Will the Springfield in Universal Studs become the real Simpsons Springfield after the Dimensional Merge...

Will the Springfield in Universal Studs become the real Simpsons Springfield after the Dimensional Merge? Will it be the one in FL or CA?

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The hurricane will just blow the Universal Springfield into Walt Disney World

This is how Disney will get Spider-Man back.

Is it possible to learn this power?

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Not without waiting two hours to ride the Millennium Falcon.

its only 1 hour in ca

The Florida version is less than a week old.

Dimensional Merge?

>Dimensional Merge
Does OP know something we don't?

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Disney Princess harem when?

Is anyone doing Howl-o-Scream at Busch Gardens?? Its gonna be great


Null rightfully feels partly responsible for Chris being the wreck he is, only keeping watch over his emails... But you can't really help CWC. Barb will never let Chris get institutionalized as she keeps him around as not only a source of income but a slave so that throws a comfortable life in the asylum right into the trash. Nor will she let ANYONE help Chris, hell she would fight tooth and nail to keep herself from being seen on Dr. Phil who would drag Chris back to reality, kicking and screaming if he had to. Then Chris himself won't do anything to better himself as he's not only retarded but utterly, cacklingly mad.

What would happen if Chris ever saw a state mandated therapist? He'd get nervous, stutter around, and wouldn't open up which makes therapy absolutely worthless. What would happen if he got a job at MickeyDs? He'd disappear, going "Hey Rosechu? Mind covering my shift? Thanks!" then fucking off to play Nintendo for two hours. All you can do for CWC is let him be comfortable until Barb expires and the California saga begins.

Chris-chan got a kitten killed in August
He brought it into his filthy house already brimming with cat and dog shit and instead of buying worm treatments he went to Bronycon
The kitten didn't even last three weeks
This is the second cat of his to die this year, the third to die in two years

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Disgusting fat retard needs to stop with the pets.

>What would happen if Chris ever saw a state mandated therapist?
He's had a mandated therapist for a few years ever since he hit someone intentionally with his car in addition to macing the GameStop guy.

And it's done ass all. Like he said: therapy is worthless if Chris isn't participating.

>And it's done ass all
Might have actually made things worse because they literally reward him for showing up and Chris keeps rambling on about how the psychologist supports his dimensional merge because he was told he has a creative imagination.

Remember to never ever feel sorry or bad for him.

Chris uses pets for two things:
1.) Pity money.
2.) A desire to 'have' a cool pet. But, just like a small child, can't comprehend that the cat needs to be taken care of. To him animals are just things, toys, possessions that he disposes of when he gets bored.

I feel sorry for the cats. That retard should be barred from owning animals.

Chris reminds me of a guy I know. They both keep animals as status symbols/Ebeg possessions, claim they're bi/trans thinking that somehow increases their attractivity, have piss poor hygene, and live off the government dime. Then both have horrible crazy moms who spoiled them like crazy but now keep them around just to bum off their welfare. Then the two drive like maniacs on the road.

What weirds me out is how common this 'lifestyle' seems to be.

People never felt sorry for him, they egged him on and trolled all the whole he thought they were sincere and his friends. He's a fucking idiot that needs to kill himself but he thinks all the attention he's gotten over the years is because he's some kind of star, instead of the modern day carnival freak show he is.

Can we get like.... The ASPCA to take legal action? The humane Society? CAN WE SICK PeTA ON HIS ASS???? Make them useful for once??????

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>To him animals are just things, toys, possessions that he disposes of when he gets bored.
What about Patti?

Jessica Yaniv?

Is dis a theme park thread or not

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Ahahaha, I read it as Dimensional Marge.

He is such a fucking piece of garbage.

What ? Is this a new ride ? I went to universal and Disney in 2018 but haven't seen it

The crusty burger is actually pretty damn great, I expected some tourist trap shitty burger

Isn't this just the plot of Orguss/SRW Z more or less?

He has a colony of feral cats in his overgrown back garden. That's where he gets the kittens from. The trio of kittens he "adopted" late last year were snatched from their hiding spot while the mother was away (and he later saw her wandering around, she obviously didn't want to come inside because she's a feral cat and freaking out because her babies are gone) and the one he recently adopted wandered inside looking for food and Mongo just assumed the cat wanted to be Mongo's new fuzzy toy. If Mongo pets the fuzzy too hard and it breaks, no big deal, Mongo can just go out back and get a new fuzzy or twelve. Mongo does love his fuzzies.

I think the Madison-Greene Humane Society is already aware of the situation. But feel free to look up their number and call them to tell them all about Chris, I'm sure they'll appreciate it just as much as the ten thousand phonecalls they've already gotten about him.

This is just fucking heartbreaking and infuriating. He should be removed as far as possible from any animal life.

He lives in the South, dude. That state mandated psych is most likely just a postgrad who has 30 other patients they need to juggle while being paid less than a high school math teacher. Their only job is to keep tabs on him to ensure he doesn't run someone over.

Bob took care of Patti and we all know it. Chris may have loved on Patti as she was the only living thing he has growing up to give him unconditional affection, but Bob was thr one who feed her, bathed her, took her to the vet, and cleaned up after her.

It's a rural area, people probably just dump their unwanted cats in Chris's back yard because they can't be bothered to drive to the animal shelter.

This is true. Bob was the one who kept the shit show running. Barb is a useless piece of shit and Chris can't even handle his own worthless life, how do you expect the fat fuck to take care for another living being? It is somewhat relieving that his idiotic pipe dream of having his perfect daughter will never happen, the thought of him being responsible for another human being fills me with dread.

>Dimensional Marge
o n l y e g g s c a n s u s t a i n m e

I don't think so, user.
I'm not entirely sure either

This, every authority figure you might think about calling in Chris' municipality knows who he is and will summarily ignore your call because they get them all the fucking time. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they might have someone who has to check kiwi farms once a week to see if there's anything going on

I think there was a welfare check planned but I dunno if that's still happening.

I don't think public servants in rural Virginia give that much of a fuck. They probably just wait untill he and his mom are dead so they can send the bill for the poor people burial to the next of kin.

Chris's neighborhood is the kind of place where you can have trash, a couch and a junked car on your front lawn and nobody will say a word about it.

I have to wonder what kind of field day an actual qualified psychiatrist would have with Chris.

Sure, but won't those yokels draw the line at a fat tranny? I mean think of the children!!!

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Dimensional Marge

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What the fuck does that even mean?

It encourages me to never fall into that sort of life atleast.

Yeah, Chris-Chan makes me kind of humble and grateful. I mean I did have a phase in my late teens, early twenties when I was a similar dipshit as early Chris-Chan, many people probably have. But I grew out of it. I did get a grip on my life and am now a more or less funktional adult. I still can't help but wonder what would be if I endet up like him. Maybe that is the fascination for me.

field days are fun, someone charged with actually fixing Chris would never feel accomplished again

>Become a tropical storm
>shit on the Bahamas for a week


who hos nurses here?

Opened last week.