch the movie retard? she was neglected and realized she couldn't take out her anger on someone who didnt do anything to her. also, no one cares that you were abused

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It was poorly written but I hope you don't let this affect your life, friend

>no one cares that you were abused

Dude, not cool

I'm glad I don't take a cartoon made for teens so damn seriously.

>also, no one cares that you were abused
Now now, what did we talk about white?

Just means you didn't talk well enough

it literally says that it's a change you need to do yourself.
Yea Forums can see a movie about dogs and think is pro-cat or something

Niggers are people too?

>she was neglected and realized she couldn't take out her anger on someone who didnt do anything to her
> no one cares that you were abused

The lesson isn’t to change your abuser, it’s to change yourself and not let their abuse make you an abuser too.

If anything, the moral I got out of this is that it is possible to be so fucking annoying that even Steven Universe wouldn't want you around
Bravo Rebecca, Bravo

Fucking this
Man Yea Forums used to be a board on quality and civility. I swear, if I didn't know any better I would think the people on this board hated comics and cartoons.

They should have showed her what a couch was

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>no one cares that you were abused
Kill yourself user

it's a joke because OP wasn't abused, they were speaking rhetorically to emphasize their bad argument.

Ahaha,yeah man. It's all gonna be alright. You just have to believe in yourself man.

Forgot pic

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No the other thing
I hate you for having everything i want, companionship

but he's right

But I care that OP was abused and so did the other people that responded to the asshole who aid no one cares. So that means he's wrong.
If he said that certain people don't care that OP was abused then he'd be right. He fucked up when he tried to shoe horn everyone else into it.

We DO hate comics and cartoons. At least the current ones. We all just wish both industries would finally crash and collapse into oblivion because their current syate is an affront to what they could have become.

Now is that something Steven, our messiah, would say?


Abuse implies that the victim is hurt in some manner. Absolutely NOBODY here on Yea Forums has ANY emotion that could ever be "damaged.”

No u


>No u
u first

>ow the edge

There's more sociopaths on Yea Forums than ever before because of /pol/, but everyone else is here because they've got emotional baggage, particularly on Yea Forums, the softest of all the boards.

>if I didn't know any better I would think the people on this board hated comics and cartoons.
I...I don't have the heart to tell him...

I think the point was that she was a abuse victim lashing out, accepted that help once she got it and then got TRIGGER'd into relapsing before getting talked down and realizing (on her own) she couldn't get better in that situation.

Easy to forget, but she basically got hit by the fact that her "BFF" abandoned her AND died completely invalidating her whole existence and purpose in life like 5 minutes before she came down to destroy Earth, then Pearl kinda accidentally made things worse by being there and being in disbelief that Spinel would actually show up at some point.

And seriously, they hammer down that she was designed to be a Friend and she states several times she wants to be one, She is basically the best(/only good) Talk-No-Jutsu in the series because the situation of her actually being talked down makes sense in context of what she is and her desires and it still had to be done several times before "sticking" due the trauma.

So less like your family of domestic abuser and more like a school shooter.

>the softest of all the boards.
Pretty sure we're tied with /an/, and Yea Forums for that.

Ironically the softest is /fit/
Gotta get buff o get my sweet crush, right bro?

Don't worry, I already told him

the head shape reminds me of mickey mouse

The problem is that the movie keeps perpetuating the fallacy that anyone can be "redeemed" or "helped" via words words words. The real world does NOT work like that.

If you think that that was all the movie was saying; you are a moron. She didn't kill or even hurt anyone; she was wholly redeemable. She was a child who severely misinterpreted what was being done to her and retaliated in the way that a child would; then realized how wrong she was and felt bad for her actions.

If you care about some stranger who was 'abused' you need to fuck off and drown in a pool of septic shit, you fucking faggot. I know that the OP is samefagging because like seriously.

Come up with a better samefag, you piece of trash. No one gives a fuck about you.

I'd like to see one of the people who worked on this walk through Seattle entirely on their own and try striking up a conversation with any one of the numerous crazy homeless/drug addicts there. Shitload of non-Seattle fags keep praising the city (sometimes Portland) when they have absolutely no idea what life is like here.

Are you a walking joke?

Steven talked to her while successfully defending himself from (most of) her violent actions towards him. Protect yourself first and foremost.

Y I K E S user. I know you're alone right now, but you'll find love someday. You don't have to try so hard.

>The problem is that the movie keeps perpetuating the fallacy that anyone can be "redeemed" or "helped" via words words words. The real world does NOT work like that.
Your right, in the real world we use economic warfare, proxy warfare, and mutuallty assured destruction™ - preventing wars between 1st world countries since 1945.

Sure doesn't, but pretty sure that is something most people found out by experience by the time they are 5 or less. This is fiction for children, positive platitudes like this exist to reassure so kids don't write off EVERYONE just because of a bad experience. OP ain't the only one here who had to deal with domestic abuse and i will say i at least made some pretty bad shit impulsively in anger of my own situation and those issues continued for a good while even after i was "out" of the situation, hence why i think Spinel was actually a situation where this shit actually worked for once, because i would be a huge fucking hypocrite if i didn't having been a "Problem Child" myself.

I don't disagree that UNDERSTANDING can be done badly and a blight on writing nor that SU botched the one for the Diamonds and going too balls deep on it in general, but the movie legit did this shit as good as it can be done.

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Be honest user, you've never talked to your father, uncle, and cousin.

How different would the movie have been if instead of a scythe, she had a gun? And not like a special lazer blaster, but an actual handgun?

Would she have shot Steven point-blank in the face?

Literally everyone above a reasonably IQ threshold (which is low) can be redeemed. The only real world difference here is that people don't get redeemed. Most people never have anyone to help them and most people aren't capable of saving themselves.

A serial killer who raped and murdered 20 children before they turned age 25 could spend the next 70 years making the world a better place but the world would just rather they die for what they've done.

She would but Steven would probably just shield/heal, Gems would shrug it off. Basically she would give them a easy win if she did.

As for a gun that works a disruptor?
Honestly i can´t really think of how the situation could gone better, she did still OHKO even with it melee, if anything she might need to do three attacks instead of one, and even range Steven would just get nerfed rather then killed no matter the amount of shots and be able to counter to reset Spinel, possibly sooner if he could reflect a shot. after that the Rejuvenator is in Stevens hands until it is broken.

Basically, it is a non-factor if it is ranged or not and if it changes thing it would likely be for the worse (for her), not better.

The main question is what was the point of this movie... you were entertained watching that?

Improve your grammar bum.

That grammar is good, brainlet

>has to take everything literally
Yep, autistic

Do you know what grammar is?

Wtf are you doing here? Seriously, why are you here? This isnt your tumblr hugbox. You want a place to grovel at people making up stories for brownie points, go to twitter.

You don’t earn “brownie points“ here shit for brains.


>I was abused!
Nobody cares, get over it

It didn't teach that though. Steven trying to force her to change and then fast track the process for his own benefit made her even more hostile. Ultimately Steven just served as punching bag until she reached the question of why she had such a large murderboner for someone tangentially related to her actual target mostly on her own.

These are shows for children so of course it's going to have morals like that.

You want assholes that can't be redeemed, watch shows for adults.

what the fuck is going on in this thread

It’s unrealistic. That’s the issue. The reality solution is putting a bullet through a nutcase that won’t fuck off.

Take a good read and find out for yourself.

>It’s unrealistic. That’s the issue. The reality solution is putting a bullet through a nutcase that won’t fuck off.
This is the solution in shows targeted at boys but rarely girl oriented shows. Just watch Sailor Moon, Precure or anything made for little girls it's always about redemption instead destroying your enemies.

>it's your own fault for not fucking your father, uncle and cousin to assert dominance

>The theme/message of a cartoon doesn't' apply to my situation directly

This is a slight against me.

>Absolutely NOBODY here on Yea Forums has ANY emotion that could ever be "damaged.”
Then you are clearly a newfag. Lurk moar, and you'll quickly find that there are things that 'offend' anons, it's just that not everyone is offended by the same things. I know I don't represent everybody here, but I'm really, really hard to offend, but there's still shit that pushes my buttons.

Incest is so underrated that normies doesn’t think it exists... it’s not even a conversation. It’s like, how can Yea Forums talk about it but society can’t? Are we just that terrible?

>Are we just that terrible?

Man imagine if Superman just talked to Braniac and Darksied or if Hal Jordan just talked to Parallax or if Johnny Blaze just talked to every demon in Hell

>Sailor Moon
>Being as hackneyed as SU
Usagi's a crybaby idiot but she killed the big bad and most of her minions because they were irredeemable. Procure has several monsters of the week get killed in explosions or cartoonish deaths often. Rebecca's issue is that she wants all the powerups and glam of anime but none I'd the consequences. Even Naruto had half his friends die or get maimed permanently in the end. Steven will never suffer any lasting consequences since he can just cry or sing to get the silver spoon out back in his mouth.

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What is so different from this and Lapis arc?
>Water tower=injector
>Mirror Image Power=Gomu Gomu no Mi
>Leave me ALONEEEEEEEE no u can't

They aren’t owned by the same Diamond. They turned rogue for different reasons. Their gems are different. One of them made Steven bleed. Etc etc etc watch the damn film again.

This, litterally what is tge point of watching an action oriented show if there are zero consequences. Litterally nothing can happen to Steven because of hus uber healing and his speeches that can give Jesus a run for his money. Even Ultimate Muscle had deaths involved

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This is some high quality bait: just reasonable sounding enough to seem sane, yet insane enough to provoke a response.

Here's a (You).

>Literally everyone above a reasonably IQ threshold (which is low) can be redeemed
Yea but the diffrence here is you don't let crazy ass mofos that just got done killing/hurting millions if not billions of people roam the steeets simply because they got a stern talking to. They need rehabilitation or jail time. Imagine if Batman just started throwing niggas like Pigsy or Zsasz out into the streets after one sorry or tearjerking moment.

>The real world does NOT work like that.
I mean I agree with you on principle but I don't think you can fault a childrens cartoon about gay rock aliens for being unrealistic, especially when that's been the theme of the series since season 1.

>Brings up consequences in anime.
>Uses Sailor moon and Naruto as examples where everyone dies and comes back to life in every battle.
Nice bait.

Ngl you guys are cute but it's probably because I'm a horrible person and my autistic brain is confusing fat neckbeards on an imageboard with something cute like the Spinel OP posted.

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>oh my god she needs some serious help!
>maybe if we talk with her once, she will forget everything, smile, and becomes as normal as we are?
>welp, that didn't helped
>Hey, other guys i don't like! Could you please "take out trash" for me?
>And yeah, let her continue being "happy happy fun fun" all the time, guess she isn't against that
>Problem solved! Now Conny, let's make some children! Havent seen you in months

Isn't it great to give children false presentation of the world. I'm sure it will not backfield to them in the future

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Its a cartoon with talking rock people it doesn't have to be realistic. I don't know why that's so hard for people to grasp.


>tfw this show's morals worked for me
It's not about just talking, it's about standing up for yourself, talking is just one way to do that.

I don't understand your point. If most children are raised with the idea that talking can help, then the next generation is more likely to work that way, and the next, and so on. If we can accept that therapy is helpful for all sorts of messed up people, why not that talking to each other is also helpful, and even life-saving?
It's almost like you just don't want things to change or something.

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>get abused most of my life
>talk about it online
lol get over it faggit
>talk about it irl
lol git over it faggit
>talk about it in therapy
lol git over it faggir

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don't be rude

What did you expect? Tumblr is dead for faggots like him, so they have no place to go but here.

Steven Universe doesn't teach good morals, I'm not sure why you're still surprised

Yes because /pol/ happened to attract dumblrites like you who are entirely sociopathic in nature and unable to empathize or understand anyone else.

This post is sane and salient, yet of course Steven Universe fans as always take the chance to sperg at tough language and protest productive therapy because it doesn't remind them of when Steven does it. It also captures the theme of the movie better than any other post

Again, this is not how real world works. Dont try to tell me that you can make Jeffrey Epstein been sorry for that he is pedo sex traficer. And if he for some miracle will be sorry, it dothen't undo that fact that he if fucking pedo sex traficer.

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> Spinel taking her revenge on people who had nothing to do with her neglect

> Venting against people who made a cartoon because someone else abused you

I mean your feelings are valid, but you have to admit it's kind of funny how this played out.

You can let it consume you or you can choose to stay mad about it and redirect your frustrations towards others. It's your decision.

I don't expect a single family friendly movie to tackle nuance in abuse and rehabilitation.

White looks the most mommy.

Thats not the point: the point is that she was taking her abuse out on other people, and that isnt justified. You literally have to live with the memory of that abuse, its life, and some amount of talking helps, but abuse is literally just an emotion you have to carry with you and hopefully build a life beyond. The show isn't trying to teach you to act like Steven, its expects you to relate with the villain as Steven addresses their problem

Absolute state of SUfags.

>training the youth from an early age is not how the real world works
But then brainwashing, propaganda, religion and indoctrination would be meaningless because of animalistic nature.
You can't just pretend the status quo is how things will be forever. The future is now, old man.
It's not impossible that future, hypothetical Jeffrey Epsteins could be beaten so much over the heads with this sort of thing that the typical businessman sociopathy and paraphilic indulgence will be as unacceptable to them as cannibalism or shitting on the dining room table in polite company (despite their base desires). Someone like him was not a lone wolf or your creepy white trash neighbor devoid of social pressures. He was definitely trained and groomed to think being a pedo piece of shit was okay because it's what he felt like doing, and there's no good reason not to do what you want as long as you can avoid getting in trouble.
Rightfully, his type would just be castrated or euthanized upon discovery IMO, but that's probably a few generations away.

Delete this , you pig

Nothing said there was incorrect

Horsefuckers have the same mindset.

>Immortal childlike being is taken in by royalty to be playmate of a royal child
>Is eventually abandoned by that child when they become a ruler and have responsibilities to others
>Immortal childlike being unleashes nightmarish retribution against people that had nothing to do with it
At least Rebecca has good taste in manga

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>But then brainwashing, propaganda, religion and indoctrination would be meaningless because of animalistic nature.

u can program pepole into thinking that "diversity is our strength" and "ppl of difrend cultures and races can get along together" can be achieved how much you want, but reality of biological human behavior will not chane because of that, we can see that is europe and us. People like

People like Jeffrey Epstein will alway be in this world, and thinking that you can negotiate with them is delusional

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Will it work for the final villain that has watched everything and is waiting for the perfect time to strike

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No, that's just how you'd like things to be, for reasons known only to yourself.
>random /pol/ shit
I rest my case.

>Steven Universe: people have a great deal of misplaced anger, and with communication plus good faith, people can realize this and avoid taking it out on unrelated people
>Yea Forums: fuck you I can't just kill my dad with words, I tried. Why are you lying, I hate you and your stupid fucking gay baby show. How dare you try to help, since my abauve father isnt here I'm gonna scream at you, and have disdain for childrem for watching

which mango

The fuck else did you expect? American's don't allow actual violence in their kid shows so that's basically the only way they could've ended it besides her being arrested. God you're stupid dude like how can you be this dumb? I'm not mad... I'm furious.

>Wow, I wish that worked against my father, uncle and cousin who abused me. Oh well...
Nice blogpost

this movie was basically STEVEN UNIVERSE: THE MUSICAL

fucks with all the songs... also I wound fuck that red thing up the ass. sometimes you gotta stick your dick in crazy!

I say you're based

>Steven universe is nonviolent becayse of censors
Lmfao no.. Rebecca said ahe qanted to make a show about emptions and communication, and she did and it got bought. Most cartoons right now are about fighting or will have a character beat up another easilt for a gag or to co cluse an episode. Mao Mao is on, Teen Titans is on, OK KO has been on, they simply DO beat enemies into submission or and will make hard contact effortlessly for a gag. You just got the wrong idea, friend, thats okay though, this is Yea Forums and everyone makes shit up to suit their custom persecution complex

In case you deny my last post due to spelling, I'm gonna say clearly, "No." Steven Universe does not use nonviolence as a censor workaround, and combat is highly included in cartooning

>Wow, I wish that worked against my father, uncle and cousin who abused me. Oh well...
Being abused
Don't cost nothing

Dungeon Meshi

I quite like how you can tell this is ripped straight from iFunny.

It wasn't a savior fantasy with you as Steven, numbnuts, it was a moment of clarity for you as Spinel. You are the angry child of abuse, Steven is singing to you.

>fucks with all the songs
it was a musical

>A serial killer who raped and murdered 20 children before they turned age 25 could spend the next 70 years making the world a better place but the world would just rather they die for what they've done.
Righteousness demands justice.
Justice is not measured by a sum.
No amount of good deeds will justify an evil deed, only punishment, retribution, and penance.
Good deeds, by their nature, cannot be punishment.

Thats Sailor Venus, not Sailor Moon you dingus.
Also naruto got 1 dead friend and an armless Sasuke but everybody else ended up pretty well

Better than punching people will shut them up and change their mind

>good and evil are some sort of personal 'soul credit' that is only useful in coloring that soul one way or another, and our job is ro keep a high 'collective soul credit' by executing and destroying anyone who hits too much a negative
Someone who killed someone can build a house, fucking deal with it. A rapist may succesfully perform CPR, too. There's literally good to be done in the world, and destroying able bodies who have exhibited change is only a defensible if you believe people cannot change or must be sacrificed

even if it comes across as unrealistic at times its still a pretty good lesson to teach kids to try to see the best in people and be open forgiveness

What is the use of this soul audit? Isnt good just when you help? If a guy brings me back my lost dog, and I later found he robbed a store, does it 'not count'? Its narcissistic to prioritize 'personal goodness' above the good dead. What's the point? Jf you killed someone, would you later let another man suffer because you were 'too evil to help'? What is the point?

The good deed*

every story has a message, user. That's what they are for.

Why won't anyone discuss the actual nature of good or evil here? Or are you really such centrist quislings you wrote off your virtue in exchange for more space to watch cartoons?

>Literally everyone above a reasonably IQ threshold (which is low) can be redeemed. The only real world difference here is that people don't get redeemed. Most people never have anyone to help them and most people aren't capable of saving themselves.

You can't honestly believe this can you. Are there really people out there that naive and stupid. Like this has to be some shitty attempt at bait or something.

The Fire Lord wasn't redeemed and neither was Azula, and this was coming from a children's show.

Its not a matter of not being offended but more so why would it matter getting offended over people who are anonymous. I sometimes get a good chuckle at getting people flustered online simply because i know how pointless the whole exchange is while they somehow can't.

>Better than punching people will shut them up and change their mind

In real life i've found that most people don't change until they get their ass completely handed to them, whether it be by other people or by the consequences of their own shit choices, and even then its not guaranteed

>the actual nature of good or evil here?
You mean that it doesn't exist? That's not helpful to the discussion.

>lots of angry negative words
Poor argument, nobody cares how baffled you insist you are. user isn't suggesting anything crazy by saying abuse could be prevented if the abuser had proper communication and understanding at critical growing moments in their life.

>saying abuse could be prevented if the abuser had proper communication and understanding at critical growing moments in their life.

Prevention and Redemption aren't the same thing. God I knew Yea Forumsmblrites were stupid, but i thought they would at least have an elementary reading comprehension

What a useless statement. People like you think without God we can't objectify anything, but you know when you have a good or bad day, or a good or bad idea comes up. If you are incapable of respecting the material difference between these things, then how can you follow this show's plot?

Get over it faggot

So is this garbage finally over

Ah, redemption. Yes actually its a highly canon and classic argument that evil and purely destructive acts come from insufficient understanding. Poor knpwledge and limited human perspective cause us to harm our selves and others and perform non-altruistic acts. Wisdom as a path to good is completely fair. What's your alleged high-wisdom evil?

so....... they did the same thing? again? jesus christ. how can you still like this show after this?
>Peridot, introduced as villain, immediately redeemed
>Jasper introduced as villain, immediately redeemed
>Yellow Diamond introduced as villain, redeemed
>White Diamond introduced as villain, redeemed
>Pink X-J9 introduced as villain, redeemed

I can understand one or two villains turned good..... But literally every single one? Seriously? Just admit your action cartoon is really a feel good cartoon. It's nothing special and never was, there never was any stakes because any one with a functioning brain saw the trajectory of the overall direction of the show.

What could've been an awesome action cartoon about mystical beings with powers fighting to protect Earth turned into a 6 season and movie long message about being friends to everyone, even fascists! Garbage.

If forced political messaging EVER applied to anything, it'd be SU. It ruined the whole fucking show and stole it's potential to be a unique and new story.

>Peridot, introduced as villain, immediately redeemed
Did you forget the nearly season long redemption arc that peridot had? the one that pitch perfect and so well written that's a good contender for best redemption arc of any show? Because of how organically they gave depth to the character whilst providing a realistic path for them to grow whilst keeping the character the same? something that is a very hard feat for any narrative to pull off?

>brings up God out of fucking no where
I'm gonna stop here. Your projections are showing. Have fun discussing the morals of show about gay space rocks.

Its the point of the show, thats like asking how people can watch DBZ when Goku keeps using the Kamehameha. This idea of 'watching for when Steven finally comes out as a shonen hero and blasts away the monster' is purely a Yea Forums delusion

You were always incapable of discussion and understanding. All you've done is show up and insist your own confusion

>Are we just that terrible?

Yes indeed, incest isn't even that hot when you get to the reality of it and realize only ugly out of shape people and women who fucked just about everything except their sons would do it

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Also naruto was capable of talking most people out of doing shit
Orochimaru, the guy who kickstarted most of the conflicts and arcs up to a certain point was let off the hook despite it all and is allowed to experiment and even continue cloning because he helped out in defeating the big bad

You understand this is a site where people say things they specifically cant say in real life? And its not life's fault either, things like that are pointless and unappealing, and all the weird kids who cant shut up about their fetish eventually find their way here to post brapshit and edit cartoon tits larger, after they learned they cant do it in public without being disowned

Real talk: Women suck at talking to each other. THe like to avoid confrontation and start using fancy words to spare each other's feelings. Steven works because he's more blunt, direct, and takes after his father more than his mother.

Why can't YOU admit that? You literally followed this thing for like four years not able to figure out what it explained in the pilot: it's a positivity show, and the ampunt of information you would have to protest and reject in order to deny that long enough to be surprised by this DURING THE FINALE is extremely significant

In many cases yes. In Steven Universe, all the gems are very uppity and easily offended, and Rose is really the villain because of abuse due to negligence. Stephen is characterized as soft and huggable, but he's uniquely blunt and hardline when it comes to sorting his villains out with an argument

You know, I kind of hope there's an alt verse episode in the next season.

>I wish that worked against my father, uncle and cousin who abused me
It probably would help if you talked about it, you want to talk about it if you're posting about it.
I'm sorry they were such assholes, and that you're working through it and confronting it (even in this weird backwards way) is a good sign that you won't perpetuate the cycle.

>In real life i've found that most people don't change until they get their ass completely handed to them
When has that ever been the case?
Force doesn't make people change you use force to kill those that oppose you at which point their opinion becomes irrelevant.
If you want to change people you need to give them logical path to make them want to take your side of their own volition all threatening accomplishes is making them double down on their opposition to you.

kill yourself fag

So what, you're a child of abuse who has weaponized his grief to shoot down good vibes? Good grief.

She looks a little like Meteora

>but reality of biological human behavior shows modern ideas won't work
>biological human humans are actually programmed to be like the Greeks or Pagan Larpers of the germanic tribes, source: my ass

Whose the delusional one here?

Then why does this board exist? You constant complaining is not gonna be heard by any body unlike the copious amounts of Twitter twats screeching at the latest bits of controversy.

>If a guy brings me back my lost dog, and I later found he robbed a store, does it 'not count'?
It does count

But a truly narcissistic person wouldn't do that

On the contrary, Jeffery Epstein was highly educated and curated into who he was: it wasn't innocemt fate that produced a random evil man, it was a 6000 year pedigree of a nation-in-exile combined with the intelligence needs of a newly founded modern militaristic state. Epstein had millions of dollars invested in his upbringing and development into who he was, mankind deeply took the fate of he and other agents like him into their own hands, by molding him to create state intelligence meant to influence and contrpl the world leaders. He is not mature

What was her name, user?

Sure they would, out of a selfish desire for redemption. And yet here is my dog, saved.

>what is this faggotry? Love? Compassion? These things are anathema here! We only revel in hatred and darkness!
Go back to the late 90's where you belong, dipshit

>God demands unselfish behavior in order to avoid eternal damnation
>some folks are nice solely to avoid the fires of hell and nothing else
>unironically acting selfish for seemingly unselfish reasons
Checkmate, YHWH!!!

maybe that should tell you something.

Steven Universe is completely accurate.
You see good looking attractive people or cute women "redeemed" in the eyes of the public.
You never see that happen to ugly people.
The difference between Hitler and the diamonds is that Hitler was a man.

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My dogs life is literally saved. Can you understand no good beyond the judgement of God? Is good only a personal metric of divine approval, to you? I'm talking about life or death and a damned man making the right choice at the moment of truth.

Steven isn't God, you put upon heretic. He's just a man who motivates the damned to good works (if i were to use catholic language, of course).

>out of a selfish desire for redemption

Redemption isn't selfish, and selfishness isn't a redeeming quality. They're mutually exclusive.

Desire bridges that gap. My point being that a good work can be a good work despite the intent of the perpetrator. It may have been , but even in Christianity good works are are done on God's orders, even if the doer is a selfish reprobate, so even if the subject is not redeemed, the work is good, and good is done by God's command, and the dog gets to live. The saving of the dog is a good work, regardless of the well-being of the subject's soul.

It may have been done selfishly in vain pursuit of salvation*, but even in Christianity...

But really, fuck religion. A murderer can donate his kidney to a stranger and its still a good kidney transplant. What else matters? Who cares about this guy's soul, besides God? If he helped for one minute in his life then he helped for one minute.

the movie has taught me that if you are attractive or pretty enough people will try to save you from your mental issues

Of course the real world doesn't work like the world in a cartoon space fantasy for children designed to teach them about the power of communication, friendship, and love. That's kind of the point.

Attached: yellowpearldisdain.png (173x164, 20K)

Point being, what even is this 'redemption' thing you're talking about. Are you talking about a return to the celstial host in the afterlife, because we all know the rules to that and are welcome to refer to our individual cosmologies or lack thereof for how that works, each suggestion is well documented. For the deal world, you've got a set of healthy productive jobs needing doing, and a population with varying handiness and varying motivation to do them. And lets say one of our truckers gets drunk and beats his wife every day. The job gets done, and that's good. It's better than if he crashed the truck. Maybe he's the onlt one who woulsn't crash it? The badness of his other crime is logistically irrelevant to the achieved task. Probably keeps hom out of trouble, too

Yeah no shit

>Person who was clearly neglected and is letting out her anger through being LITERALLY toxic and attacking people that weren't involved in her pain (not counting Pearl here, that bitch shoulda done something) is helped via letting her rage out and patient talking
She is straight up a perfect example of someone who could and should be helped through proper talking and care. It was way more egreigous when White got talked down than Spinel being worn down until she finally collapsed realizing she had no reason why she wanted to hurt him and others so much.

This. And damn I can’t believe I missed the toxic metaphor.

>literally what is the point of watching an action oriented show if there are zero consequences
muscleguys in speedos?

People are deceptive about SU. Every character is explicitly given a backstory that would allow for healing by conversation, but Yea Forums likes to pretend Steven Universe is trying to send you to hell for thinking of one example where that might not work. The villains are designed to be redeemed, SU doesn't say violence is forbidden and everybody can be saved. It just shows some peoppe who are saved

The consequence is the saving of the day and healing of the villains. Are you really so obtuse the only consequence you can imagine is bodily harm? Its a healing show, but yeah the world and well being of the characters are constantly at risk, its just not a dystopian nightmare, so the good guys make the world better every day

Well, yeah obviously. You can't save everyone.
But you're not supposed to become another shit in the pile because of that fact.
The message is that you should maintain a sense of cautious optimism with those around you. You don't do the world any good when you let all the negativity of the world mold you into a cynical dick.
If you remain positive, and try your best to do good for yourself, and those around you, those actions will influence others in a positive way.
But naturally, you can only really influence those who wish to be influenced. You can't sing a hardened serial murderer into your friendly mr. rogers neighborman.
But you can keep a lonely neglected person from falling more deeply into despair by showing them that not everyone they meet is a complete asshole.
You can't change the entire world by yourself. No one can. But that doesn't mean you should give up on trying. Every tiny good deed means something to someone.
Don't give up.

I mean, there even WAS someone that couldn't be talked to: Jasper.
She literally refused his offer of redemption to the point where she became corrupted and was just a snarling beast at which point Peridot shanked her.

you're silly user. its not a feel good cartoon and why would something being a feel good cartoon be a bad thing?
also he literally fights spinel to stop her

I just think if you're going to follow this show just to call it soft and gay, you can at least avoid lying to yourself you were expecting anything different

Exactly. The point is that, at some point in the story, every single Gem was not "ready" to be redeemed. Like Steven says in this movie, he can't change Spinel, only she can. He can just provide a safe outlet and positive environment to facilitate that change, but it has to come from the individual. Sometimes it takes enduring a lot of pain and suffering, but that's the work of a pacifist.

Steven's kryptonite is just psychopathy
Literally the entire story from start to finish has been going this smoothly because the gems are from top to bottom a race of autistic fucks

How was Spinel any of those things after she had gotten her memories back?

Yeah, I love that he's basically built to be a pacifist with all his tank stats. He's great at what he does cause he's literally built to just sit there taking the hits both physically and verbally until his enemy's will gives out from the mental and physical strain.
Spinel's final breakdown after bashing on his shield for so long was really touching in that regard.

>Moral of the story: If you act Christ-like and forgive people then even the most evil people can be redeemed.
Didn't know Steven Universe was a Christian cartoon.

Someone knows where can I get the srt file? Im deaf

Spinel was disfigured and even worried about being too ugly to be loved. Steven didn't try to save Spinel because she was cute and innocent, Spinel even tries to call Steven out on this but fails when he keeps going.

>wants to watch 80 minutes musical
>with subtitles

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she still looked ok when "disfigured" though. if she had a masculine frame and a big nose they wouldnt try too hard to save her

If the subtitles have its enough for me

Why haven't you kys yet? You clearly offer nothing of value to this board and more importantly to the people around you.

okay Yea Forums doesn't let me post the musical symbol

Don't ask questions just consume product


All of the fags who get mad he isn't violent and shredding up his enemies don't understand that he's not DPS, he's Tank/Healer. His entire existence is to lead his DPS trio into battle, focus the enemy's attention on him, have DPS subdue said villain till they're weak, and then break their will to fight.

Steven is a successful pacifist not in the sweet, cuddly, singing and crying fee-fee way like he's portrayed to be, but because he has an unbreakable will no one can stop him. His gem keeps him alive from typical human attacks, his human side keeps him alive from typical gem attacks, nigga's invincible and could kiss his stabbed heart back to life if he wanted.

Any villain has to learn the hard way they have to believe in Steven, because there is no alternative. He's a goddamn psychological terrorist who can never, ever die.

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Who is Jasper

Yep. Everyone who wants to spout morals and win just so happens to be a victim of something.

>all these babies getting pissy about being told to get over this dumb shit and having to face the fact that no one cares about how ''''hard'''' they have it
Based user

Not just Jasper, but every single corrupt gem. Once Steven learned what happened to them and that they weren't just random monsters, he toppled am intergalactic empire to help them out.
The only time Steven has refused or hesitated to help someone out was with that racer guy that he just hates.

How the fuck does that follow from his post? That it would he wiser and more engaging for media to have zero intent? Jesus christ pull yourself together, man.

And OP missed the whole message, the movie was about her realizing that she was wrong about her anger and moving on.
>th-that's kiddie
Marvel had Thanos, fucking Thanos realizing about his problems and trying to be a better person, Lobo too, Doomsday too, Dr Doom too, Magneto too

Isn't Steven Universe the kind of show that likes to brag about having morals?

>Movie teaches that no matter how unstable and deranged people are...talking to them will somehow change them to become better

Based and christianpilled, edgy fedorafags will reeeeee

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he just wanted to say his phrase

>Redemption isn't selfish
Yes it is

Fuck you, ill have you know i shave every other day

That requires entertainment.
Also "there is no message here" is a message.

Are you some low esteem femcel? You''re working very hard to bring spite into this conversation. Are you jealous you're not petty enough to avoid overcoming your mental health problems?

su's moral to me is:

your pain at what happened to you is valid and though we might never understand your pain we know you're suffering and we want to help however we can. but that doesn't mean you have the right to lash out at and hurt people who have nothing to do with what happened to you.

can't say it's a shock that idiots are going 'sucrose hates abuse victims and mentally ill people huh what a bitch' desu

Being hurt is no excuse to hurt other people.
Thats it

Even in situations where talking to people should, rationally resolve a problem, such as situations where someone has been doing something wrong/harmful because they are acting on bad information it almost never works because it is almost impossible for people to acknowledge that something they have done was bad or that they were mistaken about something.

And you need to go back to plebbit. Yea Forums IS hatred and darkness.

Consider this: get over it faggot. Unironically let that shit go or you'll go to your grave unhappy.

>DPS, he's Tank/Healer
retards like you shouldn't use gaming acronyms period

anyways him being a pacifist isn't the problem, the problem is that he always wins. Other than the stuff that happened BEFORE the show, what has Steven actually lost that he didn't get back?

Jokes on you, the one eyed swamp woman I gave all my money to says I'm gonna live forever!


Put a shotgun against your head.

Yikes but Based

And once again this becomes relevant.

...Well said user.

The point is, you gotta try where you *can*, and Spinel was clearly in need more of help, just like B:TAS's Ventriloquist was a tragic figure who needed real help, whereas the Joker deserved to be dropped into a feces filled pit with a railroad spike up his ass and left to rot.

It's not SU's job to explain that in the real world, not everyone can be talked down, whether you have an abusive family member or a deadbeat/substance junkie friend or whatever. Its messages aren't meant to be applicable if a rapist breaks into your house or Borris the Butcher is about to shiv you with a rusty knife.


Nearly all the enemies die.

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I won't hear the ramblings of a tranny when i can read the exact same arguments here.

This movie really isn't one of those things that needs to be heard to be enjoyed. Spinel's animations are just eyecandy.

>If a guy brings me back my lost dog, and I later found he robbed a store, does it 'not count'?

Finding a dog = $20 reward
Robbing a store = 10 years in prison

They're not even on the same scale.

Is this the jerry peet video?
I suspect it is.

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Yeah, those were the days before Twitter was a major thing for whining, before Trump was president and before those Alt-Right a-holes saw it as their chance to rise and infect the internet and every thing with their BS.

Constantly blocking/dodging while singing some stupid song isn't a fight, you fucking idiot.

Yeah well Capitalism is to blame for that, yet Americans keep defending it.

As long as creative decisions are in the hands of billionaires who are completely disconnected from reality and rely solely on numbers, statistics, and profit margins to guide them, you're never going to have a uncorrupted, satisfying show, movie, book, or video game. And yet you choose to blind yourself from this truth and blame individual people instead.

Who else are you going to shit on, user? Who else will you blame before you finally realize you're attacking the wrong people? That you need to stop blaming showrunners, "SJWs", or "Jews", etc. and look at who's really pulling the strings?

>Didn't know Steven Universe was a Christian cartoon.
You weren't paying attention
>child of a God-like figure who is also that figure, but is human at the same time, brings salvation
>literally heals someone's vision with his spit
>"believe in Steven"
>pic related
There's even more there

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What an odd post.

DPS has been widely used as damage dealer for a long time, you mongoloid

Antichristian you mean

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Completely based. Right on the money about the cartoon, and wildly out of place sob stories have no business being on this site

Abused as in sexual or just hurt your feelings? Either way man up an get over it. Don't let that sit haunt you or you'll never grow up.

Fuck this movie.

Here's a famous example that was glad you could make it, user.

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Good job completely missing the point

I pitty whoever made that

Rude post.

>not in the sweet, cuddly, singing and crying fee-fee way
That's literally what he did in the movie when he calmed Spinel down the first time.

I want you to listen here, OP. It's probably not your fault you were raped.

But it's not ours either so TA-TA BITCH!

Spinel is an annoying piece of shit. In real life annoying losers get shut down like pic related and learn from their mistakes instead of doubling down.

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That is a constant misconception on SU, a lot of those scenes weren’t just “words words words” there was fighting in them too, even with White Diamond, there was the mech fight and Steven’s gem half subduing White, also you are forgetting that the Diamonds are pretty alien.


>SU botched the one for the Diamonds and going too balls deep on it in general, but the movie legit did this shit as good as it can be done.

To be fair regarding the Diamonds they are actually pretty alien and pretty childlike.

>You want assholes that can't be redeemed, watch shows for adults.

I think you mean for edgy 13-year old boys or exploitation.

>watch shows for adults.

I think you mean edgelords.

So are Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl the Three Wisebians?

Comic book are dick flicks.

Yes they even bring gay gifts at the start of the episode

>big bad and most of her minions because they were irredeemable.

So your talking about bland cartoon antagonists with no ambiguity and depth, that are just evil for the sake of it aka cartoon evil, because that’s totally “realistic”.

>Imagine if Batman just started throwing niggas like Pigsy or Zsasz out into the streets after one sorry or tearjerking moment.

They aren’t OP like the Diamonds are though.

>Shows a line written by an Alt-Right edgelord

That is quite the bait my boy.

No, but you should replace SU with America, then that line will be gold.

>attract dumblrites like you who are entirely sociopathic in nature and unable to empathize or understand anyone else.

You mean a lot of Americans and Pure Atheists/moral relativists?

>dumblrites like you who are entirely sociopathic in nature and unable to empathize or understand anyone else.

Don’t you mean nationalists?

Why don’t you grow up in an environment that makes you think pedophilia is okay before you try to get on that high horse, this is what’s wrong with the US nobody even thinks about what would happen if YOU were in those shoes.

>but reality of biological human behavior will not chane because of that, we can see that is europe and us. People like

Ah, so you’re just another Atheist who thinks that all morality is subjective/artificial and not a spiritually ingrained thing aka moral relativism, and thinks people are “just machines”, despite the fact that there is scientific research going on that suggests that consciousness is something that exist on a QUANTUM LEVEL rather than solely in the neural chemical reactions in our brains.

Black Diamond?

At least she wasn't turned to stone

The Moon Goddess?

>Steven gets punched in the face and gets a nosebleed

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Let’s tone done the moral relativism a bit shall we?

People aren’t born bad though.

Unless it’s just supposed to be mindless entertainment that’s not supposed to be taken seriously, like Hellsing, that’s a B-movie style bloodbath where you’re supposed to laugh at how everyone is a unbelievable, violent, blood hungry psychopath like Alucard.


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>neither was Azula

What about the search comics?

No, bud.

>Marvel had Thanos, fucking Thanos realizing about his problems and trying to be a better person, Lobo too, Doomsday too, Dr Doom too, Magneto too
Doomsday and lobo aren't marvel villains you tard, also it's believable that Thanos could be redeemed considering how he did everything for love.

He was calling you out on being a moral relativist/nihilist, which is stupid and unhealthy.

Kind of funny how Goku was brought up considering he did a lot of the befriending stuff too like Vegeta.

Naruto had nothing to do with Orochimaru though, also his actions aren’t really being swept under the rug, in that anime adaptation of one of the light novels with Sasuke, we see Sasuke confront Orochi about this, also during Mitsuki’s arc in Boruto we also see Tsunade talk with Naruto about this when he reveals Mitsuki’s connection to Orochi, the only reason Orochimaru hasn’t been trialed yet is do to the Otsutsuki threat and them needing Orochi’s research, he is being kept a watchful eye on though, so his actions really haven’t been glossed over.

Or maybe they had bad parents.

You've done everything wrong and you're being unfair to others.

No one should be forced to like you, and you can make an effort to not make people uncomfortable.

Dude enough with the misogyny, really need to sort out your insecurities.

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Isn't that "victim-blaming"?

>This is fiction for children,
Absolutely. The problem stems from the adults upholding it as some kind of self-help manual. The rules of morality in the SU setting only work in the SU setting, not in the real world.

First off the whole “hell” thing is more of a metaphor. I’m not saying karma isn’t real, just that it’s not like what the dark ages and the fundies tried mentally traumatizing into people, instead of something hypocritical like torture, bad karma would make it that you would be a lonely and unconnected spirit during the afterlife, wondering the world and feeling the suffering you caused others through there eyes and being felt empathy, and you would also be reincarnated as something to also fit that, like Hitler would be reincarnated as a jewish person.

Secondly, hell didn’t originate in Hebrew and Christianity, it originated in the Zoroastrianism religion where it was a bit different:

Saying that “karma and morality” isn’t real and diving into moral relativism and nihilism, is a bad and destructive thing, and can dive you into depravity.

Holy Hex of Hept.

Or maybe you are misinterpreting a lot of things, also stop acting like The Abrahamic religions are the only religions.

You might be misinterpreting some things in Christianity

A serial rapist/murderer is not just going to sit down and work honestly. I'm all for forced labor of prisoners. Chain them up and make them spend their lives working for all the lives they've taken or ended. But let's not pretend that's also inflicting punishment, not redemption.

Or you could just address the issue.

She should've just left in the end without the diamonds to save her ass, it would've been bittersweet but an important lesson of
"You can't save everyone."
Which Steven din't learn through the show at all.

Well faggot. they're right, but they never tell you HOW to get over it.
find a hobby, find something you like to do and do it, don't say you have the time, you have the fucking time. you're posting on Yea Forums,

That same statement can be turned around for offensive edgy exploitation shows that take themselves too seriously, where the antagonists are designed to be one-dimensional cartoon villains who do edgy things like rape and murder and are evil just because, and are just an excuse for the unlikable, main edgelord character to be a dick with a murder boner.

>Are we just that terrible?
LOL of course we are you idiot.
but it's ok, im here to cure your stupid brian. what you find hot about incest isn't lol me fuck me family
what you find hot is
1 relatability fucking someone youknow for a long time, you actually just want a girlfriend
2 if you think about fucking a younger family member, what gets you off is dominance, that feeling that you're stronger than them and they can't do anithing about it while you guys,
now go find a small non blood related girl and FUCK HER!

Attached: YOU CAN DO IT ANON.gif (498x278, 1.26M)

Stop using Autism as an insult, it’s disrespectful to people with REAL autism.

Too bad that in MCU Endgame replaced IW Thanos with his generic doomsday villain past self.

>people to acknowledge that something they have done was bad or that they were mistaken about something.

That’s just moral relativism though, if someone didn’t think morality is real.

I don't even like Steven Universe all that much but I get kind of touchy when it comes to characters like Spinel. No one should feel like they were thrown away

>whereas the Joker deserved to be dropped into a feces filled pit with a railroad spike up his ass and left to rot.

Yet the Batman does not kill him.

>Its messages aren't meant to be applicable if a rapist breaks into your house or Borris the Butcher is about to shiv you with a rusty knife.

What about their pasts though and what made them become that way?

Yea Forums is an American website, Eurobrainlet. Go back.

Here's a thought- go to the third world if you empathize so much. You won't because you're just an asshole virtue signaling.

That's literally not bait, stop fucking posting if you can't even understand basic fucking concepts.

>The rules of morality in the SU setting only work in the SU setting, not in the real world.

Do you know what the real world is, are you a expert in psychology?

The Fire Lord, Azula, Mina Loveberry, Bill Cipher, Megatron, Unicron... The list goes on user.

>Yea Forums is an American website, Eurobrainlet. Go back.

Proof? Also it’s on the internet, which is global.

>Here's a thought- go to the third world if you empathize so much. You won't because you're just an asshole virtue signaling.

Way to make assumptions about someone buddy, also I don’t think you know what virtue signalling actually is, I’m not doing it to brag.

>That's literally not bait, stop fucking posting if you can't even understand basic fucking concepts.

Do you understand the concept?

You’re just saying “it’s not bait because I say so”.

>Here's a thought- go to the third world if you empathize so much. You won't because you're just an asshole virtue signaling.

Why don’t you not attack the Middle East for their oil?

You don't get it, that's not the part that makes Steven so unstoppable. What makes him unstoppable is that his empathy is backed up with his limitless mental, emotional, and physical endurance. Nigga could fight you for literal centuries while singing and crying and being an absolute faggot and never lose, but not because of the singing and crying, but he can heal himself, others, even bring you back to life if you try to sudoku your way out of the fight.

The point is the singing and crying is there to facilitate you to change your mind, because giving into Steven's way is the only way out of the fight.

You can't shake the bastard, he can't die, he'll only shift key for the reprise and come back even stronger. He loves himself, he loves the world, and at the end of the day, he'll even love you, too, if you only let him into your heart.

That's what makes everyone break. If you change your mind, Steven is willing to love you, even when no one else will. Not even yourself.

Attached: believe-in-steven.png (1278x830, 726K)

Why doesn’t America not attack the Middle East for their oil?

>You won't because you're just an asshole virtue signaling.

Because Right-Wingers never do that?

>you will never make pearl nut in public

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I don’t think Religion should be included in that, militant atheists have caused way more damage.

le based

le cringe

Used to exist because people liked cartoons and comics, before culture war fanatics ruined the place like most of Yea Forums.

have you ever considered that if multiple people think you're annoying, you're doing something wrong. fix yourself you sad sad man

People with REAL autism mostly wouldn't care because the inability to infer simple social behavior is a big hurdle for most of them but also a nice safety wall, psychologically speaking

Did you insult autistic people?

Sweet home Alabama.

t. seething yahvist

If you feel insulted, probably.

Based bradposter

Checked my man!

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Jason Sacuta

“Since atheists believe God does not exist, they don't care about morality, usually stating that they prefer rationality over your primitive 'moral' ideas. This makes them amazingly easy to troll. Just ask them, "So are you saying that rationality is OBJECTIVELY BETTER than irrational morality?", then kick back and watch as the self-loathing God-hater ties himself up in knots trying to justify rationalism without morality.

Failing to justify man-made morals, they resort to a comparative exercise. The main crux of their argument rests on body counts, but a short sample of atheist leadership data reveals a different picture:

Mao-Tse-Tung, Atheist: 78 million plus dead
Joseph Stalin, Atheist: 20 million plus dead
Adolf Hitler, Atheist: 15 million dead
Vladimir Lenin, Atheist: 5.5 million dead
Kim-Il-Sung, Atheist: 5 million dead
Pol Pot, Atheist: 2 million dead
Fidel Castro, Atheist: 1 million dead
All in just a few years, if not MONTHS.

PROTIP: When in an encounter with an atheist and this issue comes up, simply point out that atheist dictators killed millions of people over the past century, and caused more death in a much shorter time span than almost any other catastrophe that has happened in the civilized world, and murdered hundreds of thousands in an effort to eradicate religion itself, because, you know, mass murder is the inevitable result when a community becomes too intolerant of outlandish dogmas and too fond of critical thinking.

Then ask them how many people did die in the Crusades (1-3 million, over several centuries, which seems hilarious against the numbers listed above). In response to this question they will attempt to shove "The God Delusion" book up their own urethra.”

Dude are you that same guy?

Go to bed, Chibineko


The real villain of the series was Pink Diamond, who is also the only character to permanently die.

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>n64 controller.
>meme is based on a speedrun of ps1 game.
I feel like you did this on purpose.


>waited for thousands of years, with no doubt she will come back
>only to find out she left and forgot about you, left you alone, and is gone forever
>doesnt even know how to handle all this grief (remember, gems are bad at complex and dark feelings)
>she doesnt know what she did wrong, only that she was lied to, Pink never planned on coming back
>she has no one to take the feelings of betrayal and anger out, except the people she left you for
>she just wanted to be a good friend that she can make them smile
>but her abandonment issues made her think that shes only going to get tossed aside again because she "outlived her usefulness"
man, she has a simple story, but its tragic as fuck.

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>I used to be not good enough! Not good enough for Pink, but now...NOW I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL!

Her realizing just how much of a monster she became and hating herself for it was very sad.

Manifesto in 3..2...

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What if I teleport him to another place? or you know have hostages and force him to yield


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>read this in spinel's voice

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not her, the next shot shows the front of her face and it's a different gem.

Teleportation wouldn't work, he'd find his way back to you somehow through the power of friendship. Nigga has the ability to astral project and possess people and things and allies everywhere in space with very fast spaceships. You could send him into the furthest reaches of space hurtling towards a sun and his bubble would probably keep him protected till his friends picked him up. Towards a black hole? He'd just use it as a wormhole and go to the past and fix your troubles.

Hostages could work, but it'd probably backfire. Even if you killed them, he could just bring them back to life later, so you'd just end up with all your hostages now invincible and serve as his eternal warp portals to all his other allies and friends. You shatter his friends? His empathy would level up and fix gem shards with his cum or something.

You can't beat Steven.

We don't like mean people like you

Should have been born with more Charisma.

We live in a world of 7 billion, we don't need to ration lives.

Him saving your dog is a good deed, but it doesn't justify his robbery.

A noted philantropst who has donated billions to genuinely good causes doesn't get a "one free child rape-murder" card.

anyone have a mega for the music or something? there were some good ones

Holy shit calm down

>tfw I wouldn't mind talking to her forever and just befriending her at the end

I have a high tolerance for anyone that talks a lot. It's in my nature to just sit there and listen, I wouldn't get tired of her just to see her smile and not break so easily.

Tell us the story.

Steven yeeted her first. You have to kick the shit out if your dad before he listens

in a few generations all the jeffery epsteins of the world will die of old age
if every single kid is raised to believe talking and being nice is how to get by in the world successfully, eventually all the fucked up people won't exist any more.


What if I kill the writers of the show?
There would be no more Steven then.

>somebody out there really believes that Steven Universe is the anti-christ
>out there in the world is an enormous oily neckbeard terrified to death of a cartoon Satan clad in pink
>this man would have you march on CN headquarters to stop an end of days that comes not through war or climate change or astronomical oblivion
>but through Steven Universe

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Why was Sonia Nevermind used for this?

>>talk about it in therapy
>lol git over it faggir

That sounds like a shitty therapist.

I liked the part where he forgot he could change for the better.
Maybe I forgot that part of myself as well.
I've got some self-improvement to do.

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I've heard there's gonna be up to 5 seasons

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How long till Spinel waifuism rises?

So she fucking poofed herself to make her gem turn upside down, and the black under her eyes, right?

that's fucking dark.

I'm not sure if this has been addressed yet but you know what's the most tragic part of Spinel is? She basically WANTED Steven to poof her and revert her back to her original self. That's why she was laughing even when she was slashed. She wanted the pain to stop.

This isn't her after shapeshifting, this is her punished form. Her ACTUAL form.
This is also possibly a parallel to self-harm.

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made from memory lol, couldn't be assed to see what system tomba is on

Nah, gems can just change their appearance whenever they want. They just tend to do it when poofing for some reason
Pink Diamond also just changed her appearance at random

fuck dude, this actually hits really close to home

Did you cum?

No, it's about breaking the cycle of abuse.

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Nah, she changed her appearance to match her anguish. She felt disheveled and melancholic so that’s what she saw herself as and changed accordingly.

Spinel has no weight to her. Even Bismuth feels like a deeper character than her. Her bouncy cartoon attributes made her impossible to empathize with. I felt like I was watching someone's retarded fanfiction come to life, like some fuckup kid won a contest, especially when they just TOOK HER AWAY at the end lmfao. If you like this or think it's good you're low IQ



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If you put more than zero effort into it you'd be able to talk to others. But you dont. You demand others pull the heavy load.

Worst taste

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wow, white diamond, could you be grateful for once and not let your borderline personality disorder show through?

t. Michael Bay

>2 fatties combined make a Chad
I don’t get it

1 fatty, steven I think is meant to be the same build as rose (and rose was probably shredded)

reminder steven havent redeemed kevin yet

requesting spinel doing the sonic adventure pose

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I don't remember Rose Quartz being reformed in that movie

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Why does she kind of look like a sonic the hedgehog character here.

T. Spinel

I would totally fuck her up the ass

The eyes.

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It's because much like Sonic, she was based on rubber hose animation.

the eyes split by the forehead crumple, plus the different coloured mouth area of the face

Those aren't consequences you brain dead ape

if you think about it, every board on Yea Forums is just a board to shit on a specific thing + women and minorites.

>accidentally landed on Yea Forums
>who is this cute as heck pink girl
>watch "other friends" bit
watched the movie, was great. would watch the show if Spinel became part of it

Ending basically guarantees she won't be a main cast member, but I'm hoping she makes a few more appearances.

Live a full life and piss on their graves or don't, what do you care, you're living life.

I know, which is why I probably won't watch it. But the movie was precious and helped me understand that SU has legitimate reason to exist.

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are you fucking 12?

i suppose it has the same appeal as poetry

What are we even arguing? While i do think some people will grow up fucked up regardless of what they're taught, I agree lots of evil people could've not been evil had the course of their life been changed. However often in life once a person becomes ingrained in a path they normally don't change until absolutely forced to, or they would have to be killed. I mean hell why even should i even come at this at a "moral" angle, most sentient creatures are self serving either way, often times one could the greater "good" by doing perceived "evil" acts.

So? Whats the use of this 'paid for'? We live in the NOW and if someone is doing good why destroy them? Its purely rhetorical and a matter of shame, but that doesnt negate if continued good occurs

Chad is a mentality, user. Even the most neckbeard ponyfucker could come off as Chad material by his self-confidence alone if he shows it

Yeah but Goku doesn't kill people he would find to be interesting sparring partners, even as a child Goku has ended the lives of hundreds of fodder enemies. As for the other anons statements, DBZ has never tried to be more than what it represents itself as being, a battle shounen. Steven universe is supposedly some mature deconstruction of real world problems or whatever, but it always takes the easy way out in conflicts with enemies, where time and time again, a mutual understanding can't be found, and a peaceful way isn't an option.

I hadn't been into the show for a while, but the movie made me remember why I liked it.
I'll probably try and keep up with it but now I'm just gonna be thinking about how the best character isn't showing up.

I missed the movie does anyone have a mega please.!QegW1IyD!EaK_kBmjf_O-riWjmh-t99RNPCooAb-acViSZ5Hnppc
You better not be a nark, user.

It's still a show for kids at the end of the day.

>children's cartoon that presents a moral dilemma about abandonment, doesn't fit into my perspective about being abused when i was younger

Why is that their fault? If you want to insert a slice of wisdom into your own life or rise above your circumstances, choose to view something more specific about your own subject matter rather than expect something that is attempting to tell it's own story to solve YOUR problems.

Or you know... help yourself...

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Thank you so much ;'(

Wish that worked on my whore ex who wouldnt stop talking about ex boyfriends. Stupid cokehead bitch

You Can Save Everyone

I dread to think of what a death in beach city would lead to
he's going to grow a psychopath just like his mother and keep everyone around as a pink zombie

nice strawman, how about we take it for a spin on what it actually is:
>talk about it where it's not appropriate
>get mouthed off
what'd you expect?

but if you actually do want help, then why not talk to somebody who legitimately cares? i do and it works and it will work for you, because it certainly won't the other way

and while we're at it
>talk about it in therapy
>"lol git over it faggir"
now i just have to assume you think your therapist trying to give you valuable advice comes off as people abusing you or you're just god awful at picking a therapist


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fucking based post

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>no one cares that you were abused
ah yes, the infinite compassion of the SU fandom, I had forgotten about that.

It also teaches that Pink Diamond was an irredeemable cunt who made the lives of everyone around her worse, so hey, not everyone can be redeemed.

Tell me everything, user.
I'm going to use your autistic wrath as inspiration for my tragic villain in my future cartoon.

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I am going to suck the cock of every single one of you reddit phoneposting newfags. Kill yourself how dare you even THINK you were in the right to talk to me. Fucking faggot.

You shouldn't have to look it up unless you're a pile of weenies.

Maybe if you weren't so rapeable, femanon, you wouldn't have been abused.

apply noose to neck

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>not just killing anyone who could possibly hurt you
She was too weak, that's all.

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All the way up to this moment I was super hyped for how spinel could be an awesome long term villain for the next season and set up a more traditional action cartoon with heroes, a villain and a seasonal over arching plot. Then she just gets shipped off to live in this super unhealthy co-dependent relationship with the diamonds so the movie an be a stand alone piece.
Bravo Sugar, you raised me up and smacked me down again.

>We live in a world of 7 billion, we don't need to ration lives.

Spoken like a materialist.


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What the fuck are you saying? Jeffery Epstein wasn't raised as a child to be a pedo-pimp. There are plenty of murderers and degenerates in every generation and if they're born wealthy they will be in charge of you.

>Since atheists believe God does not exist, they don't care about morality
That's retarded
you're retarded

Please don’t tell me you are a moral relativist.

Yet people like to Use DBZ as realistic examples.

>where time and time again, a mutual understanding can't be found, and a peaceful way isn't an option.

Because you say so? What are you referring to?

Now that’s what I call Edgy!

The media still exists. The idea still exists in everyone who has seen or heard even in passing of it and everyone who has interacted with those who's ideals and ideas were effected by it. An idea, once shared with others, is born into eternity by every subsequent generation, diffusing into the collective consciousness.

>There are plenty of murderers and degenerates in every generation and if they're born wealthy they will be in charge of you.

Again that’s being a product of you’re environment or maybe there is something physically wrong with their brains.

“Their lack of belief in sin is used as rationale to do whatever they want (note that this also applies to wild animals), which they've been wanting to do since they were 2. Like a Roman emperor, atheists don't think anything is a sin: lack of empathy, lack of compassion, cruelty, killing, spree killing, serial killing, torture, crucifixion, rape, violence, child sexual abuse, bestiality, incest, public nudity, sex in public, orgies, polyamory, perversion, bullying, hate, discrimination, prejudice, exclusion, ostracism, vandalism, property damage, destruction, pollution, willfully spreading pathogens or toxins, extreme body modification, genetic engineering, animal experimentation, human experimentation, prison, the death penalty, labor camps, carnivorism, cannibalism, sodomy, drugs, slavery, captivity, genocide, bombings, immolation, decapitation, war, terrorism, extinction, poaching, deforestation, stripmining, mountaintop removal, oil spills, controlled demolition, carbon emissions, littering, nuclear waste, usury, lying, cheating, stealing, exploitation, wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony, idolatry, etc.

Unless they're a depressive, most atheists try to act like a Roman emperor in as many ways as possible: like a vain irritable condescending grandiose haughty hedonistic psychopathic megalomaniac. Despite what any atheist tells you, atheists don't give a fuck about anyone or anything besides themselves. In this moment, all atheists suffer from the sin of vanity/pride. Atheists worship themselves as a God and expect all the mere mortals around them to bow down before their learnedness. Again, like a Roman emperor.“

Spinel kinda hit really hard for me, as an autist growing up. Wanting friends but not understanding jack shit and getting ditched a lot really, really sucks, and in some cases it still sort of happens (Though far less often as I grew up okay)

The whole line about turning pages for folks who really don't like you and don't really want you around, and Spinel talking about how she already messed up really bad with Steven and Earth and how can she even have a second chance after that?

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yeah, bro.

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Since atheists don't believe in sin, they are left saying things like "hey, that's not cool" or "genocide isn't nice you guys" or "don't be a dick." When someone asks an atheist "Why not?" they will respond "Because that makes you a dick." Such circular logic is unassailable. So, social conformity and shaming by religious people bad, social conformity and shaming by atheists good. Although atheists don't really believe in "bad" unless they're referring to logic or religion. Atheists don't think people can be "bad", just "dicks" and "assholes".

Despite their extremely high score on a purity test indicating overall depravity, many atheists still believe they are moral people, just like most evil people do. But again like a Roman emperor, atheists don't believe in evil (unless evil is defined as humility, or putting your own wants behind others). A life goal of most atheists is to do as many degenerate things as possible while their heart is still beating because they believe they are headed for oblivion which means they won't be around to see the consequences of their actions. Every atheists can be summed up with #yolo. Also, you can't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me.”

I never really got into this show, I think I watched season 1 and 2 and a bit here and there after but I never got hooked, or anything

Is Stronger Than You still the peak?

I fucking hate SU but this movie was fucking brilliant. The songs were funny, the story was entertaining, and the animation was pretty decent.


I like the idea of Spinel acting as an ambassador

Steven doesn't want the diamonds about, but that opens up a potential for Spinel to have a gradual redemption on Earth with her making small appearances, people being legit wary of her, but she improve relations with them bit by bit

>Is Stronger Than You still the peak?

No, there are more peaks.

The previous episodes would still exist, as would the movie.

Also transformative works like fan fiction is still a thing

Yeah, you didn't get raped enough, that I can see

Fuck off

>Despite their extremely high score on a purity test

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lol get over it faggit

>only religious people believe in "good"
lmao user

I thought they needed surgery, not therapy...

I will always have time for you.

as much as I would have preferred Spinel getting a hug from Steven and them trying to take her in,

the solution they did was not bad. The diamonds acted like adoring mothers /grandmothers there, something that would probably do her good. Its not friendship, but emotional support for sure.

Go produce garbage that has all the lasting power of the latest family guy episode.

Woaaaaaah Pink! What are we gonna do in the Palanquin???

The only thing edgy right now is my dick after a three hour edge session..

Oh... Oh dear. We were hoping that you knew. But...

Well, Steven Universe is propaganda that can be rebutted. thats for sure.

Started on an American Serveer, by American programmers and Admins, on American soil. Therefore American.

>But muh Glubal Internet means its Glubal.

I'm sure you think the same of any website coming from an American department with .gov at the end of it. But How much can I bet that this doesn't even apply to websites from the hole you came from?

You're taking memes seriously.

We never did. We attacked out of misguided notions of spreading democracy and stability, under our auspices. We get our oil from places a lot closer to home.

>That’s just moral relativism though
No it isn't and even if it was it wouldn't be relevant. People don't have infinite knowledge or perfect judgement and subsequently do things that violate their own moral principles without them realizing it, for example they might do something that is harmful to others because they mistakenly believe that it is beneficial to others.

The problem is that when somebody is confronted about doing something like that egocentric bias is so powerful that it's infinitely more likely that they'll concoct reasons to justify and continue their harmful behavior rather than change it.

The absolute state of 2019 Yea Forums posters.

Watch a better show.

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Holy shit you are unironically preaching in response, way to just admit you're a mad religious person

Based, OP is being intentionally disingenous, obviously just talking usually doesn't work in the real world but acting as if you're saying some deep, uncomfortable truth no one else will talk about is just annoying

Maybe that's what the average brainwashed US troop on the ground thinks but it's 2019 so the American President literally just admits that the US has to support Saudi Arabian wars because they have political leverage over you by selling you oil lmao.

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most troops, military personnel are pretty free thinking iirc

Clearly they didn't hit you enough since you are still a little shit.

>way to just admit you're a mad religious person

Did you just assume my religion? Also Atheism is a religion too yet you know. Ever hear of the Baha’i religion and Hermeticism/Prisca theologia?á'í_Faith

Way to assume my spirituality.

Also militant Atheists have caused WAY more devastation than fundamentalists (if some of them can even be truly called that)

Mao-Tse-Tung, Atheist: 78 million plus dead
Joseph Stalin, Atheist: 20 million plus dead
Adolf Hitler, Atheist: 15 million dead
Vladimir Lenin, Atheist: 5.5 million dead
Kim-Il-Sung, Atheist: 5 million dead
Pol Pot, Atheist: 2 million dead
Fidel Castro, Atheist: 1 million dead

All in just a few years, if not MONTHS.

PROTIP: When in an encounter with an atheist and this issue comes up, simply point out that atheist dictators killed millions of people over the past century, and caused more death in a much shorter time span than almost any other catastrophe that has happened in the civilized world, and murdered hundreds of thousands in an effort to eradicate religion itself, because, you know, mass murder is the inevitable result when a community becomes too intolerant of outlandish dogmas and too fond of critical thinking.

Then ask them how many people did die in the Crusades (1-3 million, over several centuries, which seems hilarious against the numbers listed above).

If you remember correctly?

legit based post incel microdicks btfo'd

>The problem is that when somebody is confronted about doing something like that egocentric bias is so powerful that it's infinitely more likely that they'll concoct reasons to justify and continue their harmful behavior rather than change it.

That is what a lot of nihilists and people who think that all morality is “man-made” do too.

>Well, Steven Universe is propaganda that can be rebutted. thats for sure.

Only /Pol/ would think that.

>abused by father, uncle, and cousin
>uses this an excuse to gather sympathy and attack a children’s show for having a positive message
Do you have BPD?

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Atheism is a religion too y’know.

Also you misunderstood the point.

“Much like a teenager takes up smoking or a standup comedian takes up heroin because they think it makes them look cool, an atheist dives into depravity because they think it makes them look edgy. This atheist drive to seem cool typically stems from being picked on which is why they don't believe in God in the first place. By living in sin, an atheist feels they are getting revenge on the deluded sheep around them, and they can pride themselves that they are a freethinker unburdened by superstitious notions of evil or sin, and that their brain has reached an advanced state of atheism just like a cockroach, until of course entropy sets in. Atheism reaffirms their sociopathy and misanthropy which was driven into them by bullies. Of course, many atheists will claim to be humanists, which is the same as thinking that God created man to rule the world and all of its creatures, like it says in the Book of Genesis.”

why do you think any of us are here at all?

It's a thing humans do period. What that particular individual thinks is the source of morality is 100% irrelevant to the subject. It's just the reason why talking to someone probably won't change their behavior.

what dumbass are you quoting

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is the direct up yet?

>dig out some kind of moral
If you have to dig to get a moral out of SU, you may be retarded. It practically shoves them down your throat.

No, there ARE objective morals, morals are god given, not man-made.


wished that worked with my sister who gave me 21 stitches

>It's just the reason why talking to someone probably won't change their behaviour.

Not unless you give them an epic long winded lecture, also you can easily just tell them about their pasts and issues, and psycho-analyze them to their face to self reflect and mind blow them.

this but ironically

>>Jasper introduced as villain, immediately redeemed

If people tell you to get over your abuse in real life, then I genuinely feel for you. They're right bastards if they're doing that.

However, I don't know why you're surprised that nobody cares about it here. People on this site will rub salt into any wound they can find.

Daily reminder that Steven isn't fat. He's pure Muscle. Basically the same as Kingpin

Could you imagine how fucking built rose must’ve been?

>also, no one cares that you were abused

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You're absolutely right that the world does not work like that.
But people tend to think otherwise redeemable individuals are irrevocably bad WAY more often than they think irredeemably bad people might have some good in them. Saying "they may not be that bad" isn't applicable in 100% of cases, but it's applicable in a good 80%-95%.
It's better to go through life assuming that all the people you meet are good (until they prove otherwise).

Bad people exist, but they are rare. Completely irredeemable individuals aren't a fabrication, but it's better to go through life assuming that everyone has the best intentions.
Most morals aren't applicable in 100% of cases. But Steven Universe's general moral is far more practical than its opposite

Yelling at you for being a dumbshit is not "abuse", dumb zoomer.

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What a retarded chart. Psychology should be at the intersection of the other two.

People are ''programmed''. All other factors equal (no physical mental abnormalities), new experiences can help lead to a new personality, "redemption". But that would require a cultural concept of an optimal set of behaviors. Which freedom loving individuals tend to reject.

idk man, maybe you should just get over it lol
like, is abuse even real, lmao
just turn off your computer bro, lmao

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. It’s not symmetrical?

Mostly because they don't trust that they've changed. Which is reasonable, because most people never change even on things that don't matter.

>Memories return the moment she sees a mirror
She will never be free.

>Disgusting phone poster
Use capitalization you daft faggot.

hey same user here i feel sorry for saying this, i wasnt thinking straight :( hope you can forgive me guys

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>However, I don't know why you're surprised that nobody cares about it here. People on this site will rub salt into any wound they can find.

It didn’t used to be like that though.

>You're absolutely right that the world does not work like that.


>Completely irredeemable individuals aren't a fabrication, but it's better to go through life assuming that everyone has the best intentions.
>Most morals aren't applicable in 100% of cases.

Are you a psychologist who has ever questioned how a person got to be like that?

Also morals are god-given, not man-made.

Great another person who thinks consciousness isn’t real and thinks people are just machines, and spouts materialism and moral relativism.

What lead to sociopathy though is moral relativism and thinking morals aren’t real all due to pseudo-philosophies like Nihilism and etc.

Also Nietzsche’s BS.

“It is obvious that in his day-dreams he is a warrior, not a professor; all of the men he admires were military. His opinion of women, like every man's, is an objectification of his own emotion towards them, which is obviously one of fear. "Forget not thy whip"-- but nine women out of ten would get the whip away from him, and he knew it, so he kept away from women, and soothed his wounded vanity with unkind remarks. ...the men whom he most admires are conquerors, whose glory is cleverness in causing men to die. But I think the ultimate argument against his philosophy, as against any unpleasant but internally self-conscious ethic, lies not in an appeal to facts, but in an appeal to the emotions. Nietzsche despises universal love; I feel it the motive power to all that I desire as regards the world. His followers have had their innings, but we may hope that it is coming rapidly to an end.”

—Bertrand Russel explaining why Nietzsche is the world's biggest loser.

Or maybe people should try to understand psychology more, and give those kind of people self reflection.

>But [understanding] that would require [a person to have a] cultural concept of an optimal set of behaviors.
I'm not saying that an optimal set of behaviors doesn't exist.
I'm also not saying that people are hard coded into being machines.
I might be saying that common men are sheeple that don't use any higher brain functions and instead relegate themselves to being kneejerked around by environmental factors.


Not if I kill all of humanity.

First sentence was perfect. Second one is just plain ol’ retarded

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Default Amethyst was cute!

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>not using caps

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