>Parents are killed by his uncle >Is forced to leave his country >Halo cheats on him with blue haired lesbian >He accepts his (former) girlfriend inhabited the body of a woman who helped get his parents killed. >The Team kept him in the dark about his sister being a traitor who was also planning to them (possibly him as well) and made BS excuses for her >Black Lightning makes some BS speech about keeping secrets but he most likely knew of Tara being a traitor >Kills his uncle >Everyone abandons him >Possibly being manipulated by Jace and the Light
Am I the only one a little disappointed Brion wasn’t allowed to be another faction in the Heroes vs Light vs Darkseid war? Kinda sucks he already being manipulated
Cooper Price
>>Everyone abandons him He gains the adoration of his people instead >>Possibly being manipulated by Jace and the Light Not possibly, confirmed to be the case Still, he did nothing wrong
Dylan Baker
>Season 4 Halo and the others get on their soap box and continually shame and preach to him >Jason shows up and calls them out on their hypocrisy down the line >Batman bamboozles Black Lightning again despite him being leader
Jaxson Gomez
Tyler Edwards
True, at least his people love him heck G Gordon Godfrey would probably pat him on the back
Connor Hill
>He accepts his (former) girlfriend inhabited the body of a woman who helped get his parents killed. ? Don't really watch YJ. This is Geo-Force right? Also who is blue haired lesbian
Michael Campbell
Yes, and that's Harper Row, who is bisexual.
Henry Phillips
Oh and Beast Boy is fag
Ryder Collins
>Harper Row Was thinking it was her since she's the only blue haired butch girl I could think of. Fuck Snyder and his OCs, goddamn were they bad. Also is Halo the same Halo as the outsiders one or is completely different Halo/YJ OC?
Henry Phillips
Concept of old Halo fused with OC whose a non binary hijab wearing living machine dues ex machina
it annoys me how they mix classic and nu DC in this show, when there isn't room for both and they don't go together at all. 90s should always be the cutoff point.
James Williams
every time I hear that I think HOT DOLPHIN!
Nolan Edwards
>superior slav genetics make him look early 20s when he’s really fucking 17
AND he pounded tight refugee pussy for the better part of a year. Absolutely based and HotLavapilled
Just need him to get rid of the Light guy and become the third Faction of Metas.
Brandon Martinez
I've never known more than the bottom 20% of men to look significantly different between 17 and 25, but yeah do you think the Mother Box repairs Violet's hymen every time it goes indigo? and why does its spectrum-coded powers include colors of light that don't exist as actual frequencies like purple?
Jeremiah Parker
based and Brionpilled
Brandon Bennett
I always mentally spell it Bryon. or even Bryyon. It sounds like a fucking Metroid location. Brion seems wrong. Is this one of those Ra's Al Ghul things?
Someone post the Halo/GeoCock collage from the early YJ threads
Liam Collins
does it grow back all her body hair?
Jacob Gutierrez
Guessing Raven
Ryan Wood
What if >Bullshit happens >Brion ostracized by everyone else >Brion joins Jason's Outlaws Hadenoughofyourbullshit.jpg
Dylan Ross
>(((Weisman))) creates team with Brion, Jason, and Roy, heroes who use lethal force >they exist only so Beast Boy and the Outsiders can soapbox to them >still more popular in the fandom than WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS I can see it
Kevin Jenkins
Unironically the most based character in the whole damn show.
Fuck beastgoy and fuck outsiders and fuck moralfags.
>Black Lightning makes some BS speech about keeping secrets but he most likely knew of Tara being a traitor Why? He hated Batman for doing that.
Daniel Cox
I can tell by experience that most people like Beast Boy because Teen Titans 2003. Just go to YouTube comments, it's the definitive way to know what normies think. Same with Cyborg. The ones that don't like them are here on Yea Forums and are a minority.
Jose Mitchell
Thats mainly cause english pronunciation makes 0 fucking sense, 80% of the time its just arbitraty and the remaining 20% goes by dialects I was completely floored when I got around learning spanish (bc lets face it we are gonna get overun with mexicans in a decade tops) and pronunciation is 100% consistent no matter the letter or syllabes (the G is a bit weird though) I think it'd just be Brionn (cause the N sound is a bit extended)
Samuel Gomez
Best part is that it become completely canon for most of the season.
Christian Howard
>BWC withdrawal I love that the Wally episode heavily implied that Artemis was indeed a femcel during the timeskip, running back to her picture of Wally and crying after only a KISS with Will. The Wall-Man must have ruined that poor girl.
Ryder Diaz
2003 and Teen Titans movies are the best animated versions of Garfield.
Angel Torres
That's weird. Why not just make a new character all together.
Juan Hall
Should've done like Steven Universe and talk things out instead of being a violent ruffian who was overreacting
Zachary Morris
absolute chad he did everything he set out to do he stopped the people who murdered his parents rescued his sister became a hero and gave his country a king
Caleb Thompson
Bump for /ourking/
Nolan Stewart
Dyke who's bi for pr reasons user .
Joshua Garcia
Sounds like your typical Slavnanigans. Living in eastern Europe is endless suffering.
Jonathan Lee
Stop trying to pass off your unique bad taste as the majority.
Sebastian Richardson
Eat hotlava ya dumb bitch.
Luke Ramirez
>Slav In the comics, Markovia is supposed to be "Eastern European" but is set between France and Germany, with a language based on German. On the show, we don't know exactly where Markovia is, but the language is just Latvian with a heavy accent, which would make it Baltic and not Slavic. As a slav I'm sad to be potentially robbed of Chad representation, however I think they may still be intended to be Slavic, only that the writers/producers also incorrectly assumed the Baltic countries are ethnically Slavic, and that the language is the result of a mistake.
We know that in Young Justice it was a former Warsaw Pact country (ignore the fact they are still a monarchy).
Xavier Wilson
>user tries to push his unpopular opinion as the one of the majority of people Don't be fucking stupid.
Joshua Robinson
Gavin Collins
Outlaws Brion will be kino
Joseph Parker
Not entirely incomprehensible. Bulgaria would have probably brought it's monarchy back if not for all the foreign republicucks reeing at them.
Henry Cox
Molten monarch
Adam Peterson
God I want him to fuck my ass
Benjamin Lopez
>>Halo cheats on him with blue haired lesbian
i thought that blue hair chick is bisexul and already has a boyfriend
Colton Bennett
Thots have no loyalty
Cooper Bennett
Bisexuals ain’t loyal.
Dylan Wood
YJ is just some weird soap opera for adolescents at this point, they made kaldur gay or queer or whatever the pc term is now.
Ian Bailey
>Markovia -- a small country in Eastern Europe >Map shows Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Germany >Markovia is literally just Belgian Luxembourg This is a whole lot of wrong here.
Comics have always just been soap operas for boys.
Luis Cruz
>they made
YJ created Kaldur and Weisman hinted he wasn’t straight ages ago. Also, what’s wrong with him having a boyfriend? His longing for Tula in season one was way more soap opera-ish.
Jayden Adams
>ywn have the king shoot his hot lava into your open mouth.
Colton Scott
yeh, but it was actually good. i kinda missed out they made it specifically for females and effeminate males
Yeh....i think they wanted to get more in line with dc rebirth. I wanted him to suffer over Tula some more
Mason Green
>KING BRION OF THE HOT LAVA >effeminate You must be joking.
Nathaniel Johnson
They turned him gay in Rebirth because Weisman hinted he wasn’t straight in the first place. They just made him gay instead of bisexual.
Ryder White
The reveal that Brion's mind was being pushed by the stupid telepath or whatever makes the execution of his uncle feel so limp dicked.
Ryan Phillips
The ambassador wasn’t near him when he executed him. He did influence standing by his decision and taking the crown from Gregor.
Jackson Nelson
How do we know the Ambassador's effective range?
Evan Richardson
Jaxon Roberts
>force-feeding a filthy traitor HOT LAVA until it’s spilling out of his nose, eyes and ears >limp dicked
Leo Murphy
I wish Brion would force-feed me his hot lava.
Adrian Jenkins
when does season 4 air?
Jonathan Martinez
t. Halo
Hudson Cruz
Can you blame her? Just look at that beautiful Slavic stud. I'll bet he has a huge cock.
Dylan Thompson
His voice is kino,
Jacob Lee
>offered to make refugee gf his queen Literally his only mistake. If he had offered her a position as a concubine, he’s be indisputably the most based character on the show behind Vandal Savage.