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>that empty fish like stare
holy fuck I thought it was a meme

>they also gave her eyelashes and fixed her eyebrow
Oh god
Based retarded Pedowood

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>No hair
>No ass
>No tits
>Physically unfit
>Surly, unlikable personality
>Fungus golems for feet
Bravo, Marvel!

She's visual depression incarnate. Boring to look at.

At this point, why even bother with "live action?" Just go full creepy Beowulf uncanny valley.

Movies are pretty goddamn fake these days.

This is why original Spiderman movie is trash and is always overrated

well she's supposed to be on space so her hair has to be floating

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Her hair does her own stunts just like Tom Cruise

It was pretty obvious that wasn't her real hair. I just figured it was a wig, though.

Jesus, imagine being so shit that you need to have fucking hair CGI'd on to you.

It was for zero-g you moron

You people are so fucking stupid. They CGi'd her hair so it could be all glowy and flowing half the time. Can't do that with real hair.

Fucking latch onto any stupid thing.

>Fucking latch onto any stupid thing.
Well, you've latched onto Captain Marvel.

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They couldn't make her hair float properly because she doesn't have any fans

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Props to them for making CGI this unnoticeable, but what the fuck, Marvel.

Damnit Carlos

Both her costumes in Endgame are CGI

All the hair in the underwater scenes of Aquaman is CGI too. That's what you do when it needs to be floating.

She's got tits, but everything else you said is right.

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>Yea Forums incels are STILL seething over best girl

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>Jesus, imagine being so shit that you need to have fucking hair CGI'd on to you.
All the actors had CG hair in Aquaman because they needed their hair to move like it was underwater. Ditto for space.

Underwater scenes are understandable tho.

How can anyone hate the beautiful Brie is a mystery.

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Daily reminder that real suits and real suit actors always looks better

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Why'd you post an image that completely disproves your point then?

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We tried that already, with Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One. The technology was like 99% of the way there, but didn't suite make it. Still just looked like a weird CGI face. Give it a few more years, and we'll be ready.

The vacuum of space isn't?


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Because she's literally garbage as a person. Vain and Self Absorbed magnify by early success.

She was a terror to work with on set for others and doubt she'll improve going forward since she's the center of everything.

Lol no she was great and everybody loved her
Stop falling for outragetube

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Tom Holland has more ass than Brie
Let that sink in, Brieshill

Because she's in space

>She was a terror to work with on set for others
Oh yeah I bet, which is why everyone says they love her.

>he fell for the photoshop

Attached: big butt brie.jpg (1920x800, 498K)

BASED tokuchad

seething mcu incel

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Tom Holland has more ass than Brie
Let that

>Special effects have reached the point where they can perfectly add human hair without anyone noticing
>Aliens are still just people in blue bodypaint and prosthetics

we can make actual aliens now

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Seriously, stop watching videos that analyze every little twitch someone makes in an interview

Go back to /m/ and get your Power Rangers shit out of here. We’re talking about beautiful westerners, not dumb japs.

She comes off so fucking bad in every interview. It has to be intentional on some level. At least in the movies she's a loathsome character for unintended reasons.

Reminds me of the girl Will was stuck with during the earthquake episode of Fresh Prince.

Attached: fresh.gif (330x252, 1.2M)

To be fair, Guardians of the Galaxy is based on a comic that actually did just make the aliens differently colored humans. It was a simpler time.

That ‘fire’ looks fake as shit. What is this, from a homemade youtube video or something.

So basically, Marvel filmed all her shots with the 'girl-filter' on.

This was true like 3 years ago but honestly the effects look so good now that I disagree. Especailly since the sets are 100% CGI nowadays, characters like Thanos just fit in better than Bruce Banner's severed head on top of a machine.

at least Marvel can cgi hair

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The humanoid body configuration is the only one ideal for tool manipulation, construction, and sapience.

>marvelfags were /pol/ all along
I knew it. Then again it's not the first time MCUcels have been racist, even going as far as using the n-word.

Her acting was so stiff that even her hair was immobile

Okay, so her hair is CGI so it can float in space. Why did they need to CGI her shoulders and the emblem? What was so hard about putting those on the real costume?

But if you can add just hair that opens up so many possibilities. Like a hydra. Or a bunch of snakes. Actually that's pretty much it I guess.

I cant imagine looking at that man jaw and be able to say "beautiful"

>What was so hard about putting those on the real costume?
Being around Brie
Being around things that have been around Brie

Probably last minute suit design changes.

>The humanoid body configuration is the only one ideal for tool manipulation, construction, and sapience

That you can think of, alien shit should work in a different way. Other planets have different atmosphere / conditions, there is no reason why they should follow the same evolution path as human on Earth

Like for example having tentacles for arms, but with hands at the end, which fingers are actually more tentacles, that can probe every holes, it also have nipples that leak laser at the top of its head

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Literally this

It’s sad how much critical thinking Yea Forums lacks

No, she's always cute and funny in every interview. You seem to have a problem with women.

What about her breffmints?

They probably told her like "dude, what the fuck?" after that last one. "Are you trying to make everyone hate you?"


>getting triggered over best girl joking
seems like you need to get a sense of humor, user

>Buy into corporate marketing so thoroughly you defend a rich celebrity that doesn't give a shit about you

We live in depressing times.

her whole body is CG!?

As if they would say otherwise while still under contract.
Shaddap with that nonsense

They need to CG her into a good actor.

>Oh no,I don’t like your weird foreign show that has no relevance to my life or western pop culture and no one I know even knows it exists and the only way to watch it is illegally downloading it with fan made subtitles.

Funnily enough, water makes hair more floaty than space.

Left: Soul, Right: Soulless.

Yondu was done dirty

user, neither side has any soul

No, he really doesn't.

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Dumb. You’re not funny. It’s kind of funny that you probably think this is funny tho. lel

Legit this, when well done.

Oh no, superman got stung by a bee!

The terrible cgi is even more noticeable on the thumbnail. I remember seeing this on the big screen and already figuring it was going to be one of "those" movies, I'm glad it didn't disappoint.

This obsession with her is actually fricking disturbing.

>alien shit should work in a different way.
Based on what? You got a decent sample size to make that claim?

They'll never admit it and make tons of excuses to go on with the creepiness, may as well not bother trying.

This. She cute.

>getting your “info” from twitch

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Dammit I know she's cute but but she's just that: cute. There's no other characteristic I like from her.

No...no no no! How DARE you go against my narrative

im on of the guys who thought tarkin was perfect, it was leia that was a mess


Aw gonna cry

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Seriously faggot? Are you going to keep obsessing over an actress you don't like? I don't care about her.


With all those edits, why bother using an expensive actor? Could just use any voice actor you want and digital over their performance.

You still need a regular actor for every other scene, and doing it fully digital is more expensive. Tell me you're not serious.

Look at her jaw. They had to make her squared jaw more feminine too. This woman is just hideous.

Looks exactly the same.

Well, how else are you going to get hair to float in zero G other than using the vomit comet?

>underwater is fine
>micro Gs? Geddafak outta hea!

>dat hairline

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Am i creepy that i want to meet all three simultanously, than threat Brie like fap material, johannson like an actress and olsen like a lady? Just to rub it to Brie that she overestimate her importance and to shut her mouth!

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Cringe on the left
Cute and Waifu on center
Based and would fuck on the right

I think brie larson's big problem wasn't seeing who carol danvers was
muscular with curves
then larson decides to get skinny like olive oyl to play captain marvel
became the most humiliating meme of a celebrity in recent years
she can only be a joke if she starts working out that ass
simple like that

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This is her ass stunt
Ans Evans has more ass than her

you're gonna flip when you find out Aquaman wasn't filmed underwater

Probably to give the illusion its floating in space. Much like what they did with the hair in Aquaman.

I will say though my biggest grip with the MCU movies is the uncessary use of CGI for everything in place of practical effects. It just means the movies are going to age like shit.

Maybe watch something other than Kamen Rider then

Can't have it both ways, this is either her stunt (it fucking isn't and you can see her on screen looking like this) or it's her but her ass is somehow smaller than Evans, which it clearly isn't either. So make up your mind already.

>not being impressed by that

do you not know how fucking hard and expensive it is to animate realistic hair? compare this, to, say, Superman's stache, or rather lack thereof.

That is how she looks with make up on, user, she only looks like that like 3h a week.

There's no science for that at all, the only reason people argue against rubber forehead aliens is they think it's boring, which is a completely emotional reaction.

You know how hair already exists in real life.

Or the highly advanced "wig" technology.

Die mad

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Is anything in these movies real anymore? Why not just make everything animated at this point.

There's behind the scenes material of Aquaman and they do the same thing with practical effects. I mean, this is cool that technology has got this far, but man, does this seem somewhat excessive.

lmao Wow. Real life dicklet art. That’s hilarious.