Why Can't Theory Experts Write Great Music?

You would expect these guys to be able to write consistent amazing music since they know everything about theory but all they seem to be able to make is generic trash or help some pop act write some generic trash. Beato seems like a cool guy and all and I think theory is important to a certain extent, but when I hear him complain about how awful new music is (not disagreeing) and say things like "this is why I started this channel and wrote my book... to give you the tools to make great music" I can't help but think why aren't YOU creating any great original music when you're the expert!?

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they don't have SOVL which is literally the most important ingredient

user, why aren't (you) creating any great original music?

I actually have written a couple albums worth of material with bands which I would consider very original and reasonably complex (time signature changes, key changes etc... posted some of it here awhile back and got a lot of positive feedback). Band mates were always lazy pot head retards though so it never worked out and never got any professional recordings done. My career is also in software so don't really have the time anymore and can never find people worth playing with anyways. Music is their career though hence the thread.

He doesn’t have inspiration.

Post it

He sells books to retard because he can't make a living out of music.
Focusing on music theory (strict academical approch) is like focusing on grammar to write a novel or thinking that because you grinded all your fundies you are going be the next micheangelo, is just the default setting so teachers don't have to teach you from zero, you gotta make your own path along the way and beato focused on being a brocountry soulless buttrock producer and gearfag. No wonder is souless.

Nah you'll just shit on it no matter what so you can feel like you're right. They're all mic in the middle of the room recordings and probably not your cup of tea anyway.

analysis/tweaking stuff as a producer vs creative songwriting are probably slightly different talents and some people with the creative spark can work intuitively without having to get too deep into the former

Those who can't do, teach

No, I genuinely want to hear something different. Now please post it.

talk big
act insecure

you ain't writing shit
the fact you have recordings means you ain't it
the real greats don't record their bank, they just make songs
also music is valueless without voice

no one noticed my digits

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*blocks your path*

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>beato focused on being a brocountry soulless buttrock producer and gearfag. No wonder is souless.
Lol true

I think this is a pretty good explanation. Still I hate to hear him act like he's a music god when he can't even write anything decent himself. I guess that's my main problem with people obsessed with theory, they're so arrogant about it but can't actually write anything good with all that knowledge.

Post it. I want to hear. Not going to shit on it

producers are important people too

because great music isn't some color-by-numbers thing

music theory probably helps most in writing arrangements, but that's not a very relevant skill anymore

Not the point of this thread. It's obvious you're a theory fag and I've struck a nerve or whatever but get over it faggot.

Because art doesn't work that way. Most musicians are simply making shit that sounds cool to them. It's the experts that feel they need to break it down and understand the math of it so they can explain it to other aspiring songwriters/autists. The real way to learn anything is to just fucking do it and learn by doing.

Noticed and praised.

people who write by ear & feel = liberal
people who write by theory & memory = conservative
who do you think makes better music???
the answer might shock you!

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You don't have anything don't you, user. It's ok, we understand.

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Not him but I promise not to "shit on it". Post it.

I’m a different guy, I just joined this thread? What’s your problem lol

umm.. every composer ever?

Why are you getting so defensive lmao. I never said I'm a great musician just that I have written music which I'd consider original and not basic.

>also music is valueless without voice
As in vocals? Oh I'm laughing.

cause you're sitting here going 'i got some cool shit' on a music board looking for new shit and you're not gonna share it
just put yourself in that position
being in a room with a woman in lingerie and she's like 'yea ain't stripping but you can sit there and watch my lifeless body'

fuck you

I’m not But here is my music


You fags are so pathetic the way you lie about shit like this

Holy shit only cause user asked "why aren't (you) creating any great original music?" you drooling buffoon.


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Not yet. Still writing them

>15 minutes of this

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yeah this is fucking trash bro holy shit
you expect me to sit here for 15 minutes of this shit
fuck bro

It’s multiple songs.


Are the timestamps

Breddy interesting, user. At least you aren't a liar like that other fag and can deliver.

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Post your music then

There are some nice ideas

Thank you, really appreciate it. This is still a demo. Eventually I’ll have a few more songs and vocals and split it into an EP.

? don't got any
but if I'm gonna listen to metal I'll just turn on '89 metallical live

Thank you. Some of these were riffs/solos I didn’t know how to place, but i sat down and did this in like two days

Youtubefag e-celebs =/= theory experts.
Plenty of great composers were well-versed in music theory. Next thread.

Ah so you don’t listen to metal, and if you do, you listen to Metallica. Plus you don’t have any music of your own. Opinion discarded

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lmfao keep going

>discarding the opinion of a general audience member
why even make this shit if this is how you're gonna treat your customer
your music is fucking SHIT
nobody is going to play this SHIT but other musicians who give you pitty plays and compliments
bro scrap the whole song and start over
this time try to say something

True and fair point but I'm referring to modern stuff. I don't care what theory experts did over 100 years ago. Why aren't the theory experts of today making anything worthwhile?

Nah I don’t take baseless criticism from musically ignorant people. Someone might not like something, but if you have two brain cells to rub together you can articulate why

Also post your own music

generic metal
no soul
maybe improved by vocals, probably not a strong enough musical image to sing anything decent over
you take my mind's eye NOWHERE


DUDE IF YOU SCROLL UP LIKE A FEW POSTS you can see that it doesn’t have vocals YET and that it’s 4 songs that will be split. You are so dense

>fedoracore noisemaker mad that his tasteless garbage gets called out for what it is
loving every lel

like all other artforms, music is also a craft. studying and analyzing music (which is what theory is btw, it's not a set of rules that tells you what to do) can help you improve. but it's still an art, so you can't become great by just studying and analyzing


Post music

Have you recorded/released anything else or is this the first thing you'll release

lmao keep going

This will be my first

I’ve always been into home recording if you can call Ableton + guitar “recording”, but most of my experience is playing live, and I’m still pretty active in that regard

The theory itself is descriptive instead of prescriptive, thus songwriting is just describing/notating what you hear in your head. If you can make interesting music in your head, all theory does is let you write it down. You still need to have an interesting brain. Keep in mind that western music theory is but one paradigm through which music may be thought of.

you don't want musicians judging your shit
because honestly they're going to empathize with you
they're going to try to see everything right and minimize the wrong because they're quite aware how difficult it can be to write music

I'm being genuine: your music has no mental image and generates nothing
this is boring as fuck
this is generic
this needs to be fixed

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I’ll bite. What are you into? What gives you a mental image?